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🆙 Upgradeable Smart Contracts and Proxy Patterns

We know that smart contracts on Ethereum are immutable, as the code is immutable and cannot be changed once it is deployed. But writing perfect code the first time around is hard, and as humans we are all prone to making mistakes. Sometimes even contracts which have been audited turn out to have bugs that cost them millions.

In this level, we will learn about some design patterns that can be used in Solidity to write upgradeable smart contracts.

How does it work?

To upgrade our contracts we use something called the Proxy Pattern. The word Proxy might sound familiar to you because it is not a web3-native word.

Essentially how this pattern works is that a contract is split into two contracts - Proxy Contract and the Implementation contract.

The Proxy Contract is responsible for managing the state of the contract which involves persistent storage whereas Implementation Contract is responsible for executing the logic and doesn't store any persistent state. User calls the Proxy Contract which further does a delegatecall to the Implementation Contract so that it can implement the logic. Remember we studied delegatecall in one of our previous levels 👀

This pattern becomes interesting when Implementation Contract can be replaced which means the logic which is executed can be replaced by another version of the Implementation Contract without affecting the state of the contract which is stored in the proxy.

There are mainly three ways in which we can replace/upgrade the Implementation Contract:

  1. Diamond Implementation
  2. Transparent Implementation
  3. UUPS Implementation

We will however only focus on Transparent and UUPS because they are the most commonly used ones.

To upgrade the Implementation Contract you will have to use some method like upgradeTo(address) which will essentially change the address of the Implementation Contract from the old one to the new one.

But the important part lies in where should we keep the upgradeTo(address) function, we have two choices that are either keep it in the Proxy Contract which is essentially how Transparent Proxy Pattern works, or keep it in the Implementation Contract which is how the UUPS contract works.

Another important thing to note about this Proxy Pattern is that the constructor of the Implementation Contract is never executed.

When deploying a new smart contract, the code inside the constructor is not a part of the contract's runtime bytecode because it is only needed during the deployment phase and runs only once. Now because when Implementation Contract was deployed it was initially not connected to the Proxy Contract as a reason any state change that would have happened in the constructor is now not there in the Proxy Contract which is used to maintain the overall state.

As a reason Proxy Contracts are unaware of the existence of constructors. Therefore, instead of having a constructor, we use something called an initializer function which is called by the Proxy Contract once the Implementation Contract is connected to it. This function does exactly what a constructor is supposed to do but is now included in the runtime bytecode as it behaves like a regular function and is callable by the Proxy Contract.

Using OpenZeppelin contracts, you can use their Initialize.sol contract which makes sure that your initialize function is executed only once just like a contructor

// contracts/MyContract.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";

contract MyContract is Initializable {
    function initialize(
        address arg1,
        uint256 arg2,
        bytes memory arg3
    ) public payable initializer {
        // "constructor" code...

Above given code is from Openzeppelin's documentation and provides an example of how the initializer modifier ensures that the initialize function can only be called once. This modifier comes from the Initializable Contract

We will now study Proxy patterns in detail 🚀 👀

Transparent Proxy Pattern

The Transparent Proxy Pattern is a simple way to separate responsibilities between Proxy and Implementation contracts. In this case, the upgradeTo function is part of the Proxy contract, and the Implementation can be upgraded by calling upgradeTo on the proxy thereby changing where future function calls are delegated to.

There are some caveats though. There might be a case where the Proxy Contract and Implementation Contract have a function with the same name and arguments. Imagine if Proxy Contract has a owner() function and so does Implementation Contract. In Transparent Proxy contracts, this problem is dealt by the Proxy contract which decides whether a call from the user will execute within the Proxy contract itself or the Implementation Contract based on the msg.sender global variable

So if the msg.sender is the admin of the proxy then the proxy will not delegate the call and will try to execute the call if it understands it. If it's not the admin address, the proxy will delegate the call to the Implementation Contract even if the matches one of the proxy's functions.

