Releases: CodeForPhilly/clean-and-green-philly
Releases · CodeForPhilly/clean-and-green-philly
Release Notes for Version 1.4.0 - September 25, 2024
What's Changed
- Update Contributor Section in READ.ME by @mjnishigaki in #880
- Add Ruff cache to .prettierignore by @nlebovits in #892
- Commit package-lock.json changes by @nlebovits in #893
- Add SonarQube by @nlebovits in #895
- Test SonarQube config by @nlebovits in #897
- Remove SonarQube setup by @nlebovits in #898
- Fix issue with how negligent devs are identified by @nlebovits in #899
- Trim unneeded fields from data_utils by @nlebovits in #900
- Fix backend PR checks by @nlebovits in #907
- Dynamically determine parkserve URL by @nlebovits in #901
- Fix Vercel deployment by @nlebovits in #909
- Fix and hyperlink PA Horticultural Society on homepage by @AZBL in #905
- Make Before and After Text on Image Actual Text by @AZBL in #906
New Contributors
- @mjnishigaki made their first contribution in #880
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0
Release Notes for Version 1.3.0 - September 5, 2024
What's Changed
- Ensure image corners are rounded consistently @samipthapa (#886)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix GitHub repository link redirect issue on Methodology page @samipthapa (#883)
Version 1.2.0
Version 1.1.0
Release Notes for Version 1.1.0 - August 8, 2024
Since the last official release, we have added many features and made many improvements to our website. Major changes include:
- Dockerize Python data pipeline and Postgres database
- Improve Web Accessibility
- Expand DevOps pipeline (ex. adding pre-commit hooks, updating dependencies with Dependabot, automatically drafting release notes)
- Add buttons to "Find Properties" webpage for saving properties to be viewed later
- Add outlines to content cards @zheyichn (#831)
- Fix Docker formatting and linting @nlebovits (#847)
- Fix formatting and linting errors @nlebovits (#846)
- Add precommit hook @nlebovits (#842)
- Switch to ruff @nlebovits (#845)
- Add script to query database in Docker container and write a local spatial data file for sharing with external partners @nlebovits (#844)
- Enable GitHub Workflows for release drafter and semantic release @CodeWritingCow (#833)
- Fix gun violence graph in WHCM. @zheyichn (#813)
- Temporarily disable release and release-drafter workflows @nlebovits (#821)
- Temporarily disable release workflows @nlebovits (#819)
- Temporarily disable workflows until working @nlebovits (#817)
- Test release drafter @nlebovits (#815)
- Test release @nlebovits (#814)
- Quick fixes due to npm formatting @nlebovits (#812)
- Fix eslint, prettier conflicts; run npm format @nlebovits (#811)
- Fix issue with node version, release drafter GitHub token @nlebovits (#809)
- Automate PR management @nlebovits (#795)
- Add semantic release and release drafter configs @nlebovits (#792)
- Update dependabot @nlebovits (#786)
- Fix directory of Pip package ecosystem @nlebovits (#773)
- Add frontend formatting check @nlebovits (#752)
- Rake icon contrast fix @zheyichn (#750)
- Street view icon fix @zheyichn (#755)
- Get pr_checks_backend.yml working @nlebovits (#756)
- Add dependabot.yml to keep GitHub Actions, NPM and Pip dependencies up to date @nlebovits (#758)
- 623-saved-button-aria @Amberroseweeks (#742)
- Schedule backend job on GCP @zigouras (#739)
- Show error message if map fails to load @Michael-Dratch (#732)
- Change tailwind config and add new contrast-friendly blue @JT0Y (#722)
- Move "learn more" link fragment spans to be above subject header @jgrimes86 (#729)
- Add aria-live to find properties results @amyyeung17 (#726)
- Add aria-current to page buttons @jgrimes86 (#723)
- Rename "Properties in View" and add item count @amyyeung17 (#724)
- Add empty state when no property results with text and clear filters button @Michael-Dratch (#716)
- X button close labels @JT0Y (#714)
- Add custom 404 page @AZBL (#711)
- Copy tiles file to backup/ instead of move @zigouras (#710)
- Add a11y page @zheyichn (#699)
- Add aria-label to IconLink @KenMain5 (#702)
- Dockerize postgres @zigouras (#694)
- Reword filter content @zheyichn (#697)
- Add aria-expanded for download button @amyyeung17 (#691)
- Change saved button icon @zheyichn (#693)
- Update aria-labels for "learn more" links in filter @amyyeung17 (#690)
- Add aria-label to ThemeButtonLink @KenMain5 (#692)
- Improve social media thumbnail and title @AZBL (#684)
- Announce Number of Filters & 627: Keep Keyboard Focus on Filter Button @jgrimes86 (#687)
- Limit search to Philadelphia @jgrimes86 (#683)
- Add negligent devs @nlebovits (#681)
- Add aria-label to Saved button @CodeWritingCow (#679)
- Add neighboring properties count @nlebovits (#678)
- Parcel dev risk @nlebovits (#677)
- Remove PPR properties @nlebovits (#675)
- Park priority areas @nlebovits (#674)
- Remove community gardens @nlebovits (#673)
- Update data analysis @nlebovits (#666)
- Improve map toggle @amyyeung17 (#622)
- Accept or Decline Cookies @CodeWritingCow (#635)
- Issue 520 @zigouras (#632)
