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Gangs and organized crime

Exodia edited this page Oct 16, 2022 · 12 revisions

( in progress ) Like any real city there are some low bottoms and dealing areas with accapo organized crime. MC will be able to do illegal work and buy drugs so he will have to deal with it.

The attlanta

They are the gang who have always controlled the city. although they are criminals they are quite honest and morally principled. Since there are other gangs in town they have decimated.

21 street

A gang of African Americans who control the ghetto. They hate to death The attlanta, but as long as everyone respects the boundaries they get along fine


Mexican gangs. they are not many, but each gang has agreements with them. They control the coast


Who doesn't know her? They are so many and very powerful they control much of the metropolis.


Russian gang not far from the city, but other gangs have relations with them


(Inspired by cyberpunk) They are a group of criminals on steroids. it is a new gang that has conquered most of the borders will soon come to town.

Jocker's followers

Exactly like jokers they are wild fools. In charge is Trevor Philips. They are given the name because in every criminal activity they disguise themselves as clowns. it is a new gang that has conquered most of the borders will soon come to town.

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