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http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_1/ABl_16_1; Suffix; For Middle East the percent decreased from 11% to 9,6% and for Latin America it went down for 1% from 6,8% to 5,8%.; percent; percentage
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_1/ABl_16_1; Suffix;
To sum up, the worldwide tendency also stayed the same as the percent for 2014 and 2015 was 5,9%.; percent; percentage
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_1/ABl_2_1; Suffix;
Firstly, it can be seen that Northern Africa is the region with the highest unemployment rate and Southern Asia is the region with the lowest one.; Northern; North
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_1/ABl_2_1; Suffix;
Firstly, it can be seen that Northern Africa is the region with the highest unemployment rate and Southern Asia is the region with the lowest one.; Southern; South
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_1/ABl_2_1; Suffix;
Last but not least, change in unemployment remained without any dynamical charges.; dynamical; dynamic
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_1/ABl_14_1; Suffix; The highest rate of unemployment people shows N.; unemployment; unemployed
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_1/ABl_3_2; Suffix; But we need to remember that if we will juge almost everybody it can be finished by exception from the attention unnormous, irrational cases.; unnormous; unnormal
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_2/ABl_19_2; Suffix;
To my mind, it’s fair and morally justificated to pay for someone’s else work no matter what type of work you’re dealing with.; justificated; justified
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_2/ABl_45_2; Suffix; The second argument is that oftenly one can find in the internet things, which one can’t buy, for example, old publications or old films and music, etc.; oftenly; often
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_2/ABl_45_2; Suffix; Working on your course work, you might need documental films, but oftenly they are not for sale.; oftenly; often
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_2/ABl_20_2; Suffix; Thy cannot be sure that their product will be full present for the audience.; full; fully
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_2/ABl_46_1; Suffix; The most scarifying thing is we even can’t say about falling trend: the result in Middle East could be explained with just migration of unemployed workers to EU, where as was told, the graph’s rate grown up.; scarifying; scary
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_2/ABl_42_2; Suffix; Capitalist login of investments and incomes do not work in such case musical label, midue-concernt do act in a role of giant parazyte.; musical; music
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_2/ABl_36_2; Suffix; These anti-sistem movements protest against the rights of capitalism and global market.; anti-sistem; anti-systemic
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_3/DOv_10_1; Suffix; LinkedIn, on the other hand, has smaller variance of popularity measure between different ages, with the smallest of 22% for 65+ and largest 31% for 30-49 and does not correspond with the same trend as Facebook and Instagram - the highest values are represented by 30-49 and 50-64 age groups.; variance; variety
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_3/DOv_27_2; Suffix; Without reasonable behaviour people distruct socity.; distruct; destroy
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_3/DOv_6_1; Suffix;
Though instagram is relatively popular among young population, it's use among older people is significantly lower and it's getting while age is rising.; use; usage
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_3/DOv_3_2; Suffix; This tendention can be described as sistematization of the educational process which results in less attention for kids individuality, his or her concerns and interests and a strict demand for accomplishing several points, like this exam.; tendention; tendency
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_4/DPe_74_2; Suffix; For example, the sons of Russian fantasts brothers Strugatskiye make the web-versions of the books free.; fantasts; science-fiction writers
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_4/DPe_54_1; Suffix;
Comparasing 2014 year and 2015 we can see that in some countries like North Africa and South Asia the unemployment rate is stable, on the other hand in Middle East and Latin America rate decreased in 2015, but in Europe it increase in 2015 compare 2014.; Comparasing; Comparing
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_4/DPe_1_2; Suffix; And there are few million people, that doing the same things every day even despite the fact, that these pirate sites had been closen by the government.; closen; closed
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_4/DPe_48_2; Suffix; Everyone will get profit except some pirates resources and virus-programmists, but we shouldn’t think about their losses.; programmists; programmers
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_4/DPe_10_2; Suffix; Free access to music and films it is a good chance to enjoy beautiness, improve taste and become more educated even foe those who can’t afford to go to cinemas, concert halls and buy CDs or DWDs.; beautiness; beauty
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_4/DPe_10_1; Suffix; Worldwide rate stayed unchangable also.; unchangable; unchanged
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_4/DPe_66_2; Suffix;
It is my firm belief that it is problems of musicans and film producers if somebody “gets” their money, so they should pay more attention to their problem of saving it.; musicans; musicians
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_4/DPe_66_2; Suffix; I also want to repeat that if people (I mean producers and musicans) lose money, they just try bad to save it.; musicans; musicians
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_4/DPe_59_1; Suffix; The rate decreased from 6,8 to 5,8, which is quite good example of goverment work.; goverment; governmental
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_4/DPe_64_2; Suffix; Musicunts, filmmakers and other lose a lot of money every year because of pirets.; Musicunts; Musicians
