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File metadata and controls

238 lines (207 loc) · 12.4 KB

BioWardorbe Basic Analysis

General and scripts should be set as cron jobs to periodically perform the following operations:

  • check newly added ChIP-Seq / RNA-Seq experiments, generate and export JSON job files;
  • check the state of all running ChIP-Seq / RNA-Seq experiments, update their states in BioWardrobe DB;
  • when experiment is finished with success, upload generated data to BioWardrobe DB


  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG BioWardrobe configuration file
  -j JOBS,   --jobs   JOBS   Folder to export generated jobs


  1. Install biowardrobe-analysis from source
    $ git clone
    $ cd biowardrobe-analysis
    $ pip install .

    This will install run-dna-cron and run-rna-cron into /usr/local/bin/

Configuration and running

To make configuration process easier we are assuming that:

  1. you home directory is /home/biowardrobe/

  2. you have already installed and configured:

    • BioWardrobe
      • BioWardrobe configuration file is saved as /etc/wardrobe/wardrobe and has the following structure (the order of the first five not commented lines is mandatory)

            #MySQL host to connect
            #MySQL User (Pay attention, the user should also have read access to Airflow DB)
            #MySQL password
            #Wardrobe DB
            #MySQL port
            #Custom additional configuration data
      • the user who run and scripts has read access to BioWardrobe configuration file

      • BioWardrobe DB ems.settings table includes

        | key           | value       | description                                                            |
        | indices       | /indices    | Relative path to the directory for mapping software indices files      |
        | preliminary   | /RAW-DATA   | Relative path where fastq and all preliminary results are stored       |
        | wardrobe      | /wardrobe   | Absolute path to the Wardrobe directory                                |
    • cwl-airflow
      • Airflow DB with the name airflow is saved on the same MySQL server as BioWardrobe DB and is accessable by the user set in BioWardrobe configuration file
      • Airflow configuratin file airflow.cfg includes fields
        • cwl_jobs = /home/biowardrobe/cwl/jobs
        • cwl_workflows = /home/biowardrobe/cwl/workflows
      • Directory set as cwl_jobs in airflow.cfg has the following structure
                                 ├── fail
                                 ├── new
                                 ├── running
                                 └── success
    • biowardrobe-analysis
      • the includes the following constants:
        BOWTIE_INDICES = "bowtie"
        RIBO_SUFFIX = "_ribo"
        ANNOTATIONS = "annotations"
        JOBS_NEW = 'new'
        JOBS_SUCCESS = 'success'
        JOBS_FAIL = 'fail'
        JOBS_RUNNING = 'running'
        CHR_LENGTH_GENERIC_TSV = "chrNameLength.txt"
        ANNOTATION_GENERIC_TSV = "refgene.tsv"
  3. You have cloned the latest Workflows into /home/biowardrobe/cwl/workflows (currently it's recommended to use v1.0.2 branch instead of master)


  1. To allow and scripts find the Airflow DB, the following record should be added into ems.settings table

        INSERT INTO ems.settings  VALUES ('airflowdb','airflow','Database name to be used by Airflow', 0, 3);

    where airflowdb is the key by which the name of the Airflow DB airflow is returned. The Airflow DB is used to check the state of the running workflows and their steps (performs select query from dag_run and task_instance tables).

  2. Create /wardrobe/indices/bowtie folder

    This folder name is formed as
    ems.settings[wardrobe] + ems.settings[indices] +[BOWTIE_INDICES]

  3. Get the genome types list as SELECT findex FROM ems.genome. For each genome type create subfolder within /wardrobe/indices/bowtie. The subfolder name should be equal to the genome type received from SELECT query

    For example, if SELECT query returned hg19, mm10, dm3, your directories should look like:

  4. In each subfolder created in the previous step put corespondent to the genome type Bowtie indices and TAB-delimited chromosome length file chrNameLength.txt

    The name for chromosome length file should be equal to CHR_LENGTH_GENERIC_TSV from

  5. For running RNA-Seq analysis the ribosomal Bowtie indices should be added too. For each of the genome type folders in /wardrobe/indices/bowtie create additional folder with the suffix _ribo

    Suffix _ribo should be equal to the RIBO_SUFFIX from
    For example, if you already have directories hg19, mm10, dm3 in /wardrobe/indices/bowtie/ folder, you should add

  6. In each subfolder created in the previous step put corespondent to the genome type ribosomal Bowtie indices

  7. Create /wardrobe/indices/annotations folder

    This folder name is formed as
    ems.settings[wardrobe] + ems.settings[indices] +[ANNOTATIONS]

  8. Get the genome types list as SELECT findex FROM ems.genome (you should already have this list from some step before). For each genome type create subfolder within /wardrobe/indices/annotations. The subfolder name should be equal to the genome type received from SELECT query

    For example, if SELECT query returned hg19, mm10, dm3, your directories should look like:

  9. In each subfolder created in the previous step put corespondent to the genome type TAB-delimited annotation file refgene.tsv. This file is not mandatory to be sorted.

