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How to turn an API into Functional Programming

Lessons learned while filling the gap

Who am I?


  • Senior Software Engineer @ Moneyfarm
  • Several years in the scala/typelevel ecosystem
  • Member of @FPinBO inline 10%



  • a sample use case, a reference library to wrap
  • designing library apis
    • introduce a bunch of building blocks
    • refine edges, evaluate alternatives, iterate

A sample architecture

fit, inline

A sample architecture

fit, inline


Our focus here is NOT on building the coolest library doing the coolest thing ever.

We'll just put our attention on designing a set of APIs which wraps an existing lib written in the good old imperative way, using Pure Functional Programming and the Typelevel stack.

A reference library

Java Message Service a.k.a. JMS

  • can be used to facilitate the sending and receiving of messages between enterprise software systems, whatever it means enterprise!
  • a bunch of Java interfaces
  • each provider offers an implementation (e.g. IBM MQ, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, etc...)

Why JMS?

  • old stable enough (born in 1998, latest revision in 2015)
  • its apis are a good testbed for sketching a purely functional wrapper
  • found pretty much nothing about (no FP-like bindings...)

Let's start

with a bottom-up approach

A look at the beast: receiving

public void receiveMessage(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, String queueName){
   try (
     JMSContext context = connectionFactory.createContext(Session.SESSION_TRANSACTED);
      Queue queue = context.createQueue(queueName);
      JMSConsumer consumer = context.createConsumer(queue);
      Message msg = consumer.receive();
      // ... do something useful ...
   } catch (JMSRuntimeException ex) {
      // ...

^ - JMSContext is in charge of opening low level stuff (connections, sessions, ...), implements AutoClosable (see the try-with-resources block) JMSConsumer is in charge of receiving messages, via:

  • Message receive() will block indefinitely
  • Message receive(long timeout) will block up to a timeout
  • Message receiveNoWait() receives the next message if one is immediately available
  • other variants...
  • JMSConsumer is AutoClosable as well
  • In this usage of JMS we're using transacted sessions in order to explicitly commit or rollback the context (all the pending messages)
  • JMSRuntimeException is an unchecked exception

What can we do to improve them these APIs?

  • evaluate what is the design which better supports our intent
    • prevent the developer using our lib from doing wrong things (e.g. unconfirmed messages, deadlocks, etc...) by design
    • offering a high-level set of APIs


public void receiveMessage(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, String queueName){
   try (
     JMSContext context = connectionFactory.createContext(Session.SESSION_TRANSACTED);
      Queue queue = context.createQueue(queueName);
      JMSConsumer consumer = context.createConsumer(queue);
      Message msg = consumer.receive();
      // ... do something useful ...
   } catch (JMSRuntimeException ex) {
      // ...

Let's start from the low level stuff...

  • how to handle side-effects?
  • how to handle the resource lifecycle?

Let's see how FP con help us in doing the right thingTM!

The abstraction gap


Introducing IO

A data type for encoding effects as pure values

Introducing IO

  • enable capturing and controlling actions - a.k.a effects - that your program wishes to perform within a resource-safe, typed context with seamless support for concurrency and coordination
  • these effects may be asynchronous (callback-driven) or synchronous (directly returning values); they may return within microseconds or run infinitely.

Introducing IO


Building effects

[.code-highlight: 1-8] [.code-highlight: all]

object IO {
  def delay[A](a: => A): IO[A]
  def raiseError[A](e: Throwable): IO[A]
  def async[A](k: /* ... */): IO[A]
  def blocking[A](/* ... */): IO[A]

class IO[A] {
  def map[B](f: A => B): IO[B]
  def flatMap[B](f: A => IO[B]): IO[B]


Composing effects

[.code-highlight: none] [.code-highlight: 1-4] [.code-highlight: 7-8] [.code-highlight: 7-10] [.code-highlight: 7-11] [.code-highlight: all]

val ioInt: IO[Int] = 
  IO.delay { println("hello") }
    .map(_ => 1)

val program: IO[Unit] =
 for {
    i1 <- ioInt
    _  <- IO.sleep(i1.second)
    _  <- IO.raiseError( // not throwing!
            new RuntimeException("boom!")) 
    i2 <- ioInt //comps is short-circuted
 } yield ()


Running effects

[.code-highlight: none] [.code-highlight: all]

> Output:
> hello
> <...1 second...>
> RuntimeException: boom!

[.background-color: #FFFFFF]

How to fill the abstraction gap?


