New method to set the custom config:
- v4.0.1
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core' import { ResponsiveModule, ResponsiveConfig } from 'ngx-responsive' ... let config = { breakPoints: { xs: {max: 600}, sm: {min: 601, max: 959}, md: {min: 960, max: 1279}, lg: {min: 1280, max: 1919}, xl: {min: 1920} }, debounceTime: 100 // allow to debounce checking timer }; export function ResponsiveDefinition(){ return new ResponsiveConfig(config); }; ... @NgModule({ imports: [ ResponsiveModule ], declarations: [ AppComponent ], providers:[{ provide: ResponsiveConfig, useFactory: ResponsiveDefinition }] }) export class AppModule { }
- v5.0.3
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core' import { ResponsiveModule } from 'ngx-responsive' ... const config = { breakPoints: { xs: {max: 600}, sm: {min: 601, max: 959}, md: {min: 960, max: 1279}, lg: {min: 1280, max: 1919}, xl: {min: 1920} }, debounceTime: 100 }; ... @NgModule({ imports: [ BrowserModule, ResponsiveModule.forRoot(config) ], declarations: [ AppComponent ], providers:[] }) export class AppModule { }
Reactive services that expose changes through observables:
- BrowserInfoRx
- IeInfoRx
- DeviceInfoRx
- DeviceStandardInfoRx
- OrientationInfoRx
- ResponsiveSizeInfoRx
- UserAgentInfoRx
Example: We initialize the service and we subscribe to the event changes:
- Inject the service in the constructor:
constructor( public browserInfoRx: BrowserInfoRx ) {}
- Connet to the reactive service:
ngOnInit(): void { this.browserInfoRx.connect(); }
- And subscribe to the events service:
this.browserInfoRx.getBrowser.subscribe((data) => { console.log('this.browserInfoRx.getBrowser ===>', data); }, (err) => { console.log('Error', err); });
or :
ngOnInit(): void { this.browserInfoRx.connect().subscribe((data) => { console.log('this.browserInfoRx.getBrowser ===>', data); }, (err) => { console.log('Error', err); }); }
- And remove yours subscriptions:
ngOnDestroy(): void { this.browserInfoRx.disconnect(); }
BrowserInfoRx -> getBrowser ->
IeInfoRx -> getIE ->
DeviceInfoRx -> getDevice ->
DeviceStandardInfoRx -> getStandardDevice ->
OrientationInfoRx -> getOrientation ->
ResponsiveSizeInfoRx -> getResponsiveSize ->
UserAgentInfoRx -> getUserAgent ->