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Object.defineProperty(t, e, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : t[e] = n, t; + }var i = n(1), + s = o(i), + a = n(4), + l = o(a), + p = n(15), + d = o(p), + h = n(6), + c = o(h), + u = n(13), + f = n(2), + m = o(f), + g = n(7), + v = o(g), + y = "react-datepicker-ignore-onclickoutside", + D = (0, v.default)(s.default), + b = l.default.createClass({ displayName: "DatePicker", getDefaultProps: function getDefaultProps() { + return { dateFormat: "L", dateFormatCalendar: "MMMM YYYY", onChange: function onChange() {}, disabled: !1, disabledKeyboardNavigation: !1, dropdownMode: "scroll", onFocus: function onFocus() {}, onBlur: function onBlur() {}, onSelect: function onSelect() {}, onClickOutside: function onClickOutside() {}, onMonthChange: function onMonthChange() {}, popoverAttachment: "top left", popoverTargetAttachment: "bottom left", popoverTargetOffset: "10px 0", tetherConstraints: [{ to: "window", attachment: "together" }], utcOffset: (0, m.default)().utcOffset(), monthsShown: 1, withPortal: !1 }; + }, getInitialState: function getInitialState() { + var t = this.props.openToDate ? (0, m.default)(this.props.openToDate) : this.props.selectsEnd && this.props.startDate ? (0, m.default)(this.props.startDate) : this.props.selectsStart && this.props.endDate ? (0, m.default)(this.props.endDate) : (0, m.default)(), + e = (0, u.getEffectiveMinDate)(this.props), + n = (0, u.getEffectiveMaxDate)(this.props), + o = e && t.isBefore(e) ? e : n && t.isAfter(n) ? n : t;return { open: !1, preventFocus: !1, preSelection: this.props.selected ? (0, m.default)(this.props.selected) : o }; + }, componentWillUnmount: function componentWillUnmount() { + this.clearPreventFocusTimeout(); + }, clearPreventFocusTimeout: function clearPreventFocusTimeout() { + this.preventFocusTimeout && clearTimeout(this.preventFocusTimeout); + }, setFocus: function setFocus() { + this.refs.input.focus(); + }, setOpen: function setOpen(t) { + this.setState({ open: t, preSelection: t && this.state.open ? this.state.preSelection : this.getInitialState().preSelection }); + }, handleFocus: function handleFocus(t) { + this.state.preventFocus || (this.props.onFocus(t), this.setOpen(!0)); + }, cancelFocusInput: function cancelFocusInput() { + clearTimeout(this.inputFocusTimeout), this.inputFocusTimeout = null; + }, deferFocusInput: function deferFocusInput() { + var t = this;this.cancelFocusInput(), this.inputFocusTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () { + return t.setFocus(); + }, 1); + }, handleDropdownFocus: function handleDropdownFocus() { + this.cancelFocusInput(); + }, handleBlur: function handleBlur(t) { + this.state.open ? this.deferFocusInput() : this.props.onBlur(t); + }, handleCalendarClickOutside: function handleCalendarClickOutside(t) { + this.setOpen(!1), this.props.onClickOutside(t), this.props.withPortal && t.preventDefault(); + }, handleChange: function handleChange(t) { + if (!this.props.onChangeRaw || (this.props.onChangeRaw(t), !t.isDefaultPrevented())) { + this.setState({ inputValue: t.target.value });var e = (0, u.parseDate)(t.target.value, this.props);!e && t.target.value || this.setSelected(e, t, !0); + } + }, handleSelect: function handleSelect(t, e) { + var n = this;this.setState({ preventFocus: !0 }, function () { + return n.preventFocusTimeout = setTimeout(function () { + return n.setState({ preventFocus: !1 }); + }, 50), n.preventFocusTimeout; + }), this.setSelected(t, e), this.props.inline || this.setOpen(!1); + }, setSelected: function setSelected(t, e, n) { + var o = t;null !== o && (0, u.isDayDisabled)(o, this.props) || ((0, u.isSameDay)(this.props.selected, o) || (null !== o && (this.props.selected && (o = (0, m.default)(o).set({ hour: this.props.selected.hour(), minute: this.props.selected.minute(), second: this.props.selected.second() })), this.setState({ preSelection: o })), this.props.onChange(o, e)), this.props.onSelect(o, e), n || this.setState({ inputValue: null })); + }, setPreSelection: function setPreSelection(t) { + var e = "undefined" != typeof this.props.minDate && "undefined" != typeof this.props.maxDate, + n = !e || !t || (0, u.isDayInRange)(t, this.props.minDate, this.props.maxDate);n && this.setState({ preSelection: t }); + }, onInputClick: function onInputClick() { + this.props.disabled || this.setOpen(!0); + }, onInputKeyDown: function onInputKeyDown(t) { + if (!this.state.open && !this.props.inline) return void (/^Arrow/.test(t.key) && this.onInputClick());var e = (0, m.default)(this.state.preSelection);if ("Enter" === t.key ? (t.preventDefault(), this.handleSelect(e, t)) : "Escape" === t.key ? (t.preventDefault(), this.setOpen(!1)) : "Tab" === t.key && this.setOpen(!1), !this.props.disabledKeyboardNavigation) { + var n = void 0;switch (t.key) {case "ArrowLeft": + t.preventDefault(), n = e.subtract(1, "days");break;case "ArrowRight": + t.preventDefault(), n = e.add(1, "days");break;case "ArrowUp": + t.preventDefault(), n = e.subtract(1, "weeks");break;case "ArrowDown": + t.preventDefault(), n = e.add(1, "weeks");break;case "PageUp": + t.preventDefault(), n = e.subtract(1, "months");break;case "PageDown": + t.preventDefault(), n = e.add(1, "months");break;case "Home": + t.preventDefault(), n = e.subtract(1, "years");break;case "End": + t.preventDefault(), n = e.add(1, "years");}this.setPreSelection(n); + } + }, onClearClick: function onClearClick(t) { + t.preventDefault(), this.props.onChange(null, t); + }, renderCalendar: function renderCalendar() { + return this.props.inline || this.state.open && !this.props.disabled ? l.default.createElement(D, { ref: "calendar", locale: this.props.locale, dateFormat: this.props.dateFormatCalendar, dropdownMode: this.props.dropdownMode, selected: this.props.selected, preSelection: this.state.preSelection, onSelect: this.handleSelect, openToDate: this.props.openToDate, minDate: this.props.minDate, maxDate: this.props.maxDate, selectsStart: this.props.selectsStart, selectsEnd: this.props.selectsEnd, startDate: this.props.startDate, endDate: this.props.endDate, excludeDates: this.props.excludeDates, filterDate: this.props.filterDate, onClickOutside: this.handleCalendarClickOutside, highlightDates: this.props.highlightDates, includeDates: this.props.includeDates, inline: this.props.inline, peekNextMonth: this.props.peekNextMonth, showMonthDropdown: this.props.showMonthDropdown, showWeekNumbers: this.props.showWeekNumbers, showYearDropdown: this.props.showYearDropdown, forceShowMonthNavigation: this.props.forceShowMonthNavigation, scrollableYearDropdown: this.props.scrollableYearDropdown, todayButton: this.props.todayButton, utcOffset: this.props.utcOffset, outsideClickIgnoreClass: y, fixedHeight: this.props.fixedHeight, monthsShown: this.props.monthsShown, onDropdownFocus: this.handleDropdownFocus, onMonthChange: this.props.onMonthChange, className: this.props.calendarClassName }, this.props.children) : null; + }, renderDateInput: function renderDateInput() { + var t = (0, c.default)(this.props.className, r({}, y, this.state.open)), + e = this.props.customInput || l.default.createElement("input", { type: "text" }), + n = "string" == typeof this.props.value ? this.props.value : "string" == typeof this.state.inputValue ? this.state.inputValue : (0, u.safeDateFormat)(this.props.selected, this.props);return l.default.cloneElement(e, { ref: "input", value: n, onBlur: this.handleBlur, onChange: this.handleChange, onClick: this.onInputClick, onFocus: this.handleFocus, onKeyDown: this.onInputKeyDown, id: this.props.id, name: this.props.name, autoFocus: this.props.autoFocus, placeholder: this.props.placeholderText, disabled: this.props.disabled, autoComplete: this.props.autoComplete, className: t, title: this.props.title, readOnly: this.props.readOnly, required: this.props.required, tabIndex: this.props.tabIndex }); + }, renderClearButton: function renderClearButton() { + return this.props.isClearable && null != this.props.selected ? l.default.createElement("a", { className: "react-datepicker__close-icon", href: "#", onClick: this.onClearClick }) : null; + }, render: function render() { + var t = this.renderCalendar();return this.props.inline && !this.props.withPortal ? t : this.props.withPortal ? l.default.createElement("div", null, this.props.inline ? null : l.default.createElement("div", { className: "react-datepicker__input-container" }, this.renderDateInput(), this.renderClearButton()), this.state.open || this.props.inline ? l.default.createElement("div", { className: "react-datepicker__portal" }, t) : null) : l.default.createElement(d.default, { classPrefix: "react-datepicker__tether", attachment: this.props.popoverAttachment, targetAttachment: this.props.popoverTargetAttachment, targetOffset: this.props.popoverTargetOffset, renderElementTo: this.props.renderCalendarTo, constraints: this.props.tetherConstraints }, l.default.createElement("div", { className: "react-datepicker__input-container" }, this.renderDateInput(), this.renderClearButton()), t); + } });t.exports = b; + }, function (t, e, n) { + "use strict"; + function o(t) { + return t && t.