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Releases: 07th-mod/tatarigoroshi

Tatarigoroshi Voice and Graphics Patch v1.1

21 Oct 22:12
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This was actually finished almost a week ago, but just now I thought it was already time to properly release it.


  • Adds CGs and new sprites/BGs
  • Fixes a few translation issues

To play with the new graphics additions, you need to download the newest graphics patch here.

This patch fully overwrites the previous patch, so you need to download the new graphics patch and replace the files when asked. If you try to play the game with v1.1 without updating your graphics patch, the game will crash!

Tatarigoroshi Voice and Graphics Patch v1.0

08 Oct 23:15
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Himatsubushi is already released and patch progress is doing fine, but what about the graphics patch for Tatari, you say? It's released! Many thanks to @DoctorDiablo for taking over the graphics and finishing them. CGs are not included yet, but we're working on them!

You can download the graphics patch right now clicking here.

Because of that, a new version is available! Update your game so you can enjoy it in full widescreen. 👹


  • Updated the init file to support widescreen (720p)

Make sure to go inside \HigurashiEp03_Data\StreamingAssets\CompiledUpdateScripts and delete the file before running the game! If you don't do that, the game won't open in widescreen.

Tatarigoroshi Voice Patch v0.5.2

17 Jul 15:10
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News about the graphics patch? Soon™


  • Fixed a game breaking issue that prevented progress in omake_03 (thanks @jerome0810!)

Tatarigoroshi Voice Patch v0.5.1

11 Jul 01:33
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Oops, let's suppose you didn't get so far in the game to see this messy bug. 😉


  • fixed a bug that prevented progress in tata_013_02 (thanks @dpgagnon!)

Tatarigoroshi Voice Patch v0.5

07 Jul 00:26
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Voice patch is finally out!
Warning: this version will not work with any graphics mod using modified text scripts. If you really need a graphics mod on this version, be sure to install this patch _after_ installing the graphics mod.

This patch is mostly intended for people wanting to play with vanilla Steam (and original) sprites and BGs. I know, this was requested a lot on previous patches.

PS3 exclusive content (when translated) will stay exclusive to our graphics and voice patches.

We're working with GuraMan to bring as soon as possible a new patch with PS3 graphics and voices. :)

Installation instructions

Check here if you need a proper tutorial.

  1. Download +
  2. (if you didn't make a symlink) extract the folder S19, S20 and S03 inside \Higurashi 03 - Tatarigoroshi\HigurashiEp03_Data\StreamingAssets\SE\
  3. extract the patch inside \Higurashi 03 - Tatarigoroshi\HigurashiEp03_Data\
  4. run the game!

Known issues

  • As always, lots of voice files are missing. At least 90% of the game is voiced.
  • Big chunks of text regarding **********'s abuse are not voiced
  • Exclusive PS3 dialogs are not included

built with love while listening to more than ten hours of Aikatsu 🎵