Day 1 slides (PDF)
8:30 Arrival and coffee/tea
9:00 Introductions
9:30 Presentations (available via Webex:
- Hervé Ménager, ELIXIR
- Ted Carnevale, ModelDB
- Anita E Bandrowski, SciCrunch Inc
- Jurriaan Spaaks, Research Software Directory
10:20 Coffee/tea break
10:35 Best Practices for Research Software Registries break-out groups
- Repository Scope statement and Retention Policy
- Metadata Schema and Conditions of Use Policy
- End-of-life Policy
- Privacy Policy
- Ethics/Authorship Policy
11:45 Report from break-out groups and status of Best Practices (available via Webex:
12:15 Lunch break
1:30 Presentations (available via Webex:
- Lorraine Hwang, Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics
- Daniel Garijo, OntoSoft
- Caifan Du, CiteAs
- Allen Lee, CoMSES Net
- Alex Ioannidis, Zenodo
2:20 Coffee/tea break
2:40 Group discussion
- Shared challenges
What are they?
How might we work together to mitigate these?
- Individual solutions to share
What technique/process/habit/requirement has been successful for your resource?
What solutions already exist that we might leverage?
3:45 State of software citation amongst assembled resources
4:15 Overview of CodeMeta and Citation File Format (available via Webex:
- 4:15-4:25 Stephan Druskat, Citation File Format
- 4:25-4:35 Bryce Mecum, CodeMeta
- 4:35-5:15 Activities: Crosswalking our resources and Metadata Bingo
Discussion: Creating software citation files for software authors’ use
5:15 Temperature taking (how’s the workshop going?), recap, and overview of day 2 agenda
5:30 End session
7:00 Workshop dinner
Day 2 slides (PDF)
8:30 Arrival and coffee/tea
9:00 Presentations (available via Webex:
- Carly Robinson, DOE CODE: Software Services Platform and Search Tool
- Tom Morrell, CaltechDATA
- Alice Allen, Astrophysics Source Code Library
9:30 Discussion and Break-out groups
- Developing CodeMeta files for software author use
- Software value metadata statement
- Virtual code registry
- Improving ASCL's generated CITATION.cff and codemeta.json files
10:30 Coffee/tea break
10:45 Temperature taking (how’s the workshop going? Do we need to revisit or spend more time on something?)
11:00 Continuation of break-out groups
12:15 Lunch break
1:15 Report back from morning's break-out groups
2:20 Activity: Links to download data from various registries
2:30 Workshop photo and coffee/tea break
2:45 Break-out groups
- Improving CodeMeta documentation
- CFF/CodeMeta/Zenodo matchup: A workflow
- Registry guidance for users: Possible examples for User Guidance best practice
- Best practices documentation clean-up
4:30 Report from break-out groups
5:00 Recap and next steps
5:20 Workshop improvement
5:30 End session