__esModule ? t : { default: t }; + }var r = n(2), + i = o(r), + s = n(3), + a = o(s), + l = n(8), + p = o(l), + d = n(10), + h = o(d), + c = n(4), + u = o(c), + f = n(6), + m = o(f), + g = n(13), + v = ["react-datepicker__year-select", "react-datepicker__month-select"], + y = function y() { + var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, + e = (t.className || "").split(/\s+/);return v.some(function (t) { + return e.indexOf(t) >= 0; + }); + }, + D = u.default.createClass({ displayName: "Calendar", defaultProps: { onDropdownFocus: function onDropdownFocus() {} }, getDefaultProps: function getDefaultProps() { + return { utcOffset: i.default.utc().utcOffset(), monthsShown: 1, forceShowMonthNavigation: !1 }; + }, getInitialState: function getInitialState() { + return { date: this.localizeMoment(this.getDateInView()), selectingDate: null }; + }, componentWillReceiveProps: function componentWillReceiveProps(t) { + t.preSelection && !(0, g.isSameDay)(t.preSelection, this.props.preSelection) ? this.setState({ date: this.localizeMoment(t.preSelection) }) : t.openToDate && !(0, g.isSameDay)(t.openToDate, this.props.openToDate) && this.setState({ date: this.localizeMoment(t.openToDate) }); + }, handleClickOutside: function handleClickOutside(t) { + this.props.onClickOutside(t); + }, handleDropdownFocus: function handleDropdownFocus(t) { + y(t.target) && this.props.onDropdownFocus(); + }, getDateInView: function getDateInView() { + var t = this.props, + e = t.preSelection, + n = t.selected, + o = t.openToDate, + r = t.utcOffset, + s = (0, g.getEffectiveMinDate)(this.props), + a = (0, g.getEffectiveMaxDate)(this.props), + l = i.default.utc().utcOffset(r), + p = e || n;return p ? p : s && a && o && o.isBetween(s, a) ? o : s && o && o.isAfter(s) ? o : s && s.isAfter(l) ? s : a && o && o.isBefore(a) ? o : a && a.isBefore(l) ? a : o ? o : l; + }, localizeMoment: function localizeMoment(t) { + return t.clone().locale(this.props.locale || i.default.locale()); + }, increaseMonth: function increaseMonth() { + var t = this;this.setState({ date: this.state.date.clone().add(1, "month") }, function () { + return t.handleMonthChange(t.state.date); + }); + }, decreaseMonth: function decreaseMonth() { + var t = this;this.setState({ date: this.state.date.clone().subtract(1, "month") }, function () { + return t.handleMonthChange(t.state.date); + }); + }, handleDayClick: function handleDayClick(t, e) { + this.props.onSelect(t, e); + }, handleDayMouseEnter: function handleDayMouseEnter(t) { + this.setState({ selectingDate: t }); + }, handleMonthMouseLeave: function handleMonthMouseLeave() { + this.setState({ selectingDate: null }); + }, handleMonthChange: function handleMonthChange(t) { + this.props.onMonthChange && this.props.onMonthChange(t); + }, changeYear: function changeYear(t) { + this.setState({ date: this.state.date.clone().set("year", t) }); + }, changeMonth: function changeMonth(t) { + var e = this;this.setState({ date: this.state.date.clone().set("month", t) }, function () { + return e.handleMonthChange(e.state.date); + }); + }, header: function header() { + var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : this.state.date, + e = t.clone().startOf("week"), + n = [];return this.props.showWeekNumbers && n.push(u.default.createElement("div", { key: "W", className: "react-datepicker__day-name" }, "#")), n.concat([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map(function (t) { + var n = e.clone().add(t, "days");return u.default.createElement("div", { key: t, className: "react-datepicker__day-name" }, n.localeData().weekdaysMin(n)); + })); + }, renderPreviousMonthButton: function renderPreviousMonthButton() { + if (this.props.forceShowMonthNavigation || !(0, g.allDaysDisabledBefore)(this.state.date, "month", this.props)) return u.default.createElement("a", { className: "react-datepicker__navigation react-datepicker__navigation--previous", onClick: this.decreaseMonth }); + }, renderNextMonthButton: function renderNextMonthButton() { + if (this.props.forceShowMonthNavigation || !(0, g.allDaysDisabledAfter)(this.state.date, "month", this.props)) return u.default.createElement("a", { className: "react-datepicker__navigation react-datepicker__navigation--next", onClick: this.increaseMonth }); + }, renderCurrentMonth: function renderCurrentMonth() { + var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : this.state.date, + e = ["react-datepicker__current-month"];return this.props.showYearDropdown && e.push("react-datepicker__current-month--hasYearDropdown"), this.props.showMonthDropdown && e.push("react-datepicker__current-month--hasMonthDropdown"), u.default.createElement("div", { className: e.join(" ") }, t.format(this.props.dateFormat)); + }, renderYearDropdown: function renderYearDropdown() { + var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0];if (this.props.showYearDropdown && !t) return u.default.createElement(a.default, { dropdownMode: this.props.dropdownMode, onChange: this.changeYear, minDate: this.props.minDate, maxDate: this.props.maxDate, year: this.state.date.year(), scrollableYearDropdown: this.props.scrollableYearDropdown }); + }, renderMonthDropdown: function renderMonthDropdown() { + arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0];if (this.props.showMonthDropdown) return u.default.createElement(p.default, { dropdownMode: this.props.dropdownMode, locale: this.props.locale, onChange: this.changeMonth, month: this.state.date.month() }); + }, renderTodayButton: function renderTodayButton() { + var t = this;if (this.props.todayButton) return u.default.createElement("div", { className: "react-datepicker__today-button", onClick: function onClick(e) { + return t.props.onSelect(i.default.utc().utcOffset(t.props.utcOffset).startOf("date"), e); + } }, this.props.todayButton); + }, renderMonths: function renderMonths() { + for (var t = [], e = 0; e < this.props.monthsShown; ++e) { + var n = this.state.date.clone().add(e, "M"), + o = "month-" + e;t.push(u.default.createElement("div", { key: o, className: "react-datepicker__month-container" }, u.default.createElement("div", { className: "react-datepicker__header" }, this.renderCurrentMonth(n), u.default.createElement("div", { className: "react-datepicker__header__dropdown react-datepicker__header__dropdown--" + this.props.dropdownMode, onFocus: this.handleDropdownFocus }, this.renderMonthDropdown(0 !== e), this.renderYearDropdown(0 !== e)), u.default.createElement("div", { className: "react-datepicker__day-names" }, this.header(n))), u.default.createElement(h.default, { day: n, onDayClick: this.handleDayClick, onDayMouseEnter: this.handleDayMouseEnter, onMouseLeave: this.handleMonthMouseLeave, minDate: this.props.minDate, maxDate: this.props.maxDate, excludeDates: this.props.excludeDates, highlightDates: this.props.highlightDates, selectingDate: this.state.selectingDate, includeDates: this.props.includeDates, inline: this.props.inline, fixedHeight: this.props.fixedHeight, filterDate: this.props.filterDate, preSelection: this.props.preSelection, selected: this.props.selected, selectsStart: this.props.selectsStart, selectsEnd: this.props.selectsEnd, showWeekNumbers: this.props.showWeekNumbers, startDate: this.props.startDate, endDate: this.props.endDate, peekNextMonth: this.props.peekNextMonth, utcOffset: this.props.utcOffset }))); + }return t; + }, render: function render() { + return u.default.createElement("div", { className: (0, m.default)("react-datepicker", this.props.className) }, u.default.createElement("div", { className: "react-datepicker__triangle" }), this.renderPreviousMonthButton(), this.renderNextMonthButton(), this.renderMonths(), this.renderTodayButton(), this.props.children); + } });t.exports = D; + }, function (e, n) { + e.exports = t; + }, function (t, e, n) { + "use strict"; + function o(t) { + return t && t.__esModule ? t : { default: t }; + }var r = n(4), + i = o(r), + s = n(5), + a = o(s), + l = n(7), + p = o(l), + d = (0, p.default)(a.default), + h = i.default.createClass({ displayName: "YearDropdown", getInitialState: function getInitialState() { + return { dropdownVisible: !1 }; + }, renderSelectOptions: function renderSelectOptions() { + for (var t = this.props.minDate ? this.props.minDate.year() : 1900, e = this.props.maxDate ? this.props.maxDate.year() : 2100, n = [], o = t; o <= e; o++) { + n.push(i.default.createElement("option", { key: o, value: o }, o)); + }return n; + }, onSelectChange: function onSelectChange(t) { + this.onChange(t.target.value); + }, renderSelectMode: function renderSelectMode() { + return i.default.createElement("select", { value: this.props.year, className: "react-datepicker__year-select", onChange: this.onSelectChange }, this.renderSelectOptions()); + }, renderReadView: function renderReadView(t) { + return i.default.createElement("div", { key: "read", style: { visibility: t ? "visible" : "hidden" }, className: "react-datepicker__year-read-view", onClick: this.toggleDropdown }, i.default.createElement("span", { className: "react-datepicker__year-read-view--down-arrow" }), i.default.createElement("span", { className: "react-datepicker__year-read-view--selected-year" }, this.props.year)); + }, renderDropdown: function renderDropdown() { + return i.default.createElement(d, { key: "dropdown", ref: "options", year: this.props.year, onChange: this.onChange, onCancel: this.toggleDropdown, scrollableYearDropdown: this.props.scrollableYearDropdown }); + }, renderScrollMode: function renderScrollMode() { + var t = this.state.dropdownVisible, + e = [this.renderReadView(!t)];return t && e.unshift(this.renderDropdown()), e; + }, onChange: function onChange(t) { + this.toggleDropdown(), t !