BlabberTabber is an Android Application that performs speaker diarization. (i.e. "who spoke when?"). It does not perform speech recognition.
Summary Screen | Recording Screen | Splash Screen |
Charlotte Cunningham did much of the design work. And the logo. Thanks Charlotte.
Daniel Di Matteo wrote the first Android-based diarization app, and made helpful suggestions about which libraries to use.
- Gerald Friedland, Ph.D.
- Ekaterina Gonina, Ph.D.
Vaquero, C., Vinyals, O., and Friedland, G., A Hybrid Approach to Online Speaker Diarization, INTERSPEECH, page 2638-2641. ISCA, (2010)
Gonina E., Friedland G., Cook H., Keutzer K., Fast Speaker Diarization Using a High-Level Scripting Language, In Proc. of ASRU Workshop, 2011.
Di Matteo, D. Speech Diarization on a Mobile Platform, 2011