Issues with Transparent Proxy Pattern

As we know that the address of the owner will have to be stored in the storage and using storage is one of the most inefficient and costly steps in interacting with a smart contract every time the user calls the proxy, the proxy checks whether the user is the admin or not which adds unnecessary gas costs to majority of the transactions taking place.

UUPS Proxy Pattern

The UUPS Proxy Pattern is another way to separate responsibilities between Proxy and Implementation contracts. In this case, the upgradeTo function is also part of the Implementation contract, and is called using a delegatecall through the Proxy by the owner.

In UUPS whether its the admin or the user, all the calls are sent to the Implementation Contract The advantage of this is that every time a call is made we will not have to access the storage to check if the user who started the call is an admin or not which improved efficiency and costs. Also because its the Implementation Contract you can customize the function according to your need by adding things like Timelock, Access Control etc with every new Implementation that comes up which couldn't have been done in the Transparent Proxy Pattern

Issues with UUPS Proxy Pattern

The issue with this is now because the upgradeTo function exists on the side of the Implementation contract developer has to worry about the implementation of this function which may sometimes be complicated and because more code has been added, it increases the possibility of attacks. This function also needs to be in all the versions of Implementation Contract which are upgraded which introduces a risk if maybe the developer forgets to add this function and then the contract can no longer be upgraded.

⚒️ Build

Lets build an example where you can experience how to build an upgradeable contract. We will be using the UUPS upgradeability pattern through this example, though you can build one with the Transparent Proxy Pattern as well!

To start the project, open up your terminal and create a new project directory.

mkdir upgradeable-contracts

Let's start by setting up Hardhat inside the upgradeable-contracts directory.

cd upgradeable-contracts
npm init --yes
npm install --save-dev hardhat @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox
npx hardhat

when prompted, choose the Create a Javascript Project option and follow the steps.

Now, let's install the required dependencies for our project.

npm install @openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable @openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades

This installs the OpenZeppelin upgradeable contracts library and their Hardhat plugin for upgradeable contracts.

Replace the code in your hardhat.config.js with the following code to be able to use these libraries:


/** @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig */
module.exports = {
  solidity: "0.8.17",

Writing the Smart Contract

Start by creating a new file inside the contracts directory called LW3NFT.sol and add the following lines of code to it

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/token/ERC721/ERC721Upgradeable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/UUPSUpgradeable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/access/OwnableUpgradeable.sol";

contract LW3NFT is
    // Note how we created an initialize function and then added the
    // initializer modifier which ensure that the
    // initialize function is only called once
    function initialize() public initializer {
        // Note how instead of using the ERC721() constructor, we have to manually initialize it
        // Same goes for the Ownable contract where we have to manually initialize it
        __ERC721_init("LW3NFT", "LW3NFT");
        _mint(msg.sender, 1);

    function _authorizeUpgrade(address newImplementation)

Lets try to understand what's happening in this contract in a bit more detail

If you look at all the contracts which LW3NFT is importing, you will realize why they are important. First being the Initializable contract from Openzeppelin which provides us with the initializer modifier which ensures that the initialize function is only called once. The initialize function is needed because we cant have a contructor in the Implementation Contract which in this case is the LW3NFT contract

It imports ERC721Upgradeable and OwnableUpgradeable because the original ERC721 and Ownable contracts have a constructor which cant be used with proxy contracts.

Lastly we have the UUPSUpgradeable Contract which provides us with the upgradeTo(address) function which has to be put on the Implementation Contract in case of a UUPS proxy pattern.

