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Houston Tools

Small Discord bot intended to be self-hosted.

Optionally loads Azur Lane game data collected by the Azur Lane Data Collector in this repo.

This bot uses serenity "next" versions, so there may be sudden internal changes when those update.


The minimum setup requires setting the environment variable DISCORD__TOKEN to your Discord bot token (note: 2 underscores).

Upon startup, it will register its commands globally.

Configuration is supported either via environment variables or a file named houston_app.toml in the working directory. The TOML config has this structure:

# this is the same as the DISCORD__TOKEN env variable. only one must be specified.
token = "..."

# optional. defaults to 0xDDA0DD
# sets the color used for most embeds.
embed_color = 0xDDA0DD

Going forward, only the TOML config will be explained.

To configure logging, see the Logging section further down.

Additionally, based on the environment variable HOUSTON_PROFILE, it will also load houston_app.$(HOUSTON_PROFILE).toml. Its properties will take priority over the main config file. If the environment variable isn't set, it is considered to be release, so it will load houston_app.release.toml.


Here is a quick overview of the supported commands:

Command Description
calc Evaluates a mathematical equation.
config Provides (temporary) configuration for this app.
config hide Configures whether responses to your commands are hidden from other users.
coin Flips a coin.
dice Rolls some dice.
timestamp Provides methods for localized timestamps.
timestamp in Gets a timestamp offset from the current time.
timestamp at Gets a timestamp at the specified time.
timestamp of Gets the creation timestamp from a Discord snowflake.
upload Uploads a file to an ephemeral message. Allows sharing if you are logged into multiple devices.
who Returns basic information about the provided user.

The following commands are supported in context menus:

Command Description
Get as Quote (Message) Copies a format that is appropriate to use as a quote to crosspost.
User Info (User) Equivalent to /who.

The bot also has a couple of minigames:

Command Description
minigame tic-tac-toe Play tic-tac-toe with someone else.
minigame rock-paper-scissors Play rock-paper-scissors with someone else.
minigame chess Play, uh, "chess" with someone else.

Features requiring a database

The following features are optional and require a MongoDB database. Configure its URI in the config, f.e.:

mongodb_uri = "mongodb://localhost/houston-tools"

Note that the default database name is required as part of the URI and will be the database used.


Starboard will forward messages with a certain amount of reactions to another channel. Furthermore, for each board, it will track a leaderboard score.

Starboard must be configured:

# the first numeric key here is the guild id.
# the id is important!
id = 1
name = "starboard"
channel = 1305620816272166962
emoji = ""
reacts = 3
notices = [
    "An amazing post, {user}!",
    "{user}, the stars aligned.",

id = 2
name = "ripboard"
channel = 1305620834450407606
emoji = "wowie:1305835613790146631"
reacts = 3
notices = [
    "What a stinker, {user}!",
    "{user}, please stop.",

The board ID is used database-side to identify the board globally. As such, the board ID must be unique globally, not just per guild. Moving a board to another channel or emoji may have side effects but it won't break the scores.

The board emoji must either be a unicode emoji or "<name>:<id>", i.e. "wowie:1305835613790146631". The board emojis must be unique per guild. Unicode emojis are matched exactly, while custom emojis are matched by ID. The bot must be able to post to the channel.

The board channel is not required to be unique and multiple boards may use the same channel.

Also note that messages in nsfw channels are still tracked for sfw board channels. In this case, a small embed with a message link will be posted instead of a forward. If the board channel itself is nsfw, it will always be a forward.

The name is purely cosmetic and may be displayed in places where a channel name may be expected but channel mentions aren't valid.

The order that the boards are declared in will be used for display, like in the overview or during auto-complete of board names.

The following commands will be enabled:

Command Description
starboard top Shows a board's top users.
starboard top-posts Shows the most-reacted posts in a board.
starboard overview Shows an overview of all boards.


Perks enables a currency system and a store to buy perks with.

