diff --git a/cime_config/namelist_definition_cam.xml b/cime_config/namelist_definition_cam.xml
index fce70728..e2f2a090 100644
--- a/cime_config/namelist_definition_cam.xml
+++ b/cime_config/namelist_definition_cam.xml
@@ -189,7 +189,27 @@
+  <entry id="scale_dry_air_mass">
+    <type>real</type>
+    <category>initial_conditions</category>
+    <group>cam_initfiles_nl</group>
+    <desc>
+      Specify whether and how to perform
+      dry surface pressure scaling. If less than or equal to 0.0,
+      do not perform scaling. If greater than 0.0, perform scaling to scale_dry_air_mass
+      value (in Pa) as the average dry surface pressure target.
+      Default: set by build-namelist.
+    </desc>
+    <values>
+      <value>0.0D0</value>
+      <value aquaplanet="1"> 101080.0D0 </value>
+      <!-- Scale Dry Air Mass: for cases with topography -->
+      <value phys="cam4"   >  98288.0D0 </value>
+      <value phys="cam5"   >  98288.0D0 </value>
+      <value phys="cam6"   >  98288.0D0 </value>
+      <value phys="cam7"   >  98288.0D0 </value>
+    </values>
+  </entry>
 <!-- Topography -->
   <entry id="bnd_topo">
diff --git a/src/control/cam_initfiles.F90 b/src/control/cam_initfiles.F90
index bea73de7..32c06b52 100644
--- a/src/control/cam_initfiles.F90
+++ b/src/control/cam_initfiles.F90
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ module cam_initfiles
    ! cam_branch_file: Filepath of primary restart file for a branch run
    character(len=cl) :: cam_branch_file = ' '
+   real(r8), public, protected :: scale_dry_air_mass = 0.0_r8 ! Toggle and target avg air mass
    ! rest_pfile: The restart pointer file contains name of most recently
    !             written primary restart file.
    !             The contents of this file are updated by cam_write_restart
@@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ subroutine cam_initfiles_readnl(nlfile)
       character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'cam_initfiles_readnl'
       namelist /cam_initfiles_nl/ ncdata, bnd_topo, pertlim, cam_branch_file, &
-         unset_path_str
+         unset_path_str, scale_dry_air_mass
       if (masterproc) then
@@ -121,7 +123,11 @@ subroutine cam_initfiles_readnl(nlfile)
            mstrid, mpicom, ierr)
       if (ierr /= 0) then
          call endrun(subname//": ERROR: mpi_bcast: cam_branch_file")
-      end if
+       end if
+       call mpi_bcast(scale_dry_air_mass, 1, mpi_real8, mstrid, mpicom, ierr)
+       if (ierr /= 0) then
+         call endrun(subname//": ERROR: mpi_bcast: scale_dry_air_mass")
+       endif
       call mpi_bcast(unset_path_str, len(unset_path_str), mpi_character,      &
            mstrid, mpicom, ierr)
       if (ierr /= 0) then
@@ -198,7 +204,13 @@ subroutine cam_initfiles_readnl(nlfile)
          write(iulog,*) '  Maximum abs value of scale factor used to ',       &
               'perturb initial conditions, pertlim= ', pertlim
+         if (scale_dry_air_mass > 0) then
+           write(iulog,*) &
+                '  Initial condition dry mass will be scaled to: ',scale_dry_air_mass,' Pa'
+         else
+           write(iulog,*) &
+              '  Initial condition dry mass will not be scaled.'
