Web app to keep track and search for trending shows and movies, make a watch list, rate content and keep discussion groups with friends and the community.
User login and registration with Next-Auth and Google OAuth API.
Top ten trending and popular tv shows and movies fetched from The MovieDB API.
Section to search for any movie or show title, showing other possible or related options.
Space for group discussions to comment about or rate movies and shows. Users can see and comment in the general discussion (available to all users), create a new one, or join an existing one through a code.
Built with:
Deployed with Vercel
├─ prisma
│ └─ schema.prisma
├─ public
└─ src/app
├─ (main)
├─ (pages)
│ ├─ dashboard
│ ├─ explore
│ ├─ discussions
│ └─ (lists)
│ ├─ show-list
│ └─ movie-list
├─ components
├─ api
│ └─ routes
└─ utils
├─ actions
├─ context
├─ hooks
└─ libs