== this.props.year && this.props.onChange(t); + }, toggleDropdown: function toggleDropdown() { + this.setState({ dropdownVisible: !this.state.dropdownVisible }); + }, render: function render() { + var t = void 0;switch (this.props.dropdownMode) {case "scroll": + t = this.renderScrollMode();break;case "select": + t = this.renderSelectMode();}return i.default.createElement("div", { className: "react-datepicker__year-dropdown-container react-datepicker__year-dropdown-container--" + this.props.dropdownMode }, t); + } });t.exports = h; + }, function (t, n) { + t.exports = e; + }, function (t, e, n) { + "use strict"; + function o(t) { + return t && t.__esModule ? t : { default: t }; + }function r(t, e) { + for (var n = [], o = 0; o < 2 * e; o++) { + n.push(t + e - o); + }return n; + }var i = n(4), + s = o(i), + a = n(6), + l = o(a), + p = s.default.createClass({ displayName: "YearDropdownOptions", getInitialState: function getInitialState() { + return { yearsList: this.props.scrollableYearDropdown ? r(this.props.year, 10) : r(this.props.year, 5) }; + }, renderOptions: function renderOptions() { + var t = this, + e = this.props.year, + n = this.state.yearsList.map(function (n) { + return s.default.createElement("div", { className: "react-datepicker__year-option", key: n, ref: n, onClick: t.onChange.bind(t, n) }, e === n ? s.default.createElement("span", { className: "react-datepicker__year-option--selected" }, "✓") : "", n); + });return n.unshift(s.default.createElement("div", { className: "react-datepicker__year-option", ref: "upcoming", key: "upcoming", onClick: this.incrementYears }, s.default.createElement("a", { className: "react-datepicker__navigation react-datepicker__navigation--years react-datepicker__navigation--years-upcoming" }))), n.push(s.default.createElement("div", { className: "react-datepicker__year-option", ref: "previous", key: "previous", onClick: this.decrementYears }, s.default.createElement("a", { className: "react-datepicker__navigation react-datepicker__navigation--years react-datepicker__navigation--years-previous" }))), n; + }, onChange: function onChange(t) { + this.props.onChange(t); + }, handleClickOutside: function handleClickOutside() { + this.props.onCancel(); + }, shiftYears: function shiftYears(t) { + var e = this.state.yearsList.map(function (e) { + return e + t; + });this.setState({ yearsList: e }); + }, incrementYears: function incrementYears() { + return this.shiftYears(1); + }, decrementYears: function decrementYears() { + return this.shiftYears(-1); + }, render: function render() { + var t = (0, l.default)({ "react-datepicker__year-dropdown": !0, "react-datepicker__year-dropdown--scrollable": this.props.scrollableYearDropdown });return s.default.createElement("div", { className: t }, this.renderOptions()); + } });t.exports = p; + }, function (t, e, n) { + var o, r; /*! + Copyright (c) 2016 Jed Watson. + Licensed under the MIT License (MIT), see + http://jedwatson.github.io/classnames + */ + !function () { + "use strict"; + function n() { + for (var t = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) { + var o = arguments[e];if (o) { + var r = typeof o === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(o);if ("string" === r || "number" === r) t.push(o);else if (Array.isArray(o)) t.push(n.apply(null, o));else if ("object" === r) for (var s in o) { + i.call(o, s) && o[s] && t.push(s); + } + } + }return t.join(" "); + }var i = {}.hasOwnProperty;"undefined" != typeof t && t.exports ? t.exports = n : (o = [], r = function () { + return n; + }.apply(e, o), !(void 0 !== r && (t.exports = r))); + }(); + }, function (t, e) { + t.exports = n; + }, function (t, e, n) { + "use strict"; + function o(t) { + return t && t.__esModule ? t : { default: t }; + }var r = n(4), + i = o(r), + s = n(9), + a = o(s), + l = n(7), + p = o(l), + d = n(2), + h = o(d), + c = (0, p.default)(a.default), + u = i.default.createClass({ displayName: "MonthDropdown", getInitialState: function getInitialState() { + return { dropdownVisible: !1 }; + }, renderSelectOptions: function renderSelectOptions(t) { + return t.map(function (t, e) { + return i.default.createElement("option", { key: e, value: e }, t); + }); + }, renderSelectMode: function renderSelectMode(t) { + var e = this;return i.default.createElement("select", { value: this.props.month, className: "react-datepicker__month-select", onChange: function onChange(t) { + return e.onChange(t.target.value); + } }, this.renderSelectOptions(t)); + }, renderReadView: function renderReadView(t, e) { + return i.default.createElement("div", { key: "read", style: { visibility: t ? "visible" : "hidden" }, className: "react-datepicker__month-read-view", onClick: this.toggleDropdown }, i.default.createElement("span", { className: "react-datepicker__month-read-view--selected-month" }, e[this.props.month]), i.default.createElement("span", { className: "react-datepicker__month-read-view--down-arrow" })); + }, renderDropdown: function renderDropdown(t) { + return i.default.createElement(c, { key: "dropdown", ref: "options", month: this.props.month, monthNames: t, onChange: this.onChange, onCancel: this.toggleDropdown }); + }, renderScrollMode: function renderScrollMode(t) { + var e = this.state.dropdownVisible, + n = [this.renderReadView(!e, t)];return e && n.unshift(this.renderDropdown(t)), n; + }, onChange: function onChange(t) { + this.toggleDropdown(), t !== this.props.month && this.props.onChange(t); + }, toggleDropdown: function toggleDropdown() { + this.setState({ dropdownVisible: !this.state.dropdownVisible }); + }, render: function render() { + var t = h.default.localeData(this.props.locale), + e = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11].map(function (e) { + return t.months((0, h.default)({ M: e })); + }), + n = void 0;switch (this.props.dropdownMode) {case "scroll": + n = this.renderScrollMode(e);break;case "select": + n = this.renderSelectMode(e);}return i.default.createElement("div", { className: "react-datepicker__month-dropdown-container react-datepicker__month-dropdown-container--" + this.props.dropdownMode }, n); + } });t.exports = u; + }, function (t, e, n) { + "use strict"; + function o(t) { + return t && t.__esModule ? t : { default: t }; + }var r = n(4), + i = o(r), + s = i.default.createClass({ displayName: "MonthDropdownOptions", renderOptions: function renderOptions() { + var t = this, + e = this.props.month, + n = this.props.monthNames.map(function (n, o) { + return i.default.createElement("div", { className: "react-datepicker__month-option", key: n, ref: n, onClick: t.onChange.bind(t, o) }, e === o ? i.default.createElement("span", { className: "react-datepicker__month-option--selected" }, "✓") : "", n); + });return n; + }, onChange: function onChange(t) { + this.props.onChange(t); + }, handleClickOutside: function handleClickOutside() { + this.props.onCancel(); + }, render: function render() { + return i.default.createElement("div", { className: "react-datepicker__month-dropdown" }, this.renderOptions()); + } });t.exports = s; + }, function (t, e, n) { + "use strict"; + function o(t) { + return t && t.__esModule ? t : { default: t }; + }var r = n(4), + i = o(r), + s = n(6), + a = o(s), + l = n(11), + p = o(l), + d = 6, + h = i.default.createClass({ displayName: "Month", handleDayClick: function handleDayClick(t, e) { + this.props.onDayClick && this.props.onDayClick(t, e); + }, handleDayMouseEnter: function handleDayMouseEnter(t) { + this.props.onDayMouseEnter && this.props.onDayMouseEnter(t); + }, handleMouseLeave: function handleMouseLeave() { + this.props.onMouseLeave && this.props.onMouseLeave(); + }, isWeekInMonth: function isWeekInMonth(t) { + var e = this.props.day, + n = t.clone().add(6, "days");return t.isSame(e, "month") || n.isSame(e, "month"); + }, renderWeeks: function renderWeeks() { + for (var t = [], e = this.props.fixedHeight, n = this.props.day.clone().startOf("month").startOf("week"), o = 0, r = !1;;) { + if (t.push(i.default.createElement(p.default, { key: o, day: n, month: this.props.day.month(), onDayClick: this.handleDayClick, onDayMouseEnter: this.handleDayMouseEnter, minDate: this.props.minDate, maxDate: this.props.maxDate, excludeDates: this.props.excludeDates, includeDates: this.props.includeDates, inline: this.props.inline, highlightDates: this.props.highlightDates, selectingDate: this.props.selectingDate, filterDate: this.props.filterDate, preSelection: this.props.preSelection, selected: this.props.selected, selectsStart: this.props.selectsStart, selectsEnd: this.props.selectsEnd, showWeekNumber: this.props.showWeekNumbers, startDate: this.props.startDate, endDate: this.props.endDate, utcOffset: this.props.utcOffset })), r) break;o++, n = n.clone().add(1, "weeks");var s = e && o >= d, + a = !e && !this.isWeekInMonth(n);if (s || a) { + if (!this.props.peekNextMonth) break;r = !0; + } + }return t; + }, getClassNames: function getClassNames() { + var t = this.props, + e = t.selectingDate, + n = t.selectsStart, + o = t.selectsEnd;return (0, a.default)("react-datepicker__month", { "react-datepicker__month--selecting-range": e && (n || o) }); + }, render: function render() { + return i.default.createElement("div", { className: this.getClassNames(), onMouseLeave: this.handleMouseLeave, role: "listbox" }, this.renderWeeks()); + } });t.exports = h; + }, function (t, e, n) { + "use strict"; + function o(t) { + return t && t.