Class component will be enhanced to functional components with react hooks. Component styling will be done with react material UI (makestyles, usestyles...)
- Basic DB setup with refernceDB, translationDB and lookupsDB
files need to be added are : data_provider.js and Db_util
- Adding preloaded reference bibles (JSON) & also verify, ref_config and add bible Silhouette
- Update App.js File with db Setup on mount except react-intl and call the higher order component such as NavBar.js
- Create a Refernce directroy and make core function with all the setup for reference content(refer nav bar for refercence content db update and design of html content)
files need to be added: reference/core/setup AutographaStore.js
- Create a refernce panel with material UI makestyles and paper
file: ReferencePanel.JS
- Create a refernceSelector with menulist using materialUI and functionality to change reference accordingly
file: ReferenceSelector.js
- Make an navBar (AppBar) using materialUI with all the icons placed exactly as the previous UI.
- Create Independent component such as About, Loader Component, Search, Report Comp with props
files: About.js, Loader.js, Search.js Report/ImportReport.js
- Create Translation Component by setting up core DB setup and update
Files: core/setup.js
- Create an editable Translation Panel with the UI and basic fuctionality (highlighting)
File: TranslationPanel.js
- Create Statistic Componet that links to Translation panel with props or StoreContext
file: Statistics.js
- Make a translation settings and translation Import Component and connect it with usfm_to_json file with all the functionality for import and display and also connect with settings icon in the appBar and tabs of material
files: TranslationSettings.js, TranslationImport, USFM to JSON etc..
- Create a Joint verse context menu as an independent component with functionality that connects to translation panel through storeContext.
file: JointVerse.js
- Create ReferenceSettinngTab and ReferenceImport and connect to usfm_to_Json with all db update functionality and file reading. And also connect the same to Setting icon as a tab container.
files: ReferenceSettinngTab, ReferenceImport
- Connect both the Import with ImportReport Component by passing props or useContext
- Create Footer Component with layout functionality and font slider and save translation function
file: Footer.js
- Connect the componets with corresponding icons and call accordingly each componets in navbar
- Add component booknameEditor, BookChapterNavigator with all corresponding functionality and also diff checker component
file: BookChapterNavigator.js, DiffChecker, BookNameEditor
- Create Download Component with all supp component(usfm export, 1col html, 2colhtml) and its supporting core files like Json to html and its design
USFM, 1-HTML, 2-HTML, Export Html, Export CSS etc
- Create and add translation Help component with language selector
- Adding sync feature with corresponding helper files and UI
- Paratext sync
- Gitea component
- Making app language Component and pass id and proprs for all the translations and update parent app.js file accordingly