+         end if
       end if
    end subroutine cam_initfiles_readnl
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/advect_tend.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/advect_tend.F90
index 62d5b65c..8b5a4966 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/advect_tend.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/advect_tend.F90
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ subroutine compute_adv_tends_xyz(elem,fvm,nets,nete,qn0,n0)
     use cam_abortutils,         only: check_allocate
     ! SE dycore:
-    use dimensions_mod,         only: nc,np,nlev,ntrac
+    use dimensions_mod,         only: nc,np,nlev,ntrac,use_cslam
     use element_mod,            only: element_t
     use fvm_control_volume_mod, only: fvm_struct
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ subroutine compute_adv_tends_xyz(elem,fvm,nets,nete,qn0,n0)
     character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'compute_adv_tends_xyz'
-    if (ntrac>0) then
+    if (use_cslam) then
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ subroutine compute_adv_tends_xyz(elem,fvm,nets,nete,qn0,n0)
       adv_tendxyz(:,:,:,:,:) = 0._r8
-    if (ntrac>0) then
+    if (use_cslam) then
       do ie=nets,nete
         do ic = 1, num_advected
           adv_tendxyz(:,:,:,ic,ie) = fvm(ie)%c(1:nc,1:nc,:,ic) - adv_tendxyz(:,:,:,ic,ie)
@@ -105,5 +105,174 @@ subroutine compute_adv_tends_xyz(elem,fvm,nets,nete,qn0,n0)
   end subroutine compute_adv_tends_xyz
+#ifdef scm_code
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! computes camiop specific tendencies
+  ! and writes these to the camiop file
+  ! called twice each time step:
+  !   - first call sets the initial mixing ratios/state
+  !   - second call computes and outputs the tendencies
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine compute_write_iop_fields(elem,fvm,nets,nete,qn0,n0)
+    use cam_abortutils,         only: endrun
+    use cam_history,            only: outfld, hist_fld_active
+    use time_manager,           only: get_step_size
+    use constituents,           only: pcnst,cnst_name
+    use dimensions_mod,         only: nc,np,nlev,use_cslam,npsq
+    use element_mod,            only: element_t
+    use fvm_control_volume_mod, only: fvm_struct
+    implicit none
+    type (element_t), intent(inout) :: elem(:)
+    type(fvm_struct), intent(inout) :: fvm(:)
+    integer,          intent(in) :: nets,nete,qn0,n0
+    real(r8) :: dt
+    real(r8), allocatable        :: q_new(:,:,:)
+    real(r8), allocatable        :: q_adv(:,:,:)
+    real(r8), allocatable        :: t_adv(:,:)
+    real(r8), allocatable        :: out_q(:,:)
+    real(r8), allocatable        :: out_t(:,:)
+    real(r8), allocatable        :: out_u(:,:)
+    real(r8), allocatable        :: out_v(:,:)
+    real(r8), allocatable        :: out_ps(:)
+    integer  :: i,j,ic,nx,ie,nxsq,p
+    integer  :: ierr
+    logical  :: init
+    character(len=*), parameter :: sub = 'compute_write_iop_fields:'
+    !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    if (use_cslam) then
+      nx=nc
+    else
+      nx=np
+    endif
+    nxsq=nx*nx
+    init = .false.
+    dt = get_step_size()
+    if ( .not. allocated( iop_qtendxyz ) ) then
+      init = .true.
+      allocate( iop_qtendxyz(nx,nx,nlev,pcnst,nets:nete),stat=ierr )
+      if (ierr/=0) call endrun( sub//': not able to allocate iop_qtendxyz' )
+      iop_qtendxyz = 0._r8
+      allocate( derivedfq(nx,nx,nlev,pcnst,nets:nete),stat=ierr )
+      if (ierr/=0) call endrun( sub//': not able to allocate derivedfq' )
+      derivedfq = 0._r8
+      allocate( iop_qtendxyz_init(nx,nx,nlev,pcnst,nets:nete),stat=ierr )
+      if (ierr/=0) call endrun( sub//': not able to allocate iop_qtendxyz' )
+      iop_qtendxyz_init = 0._r8
+      allocate( iop_ttendxyz(nx,nx,nlev,nets:nete),stat=ierr )
+      if (ierr/=0) call endrun( sub//': not able to allocate iop_ttendxyz' )
+      iop_ttendxyz = 0._r8
+      allocate( iop_ttendxyz_init(nx,nx,nlev,nets:nete),stat=ierr )
+      if (ierr/=0) call endrun( sub//': not able to allocate iop_ttendxyz_init' )
+      iop_ttendxyz_init = 0._r8
+    endif
+    ! save initial/calc tendencies on second call to this routine.
