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HTTP Error Codes

Categorized error codes generated by the application.


Code Message
invalid-zip-code The ZIP code ${0} did not map to a location where telephone numbers are available
validation-error The media size must be specified by the ${0} header
invalid-available-number-search-order The maximum quantity of numbers searching and ordering is
invalid-available-number-search-order A query and order numbers cannot contain pattern
invalid-available-number-search localNumber must contain a maximum of 4 digits
validation-error An LNP port in cannot be changed when it is in the ${0} state
validation-error You cannot make changes to other properties while cancelling an LNP port in
validation-error Unknown new LNP state ${0}
validation-error The file size must be specified by the ${0} header
validation-error Invalid LNP port in state transition from ${0} to ${1}
validation-error The callerId ${0} is not allowed. It must be private or a phone number owned by user
validation-error The ${0} resource property ${1} must be greater than ${2}
validation-error The ${0} resource property ${1} exceeds the limit of ${2}
validation-error The ${0} resource property ${1} must be one of the following values: ${2}
invalid-available-number-search For searching by City the State is also required.
invalid-available-number-search Specify a State ZIP Code or Area Code with your query.
invalid-available-number-search A query cannot combine City with ZIP Code.
invalid-available-number-search A query cannot combine City with Area Code or Local Number.
invalid-available-number-search A query cannot combine ZIP Code and State with Area Code or Local Number.
invalid-available-number-search A query cannot combine ZIP Code with Area Code or Local Number.
invalid-available-number-search A query cannot combine ZIP Code with State.
invalid-available-number-search A query cannot combine State with Area Code or Local Number.
invalid-available-number-search An Area Code must be 3 digits.
invalid-available-number-search Local Number must contains at least 3 digits.
invalid-available-number-search The maximum quantity of numbers is 5000
validation-error Quantity must be greater than zero.
validation-error Your application must have a least one callback URL.
validation-error Your application call fallback URL may not be blank/empty.
validation-error Your application must have a call callback URL in order to have a fallback URL.
validation-error Your application sms fallback URL may not be blank/empty.
validation-error Your application must have a sms callback URL in order to have a fallback URL.
validation-error Incoming Call callback timeout must be greater than 0
validation-error Incoming Call callback timeout must not surpass 10000
validation-error Incoming SMS callback timeout must be greater than 0
validation-error Incoming SMS callback timeout must not surpass 10000
validation-error Invalid ${0} URL. ${0} is not a valid URL
validation-error Invalid phone number
validation-error Bad parameters
callback-invalid-url The URL ${0} is not a valid callbackUrl/fallbackUrl
callback-url-invalid The callback URL ${0} is not a valid URL
bridge-invalid-operation No active calls in the bridge ${0}
bridge-bridged-callId The callId ${0} is already in another bridge
bridge-invalid-state Unable to update bridge ${0}. Invalid bridge state ${1}
bridge-invalid-state Invalid state Id ${0}
message-delay-limit Message tried to be delayed over the maximum limit.


Code Message
user-access-denied User ${0} does not have permission to access user ${1}
number-access-denied User ${0} does not have permission to use number ${1}
no-allocated-number User ${0} does not have allocated numbers
lnp-invalid-billing-number LNP billing number ${0} is invalid

403 – CREDIT

Code Message
insufficient-available-balance Your account’s available balance of ${0} is insufficient for this transaction in the amount of ${1}.

403 – LIMIT

Code Message
message-rate-limit You can send ${0} messages per ${1} seconds calculated as the average over ${2} seconds. Your rate is: ${3}
multi-message-limit The number of messages [0]inthemultimessagerequestisgreaterthanthelimit[{1}].
conference-max-members The conference ${0} reached the max number of members
call-rate-limit You can create ${0} calls per ${1} seconds calculated as the average over ${2} seconds. Your rate is: ${3}


