- Install above dependencies, you may also install cudatoolkit if needed.
- Download GPT-J's Embeddings into the current folder.
You may train the model using NER and PoS from these custom pretrained models using - python3 train.py --seed=[SEED] --batch_size=[BATCH_SIZE] --lr=[LR] --n_epochs=[N_EPOCHS] --bert_type=[BERT_TYPE] --task={pos,ner} --task_level={sentence,token} --wandb
. The Wandb command is optional and using it will allow you to use WANDB for logging.
should be among those models supported by huggingface. We used EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B
and bert-based-cased
For example for the gptj model you can use:
python3 train.py --task ner --bert=EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B --task_level token --batch 64 --lr 5e-5 --n_ep 20
For the GPT-J model, the task_level token and sentence will train the same model.
If you are using cpu
, set also include --device=cpu
It takes about 2 minutes to convert the CONLL dataset for POS and NER Tagging. The is cached and runs fast for subsequent usage.
It takes about 20 minutes for the Bert-Model and 10 minutes for MLP based model over GPT-J.
It is recommended to clear cache each time you change the dataset. As it may use the previous models' cache instead of the new one.
The CONLL 2003 formatted dataset was obtained from https://github.com/davidsbatista/NER-datasets and is curated by Sang et al. 2003
Model Type | Num Epochs | Batch Size | Learning Rate | Dev F1-Wtd | Dev F1-Macro | Test F1-Wtd | Test F1-Macro |
Bert-sentence (PoS) | 10 | 32 | 1e-5 | 98.17 | 94.80 | 93.42 | 87.40 |
Bert-token (PoS) | 10 | 32 | 1e-5 | 76.42 | 56.75 | 77.24 | 56.74 |
GPT-J MLP (PoS) | 20 | 64 | 1e-4 | 62.90 | 68.72 | 60.15 | 69.14 |
Bert-sentence (NER) | 10 | 32 | 1e-5 | 97.88 | 93.18 | 96.02 | 86.92 |
Bert-token (NER) | 10 | 32 | 1e-5 | 83.50 | 56.97 | 81.57 | 54.88 |
GPT-J MLP (NER) | 20 | 64 | 5e-5 | 85.59 | 63.56 | 82.71 | 57.34 |
python3 eval.py --task ner --bert=bert-base-cased --task_level=sentence --batch 64 --weight_path=<PATH_TO_WEIGHT> --target "ORG-O-MISC-LOC-PER"
python3 eval.py --task ner --bert=bert-base-cased --task_level=token --batch 64 --weight_path=<PATH_TO_WEIGHT> --target "LOC-PER-MISC-O-ORG"
python3 eval.py --task ner --bert=bert-base-cased --task_level=token --batch 64 --weight_path=<PATH_TO_WEIGHT> --target "ORG-PER-LOC-MISC-O"
python3 eval.py --task pos --bert=bert-base-cased --task_level=sentence --batch 64 --weight_path=<PATH_TO_WEIGHT> --target "(-,-CC-)-IN-\"-SYM-TO-VB-MD-\$-RP-JJS-''-PRP\$-NNS-NN-EX-NN|SYM-POS-RBS-PDT-RB-NNPS-CD-JJR-WP-JJ-VBG-UH-VBN-NNP-:-LS-DT-FW-VBP-WDT-WP\$-VBD-RBR-WRB-VBZ-.-PRP"
python3 eval.py --task pos --bert=bert-base-cased --task_level=token --batch 64 --weight_path=<PATH_TO_WEIGHT> --target ".-\"-WP-PRP\$-NN-WDT-''-CD-RB-VBZ-PDT-VBP-PRP-SYM-:-VBD-NNPS-JJ-WP\$-IN-RBS-JJS-EX-\$-,-TO-RBR-NN|SYM-LS-RP-JJR-VBG-(-MD-)-NNS-POS-CC-DT-VB-FW-VBN-UH-WRB-NNP"
python3 eval.py --task pos --bert=EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B --task_level=token --batch 64 --weight_path=<PATH_TO_WEIGHT> --target "EX-TO-POS-)-PDT-NN-PRP-PRP\$-WRB-WP\$-RBS-RP-VBG-(-SYM-LS-RB-MD-CD-.-FW-WDT-VB-VBZ-NN|SYM-UH-RBR-VBD-''-\$-NNP-,-\"-NNS-JJS-CC-WP-VBN-JJR-JJ-VBP-DT-NNPS-IN-:"