- Add tooltips for SinglePropertyDetail and MapLegend @amyyeung17 (#647)
- Apply Hover Styling on Property Cards when Keyboard Focus is on Cards @AZBL (#644)
- Tooltip for share button when tabbing (a11y) @amyyeung17 (#636)
- Change card titles to H3 tags on Transform Property page @CodeWritingCow (#621)
- Fix Property List Controls - 594 @AZBL (#611)
- Build: first draft of CI pipeline @SKalt (#620)
- Fix a11y issue with Filter button (#603) @10234567Z (#608)
- Feature: Save properties @CodeWritingCow (#587)
- Simplify "get access" filter @jgrimes86 (#600)
- Fix nav padding @amyyeung17 (#596)
- Fix Page Content Spacing @AZBL (#595)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Dropdown display bug fix @jgrimes86 (#865)
- Fix issue with release version number @CodeWritingCow (#835)
- Fix deployment failure bug — revert mapbox-gl to v3.2.0 @CodeWritingCow (#827)
- Fix deployment failure bug @CodeWritingCow (#823)
- Fix Dependabot @nlebovits (#803)
- Use production URL for Open Graph metadata @CodeWritingCow (#696)
- Issue 701: cookie banner re-rendering @JT0Y (#704)
- Fixes for back-end @zigouras (#703)
- 685: Bug Fix: Selected Panels 'Selected' State @jgrimes86 (#688)
- Issue 662 @zigouras (#680)
- Fix OPA ID error @nlebovits (#671)
- Fix the issue of map-legends going offscreen @10234567Z (#637)
- Correct flashing of filter button color on select & hover @jgrimes86 (#617)
- Fix issue with all-contributors bot throwing errors @CodeWritingCow (#613)
- Fix Save button issues @CodeWritingCow (#607)
- Bug Fix: Map Search Field Not Clickable @jgrimes86 (#586)
📝 Documentation
- Remove redundant language @nlebovits (#790)
- Add quickstart checklist to contributing guide @nlebovits (#789)
- Fix backend issues @nlebovits (#708)
- Fix typo in to correct spelling of the word "recommended" @csharpie (#731)
- Add NJ DEP award to @CodeWritingCow (#720)
- Update docs and codeowners @nlebovits (#682)
- Update onboarding docs @enrider (#661)
- Add sections to contributing, clarify CI/CD steps @cjfit (#648)
- Create project roadmap; update readme to link to roadmap in docs @nlebovits (#614)
- Update docs @nlebovits (#609)
Dependency updates
- deps: bump the all-npm group with 16 updates @dependabot (#808)
- deps: bump postcss from 8.4.29 to 8.4.39 @dependabot (#806)
- deps: bump pandas from 2.1.4 to 2.2.2 in /data/src @dependabot (#805)
- deps: bump framer-motion from 10.18.0 to 11.3.8 @dependabot (#804)
- deps: bump slack-sdk from 3.28.0 to 3.31.0 in /data/src @dependabot (#800)
- deps: bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 7.3.1 to 7.16.1 @dependabot (#799)
- deps: bump pydantic from 1.10.12 to 2.8.2 in /data/src @dependabot (#788)
- Bump geoalchemy2 from 0.15.1 to 0.15.2 in /data/src @dependabot (#784)
- Bump matplotlib from 3.9.0 to 3.9.1 in /data/src @dependabot (#783)
- Bump shapely from 2.0.4 to 2.0.5 in /data/src @dependabot (#782)
- Bump mapclassify from 2.6.1 to 2.7.0 in /data/src @dependabot (#781)
- Bump geopandas from 0.14.2 to 1.0.1 in /data/src @dependabot (#780)
- Bump next from 14.1.4 to 14.2.5 @dependabot (#779)
- Bump react-icons from 5.0.1 to 5.2.1 @dependabot (#778)
- Bump postcss-nesting from 12.1.1 to 12.1.5 @dependabot (#777)
- Bump @phosphor-icons/react from 2.0.15 to 2.1.7 @dependabot (#776)
- Bump pmtiles from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6 @dependabot (#775)
- Bump tailwindcss from 3.4.1 to 3.4.6 @dependabot (#766)
- Bump @heroicons/react from 2.1.1 to 2.1.5 @dependabot (#765)
- Bump @turf/centroid from 7.0.0-alpha.114 to 7.0.0 @dependabot (#764)
- Bump eslint-config-next from 14.2.2 to 14.2.5 @dependabot (#763)
- Bump maplibre-gl from 4.1.1 to 4.5.0 @dependabot (#762)
- Bump clsx from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 @dependabot (#761)
Version 1.0.0
Release Notes for Version 1.0.0 - April 21st, 2024
Welcome to the first official release of our website! This version marks a major milestone as we move out of beta and offer a stable, more robust version to all users.
What’s New
- Landing Page: A straightforward, clean starting point to help you navigate our site more easily.
- Main Map with Filtering: Use our interactive map with new filtering options to find vacant properties in Philadelphia that meet your needs.
- Get Access Page: Learn how to legally access vacant properties.
- Transform Page: Explore ideas for turning vacant properties into spaces that can help reduce gun violence and benefit the community.
- About Page: Get to know more about our mission, our goals, and the people making it happen.
- Improved mobile responsiveness to make the site easy to use on any device.
- Implemented web accessibility standards to help ensure everyone can use our site.
Future Releases
- We'll be updating our datasets to include new attributes like development probability and assemblage suitability.
- Integrating feedback from users to make your experience better.
- Automating our data pipeline to provide monthly updates.
- Improving the filtering functionality on the map.
- Providing more information on funding opportunities and legal resources.