diff --git a/changelog/add-10092-add-specific-type-and-min-supported-amount-in-error-response-for-the-payments-below-min-supported-amount b/changelog/add-10092-add-specific-type-and-min-supported-amount-in-error-response-for-the-payments-below-min-supported-amount
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..671ad26ad97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog/add-10092-add-specific-type-and-min-supported-amount-in-error-response-for-the-payments-below-min-supported-amount
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Significance: patch
+Type: add
+Add wcpay_capture_error_amount_too_small error type and minimum amount details when capturing payments below the supported threshold.
diff --git a/client/data/authorizations/actions.ts b/client/data/authorizations/actions.ts
index ace7f3c6fed..67f7dda18de 100644
--- a/client/data/authorizations/actions.ts
+++ b/client/data/authorizations/actions.ts
@@ -18,13 +18,54 @@ import {
 } from 'wcpay/types/authorizations';
 import { STORE_NAME } from '../constants';
 import { ApiError } from 'wcpay/types/errors';
+import { formatCurrency } from 'multi-currency/utils/currency';
-const getErrorMessage = ( apiError: {
+interface WCPayError {
 	code?: string;
 	message?: string;
-} ): string => {
+	data?: {
+		status?: number;
+		extra_details?: {
+			minimum_amount?: number;
+			minimum_amount_currency?: string;
+		};
+	};
+const getErrorMessage = ( apiError: WCPayError ): string => {
 	// Map specific error codes to user-friendly messages
-	const errorMessages: Record< string, string > = {
+	const getAmountTooSmallError = ( error: WCPayError ): string => {
+		if (
+			! error.data?.extra_details?.minimum_amount ||
+			! error.data?.extra_details?.minimum_amount_currency
+		) {
+			return __(
+				'The payment amount is too small to be processed.',
+				'woocommerce-payments'
+			);
+		}
+		const currency = error.data.extra_details.minimum_amount_currency;
+		const amount = formatCurrency(
+			error.data.extra_details.minimum_amount,
+			currency
+		);
+		return sprintf(
+			/* translators: %1$s: minimum amount, %2$s: currency code */
+			__(
+				'The minimum amount that can be processed is %1$s %2$s.',
+				'woocommerce-payments'
+			),
+			amount,
+			currency.toUpperCase()
+		);
+	};
+	const errorMessages: Record<
+		string,
+		string | ( ( error: WCPayError ) => string )
+	> = {
 		wcpay_missing_order: __(
 			'The order could not be found.',
@@ -53,10 +94,15 @@ const getErrorMessage = ( apiError: {
 			'An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.',
+		wcpay_capture_error_amount_too_small: getAmountTooSmallError,
+	const errorHandler = errorMessages[ apiError.code ?? '' ];
+	if ( typeof errorHandler === 'function' ) {
+		return errorHandler( apiError );
+	}
 	return (
-		errorMessages[ apiError.code ?? '' ] ??
+		errorHandler ??
