1 |
| -/** |
2 |
| - * @file gulpfile.js |
3 |
| - * |
4 |
| - * Defines tasks that can be run on gulp. |
5 |
| - * |
6 |
| - * Summary: <ul> |
7 |
| - * <li> `test` - runs all the tests on node and the browser (mocha and karma) |
8 |
| - * <ul> |
9 |
| - * <li> `test:node` |
10 |
| - * <li> `test:node:nofail` - internally used for watching (due to bug on gulp-mocha) |
11 |
| - * <li> `test:browser` |
12 |
| - * </ul>` |
13 |
| - * <li> `watch:test` - watch for file changes and run tests |
14 |
| - * <ul> |
15 |
| - * <li> `watch:test:node` |
16 |
| - * <li> `watch:test:browser` |
17 |
| - * </ul>` |
18 |
| - * <li> `browser` - generate files needed for browser (browserify) |
19 |
| - * <ul> |
20 |
| - * <li> `browser:uncompressed` - build `browser/bitcore.js` |
21 |
| - * <li> `browser:compressed` - build `browser/bitcore.min.js` |
22 |
| - * <li> `browser:maketests` - build `browser/tests.js`, needed for testing without karma |
23 |
| - * </ul>` |
24 |
| - * <li> `lint` - run `jshint` |
25 |
| - * <li> `coverage` - run `istanbul` with mocha to generate a report of test coverage |
26 |
| - * <li> `jsdoc` - run `jsdoc` to generate the API reference |
27 |
| - * <li> `coveralls` - updates coveralls info |
28 |
| - * <li> `release` - automates release process (only for bitcore maintainers) |
29 |
| - * </ul> |
30 |
| - */ |
31 |
| -'use strict'; |
32 | 1 |
33 |
| -var gulp = require('gulp'); |
34 | 2 |
35 |
| -var bump = require('gulp-bump'); |
36 |
| -var coveralls = require('gulp-coveralls'); |
37 |
| -var git = require('gulp-git'); |
38 |
| -var gutil = require('gulp-util'); |
39 |
| -var jsdoc2md = require('jsdoc-to-markdown'); |
40 |
| -var jshint = require('gulp-jshint'); |
41 |
| -var mfs = require('more-fs'); |
42 |
| -var mocha = require('gulp-mocha'); |
43 |
| -var rename = require('gulp-rename'); |
44 |
| -var runSequence = require('run-sequence'); |
45 |
| -var shell = require('gulp-shell'); |
46 |
| -var through = require('through2'); |
47 |
| -var uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); |
| 3 | +var gulp_bitcore = require('gulp-bitcore'); |
48 | 4 |
49 |
| - |
50 |
| -var files = ['lib/**/*.js']; |
51 |
| -var tests = ['test/**/*.js']; |
52 |
| -var alljs = files.concat(tests); |
53 |
| - |
54 |
| - |
55 |
| -function ignoreError() { |
56 |
| - /* jshint ignore:start */ // using `this` in this context is weird |
57 |
| - this.emit('end'); |
58 |
| - /* jshint ignore:end */ |
59 |
| -} |
60 |
| - |
61 |
| -var testMocha = function() { |
62 |
| - return gulp.src(tests).pipe(new mocha({ |
63 |
| - reporter: 'spec' |
64 |
| - })); |
65 |
| -}; |
66 |
| - |
67 |
| -var testKarma = shell.task([ |
68 |
| - './node_modules/karma/bin/karma start' |
69 |
| -]); |
70 |
| - |
71 |
| -/** |
72 |
| - * Testing |
73 |
| - */ |
74 |
| - |
75 |
| -gulp.task('test:node', testMocha); |
76 |
| - |
77 |
| -gulp.task('test:node:nofail', function() { |
78 |
| - return testMocha().on('error', ignoreError); |
79 |
| -}); |
80 |
| - |
81 |
| -gulp.task('test:browser', ['browser:uncompressed', 'browser:maketests'], testKarma); |
82 |
| - |
83 |
| -gulp.task('test', function(callback) { |
84 |
| - runSequence(['test:node'], ['test:browser'], callback); |
85 |
| -}); |
86 |
| - |
87 |
| -/** |
88 |
| - * File generation |
89 |
| - */ |
90 |
| - |
91 |
| -gulp.task('browser:makefolder', shell.task([ |
92 |
| - 'if [ ! -d "browser" ]; then mkdir browser; fi' |
93 |
| -])); |
94 |
| - |
95 |
| -gulp.task('browser:uncompressed', ['browser:makefolder'], shell.task([ |
96 |
| - './node_modules/.bin/browserify index.js --insert-global-vars=true --standalone=bitcore -o browser/bitcore.js' |
97 |
| -])); |
98 |
| - |
99 |
| -gulp.task('browser:compressed', ['browser:uncompressed'], function() { |
100 |
| - return gulp.src('browser/bitcore.js') |
101 |
| - .pipe(uglify({ |
102 |
| - mangle: true, |
103 |
| - compress: true |
104 |
| - })) |
105 |
| - .pipe(rename('bitcore.min.js')) |
106 |
| - .pipe(gulp.dest('browser')) |
107 |
| - .on('error', gutil.log); |
108 |
| -}); |
109 |
| - |