    The TAB-delimited annotation file name should be equal to ANNOTATION_GENERIC_TSV from

  10. To make Genome Browser to display genome coverage tracks from bigWig files, apply patches from biowardrobe_patched_view

  11. To run basic analysis ems.experimenttype table should be update with the script experimenttype_patch.sql . If columns workflow or template already exist in a table, delete them before running the script

  12. After applying the abovementioned SQL scripts to make BioWardrobe to display genome coverage tracks (the old bedGraph and new bigWig) the function addGB(tab) from Experiment.js should be updated to fetch not only _wtrack (old genome coverage in bedGraph format), but also _multi_f_wtrack and _f_wtrack for bigWig tracks.

     * Add Genome Browser Tab
    addGB: function (tab) {                    
        // This is how it was before. Works only for bedGraph track
        // var gtbl = this.UID.replace(/-/g, '_') + '_wtrack';
        // This part was added for RNA-Seq genome coverage tracks                        
        var gtbl = this.UID.replace(/-/g, '_') + '_multi_f_wtrack'; // multiwig
        gtbl += '=full&'+this.UID.replace(/-/g, '_') + '_wtrack';   // bedGraph
        gtbl += '=full&'+this.UID.replace(/-/g, '_') + '_f_wtrack'; // bigWig
  1. Because the new status "JOB_CREATED": 1010 was added into LIBSTATUS from, app.css file from BioWardrobe should be updated to display correct icon

    .gear-1-10 {
        background-image: url(images/gear_new.png) !important;
        width: 16px;
        height: 16px;

    Basically you should change gear_warning.png to gear_new.png for .gear-1-10

  2. To drop all of the created by biowardrobe-analysis tables from BioWardrobe DB, as long as all of tables from Airflow DB, related to the expeminent to be restarted, update original with the following commands

    # Airflow specific tables
    settings.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" + DB[0] + "`.`" + string.replace(UID, "-", "_") + "_f_wtrack`;")
    settings.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" + DB[0] + "`.`" + string.replace(UID, "-", "_") + "_upstream_f_wtrack`;")
    settings.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" + DB[0] + "`.`" + string.replace(UID, "-", "_") + "_downstream_f_wtrack`;")
    # Clean up airflowdb
    airflowDB = settings.settings["airflowdb"]
    settings.cursor.execute("DELETE FROM `{0}`.`xcom` WHERE dag_id LIKE '%{1}%';".format(airflowDB,UID))
    settings.cursor.execute("DELETE FROM `{0}`.`task_instance` WHERE dag_id LIKE '%{1}%';".format(airflowDB,UID))
    settings.cursor.execute("DELETE FROM `{0}`.`task_fail` WHERE dag_id LIKE '%{1}%';".format(airflowDB,UID))
    settings.cursor.execute("DELETE FROM `{0}`.`sla_miss` WHERE dag_id LIKE '%{1}%';".format(airflowDB,UID))
    settings.cursor.execute("DELETE FROM `{0}`.`log` WHERE dag_id LIKE '%{1}%';".format(airflowDB,UID))
    settings.cursor.execute("DELETE FROM `{0}`.`job` WHERE dag_id LIKE '%{1}%';".format(airflowDB,UID))
    settings.cursor.execute("DELETE FROM `{0}`.`dag_run` WHERE dag_id LIKE '%{1}%';".format(airflowDB,UID))
    settings.cursor.execute("DELETE FROM `{0}`.`dag` WHERE dag_id LIKE '%{1}%';".format(airflowDB,UID))

    The location to insert this commands can be checked from updated

  3. Update crontab job

        # For ChIP-Seq analysis
        */1 * * * *    . ~/.profile && run-dna-cron -c /etc/wardrobe/wardrobe -j /home/biowardrobe/cwl/jobs >> /wardrobe/tmp/RunAirflowDNA.log 2>&1
        # For RNA-Seq analysis
        */1 * * * *    . ~/.profile && run-rna-cron -c /etc/wardrobe/wardrobe -j /home/biowardrobe/cwl/jobs >> /wardrobe/tmp/RunAirflowDNA.log 2>&1

    Both the and scripts use BioWardrobe configuration file set as --config/-c argument (/etc/wardrobe/wardrobe by default). This file is used to get access to BioWardrobe DB. Make sure that scripts have read access to this configuration file.