__esModule ? t : { default: t }; + }var r = n(4), + i = o(r), + s = n(12), + a = o(s), + l = n(14), + p = o(l), + d = i.default.createClass({ displayName: "Week", handleDayClick: function handleDayClick(t, e) { + this.props.onDayClick && this.props.onDayClick(t, e); + }, handleDayMouseEnter: function handleDayMouseEnter(t) { + this.props.onDayMouseEnter && this.props.onDayMouseEnter(t); + }, renderDays: function renderDays() { + var t = this, + e = this.props.day.clone().startOf("week"), + n = [];return this.props.showWeekNumber && n.push(i.default.createElement(p.default, { key: "W", weekNumber: parseInt(e.format("w"), 10) })), n.concat([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map(function (n) { + var o = e.clone().add(n, "days");return i.default.createElement(a.default, { key: n, day: o, month: t.props.month, onClick: t.handleDayClick.bind(t, o), onMouseEnter: t.handleDayMouseEnter.bind(t, o), minDate: t.props.minDate, maxDate: t.props.maxDate, excludeDates: t.props.excludeDates, includeDates: t.props.includeDates, inline: t.props.inline, highlightDates: t.props.highlightDates, selectingDate: t.props.selectingDate, filterDate: t.props.filterDate, preSelection: t.props.preSelection, selected: t.props.selected, selectsStart: t.props.selectsStart, selectsEnd: t.props.selectsEnd, startDate: t.props.startDate, endDate: t.props.endDate, utcOffset: t.props.utcOffset }); + })); + }, render: function render() { + return i.default.createElement("div", { className: "react-datepicker__week" }, this.renderDays()); + } });t.exports = d; + }, function (t, e, n) { + "use strict"; + function o(t) { + return t && t.__esModule ? t : { default: t }; + }var r = n(2), + i = o(r), + s = n(4), + a = o(s), + l = n(6), + p = o(l), + d = n(13), + h = a.default.createClass({ displayName: "Day", getDefaultProps: function getDefaultProps() { + return { utcOffset: i.default.utc().utcOffset() }; + }, handleClick: function handleClick(t) { + !this.isDisabled() && this.props.onClick && this.props.onClick(t); + }, handleMouseEnter: function handleMouseEnter(t) { + !this.isDisabled() && this.props.onMouseEnter && this.props.onMouseEnter(t); + }, isSameDay: function isSameDay(t) { + return (0, d.isSameDay)(this.props.day, t); + }, isKeyboardSelected: function isKeyboardSelected() { + return !this.props.inline && !this.isSameDay(this.props.selected) && this.isSameDay(this.props.preSelection); + }, isDisabled: function isDisabled() { + return (0, d.isDayDisabled)(this.props.day, this.props); + }, isHighlighted: function isHighlighted() { + var t = this.props, + e = t.day, + n = t.highlightDates;return !!n && n.some(function (t) { + return (0, d.isSameDay)(e, t); + }); + }, isInRange: function isInRange() { + var t = this.props, + e = t.day, + n = t.startDate, + o = t.endDate;return !(!n || !o) && (0, d.isDayInRange)(e, n, o); + }, isInSelectingRange: function isInSelectingRange() { + var t = this.props, + e = t.day, + n = t.selectsStart, + o = t.selectsEnd, + r = t.selectingDate, + i = t.startDate, + s = t.endDate;return !(!n && !o || !r || this.isDisabled()) && (n && s && r.isSameOrBefore(s) ? (0, d.isDayInRange)(e, r, s) : !!(o && i && r.isSameOrAfter(i)) && (0, d.isDayInRange)(e, i, r)); + }, isSelectingRangeStart: function isSelectingRangeStart() { + if (!this.isInSelectingRange()) return !1;var t = this.props, + e = t.day, + n = t.selectingDate, + o = t.startDate, + r = t.selectsStart;return r ? (0, d.isSameDay)(e, n) : (0, d.isSameDay)(e, o); + }, isSelectingRangeEnd: function isSelectingRangeEnd() { + if (!this.isInSelectingRange()) return !1;var t = this.props, + e = t.day, + n = t.selectingDate, + o = t.endDate, + r = t.selectsEnd;return r ? (0, d.isSameDay)(e, n) : (0, d.isSameDay)(e, o); + }, isRangeStart: function isRangeStart() { + var t = this.props, + e = t.day, + n = t.startDate, + o = t.endDate;return !(!n || !o) && (0, d.isSameDay)(n, e); + }, isRangeEnd: function isRangeEnd() { + var t = this.props, + e = t.day, + n = t.startDate, + o = t.endDate;return !(!n || !o) && (0, d.isSameDay)(o, e); + }, isWeekend: function isWeekend() { + var t = this.props.day.day();return 0 === t || 6 === t; + }, isOutsideMonth: function isOutsideMonth() { + return void 0 !== this.props.month && this.props.month !== this.props.day.month(); + }, getClassNames: function getClassNames() { + return (0, p.default)("react-datepicker__day", { "react-datepicker__day--disabled": this.isDisabled(), "react-datepicker__day--selected": this.isSameDay(this.props.selected), "react-datepicker__day--keyboard-selected": this.isKeyboardSelected(), "react-datepicker__day--highlighted": this.isHighlighted(), "react-datepicker__day--range-start": this.isRangeStart(), "react-datepicker__day--range-end": this.isRangeEnd(), "react-datepicker__day--in-range": this.isInRange(), "react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range": this.isInSelectingRange(), "react-datepicker__day--selecting-range-start": this.isSelectingRangeStart(), "react-datepicker__day--selecting-range-end": this.isSelectingRangeEnd(), "react-datepicker__day--today": this.isSameDay(i.default.utc().utcOffset(this.props.utcOffset)), "react-datepicker__day--weekend": this.isWeekend(), "react-datepicker__day--outside-month": this.isOutsideMonth() }); + }, render: function render() { + return a.default.createElement("div", { className: this.getClassNames(), onClick: this.handleClick, onMouseEnter: this.handleMouseEnter, "aria-label": "day-" + this.props.day.date(), role: "option" }, this.props.day.date()); + } });t.exports = h; + }, function (t, e, n) { + "use strict"; + function o(t) { + return t && t.__esModule ? t : { default: t }; + }function r(t, e) { + return t && e ? t.isSame(e, "day") : !t && !e; + }function i(t, e) { + return t && e ? t.utcOffset() === e.utcOffset() : !t && !e; + }function s(t, e, n) { + var o = e.clone().startOf("day").subtract(1, "seconds"), + r = n.clone().startOf("day").add(1, "seconds");return t.clone().startOf("day").isBetween(o, r); + }function a(t) { + var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, + n = e.minDate, + o = e.maxDate, + i = e.excludeDates, + s = e.includeDates, + a = e.filterDate;return n && t.isBefore(n, "day") || o && t.isAfter(o, "day") || i && i.some(function (e) { + return r(t, e); + }) || s && !s.some(function (e) { + return r(t, e); + }) || a && !a(t.clone()) || !1; + }function l(t, e) { + var n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}, + o = n.minDate, + r = n.includeDates, + i = t.clone().subtract(1, e);return o && i.isBefore(o, e) || r && r.every(function (t) { + return i.isBefore(t, e); + }) || !1; + }function p(t, e) { + var n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}, + o = n.maxDate, + r = n.includeDates, + i = t.clone().add(1, e);return o && i.isAfter(o, e) || r && r.every(function (t) { + return i.isAfter(t, e); + }) || !1; + }function d(t) { + var e = t.minDate, + n = t.includeDates;return n && e ? m.default.min(n.filter(function (t) { + return e.isSameOrBefore(t, "day"); + })) : n ? m.default.min(n) : e; + }function h(t) { + var e = t.maxDate, + n = t.includeDates;return n && e ? m.default.max(n.filter(function (t) { + return e.isSameOrAfter(t, "day"); + })) : n ? m.default.max(n) : e; + }function c(t, e) { + var n = e.dateFormat, + o = e.locale, + r = (0, m.default)(t, n, o || m.default.locale(), !0);return r.isValid() ? r : null; + }function u(t, e) { + var n = e.dateFormat, + o = e.locale;return t && t.clone().locale(o || m.default.locale()).format(Array.isArray(n) ? n[0] : n) || ""; + }Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.isSameDay = r, e.isSameUtcOffset = i, e.isDayInRange = s, e.isDayDisabled = a, e.allDaysDisabledBefore = l, e.allDaysDisabledAfter = p, e.getEffectiveMinDate = d, e.getEffectiveMaxDate = h, e.parseDate = c, e.safeDateFormat = u;var f = n(2), + m = o(f); + }, function (t, e, n) { + "use strict"; + function o(t) { + return t && t.__esModule ? t : { default: t }; + }var r = n(4), + i = o(r), + s = i.default.createClass({ displayName: "WeekNumber", render: function render() { + return i.default.createElement("div", { className: "react-datepicker__week-number", "aria-label": "week-" + this.props.weekNumber }, this.props.weekNumber); + } });t.exports = s; + }, function (t, e, n) { + "use strict"; + function o(t) { + return t && t.