110 |
| -gulp.task('browser:maketests', ['browser:makefolder'], shell.task([ |
111 |
| - 'find test/ -type f -name "*.js" | xargs ./node_modules/.bin/browserify -t brfs -o browser/tests.js' |
112 |
| -])); |
113 |
| - |
114 |
| -gulp.task('browser', function(callback) { |
115 |
| - runSequence(['browser:compressed'], ['browser:maketests'], callback); |
116 |
| -}); |
117 |
| - |
118 |
| -/** |
119 |
| - * Code quality and documentation |
120 |
| - */ |
121 |
| - |
122 |
| -gulp.task('lint', function() { |
123 |
| - return gulp.src(alljs) |
124 |
| - .pipe(jshint()) |
125 |
| - .pipe(jshint.reporter('default')); |
126 |
| -}); |
127 |
| - |
128 |
| -gulp.task('plato', shell.task(['plato -d report -r -l .jshintrc -t bitcore lib'])); |
129 |
| - |
130 |
| -gulp.task('jsdoc', function() { |
131 |
| - |
132 |
| - function jsdoc() { |
133 |
| - return through.obj(function(file, enc, cb) { |
134 |
| - |
135 |
| - if (file.isNull()) { |
136 |
| - cb(null, file); |
137 |
| - return; |
138 |
| - } |
139 |
| - if (file.isStream()) { |
140 |
| - cb(new gutil.PluginError('gulp-jsdoc2md', 'Streaming not supported')); |
141 |
| - return; |
142 |
| - } |
143 |
| - var destination = 'docs/api/' + file.path.replace(file.base, '').replace(/\.js$/, '.md'); |
144 |
| - jsdoc2md.render(file.path, {}) |
145 |
| - .on('error', function(err) { |
146 |
| - gutil.log(gutil.colors.red('jsdoc2md failed', err.message)); |
147 |
| - }) |
148 |
| - .pipe(mfs.writeStream(destination)); |
149 |
| - cb(null, file); |
150 |
| - }); |
151 |
| - } |
152 |
| - |
153 |
| - return gulp.src(files).pipe(jsdoc()); |
154 |
| - |
155 |
| -}); |
156 |
| - |
157 |
| -gulp.task('coverage', shell.task(['node_modules/.bin/./istanbul cover node_modules/.bin/_mocha -- --recursive'])); |
158 |
| - |
159 |
| -gulp.task('coveralls', ['coverage'], function() { |
160 |
| - gulp.src('coverage/lcov.info').pipe(coveralls()); |
161 |
| -}); |
162 |
| - |
163 |
| -/** |
164 |
| - * Watch tasks |
165 |
| - */ |
166 |
| - |
167 |
| -gulp.task('watch:test', function() { |
168 |
| - // TODO: Only run tests that are linked to file changes by doing |
169 |
| - // something smart like reading through the require statements |
170 |
| - return gulp.watch(alljs, ['test']); |
171 |
| -}); |
172 |
| - |
173 |
| -gulp.task('watch:test:node', function() { |
174 |
| - // TODO: Only run tests that are linked to file changes by doing |
175 |
| - // something smart like reading through the require statements |
176 |
| - return gulp.watch(alljs, ['test:node']); |
177 |
| -}); |
178 |
| - |
179 |
| -gulp.task('watch:test:browser', function() { |
180 |
| - // TODO: Only run tests that are linked to file changes by doing |
181 |
| - // something smart like reading through the require statements |
182 |
| - return gulp.watch(alljs, ['test:browser']); |
183 |
| -}); |
184 |
| - |
185 |
| -gulp.task('watch:jsdoc', function() { |
186 |
| - // TODO: Only run tests that are linked to file changes by doing |
187 |
| - // something smart like reading through the require statements |
188 |
| - return gulp.watch(alljs, ['jsdoc']); |
189 |
| -}); |
190 |
| - |
191 |
| -gulp.task('watch:coverage', function() { |
192 |
| - // TODO: Only run tests that are linked to file changes by doing |
193 |
| - // something smart like reading through the require statements |
194 |
| - return gulp.watch(alljs, ['coverage']); |
195 |
| -}); |
196 |
| - |
197 |
| -gulp.task('watch:lint', function() { |
198 |
| - // TODO: Only lint files that are linked to file changes by doing |
199 |
| - // something smart like reading through the require statements |
200 |
| - return gulp.watch(alljs, ['lint']); |
201 |
| -}); |
202 |
| - |
203 |
| -gulp.task('watch:browser', function() { |
204 |
| - return gulp.watch(alljs, ['browser']); |
205 |
| -}); |
206 |
| - |
207 |
| -/** |
208 |
| - * Release automation |
209 |
| - */ |
210 |
| - |
211 |
| -gulp.task('release:install', function() { |
212 |
| - return shell.task([ |
213 |
| - 'npm install', |
214 |
| - ]); |
215 |
| -}); |
216 |
| - |
217 |
