All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- API resource public/get_public_object_count: add filters by object type on taxonomy category
- Remove docker network as "external" in the general docker compose configuration
- Zoom the entity map on Europe instead of Luxembourg on oxe-web-admin
- Database structure: make the "FormQuestion.reference" from 20 to 30 chars long
- Database structure: make the "FormQuestion.options" from 500 chars long to TEXT
- Fix docker image version for API
- Forgotten "Accept privacy policy" field on user item on oxe-web-admin
- Campaign template verification on the "Verify and send" tab on oxe-web-admin
- Date fields that is fronting the clicks on select field options
- BASE_DOMAIN environment variable for oxe-api
- Patch from v1.16.8 that is not working when using reverse proxy
- Vulnerability: untrustworthy link injection in automatic email
- Fix marker display on address geolocation selector on oxe-web-admin
- Display tab menu with ellipsis and text display on hover on oxe-web-admin and oxe-web-community
- Update package-lock.json on oxe-web-admin
- Update package-lock.json on oxe-web-community
- Update library version requirements on oxe-api
- Treat dependabot pull requests
- Typo
- API resource: private/update_my_form_answer to consider last_date column
- API resource: form/update_form_answer to consider last_date column
- last_date column on FormAnswer table
- last change date and system date on FormAnswer item on oxe-web-admin
- last change date and system date on FormAnswer item on oxe-web-admin
- MAIL_REPLY_TO environment variable for oxe-api
- User section on FormAnswer item on owe-web-admin
- Answer deletion when the user provides empty answer on oxe-web-community
- Typo on oxe-web-community
- Minor UI modifications on Entity logo tab on oxe-web-community
- Request item display when no user ID on oxe-web-admin
- Entity counting per taxonomy value on public/get_public_object_count resource
- Package building for oxe-web-admin
- Updated the package-lock.json for oxe-web-admin and oxe-web-community
- Review UI on Contact page of oxe-web-community
- Review UI on Form page of oxe-web-community
- Color style for Tab component on oxe-web-admin and oxe-web-community
- Improve color management in styling of oxe-web-community
- Review UI of logo management on oxe-web-admin
- Move the "Scheduled tasks" to "Tasks" page as "Launch scan" on oxe-web-admin
- "url" field type on oxe-web-admin and oxe-web-community
- Control on URL fields on oxe-web-admin and oxe-web-community
- DialogHint component on oxe-web-admin
- DialogError on oxe-web-admin and oxe-web-community
- Default logo and favicon
- API resource: setting/delete_favicon
- API resource: setting/delete_logo
- API resource: public/add_public_request - in order to handle public contact forms
- API resource: public/get_public_object_count
- Documentation on "Settings" page on oxe-web-admin
- Documentation on "Profile" page for notification system on oxe-web-admin
- Email notification to admins on new community article (private/add_article)
- Typo and text on documentation of owe-web-community
- Contact message creation on oxe-web-community by correcting database structure via migration
- Allow modification of user email via oxe-web-admin
- SQL querying requiring GROUP BY with the dockerized madiadb
- Show all optional field for article dialog, whatever the article type on oxe-web-admin
- Dockerized API init
- Fix entity extraction API resource
- "cryptography" package version for oxe-api
- Documentation of the configuration of the API
- Contact message creation on oxe-web-community
- Cookie for password reseting on server instance on oxe-web-admin and oxe-web-community
- Documentation on the main README for the developers
- SMTP credentials for the development environment
- Persistence of email templates in the database
- user/update_user API resource: allow email modification
- public/get_public_document API resource: Add possibility to retrieve document by its ID
- user/update_user API resource: restrict field modification to admins
- UI on contact details of contact page of oxe-web-community
- UI/UX on "global" section of setting page of oxe-web-admin
- rename API module to utils.regex
- Require a "fresh" access token for all resources but account/unsubscribe
- Email notification to administrators on new request
- Default template for new request notification email
- Docker compose for development environment
- Database: accept_request_notification columns on User table
- Database: accept_terms_and_conditions columns on User table
- T&C/PP settings on oxe-web-admin for oxe-web-community
- T&C/PP dialog when not accepted on oxe-web-community
- Delete account button oxe-web-community
- GitHub url field for entites
- Mastodon url field for entities
- public/get_public_articles resource: add IDs filtering parameter
- account/unsubscribe resource
- campaign/send_campaign_draft resource
- mail/get_mail_addresses: add consider_communication_acceptance param
- Closing date for entity on DB, API resources, oxe-web-admin and oxe-web-community
- Columns on Entity list of Entity page of oxe-web-admin
- Dependabot alerts
- Setting changes when value is empty on oxe-web-admin
- Note update and modification button appearances on oxe-web-admin
- Miscellanous UI on oxe-web-admin
- public/get_public_article_content for html and markdown
- Limit the number of entities initially shown to avoid browser interruption on dashboard of oxe-web-admin
