Releases: Autodesk/arnold-usd
- Estimated render time in the Render Delegate: Add Arnold render status and estimated render time to viewport annotation. usd#1492 -
- Camera filters: Add support for camera filtermap and uv_remap. usd#1499
- Material scope: Add a Mtl scope for materials when authoring usd file. usd#1486
- Subsurface ray visibility: Add
visibility flag support in the render delegate and procedural. usd#1529
- usd#1480 - Allow to specify a testsuite output folder
- usd#1463 - Fix Windows builds with CMake
- usd#1471 - Support relative paths for Arnold and USD Sdk
- usd#1466 - Allow to run the testsuite without any build of the procedural
- usd#1508 - Support relative paths for python, boost, and tbb
- usd#1512 - Remove deprecated
build variable
Bug fixes
- usd#1502 - Render delegate crashes with empty arrays
- usd#1522 - Support
shader returning thest
variable - usd#1530 - Fix a crash when a user primvars has an empty array on a keyframe
- usd#1535 - Fixed Render delegate crashes when visibility is set on lights
- usd#1532 - Schemas are not declaring asset parameters for filenames
- usd#1525 - Default values for AA sampling and ray depths in direct USD renders are now increased to be equal to render delegate defaults.
MaterialX displacement shaders: MaterialX displacement shaders are now interpreted correctly. usd#1366
Arnold shader metadata: We now register all Arnold shader metadata in the Sdr registry. Before only the Help and Role metadata were passed to the registry. usd#1390
AutoTX environment variable:
can be set to override the default AutoTX behaviour in the render delegate. usd#1353 -
Driver options in the RenderProduct primitive: It is now possible to set the driver options in the RenderProduct primitive using attribute names prefixed with the driver name in the Arnold namespace. For example
will set the quality when rendering with the jpeg driver. usd#1346
Bug fixes
- Convert cube, sphere, cylinder, capsule primitives as meshes in the procedural. Geometric primitives are now converted to Hydra meshes instead of Arnold primitives. usd#1318 usd#1451
- Support render delegate products for all Arnold drivers. When rendering using Hydra, with husk for example, the render delegate now uses the RenderProduct drivers. usd#1422
- Support combination of half and full precision AOVs in the procedural. The procedural can now render a combination of half- and full- precision aovs. usd#1416
- Always read RenderVar aov:name as an output layer. The
parameter driver:parameters:aov:name is now used as the output aov layer name. usd#1408 - Support asset attributes for filenames when no tokens are present. "filename" Arnold attributes are now SdfAssetPaths in USD usd#1163
Bug fixes
- usd#1438 - Creating surface models from PBR nodes doesn't work
- usd#1433 - Material binding not handling correctly the different scopes
- usd#1447 - MaterialX Triplanar renders black
- usd#1427 - Motion blur differences between procedural and delegate
- usd#1442 - Velocity motion blur doesn't work if PointInstancer has more than one prototype
- usd#1354 - Vertex mismatch with velocity blur and point normals in Hydra
- usd#1420 - Unify
- usd#1430 - deepexr driver parameters like
are ignored - usd#1411 -
parameter (for checkpointing renders) is not translated - usd#1413 - Crash in UsdSkel in the procedural
- usd#1352 - Skinned instances in wrong world position
- usd#1394 - USD procedural renders characters in the wrong positions and order
- usd#1443 - Incorrect number of motion keys with skinned primvar normals and motion blur
[] - 2023-02-23
Bug fixes
- #1378 Ensure CER is disabled during batch hydra renders
- #1415 Fix missing read_skinning.cpp file in the cmake build
Full Changelog: Arnold-
[] - 2022-11-21
Imager support:
- #1305 Imagers can now be rendered in Hydra and the procedural through an imager node graph connected to the RenderSettings "imager" attribute.
- #1294 Shader connections to mesh lights It is now possible to connect shading graphs to a mesh light color. This can be done by connecting an ArnoldNodeGraph primitive to the mesh attribute
. - #1231 Cylinder lights: Cylinder lights are now supported in the USD procedural.
- #1294 Shader connections to mesh lights It is now possible to connect shading graphs to a mesh light color. This can be done by connecting an ArnoldNodeGraph primitive to the mesh attribute
- #1271 dataWindowNDC support has been improved for batch rendering. It now adds more pixels to the output image instead of simply adjusting the frustum, when using husk or kick.
