Problem: Healthcare access is one of the most harmful inequities that exist in our country today. Unfortunately, taking control of one's own healthcare and health requires medical literacy, money, employment, and food access. Because of this, it is clear that our current healthcare system fails to provide effective, high-quality, and cost-effective care for many urban neighborhoods and populations.
Goal: My goal is to provide a tool for doctors to better understand the resources available in particular communities, patient's history and insurance status, and patient's lifestyle. This information should be consolidated in a user-friendly manner, provide visuals, and allow information to be updated regularly. Currently, most medical communication occurs through faxing or requires the patient to enter all details about their healthcare concerns. To help alleviate this burden for urban communities and help doctors get a more hollistic understanding of their patients, I want to create a centralized platform that better prepares doctors to help guide their patients to manage and maintain their health long-term given the resources available to them and their lifestyle.