+    if (use_cslam) then
+      do ie=nets,nete
+        do ic=1,pcnst
+          iop_qtendxyz(:,:,:,ic,ie) = fvm(ie)%c(1:nc,1:nc,:,ic) - iop_qtendxyz(:,:,:,ic,ie)
+        end do
+      end do
+    else
+      do ie=nets,nete
+        do ic=1,pcnst
+          iop_qtendxyz(:,:,:,ic,ie) = elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,:,:,ic,qn0)/elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,n0)  - iop_qtendxyz(:,:,:,ic,ie)
+       enddo
+      end do
+    end if
+    do ie=nets,nete
+       iop_ttendxyz(:,:,:,ie) = elem(ie)%state%T(:,:,:,n0)  - iop_ttendxyz(:,:,:,ie)
+    end do
+    if (init) then
+       do ie=nets,nete
+          iop_ttendxyz_init(:,:,:,ie)   = iop_ttendxyz(:,:,:,ie)
+          iop_qtendxyz_init(:,:,:,:,ie) = iop_qtendxyz(:,:,:,:,ie)
+          derivedfq(:,:,:,:,ie)=elem(ie)%derived%FQ(:,:,:,:)/dt
+       end do
+    end if
+    if ( .not. init ) then
+      allocate( q_adv(nxsq,nlev,pcnst),stat=ierr )
+      if (ierr/=0) call endrun( sub//': not able to allocate q_adv' )
+      q_adv = 0._r8
+      allocate( t_adv(npsq,nlev),stat=ierr )
+      if (ierr/=0) call endrun( sub//': not able to allocate t_adv' )
+      t_adv = 0._r8
+      allocate( q_new(nx,nx,nlev),stat=ierr )
+      if (ierr/=0) call endrun( sub//': not able to allocate q_new' )
+      q_new = 0._r8
+      allocate( out_q(npsq,nlev),stat=ierr )
+      if (ierr/=0) call endrun( sub//': not able to allocate out_q' )
+      out_q = 0._r8
+      allocate( out_t(npsq,nlev),stat=ierr )
+      if (ierr/=0) call endrun( sub//': not able to allocate out_t' )
+      out_t = 0._r8
+      allocate( out_u(npsq,nlev),stat=ierr )
+      if (ierr/=0) call endrun( sub//': not able to allocate out_u' )
+      out_u = 0._r8
+      allocate( out_v(npsq,nlev),stat=ierr )
+      if (ierr/=0) call endrun( sub//': not able to allocate out_v' )
+      out_v = 0._r8
+      allocate( out_ps(npsq),stat=ierr )
+      if (ierr/=0) call endrun( sub//': not able to allocate out_ps' )
+      out_ps = 0._r8
+      do ie=nets,nete
+         do j=1,nx
+            do i=1,nx
+               t_adv(i+(j-1)*np,:) = iop_ttendxyz(i,j,:,ie)/dt - elem(ie)%derived%FT(i,j,:)
+               out_u(i+(j-1)*np,:) = elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,1,:,n0)
+               out_v(i+(j-1)*np,:) = elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,2,:,n0)
+               out_ps(i+(j-1)*np) = elem(ie)%state%psdry(i,j)
+               ! to retain bfb, replace state q and t with roundoff version calculated using the ordering and tendencies of the
+               ! scam prognostic equation
+               elem(ie)%state%T(i,j,:,n0) =  iop_ttendxyz_init(i,j,:,ie) + dt*(elem(ie)%derived%FT(i,j,:) + t_adv(i+(j-1)*np,:))
+               out_t(i+(j-1)*np,:) = elem(ie)%state%T(i,j,:,n0)
+               do p=1,pcnst
+                  q_adv(i+(j-1)*nx,:,p) = iop_qtendxyz(i,j,:,p,ie)/dt - derivedfq(i,j,:,p,ie)
+                  q_new(i,j,:) = iop_qtendxyz_init(i,j,:,p,ie) + dt*(derivedfq(i,j,:,p,ie) + q_adv(i+(j-1)*nx,:,p))
+                  if (use_cslam) then
+                     fvm(ie)%c(i,j,:,p)=q_new(i,j,:)
+                  else
+                     elem(ie)%state%Qdp(i,j,:,p,qn0)=q_new(i,j,:)*elem(ie)%state%dp3d(i,j,:,n0)
+                  end if
+               enddo
+               out_q(i+(j-1)*nx,:) = elem(ie)%state%Qdp(i,j,:,1,qn0)/elem(ie)%state%dp3d(i,j,:,n0)
+            end do
+         end do
+         call outfld('Ps',out_ps,npsq,ie)
+         call outfld('t',out_t,npsq,ie)
+         call outfld('q',out_q,nxsq,ie)
+         call outfld('u',out_u,npsq,ie)
+         call outfld('v',out_v,npsq,ie)
+         call outfld('divT3d',t_adv,npsq,ie)
+         do p=1,pcnst
+            call outfld(trim(cnst_name(p))//'_dten',q_adv(:,:,p),nxsq,ie)
+         enddo
+      end do
+      deallocate(iop_ttendxyz)
+      deallocate(iop_ttendxyz_init)