JmsContext - 1st iteration

[.code-highlight: 1, 11] [.code-highlight: 1-4, 11] [.code-highlight: 1-11] [.code-highlight: all]

sealed abstract class JmsContext(private[lib] val raw: javax.jms.JMSContext) {

  def createQueue(queue: QueueName): IO[JmsQueue] =
    IO.delay(new JmsQueue(raw.createQueue(queue.value)))

  def makeJmsConsumer(queueName: QueueName): IO[JmsMessageConsumer] =
    for {
      destination <- createQueue(queueName)
      consumer    <- IO.delay(raw.createConsumer(destination.wrapped))
    } yield new JmsMessageConsumer(consumer)

class JmsTransactedContext private[lib] (
  override private[lib] val raw: javax.jms.JMSContext) extends JmsContext(raw)
  • handle JMSRuntimeException ✅
  • handle the resource lifecycle ❌

How to handle the lifecycle of a resource?

Introducing Resource

Effectfully allocates and releases a resource

Extremely helpful to write code that:

  • doesn't leak
  • handles properly terminal signals (e.g. SIGTERM) by default (no need to register a shutdown hook)
  • do the right thingTM by design

Introducing Resource


Building resources

[.code-highlight: 1-8] [.code-highlight: 10-16] [.code-highlight: all]

object Resource {
  def make[A](
    acquire: IO[A])(
    release: A => IO[Unit]): Resource[A]
  def fromAutoCloseable[A <: AutoCloseable](
    acquire: IO[A]): Resource[A]

class Resource[A] {
  def map[B](f: A => B): Resource[B]
  def flatMap[B](f: A => Resource[B]): Resource[B]

  def use[B](f: A => IO[B]): IO[B]

[.footer: NB: not actual code, Resource is polymorphic in the effect type] ^ A note on the simplification ^ Every time you need to use something which implements AutoClosable, you should really be using Resource!


Composing resources

[.code-highlight: none] [.code-highlight: 1-5] [.code-highlight: all]

val sessionPool: Resource[MySessionPool] = 
  for {
    connection <- openConnection()
    sessions   <- openSessionPool(connection)
  } yield sessions

sessionPool.use { sessions =>
  // use sessions to do whatever things!


Using resources

[.code-highlight: none] [.code-highlight: all]

> Acquiring connection
> Acquiring sessions
> Using sessions
> Releasing sessions
> Releasing connection

^ Nested resources are released in reverse order of acquisition

[.background-color: #FFFFFF]

How to fill the abstraction gap?


JmsContext - 2nd iteration

[.code-highlight: 8-10] [.code-highlight: 6-11] [.code-highlight: all]

sealed abstract class JmsContext(private[lib] val raw: javax.jms.JMSContext) {

  def createQueue(queue: QueueName): IO[JmsQueue] =
    IO.delay(new JmsQueue(raw.createQueue(queue.value)))

  def makeJmsConsumer(queueName: QueueName): Resource[IO, JmsMessageConsumer] =
    for {
      destination <- Resource.eval(createQueue(queueName))
      consumer    <- Resource.fromAutoCloseable(
    } yield new JmsMessageConsumer(consumer)

class JmsTransactedContext private[lib] (
  override private[lib] val raw: javax.jms.JMSContext) extends JmsContext(raw)
  • handle JMSRuntimeException ✅
  • handle the resource lifecycle ✅

^ You can lift any IO[A] into a Resource[A] with a no-op release via Resource.eval

How to receive?


[.code-highlight: 1-3, 12] [.code-highlight: 4] [.code-highlight: 4-6] [.code-highlight: 4-10] [.code-highlight: all]

class JmsMessageConsumer private[lib] (
  private[lib] val wrapped: javax.jms.JMSConsumer
) {
  val receive: IO[JmsMessage] =
    for {
      recOpt <- IO.delay(Option(wrapped.receiveNoWait()))
      rec    <- recOpt match {
        case Some(message) => IO.pure(new JmsMessage(message))
        case None          => receive
    } yield rec
  • only exposing receive, which is an IO value which:
    • repeats a check-and-receive operation (receiveNoWait()) till a message is ready
    • completes the IO with the message read