- Review optional field appearance for Article on owe-web-admin
- Use HttpOnly cookies with access and refresh tokens
- account/logout API resource
- "max_start_date" parameter on article/get_articles resource
- "max_end_date" parameter on article/get_articles resource
- "max_start_date" parameter on public/get_public_articles resource
- "max_end_date" parameter on public/get_public_articles resource
- Fix password regex on backend side
- Fix cookie deletion on "Back to login" click on oxe-web-admin and oxe-web-community
- Add "--preload" param to gunicorn to be more verbose
- Fix numpy version to avoid openpyxl bug
- Send an email to the provided one on "reset password", even if the user does not exist
- Force articles from "public/get_public_related_articles" to have the same type then the provided one
- Login with the reset password token when clicking "Back to login" on oxe-web-admin and oxe-web-community
- Communication functionality into Campaign
- form/get_forms API resource
- form/update_form API resource
- form/update_form_question API resource
- Set textarea field instead of medium field on forms of oxe-web-community
- Column "reference" on Form table of the database structure
- Column "reference" on FormQuestion table of the database structure
- Fields "reference" on forms and questions on oxe-web-admin
- "TEXTAREA" question type on forms
- form/add_form_answer resource
- form/update_form_answer resource
- Checkbox to filter out "REJECTED" requests on oxe-web-admin
- Email subject field for Requests on oxe-web-admin
- Button to remove a Form on oxe-web-admin
- Password regex function on oxe-web-admin and oxe-web-community
- Page change on table of Form page on oxe-web-admin
- Improve security against user enumeration considering time discrepancy factor
- Set a default INITIAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD respecting pass criterias to allow change password
- Remove password check on "Current password" when changing password
- Fix image buttons bug on Entity and Article items on oxe-web-admin
- Fix "Social media and website" deletion on profile page of oxe-web-admin and oxe-web-community
- ISSUE#49 FIX2: Urgent: Log Out button not working
- ISSUE#49 FIX: Urgent: Log Out button not working
- ISSUE#48 FIX: Urgent: Change password is not working
- public/get_public_related_articles API resource
- Taxonomy update for requests on oxe-web-admin
- Article creation on oxe-web-community
- Article content modification on oxe-web-community
- Size of the 'headline' column of the Entity table in database structure
- Add form/extract_form resource on API
- "Export" tab on Form item on oxe-web-admin
- Change from log to error dialog when failing to load a file
- Dependent package versions
- Recommended NodeJS version to 16.17.0
- Review doc of entity/extract_entities
- Server installation documentation
- ISSUE#39 FIX: Change password reset box to show in green on success rather than in red
- ISSUE#41 FIX: Claiming an entity requires logout/login to effect change in the profile
- Vulnerabilities on dev packages dependencies
- The answer is deleted when empty field on forms on oxe-web-community
- Filters on Network graph tab on Dashboard page on oxe-web-admin
- Not loading taxonomies on premise on Network graph tab on Dashboard page on oxe-web-admin
- Article import when content is empty
- ISSUE#36 FIX: Refreshing the page will land you back to the login page
- ISSUE#38 FIX: "Payment required error" pop up was experienced during a password reset
- ISSUE#40 FIX: Closing the 'reset password' modal does not remove the data from the form
- ISSUE#42 FIX: Standard User is allowed to login to admin section
- Network graph tab on Dashboard page on oxe-web-admin
- resource user/get_user_company_assignments
- Value "SELECT" on FormQuestion type
- "headline" field for entities
- Rename "company" to "entity" at all levels (database, API, UI)
- Allow all type of notes on note/get_notes resource
- Add info on analytics/get_ecosystem_activity resource
- Community tab on Dashboard page on oxe-web-admin
- Usage analytics tab on Dashboard page on oxe-web-admin
- Recent activity tab on Dashboard page on oxe-web-admin
- Form management on oxe-web-admin and oxe-web-community
- Error message when adding/modifying contact on Entity item on oxe-web-admin
- Review menu and home page elements on oxe-web-community
- Set AND logic when multiple taxonomy_values on public/get_public_companies and company/get_companies
- Set AND logic when multiple taxonomy_values on public/get_public_articles and article/get_articles
- Set all "taxonomy_values" resource args as list of Int
- Can add several keywords at once on Image and Document on oxe-web-admin
- dialog behavior after adding an article on oxe-web-admin
- dialog behavior after adding a taxonomy on oxe-web-admin
- dialog behavior after adding an entity on oxe-web-admin
- Displayed versions
- Prospector compliance
- Unittests
- Add DELETE and PUT as a possible resource type on API
- Add "ignored_taxonomy_values" param on article/get_articles and public/get_public_articles
- Add all rights to "Administrator" user group on API init
- CompanyRelationship table on database structure
- CompanyRelationshipType table on database structure
- Note table on database structure
- public/get_public_company_relationships resource
- relationship/add_relationship resource
- relationship/add_relationship_type resource
- relationship/get_relationship_types resource
- relationship/delete_relationship resource