+      deallocate(iop_qtendxyz)
+      deallocate(iop_qtendxyz_init)
+      deallocate(derivedfq)
+      deallocate(out_t)
+      deallocate(out_q)
+      deallocate(out_u)
+      deallocate(out_v)
+      deallocate(out_ps)
+      deallocate(t_adv)
+      deallocate(q_adv)
+      deallocate(q_new)
+    endif
+  end subroutine compute_write_iop_fields
 end module advect_tend
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dp_coupling.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dp_coupling.F90
index 572f663f..75f2e612 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dp_coupling.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dp_coupling.F90
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ subroutine d_p_coupling(cam_runtime_opts, phys_state, phys_tend, dyn_out)
    !SE dycore:
    use fvm_mapping,            only: dyn2phys_vector, dyn2phys_all_vars
-   use time_mod,               only: timelevel_qdp
+   use se_dyn_time_mod,        only: timelevel_qdp
    use control_mod,            only: qsplit
    ! arguments
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ subroutine p_d_coupling(cam_runtime_opts, phys_state, phys_tend, dyn_in, tl_f, t
    use bndry_mod,        only: bndry_exchange
    use edge_mod,         only: edgeVpack, edgeVunpack
    use fvm_mapping,      only: phys2dyn_forcings_fvm
+   use dimensions_mod,   only: use_cslam
    ! arguments
    type(runtime_options), intent(in)     :: cam_runtime_opts ! Runtime settings object
    type(physics_state),   intent(inout)  :: phys_state
@@ -521,9 +521,15 @@ subroutine p_d_coupling(cam_runtime_opts, phys_state, phys_tend, dyn_in, tl_f, t
       call edgeVpack(edgebuf, dyn_in%elem(ie)%derived%FM(:,:,:,:), 2*nlev, kptr, ie)
       kptr = kptr + 2*nlev
       call edgeVpack(edgebuf, dyn_in%elem(ie)%derived%FT(:,:,:), nlev, kptr, ie)
-      kptr = kptr + nlev
-      call edgeVpack(edgebuf, dyn_in%elem(ie)%derived%FQ(:,:,:,:), nlev*qsize, kptr, ie)
-   end do
+      if (.not. use_cslam) then
+        !
+        ! if using CSLAM qdp is being overwritten with CSLAM values in the dynamics
+        ! so no need to do boundary exchange of tracer tendency on GLL grid here
+        !
+        kptr = kptr + nlev
+        call edgeVpack(edgebuf, dyn_in%elem(ie)%derived%FQ(:,:,:,:), nlev*qsize, kptr, ie)
+      end if
+    end do
    if (iam < par%nprocs) then
      call bndry_exchange(par, edgebuf, location='p_d_coupling')
@@ -534,8 +540,10 @@ subroutine p_d_coupling(cam_runtime_opts, phys_state, phys_tend, dyn_in, tl_f, t
       call edgeVunpack(edgebuf, dyn_in%elem(ie)%derived%FM(:,:,:,:), 2*nlev, kptr, ie)
       kptr = kptr + 2*nlev
       call edgeVunpack(edgebuf, dyn_in%elem(ie)%derived%FT(:,:,:), nlev, kptr, ie)
-      kptr = kptr + nlev
-      call edgeVunpack(edgebuf, dyn_in%elem(ie)%derived%FQ(:,:,:,:), nlev*qsize, kptr, ie)
+      if (.not. use_cslam) then
+        kptr = kptr + nlev
+        call edgeVunpack(edgebuf, dyn_in%elem(ie)%derived%FQ(:,:,:,:), nlev*qsize, kptr, ie)
+      end if
       if (fv_nphys > 0) then
          do k = 1, nlev
             dyn_in%elem(ie)%derived%FM(:,:,1,k) =                             &
@@ -743,6 +751,7 @@ subroutine derived_phys_dry(cam_runtime_opts, phys_state, phys_tend)
    ! Ensure N2 = 1 - (O2 + O + H) mmr is greater than 0
    ! Check for unusually large H2 values and set to lower value.
+   !xxx this code is NOT in cam_development?
    if (cam_runtime_opts%waccmx_option() == 'ionosphere' .or. &
        cam_runtime_opts%waccmx_option() == 'neutral')  then
@@ -853,44 +862,4 @@ subroutine derived_phys_dry(cam_runtime_opts, phys_state, phys_tend)
                                      errflg, errmsg)
 end subroutine derived_phys_dry
-subroutine thermodynamic_consistency(phys_state, const_data_ptr, phys_tend, ncols, pver)
-  !
-   ! Adjust the physics temperature tendency for thermal energy consistency with the
-   ! dynamics.