 			'Unable to process the payment. Please try again later.',
@@ -231,6 +277,10 @@ export function* submitCaptureAuthorization(
 			message?: string;
 			data?: {
 				status?: number;
+				extra_details?: {
+					minimum_amount?: number;
+					minimum_amount_currency?: string;
+				};
diff --git a/client/data/authorizations/test/actions.test.ts b/client/data/authorizations/test/actions.test.ts
index 36527d1836a..a9c7c35605e 100644
--- a/client/data/authorizations/test/actions.test.ts
+++ b/client/data/authorizations/test/actions.test.ts
@@ -18,6 +18,25 @@ import {
 import authorizationsFixture from './authorizations.fixture.json';
 import { STORE_NAME } from 'wcpay/data/constants';
+declare const global: {
+	wcpaySettings: {
+		zeroDecimalCurrencies: string[];
+		connect: {
+			country: string;
+		};
+		currencyData: {
+			[ key: string ]: {
+				code: string;
+				symbol: string;
+				symbolPosition: string;
+				thousandSeparator: string;
+				decimalSeparator: string;
+				precision: number;
+			};
+		};
+	};
 describe( 'Authorizations actions', () => {
 	describe( 'submitCaptureAuthorization', () => {
 		const {
@@ -168,6 +187,25 @@ describe( 'Authorizations actions', () => {
 		} );
 		describe( 'error handling', () => {
+			beforeEach( () => {
+				global.wcpaySettings = {
+					zeroDecimalCurrencies: [],
+					connect: {
+						country: 'US',
+					},
+					currencyData: {
+						USD: {
+							code: 'USD',
+							symbol: '$',
+							symbolPosition: 'left',
+							thousandSeparator: ',',
+							decimalSeparator: '.',
+							precision: 2,
+						},
+					},
+				};
+			} );
 			it( 'should create error notice with API error message', () => {
 				const generator = submitCaptureAuthorization( 'pi_123', 123 );
@@ -225,6 +263,58 @@ describe( 'Authorizations actions', () => {
 			} );
+			it( 'should create error notice with amount too small error details', () => {
+				const generator = submitCaptureAuthorization( 'pi_123', 123 );
+				// Skip initial dispatch calls
+				generator.next();
+				generator.next();
+				// Mock API error for amount too small
+				const apiError = {
+					code: 'wcpay_capture_error_amount_too_small',
+					data: {
+						status: 400,
+						extra_details: {
+							minimum_amount: 50,
+							minimum_amount_currency: 'USD',
+						},
+					},
+				};
+				expect( generator.throw( apiError ).value ).toEqual(
+					controls.dispatch(
+						'core/notices',
+						'createErrorNotice',
+						'There has been an error capturing the payment for order #123. The minimum amount that can be processed is $0.50 USD.'
+					)
+				);
+			} );
+			it( 'should create error notice with amount too small when amount details are missing', () => {
+				const generator = submitCaptureAuthorization( 'pi_123', 123 );
+				// Skip initial dispatch calls
+				generator.next();
+				generator.next();
+				// Mock API error for amount too small
+				const apiError = {
+					code: 'wcpay_capture_error_amount_too_small',
+					data: {
+						status: 400,
+					},
+				};
+				expect( generator.throw( apiError ).value ).toEqual(
+					controls.dispatch(
+						'core/notices',
+						'createErrorNotice',
+						'There has been an error capturing the payment for order #123. The payment amount is too small to be processed.'
+					)
+				);
+			} );
 			it( 'should create error notice with fallback message when API error has no message', () => {
 				const generator = submitCaptureAuthorization( 'pi_123', 123 );
diff --git a/docs/rest-api/source/includes/wp-api-v3/order.md b/docs/rest-api/source/includes/wp-api-v3/order.md
index 6a6527c1023..fc3ff4dd7ca 100644
--- a/docs/rest-api/source/includes/wp-api-v3/order.md
+++ b/docs/rest-api/source/includes/wp-api-v3/order.md
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ Capture the funds of an in-person payment intent. Given an intent ID and an orde
 -   `wcpay_refunded_order_uncapturable` - Payment cannot be captured for partially or fully refunded orders
 -   `wcpay_payment_uncapturable` - The payment cannot be captured if intent status is not one of 'processing', 'requires_capture', or 'succeeded'
 -   `wcpay_capture_error` - Unknown error
+-   `wcpay_capture_error_amount_too_small` - The payment cannot be captured because the amount is too small
 ### HTTP request
@@ -124,6 +125,7 @@ Capture the funds of an existing uncaptured payment intent that was marked to be
 -   `wcpay_payment_uncapturable` - The payment cannot be captured if intent status is not one of 'processing', 'requires_capture', or 'succeeded'
 -   `wcpay_intent_order_mismatch` - Payment cannot be captured because the order id does not match
 -   `wcpay_capture_error` - Unknown error
+-   `wcpay_capture_error_amount_too_small` - The payment cannot be captured because the amount is too small
 ### HTTP request
diff --git a/includes/admin/class-wc-rest-payments-orders-controller.php b/includes/admin/class-wc-rest-payments-orders-controller.php
index 04c86f54197..e56961eb514 100644
--- a/includes/admin/class-wc-rest-payments-orders-controller.php
+++ b/includes/admin/class-wc-rest-payments-orders-controller.php
@@ -204,7 +204,9 @@ public function capture_terminal_payment( WP_REST_Request $request ) {
 			$result = $is_intent_captured ? $result_for_captured_intent : $this->gateway->capture_charge( $order, false, $intent_metadata );
 			if ( Intent_Status::SUCCEEDED !== $result['status'] ) {
-				$http_code = $result['http_code'] ?? 502;
+				$http_code     = $result['http_code'] ?? 502;
+				$error_code    = $result['error_code'] ?? null;
+				$extra_details = $result['extra_details'] ?? [];
 				return new WP_Error(
@@ -212,7 +214,11 @@ public function capture_terminal_payment( WP_REST_Request $request ) {
 						__( 'Payment capture failed to complete with the following message: %s', 'woocommerce-payments' ),
 						$result['message'] ?? __( 'Unknown error', 'woocommerce-payments' )
-					[ 'status' => $http_code ]
+					[
+						'status'        => $http_code,
+						'extra_details' => $extra_details,
+						'error_type'    => $error_code,
+					]
 			// Store receipt generation URL for mobile applications in order meta-data.
