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Support for new Ingestion Mapping API and Format

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@boazsha boazsha released this 26 Sep 13:41
· 298 commits to master since this release


  • Parameter for IngestionProperties constructor is now an object, instead of a list of parameters.
  • IngestionProperties object supports the new Ingestion Mapping API and formats:
    1. ingestionMapping replaces the deprecated mapping.
    2. ingestionMappingType.
    3. ingestionMappingReference replaces the deprecated mappingReference.
  • Changed DataFormat ENUM to be all caps, e.g DataFormat.csv is now DataFormat.CSV


  • Fully supports Parquet ingestion.


  • When ad-hoc ingestionProperties were given to an ingest command, a few default ingestionProperties were unnecessarily edited when the two objects were merged.