- relationship/delete_relationship_type resource
- relationship/update_relationship resource
- relationship/update_relationship_type resource
- note/add_note resource
- note/delete_note resource
- note/get_notes resource
- note/update_note resource
- Company relationship management on oxe-web-admin
- Noting system for companies on oxe-web-admin
- Noting system for articles on oxe-web-admin
- Noting system for taxonomies on oxe-web-admin
- Noting system for user on oxe-web-admin
- Set "company_id" params as not required for address/update_address resource
- Ignore "/" and "/doc" in resource/get_resources resource
- Restructure the Entity page on oxe-web-admin
- Rename "ecosystem" to community on UI on oxe-web-admin
- Rename "Company_Address" table to "CompanyAddress"
- Add "ids" params on user/get_users resource
- Ignore CORS on GET /public/ resources
- Minor UI bug on node network on oxe-web-admin
- Show user email address on FormAnswer component on oxe-web-admin
- Address management for companies on oxe-web-admin
- form/add_my_form_answer and form/update_my_form_answer resources
- FormAnswer table with unicity constraint
- company/extract_companies resources when no user assignments
- Database structure of Workforce table (FK and nullability on "source" column)
- Remove the "Source" table
- Adapt UI for entity workforce on oxe-web-admin
- Set right error message when updating an article abstract
- workflow/add_workflow resource
- Url parameter handling to redirect to an entity claiming popup (?claim_entity={id}) on oxe-web-community
- favicon.ico and robots.txt on oxe-web-community and oxe-web-admin
- Add "form_responses" value on notification/get_notifications resource
- Display the number of form responses on oxe-web-admin "Forms" menu
- Minor UX modifications on home page on oxe-web-community
- Minor UX modifications on menu on oxe-web-community
- UX of the "Claim or register entity" page on oxe-web-community
- Apply the VCARD UX from oxe-web-admin to oxe-web-community
- Package versions to remove critical vulnerabilities on oxe-web-admin and on oxe-web-community
- CORS_DOMAINS setting mandatory if ENVIRONMENT != "dev"
- Review doc/
- Review
- Package name from GH actions
- Removed all "cybersecurity corebusiness" fields on oxe-web-community and oxe-web-admin
- The initial admin is created with a password (cf:INITIAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD) if there is no user in the database
- Menu highlight on oxe-web-community
- QR code sizing on profile page of oxe-web-admin
- private/generate_my_user_handle resource
- public/get_public_vcard resource
- Dockerfile on oxe-web-admin and on oxe-web-community to take the mod_rewrite in count for Single Page App
- Dockerized solution to mock the SMTP
- Documentation description and version in resource public/get_public_node_information
- Chips display on popups
- Paragraph display on article preview and article edition
- Medium editor fields
- Filter form loading on "Entities" page on oxe-web-admin
- License
- Links on documentation
- API resource public/get_public_article/{_id}
- Keyword management when adding an image on oxe-web-admin
- Keyword management when adding a document on oxe-web-admin
- Import system on articles
- Import system on companies
- API resource from company/get_company_enums => public/get_public_company_enums
- API resource from public/get_article_enums => public/get_public_article_enums
- API resource from public/get_article_content => public/get_public_article_content
- API resource from public/get_related_articles => public/get_public_related_articles
- Minor UI modification on menu on oxe-web-admin
- Minor UI modification on menu on oxe-web-community
- Database structure for "publication_date" of article (Date -> datetime)
- Remove Moovijob cron resource
- Menu overlay on oxe-web-admin
- Scroll on image selection dialog on oxe-web-admin
- Setting on oxe-web-admin to hide or show form page on oxe-web-community
- Tab to consult form answer on oxe-web-admin
- UI on form on community app
- Set the description field of form as "editor" on admin app
- Error when updating the form global information
- Remove the hard coded label on option field of forms on community app
- Implementation of taxonomy management on network page
- Setup explanation on the main
- Social media fields on Company objects
- Taxonomy items on oxe-web-admin
- Import system on taxonomies
- Database structure for forms (Form, FormQuestion, FormAnswer)
- Form edition on oxe-web-admin
- Form display on oxe-web-community
- Dockerfile to run oxe-web-admin package as a container
- Dockerfile to run oxe-web-community package as a container
- Database structure on TaxonomyCategory table
- Database structure on Company table
- Renamed and moved "network/get_node_information" to "public/get_public_node_information"
- Conditions of GH action triggers
- Setup explanation on oxe-api
- Add 'handle' value in public/get_article_content resource
- Default mail content on ENTITY ACCESS CLAIM process
- Taxonomy page on oxe-web-admin
- Option to add the user information on entity extraction on oxe-web-admin
- Documentation to install an instance (doc/
- Menu is not overiding the article edition mode anymore on oxe-web-admin
- Fix Jinja2 version to make flask starting
- Make user/get_user_company_enums accessible to non-admin users
- Remove the hardcoded names of the original project in the automatic emails
- Compatibility of the DB JSON columns with MariaDB
- Force the 2.0.1 version of the itsdangerous package