Hi! I'm Albert, an experienced and passionate Full Stack JavaScript Developer, with focus on Node.js and React Native.
- (2022) Recipe Manager - A Full Stack app built with Express, React and PostgreSQL, using a REST API. Testing done with Jest and supertest.
(2021) Memory Game - A memory game mobile app built with React Native, TypeScript and MobX for state management. Animations and gestures are implemented with Animated, Reanimated2 and PanResponder.
(2021) Flashcards - A React Native app that uses MobX for state management and React Navigation for routing.
(2021) Hacker News Clone - A clone of Hacker News, built with React, Hooks, React Router, Webpack and TypeScript.
(2021) Would you rather? - A React app that uses Redux and Redux Thunk for state management, React Router and hooks.
(2018) Neighborhood Map - A simple React app that displays locations using Google Maps.
(2018) My Reads - A simple React app that allows you to manage books. Uses a REST API.
- (2018) Memory Game - A funny memory game written in plain JavaScript.
(2020) Coupons - A simple Android app that I did for a job interview process, using Kotlin, Coroutines for threading and Koin for dependency injection. Has unit tests with JUnit.
(2016) GitHub Trending - An Android app that shows GitHub trending repositories. It implements a Sync Adapter that fetches data periodically and stores it into a Content Provider. It has a home-screen collection widget. It displays ads using AdMob.
(2016) Popular Movies - An Android app that displays movies. Uses Dagger 2, Retrofit 2, RxJava 1 and AutoValue, among others. It caches data locally using a SQLite database and the libraries SQLBrite and SQLDelight, so that it can work fully offline.