@@ -304,6 +310,8 @@ public function capture_authorization( WP_REST_Request $request ) {
 			$result = $this->gateway->capture_charge( $order, true, $intent_metadata );
 			if ( Intent_Status::SUCCEEDED !== $result['status'] ) {
+				$error_code    = $result['error_code'] ?? null;
+				$extra_details = $result['extra_details'] ?? [];
 				return new WP_Error(
@@ -311,7 +319,11 @@ public function capture_authorization( WP_REST_Request $request ) {
 						__( 'Payment capture failed to complete with the following message: %s', 'woocommerce-payments' ),
 						$result['message'] ?? __( 'Unknown error', 'woocommerce-payments' )
-					[ 'status' => $result['http_code'] ?? 502 ]
+					[
+						'status'        => $result['http_code'] ?? 502,
+						'extra_details' => $extra_details,
+						'error_type'    => $error_code,
+					]
diff --git a/includes/class-wc-payment-gateway-wcpay.php b/includes/class-wc-payment-gateway-wcpay.php
index d1be21241b9..ecd5a46dd34 100644
--- a/includes/class-wc-payment-gateway-wcpay.php
+++ b/includes/class-wc-payment-gateway-wcpay.php
@@ -3355,6 +3355,7 @@ public function capture_charge( $order, $include_level3 = true, $intent_metadata
 		$status                   = null;
 		$error_message            = null;
 		$http_code                = null;
+		$error_code               = null;
 		try {
 			$intent_id           = $order->get_transaction_id();
@@ -3377,6 +3378,22 @@ public function capture_charge( $order, $include_level3 = true, $intent_metadata
 			try {
 				$error_message = $e->getMessage();
 				$http_code     = $e->get_http_code();
+				$error_code    = $e->get_error_code();
+				$extra_details = [];
+				if ( $e instanceof Amount_Too_Small_Exception ) {
+					$extra_details          = [
+						'minimum_amount'          => $e->get_minimum_amount(),
+						'minimum_amount_currency' => strtoupper( $e->get_currency() ),
+					];
+					$minimum_amount_details = sprintf(
+						/* translators: %1$s: minimum amount, %2$s: currency */
+						__( 'The minimum amount to capture is %1$s %2$s.', 'woocommerce-payments' ),
+						WC_Payments_Utils::interpret_stripe_amount( $e->get_minimum_amount(), $e->get_currency() ),
+						strtoupper( $e->get_currency() )
+					);
+					$error_message = $error_message . ' ' . $minimum_amount_details;
+				}
 				$request = Get_Intention::create( $intent_id );
 				$request->set_hook_args( $order );
@@ -3392,6 +3409,7 @@ public function capture_charge( $order, $include_level3 = true, $intent_metadata
 				$status        = null;
 				$error_message = $e->getMessage();
 				$http_code     = $e->get_http_code();
+				$error_code    = $e->get_error_code();
@@ -3418,10 +3436,12 @@ public function capture_charge( $order, $include_level3 = true, $intent_metadata
 		return [
-			'status'    => $status ?? 'failed',
-			'id'        => ! empty( $intent ) ? $intent->get_id() : null,
-			'message'   => $error_message,
-			'http_code' => $http_code,
+			'status'        => $status ?? 'failed',
+			'id'            => ! empty( $intent ) ? $intent->get_id() : null,
+			'message'       => $error_message,
+			'http_code'     => $http_code,
+			'error_code'    => $error_code,
+			'extra_details' => $extra_details ?? [],
