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Releases: DevExpress/DevExtreme


17.2.2 Beta

02 Nov 13:51
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17.2.2 Beta Pre-release

17.2 Sprint 8

23 Oct 10:56
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17.2 Sprint 8 Pre-release

New Features

  • The new FilterBuilder widget (for more information, see this pull request).
  • Scheduler
    • The current date-time indicator was added and is shown by default. The showCurrentTimeIndicator option can be used to change the indicator's visibility.
    • The new shadeUntilCurrentTime option specifies whether to apply shading to cover the timetable up to the current time.
    • The new maxAppointmentsPerCell option specifies the limit of full-sized appointments displayed per cell.
  • DataGrid, TreeList, PivotGrid
    • The built-in search panel is activated using the new options: headerFilter.allowSearch in the header filter, columnChooser.allowSearch in the column chooser (DataGrid and TreeList only), fieldChooser.allowSearch in the fieldChooser (PivotGrid only).
  • NumberBox
    • The new format option allows decorating a numeric value with custom elements - separators, currency symbols etc. The LDML patterns are supported to define a display format.
  • New generic color schemes were added: Carmine, Dark Moon, Soft Blue, Dark Violet.
  • Localization improvements
    • LDML patterns' support for dates and numbers in the built-in localization and DevExtreme-Intl.
    • The capability to configure thousands and decimal separators for the built-in localization mechanism.
  • jQuery is not the required dependency anymore.



05 Oct 19:22
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05 Oct 19:21
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17.2 Sprint 7

25 Sep 14:22
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17.2 Sprint 7 Pre-release

New Features

  • List, TreeView
    • The built-in search panel is activated using the new searchEnabled option. The searchMode option allows using the 'contains' or 'startsWith' mode. In addition, the search editor can be customized using searchEditorOptions.
  • The widget dispose method destroys a corresponding widget and disposes of all associated resources.



07 Sep 14:04
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17.1.6 (7-SEPTEMBER-2017)
Closed Issues & Suggestions
Known Issues

17.2 Sprint 6

07 Sep 11:02
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17.2 Sprint 6 Pre-release

New Features

  • Scheduler
    • The new intervalCount option multiplies the default view interval to display several days, weeks, months instead of only one on a view.
  • TextBox
    • The new showMaskMode option specifies when the mask should be shown: always or only on focus.
  • DataGrid
    • The new column sortingMethod option specifies a custom comparison function for sorting.
  • The native Promise object can be used as well as jQuery.Promise in Scheduler onAppointmentAdding.cancel, DataGrid and TreeList onRowInserting.cancel, collection widgets onItemDeleting.cancel and DeferRendering renderWhen options.


  • TextBox
    • If a mask is applied, the caret will be moved to the first unspecified symbol on focus.
  • Templates
    • When the item template for collection widgets is specified, it's possible to use the index of the item to be rendered as a parameter in the render function (custom template engines) or as a binding context variable (AngularJS, Angular and Knockout).


17.2 Sprint 5

23 Aug 15:11
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17.2 Sprint 5 Pre-release

New Features

  • The new Funnel widget with two drawing algorithms - dynamicSlope and dynamicHeight (for more information, see this pull request)
  • TreeList
    • The new selection.recursive option allows making the selection recursive
    • The new loadDescendants method provides the ability to load all data items if data has a plain structure and remoteOperations.filtering is true
  • DateBox, Calendar
    • The new disabledDates option specifies dates to be disabled by an array of dates or a function


  • DateBox
    • If the type is set to datetime and the 12-hour format is used to represent the time part, the time part in the popup also uses the 12-hour format



17 Aug 18:48
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