- Neuropil signal pre Get Josh to do this?
- Participation ratio
- Does largest SV correspond to any of the variances?
- Fix the model and run on all the data
- 9th Jan
- Add the other variances
- Add a note to the table about whether there's an effect
- More PCs? as many as the number of neurons?
- Thick lines for the PCs. Generally improve graphics
- Dropout repeated cross-folds
- Same number of it and miss trials in the firing rate plot
- Distribution of all neuron firing rates hit vs miss
- Distribution of all neuron correlations etc
- Make the plot matrix (some e.g. populations metrics wont be possible)
- A flag for S1 and S2
- The hit and miss eigenspectrum plots
- Check how the churchlands measure variance
- Make a function to print flags and sessions included etc
- Does the variance predict propagation?
- Distribution plots of different variance flavours
- Classifier plot of different variance flavours
- Discard licks 250ms
- Churchland 2010 natneuro (Do our results match?)
- Log the covariates that are better fit by the logs
- RERUN WITH NEW PCA Viola's PC plot -> trace of the first PC before hit and miss
- Factor analysis
- Merge multiple sessions for the logistic classifier
- Fix markdown checklist
- Make the IO plot to Saxey's recommendation
- Show the distributions of PC loadings before hit and before miss
- Cross-correlation: take the absolute value of each element of cov matrix
- Email Johannas about the oasis nan
- Do fun stuff with the PCs
- Put the deconvolved spike data through the pipeline
- Photostim period length
$X$ -
size (
$n_{neurons}$ x$n_{times}$ ) - defined by: neural recordings
- The activity of 1 neuron
$i$ is row$i$ :$x_i(t)$ - Neural dynamics
$C$ -
size: (
$n_{neurons}$ x$n_{neurons}$ ) -
defined by: covariance of activity matrix
- pairwise covariance
$V$ -
size matrix: (
$n_{comps}$ x$n_{neurons}$ ) -
defined by: eigendecomposition
$C = V L V^T$ , where$L$ is the (diagonal) matrix with eigenvalues
- Loading matrix
- principal axes
- Eigenvectors
- right singular vectors
$L$ -
size: (
$n_{comps}$ ,$n_{comps}$ ) = ($n_{neurons}$ ,$n_{neurons}$ ) (equal in case of full eigendecomposition) -
defined by: eigendecomposition $ = V L V^T$, where
$V$ is the matrix of eigenvectors
- eigenvalues
$\lambda_k$ are on the diagonal - variance explained = eigenvalues / sum(eigenvalues) =
$\frac{\lambda_k}{\sum_k \lambda_k}$
$Z$ - size matrix: (n_comps x n_times)
defined by:
$Z = V \cdot X$ (Principal directions dot Neural activity)
- The activity of one PC
$k$ is row$k$ :$z_k(t)$ - Neural activity projected onto Principal axes
- Data projected on Principal axes
- Principal components
- PC scores
- Latent activity
- Latent components
- left singular vector dot (diagonal) singular value matrix
- variance_pop_mean: take the population mean across cells -> [time]. What is the variance of this vector?
- variance_cell_rates: take the mean across time for all cells -> [n_cells]. What is the variance of this vector?
- mean_cell_variance: take the variance of each cell through time -> [n_cells]. What is the mean of all the cell variances?