-   ! Note: mixing ratios are assumed to be dry.
-   !
-   use physconst,         only: cpair
-   use air_composition,   only: get_cp
-   ! SE dycore:
-   use dimensions_mod,    only: lcp_moist
-   use control_mod,       only: phys_dyn_cp
-   type(physics_state), intent(in)    :: phys_state
-   real(kind_phys), pointer           :: const_data_ptr(:,:,:)
-   type(physics_tend ), intent(inout) :: phys_tend
-   integer,  intent(in)               :: ncols, pver
-   real(kind_phys) :: inv_cp(ncols,pver)
-   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   if (lcp_moist.and.phys_dyn_cp==1) then
-     !
-     ! scale temperature tendency so that thermal energy increment from physics
-     ! matches SE (not taking into account dme adjust)
-     !
-     ! note that if lcp_moist=.false. then there is thermal energy increment
-     ! consistency (not taking into account dme adjust)
-     !
-     call get_cp(const_data_ptr(1:ncols,1:pver,1:num_advected),.true.,inv_cp)
-     phys_tend%dTdt_total(1:ncols,1:pver) = phys_tend%dTdt_total(1:ncols,1:pver)*cpair*inv_cp
-   end if
-end subroutine thermodynamic_consistency
 end module dp_coupling
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/control_mod.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/control_mod.F90
index fb7046d9..245e5d95 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/control_mod.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/control_mod.F90
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ module control_mod
   integer, public  :: rk_stage_user  = 0                      ! number of RK stages to use
   integer, public  :: ftype = 2                               ! Forcing Type
   integer, public  :: ftype_conserve = 1  !conserve momentum (dp*u)
+  integer, public  :: dribble_in_rsplit_loop = 0
   integer, public  :: statediag_numtrac = 3
   integer, public :: qsplit = 1           ! ratio of dynamics tsteps to tracer tsteps
@@ -23,9 +24,6 @@ module control_mod
                                           ! every rsplit tracer timesteps
   logical, public :: variable_nsplit=.false.
-  integer, public :: phys_dyn_cp = 0 !=0; no thermal energy scaling of T increment
-                                     !=1; scale increment for cp consistency between dynamics and physics
   logical, public :: refined_mesh
   integer, public :: vert_remap_q_alg = 10
@@ -63,10 +61,25 @@ module control_mod
                                                                ! (only used for variable viscosity, recommend 1.9 in namelist)
   real (kind=r8), public :: nu      = 7.0D5           ! viscosity (momentum equ)
   real (kind=r8), public :: nu_div  = -1              ! viscsoity (momentum equ, div component)
-  real (kind=r8), public :: nu_s    = -1              ! default = nu   T equ. viscosity
+  real (kind=r8), public :: nu_t    = -1              ! default = nu   T equ. viscosity  xxx rename nu_t
   real (kind=r8), public :: nu_q    = -1              ! default = nu   tracer viscosity
   real (kind=r8), public :: nu_p    = 0.0D5           ! default = 0    ps equ. viscosity
   real (kind=r8), public :: nu_top  = 0.0D5           ! top-of-the-model viscosity
+  !
+  ! Del4 sponge layer diffusion
+  !
+  ! Divergence damping hyperviscosity coefficient nu_div [m^4/s] for u,v is increased to
+  ! nu_div*sponge_del4_nu_div_fac following a hyperbolic tangent function
+  ! centered around pressure at vertical index sponge_del4_lev
+  !
+  ! Similar for sponge_del4_nu_fac
+  !
+  real(r8), public :: sponge_del4_nu_fac
+  real(r8), public :: sponge_del4_nu_div_fac
+  integer , public :: sponge_del4_lev
   integer, public :: hypervis_subcycle=1    ! number of subcycles for hyper viscsosity timestep
   integer, public :: hypervis_subcycle_sponge=1    ! number of subcycles for hyper viscsosity timestep in sponge
   integer, public :: hypervis_subcycle_q=1  ! number of subcycles for hyper viscsosity timestep on TRACERS
@@ -105,18 +118,13 @@ module control_mod
   integer, public, parameter :: seast = 6
   integer, public, parameter :: nwest = 7
   integer, public, parameter :: neast = 8
-  !
-  ! parameters for sponge layer Rayleigh damping
-  !
