This repo store the hooks used by a chat-ops workflow developed by EMC PacNW SEs.
Ensure that Ruby 1.9.3 is installed on the razor-server then run gem install rest-client
. This allows the razor-server to interact with REST apis.
Razor-server stores hook by default in /opt/razor/hooks for Ubuntu 14.04.
Either copy or symlink each .hook directory to your razor-server store location, as determined above. You should already see an example or two that puppet labs ships with razor.
The commands to create the hooks are as follows:
razor create-hook --name <some_name> --hook-type nodeAnnounce --configuration node-type=<physical|virtual>
razor create-hook --name <some_name> --hook-type nodeBootAnnounce
razor create-hook --name <some_name> --hook-type getMachineName --configuration policy=<policy_name>