- #1225 The horizontal and vertical aperture offset attributes in the cameras are now supported, both in Hydra and in the procedural. This enables features such as render regions.
Render settings:
- #1235 We can now set in the USD file which RenderSetting primitive will control the render by pointing the layer metadata attribute renderSettingsPrimPath to the RenderSetting primitive.
- #1321 The aov_shader attribute of a RenderSettings primitive can now point to multiple ArnoldNodeGraph. They have to be separated by a space.
- #1259 "Abort on error" is now declared as a Hydra render setting, and can be controlled in usd_view or mayaUSD.
- #1313 The attribute "arnold:filter" of the RenderVar primitive now defaults to box instead of closest_filter.
- #1311 RenderVar aov name can be called "color" for the beauty, it was supported in the render delegate and is now supported in the procedural.
#1006 Improved default sampling values in Hydra The default sample values were inconsistent between interactive Hydra versus batch rendering (e.g. with husk). This was improved, and now matches the other Arnold plugins. This is an incompatible change for scenes where sampling values were left to default.
#1211 Shader outputs registered in Sdr: The output attributes for Arnold shaders are now registered, along with their type, in the Sdr registry. This allows for applications / plugins to expose shading trees with Arnold shaders with the correct types.
#1266 Environment variable to debug Hydra: In order to help debugging Hydra renders, an environment variable HDARNOLD_DEBUG_SCENE can now be set to a .ass scene filename, allowing the Arnold scene data to be saved out as the render starts.
Bug fixes
- #1278 Support visibility overrides on instances in the render delegate
- #1336 Fix empty ProductName rendering as .exr
- #1331 Fix motion blur sampling on skinned instances
- #1329 Fix inverted motion blur in the render delegate when using velocities
- #1315 Fix interpretation of primvars arrays with constant interpolation
- #1309 Fix RenderVar's filter width not translated properly in the procedural
- #1306 Allow to render deepexr RenderProduct with kick
- #1282 Don't set UsdUvTexture uvset when st coordinates are used
- #1281 Fix crash when a volume prim density field is invalid
- #1232 Set output to half precision for RenderVars with half types
- #1214 Make Sdr node discovery results consistent across renderers
New Contributors
- @juandejoya made their first contribution in #1342
Full Changelog: Arnold-
[] - 2022-08-31
- #1220 Fail to override output filename when AOVs are duplicated
- #1234 Fix udim with relative paths
- #1247 Check if texture path is empty before trying to resolve it
- #1238 Crash in the procedural with varying instance count
- #1241 UsdUvTexture should always have ignore_missing_textures enabled
- #1245 Read material bindings in the full purpose
- #1252 Connect the UsdPreviewSurface opacity into arnold transmission
- #1269 Fix visibility of instanceable prims under a point instancer hierarchy
Render Delegate
[] - 2022-08-03
- #1161 Support dataWindowNDC: When the render settings primitive defines the attribute dataWindowNDC, it now renders accordingly in the USD reader by framing the render to the expected normalized window.
- #1170 Render products with no productName: When AOVs are defined through a render product prim that doesn't have any product name, they now render to the same filename as the beauty image.
- #1187 Instances optimizations in the procedural: When using instances, the usd procedural now relies on a usdStageCache to represent the instance prototypes, instead of re-loading the usd files on disk for each prototype.
- #800 Pinned curves: Curves pinning is now supported in the USD procedural.
Render Delegate
- #1164 Cryptomatte support in Hydra: When rendering final frames with Hydra, the cryptomatte metadatas are set in the output image.
- #1161 Support dataWindowNDC: When the render settings primitive defines the attribute dataWindowNDC, it now renders accordingly in the render delegate by framing the render to the expected normalized window.