This comes with the following configuration:

# optional. sets the display name of the currency
cash_name = "$"
# optional. the minimum time between perk checks. defaults to 3 minutes.
# the default is usually fine and you shouldn't need to adjust it.
check_interval = "00:03:00"

# in addition to the other options, you can also specify these on starboards:
# cash_gain: users will get as much currency per vote as specified here.
# only relevant once the message is pinned. at that point, cash for all votes is added.
cash_gain = 2
# additional gain for a pin.
cash_pin_gain = 10

# collectible enables an item with no inherent purpose.
# it can be repeatedly bought in the perk store.
name = "Crab Plushy 🦀"
description = "Necessary for every rustacean."
cost = 4

# you may also set prize roles for owning the collectible
# the notice part is optional
# if set, you need both the channel and text = 1293210831923974207
notice.text = "Look, look! {user} reached {role}!"
# these are pairs of (needed, role_id)
# only checked on purchase
prize_roles = [
    [20, 1309970796516610119],
    [40, 1309970817882259498],
    [80, 1309970846491742339],
    [160, 1309970845531246633],

# rainbow enables rainbow roles.
# the color cycle is dependent on `check_interval`
# the check interval must not be below (00:02:00) if rainbow role is enabled or you may hit rate limits.
cost = 20
# duration is specified as HH:MM:SS.
duration = "24:00:00"

# configures a role for a server.
# the bot must have "Manage Roles" and have its role placed above it for this to work correctly.
# the perk will only be purchasable in servers configured here.
1293210831923974204.role = 1305905884807041124

# pushpin enables an item that lets someone pin/unpin a message
# to use the item, they need to use the context menu commands
name = "Pushpin"
description = "Allow pinning or unpinning a message."
cost = 40

# role_edit enables an item that lets someone edit their unique role
# to change the role, they need to use /role-edit while owning this item
# to set the role, an admin must use `/perk-admin unique-role`
name = "Orb of Change"
description = "Allows editing your unique role color and/or name."
cost = 10

# birthday enables birthday reminders and "gifts"
# when someone's birthday begins, in every configured guild, they will get
# the birthday role and the configured gift, as well a message from the bot.
# optional. defaults to 24 hours. should always be at least 24 h.
duration = "24:00:00"

# define some regions here. the first is considered the default.
# this allows users to pick when they want their birthday to start.
# note that the index into this is stored in the database.
name = "Europe/Africa (UTC+0)"
time_offset = "0:00:00"

name = "Americas (UTC-8)"
time_offset = "-8:00:00"

name = "SEA (UTC+7)"
time_offset = "7:00:00"

# also configure a server
role = 1316802158070595725 = 1293210831923974207
notice.text = "Happy birthday, {user}!"
# the gifts are pairs of (Item, amount).
# valid items are: Cash, Pushpin, RoleEdit, Collectible
gifts = [
    ["Cash", 500],

The following commands will be enabled:

Command Description
birthday add Add your birthday.
birthday check Checks your set birthday.
birthday time-zone Sets your birthday time zone.
perk-admin enable Enables a perk for a member.
perk-admin disable Disables a perk for a member.
perk-admin list List active perks of a member.
perk-admin give Gives a user items.
perk-admin unique-role Sets a user's unique role. Can be omitted to delete the association.
role-edit Edit your unique role.
shop View the server shop.
wallet View your server wallet.

The following commands are supported in context menus:

Command Description
Use Pushpin: Pin (Message) Pin this message.
Use Pushpin: Unpin (Message) Unpin this message.

Commands are only available when the corresponding perk is enabled.

Server Profile

This feature is enabled if either the starboard or perks are enabled.

The following commands will be enabled:

Command Description
profile View a member's server profile.

The following commands are supported in context menus:

Command Description
Server Profile (User) Equivalent to /profile.

Media React

Media-react has the bot automatically react to messages in certain channels. The intent is to react to "media" posts, such as images or videos, in combination with the starboard. Only normal messages, replies, and forwards from users (not bots) will ever be reacted to.

# the numeric key is the channel id
# you may specify this section multiple times per channel
# the emoji to add
emoji = ""

# optional. defines the condition for messages to get this reaction.
# possible values are:
# - "content" (default): includes a link or attachments
# - "always": reacts to all messages
# - "never": never reacts to messages
# `normal` defines the condition for regular messages
# `forward` defines the condition for messages forwarded to the channel
condition.normal = "content"
condition.forward = "content"
# you may also set both values at once like this:
#   condition = "content"

# as an example, on the same channel, always react to forwards with a different emoji
emoji = "wowie:1305835613790146631"
condition.normal = "never"
condition.forward = "always"

There may be up to 20 emojis per channel. The "emoji" value is declared in the same way as starboard emojis, that is each value must be unicode emoji or "<name>:<id>", i.e. "wowie:1305835613790146631".

Emojis are added in declaration order. For example, the above would always put "⭐", then "wowie".