JmsMessageConsumer - alternative

[.code-highlight: 8] [.code-highlight: all]

class JmsMessageConsumer private[lib] (
  private[lib] val wrapped: javax.jms.JMSConsumer,
  private[lib] val pollingInterval: FiniteDuration
) {

  val receive: IO[JmsMessage] =
    for {
      recOpt <- IO.blocking(Option(wrapped.receive(pollingInterval.toMillis)))
      rec    <- recOpt match {
        case Some(message) => IO.pure(new JmsMessage(message))
        case None          => receive
    } yield rec
  • pretty much the same as the former
  • leveraging receive(timeout) and wrapping the blocking operation in IO.blocking

A nearly working example

object SampleConsumer extends IOApp.Simple {
  override def run: IO[Unit] = {
    val jmsConsumerRes = for {
      jmsContext <- ??? // A Resource[JmsContext] instance for a given provider
      consumer   <- jmsContext.makeJmsConsumer(queueName)
    } yield consumer

      .use(consumer =>
        for {
          msg     <- consumer.receive
          textMsg <- IO.fromTry(msg.tryAsJmsTextMessage)
          _       <-"Got 1 message with text: $textMsg. Ending now.")
        } yield ()
  • IOApp describes a main which executes an IO
  • It's the single entry point to a pure program (a.k.a. End of the world).
  • It runs (interprets) the effects described in the IO!

Adding support for a provider

object ibmMQ {
  // ...
  def makeJmsTransactedContext(config: Config): Resource[IO, JmsTransactedContext] =
    for {
      context <- Resource.fromAutoCloseable(IO.delay {
        val connectionFactory: MQConnectionFactory = new MQConnectionFactory()
          javax.jms.Session.SESSION_TRANSACTED // support for at-least-once
    } yield new JmsTransactedContext(context)

That's it!


  • effects handled respecting referential transparency
  • resources get acquired and released in order, the user can't leak them
  • the business logic is made by pure functions


  • still low level
  • how to specify message confirmation?
  • what if the user needs to implement a never-ending concurrent message consumer?

Switching to top-down

  • Let's evaluate how we can model an api for a never-ending message consumer!

AtLeastOnceConsumer - 1st iteration

[.column] [.code-highlight: 1, 27] [.code-highlight: 1, 3-7, 27] [.code-highlight: 1, 9, 27] [.code-highlight: 1, 10, 27] [.code-highlight: 1, 3-13, 27]

object AtLeastOnceConsumer {

  sealed trait CommitAction
  object CommitAction {
    case object Commit   extends CommitAction
    case object Rollback extends CommitAction

  type Committer = CommitAction => IO[Unit]
  type Consumer  = Stream[IO, JmsMessage]

  def make(context: JmsTransactedContext, 
           queueName: QueueName): Resource[IO, (Consumer, Committer)] = {
    val committer = (txRes: CommitAction) =>
      txRes match {
        case CommitAction.Commit   => IO.blocking(context.raw.commit())
        case CommitAction.Rollback => IO.blocking(context.raw.rollback())
    val buildStreamingConsumer = (consumer: JmsMessageConsumer) => 

      .map(consumer => (consumer, committer))


[.code-highlight: none]

object Demo extends IOApp.Simple {

  override def run: IO[Unit] =
    jmsTransactedContextRes.flatMap(ctx => 
      AtLeastOnceConsumer.make(ctx, queueName))
        .use {
          case (consumer, committer) =>
            consumer.evalMap { msg =>
              // whatever business logic you need to perform

Introducing Stream

A sequence of effectful computation

[.background-color: #FFFFFF]

How to fill the abstraction gap?


[.code-highlight: 1-6] [.code-highlight: 8-14] [.code-highlight: all]

Introducing Stream

A stream producing output of type O and which may evaluate IO effects.

object Stream {
  def emit[A](a: A): Stream[A]
  def emits[A](as: List[A]): Stream[A]
  def eval[A](f: IO[A]): Stream[A]

class Stream[O]{
  def map[O2](f: O => O2): Stream[O2]
  def flatMap[O2](f: O => Stream[O2]): Stream[O2]
  def evalMap[O2](f: O => IO[O2]): Stream[O2]
  def repeat: Stream[O]

[.footer: NB: not actual code, just a simplification sticking with the IO type]

