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Michael Rudloff edited this page Sep 23, 2021 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the 100Devs Course-Tracker wiki!


User Stories

Each of these should define an end-to-end flow of what a user can do in the app (like a branch of functionality). General format: As a (user role), I want to (goal) so that (reason), for example.

To see our most relevant user stories, please visit the [MVP page]

[MVP] Post-MVP


Pair programming - driver, navigator, and watchers
Code reviews for each PR (before merging into main)


Things we want to implement at some point.

  • Admin assigns students to cohorts

    • How to handle advanced students?
  • Recover lost password

  • Choosing a name for the app

  • Cohorts close out at the end, available but archived, open-source and public

  • Gamifying the app

  • Alumni directory - see what they're working on and possibly network with them


Things we're exploring and need clarity around, these may not be implemented.

  • What do users have access to? Can they see all weeks?
  • Time sensitive announcements or tasks? Suggested time to complete per task?
  • Can users add their own tasks for themselves?

General Leon notes (long-term)

  • Anki integration (backlog)
  • Collection of a user's contributions, for hiring

Specific Leon notes for this project

  • Avoid indicators of progress (ex. progress bar)
  • Transcripts of streams?
  • Links to community resources - StreamTeam reviews
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