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This repo contains my custom libraries and links to some that I use.

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This repo contains my custom libraries and links to some that I use.

These are for my personal use, but feel free to try them out as well.

Short descriptions.

Do note the parent-child relations of libraries. For example, CustomSDL requires CustomCPP and freetype.

  • CustomSDL ` - has a UI class with some GUI elements. A surfaceManipulation class for quick surface editing and color retrieving.
    • CustomCPP - has a few conversion functions, windows-specific functions and a few algorithms.
    • Freetype.
  • PyCLink - has functions to send data from a c++ application to python and vice-versa.

In detail.

  • CustomSDL has:
    • a UI class. It uses freetype library to display a text field, has has a button class, a scrollBox class for textures and a list of buttons, a pane class for a simple background that 'blocks clicks'. UIFLAGS allow quite a bit of customizability.
    • a surfaceManipulation class. It is useful if you want to draw to a surface multiple times, as the class creates a surface with specified parameters and you can easily call a function to draw to a specific pixel.
    • Outside-class functions:
      • onRect function to check if cursor or given x,y coordinates are within an SDL_Rect's area.
      • compareRects, self explanatory, returns true if two SDL_Rects are equal and false if not.
      • getSurfaceColors returns RGBA colors of a given SDL_Surface's specificied pixel.
      • blitSurface more or less user-friendly explanation on what arguments to provide to an SDL_BlitSurface function to merge 2 SDL_Surfaces.
      • getWindowHandle function to get HWND to SDL created window.
  • CustomCPP has:
    • a upsAverage function, which returns the number of updates in the last second.
    • A few conversion fuctions:
      1. intToString
      2. stringToInt
      3. doubleToString
      4. stringToDouble
      5. charToLPWSTR
    • Miscellaneous
      1. append_char_p - Append a character array (char*) to a given character array (char*).
    • Windows specific functions:
      1. browseFolder function opens a Browse for folder window to select a path to a folder on the system.
      2. getScreenPixels function returns a pointer array to color struct of the specified area's on the screen pixel color values.
      3. windowIgnoreColor function makes a window completely ignore a specified color, effectively making that area transparent.
    • Algorithms
      1. Mergesort.
  • PyCLink:
    • It is not finished. direct_cpp-py_link is currently the latest version and can only exchange char* type info.

      In short how to use it (parameters explained in header/module files): Write a python script that calls receiveInput to receive input from c++ ( not required ). Before python closes, to send a string back, call send function. The C++ application shoud call communicate function to start the python executable and wait for it to close.

Libraries I use

Links to useful libraries I use.


This repo contains my custom libraries and links to some that I use.




