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http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_2/ABl_24_2; Compound_word; They say that music and films belong to the whole human kind.; human kind; humankind
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_3/DOv_9_1; Compound_word; For 3 given social nets (Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin) the graph shows their popularity among 4 different age groups.; nets; networks
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_3/DOv_9_1; Compound_word; The graph indicates that Facebook is the most commonly used social net among all groups with 87% of adults aged 18-29 using it being the highest ratio and then steadily decreasing with the increase of age up to 56% for those aged 65+.; net; network
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_3/DOv_9_1; Compound_word; Instagram shows the same dynamics: it is most actively used by young adults aged 18-29 with 53% out of all using it and least popular among those who are above 56 with only 6% of them using this particular social net.; net; network
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_3/DOv_9_1; Compound_word; Therefore, we see that for Facebook and Instagram the younger the person, the more likely he is to be using the social net, while with LinkedIn the thing is different and it is more popular with people aged 30-64.; net; network
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_3/DOv_9_1; Compound_word; The graph can also be looked at as an indication of relative popularity of a particular social net depending on the age group.; net; network
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_3/DOv_9_1; Compound_word; Distortion for LinkedIn is quite small - around 10% points and for Facebook is steady - for each 10-year increase, the drop of the % usage of the social net is around 10% with the overall drop from maximum to minimum being 30% point.; net; network
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_3/DOv_6_1; Compound_word;
The younger population tend to use social networks more actively than other age groups, despite the fact that the precentage use of LinkedIn is higher among medium-aged population.; medium-aged; middle-aged
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_4/DPe_64_2; Compound_word;
To conclude, we have the situation when the illegal copying and sharing of the media content is wildspread.; wildspread; widespread
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_1/EGe_117_1; Compound_word; The bar chart illustrates the percentage of online grown ups in the United States of America by age groups who use various types of social networks.; grown ups; grown-ups
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_1/EGe_11_2; Compound_word;
To begin with, the main cause for criminal activity of young people is the growth of violence in the social media and sphere of entertainment, to be mor precise, cinema and videogames.; videogames; video games
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_1/EGe_15_2; Compound_word; I suppose, it is important to help people, who can not afford buying even some basic and essential things.; can not; cannot
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_1/EGe_15_2; Compound_word; What is more, disabled person can not work well because of his or her disability but he or she still needs to buy food, medicines and some other stuff.; can not;
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_1/EGe_112_1; Compound_word; This occasion shows us how videogames affort on teenager's minds and parents should control their childer what their are doing.; ;
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_1/EGe_88_2; Compound_word;
Finally, both the parents and the teachers are the main role models for children, thereby being a lawful and considerate individual in the eyes of the child is essential.; lawful; law-abiding
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_1/EGe_79_2; Compound_word; Teachers should allow students to be able to do at least paper work which will be payed or help shool with doing some research.; paper work; paperwork
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_1/EGe_79_2; Compound_word; Crimes as robbery, pick-pocketing and burglary become the highly discussed topic in the modern society.; pick-pocketing; pickpocketing
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_1/EGe_23_2; Compound_word; The government has to create job places where young people can do something to earn money.; job places; workplaces
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_1/EGe_23_2; Compound_word;
In some deprieved countries the government is not able to generate job places for residents and when people can't find any duty to do they try to get money by other ways such as crime.; job places; workplaces
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_1/EGe_85_2; Compound_word;
In conclusion, I would like to say that of course every thing has both advantages and disavantages, but we should not forget that hobbies have a lot of social benefits, and observing of sports is not an exception.; every thing; everything
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_1/EGe_100_1; Compound_word; The bar chart below demonstrates the data about two types of books production in 2014 and predictable changes by 2018 for four countries.; ;
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_1/EGe_100_1; Compound_word; The bar chart below demonstrates the data about two types of books production in 2014 and predictable changes by 2018 for four countries.; ;
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_1/EGe_100_1; Compound_word; The bar chart below demonstrates the data about two types of books production in 2014 and predictable changes by 2018 for four countries.; ;
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_216_2; Compound_word; This building has a very big influence on air and so Dzerzinsk became one of the unclearest towns of Russia and took the second place in this rate.; the unclearest; the most uncleared
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_132_2; Compound_word;
Firstly, the main cause of the growing level of crimes committed by young people nowadays is the lack of work places.; work places; workplaces
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_132_2; Compound_word; Young people graduate from university and start searching for job, while they realise that there is no work places for them.; work places; workplaces
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_132_2; Compound_word; I think possible solution for this problem may be for the goverment to create more work places.; work places; workplaces
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_193_2; Compound_word; However, in my opinion, this support should be strict, because a lot of unquality and full films are displayed at the cinema, while the useful and quality films have not famous.; unquality; bad-quality
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_193_2; Compound_word; However, in my opinion, this support should be strict, because a lot of unquality and full films are displayed at the cinema, while the useful and quality films have not famous.; quality; high-quality
