Hosting is a key part of the success of the group. Very often, the host is the first person that any new members that come into the group will meet. At the end of the day, the goal for the host is to get as many people involved in the group as possible, whether that be through project work, or through other means.
Hosting is done on a rotational basis, with members of the group taking turns to host the meeting. Current members in the rotational schedule:
- @tyliec
- @avenmia
- @k7lim
Thank you to all of our hosts for their hard work! If you see them, be sure to give them a cookie or a high-five. For a list of the upcoming hosting schedule, see the Hosting Schedule file.
While there isn't a formal hosting process, there are a few things that hosts are responsible for:
- Driving the meeting (e.g. setting an agenda, and making sure that the meeting stays on track)
- Welcoming new members and onboarding them to the group (for an example onboarding process, see the Onboarding file)
- Discussing the group's projects and how to get involved, as well as any important announcements/updates (who is the project lead, what the project is about, etc.)
For a checklist of things the host normally does:
- Creating an agenda for the meeting (e.g. what will be discussed, who will be speaking, etc.)
- Ensuring that the Meetup event is created and is up-to-date (e.g. the location, the time, the agenda, etc.)
- Ordering and getting food and drinks (if the meeting is in-person)
- Making sure that the meeting starts on time (e.g. making sure that the room is ready, etc.)
- Arranging for a guest speaker (if necessary)
- Creating a slide deck for the meeting (if necessary)
We understand that hosting can be a lot of work, and we want to make sure that our hosts are recognized for their hard work. As such, we are planning a special group outing for hosts 😄
- Editing the Meetup event
- Scheduling the venue
- Reimbursement for food and drinks (budget of $100 per meeting)