-  real(r8), public :: raytau0
-  real(r8), public :: raykrange
-  integer,  public :: rayk0 
   ! molecular diffusion
   real(r8), public :: molecular_diff = -1.0_r8
   integer, public  :: vert_remap_uvTq_alg, vert_remap_tracer_alg
+  integer, public :: pgf_formulation = -1 !PGF formulation - see prim_advance_mod.F90
 end module control_mod
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/dimensions_mod.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/dimensions_mod.F90
index 14856a4b..58a85093 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/dimensions_mod.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/dimensions_mod.F90
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 module dimensions_mod
   use shr_kind_mod, only: r8=>shr_kind_r8
+  use air_composition, only: thermodynamic_active_species_num
   implicit none
@@ -19,26 +20,16 @@ module dimensions_mod
   character(len=16),  allocatable, public :: cnst_name_gll(:)     ! constituent names for SE tracers
   character(len=128), allocatable, public :: cnst_longname_gll(:) ! long name of SE tracers
-  !
-  !moist cp in energy conversion term
-  !
-  ! .false.: force dycore to use cpd (cp dry) instead of moist cp
-  ! .true. : use moist cp in dycore
-  !
-  logical           , public :: lcp_moist = .true.
   integer, parameter, public :: np = NP
   integer, parameter, public :: nc = 3    !cslam resolution
   integer           , public :: fv_nphys  !physics-grid resolution - the "MAX" is so that the code compiles with NC=0
   integer, public, protected :: qsize_d   !SE tracer dimension size
+  logical, public            :: use_cslam = .false. !logical for CSLAM
   integer, public, protected :: ntrac = 0 !FVM tracer dimension size
   integer, public            :: qsize = 0 !qsize is set in dyn_comp
-  ! hyperviscosity is applied on approximate pressure levels
-  ! Similar to CAM-EUL; see CAM5 scietific documentation (Note TN-486), equation (3.09), page 58.
-  !
-  logical,            public :: hypervis_dynamic_ref_state = .false.
   ! fvm dimensions:
   logical, public :: lprint!for debugging
   integer, parameter, public :: ngpc=3          !number of Gausspoints for the fvm integral approximation   !phl change from 4
@@ -62,19 +53,15 @@ module dimensions_mod
   integer, allocatable, public :: kord_tr(:), kord_tr_cslam(:)
   real(r8), allocatable, public :: nu_scale_top(:) ! scaling of del2 viscosity in sponge layer (initialized in dyn_comp)
-  real(r8), allocatable, public :: nu_lev(:)
-  real(r8), allocatable, public :: otau(:)
-  integer,  public :: ksponge_end       ! sponge is active k=1,ksponge_end
-  real (r8), allocatable, public :: nu_div_lev(:) ! scaling of viscosity in sponge layer
+  real(r8), allocatable, public :: nu_lev(:)       ! level dependent del4 (u,v) damping
+  real(r8), allocatable, public :: nu_t_lev(:)     ! level depedendet del4 T damping
+  integer,               public :: ksponge_end     ! sponge is active k=1,ksponge_end
+  real(r8), allocatable, public :: nu_div_lev(:)   ! scaling of viscosity in sponge layer
   real(r8), allocatable, public :: kmvis_ref(:)        !reference profiles for molecular diffusion
   real(r8), allocatable, public :: kmcnd_ref(:)        !reference profiles for molecular diffusion
   real(r8), allocatable, public :: rho_ref(:)          !reference profiles for rho
   real(r8), allocatable, public :: km_sponge_factor(:) !scaling for molecular diffusion (when used as sponge)
-  real(r8), allocatable, public :: kmvisi_ref(:)       !reference profiles for molecular diffusion
-  real(r8), allocatable, public :: kmcndi_ref(:)       !reference profiles for molecular diffusion
-  real(r8), allocatable, public :: rhoi_ref(:)         !reference profiles for rho
   integer,  public :: nhc_phys
   integer,  public :: nhe_phys
@@ -129,13 +116,15 @@ subroutine dimensions_mod_init()
      ! Set tracer dimension variables:
      if (fv_nphys > 0) then
-        ! Use CSLAM for tracer advection
-        qsize_d = 10 ! SE tracers (currently SE supports 10 condensate loading tracers)
+       ! Use CSLAM for tracer advection
+        qsize_d = thermodynamic_active_species_num
         ntrac = num_advected
+        use_cslam = .true.
