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Releases: BradyAJohnston/MolecularNodes

v4.2.12 for Blender 4.2+

15 Feb 02:03
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v4.2.11...v4.2.12

v4.2.11 for Blender 4.2+

02 Feb 06:38
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v4.2.10...v4.2.11

v4.2.10 for Blender 4.2+

20 Dec 08:48
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.2.9...v4.2.10

v4.2.9 for Blender 4.2+

29 Nov 05:25
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v4.2.8...v4.2.9

v4.2.8 for Blender 4.2+

11 Nov 02:57
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Fixes an important bug for 4.3 compatibility, otherwise a lot of refactoring and improvements.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v4.2.7...v4.2.8

v4.2.7 for Blender 4.2

22 Sep 09:52
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.2.6...v4.2.7

v4.2.6 for Blender 4.2

16 Sep 08:22
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.2.5...v4.2.6

v4.2.5 for Blender 4.2

11 Aug 01:14
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Bug fixes for under the hood and some nodes.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.2.4...v4.2.5

v4.2.4 for Blender 4.2

17 Jul 14:09
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Extensions Platform

Changed architecture of add-on to be compatible with new extensions platform in Blender 4.2 (here). Bundles the add-on with the required python packages, so installation is as simple as clicking 'install' from inside of Blender's extension system. No need to manually download or install anything additional. Updates for the add-on can also be delivered and installed this way.


Color Tag

Utilising the new color_tag attribute for custom node groups, all provided node groups are now colored appropriately.

Selection Nodes

Selection nodes have been split into individual node groups and given And and Or inputs to more easily construct selection chains with common boolean operations.

Topology Nodes

Topology nodes have been partially overhauled, with some nodes moved to utility nodes and extras included such as the DSSP and Phi / Psi nodes. Phi / Psi nodes do not require pre-computation of any values and can be used just like any other field.

Color Nodes

Res Name and Element nodes now go higher, utilising the Index Switch node underneath and panels to ensure the UI remains usable.



The underlying method for importing and managing MDAnalysis trajectory / Universes has been overhauled. They are now imported as a Trajectory object. Trajectories along with all other molecular data that is imported is now kept around inside of a MNSession, which is stored under bpy.context.scene.MNSession. This session is pickled and save next to the .blend file on save, so that all of the data can persist between Blender sessions on load.


Because the connection to the universe is maintained, we now have live and updateable selections.


Initial support for functions can be added to the Trajectories. These functions will be executed with the universe as an input, and the output is stored on the resulting mesh. This gives access to custom calculations to be executed in python and the results to be used inside of Geometry Nodes.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.1.4...v4.2.4

v4.1.4 for Blender 4.1

11 Jun 07:17
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Bugfix for loading MD trajectories.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.1.3...v4.1.4