- #800 Pinned curves: Curves pinning is now supported in the Render Delegate
- #1165 Support double array primvars in the procedural
- #1179 Support filter-type attributes in the reader
- #1205 Support several render products for the same render var
- #1183 Fix usdPreviewSurface attribute useSpecularWorkflow in the procedural
Render Delegate
- #1168 Remove attributes reset in the lights delegate
- #1191 Ignore distant lights normalize attribute in the delegate to match the procedural
- #1175 Fix authoring per-channel connections so that the output attribute exists
- #1131 Revert to SdrShaderNodes for discovery plugin
[] - 2022-05-25
- #1089 Motion Blur from Render Settings: A usd scene with Render Settings primitive can be rendered with motion blur
- #1090 Varying topologies and motion blur: Support velocity motion blur on geometries with varying topologies (mesh, curves, points)
- #1100 Support arnold primvars in instances: When an instancer has a primvar for an arnold builtin attribute (e.g. matte), we now propagate it to its instances
- #1130 Support UsdPreviewSurface displacement output: scenes where UsdPreviewSurface is used as a displacement shader, through its attribute displacement are now supported. This is needed to render the Alab scenes
- #1120 Render NurbsCurves as UsdGeomCurves: Usd Nurbs Curves were previously ignored by Arnold. They are now rendered as basic UsdGeomCurves
- #1127 Support instanceable prims with variant overrides: It is now possible to render an instanceable prim referencing another primitive, and override its variants
- #1042 Color Management: When a usd file is loaded, the color manager node is set based on render settings parameters
Render Delegate
- #1080 Mesh Lights: Geometry lights are now supported in the render delegate
- #946 Color Management: When a usd file is loaded, the color manager node is set based on render settings parameters
- #1090 Varying topologies and motion blur: Support velocity motion blur on geometries with varying topologies (mesh, curves, points)
- #1100 Support arnold primvars in instances: When an instancer has a primvar for an arnold builtin attribute (e.g. matte), we now propagate it to its instances
- #1128 Support light linking on instances: We can now support setting a point instancer, or an instanceable prim, in light linking
- #1124 Optimize nested instances in the render delegate: The memory consumption for nested instances (point instancer having another point instancer as a prototype) has reduced dramatically in Hydra
- #1092 Support per-instance velocity blur: The Arnold render delegate now supports point instancers with varying amount of instances, where velocity blur drives the motion blur
- #1141 Support shader connections to lights in Hydra: Using an ArnoldNodeGraph primitive, the Arnold render delegate now supports connecting arbitrary shading trees to light's colors
- #1141 Support lights filters in Hydra: Similarly to shader connections, arnold light filters (gobo, etc...) can now be assigned to lights, through an ArnoldNodeGraph primitive
- #1158 Improve shader dependency graph in the render delegate: The tracking of shader connections (for materials, lights, light filters, etc...) is now more robust, and fixes crashes when disconnecting or reconnecting shaders
- #1139 Usd Writer reuses eventual existing material primitives: This is needed for MayaUsd exports, so that the original mayaUsd material is kept, and Arnold shaders are assigned in the "arnold" context
- #1073 Resolve node attributes from referenced files
- #1093 Fix instanceable references in the same USD file
- #1104 Compute visibility until the eventual root prim
- #1129 Support UsdUvTexture relative paths with udims
- #1133 Set outputs layer names only if required
- #1136 Fix uninitialized UV coords with leftHanded meshes
[] - 2022-03-30
- #1055 Control scene_format_load thread count through an env variable
- #1017 Allow to specify a given RenderSettings prim when kicking a usd file
Render Delegate
- #1039 Use velocity/acceleration primvars for mesh/curves in the render delegate
- #1056 Remap Solaris subdivision levels to be between [0, 3]
- #1051 Support light temperature in the delegate
- #24 Invert smoothing default
- #1064 Set the defaultPrim in the usd writer
- #963 Options are always written to USD
- #1067 Write shaders under their material's scope
- #1049 Support instanceable primitives without prototype
- #1045 Fix crashes with invalid indexed primvars
- #1031 Fix for element connection in arnold node graph
- #1025 Fix random result with instancer and multiple referenced files
- #1005 InivisibleIds property not interpreted correctly on the PointInstancer
- #1010 Fix shadow/light linking when some lights don't have any collection
- #1019 Support nested collections with light-linking
- #1012 Light linking referencing shape parents
- #1088 Fix attribute calls in camera reader that were causing random crashes
- #1024 Resaving a distant_light from .ass to usd does not preserve the normalize parameter
- #1071 Writer fails to author enum attributes
- #1084 Fix issues when writing USD geometry lights
- #1081 Add point_light to the list of schemas to be generated