__esModule ? t : { default: t }; + }function r(t, e) { + var n = {};for (var o in t) { + e.indexOf(o) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, o) && (n[o] = t[o]); + }return n; + }var i = Object.assign || function (t) { + for (var e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) { + var n = arguments[e];for (var o in n) { + Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, o) && (t[o] = n[o]); + } + }return t; + }, + s = n(4), + a = o(s), + l = n(16), + p = o(l), + d = n(17), + h = o(d), + c = a.default.createClass({ displayName: "TetherComponent", getDefaultProps: function getDefaultProps() { + return { renderElementTag: "div", renderElementTo: null }; + }, componentDidMount: function componentDidMount() { + this._targetNode = p.default.findDOMNode(this), this._update(); + }, componentDidUpdate: function componentDidUpdate() { + this._update(); + }, componentWillUnmount: function componentWillUnmount() { + this._destroy(); + }, disable: function disable() { + this._tether.disable(); + }, enable: function enable() { + this._tether.enable(); + }, position: function position() { + this._tether.position(); + }, _destroy: function _destroy() { + this._elementParentNode && (p.default.unmountComponentAtNode(this._elementParentNode), this._elementParentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this._elementParentNode)), this._tether && this._tether.destroy(), this._elementParentNode = null, this._tether = null; + }, _update: function _update() { + var t = this, + e = this.props, + n = e.children, + o = e.renderElementTag, + r = e.renderElementTo, + i = n[1];if (!i) return void (this._tether && this._destroy());if (!this._elementParentNode) { + this._elementParentNode = document.createElement(o);var s = r || document.body;s.appendChild(this._elementParentNode); + }p.default.unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer(this, i, this._elementParentNode, function () { + t._updateTether(); + }); + }, _updateTether: function _updateTether() { + var t = this.props, + e = (t.renderElementTag, t.renderElementTo, r(t, ["renderElementTag", "renderElementTo"])), + n = i({ target: this._targetNode, element: this._elementParentNode }, e);this._tether ? this._tether.setOptions(n) : this._tether = new h.default(n), this._tether.position(); + }, render: function render() { + var t = this.props.children, + e = null;return s.Children.forEach(t, function (t, n) { + if (0 === n) return e = t, !1; + }), e; + } });t.exports = c; + }, function (t, e) { + t.exports = o; + }, function (t, e, n) { + var o, r; /*! tether 1.4.0 */ + !function (i, s) { + o = s, r = "function" == typeof o ? o.call(e, n, e, t) : o, !(void 0 !== r && (t.exports = r)); + }(this, function (t, e, n) { + "use strict"; + function o(t, e) { + if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + }function r(t) { + var e = t.getBoundingClientRect(), + n = {};for (var o in e) { + n[o] = e[o]; + }if (t.ownerDocument !== document) { + var i = t.ownerDocument.defaultView.frameElement;if (i) { + var s = r(i);n.top += s.top, n.bottom += s.top, n.left += s.left, n.right += s.left; + } + }return n; + }function i(t) { + var e = getComputedStyle(t) || {}, + n = e.position, + o = [];if ("fixed" === n) return [t];for (var r = t; (r = r.parentNode) && r && 1 === r.nodeType;) { + var i = void 0;try { + i = getComputedStyle(r); + } catch (t) {}if ("undefined" == typeof i || null === i) return o.push(r), o;var s = i, + a = s.overflow, + l = s.overflowX, + p = s.overflowY;/(auto|scroll)/.test(a + p + l) && ("absolute" !== n || ["relative", "absolute", "fixed"].indexOf(i.position) >= 0) && o.push(r); + }return o.push(t.ownerDocument.body), t.ownerDocument !== document && o.push(t.ownerDocument.defaultView), o; + }function s() { + E && document.body.removeChild(E), E = null; + }function a(t) { + var e = void 0;t === document ? (e = document, t = document.documentElement) : e = t.ownerDocument;var n = e.documentElement, + o = r(t), + i = M();return o.top -= i.top, o.left -= i.left, "undefined" == typeof o.width && (o.width = document.body.scrollWidth - o.left - o.right), "undefined" == typeof o.height && (o.height = document.body.scrollHeight - o.top - o.bottom), o.top = o.top - n.clientTop, o.left = o.left - n.clientLeft, o.right = e.body.clientWidth - o.width - o.left, o.bottom = e.body.clientHeight - o.height - o.top, o; + }function l(t) { + return t.offsetParent || document.documentElement; + }function p() { + if (x) return x;var t = document.createElement("div");t.style.width = "100%", t.style.height = "200px";var e = document.createElement("div");d(e.style, { position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0, pointerEvents: "none", visibility: "hidden", width: "200px", height: "150px", overflow: "hidden" }), e.appendChild(t), document.body.appendChild(e);var n = t.offsetWidth;e.style.overflow = "scroll";var o = t.offsetWidth;n === o && (o = e.clientWidth), document.body.removeChild(e);var r = n - o;return x = { width: r, height: r }; + }function d() { + var t = arguments.length <= 0 || void 0 === arguments[0] ? {} : arguments[0], + e = [];return Array.prototype.push.apply(e, arguments), e.slice(1).forEach(function (e) { + if (e) for (var n in e) { + ({}).hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && (t[n] = e[n]); + } + }), t; + }function h(t, e) { + if ("undefined" != typeof t.classList) e.split(" ").forEach(function (e) { + e.trim() && t.classList.remove(e); + });else { + var n = new RegExp("(^| )" + e.split(" ").join("|") + "( |$)", "gi"), + o = f(t).replace(n, " ");m(t, o); + } + }function c(t, e) { + if ("undefined" != typeof t.classList) e.split(" ").forEach(function (e) { + e.trim() && t.classList.add(e); + });else { + h(t, e);var n = f(t) + (" " + e);m(t, n); + } + }function u(t, e) { + if ("undefined" != typeof t.classList) return t.classList.contains(e);var n = f(t);return new RegExp("(^| )" + e + "( |$)", "gi").test(n); + }function f(t) { + return t.className instanceof t.ownerDocument.defaultView.SVGAnimatedString ? t.className.baseVal : t.className; + }function m(t, e) { + t.setAttribute("class", e); + }function g(t, e, n) { + n.forEach(function (n) { + e.indexOf(n) === -1 && u(t, n) && h(t, n); + }), e.forEach(function (e) { + u(t, e) || c(t, e); + }); + }function o(t, e) { + if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + }function v(t, e) { + if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + (typeof e === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(e)));t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(t, e) : t.__proto__ = e); + }function y(t, e) { + var n = arguments.length <= 2 || void 0 === arguments[2] ? 1 : arguments[2];return t + n >= e && e >= t - n; + }function D() { + return "undefined" != typeof performance && "undefined" != typeof performance.now ? performance.now() : +new Date(); + }function b() { + for (var t = { top: 0, left: 0 }, e = arguments.length, n = Array(e), o = 0; o < e; o++) { + n[o] = arguments[o]; + }return n.forEach(function (e) { + var n = e.top, + o = e.left;"string" == typeof n && (n = parseFloat(n, 10)), "string" == typeof o && (o = parseFloat(o, 10)), t.top += n, t.left += o; + }), t; + }function w(t, e) { + return "string" == typeof t.left && t.left.indexOf("%") !== -1 && (t.left = parseFloat(t.left, 10) / 100 * e.width), "string" == typeof t.top && t.top.indexOf("%") !== -1 && (t.top = parseFloat(t.top, 10) / 100 * e.height), t; + }function _(t, e) { + return "scrollParent" === e ? e = t.scrollParents[0] : "window" === e && (e = [pageXOffset, pageYOffset, innerWidth + pageXOffset, innerHeight + pageYOffset]), e === document && (e = e.documentElement), "undefined" != typeof e.nodeType && !function () { + var t = e, + n = a(e), + o = n, + r = getComputedStyle(e);if (e = [o.left, o.top, n.width + o.left, n.height + o.top], t.ownerDocument !== document) { + var i = t.ownerDocument.defaultView;e[0] += i.pageXOffset, e[1] += i.pageYOffset, e[2] += i.pageXOffset, e[3] += i.pageYOffset; + }$.forEach(function (t, n) { + t = t[0].toUpperCase() + t.substr(1), "Top" === t || "Left" === t ? e[n] += parseFloat(r["border" + t + "Width"]) : e[n] -= parseFloat(r["border" + t + "Width"]); + }); + }(), e; + }var k = function () { + function t(t, e) { + for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { + var o = e[n];o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o); + } + }return function (e, n, o) { + return n && t(e.prototype, n), o && t(e, o), e; + }; + }(), + C = void 0;"undefined" == typeof C && (C = { modules: [] });var E = null, + S = function () { + var t = 0;return function () { + return ++t; + }; + }(), + O = {}, + M = function M() { + var t = E;t && document.body.contains(t) || (t = document.createElement("div"), t.setAttribute("data-tether-id", S()), d(t.style, { top: 0, left: 0, position: "absolute" }), document.body.appendChild(t), E = t);var e = t.getAttribute("data-tether-id");return "undefined" == typeof O[e] && (O[e] = r(t), T(function () { + delete O[e]; + })), O[e]; + }, + x = null, + N = [], + T = function T(t) { + N.push(t); + }, + P = function P() { + for (var t = void 0; t = N.pop();) { + t(); + } + }, + A = function () { + function t() { + o(this, t); + }return k(t, [{ key: "on", value: function value(t, e, n) { + var o = !