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Machine Learning Files (

Hassan Naveed edited this page Nov 4, 2022 · 5 revisions


This page contains documentation for the files in the /backend/ml directory of the Github repo. This page is regularly updated when new changes are added to these files.

ML Model Parser (

To keep it consistent with the file, we had an However, it is relatively simple since classical ML models don't have any layers. It is just one element. The code is shown below:

def get_object_ml(element):
    return eval(

ML Trainer (

Endpoint that deals with the training of classical ML models (eg: decision tree, random forest, linear regression, SVM, KNN). Training of classical ML models is done through sklearn!

For Classification models, this model currently uses soft labels (probabilities instead of hard 0 or 1 labels). It outputs the predictions as a Confusion Matrix using the method in common/utils

For Regression models, the Root Mean Square Error (rmse) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (mape) to the console. We will be working on bringing better visualization methods in a future iteration.

Models Supported

We currently have the following models supported:

  1. Classification:
  2. Regression:

It also includes the following hyper-parameters (not applicable to all models):

  • num_estimators: The number of trained trees in the forest
  • max_depth: The maximum depth of the tree
  • min_samples_split: The minimum number of samples needed to split a leaf node
  • fit_intercept: Whether a bias term is added to Linear or Logistic regression models
  • C: The strength of regularization. Ranges from 0 to 1

Additional details about parameters can be founded in the model documentations.

Possible Cases For Errors

  • In Regression models, the intercept needs to be a boolean, and generates an error for being outside the desired range.
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