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_237_2; Compound_word;
To begin with, air pollution is result of a flawful technology that could be improved.; flawful; full of flaws
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_166_2; Compound_word;
All in all, most people believe that it is useful to learn about how universe works or just explore new worlds, but all of these things can give humanity a chance to find other races or resources that can not be found on Earth.; can not; cannot
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_240_2; Compound_word; Firstly, since the number of people willing to travel increases every year, the number of aircompaies and airplanes they provide increases respectively.; aircompaies; air companies
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_198_1; Compound_word; The average time spent on sport falls when people become older what tells us that youth are more interested in keeping sport life style in comparison to older people who tend to sedentary life style.; life style; lifestyle
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_198_1; Compound_word; The average time spent on sport falls when people become older what tells us that youth are more interested in keeping sport life style in comparison to older people who tend to sedentary life style.; life style; lifestyle
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_145_2; Compound_word; These teenagers originate from families where there are only one parent or parents work hard to bring up children so breadgivers do not have that much time to spend with their own children.; breadgivers; bread givers
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_6/NMya_8_1; Compound_word; As the age goes up presence of this age group members in the network gradually diminishes (for Facebook) or drastically slumps if we have a closer look at Instagramm: the percentage of 30-49 years old users is twice less compared to 18-29 group.; years old; year-old
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_6/NMya_25_2; Compound_word; On the other hand, almost all young people have or should have special grown ups to look after them and help to become a good part of society.; grown ups; grown-ups
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_6/KTR_17_1; Compound_word; It is noteworth, that transportation of 'chemicals' and 'food products' is absolutely equal by rail, about evelen per cent.; noteworth; worth noting
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_6/EGe_270_1; Compound_word; The procent of manufactured goods` tranportation nearly at the same lavel in both cases (25% goods transportated by rail and 28 by road) Speaking about rail way, the same quantity of food products and chemical were tranportated by rail.; rail way; railway
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_6/EGe_265_2; Compound_word; For instance, today many prisoners who have comitted crimes are tought by professional psychologists and the majority of them really changes their life style.; life style; lifestyle
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_6/EGe_267_1; Compound_word; However, another important factor is the weight of products and materials, because it is a lot cheaper to transport heavy metals and machinery by train than by any auto-transport.; auto-transport; auto transport
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_6/NMya_3_2; Compound_word; Their also can organize any group activities – teachers and students are able to grow vegetables together (and help hungry students, who can’t eat normally at home), clean school’s yard, go in for sport, do any projects – about science and society.; school; schoolyard
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_6/NMya_15_1; Compound_word; Presented graph provides information about the use of three different social platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) in the USA by various age groups of adults.; social platforms; social networks
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_84_2; Compound_word; Indeed, it might be a viable solution, because every one has the right to make a mistake, so if the athlete has a time, he will understand that he was wrong at his desicion and then he will train more and more to avoid the using of such drugs in the following competition.; every one; everyone
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_42_2; Compound_word;
I agree with opinion that people should be careful using modern technologies in their every day life.; every day; everyday
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_42_2; Compound_word; That is Why it is important to know and remember about side-effects of modern devices and tools because they have bad impact on humanity health.; side-effects; side effects
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_82_2; Compound_word; It is certainly the case that if sport becomes less commercial, many employees of these companies will be left without work places.; work places; workplaces
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/OBy_181_1; Compound_word; The first chart gives the information about rail road transportation, while the second one gives details on road transportation.; rail road; railroad
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_43_2; Compound_word; Secondly, there are a lot of Wi-fi networks all over the world that produce electronic waves.; electronic; electromagnetic
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_43_2; Compound_word; Also, all the families can switch off the Wi-fi network during night time.; night time; nighttime
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_74_2; Compound_word;
Never the less, it is obvious than people who use illegal drugs to win controdict the idea of competitive sport itself, where everyone is eiqual and training an will age the most important things to succeed.; Never the less; Nevertheless
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_76_2; Compound_word;
On the other hand, influention of drugs are spoiled health and competitions for sportsmen after drugs-scandle are unavalable.; drugs-scandle; drugs scandals
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_8_2; Compound_word; First of all, a poor eye-sight should be mentioned.; eye-sight; eyesight
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_68_2; Compound_word; If the main reason for it is that the athelete is insecure about he or her abilities in sport then this problem cannot be solved by ban for some period of time, more over, it can be solved only by phycologist.; more over; moreover
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_68_2; Compound_word; More over, modern society tend to solve the problem of drug usage by the competitors on the level of the users but not sistematically, including responsibility of the trainer, the whole team etc.; More over; Moreover
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_14_2; Compound_word;
To begin with, the most famous results of technological progress, the computers, have a detrimental effect on sight.; sight; eyesight