After the declaration of the contract, we have the initialize function with the initializer modifier which we get from the Initializable contract. The initializer modifier ensures the initialize function can only be called once. Also note that the new way in which we are initializing ERC721 and Ownable contract. This is the standard way of initializing upgradeable contracts and you can look at the function here. After that we just mint using the usual mint function.

function initialize() public initializer  {
    __ERC721_init("LW3NFT", "LW3NFT");
    _mint(msg.sender, 1);

Another interesting function which we dont see in the normal ERC721 contract is the _authorizeUpgrade which is a function which needs to be implemented by the developer when they import the UUPSUpgradeable Contract from Openzeppelin, it can be found here. Now why this function has to be overwritten is interesting because it gives us the ability to add authorization on who can actually upgrade the given contract, it can be changed according to requirements but in our case we just added an onlyOwner modifier.

    function _authorizeUpgrade(address newImplementation) internal override onlyOwner {


Now lets create another new file inside the contracts directory called LW3NFT2.sol which will be the upgraded version of LW3NFT.sol

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;

import "./LW3NFT.sol";

contract LW3NFT2 is LW3NFT {
    function test() public pure returns (string memory) {
        return "upgraded";

This smart contract is much easier because it is just inheriting LW3NFT contract and then adding a new function called test which just returns a string upgraded.

Pretty easy right? 🤯

Wow 🙌, okay we are done with writing the Implementation Contract, do we now need to write the Proxy Contract as well?

Good news is nope, we dont need to write the Proxy Contract because Openzeppelin deploys and connects a Proxy Contract automatically when we use there library to deploy the Implementation Contract.

Writing the Test

So lets try to do that, In your test directory create a new file named proxy-test.js and lets have some fun with code

const { expect } = require("chai");
const { ethers } = require("hardhat");
const hre = require("hardhat");

describe("ERC721 Upgradeable", function () {
  it("Should deploy an upgradeable ERC721 Contract", async function () {
    const LW3NFT = await ethers.getContractFactory("LW3NFT");
    const LW3NFT2 = await ethers.getContractFactory("LW3NFT2");

    // Deploy LW3NFT as a UUPS Proxy Contract
    let proxyContract = await hre.upgrades.deployProxy(LW3NFT, {
      kind: "uups",
    const [owner] = await ethers.getSigners();
    const ownerOfToken1 = await proxyContract.ownerOf(1);


    // Deploy LW3NFT2 as an upgrade to LW3NFT
    proxyContract = await hre.upgrades.upgradeProxy(proxyContract, LW3NFT2);
    // Verify it has been upgraded
    expect(await proxyContract.test()).to.equal("upgraded");

Lets see whats happening here, We first get the LW3NFT and LW3NFT2 instance using the getContractFactory function which is common to all the levels we have been teaching till now. After that the most important line comes in which is:

let proxyContract = await hre.upgrades.deployProxy(LW3NFT, {
  kind: "uups",

This function comes from the @openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades library that you installed, It essentially uses the upgrades class to call the deployProxy function and specifies the kind as uups. When the function is called it deploys the Proxy Contract, LW3NFT Contract and connects them both. More info about this can be found here.

Note that the initialize function can be named anything else, its just that deployProxy by default calls the function with name initialize for the initializer but you can modify it by changing the defaults 😇

After deploying, we test that the contract actually gets deployed by calling the ownerOf function for Token ID 1 and checking if the NFT was indeed minted.

Now the next part comes in where we want to deploy LW3NFT2 which is the upgraded contract for LW3NFT.

For that we execute the upgradeProxy method again from the @openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades library which upgrades and replaces LW3NFT with LW3NFT2 without changing the state of the system

proxyContract = await hre.upgrades.upgradeProxy(proxyContract, LW3NFT2);

To test if it was actually replaced we call the test() function, and ensured that it returned "upgraded" even though that function wasn't present in the original LW3NFT contract.

Running the Test

To run this test, open up your terminal pointing to the root of the directory for this level and execute this command:

npx hardhat test

If all your tests passed, this means that you have learned how to upgrade a smart contract.



  • Timelock was mentioned in the given article, to learn more about it you can read the following article
  • Access Control was also mentioned and you can read about it more here


👋 Conclusion

Hope you learnt something from this level. If you have any questions or feel stuck or just want to say Hi, hit us up on our Discord. We look forward to seeing you there!