(arguments.length <= 3 || void 0 === arguments[3]) && arguments[3];"undefined" == typeof this.bindings && (this.bindings = {}), "undefined" == typeof this.bindings[t] && (this.bindings[t] = []), this.bindings[t].push({ handler: e, ctx: n, once: o }); + } }, { key: "once", value: function value(t, e, n) { + this.on(t, e, n, !0); + } }, { key: "off", value: function value(t, e) { + if ("undefined" != typeof this.bindings && "undefined" != typeof this.bindings[t]) if ("undefined" == typeof e) delete this.bindings[t];else for (var n = 0; n < this.bindings[t].length;) { + this.bindings[t][n].handler === e ? this.bindings[t].splice(n, 1) : ++n; + } + } }, { key: "trigger", value: function value(t) { + if ("undefined" != typeof this.bindings && this.bindings[t]) { + for (var e = 0, n = arguments.length, o = Array(n > 1 ? n - 1 : 0), r = 1; r < n; r++) { + o[r - 1] = arguments[r]; + }for (; e < this.bindings[t].length;) { + var i = this.bindings[t][e], + s = i.handler, + a = i.ctx, + l = i.once, + p = a;"undefined" == typeof p && (p = this), s.apply(p, o), l ? this.bindings[t].splice(e, 1) : ++e; + } + } + } }]), t; + }();C.Utils = { getActualBoundingClientRect: r, getScrollParents: i, getBounds: a, getOffsetParent: l, extend: d, addClass: c, removeClass: h, hasClass: u, updateClasses: g, defer: T, flush: P, uniqueId: S, Evented: A, getScrollBarSize: p, removeUtilElements: s };var F = function () { + function t(t, e) { + var n = [], + o = !0, + r = !1, + i = void 0;try { + for (var s, a = t[Symbol.iterator](); !(o = (s = a.next()).done) && (n.push(s.value), !e || n.length !== e); o = !0) {} + } catch (t) { + r = !0, i = t; + } finally { + try { + !o && a.return && a.return(); + } finally { + if (r) throw i; + } + }return n; + }return function (e, n) { + if (Array.isArray(e)) return e;if (Symbol.iterator in Object(e)) return t(e, n);throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); + }; + }(), + k = function () { + function t(t, e) { + for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { + var o = e[n];o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o); + } + }return function (e, n, o) { + return n && t(e.prototype, n), o && t(e, o), e; + }; + }(), + B = function B(t, e, n) { + for (var o = !0; o;) { + var r = t, + i = e, + s = n;o = !1, null === r && (r = Function.prototype);var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, i);if (void 0 !== a) { + if ("value" in a) return a.value;var l = a.get;if (void 0 === l) return;return l.call(s); + }var p = Object.getPrototypeOf(r);if (null === p) return;t = p, e = i, n = s, o = !0, a = p = void 0; + } + };if ("undefined" == typeof C) throw new Error("You must include the utils.js file before tether.js");var Y = C.Utils, + i = Y.getScrollParents, + a = Y.getBounds, + l = Y.getOffsetParent, + d = Y.extend, + c = Y.addClass, + h = Y.removeClass, + g = Y.updateClasses, + T = Y.defer, + P = Y.flush, + p = Y.getScrollBarSize, + s = Y.removeUtilElements, + W = function () { + if ("undefined" == typeof document) return "";for (var t = document.createElement("div"), e = ["transform", "WebkitTransform", "OTransform", "MozTransform", "msTransform"], n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) { + var o = e[n];if (void 0 !== t.style[o]) return o; + } + }(), + I = [], + R = function R() { + I.forEach(function (t) { + t.position(!1); + }), P(); + };!function () { + var t = null, + e = null, + n = null, + o = function o() { + return "undefined" != typeof e && e > 16 ? (e = Math.min(e - 16, 250), void (n = setTimeout(o, 250))) : void ("undefined" != typeof t && D() - t < 10 || (null != n && (clearTimeout(n), n = null), t = D(), R(), e = D() - t)); + };"undefined" != typeof window && "undefined" != typeof window.addEventListener && ["resize", "scroll", "touchmove"].forEach(function (t) { + window.addEventListener(t, o); + }); + }();var L = { center: "center", left: "right", right: "left" }, + j = { middle: "middle", top: "bottom", bottom: "top" }, + V = { top: 0, left: 0, middle: "50%", center: "50%", bottom: "100%", right: "100%" }, + z = function z(t, e) { + var n = t.left, + o = t.top;return "auto" === n && (n = L[e.left]), "auto" === o && (o = j[e.top]), { left: n, top: o }; + }, + H = function H(t) { + var e = t.left, + n = t.top;return "undefined" != typeof V[t.left] && (e = V[t.left]), "undefined" != typeof V[t.top] && (n = V[t.top]), { left: e, top: n }; + }, + X = function X(t) { + var e = t.split(" "), + n = F(e, 2), + o = n[0], + r = n[1];return { top: o, left: r }; + }, + q = X, + U = function (t) { + function e(t) { + var n = this;o(this, e), B(Object.getPrototypeOf(e.prototype), "constructor", this).call(this), this.position = this.position.bind(this), I.push(this), this.history = [], this.setOptions(t, !1), C.modules.forEach(function (t) { + "undefined" != typeof t.initialize && t.initialize.call(n); + }), this.position(); + }return v(e, t), k(e, [{ key: "getClass", value: function value() { + var t = arguments.length <= 0 || void 0 === arguments[0] ? "" : arguments[0], + e = this.options.classes;return "undefined" != typeof e && e[t] ? this.options.classes[t] : this.options.classPrefix ? this.options.classPrefix + "-" + t : t; + } }, { key: "setOptions", value: function value(t) { + var e = this, + n = arguments.length <= 1 || void 0 === arguments[1] || arguments[1], + o = { offset: "0 0", targetOffset: "0 0", targetAttachment: "auto auto", classPrefix: "tether" };this.options = d(o, t);var r = this.options, + s = r.element, + a = r.target, + l = r.targetModifier;if (this.element = s, this.target = a, this.targetModifier = l, "viewport" === this.target ? (this.target = document.body, this.targetModifier = "visible") : "scroll-handle" === this.target && (this.target = document.body, this.targetModifier = "scroll-handle"), ["element", "target"].forEach(function (t) { + if ("undefined" == typeof e[t]) throw new Error("Tether Error: Both element and target must be defined");"undefined" != typeof e[t].jquery ? e[t] = e[t][0] : "string" == typeof e[t] && (e[t] = document.querySelector(e[t])); + }), c(this.element, this.getClass("element")), this.options.addTargetClasses !== !1 && c(this.target, this.getClass("target")), !this.options.attachment) throw new Error("Tether Error: You must provide an attachment");this.targetAttachment = q(this.options.targetAttachment), this.attachment = q(this.options.attachment), this.offset = X(this.options.offset), this.targetOffset = X(this.options.targetOffset), "undefined" != typeof this.scrollParents && this.disable(), "scroll-handle" === this.targetModifier ? this.scrollParents = [this.target] : this.scrollParents = i(this.target), this.options.enabled !== !1 && this.enable(n); + } }, { key: "getTargetBounds", value: function value() { + if ("undefined" == typeof this.targetModifier) return a(this.target);if ("visible" === this.targetModifier) { + if (this.target === document.body) return { top: pageYOffset, left: pageXOffset, height: innerHeight, width: innerWidth };var t = a(this.target), + e = { height: t.height, width: t.width, top: t.top, left: t.left };return e.height = Math.min(e.height, t.height - (pageYOffset - t.top)), e.height = Math.min(e.height, t.height - (t.top + t.height - (pageYOffset + innerHeight))), e.height = Math.min(innerHeight, e.height), e.height -= 2, e.width = Math.min(e.width, t.width - (pageXOffset - t.left)), e.width = Math.min(e.width, t.width - (t.left + t.width - (pageXOffset + innerWidth))), e.width = Math.min(innerWidth, e.width), e.width -= 2, e.top < pageYOffset && (e.top = pageYOffset), e.left < pageXOffset && (e.left = pageXOffset), e; + }if ("scroll-handle" === this.targetModifier) { + var t = void 0, + n = this.target;n === document.body ? (n = document.documentElement, t = { left: pageXOffset, top: pageYOffset, height: innerHeight, width: innerWidth }) : t = a(n);var o = getComputedStyle(n), + r = n.scrollWidth > n.clientWidth || [o.overflow, o.overflowX].indexOf("scroll") >= 0 || this.target !== document.body, + i = 0;r && (i = 15);var s = t.height - parseFloat(o.borderTopWidth) - parseFloat(o.borderBottomWidth) - i, + e = { width: 15, height: .975 * s * (s / n.scrollHeight), left: t.left + t.width - parseFloat(o.borderLeftWidth) - 15 }, + l = 0;s < 408 && this.target === document.body && (l = -11e-5 * Math.pow(s, 2) - .00727 * s + 22.58), this.target !== document.body && (e.height = Math.max(e.height, 24));var p = this.target.scrollTop / (n.scrollHeight - s);return e.top = p * (s - e.height - l) + t.top + parseFloat(o.borderTopWidth), this.target === document.body && (e.height = Math.max(e.height, 24)), e; + } + } }, { key: "clearCache", value: function value() { + this._cache = {}; + } }, { key: "cache", value: function value(t, e) { + return "undefined" == typeof this._cache && (this._cache = {}), "undefined" == typeof this._cache[t] && (this._cache[t] = e.call(this)), this._cache[t]; + } }, { key: "enable", value: function value() { + var t = this, + e = arguments.length <= 0 || void 0 === arguments[0] || arguments[0];this.options.addTargetClasses !== !1 && c(this.target, this.getClass("enabled")), c(this.element, this.getClass("enabled")), this.enabled = !0, this.scrollParents.forEach(function (e) { + e !