| -gulp.task('release:bump', function() { |
218 |
| - return gulp.src(['./bower.json', './package.json']) |
219 |
| - .pipe(bump({ |
220 |
| - type: 'patch' |
221 |
| - })) |
222 |
| - .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); |
223 |
| -}); |
224 |
| - |
225 |
| -gulp.task('release:checkout-releases', function(cb) { |
226 |
| - git.checkout('releases', { |
227 |
| - args: '' |
228 |
| - }, cb); |
229 |
| -}); |
230 |
| - |
231 |
| -gulp.task('release:merge-master', function(cb) { |
232 |
| - git.merge('master', { |
233 |
| - args: '' |
234 |
| - }, cb); |
235 |
| -}); |
236 |
| - |
237 |
| -gulp.task('release:checkout-master', function(cb) { |
238 |
| - git.checkout('master', { |
239 |
| - args: '' |
240 |
| - }, cb); |
241 |
| -}); |
242 |
| - |
243 |
| -gulp.task('release:add-built-files', function() { |
244 |
| - return gulp.src(['./browser/bitcore.js', './browser/bitcore.min.js', './package.json', './bower.json']) |
245 |
| - .pipe(git.add({ |
246 |
| - args: '-f' |
247 |
| - })); |
248 |
| -}); |
249 |
| - |
250 |
| -gulp.task('release:build-commit', ['release:add-built-files'], function() { |
251 |
| - var pjson = require('./package.json'); |
252 |
| - return gulp.src(['./browser/bitcore.js', './browser/bitcore.min.js', './package.json', './bower.json']) |
253 |
| - .pipe(git.commit('Build: ' + pjson.version, { |
254 |
| - args: '' |
255 |
| - })); |
256 |
| -}); |
257 |
| - |
258 |
| -gulp.task('release:version-commit', function() { |
259 |
| - var pjson = require('./package.json'); |
260 |
| - var files = ['./package.json', './bower.json']; |
261 |
| - return gulp.src(files) |
262 |
| - .pipe(git.commit('Bump package version to ' + pjson.version, { |
263 |
| - args: '' |
264 |
| - })); |
265 |
| -}); |
266 |
| - |
267 |
| -gulp.task('release:push-releases', function(cb) { |
268 |
| - git.push('bitpay', 'releases', { |
269 |
| - args: '' |
270 |
| - }, cb); |
271 |
| -}); |
272 |
| - |
273 |
| -gulp.task('release:push', function(cb) { |
274 |
| - git.push('bitpay', 'master', { |
275 |
| - args: '' |
276 |
| - }, cb); |
277 |
| -}); |
278 |
| - |
279 |
| -gulp.task('release:push-tag', function(cb) { |
280 |
| - var pjson = require('./package.json'); |
281 |
| - var name = 'v' + pjson.version; |
282 |
| - git.tag(name, 'Release ' + name, function() { |
283 |
| - git.push('bitpay', name, cb); |
284 |
| - }); |
285 |
| -}); |
286 |
| - |
287 |
| -gulp.task('release:publish', shell.task([ |
288 |
| - 'npm publish' |
289 |
| -])); |
290 |
| - |
291 |
| -// requires https://hub.github.com/ |
292 |
| -gulp.task('release', function(cb) { |
293 |
| - runSequence( |
294 |
| - // Checkout the `releases` branch |
295 |
| - ['release:checkout-releases'], |
296 |
| - // Merge the master branch |
297 |
| - ['release:merge-master'], |
298 |
| - // Run npm install |
299 |
| - ['release:install'], |
300 |
| - // Build browser bundle |
301 |
| - ['browser:compressed'], |
302 |
| - // Run tests with gulp test |
303 |
| - ['test'], |
304 |
| - // Update package.json and bower.json |
305 |
| - ['release:bump'], |
306 |
| - // Commit |
307 |
| - ['release:build-commit'], |
308 |
| - // Run git push bitpay $VERSION |
309 |
| - ['release:push-tag'], |
310 |
| - // Push to releases branch |
311 |
| - ['release:push-releases'], |
312 |
| - // Run npm publish |
313 |
| - ['release:publish'], |
314 |
| - // Checkout the `master` branch |
315 |
| - ['release:checkout-master'], |
316 |
| - // Bump package.json and bower.json, again |
317 |
| - ['release:bump'], |
318 |
| - // Version commit with no binary files to master |
319 |
| - ['release:version-commit'], |
320 |
| - // Push to master |
321 |
| - ['release:push'], |
322 |
| - cb); |
323 |
| -}); |
324 |
| - |
325 |
| - |
326 |
| -/* Default task */ |
327 |
| -gulp.task('default', function(callback) { |
328 |
| - return runSequence(['lint', 'jsdoc'], ['browser:uncompressed', 'test'], ['coverage', 'browser:compressed'], |
329 |
| - callback); |
330 |
| -}); |
| 5 | +gulp_bitcore(); |
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