diff --git a/tests/unit/admin/test-class-wc-rest-payments-orders-controller.php b/tests/unit/admin/test-class-wc-rest-payments-orders-controller.php
index 48c94e75869..cd90665d850 100644
--- a/tests/unit/admin/test-class-wc-rest-payments-orders-controller.php
+++ b/tests/unit/admin/test-class-wc-rest-payments-orders-controller.php
@@ -1998,4 +1998,56 @@ public function test_capture_terminal_payment_with_subscription_product_returns_
 		$response = $this->controller->capture_terminal_payment( $request );
 		$this->assertSame( 200, $response->status );
+	public function test_capture_terminal_payment_error_amount_too_small() {
+		$order       = $this->create_mock_order();
+		$mock_intent = WC_Helper_Intention::create_intention(
+			[
+				'status'   => Intent_Status::REQUIRES_CAPTURE,
+				'metadata' => [
+					'order_id' => $order->get_id(),
+				],
+			]
+		);
+		$request = $this->mock_wcpay_request( Get_Intention::class, 1, $this->mock_intent_id );
+		$request->expects( $this->once() )
+			->method( 'format_response' )
+			->willReturn( $mock_intent );
+		$this->mock_gateway
+			->expects( $this->once() )
+			->method( 'capture_charge' )
+			->with( $this->isInstanceOf( WC_Order::class ) )
+			->willReturn(
+				[
+					'status'        => Intent_Status::REQUIRES_CAPTURE,
+					'id'            => $this->mock_intent_id,
+					'http_code'     => 400,
+					'error_code'    => 'amount_too_small',
+					'extra_details' => [
+						'minimum_amount'          => 50,
+						'minimum_amount_currency' => 'USD',
+					],
+				]
+			);
+		$request = new WP_REST_Request( 'POST' );
+		$request->set_body_params(
+			[
+				'order_id'          => $order->get_id(),
+				'payment_intent_id' => $this->mock_intent_id,
+			]
+		);
+		$response = $this->controller->capture_terminal_payment( $request );
+		$this->assertInstanceOf( 'WP_Error', $response );
+		$this->assertSame( 'wcpay_capture_error', $response->get_error_code() );
+		$this->assertStringContainsString( 'Payment capture failed to complete', $response->get_error_message() );
+		$this->assertSame( 400, $response->get_error_data()['status'] );
+		$this->assertSame( 50, $response->get_error_data()['extra_details']['minimum_amount'] );
+		$this->assertSame( 'USD', $response->get_error_data()['extra_details']['minimum_amount_currency'] );
+		$this->assertSame( 'amount_too_small', $response->get_error_data()['error_type'] );
+	}
diff --git a/tests/unit/test-class-wc-payment-gateway-wcpay.php b/tests/unit/test-class-wc-payment-gateway-wcpay.php
index 1827041a1fc..e4102d7d8c1 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test-class-wc-payment-gateway-wcpay.php
+++ b/tests/unit/test-class-wc-payment-gateway-wcpay.php
@@ -1488,10 +1488,12 @@ public function test_capture_charge_success() {
 		// Assert the returned data contains fields required by the REST endpoint.
-				'status'    => Intent_Status::SUCCEEDED,
-				'id'        => $intent_id,
-				'message'   => null,
-				'http_code' => 200,
+				'status'        => Intent_Status::SUCCEEDED,
+				'id'            => $intent_id,
+				'message'       => null,
+				'http_code'     => 200,
+				'error_code'    => null,
+				'extra_details' => [],
@@ -1542,10 +1544,12 @@ public function test_capture_charge_success_non_usd() {
 		// Assert the returned data contains fields required by the REST endpoint.
