The raw data has been subset by taking the mean and standard-deviation pairs, where present, of the measured and estimates/derived variables e.g. tBodyAcc-mean() and tBodyAcc-std(), but not angle(tBodyAccMean,gravity).
Each observation is then enriched with the corresponding subject and activity; the activity variable is transformed into a factor-variable, giving more descriptive categorical values.
This subset is then summarized by taking the average of the measured/estimate/derived variable across all windows, grouped by the enriched subject and activity variables, in that order.
Thus there are 180 observations; 1 for each of the 6 activities for each of the 30 subjects.
The output file, tidy_data.txt, is a space delimited, wide format file.
It contains 181 lines; 180 observations, as described above, preceeded by one header row
Each variable is described below
- subject
- Integer
- Categorical: 1 to 30
- Identifies the subject (person carrying out the actvity) of this observation
- activity
- Factor
- Identifies the activity reflected by this observarion
- tBodyAcc-mean()-X
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain mean X-axis body acceleration
- tBodyAcc-mean()-Y
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain mean Y-axis body acceleration
- tBodyAcc-mean()-Z
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain mean Z-axis body acceleration
- tBodyAcc-std()-X
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain standard deviation X-axis body acceleration
- tBodyAcc-std()-Y
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain standard deviation Y-axis body acceleration
- tBodyAcc-std()-Z
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain standard deviation Z-axis body acceleration
- tGravityAcc-mean()-X
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain mean X-axis gravity acceleration
- tGravityAcc-mean()-Y
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain mean Y-axis gravity acceleration
- tGravityAcc-mean()-Z
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain mean Z-axis gravity acceleration
- tGravityAcc-std()-X
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain standard deviation X-axis gravity acceleration
- tGravityAcc-std()-Y
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain standard deviation Y-axis gravity acceleration
- tGravityAcc-std()-Z
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain standard deviation Z-axis gravity acceleration
- tBodyAccJerk-mean()-X
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain mean X-axis body jerk acceleration
- tBodyAccJerk-mean()-Y
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain mean Y-axis body jerk acceleration
- tBodyAccJerk-mean()-Z
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain mean Z-axis body jerk acceleration
- tBodyAccJerk-std()-X
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain standard deviation X-axis body jerk acceleration
- tBodyAccJerk-std()-Y
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain standard deviation Y-axis body jerk acceleration
- tBodyAccJerk-std()-Z
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain standard deviation Z-axis body jerk acceleration
- tBodyGyro-mean()-X
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Time domain mean X-axis body rotation
- tBodyGyro-mean()-Y
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Time domain mean Y-axis body rotation
- tBodyGyro-mean()-Z
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Time domain mean Z-axis body rotation
- tBodyGyro-std()-X
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Time domain standard deviation X-axis body rotation
- tBodyGyro-std()-Y
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Time domain standard deviation Y-axis body rotation
- tBodyGyro-std()-Z
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Time domain standard deviation Z-axis body rotation
- tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-X
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Time domain mean X-axis body jerk rotation
- tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-Y
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Time domain mean Y-axis body jerk rotation
- tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-Z
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Time domain mean Z-axis body jerk rotation
- tBodyGyroJerk-std()-X
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Time domain standard deviation X-axis body jerk rotation
- tBodyGyroJerk-std()-Y
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Time domain standard deviation Y-axis body jerk rotation
- tBodyGyroJerk-std()-Z
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Time domain standard deviation Z-axis body jerk rotation
- tBodyAccMag-mean()
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain mean magnitude body acceleration
- tBodyAccMag-std()
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain std magnitude body acceleration
- tGravityAccMag-mean()
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain mean magnitude GravityAcc
- tGravityAccMag-std()
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain std magnitude GravityAcc
- tBodyAccJerkMag-mean()
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain mean magnitude body jerk acceleration
- tBodyAccJerkMag-std()
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Time domain std magnitude body jerk acceleration
- tBodyGyroMag-mean()
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Time domain mean magnitude body rotation
- tBodyGyroMag-std()
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Time domain std magnitude body rotation
- tBodyGyroJerkMag-mean()
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Time domain mean magnitude body jerk rotation
- tBodyGyroJerkMag-std()
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Time domain std magnitude body jerk rotation
- fBodyAcc-mean()-X
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain mean X-axis body acceleration
- fBodyAcc-mean()-Y
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain mean Y-axis body acceleration
- fBodyAcc-mean()-Z
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain mean Z-axis body acceleration
- fBodyAcc-std()-X
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain standard deviation X-axis body acceleration
- fBodyAcc-std()-Y
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain standard deviation Y-axis body acceleration
- fBodyAcc-std()-Z
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain standard deviation Z-axis body acceleration
- fBodyAccJerk-mean()-X
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain mean X-axis body jerk acceleration
- fBodyAccJerk-mean()-Y
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain mean Y-axis body jerk acceleration
- fBodyAccJerk-mean()-Z
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain mean Z-axis body jerk acceleration
- fBodyAccJerk-std()-X
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain standard deviation X-axis body jerk acceleration
- fBodyAccJerk-std()-Y
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain standard deviation Y-axis body jerk acceleration
- fBodyAccJerk-std()-Z
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain standard deviation Z-axis body jerk acceleration
- fBodyGyro-mean()-X
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain mean X-axis body rotation
- fBodyGyro-mean()-Y
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain mean Y-axis body rotation
- fBodyGyro-mean()-Z
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain mean Z-axis body rotation
- fBodyGyro-std()-X
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain standard deviation X-axis body rotation
- fBodyGyro-std()-Y
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain standard deviation Y-axis body rotation
- fBodyGyro-std()-Z
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain standard deviation Z-axis body rotation
- fBodyAccMag-mean()
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain mean magnitude body acceleration
- fBodyAccMag-std()
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain std magnitude body acceleration
- fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-mean()
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain mean magnitude Bodybody jerk acceleration
- fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-std()
- Decimal, meters per second-squared (m/s^2)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain std magnitude Bodybody jerk acceleration
- fBodyBodyGyroMag-mean()
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain mean magnitude Bodybody rotation
- fBodyBodyGyroMag-std()
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain std magnitude Bodybody rotation
- fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-mean()
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain mean magnitude Bodybody jerk rotation
- fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-std()
- Decimal, radians per second (r/s)
- Continuous
- Frequency domain std magnitude Bodybody jerk rotation