To run vJoySerialFeeder on Linux you can build it yourself with Mono-Develop or download it from the releases.
vJoySerialFeeder requires Mono version 5 or higher. Follow the installation
instructions here.
You need the mono-complete
To be able to use the serial ports without root
privileges you must be member
of the dialout
group (if you are not already).
sudo gpasswd -a USER dialout
where you replaceUSER
with your username- You might need to restart your session (log out and in again)
uinput is used for simulating a virtual joystick. You probably have this running already. Check out
if /dev/uinput
device exists. If it does not try sudo modprobe uinput
To use that device you need to have read/write permissions.
If you are eager to test things out you can simply
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/uinput
, but permissions will be reset after reboot. -
If you want to do the things in the proper way do this:
Create a
sudo groupdadd -f uinput
Add yourself to the group
sudo gpasswd -a USER uinput
where you replaceUSER
with your username -
Create file
(as root) with the following contents:
SUBSYSTEM=="misc", KERNEL=="uinput", MODE="0660", GROUP="uinput"
Check with
ls -l /dev/uinput
you should see something like
crw-rw---- 1 root uinput 10, 223 Nov 11 15:35 /dev/uinput
Check if you are added to the
group with thegroups
command in the console
Install with sudo apt-get install libevdev2
or whatever your package manager is.
Open a console, go to wherever you unpacked vJoySerialFeeder
and execute mono vJoySerialFeeder.exe
- The nice syntax highlighting Lua editor is not available on Linux. The editor is a simple TextBox
- Microsoft COM Interaction is not available on Linux