-				'status'    => Intent_Status::SUCCEEDED,
-				'id'        => $intent_id,
-				'message'   => null,
-				'http_code' => 200,
+				'status'        => Intent_Status::SUCCEEDED,
+				'id'            => $intent_id,
+				'message'       => null,
+				'http_code'     => 200,
+				'error_code'    => null,
+				'extra_details' => [],
@@ -1588,10 +1592,12 @@ public function test_capture_charge_failure() {
 		// Assert the returned data contains fields required by the REST endpoint.
-				'status'    => Intent_Status::REQUIRES_CAPTURE,
-				'id'        => $intent_id,
-				'message'   => null,
-				'http_code' => 502,
+				'status'        => Intent_Status::REQUIRES_CAPTURE,
+				'id'            => $intent_id,
+				'message'       => null,
+				'http_code'     => 502,
+				'error_code'    => null,
+				'extra_details' => [],
@@ -1642,10 +1648,12 @@ public function test_capture_charge_failure_non_usd() {
 		// Assert the returned data contains fields required by the REST endpoint.
-				'status'    => Intent_Status::REQUIRES_CAPTURE,
-				'id'        => $intent_id,
-				'message'   => null,
-				'http_code' => 502,
+				'status'        => Intent_Status::REQUIRES_CAPTURE,
+				'id'            => $intent_id,
+				'message'       => null,
+				'http_code'     => 502,
+				'error_code'    => null,
+				'extra_details' => [],
@@ -1694,10 +1702,12 @@ public function test_capture_charge_api_failure() {
 		// Assert the returned data contains fields required by the REST endpoint.
-				'status'    => 'failed',
-				'id'        => $intent_id,
-				'message'   => 'test exception',
-				'http_code' => 500,
+				'status'        => 'failed',
+				'id'            => $intent_id,
+				'message'       => 'test exception',
+				'http_code'     => 500,
+				'error_code'    => 'server_error',
+				'extra_details' => [],
@@ -1755,10 +1765,12 @@ public function test_capture_charge_api_failure_non_usd() {
 		// Assert the returned data contains fields required by the REST endpoint.
-				'status'    => 'failed',
-				'id'        => $intent_id,
-				'message'   => 'test exception',
-				'http_code' => 500,
+				'status'        => 'failed',
+				'id'            => $intent_id,
+				'message'       => 'test exception',
+				'http_code'     => 500,
+				'error_code'    => 'server_error',
+				'extra_details' => [],
@@ -1808,10 +1820,12 @@ public function test_capture_charge_expired() {
 		// Assert the returned data contains fields required by the REST endpoint.
-				'status'    => 'failed',
-				'id'        => $intent_id,
-				'message'   => 'test exception',
-				'http_code' => 500,
+				'status'        => 'failed',
+				'id'            => $intent_id,
+				'message'       => 'test exception',
+				'http_code'     => 500,
+				'error_code'    => 'server_error',
+				'extra_details' => [],
@@ -1863,10 +1877,12 @@ public function test_capture_charge_metadata() {
 		// Assert the returned data contains fields required by the REST endpoint.
-				'status'    => Intent_Status::SUCCEEDED,
-				'id'        => $intent_id,
-				'message'   => null,
-				'http_code' => 200,
+				'status'        => Intent_Status::SUCCEEDED,
+				'id'            => $intent_id,
+				'message'       => null,
+				'http_code'     => 200,
+				'error_code'    => null,
+				'extra_details' => [],
@@ -1914,10 +1930,12 @@ public function test_capture_charge_without_level3() {
 		// Assert the returned data contains fields required by the REST endpoint.
-				'status'    => Intent_Status::SUCCEEDED,
-				'id'        => $intent_id,
-				'message'   => null,
-				'http_code' => 200,
+				'status'        => Intent_Status::SUCCEEDED,
+				'id'            => $intent_id,
+				'message'       => null,
+				'http_code'     => 200,
+				'error_code'    => null,
+				'extra_details' => [],