== t.target.ownerDocument && e.addEventListener("scroll", t.position); + }), e && this.position(); + } }, { key: "disable", value: function value() { + var t = this;h(this.target, this.getClass("enabled")), h(this.element, this.getClass("enabled")), this.enabled = !1, "undefined" != typeof this.scrollParents && this.scrollParents.forEach(function (e) { + e.removeEventListener("scroll", t.position); + }); + } }, { key: "destroy", value: function value() { + var t = this;this.disable(), I.forEach(function (e, n) { + e === t && I.splice(n, 1); + }), 0 === I.length && s(); + } }, { key: "updateAttachClasses", value: function value(t, e) { + var n = this;t = t || this.attachment, e = e || this.targetAttachment;var o = ["left", "top", "bottom", "right", "middle", "center"];"undefined" != typeof this._addAttachClasses && this._addAttachClasses.length && this._addAttachClasses.splice(0, this._addAttachClasses.length), "undefined" == typeof this._addAttachClasses && (this._addAttachClasses = []);var r = this._addAttachClasses;t.top && r.push(this.getClass("element-attached") + "-" + t.top), t.left && r.push(this.getClass("element-attached") + "-" + t.left), e.top && r.push(this.getClass("target-attached") + "-" + e.top), e.left && r.push(this.getClass("target-attached") + "-" + e.left);var i = [];o.forEach(function (t) { + i.push(n.getClass("element-attached") + "-" + t), i.push(n.getClass("target-attached") + "-" + t); + }), T(function () { + "undefined" != typeof n._addAttachClasses && (g(n.element, n._addAttachClasses, i), n.options.addTargetClasses !== !1 && g(n.target, n._addAttachClasses, i), delete n._addAttachClasses); + }); + } }, { key: "position", value: function value() { + var t = this, + e = arguments.length <= 0 || void 0 === arguments[0] || arguments[0];if (this.enabled) { + this.clearCache();var n = z(this.targetAttachment, this.attachment);this.updateAttachClasses(this.attachment, n);var o = this.cache("element-bounds", function () { + return a(t.element); + }), + r = o.width, + i = o.height;if (0 === r && 0 === i && "undefined" != typeof this.lastSize) { + var s = this.lastSize;r = s.width, i = s.height; + } else this.lastSize = { width: r, height: i };var d = this.cache("target-bounds", function () { + return t.getTargetBounds(); + }), + h = d, + c = w(H(this.attachment), { width: r, height: i }), + u = w(H(n), h), + f = w(this.offset, { width: r, height: i }), + m = w(this.targetOffset, h);c = b(c, f), u = b(u, m);for (var g = d.left + u.left - c.left, v = d.top + u.top - c.top, y = 0; y < C.modules.length; ++y) { + var D = C.modules[y], + _ = D.position.call(this, { left: g, top: v, targetAttachment: n, targetPos: d, elementPos: o, offset: c, targetOffset: u, manualOffset: f, manualTargetOffset: m, scrollbarSize: O, attachment: this.attachment });if (_ === !1) return !1;"undefined" != typeof _ && "object" == (typeof _ === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(_)) && (v = _.top, g = _.left); + }var k = { page: { top: v, left: g }, viewport: { top: v - pageYOffset, bottom: pageYOffset - v - i + innerHeight, left: g - pageXOffset, right: pageXOffset - g - r + innerWidth } }, + E = this.target.ownerDocument, + S = E.defaultView, + O = void 0;return S.innerHeight > E.documentElement.clientHeight && (O = this.cache("scrollbar-size", p), k.viewport.bottom -= O.height), S.innerWidth > E.documentElement.clientWidth && (O = this.cache("scrollbar-size", p), k.viewport.right -= O.width), ["", "static"].indexOf(E.body.style.position) !== -1 && ["", "static"].indexOf(E.body.parentElement.style.position) !== -1 || (k.page.bottom = E.body.scrollHeight - v - i, k.page.right = E.body.scrollWidth - g - r), "undefined" != typeof this.options.optimizations && this.options.optimizations.moveElement !== !1 && "undefined" == typeof this.targetModifier && !function () { + var e = t.cache("target-offsetparent", function () { + return l(t.target); + }), + n = t.cache("target-offsetparent-bounds", function () { + return a(e); + }), + o = getComputedStyle(e), + r = n, + i = {};if (["Top", "Left", "Bottom", "Right"].forEach(function (t) { + i[t.toLowerCase()] = parseFloat(o["border" + t + "Width"]); + }), n.right = E.body.scrollWidth - n.left - r.width + i.right, n.bottom = E.body.scrollHeight - n.top - r.height + i.bottom, k.page.top >= n.top + i.top && k.page.bottom >= n.bottom && k.page.left >= n.left + i.left && k.page.right >= n.right) { + var s = e.scrollTop, + p = e.scrollLeft;k.offset = { top: k.page.top - n.top + s - i.top, left: k.page.left - n.left + p - i.left }; + } + }(), this.move(k), this.history.unshift(k), this.history.length > 3 && this.history.pop(), e && P(), !0; + } + } }, { key: "move", value: function value(t) { + var e = this;if ("undefined" != typeof this.element.parentNode) { + var n = {};for (var o in t) { + n[o] = {};for (var r in t[o]) { + for (var i = !1, s = 0; s < this.history.length; ++s) { + var a = this.history[s];if ("undefined" != typeof a[o] && !y(a[o][r], t[o][r])) { + i = !0;break; + } + }i || (n[o][r] = !0); + } + }var p = { top: "", left: "", right: "", bottom: "" }, + h = function h(t, n) { + var o = "undefined" != typeof e.options.optimizations, + r = o ? e.options.optimizations.gpu : null;if (r !== !1) { + var i = void 0, + s = void 0;if (t.top ? (p.top = 0, i = n.top) : (p.bottom = 0, i = -n.bottom), t.left ? (p.left = 0, s = n.left) : (p.right = 0, s = -n.right), window.matchMedia) { + var a = window.matchMedia("only screen and (min-resolution: 1.3dppx)").matches || window.matchMedia("only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.3)").matches;a || (s = Math.round(s), i = Math.round(i)); + }p[W] = "translateX(" + s + "px) translateY(" + i + "px)", "msTransform" !== W && (p[W] += " translateZ(0)"); + } else t.top ? p.top = n.top + "px" : p.bottom = n.bottom + "px", t.left ? p.left = n.left + "px" : p.right = n.right + "px"; + }, + c = !1;if ((n.page.top || n.page.bottom) && (n.page.left || n.page.right) ? (p.position = "absolute", h(n.page, t.page)) : (n.viewport.top || n.viewport.bottom) && (n.viewport.left || n.viewport.right) ? (p.position = "fixed", h(n.viewport, t.viewport)) : "undefined" != typeof n.offset && n.offset.top && n.offset.left ? !function () { + p.position = "absolute";var o = e.cache("target-offsetparent", function () { + return l(e.target); + });l(e.element) !== o && T(function () { + e.element.parentNode.removeChild(e.element), o.appendChild(e.element); + }), h(n.offset, t.offset), c = !0; + }() : (p.position = "absolute", h({ top: !0, left: !0 }, t.page)), !c) if (this.options.bodyElement) this.options.bodyElement.appendChild(this.element);else { + for (var u = !0, f = this.element.parentNode; f && 1 === f.nodeType && "BODY" !== f.tagName;) { + if ("static" !== getComputedStyle(f).position) { + u = !1;break; + }f = f.parentNode; + }u || (this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element), this.element.ownerDocument.body.appendChild(this.element)); + }var m = {}, + g = !1;for (var r in p) { + var v = p[r], + D = this.element.style[r];D !== v && (g = !0, m[r] = v); + }g && T(function () { + d(e.element.style, m), e.trigger("repositioned"); + }); + } + } }]), e; + }(A);U.modules = [], C.position = R;var K = d(U, C), + F = function () { + function t(t, e) { + var n = [], + o = !0, + r = !1, + i = void 0;try { + for (var s, a = t[Symbol.iterator](); !(o = (s = a.next()).done) && (n.push(s.value), !e || n.length !== e); o = !0) {} + } catch (t) { + r = !0, i = t; + } finally { + try { + !o && a.return && a.return(); + } finally { + if (r) throw i; + } + }return n; + }return function (e, n) { + if (Array.isArray(e)) return e;if (Symbol.iterator in Object(e)) return t(e, n);throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); + }; + }(), + Y = C.Utils, + a = Y.getBounds, + d = Y.extend, + g = Y.updateClasses, + T = Y.defer, + $ = ["left", "top", "right", "bottom"];C.modules.push({ position: function position(t) { + var e = this, + n = t.top, + o = t.left, + r = t.targetAttachment;if (!this.options.constraints) return !0;var i = this.cache("element-bounds", function () { + return a(e.element); + }), + s = i.height, + l = i.width;if (0 === l && 0 === s && "undefined" != typeof this.lastSize) { + var p = this.lastSize;l = p.width, s = p.height; + }var h = this.cache("target-bounds", function () { + return e.getTargetBounds(); + }), + c = h.height, + u = h.width, + f = [this.getClass("pinned"), this.getClass("out-of-bounds")];this.options.constraints.forEach(function (t) { + var e = t.outOfBoundsClass, + n = t.pinnedClass;e && f.push(e), n && f.push(n); + }), f.forEach(function (t) { + ["left", "top", "right", "bottom"].forEach(function (e) { + f.push(t + "-" + e); + }); + });var m = [], + v = d({}, r), + y = d({}, this.attachment);return this.options.constraints.forEach(function (t) { + var i = t.to, + a = t.attachment, + p = t.pin;"undefined" == typeof a && (a = "");var d = void 0, + h = void 0;if (a.indexOf(" ") >= 0) { + var f = a.split(" "), + g = F(f, 2);h = g[0], d = g[1]; + } else d = h = a;var D = _(e, i);"target" !== h && "both" !