- Network Hacking
- Web Applications Hacking
- Operative Systems
- Cryptography
- Social Engineering
- Mobile Hacking
- Cloud Hacking
- IoT (Internet of Things) Hacking
- Malware Analysis
- Pentesting
- Network Security Assessment Know Your Network - Chris McNab
- Applied Network Security Monitoring Collection, Detection, and Analysis - Chris Sanders
- Cryptography and Network Security, Principles and Practice - William Stallings
- The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Finding and Exploiting Security Flaws - Dafydd Stuttard
- Bug Bounty Bootcamp: The Guide to Finding and Reporting Web Vulnerabilities - Vickie Li
- Real-World Bug Hunting: A Field Guide to Web Hacking - Peter Yaworski
- Hacking APIs: Breaking Web Application Programming Interfaces - Corey J. Ball
- Linux Basics for Hackers, 2nd Edition - OccupyTheWeb
- How Linux Works, 3rd Edition: What Every Superuser Should Know - Brian Ward
- Windows Internals - Mark Russinovich and David Solomon
- The Code Book, The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography - Simon Singh
- Applied Cryptography - Bruce Schneier
- Serious Cryptography - Jean-Philippe Aumasson
- Cryptography and Network Security - William Stallings
- Practical Cryptography in Python - Seth Nielson and Christopher Monson
- Codebreakers: The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication - David Kahn
- Social Engineering The Science of Human Hacking - Christopher Hadnagy
- The Art of Deception - Kevin Mitnick
- Android Security Internals - Nikolay Elenkov
- The Mobile Application Hacker’s Handbook - Dominic Chell
- Hacking and Securing iOS Applications - Jonathan Zdziarski
- Android Hacker’s Handbook - Joshua J. Drake
- iOS Hacker’s Handbook - Charlie Miller
- Cloud Security and Privacy - Tim Mather
- AWS Penetration Testing - Jonathan Helmus
- Mastering AWS Security - Albert Anthony
- Practical Cloud Security - Chris Dotson
- Securing DevOps - Julien Vehent
- Practical IoT Hacking: The Definitive Guide to Attacking the Internet of Things - Fotios Chantzis
- Abusing the Internet of Things - Nitesh Dhanjani
- IoT Penetration Testing Cookbook - Aaron Guzman and Aditya Gupta
- Hacking Connected Cars - Alissa Knight
- Internet of Things for Architects - Perry Lea
- Practical Malware Analysis, The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software - Michael Sikorski
- The Malware Analyst's Cookbook - Michael Ligh
- Malware Data Science - Joshua Saxe and Hillary Sanders
- Windows Malware Analysis Essentials - Victor Marak
- Advanced Malware Analysis - Christopher Elisan
- Hacking The Art of Exploitation - Jon Erickson
- The Hacker Playbook 3, Practical Guide To Penetration Testing - Peter Kim
- Metasploit, The Penetration Tester's Guide - David Kennedy
- Black Hat Python, Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters - Justin Seitz
- Advanced Penetration Testing, Hacking the World's Most Secure Networks - Wil Allsopp