Commit to abiding by the OpenSSF Code of Conduct
Provide ongoing, technology-neutral technical guidance and sponsorship to Technical Initiatives throughout the respective lifecycle stages
Establish and drive an overall Technical Vision aligned with the Foundation's MVSR for the community
Regularly attend TAC meetings, participate in discussions, voting, and ad-hoc meetings as needed to support Technical Initiatives
Approve, establish, structure, organize, and archive Technical Initiatives and associated policies and procedures
Provide sponsorship and guidance to new Technical Initiatives that petition to join or be created within OpenSSF
- Sponsorship includes ensuring Technical Initiatives operate within the scope of the OpenSSF and adhere to OpenSSF code of conduct, legal and IP policies. Sponsors also reserve the right to consult with the rest of the TAC to raise any concerns about an Initiative's operations or conduct.
- If unable to continue fulfilling committed Technical Initiative sponsor role, another TAC member available to take over the sponsor role should be identified and transitioned into the role.
Participate in Technical Initiatives regularly to ensure alignment with the Technical Vision and MVSR of OpenSSF, and to identify any resource or funding requirements
Coordinate technical community matters related to the success of Technical Initiatives and the mission of the OpenSSF, including in support of end-users and ambassadors;
TAC and Technical Initiative meetings shall be open, public meetings. For special circumstances, the TAC may hold meetings limited to the TAC voting representatives, invited guests, and LF staff
Annually elect a Chairperson who will preside over meetings, set the agenda for meetings, ensure meeting minutes are taken, and serve on the Governing Board as the TAC’s representative (the “TAC Representative”)
Time commitment: average 5+ hours per week