A Vanilla JS project to save the planet. SlimFaas (https://github.com/AxaFrance/slimfaas) is the slimest and simplest Function As A Service on Kubernetes. It works as a proxy that you can be deployed in your namespace.
SlimFaas API can give to the frontend information about the infrastructure state. It is a mind changer !
Because in production instead of setting up 2 replicas of your API backend, you can set up 0 replicas and use an UX that will show the user that the backend is down instead ! @axa-fr/slimfaas-planet-saver is here to for doing that easily.
npm install @axa-fr/slimfaas-planet-saver
Example usage with react :
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { SlimFaasPlanetSaver } from "@axa-fr/slimfaas-planet-saver";
const PlanetSaver = ({ children, baseUrl, fetch }) => {
const [isFirstStart, setIsFirstStart] = useState(true);
const environmentStarterRef = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (!baseUrl) return;
if (environmentStarterRef.current) return;
const instance = new SlimFaasPlanetSaver(baseUrl, {
interval: 2000,
updateCallback: (data) => {
const allReady = data.every((item) => item.NumberReady >= 1);
if (allReady && isFirstStart) {
errorCallback: (error) => {
console.error('Error detected :', error);
overlayStartingMessage: '🌳 Starting the environment.... 🌳',
overlayNoActivityMessage: 'Waiting activity to start environment...',
overlayErrorMessage: 'An error occurred when starting environment. Please contact an administrator.',
overlaySecondaryMessage: 'Startup should be fast, but if no machines are available it can take several minutes.',
overlayLoadingIcon: '🌍',
overlayErrorSecondaryMessage: 'If the error persists, please contact an administrator.'
environmentStarterRef.current = instance;
// Initialiser les effets de bord
return () => {
environmentStarterRef.current = null;
}, [baseUrl]);
if (isFirstStart) {
return null;
return <>{children}</>;
export default PlanetSaver;
git clone https://github.com/AxaFrance/slimfaas.git
cd slimfaas/src/SlimFaasPlanetSaver
npm i
npm run dev