         ! Use GLL for tracer advection
         qsize_d = num_advected
         ntrac = 0 ! No fvm tracers if CSLAM is off
+        use_cslam = .false.
      end if
      ! Set grid dimension variables:
@@ -157,8 +146,8 @@ subroutine dimensions_mod_init()
      call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'nu_lev(nlev)', &
                          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-     allocate(otau(nlev), stat=iret)
-     call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'otau(nlev)', &
+     allocate(nu_t_lev(nlev), stat=iret)
+     call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'nu_t_lev(nlev)', &
                          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
      allocate(nu_div_lev(nlev), stat=iret)
@@ -181,18 +170,6 @@ subroutine dimensions_mod_init()
      call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'km_sponge_factor(nlev)', &
                          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-     allocate(kmvisi_ref(nlevp), stat=iret)
-     call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'kmvisi_ref(nlevp)', &
-                         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-     allocate(kmcndi_ref(nlevp), stat=iret)
-     call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'kmcndi_ref(nlevp)', &
-                         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-     allocate(rhoi_ref(nlevp), stat=iret)
-     call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'rhoi_ref(nlevp)', &
-                         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
   end subroutine dimensions_mod_init
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/element_mod.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/element_mod.F90
index 2fa3b91a..c1401794 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/element_mod.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/element_mod.F90
@@ -45,10 +45,6 @@ module element_mod
     real(kind=r8), allocatable :: phi(:,:,:)                  ! geopotential
     real(kind=r8), allocatable :: omega(:,:,:)                ! vertical velocity
-    ! semi-implicit diagnostics: computed in explict-component, reused in Helmholtz-component.
-    real(kind=r8), allocatable :: zeta(:,:,:)                 ! relative vorticity
-    real(kind=r8), allocatable :: div(:,:,:,:)                ! divergence
     ! tracer advection fields used for consistency and limiters
     real(kind=r8), allocatable :: dp(:,:,:)                   ! for dp_tracers at physics timestep
     real(kind=r8), allocatable :: divdp(:,:,:)                ! divergence of dp
@@ -60,24 +56,10 @@ module element_mod
     real(kind=r8), allocatable :: FM(:,:,:,:)                 ! momentum forcing
     real(kind=r8), allocatable :: FDP(:,:,:)                  ! save full updated dp right after physics
     real(kind=r8), allocatable :: FT(:,:,:)                   ! temperature forcing
-    real(kind=r8), allocatable :: etadot_prescribed(:,:,:)    ! prescribed vertical tendency
-    real(kind=r8), allocatable :: u_met(:,:,:)                ! zonal component of prescribed meteorology winds
-    real(kind=r8), allocatable :: dudt_met(:,:,:)             ! rate of change of zonal component of prescribed meteorology winds
-    real(kind=r8), allocatable :: v_met(:,:,:)                ! meridional component of prescribed meteorology winds
-    real(kind=r8), allocatable :: dvdt_met(:,:,:)             ! rate of change of meridional component of prescribed meteorology winds
-    real(kind=r8), allocatable :: T_met(:,:,:)                ! prescribed meteorology temperature
-    real(kind=r8), allocatable :: dTdt_met(:,:,:)             ! rate of change of prescribed meteorology temperature
-    real(kind=r8), allocatable :: nudge_factor(:,:,:)         ! nudging factor (prescribed)
-    real(kind=r8), allocatable :: Utnd(:,:)                   ! accumulated U tendency due to nudging towards prescribed met
-    real(kind=r8), allocatable :: Vtnd(:,:)                   ! accumulated V tendency due to nudging towards prescribed met
-    real(kind=r8), allocatable :: Ttnd(:,:)                   ! accumulated T tendency due to nudging towards prescribed met
-    real(kind=r8), allocatable :: pecnd(:,:,:)                ! pressure perturbation from condensate
-    real(kind=r8) :: ps_met(np,np)     ! surface pressure of prescribed meteorology
-    real(kind=r8) :: dpsdt_met(np,np)  ! rate of change of surface pressure of prescribed meteorology
+    ! reference profiles
+    real(kind=r8), allocatable :: T_ref(:,:,:)                ! reference temperature
+    real(kind=r8), allocatable :: dp_ref(:,:,:)               ! reference pressure level thickness
   end type derived_state_t
@@ -455,7 +437,7 @@ subroutine allocate_element_dims(elem)
       allocate(elem(i)%state%Qdp(np,np,nlev,qsize_d,2), stat=iret)
       call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'elem%state%Qdp(np,np,nlev,qsize_d,2)', &
                           file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
       !Allocate "derived" variables:
@@ -486,16 +468,6 @@ subroutine allocate_element_dims(elem)
       call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'elem%derived%omega(np,np,nlev)', &
                           file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-      ! relative vorticity
-      allocate(elem(i)%derived%zeta(np,np,nlev), stat=iret)
-      call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'elem%derived%zeta(np,np,nlev)', &
-                          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-      ! divergence
