diff --git a/common.yml b/common.yml index 8fc1c7a..178ec34 100644 --- a/common.yml +++ b/common.yml @@ -1236,9 +1236,9 @@ translations: - key: options.higher_education_degree.no_degree t: Ні - key: options.higher_education_degree.yes_related - t: Так, у галузі, пов'язаній з моєю нинішньою професією + t: Так, у галузі, пов'язаній із моєю нинішньою професією - key: options.higher_education_degree.yes_unrelated - t: Так, у галузі, НЕ пов'язаній з моєю нинішньою професією + t: Так, у галузі, НЕ пов'язаній із моєю нинішньою професією # degree (short versions) - key: options.higher_education_degree.no_degree.short diff --git a/state_of_html.yml b/state_of_html.yml index fd26ab4..77cb2d0 100644 --- a/state_of_html.yml +++ b/state_of_html.yml @@ -547,41 +547,89 @@ translations: # other features + - key: feature.datalist_element.description + t: Method of providing a list of presets for a user to select in a form control, while still allowing custom options. + + - key: feature.showpicker.description + t: Programmatically open the picker of form controls that have one (color pickers, date inputs etc). + + - key: feature.edit_context.description + t: The EditContext interface represents the text edit context of an element that was made editable by using the EditContext API. + + - key: feature.caret_position_from_point.description + t: The caretPositionFromPoint() method returns the caret's character offset. + + - key: feature.dialog_element.description + t: For dialog boxes or other interactive components, such as a dismissible alerts, or subwindows. + + - key: feature.blocking_render.description + t: Specify that resources (scripts, stylesheets etc) should block rendering until loaded. + + - key: feature.set_html_unsafe.description + t: | + Used to parse a string of HTML into a DocumentFragment, which then replaces the element's subtree in the DOM. + + - key: feature.parse_html_unsafe.description + t: Used to parse a string of HTML, which may contain declarative shadow roots, in order to create a new Document instance. + + - key: feature.template_element.description + t: A mechanism for holding HTML that is not to be rendered immediately but may be utilized later via JS. + + - key: feature.search_element.description + t: Semantic element for wrapping search UI. + - key: features.foo_attribute t: "атрибут `{id}`" - key: features.slot_attribute t: Іменоване присвоєння slot-елемента + - key: features.slot_attribute.description + t: | + `slot="slot_name"` attribute - key: features.landmark_elements t: Елементи-орієнтири (Landmark elements) - key: features.tabindex_attribute t: "Атрибут `tabindex`" + - key: features.tabindex_attribute.description + t: Make HTML elements focusable, allow or prevent them from being sequentially focusable - key: features.respimg_attributes t: "Атрибути `srcset` і `sizes`" + - key: features.respimg_attributes.description + t: Attributes that allow providing several source images with hints to help the browser pick the right one. - key: features.model_element t: "`` для додавання AR/VR/3D" + - key: features.model_element.description + t: Attributes that allow providing several source images with hints to help the browser pick the right one. - key: features.slot_def t: Визначення slot-елемента (`` і `::slotted()`) - key: features.controlslist_attribute t: "Атрибут `controlslist`" + - key: features.controlslist_attribute.description + t: Prevent certain controls from appearing in the toolbar of a media element. - key: features.popover_api t: API спливного вікна + - key: features.popover_api.description + t: HTML syntax and JS API facilitating popovers such as overlays, popups, menus etc. - key: features.lazy_loading t: Ліниве завантажування + - key: features.lazy_loading.description + t: Load certain resources only when needed. - key: features.sandbox_attr t: "Атрибут `sandbox` для елементів iframe" - key: features.details_element t: "`
` і ``" + - key: features.details_element.description + t: A disclosure widget that can be toggled to hide or show content interactively. - key: features.crossorigin t: "Атрибут `crossorigin`" @@ -591,12 +639,16 @@ translations: - key: features.element_internals t: "API `ElementInternals`" + - key: features.element_internals.description + t: Assign hidden semantics to custom elements, facilitating accessibility and allowing them to participate fully in forms. - key: features.cors t: CORS - key: features.content_security_policy t: Політика безпеки вмісту (CSP) + - key: features.content_security_policy.description + t: An added layer of security that helps to detect and mitigate XSS and other attacks. - key: features.structured_data t: Структуровані дaні (RDFa, Microdata, Microformats) @@ -606,15 +658,24 @@ translations: - key: features.html_modules t: HTML-модулі + - key: features.html_modules.description + t: Import HTML files via JS imports and access their elements and JS exports. - key: features.accordion_element t: Елемент "виключний акордеон" + - key: features.accordion_element.description + t: | + Group `
` elements so that only up to one in the group can be open at a time. - key: features.imperative_slot t: Імперативне присвоєння slot-елемента + - key: features.imperative_slot.description + t: A way to assign elements to slots manually via JS, so that slot assignment does not have to be managed by the component consumers. - key: features.focusgroup_attribute t: "Атрибут `focusgroup`" + - key: features.focusgroup_attribute.description + t: Facilitate keyboard focus navigation using the keyboard arrow keys among a set of focusable elements. - key: features.form_validation t: Валідація форми @@ -633,15 +694,22 @@ translations: - key: features.resource_hints t: Підказки зв'язку ресурсу (усі) + - key: features.resource_hints.description + t: | + Begin work on certain resources early to improve performance. Syntax: `` - key: features.rh_prefetch t: "Підказки зв'язку ресурсу: prefetch (``)" - key: features.shadow_dom - t: Тіньовий DOM + t: Тіньовий DOM + - key: features.shadow_dom.description + t: Encapsulate elements not visible from the outside, and style them with CSS not affecting the rest of the page. - key: features.declarative_shadow_dom t: Декларативний тіньовий DOM + - key: features.declarative_shadow_dom.description + t: Define shadow trees with HTML. - key: features.referrerpolicy t: "Атрибут `referrerpolicy`" @@ -666,18 +734,24 @@ translations: - key: features.scoped_element_registries t: Область видимості для `CustomElementRegistry` + - key: features.scoped_element_registries.description + t: Allow multiple custom element definitions for a single tag name to exist within a page. - key: features.navigation_api t: API навігації - key: features.custom_elements_defining t: Визначення власних елементів + - key: features.custom_elements_defining.description + t: Defining custom elements for use by others. - key: features.decoding t: "Атрибут `decoding`" - key: features.custom_elements_using t: Використання власних елементів + - key: features.custom_elements_using.description + t: Using custom elements, that you or someone else defined. - key: features.fencedframe t: Елемент `` @@ -687,60 +761,102 @@ translations: - key: features.media_capture t: Захоплення (capture) медіа в HTML + - key: features.media_capture.description + t: Capture input from the user’s camera. - key: features.formdata t: "API `FormData`" + - key: features.formdata.description + t: API to more easily extract and manipulate form data values via JS - key: features.customizable_select t: Налаштовуваний select-елемент + - key: features.customizable_select.description + t: | + Stylable, customizable dropdown control. Previously `` and ``. - key: features.contenteditable_plaintext t: "Значення `plaintext-only` для `contenteditable`" + - key: features.contenteditable_plaintext.description + t: Permits editing of the element's raw text, but not rich text formatting. - key: features.dom_parts t: DOM-частини (DOM Parts) + - key: features.dom_parts.description + t: A cacheable representation of a part of the DOM that can be updated performantly. - key: features.fetchpriority_attribute t: "Атрибут `fetchpriority`" + - key: features.fetchpriority_attribute.description + t: Allows specifying a hint to help the browser prioritize fetching various resources. - key: features.autocomplete_attribute t: "Атрибут `autocomplete`" + - key: features.autocomplete_attribute.description + t: | + Provide hints about what kind of information is expected, e.g. `name`, `honorific-prefix`, `tel`, `cc-number` etc - key: features.inert_attribute t: "Атрибут `inert`" + - key: features.inert_attribute.description + t: Attribute to make an element and its descendants non-interactive, and invisible to assistive technology. - key: features.client_hints - t: "HTTP-заголовки: підказки клієнта" + t: "HTTP-заголовки: підказки клієнта" - key: features.clipboard_api t: API буфера обміну + - key: features.clipboard_api.description + t: | + Provides the ability to respond to clipboard commands (cut, copy, and paste), as well as to asynchronously read from and write to the system clipboard. - key: features.custom_highlight_api t: API налаштування підсвічування у CSS + - key: features.custom_highlight_api.description + t: Provides a mechanism for styling arbitrary text ranges on a document by using JavaScript to create the ranges, and CSS to style them. - key: features.intl_segmenter t: "API `Intl.Segmenter`" + - key: features.intl_segmenter.description + t: | + Language-sensitive segmentation of text into graphemes, words or sentences. - key: features.filesystem_access t: API доступу до файлової системи + - key: features.filesystem_access.description + t: | + Access files and directories on the user's local device. - key: features.badging_api t: API задання значків (Badging API) + - key: features.badging_api.description + t: | + Set a badge on the web application’s icon to notify about updated state in a less intrusive, persistent way. - key: features.web_share_api t: API поширення у вебі + - key: features.web_share_api.description + t: Exposes a mechanism for sharing content to various user-selected targets. - key: features.launch_handler_api t: API обробника запуску (Launch Handler API) + - key: features.launch_handler_api.description + t: Allows PWAs to control how they are launched, e.g. in a new window or tab. - key: features.file_handling_api t: API обробки файлів + - key: features.file_handling_api.description + t: Allows PWAs to register themselves as handlers for certain file types. - key: features.window_controls_overlay t: API накладання віконних елементів керування (Window Controls Overlay API) + - key: features.window_controls_overlay.description + t: Allows PWAs to display custom content over the title bar area, whose controls become an overlay. - key: features.isolated_webapps t: Ізольовані вебзастосунки (IWA) + - key: features.isolated_webapps.description + t: Native-like packaging, permissions and signed updates for PWAs. ########################################################################### # Other Tools diff --git a/state_of_react.yml b/state_of_react.yml index 1cb7305..39251b4 100644 --- a/state_of_react.yml +++ b/state_of_react.yml @@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ translations: - key: options.what_do_you_use_react_for.mobile_apps t: Застосунки для мобільних пристроїв - key: options.what_do_you_use_react_for.mobile_apps.description - t: Мобільні застосунки з допомогою React або React Native + t: Мобільні застосунки за допомогою React або React Native - key: options.what_do_you_use_react_for.desktop_apps t: Застосунки для настільних комп'ютерів diff --git a/surveys.yml b/surveys.yml index 233f3cf..ef09354 100644 --- a/surveys.yml +++ b/surveys.yml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ translations: t: Приховане - key: general.pick_up_to - t: Оберіть до {limit} предметів. + t: Оберіть до {limit} пунктів. - key: general.privacy_policy t: Політика конфіденційності