== h || (n < D[1] && "top" === v.top && (n += c, v.top = "bottom"), n + s > D[3] && "bottom" === v.top && (n -= c, v.top = "top")), "together" === h && ("top" === v.top && ("bottom" === y.top && n < D[1] ? (n += c, v.top = "bottom", n += s, y.top = "top") : "top" === y.top && n + s > D[3] && n - (s - c) >= D[1] && (n -= s - c, v.top = "bottom", y.top = "bottom")), "bottom" === v.top && ("top" === y.top && n + s > D[3] ? (n -= c, v.top = "top", n -= s, y.top = "bottom") : "bottom" === y.top && n < D[1] && n + (2 * s - c) <= D[3] && (n += s - c, v.top = "top", y.top = "top")), "middle" === v.top && (n + s > D[3] && "top" === y.top ? (n -= s, y.top = "bottom") : n < D[1] && "bottom" === y.top && (n += s, y.top = "top"))), "target" !== d && "both" !== d || (o < D[0] && "left" === v.left && (o += u, v.left = "right"), o + l > D[2] && "right" === v.left && (o -= u, v.left = "left")), "together" === d && (o < D[0] && "left" === v.left ? "right" === y.left ? (o += u, v.left = "right", o += l, y.left = "left") : "left" === y.left && (o += u, v.left = "right", o -= l, y.left = "right") : o + l > D[2] && "right" === v.left ? "left" === y.left ? (o -= u, v.left = "left", o -= l, y.left = "right") : "right" === y.left && (o -= u, v.left = "left", o += l, y.left = "left") : "center" === v.left && (o + l > D[2] && "left" === y.left ? (o -= l, y.left = "right") : o < D[0] && "right" === y.left && (o += l, y.left = "left"))), "element" !== h && "both" !== h || (n < D[1] && "bottom" === y.top && (n += s, y.top = "top"), n + s > D[3] && "top" === y.top && (n -= s, y.top = "bottom")), "element" !== d && "both" !== d || (o < D[0] && ("right" === y.left ? (o += l, y.left = "left") : "center" === y.left && (o += l / 2, y.left = "left")), o + l > D[2] && ("left" === y.left ? (o -= l, y.left = "right") : "center" === y.left && (o -= l / 2, y.left = "right"))), "string" == typeof p ? p = p.split(",").map(function (t) { + return t.trim(); + }) : p === !0 && (p = ["top", "left", "right", "bottom"]), p = p || [];var b = [], + w = [];n < D[1] && (p.indexOf("top") >= 0 ? (n = D[1], b.push("top")) : w.push("top")), n + s > D[3] && (p.indexOf("bottom") >= 0 ? (n = D[3] - s, b.push("bottom")) : w.push("bottom")), o < D[0] && (p.indexOf("left") >= 0 ? (o = D[0], b.push("left")) : w.push("left")), o + l > D[2] && (p.indexOf("right") >= 0 ? (o = D[2] - l, b.push("right")) : w.push("right")), b.length && !function () { + var t = void 0;t = "undefined" != typeof e.options.pinnedClass ? e.options.pinnedClass : e.getClass("pinned"), m.push(t), b.forEach(function (e) { + m.push(t + "-" + e); + }); + }(), w.length && !function () { + var t = void 0;t = "undefined" != typeof e.options.outOfBoundsClass ? e.options.outOfBoundsClass : e.getClass("out-of-bounds"), m.push(t), w.forEach(function (e) { + m.push(t + "-" + e); + }); + }(), (b.indexOf("left") >= 0 || b.indexOf("right") >= 0) && (y.left = v.left = !1), (b.indexOf("top") >= 0 || b.indexOf("bottom") >= 0) && (y.top = v.top = !1), v.top === r.top && v.left === r.left && y.top === e.attachment.top && y.left === e.attachment.left || (e.updateAttachClasses(y, v), e.trigger("update", { attachment: y, targetAttachment: v })); + }), T(function () { + e.options.addTargetClasses !== !1 && g(e.target, m, f), g(e.element, m, f); + }), { top: n, left: o }; + } });var Y = C.Utils, + a = Y.getBounds, + g = Y.updateClasses, + T = Y.defer;C.modules.push({ position: function position(t) { + var e = this, + n = t.top, + o = t.left, + r = this.cache("element-bounds", function () { + return a(e.element); + }), + i = r.height, + s = r.width, + l = this.getTargetBounds(), + p = n + i, + d = o + s, + h = [];n <= l.bottom && p >= l.top && ["left", "right"].forEach(function (t) { + var e = l[t];e !== o && e !== d || h.push(t); + }), o <= l.right && d >= l.left && ["top", "bottom"].forEach(function (t) { + var e = l[t];e !== n && e !== p || h.push(t); + });var c = [], + u = [], + f = ["left", "top", "right", "bottom"];return c.push(this.getClass("abutted")), f.forEach(function (t) { + c.push(e.getClass("abutted") + "-" + t); + }), h.length && u.push(this.getClass("abutted")), h.forEach(function (t) { + u.push(e.getClass("abutted") + "-" + t); + }), T(function () { + e.options.addTargetClasses !== !1 && g(e.target, u, c), g(e.element, u, c); + }), !0; + } });var F = function () { + function t(t, e) { + var n = [], + o = !0, + r = !1, + i = void 0;try { + for (var s, a = t[Symbol.iterator](); !(o = (s = a.next()).done) && (n.push(s.value), !e || n.length !== e); o = !0) {} + } catch (t) { + r = !0, i = t; + } finally { + try { + !o && a.return && a.return(); + } finally { + if (r) throw i; + } + }return n; + }return function (e, n) { + if (Array.isArray(e)) return e;if (Symbol.iterator in Object(e)) return t(e, n);throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); + }; + }();return C.modules.push({ position: function position(t) { + var e = t.top, + n = t.left;if (this.options.shift) { + var o = this.options.shift;"function" == typeof this.options.shift && (o = this.options.shift.call(this, { top: e, left: n }));var r = void 0, + i = void 0;if ("string" == typeof o) { + o = o.split(" "), o[1] = o[1] || o[0];var s = o, + a = F(s, 2);r = a[0], i = a[1], r = parseFloat(r, 10), i = parseFloat(i, 10); + } else r = o.top, i = o.left;return e += r, n += i, { top: e, left: n }; + } + } }), K; + }); + }]); + }); + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(293)(module))) /***/ }), /* 748 */ @@ -82397,9 +83509,9 @@ var _classnames2 = _interopRequireDefault(_classnames); - var _reactDatepicker = __webpack_require__(747); + var _reactDatepickerMin = __webpack_require__(747); - var _reactDatepicker2 = _interopRequireDefault(_reactDatepicker); + var _reactDatepickerMin2 = _interopRequireDefault(_reactDatepickerMin); __webpack_require__(764); @@ -82481,7 +83593,7 @@ ), inputNote ), - _react2.default.createElement(_reactDatepicker2.default, { + _react2.default.createElement(_reactDatepickerMin2.default, { ref: "input", className: "DateInput--input", calendarClassName: "DatePicker", diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index a2c0336fe..dc8a7bcb9 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "clever-components", - "version": "0.24.3", + "version": "0.24.4", "description": "A library of helpful React components and less styles", "repository": { "type": "git", @@ -20,13 +20,15 @@ "lodash": "^4.14.1", "moment": "^2.18.1", "numeral": "^2.0.4", + "prop-types": "^15.5.8", "react-addons-css-transition-group": "^15.4.2", "react-bootstrap": "^0.30.0", "react-copy-to-clipboard": "^4.2.1", - "react-datepicker": "./vendor/react-datepicker", "react-dropzone": "^3.11.0", + "react-onclickoutside": "^5.11.1", "react-select": "^1.0.0-beta14", - "short-number": "^1.0.6" + "short-number": "^1.0.6", + "tether": "^1.4.0" }, "devDependencies": { "autoprefixer": "^6.5.3", diff --git a/src/DateInput/DateInput.jsx b/src/DateInput/DateInput.jsx index a218ed277..2e9ac0020 100644 --- a/src/DateInput/DateInput.jsx +++ b/src/DateInput/DateInput.jsx @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import moment from "moment"; import React from "react"; import classnames from "classnames"; -import ReactDatePicker from "react-datepicker"; +import ReactDatePicker from "../../vendor/react-datepicker/dist/react-datepicker.min.js"; import "./DateInput.less"; diff --git a/src/DatePicker/DatePicker.jsx b/src/DatePicker/DatePicker.jsx index b3eb35501..43d594a4d 100644 --- a/src/DatePicker/DatePicker.jsx +++ b/src/DatePicker/DatePicker.jsx @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import moment from "moment"; import classnames from "classnames"; import React, {PropTypes} from "react"; -import ReactDatePicker from "react-datepicker"; +import ReactDatePicker from "../../vendor/react-datepicker/dist/react-datepicker.min.js"; import "./DatePicker.less"; diff --git a/src/DatePicker/DatePicker.less b/src/DatePicker/DatePicker.less index 9fa8acd50..a98807048 100644 --- a/src/DatePicker/DatePicker.less +++ b/src/DatePicker/DatePicker.less @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ @import (reference) "../less/index"; -@import "~react-datepicker/dist/react-datepicker.min.css"; +@import "../../vendor/react-datepicker/dist/react-datepicker.min.css"; .DatePicker { .borderRadius--0; diff --git a/vendor/react-datepicker/package.json b/vendor/react-datepicker/package.json deleted file mode 100644 index 503154233..000000000 --- a/vendor/react-datepicker/package.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ - -{ - "author": "HackerOne", - "name": "react-datepicker", - "description": "A forked/vendored version of react-datepicker to work around some bugs.", - "version": "0.46.0", - "license": "MIT", - "homepage": "https://github.com/Hacker0x01/react-datepicker", - "main": "dist/react-datepicker.min.js", - "style": "dist/react-datepicker.min.css", - "files": [ - "*.md", - "dist", - "lib", - "src/stylesheets" - ], - "peerDependencies": { - "react": "^0.14.0 || ^15.0.0", - "react-dom": "^0.14.0 || ^15.0.0" - }, - "dependencies": { - "classnames": "^2.2.5", - "moment": "^2.17.1", - "prop-types": "^15.5.8", - "react-onclickoutside": "^5.11.1", - "tether": "^1.4.0" - } -}