AtLeastOnceConsumer - 1st iteration

[.column] [.code-highlight: 1, 3-13, 27]

object AtLeastOnceConsumer {

  sealed trait CommitAction
  object CommitAction {
    case object Commit   extends CommitAction
    case object Rollback extends CommitAction

  type Committer = CommitAction => IO[Unit]
  type Consumer  = Stream[IO, JmsMessage]

  def make(context: JmsTransactedContext, 
           queueName: QueueName): Resource[IO, (Consumer, Committer)] = {
    val committer = (txRes: CommitAction) =>
      txRes match {
        case CommitAction.Commit   => IO.blocking(context.raw.commit())
        case CommitAction.Rollback => IO.blocking(context.raw.rollback())
    val buildStreamingConsumer = (consumer: JmsMessageConsumer) => 

      .map(consumer => (consumer, committer))


[.code-highlight: none] [.code-highlight: 5-12]

object Demo extends IOApp.Simple {

  override def run: IO[Unit] =
    jmsTransactedContextRes.flatMap(ctx => 
      AtLeastOnceConsumer.make(ctx, queueName))
        .use {
          case (consumer, committer) =>
            consumer.evalMap { msg =>
              // whatever business logic you need to perform

AtLeastOnceConsumer - 1st iteration

[.column] [.code-highlight: 9-13, 26] [.code-highlight: 9, 14-18, 26] [.code-highlight: 10, 19-20, 26] [.code-highlight: 9-25, 26] [.code-highlight: all]

object AtLeastOnceConsumer {

  sealed trait CommitAction
  object CommitAction {
    case object Commit   extends CommitAction
    case object Rollback extends CommitAction

  type Committer = CommitAction => IO[Unit]
  type Consumer  = Stream[IO, JmsMessage]

  def make(context: JmsTransactedContext, 
           queueName: QueueName): Resource[IO, (Consumer, Committer)] = {
    val committer = (txRes: CommitAction) =>
      txRes match {
        case CommitAction.Commit   => IO.blocking(context.raw.commit())
        case CommitAction.Rollback => IO.blocking(context.raw.rollback())
    val buildStreamingConsumer = (consumer: JmsMessageConsumer) => 

      .map(consumer => (consumer, committer))


[.code-highlight: none] [.code-highlight: all]

object Demo extends IOApp.Simple {

  override def run: IO[Unit] =
    jmsTransactedContextRes.flatMap(ctx => 
      AtLeastOnceConsumer.make(ctx, queueName))
        .use {
          case (consumer, committer) =>
            consumer.evalMap { msg =>
              // whatever business logic you need to perform
  • Inspired by fs2-rabbit

AtLeastOnceConsumer - 1st iteration

  • all effects are expressed in the types (IO, etc...) ✅
  • resource lifecycle handled via Resource
  • messages in the queue are exposed via a Stream

AtLeastOnceConsumer - 1st iteration



  • what happens if the client forget to commit/rollback?

    consumer.evalMap { msg => 
  • what happens if the client commit/rollback multiple times the same message?

    consumer.evalMap { msg => 
      committer(CommitAction.Commit) >> 


  • what happens if the client evaluates the stream multiple times?

      consumer.evalMap{ ... } ++
        consumer.evalMap{ ... }
  • how to support concurrency?

Can we do better?

  • Let's think how is the API we'd like to expose...
  • And evaluate how to actually implement that!

AtLeastOnceConsumer - 2nd iteration


  consumer.handle { msg =>
    for {
      _ <-
      _ <- ??? // ... actual business logic...
    } yield TransactionResult.Commit
  • handle should be provided with a function JmsMessage => IO[TransactionResult]
    • lower chanches for the client to do the wrong thing!
  • if errors are raised in the handle function, this is a bug and the program will terminate without confirming the message
  • errors regarding the business logic should be handled inside the program, reacting accordingly (ending with either a commit or a rollback)

AtLeastOnceConsumer - 2nd iteration

[.column] [.code-highlight: 1-4,15] [.code-highlight: 1-13,15] [.code-highlight: 1-15] [.code-highlight: all]

class AtLeastOnceConsumer private[lib] (
  private[lib] val ctx: JmsContext,
  private[lib] val consumer: JmsMessageConsumer
) {

  def handle(
    runBusinessLogic: JmsMessage => IO[TransactionResult]): IO[Nothing] =
        .flatMap {
          case TransactionResult.Commit   => IO.blocking(ctx.raw.commit())
          case TransactionResult.Rollback => IO.blocking(ctx.raw.rollback())

object AtLeastOnceConsumer {
  sealed trait TransactionResult
  object TransactionResult {
    case object Commit   extends TransactionResult
    case object Rollback extends TransactionResult

  def make(
    context: JmsTransactedContext, 
    queueName: QueueName): Resource[IO, AtLeastOnceConsumer] =
      context.makeJmsConsumer(queueName).map(consumer => 
        new AtLeastOnceConsumer(context, consumer))