Code Message
invalid-rate-center The city ${0} in the state ${1} was not found
application-access-denied User ${0} does not have permission to use application ${1}
media-size-overflow The media size ${0} bytes is larger than the maximum ${1} bytes
media-invalid-url The media URL ${0} is invalid.
media-not-supported Media type not supported ${0}
bridge-callIds-overflow Only two calls are allowed in a bridge ${0}
bridge-callIds-overflow Bridge ${0} already has 2 calls
maximum-recording-value-request Recording call maximum duration cannot exceed ${0} seconds.
call-id-not-found Call Id not found. callId ${0}
invalid-call-conference-id Invalid conference Id in call. conferenceId ${0}
message-from-toll-free Messages cannot be sent from toll free numbers ${0}
message-from-toll-free User only have Toll-Free numbers allocated. Messages cannot be sent from toll free numbers
message-illegal-state The message ${0} cannot be dequeued since isn`t queued
conference-error Unable to update conference ${0}. Invalid conference state ${1}
signup-user-not-found Signup user ${0} not found
signup-user-not-found Signup users email ${0}` not found
call-audio-invalid-state The audio for call ${0} could not be updated. The audio has already finished or does not exist.
call-invalid-state Unable to update call ${0}. Invalid call state ${1}
call-invalid-state Unable to update call ${0}. You cant update the calls state after being set to ${1}.
invalid-call-to-number Cannot make a call to number ${0}
lnp-loa-content-length-overflow The content length ${0} bytes is larger than the maximum ${1} bytes
invalid-cnam-search Invalid number formatting: ${0}. Use E.164 formatted numbers
invalid-recording-state Cannot transcribe the recording ${0}. The state must be complete
restricted-number The number ${0} is restricted and cannot be used to send message.
invalid-destination-number You are not allowed to call the country/region you are trying to reach. (This error comes when trying to make an international call without proper permissions)


Code Message
user-not-found The user ${0} could not be found
user-not-found Reset Password User ${0} not found
user-not-found Reset Password User for email ${0} not found
user-not-found Signup user ${0} not found
user-not-found Signup users email ${0}` not found
application-not-found The application ${0} could not be found
reset-password-user-not-found Reset Password User ${0} not found
reset-password-user-not-found Reset Password User for email ${0} not found
media-invalid-content-lenght The media source ${0} header could not be parsed as a number
media-not-found The media resource named ${0} could not be found
info-track-not-found Info not found for id: ${0}
bridge-not-found The bridge ${0} could not be found
recording-not-found The recording ${0} could not be found
user-rate-limit-not-found User Rate Limit ${0} not found
rate-limit-not-found User Rate Limit ${0} not found
rate-limit-not-found Rate Limit ${0} not found
user-error-not-found The user error ${0} could not be found
cron-task-not-found The cron task ${0} could not be found
conference-member-not-found The conference member ${0} could not be found
pre-pay-balance-not-found The pre pay balance for user ${0} could not be found
pre-pay-balance-not-found The pre pay balance ${0} could not be found
pre-pay-product-price-not-found The pre-pay product price ${0} could not be found
order-number-quantity-unavailable Only a partial quantity of the total telephone numbers ordered could be fulfilled.
number-not-found The number ${0} could not be found
message-not-found The message ${0} could not be found
message-not-found Notification message ${0} not found
billing-address-info-not-found The BillingAddressInfo ${0} could not be found
conference-not-found The conference ${0} could not be found
api-token-not-found The API token ${0} could not be found
call-not-found The call ${0} could not be found
demo-number-not-found Demo number not found: ${0}
user-notification-target-not-found Notification target ${0} not found
notification-message-not-found Notification message ${0} not found
lnp-loa-invalid-content-length The content source ${0} header could not be parsed as a number
lnp-port-in-loa-not-found The LNP port in LOA ${0} could not be found
lnp-port-in-not-found The LNP port in ${0} could not be found
cnam-not-found Couldnt find CNAM for number ${0}`
service-provider-not-found The service provider ${0} could not be found
service-provider-endpoint-pattern-not-found The service provider endpoint pattern ${0} could not be found
gateway-not-found The gateway ${0} could not be found
transcription-not-found The transcription ${0} could not be found
transcription-not-found The transcription ${0} from recording ${1} could not be found
user-notification-not-found The user notification ${0} could not be found
resource-not-found The requested resource could not be found.


