{% method %}
Speak a text or play audio in the conference
Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
fileUrl | The location of an audio file to play (WAV and MP3 supported). To STOP AUDIO FILE PLAYBACK send an empty string like: {"fileUrl": ""} |
No |
sentence | The sentence to speak MAXIMUM LENGTH 1000 CHARACTERS. To STOP SENTENCE PLAYBACK send an empty string like: {"sentence": ""} |
No |
gender | The gender of the voice used to synthesize the sentence. It will be considered only if sentence is not null. The female gender will be used by default. | No |
locale | The locale used to get the accent of the voice used to synthesize the sentence. Currently audio supports: - en_US or en_UK (English) - es or es_MX (Spanish) - fr or fr_FR (French) - de or de_DE (German) - t or it_IT (Italian) It will be considered only if sentence is not null/empty. The en_US will be used by default. |
No |
voice | The voice to speak the sentence. Audio currently supports the following voices: - English US: Kate, Susan, Julie, Dave, Paul - English UK: Bridget - Spanish: Esperanza, Violeta, Jorge - French: Jolie, Bernard - German: Katrin, Stefan - Italian: Paola, Luca It will be considered only if sentence is not null/empty. Susan’s voice will be used by default. |
No |
loopEnabled | When value is true , the audio will keep playing in a loop. Default: false . |
No |
tag | A string that will be included in the events delivered when the audio playback starts or finishes. | No |
* For playing text-to-speech, sentence is required, for playing an audio file, fileUrl is required.
{% common %}
{% sample lang="bash" %}
curl -v -X POST https://api.catapult.inetwork.com/v1/users/{userId}/conferences/{conferenceId}/audio -u {token}:{secret} -H "Content-type: application/json" -d
"sentence": "Hello everyone on the conference today",
"gender": "female",
"locale": "en_US",
"voice": "kate"
{% sample lang="js" %}
//Speak sentence in a conference
client.Conference.speakSentence("conferenceID", "Hello From Bandwidth").then(function (res) {});
client.Conference.speakSentence("conferenceID", "Hello From Bandwidth", function (err, res) {});
//Speak sentence with options
var options = {
sentence : "hola de Bandwidth",
gender : "male",
locale : "es",
voice : "Jorge"
client.Conference.playAudioAdvanced("conferenceId", options).then(function (res) {});
client.Conference.playAudioAdvanced("conferenceId", options, function (err,res) {});
{% sample lang="csharp" %}
// Speak sentence in a conference
await client.Conference.SpeakSentenceAsync("{conferenceId1}", "Hello From Bandwidth");
// Speak sentence with options
await client.Conference.PlayAudioAsync("{conferenceId1}", new PlayAudioData {
Sentence = "hola de Bandwidth",
Gender = Gender.Male,
Voice = "Jorge",
Locale = "es"
{% sample lang="ruby" %}
:sentence => "hola de Bandwidth",
:gender => "male",
:voice => "Jorge",
:locale => "es"
{% common %}
{% sample lang="bash" %}
curl -v -X POST https://api.catapult.inetwork.com/v1/users/{userId}/conferences/{conferenceId}/audio -u {token}:{secret} -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"sentence": ""}'
{% sample lang="js" %}
//Speak sentence in a conference
client.Conference.stopSpeaking("conferenceID").then(function (res) {});
client.Conference.stopSpeaking("conferenceID", function (err, res) {});
//Speak sentence with options
var options = {sentence : ""}
client.Conference.playAudioAdvanced("conferenceId", options).then(function (res) {});
client.Conference.playAudioAdvanced("conferenceId", options, function (err,res) {});
{% sample lang="csharp" %}
// Speak sentence in a conference
await client.Conference.SpeakSentenceAsync("{conferenceId1}", "");
// Speak sentence with options
await client.Conference.PlayAudioAsync("{conferenceId1}", new PlayAudioData {Sentence = ""});
{% sample lang="ruby" %}
conference.play_audio({:sentence => ""})
{% common %}
{% sample lang="bash" %}
curl -v -X POST https://api.catapult.inetwork.com/v1/users/{userId}/conferences/{conferenceId}/audio -u {token}:{secret} -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '
"fileUrl": "https://catapult.inetwork.com/.../media/{mediaName1}"
{% sample lang="js" %}
//Play Audio file on conference
client.Conference.playAudioFile("conferenceID", "http://myurl.com/file.mp3").then(function (res) {});
client.Conference.playAudioFile("conferenceID", "http://myurl.com/file.wav", function (err, res) {});
//Play Audio File on loop
var options = {
fileUrl : "http://myurl.com/file.mp3",
loopEnabled : true
client.Conference.playAudioAdvanced("conferenceId", options).then(function (res) {});
client.Conference.playAudioAdvanced("conferenceId", options, function (err,res) {});
{% sample lang="csharp" %}
// Play audio file in a conference
await client.Conference.PlayAudioFileAsync("{conferenceId1}", "http://myurl.com/file.mp3");
// Play audio file with options
await client.Conference.PlayAudioAsync("{conferenceId1}", new PlayAudioData {
FileUrl = "http://myurl.com/file.mp3",
LoopEnabled = true
{% sample lang="ruby" %}
:file_url => "http://myurl.com/file.mp3"
{% common %}
{% sample lang="bash" %}
curl -v -X POST https://api.catapult.inetwork.com/v1/users/{userId}/conferences/{conferenceId}/audio -u {token}:{secret} -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"fileUrl": ""}'
{% sample lang="js" %}
client.Conference.stopAudioFilePlayback("conferenceID").then(function (res) {});
client.Conference.stopAudioFilePlayback("conferenceID", function (err, res) {});
var options = {
fileUrl : ""
client.Conference.playAudioAdvanced("conferenceId", options).then(function (res) {});
client.Conference.playAudioAdvanced("conferenceId", options, function (err,res) {});
{% sample lang="csharp" %}
// Play audio file in a conference
await client.Conference.PlayAudioFileAsync("{conferenceId1}", "");
// Play audio file with options
await client.Conference.PlayAudioAsync("{conferenceId1}", new PlayAudioData {FileUrl = ""});
{% sample lang="ruby" %}
conference.play_audio({:file_url => ""})
{% endmethod %}