We introduced the memory model and the basic usage of Module.HEAP
in 2.3. This section will delve into how to exchange data between JavaScript and C.
In the previous chapters, we deliberately ignored a fundamental question: How do parameters and return values are passed when JavaScript and C/C++ call each other?
The answer is: Everything is Number
tips The only numeric type in JavaScript is
, which is a IEEE-754 64-bit floating point number.
From a linguistic point of view, JavaScript and C/C++ have completely different data structure. Number
is the only intersection of the two, so essentially JavaScript and C/C++ are passing Number
to each other when calling a function.
can accurately represent 32-bit integers and below, 32-bit floating-point numbers, 64-bit floating-point numbers, which covers most of the basic data types of C languages - except 64-bit integers, which means you can't use a 64-bit integer as a parameter or return value when interoperating between JavaScript and C, this will be discussed in detail in Section 4.2.
There are two ways to pass Number
from JavaScript to C/C++:
- JavaScript calls a exported C function with parameters, and
is passed via parameters; - C calls a function implemented by JavaScript (see 2.2), and
is passed via the return value of the injected function.
Since C/C++ is a strongly typed language, implicit type conversion occurs when recieving Number
from JavaScript. For example, the C code as follows:
#include <stdio.h>
EM_PORT_API(void) print_int(int a) {
printf("C{print_int() a:%d}\n", a);
EM_PORT_API(void) print_float(float a) {
printf("C{print_float() a:%f}\n", a);
EM_PORT_API(void) print_double(double a) {
printf("C{print_double() a:%lf}\n", a);
The JavaScript code as follows:
The console will output:
It can be seen that when Number
is passed, if the target type is int
, the result will be round to 0
, if the target type is float
, the type conversion may lose precision.
There are also two ways to pass Number
from C/C++ to JavaScript:
- JavaScript calls a exported C function with return value, and
is passed via the return value; - C calls a function implemented by JavaScript (see 2.2), and
is passed via the parameters of the injected function.
Obviously, it is not feasible to exchange large chunks of data between JavaScript and C/C++ using parameters and return values. In this case, we can use memory instead.
In the following example, JavaScript calls the C function to generate a Fibonacci sequence in memory and then print it.
C code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
EM_PORT_API(int*) fibonacci(int count) {
if (count <= 0) return NULL;
int* re = (int*)malloc(count * 4);
if (NULL == re) {
printf("Not enough memory.\n");
return NULL;
re[0] = 1;
int i0 = 0, i1 = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < count; i++){
re[i] = i0 + i1;
i0 = i1;
i1 = re[i];
return re;
EM_PORT_API(void) free_buf(void* buf) {
JavaScript code:
var ptr = Module._fibonacci(10);
if (ptr == 0) return;
var str = '';
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++){
str += Module.HEAP32[(ptr >> 2) + i];
str += ' ';
After browsing the page, the console will output:
tips In the example above, the C function
allocates space on the heap. After calling in JavaScript, you need to callfree_buf()
to release it to avoid memory leaks.。
Note that the names of objects such as Module.HEAP32
are "heap", but in fact they refer to the entire memory space of the C/C++ environment, so the data located on the C/C++ stack can also access via Module.HEAP32
/etc. For example:
EM_PORT_API (void) js_print_fib(int* ptr, int count);
EM_PORT_API(void) fibonacci20() {
static const int count = 20;
int re[count];
re[0] = 1;
int i0 = 0, i1 = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < count; i++){
re[i] = i0 + i1;
i0 = i1;
i1 = re[i];
js_print_fib(re, count);
The C function fibonacci20()
generates the first 20 items of the Fibonacci sequence on the stack, and then calls the injected function js_print_fib()
in JavaScript side to print it out. Code of the injected function is as follows:
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {
js_print_fib: function (ptr, count) {
var str = 'js_print_fib: ';
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++){
str += Module.HEAP32[(ptr >> 2) + i];
str += ' ';
Compile with the following command:
emcc fib_stack.cc --js-library fib_stack_pkg.js -o fib_stack.js
Call fibonacci20()
in the web page:
Module = {};
Module.onRuntimeInitialized = function() {
<script src="fib_stack.js"></script>
The console will output:
The examples given in 2.4.2 are all allocated memory in C/C++, then read in JavaScript. Sometimes JavaScript needs to send large chunks of data into C/C++, and C/C++ cannot predict the size of the data block. In that case, you can allocate C/C++ memory in JavaScript and load the data, then pass in the data pointer and call C function for processing.
For example, the C function sum()
calculate the sum of the input array:
EM_PORT_API(int) sum(int* ptr, int count) {
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){
total += ptr[i];
return total;
We allocate memory in JavaScript side and stores it in the first 50 items of the natural sequence, then calls the C function sum()
var count = 50;
var ptr = Module._malloc(4 * count);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++){
Module.HEAP32[ptr / 4 + i] = i + 1;
console.log(Module._sum(ptr, count));
After browsing the page, the console will output:
tips C/C++ doesn't have gc. After using the memory allocated by the
function in JavaScript, don't forget to usefree()
to release it.
String are very common data type, but the string representation in C/C++ is completely incompatible with JavaScript. Fortunately, Emscripten provides us with a set of helper functions for the conversion. Here are two of the most common ones.
This method converts C/C++ strings into JavaScript strings. For example:
The C function get_string()
returns the address of a string:
EM_PORT_API(const char*) get_string() {
static const char str[] = "Hello, wolrd! 你好,世界!"
return str;
Get the string address in JavaScript and use Pointer_stringify()
to convert it to a JavaScript string:
var ptr = Module._get_string();
var str = Pointer_stringify(ptr);
After browsing the page, the console will output:
Hello, wolrd! 你好,世界!
This method will allocate enough space in C/C++ memory and copy the string into it with UTF8. For example, use allocateUTF8()
in JavaScript to pass a string to C/C++ memory, then call the C function print_string()
to print it:
JavaScript code:
ptr = allocateUTF8("你好,Emscripten!");
C code:
EM_PORT_API(void) print_string(char* str) {
printf("%s\n", str);
After browsing the page, the console will output:
In addition, Emscripten also provides a series of helper functions such as AsciiToString()
for string conversion. Please refer to the glue code for details.
Basically, there are two ways to exchange data between JavaScript and C/C++:
- Exchange data via parameters and return values;
- Exchange data via C/C++ memory.
When transferring data using dynamically allocated memory addresses, don't forget to freeing up memory that is no longer in use to avoid leaks.