Code Message
email-address-in-use The email address ${0} is already in use
duplicate-application Cannot create another instance of application ${0}
duplicate-info-track Duplicate info id: ${0}
bridge-update-conflict The bridge ${0} could not be updated because another update was is progress
duplicate-bridge Cannot create another instance of bridge ${0}
recording-update-conflict The recording ${0} could not be updated because another update was is progress
duplicate-transcription Cannot create another instance of trancription ${0}
conflicted-recording-values-request Call recoding maximum duration time cannot be changed while recording is been executed!
conflicted-recording-values-request Call recording is been executed already!
duplicate-recording Cannot create another instance of recording ${0}
duplicate-user-error Cannot create another instance of user error ${0}
duplicate-cron-task Duplicated cron task: ${0}
conference-member-update-conflict The conference member ${0} could not be updated because another update was is progress
duplicate-pre-pay-transaction Cannot create another instance of pre-pay transaction ${0}
duplicate-pre-pay-product-price Cannot create another instance of pre-pay product price ${0}
duplicate-pre-pay-account Cannot create another instance of pre-pay account ${0}
invalid-pre-pay-account-state The update type of account ${0} must be different from the current type
duplicate-message Cannot create another instance of message ${0}
message-update-conflict The message ${0} could not be updated because another update was is progress
duplicate-billing-address-info The BillingAddressInfo ${0} already exists.
duplicate-conference Cannot create another instance of conference ${0}
conference-update-conflict The conference ${0} could not be updated because another update was is progress
duplicate-signup-user Sign up user with e-mail address ${0} already exists
duplicate-api-token Duplicate API token: ${0}
call-duplicated-error Cannot create another instance of call ${0}
call-duplicate-gather-error DTMF digits are already being gathered for call ${0}
call-update-conflict The call ${0} could not be updated because another update was is progress
duplicate-fraud-number Notification number to be verified already exists ${0}
duplicate-user-notification Cannot create another instance of user notification ${0}
duplicate-lnp-port-in Duplicate LNP port request: ${0}
duplicate-service-provider-endpoint-pattern Cannot create another instance of service provider endpoint pattern ${0}
duplicate-gateway Cannot create another instance of gateway ${0}
duplicate-service-provider Cannot create another instance of service provider ${0}
duplicate-number Cannot create another instance of number resource ${0} for number ${1}
duplicate-call-event Cannot create another instance of call event ${0}


Code Message
too-many-requests See X-RateLimit-Reset Header for UNIX Timestamp (epoch) when limit is cleared


Code Message
pre-pay-refill-missing-payment-info The pre pay account ${0} has not been configured with enough information to perform an automatic refill. You can configure payment information on the web site.
pre-pay-refill-amount-too-low The pre pay account ${0} is configured to automatically refill with a payment of ${1} which is below the minimum amount of ${2}. Please configure a refill amount of at least ${2} or disable automatic refill.
pre-pay-transaction-type-error Invalid transaction type: ${0}
pre-pay-transaction-error Cannot create another instance of pre-pay transaction ${0}
pre-pay-transaction-error The payment transaction ${0} of ${1} failed.


Code Message
backend-protocol-support-failure There was a backend error ${0} for conference ${1}
salesforce-unavailable Can`t get the account: the account name must not be blank
salesforce-unavailable Error creating partner connection
salesforce-unavailable More than one record matched for userId ${0}
salesforce-unavailable The object might have been created but the results were null or empty
salesforce-unavailable Salesforce`s error


Code Message
gateway-unavailable The gateway ${0} is temporarily unavailable
gateway-unavailable The message gateway was temporarily unavailable. Check the state of your message ${0} to determine if it was successfully sent
number-allocator-unavailable Cannot connect to the number allocator
number-allocator-timeout Number allocator request timeout
speak-error Could not retrieve Session ID
speak-error Error accessing Voice Forge
internal-error An error occurred handling the message
media-unavailable Failed to access media ${0}
media-unavailable Failed to access remote media ${0}
bridge-update-error Unable to update bridge ${0}
bridge-create-error Unable to create bridge with ${0} and ${1}
message-gateway-unavailable The message gateway was temporarily unavailable. Check the state of your message ${0} to determine if it was successfully sent
message-delivery-failed The message from ${0} to ${1} could not be delivered
send-dtmf-failure DTMF digits ${0} could not be sent for call ${1}
call-unavailable The call ${0} is being initialized and cannot be modified now retry your operation later
call-unavailable The conference member ${0} doesn`t have a available call retry your operation later
call-creation-failure A call from ${0} to ${1} could not be created
audio-update-failure The audio for call ${0} could not be updated
call-transfer-error Call ${0} could not be transferred to ${1}
lnp-port-in-loa-content-unavailable The LOA content for ${0} is currently unavailable
cnam-error Internal error while searching for CNAM from ${0}
service-provider-configuration-error Multiple service providers tied for best match on service type ${0} side ${1} endpoint ${2} correct the pattern configuration so only one service provider matches
competitor-request-unavailable Cannot connect to competitor web api