All code in this application is released under the following terms. While the source code is available for review and personal use, it is not freely available for commercial purposes. Commercial use requires explicit permission from the copyright holders.
Personal and Educational Use: The source code is available for personal, academic, and educational purposes. Users are free to study, modify, and use the code in non-commercial projects.
Attribution: Any use of the code must include appropriate attribution, acknowledging the original authors and source.
Commercial Licensing: The code in this application is not licensed for commercial use by default. Commercial use includes, but is not limited to, the use of the code in products or services that are sold, used in a business context, or otherwise employed for commercial advantage or monetary compensation.
Requesting Permission: To obtain permission for commercial use, interested parties must contact the copyright holders. Requests should include a detailed description of the intended use and the scope of the commercial application.
Written Consent: Commercial use of the code is only permitted upon receipt of explicit, written consent from the copyright holders. Unauthorized commercial use is prohibited and may result in legal action.
For inquiries regarding commercial licensing or any other permissions, please contact:, Inc.
Email: [email protected]
By using this code, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions.