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When using Azure Machine Learning(AML) Service, there are cases where it is necessary to operate the pipeline under various business scenario. This sample demonstrates a scenario where users without access to AML can trigger an AML pipeline using an azure function.

What does this sample demonstrate:

  • How to invoke AML pipeline using Azure Function

What doesn't this sample demonstrate:

  • Azure Machine Learning Service Creation.


Repo Structure

This repo contains sample code to trigger Azure ML pipelines from Azure Functions.

The folders are structured as following -

  └── pipeline_trigger
        ├── devops_pipelines # Azure DevOps CI/CD pipeline definition
        ├── environment_setup # Azure DevOps IaC pipeline definition to provision Azure resources
        ├── media # images for README
        ├── src
        │    ├── PipelineHttpTrigger # scripts for pipeline trigger
        │    ├── .funcignore
        │    ├── host.json
        │    ├── local.settings.json.example
        │    └── requirements.txt
        ├── tests
        │      └── src
        │           └── PipelineHttpTrigger
        │                    └── # unit test for pipeline trigger
        ├── .flake8 # configuration file for linter flake8
        ├── .gitattributes
        ├── .gitignore
        └── # explains what the sample is demonstrating and how to run it

About The Folder

This 'pipeline_trigger' folder contains source code for an Azure Function below:

Function Purpose
PipelineHttpTrigger HTTP trigger - This function will be triggered to run the AML pipeline when manually HTTP request including key is sent.

Getting Started

1. Create Azure Resources

Please refer to this under environment_setup/provisioning

2. Set AML access right to Azure Function

  1. Enable System Assigned Identity system_assigned_identity.png

  2. Give Contributor permission to Azure Function Service Principal assign_iam

3. Option 1: Deploy the function project to Azure - Local

  1. Install Azure CLI version 2.4 or later. Make sure to check the version by running az --version.

  2. Install Azure Functions Core Tools version 3.x.

  3. Python 3.8 (64-bit), Python 3.7 (64-bit), Python 3.6 (64-bit), which are all supported by version 3.x of Azure Functions. Make sure by running python --version (Linux/macOS) or py --version (Windows) to check your Python version reports 3.8.x, 3.7.x or 3.6.x.

  4. Install pip packages using reqirements.txt in src folder.

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Login to Azure:

    $ az login
  6. Check which subscription you are currently using:

    $ az account show -o table

    If you are not in the subscription you want to use, use 'az account set -s [subscription id]' to switch. You can use 'az account list' to get all the subscription id.

  7. Deploy your local functions project by using the func azure functionapp publish command. Replace <APP_NAME> with the name of your app.

    $ func azure functionapp publish <APP_NAME>

3. Option 2: Deploy the function project to Azure - CI/CD in Azure DevOps

This sample contains Azure DevOps pipeline yaml files in devops_pipelines folder. To use Azure DevOps pipeline, follow the steps below.

  1. Update values for variables-template.yml.
  2. Create Azure pipeline by using trigger-functions-ci.yml and run it.

4. How to use pipeline trigger

  1. Go to Function App func-trigger-(BASE_NAME)
  2. Click Functions and select PipelineHttpTrigger 1-how-to-use.png
  3. Click Code + Test and then click Get function URL 2-how-to-use.png
  4. Copy URL which is including a key 3-how-to-use.png
  5. Past the URL to Postman and send it 4-how-to-use.png

How to renew a key

Please follow the steps below when you want to renew a key.

  1. Go to Function App func-trigger-(BASE_NAME)
  2. Click Functions and select PipelineHttpTrigger
  3. Click Function Keys
  4. Click Renew key value of default 1-how-to-renew-key.png

Linting and Testing


This sample uses Flake8 as linting tool. See .flake8 for rule settings.


This sample uses pytest for unit testing python code. demonstrate how to mock Azure Function Python SDK and write unit test code.