Azur Lane

Provides access to data collected by the Azur Lane Data Collector via commands on the bot. To enable this, specify the directory with the collected data:

# relative or absolute path to the data produced by the Azur Lane Data Collector
# that is, this points to the folder with `main.json`
data_data = "azur_lane_data"
# optional. defaults to true
# if true, loads the data on startup.
# if false, loads it the first time it's needed.
early_load = true

The following commands will be enabled:

Command Description
azur ship Shows information about a ship.
azur equip Shows information about equipment.
azur augment Shows information about an augment module.
azur special-secretary Shows lines for a special secretary.
azur juustagram-chat View Juustagram chats.
azur reload-time Calculates the actual reload time for a weapon.
azur search ship Searches for ships.
azur search equip Searches for equipment.
azur search augment Searches for augment modules.
azur search special-secretary Searches for special secretaries.


Logging can be configured via the configuration file. Broadly, this is done via the "log" section, which corresponds to a log4rs configuration. The configuration isn't reloaded at runtime.

By default, it adds an appender with the name "default" and an encoder of kind "default". The "default" appender kind is a console logger. The "default" encoder kind provides the standard logging format for this application.

The only standard appender available is "rolling_file".

For the application specific loggers, the following things are available:

# optional. disabled by default.
# when set to true, sets a panic hook that will write panic messages to the logger.
# this is somewhat pointless for debug but _should_ be harmless for prod scenarios.
panic = false

# if you want to add loggers, you need to specify
# the default explicitly, if you want to keep it.
appenders = ["default", "webhook"]
# the level defaults to "warn"
# for app modules, it defaults to "trace"
level = "warn"

# this section is optional and the "default" appender is always present
# color detection is performed, but you may override that
color = true
# the `encoder` field is also supported

# the "webhook" kind logs batched messages to a discord webhook
kind = "webhook"
# you must specify an encoder - we use the default format here
encoder.kind = "default"
# you must also specify the webhook url
url = "<snip>/<snip>"
# optional (32). specifies the limit of queued-up records before discarding new ones
buffer_size = 32
# optional (10). specifies the maximum amount of records combined into one message
batch_size = 10

Azur Lane Data Collector


The collector runs the game scripts. As should be common sense, do not run untrusted code.

This is a command line tool that loads Azur Lane game scripts and outputs data to be used and displayed by the Discord bot.


  -i, --inputs <INPUTS>...  The path that the game scripts live in
  -o, --out <OUT>           The output directory
      --assets <ASSETS>     The path that holds the game assets
  -m, --minimize            Minimize the output JSON file
      --color <COLOR>       Override whether this program outputs color [possible values: true, false]
  -h, --help                Print help

--inputs is required. --out defaults to azur_lane_data.

--inputs specifies a path to decompiled game scripts, including unpacked sharecfgdata. It is expected that sharecfgdata/<asset-type>.lua will load all entries when executed.

If --assets is specified, it will look for a folder within it named shipmodels that is searched for Unity asset bundles for extracting chibi images of the ships. In essence, if you copy the shipmodels folder from the game's data and point to the parent directory, it should work. If it is not specified, this step is skipped.


Currently the collector defaults to using Lua 5.4 rather than LuaJIT. This is in part due to unpacked sharecfgdata files commonly being a merged decompilation output that cannot be loaded by LuaJIT due to too many constants.

If you want to switch to a different Lua edition, edit the enabled features of the mlua dependency. This isn't perfectly supported, but if it compiles, it should be fine.

Multiple Inputs

If you specify multiple input directories, the data is "merged". That is, ships, equipment, retrofits, and skins will added to earlier sets of data. The first set that contains a certain entry will take priority.

Terminal Output

The program will print its terminal output to stderr, attempting to use ANSI escapes to improve the output. There is no stdout output.

By default, the program will try to detect whether the output supports colors. Notably, non-terminal outputs and environment that specify NO_COLOR will not have color.

In case the detection ends up being wrong, you may pass --color=true or --color=false to override the detection.


This is a standard Rust workspace. If you are already familiar with Cargo and the Rust toolchain, you should not need any further instructions.

Install the stable Rust toolchain if you haven't already, then invoke cargo for release builds:

cargo build --release

Alternatively, you can run the executables directly as:

cargo run --bin houston_app
cargo run --bin azur_lane_data_collector -- --inputs ...

Release Options

As present in this repository, the release builds specify some additional options:

Edit the workspace's Cargo.toml if you prefer other behavior.