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_4/DPe_21_2; Suffix;
One of the most convincing argument in favour of necessarity of punishment for making and sharing illegal pirates copies is the fact that these actions are not fair and honest.; necessarity; necessity
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_4/DPe_25_2; Suffix;
Secondly, some versions of music of films do not exist for every technic firm.; technic; technical
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_4/DPe_60_1; Suffix; Taking everything above into consideration, I can’t say, that situation is going better in the most regions, but in Middle East and Latin America there is a tendention to lowering the unemployment.; tendention; tendency
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_4/DPe_61_1; Suffix; The chart gives data of the unemployment rate in North Africa, Middle East, Europe Union, Latin America and South Asia and also around the world in two selected years (2014 and 2015).; Europe; European
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_4/DPe_61_1; Suffix; In Europe Union the rate increase slightly from 7,5 to 7,9.; Europe; European
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_4/DPe_63_2; Suffix; Also, I know that there are a lot of fans that like to collect all the original discs from their beloved interpretors.; interpretors; artists
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_4/DPe_45_2; Suffix; Producers must meet me halfway on the internet, creating convenient and useful on-line resources with their production, and I will buy subscription with a great pleasure, as I am tired of spending hours in search for a video with a proper sound and quality to download from torrents before watching any film.; production; products
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_1/EGe_33_2; Suffix; As it seems to modern researches, the only variant is to show children in your own example that cruelty is not the unique variant of achieving their goals, moreover, in the most cases it leads to imprisonment or even death.; researches; researchers
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_1/EGe_95_2; Suffix; To begin with, the monthly paid sum of money could discourage population from work at all.; work; working
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_1/EGe_105_2; Suffix; On the other hand, this method can be not successful, since there is possibility of making the situation worse by constant reminding how to live.; reminding; reminder
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_1/EGe_120_1; Suffix;
It can be seen that the most useful social network is Facebook.; useful; used
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_1/EGe_102_2; Suffix; Nowadays it is believed, that crime is done by young generation, not by elder people.; elder; elderly
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_1/EGe_124_2; Suffix; The lead should be taken by people who are responsable for children's socialisation: parents and teachers.; responsable; responsible
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_229_2; Suffix; Nobody wants to be killed, mug or so on.; mug; mugged
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_174_2; Suffix;
When both sides of the argument are looked at I would like to emphasize the fact that space exploration being a fruitful field of science still should not be more important for us than solving some economical and environmental urgent issues.; economical; economic
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_214_1; Suffix; As well as younger people were sporty, the oldest were non-sporty: men and women over 75 together spent less time doing sport than one of seven part of time which men in age group 16-24 did.; one of seven part; one seventh
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_176_2; Suffix;
Staying at the track of contraversary, I would like to introduce the reasons why certain kind of space exploration really appears to be some kind of a waste.; contraversary; controversy
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_192_2; Suffix;
On the other hand, many people all over the world like superheroes or stories, which are more closely for their interests or unreal lifes.; more closely; closer
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_210_2; Suffix; In adiition, it's also important to realise that space exploration stimulate the science and the manufacturing developing, so it's not just a waste of money and time.; developing; development
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_191_2; Suffix;
But I could also agree with people who argue that we should pay more attention on today's problems, such as enviromental problems and on-going wars in the Arabic region.; Arabic; Arab
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_153_1; Suffix; For elder people this possibility decreases, that is why the amount of users among old people reaches only 22 %, however "LinkedIn" is not the least popular network.; elder; elderly
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_173_1; Suffix;
The common tendention is that both genders spend less time doing sport with getting older.; tendention;
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_197_2; Suffix;
Secondly, the local directors oftenly try to show something special about their countries and so do their target auditory much smaller, because not many people are able and ready to understand another culture.; oftenly; often
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_168_1; Suffix; There are separated data for each age and gender.; separated; separate
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_164_2; Suffix; Furthermore, wathcing films made about local places attract these people as a tourists, as if they can see all the beautyness of a country, they definetely want to visit it.; beautyness; beauty
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_241_2; Suffix;
In conclusion, there are some people who support air travel restriction, yet I believe that it will have a detrimental effect on the economicies of tourism countries and stop the development of the air travel industry on a global scale.; economicies; economics
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_245_2; Suffix;
To conclude, we deffinately should use air transport less, sinse it pollutes air and causes to huger enviromental problems.; huger; more huge