[.column] [.code-highlight: none] [.code-highlight: 5-13]

object Demo extends IOApp.Simple {

  override def run: IO[Unit] =
    jmsTransactedContextRes.flatMap(ctx => 
      AtLeastOnceConsumer.make(ctx, queueName))
        .use(consumer =>
          consumer.handle { msg =>
            for {
              _ <-
              _ <- ??? // ... actual business logic...
            } yield TransactionResult.Commit


AtLeastOnceConsumer - 2nd iteration

  • all effects are expressed in the types (IO, etc...) ✅
  • resource lifecycle handled via Resource
  • not exposing messages to Stream anymore, it made things harder to get the design right!
  • the client is forced guided to do the right thingTM

Still, concurrency is not there yet...

Supporting concurrency

back to bottom-up...

  • A JMSContext is the main interface in the simplified JMS API introduced for JMS 2.0.
  • In terms of the JMS 1.1 API a JMSContext should be thought of as representing both a Connection and a Session
  • A connection represents a physical link to the JMS server and a session represents a single-threaded context for sending and receiving messages.
  • Applications which require multiple sessions to be created on the same connection should:
    • create a root contenxt using the createContext methods on the ConnectionFactory
    • then use the createContext method on the root context to create additional contexts instances that use the same connection
    • all these JMSContext objects are application-managed and must be closed when no longer needed by calling their close method.
  • JmsContext is not thread-safe!


Supporting concurrency

back to bottom-up...

fit, inline

AtLeastOnceConsumer - 3rd iteration

[.column] [.code-highlight: none] [.code-highlight: 8-15] [.code-highlight: 8-16] [.code-highlight: 1-17] [.code-highlight: 1-24] [.code-highlight: 1-25, 37] [.code-highlight: 1-26, 36-37] [.code-highlight: 1-37] [.code-highlight: all]

object AtLeastOnceConsumer {

  def make(
    rootContext: JmsTransactedContext,
    queueName: QueueName,
    concurrencyLevel: Int
  ): Resource[IO, AtLeastOnceConsumer] =
      for {
        ctx      <- rootContext.makeTransactedContext
        consumer <- ctx.makeJmsConsumer(queueName)
      } yield (ctx, consumer)
    .map(pool => new AtLeastOnceConsumer(pool, concurrencyLevel))

class AtLeastOnceConsumer private[lib] (
  private[lib] val pool: Pool[IO, (JmsContext, JmsMessageConsumer)],
  private[lib] val concurrencyLevel: Int
) {

  def handle(runBusinessLogic: JmsMessage => IO[TransactionResult]): IO[Nothing] =
    IO.parSequenceN(concurrencyLevel) {
        pool.take.use { res =>
          val (ctx, consumer) = res.value
          for {
            message <- consumer.receive
            txRes   <- runBusinessLogic(message)
            _ <- txRes match {
              case TransactionResult.Commit   => IO.blocking(ctx.raw.commit())
              case TransactionResult.Rollback => IO.blocking(ctx.raw.rollback())
          } yield ()


[.code-highlight: none] [.code-highlight: 5-13]

object Demo extends IOApp.Simple {

  override def run: IO[Unit] =
    jmsTransactedContextRes.flatMap(ctx => 
      AtLeastOnceConsumer.make(ctx, queueName, 5))
        .use(consumer =>
          consumer.handle { msg =>
            for {
              _ <-
              _ <- ??? // ... actual business logic...
            } yield TransactionResult.Commit
  • Using a proper resource pool, from typelevel/keypool

AtLeastOnceConsumer - 3rd iteration

  • all effects are expressed in the types (IO, etc...) ✅
  • resource lifecycle handled via Resource
  • the client is forced guided to do the right thingTM
  • concurrency

We came a long way...

  • We used a bunch of data types (IO, Resource, Stream)
  • We used a bunch of common operators (map, flatMap)
  • We wrote a little code, iteratively improving the design
  • We achieved what we needed: a fully functioning functional minimal lib




Tagless final

  • Couldn't fit in 45 minutes :)
  • The actual lib is written with Tagless Final.


Other ecosystems?

  • Not worth it, for very different reasons.
    • Lightbend stack: not as composable as the FP counterpart, side-effects, missing referential transparent abstractions for effects.
    • ZIO: I just don't like their rhetoric.