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_219_2; Suffix; Most of murders stop to do steal or kill after they were in the prison.; murders; murderers
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_219_1; Suffix; In compatarion with the train goods transporting, the data of transported chemicals and metals remains practically the same (16% and 11%).; compatarion; comparison
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_141_2; Suffix;
I really believe that parents and teachers need to fight with these causes for example they should respect the children, try them to understand what is good and bad, pay attention to them to everyone individual method of behavior, especially if young person have some problems in family or at school and also go to psychologist with him and not allow to watch TV being a small child.; everyone; every
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_5_2/EGe_147_2; Suffix;
In conclusion I would like to say that there are several inevitable causes of growth in the number of crimes committed by young people, however, the current situation can be improved provided parents and teachers express the willing to help their children and students to live a decent and lawful life.; the willing; their willingness
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_6/NMya_24_2; Suffix; If person hasn’t opportunities of legal working or playing, he starts find alternative variants, for example some crime structures.; crime; criminal
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_6/NMya_24_2; Suffix; In this case difficult economic’s conditionals lead to increasing number of young adults jointed in crime structure and lack of special places for walking, playing leads to a big percentage of children who start communicate with crimes.; crime; criminal
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_6/NMya_22_2; Suffix;
Crime is an action of disobeyment and representation of person’s disagreement with given rules or his life circumstances.; disobeyment; disobedience
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_6/NMya_27_1; Suffix; The graph represents the using of social networks by four groups of adult american people.; using; usage
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_6/NMya_25_2; Suffix; But from the other side it is possible for both parents and teachers to cooperate and notice worrying tendentions together.; tendentions; tendencies
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_6/EGe_252_1; Suffix;
Firstly, it can be noticed that temperature in Rio is in general more stabilized and is never less than well above ten.; stabilized; stable
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_6/JSl_176_2; Suffix; Most of the crimes start doing illegal during from the childhood.; crimes; criminals
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_6/NMya_14_2; Suffix; In this situation they would motivate children to be better and prevent them from bad behaviour.; behaviour; behavior
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_6/NMya_14_2; Suffix;
I believe that behaviour of young people depends on how they grew up.; behaviour; behavior
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To decrease the amount of crimes made by younger people, parents should watch their developing and control it, spend more time to make their child more adapted to modern society.; developing; development
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_6/NMya_3_2; Suffix; Such teens are usually drug-deallers, or thieves, or murderers.; drug-deallers; drug-dealers
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_6/NMya_6_2; Suffix; But if anybody starts to break the law, stimuls for other people to do the same things appear.; stimuls; stimuli
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_6_2; Suffix; Futhermore, new technology is a reason of student's lazy, because it really does easier a lot of works.; lazy; laziness
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_38_1; Suffix; The pie charts show how the goods were transported between eastern europenian countries in 2008.; europenian; european
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_38_2; Suffix; Secondly, the science can also solute this proplem.; solute; solve
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_98_2; Suffix; Firstly, such beheaviour might be connected with the willingnes of be the winner of the one competition.; willingnes; will
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_35_1; Suffix; The charts show what goods were transported by rail and by road in Eastern Europe countries in 2008.; Europe; European
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_68_2; Suffix; The athlets who once were caught using illegal drugs due to conseption given above should be banned from competing professonaly for a limited period only.; professonaly; professionally
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_71_2; Suffix; A person caught using prohibited drugs may understand it was awfull and make a remorse.; awfull; awful
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_73_2; Suffix; Nonetheless, some may argue that all act must be punished equaly, but they don not think about uniqal causes of this usage of illegal drugs by someone.; equaly; equally
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_77_2; Suffix; Some people believe that such sportsmen should be penalized for some time, for instance, for two years, whereas others assert the necessity to ban the violaters from competing professionaly forever.; professionaly; professionally
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_32_1; Suffix; These pie charts provide data about the ways the types of goods were transportated in Western Europe in 2008 and in which percentage.; transportated; transported
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_32_1; Suffix;
The largest part of goods transportated by trains was occupied by metals - their share was 35 percent.; transportated; transported
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_32_1; Suffix; Non-metallistic minerals played the least important role in railway transportations.; Non-metallistic; Non-metallic
http://realec.org/index.xhtml#/exam/exam2017_7/VSa_91_2; Suffix; Nowadays, the question about influence of drugs on sportsmen life's is oftenly discussing.; oftenly; often