-      allocate(elem(i)%derived%div(np,np,nlev,timelevels), stat=iret)
-      call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'elem%derived%div(np,np,nlev,timelevels)', &
-                          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
       ! for dp_tracers at physics timestep
       allocate(elem(i)%derived%dp(np,np,nlev), stat=iret)
       call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'elem%derived%dp(np,np,nlev)', &
@@ -536,64 +508,14 @@ subroutine allocate_element_dims(elem)
       call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'elem%derived%FT(np,np,nlev)', &
                           file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-      ! prescribed vertical tendency
-      allocate(elem(i)%derived%etadot_prescribed(np,np,nlevp), stat=iret)
-      call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'elem%derived%etadot_prescribed(np,np,nlevp)', &
-                          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-      ! zonal component of prescribed meteorology winds
-      allocate(elem(i)%derived%u_met(np,np,nlev), stat=iret)
-      call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'elem%derived%u_met(np,np,nlev)', &
-                          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-      ! rate of change of zonal component of prescribed meteorology winds
-      allocate(elem(i)%derived%dudt_met(np,np,nlev), stat=iret)
-      call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'elem%derived%dudt_met(np,np,nlev)', &
-                          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-      ! meridional component of prescribed meteorology winds
-      allocate(elem(i)%derived%v_met(np,np,nlev), stat=iret)
-      call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'elem%derived%v_met(np,np,nlev)', &
-                          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-      ! rate of change of meridional component of prescribed meteorology winds
-      allocate(elem(i)%derived%dvdt_met(np,np,nlev), stat=iret)
-      call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'elem%derived%dvdt_met(np,np,nlev)', &
-                          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-      ! prescribed meteorology temperature
-      allocate(elem(i)%derived%T_met(np,np,nlev), stat=iret)
-      call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'elem%derived%T_met(np,np,nlev)', &
-                          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-      ! rate of change of prescribed meteorology temperature
-      allocate(elem(i)%derived%dTdt_met(np,np,nlev), stat=iret)
-      call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'elem%derived%dTdt_met(np,np,nlev)', &
-                          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-      ! nudging factor (prescribed)
-      allocate(elem(i)%derived%nudge_factor(np,np,nlev), stat=iret)
-      call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'elem%derived%nudge_factor(np,np,nlev)', &
-                          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-      ! accumulated U tendency due to nudging towards prescribed met
-      allocate(elem(i)%derived%Utnd(npsq,nlev), stat=iret)
-      call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'elem%derived%Utnd(npsq,nlev)', &
-                          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-      ! accumulated V tendency due to nudging towards prescribed met
-      allocate(elem(i)%derived%Vtnd(npsq,nlev), stat=iret)
-      call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'elem%derived%Vtnd(npsq,nlev)', &
-                          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-      ! accumulated T tendency due to nudging towards prescribed met
-      allocate(elem(i)%derived%Ttnd(npsq,nlev), stat=iret)
-      call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'elem%derived%Ttnd(npsq,nlev)', &
-                          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      ! reference temperature profile for hyperviscosity
+      allocate(elem(i)%derived%T_ref(np,np,nlev), stat=iret)
+      call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'elem%derived%T_ref(np,np,nlev)', &
+           file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-      ! pressure perturbation from condensate
-      allocate(elem(i)%derived%pecnd(np,np,nlev), stat=iret)
-      call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'elem%derived%pecnd(np,np,nlev)', &
+      ! reference pressure level thickness profile for hyperviscosity
+      allocate(elem(i)%derived%dp_ref(np,np,nlev), stat=iret)
+      call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'elem%derived%dp_ref(np,np,nlev)', &
                           file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/fvm_consistent_se_cslam.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/fvm_consistent_se_cslam.F90
index 20391710..221fd197 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/fvm_consistent_se_cslam.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/fvm_consistent_se_cslam.F90
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module fvm_consistent_se_cslam
   use cam_abortutils,         only: endrun
   use cam_logfile,            only: iulog
-  use time_mod,               only: timelevel_t
+  use se_dyn_time_mod,        only: timelevel_t
   use element_mod,            only: element_t
   use fvm_control_volume_mod, only: fvm_struct
   use hybrid_mod,             only: hybrid_t, config_thread_region, get_loop_ranges, threadOwnsVertLevel
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ subroutine run_consistent_se_cslam(elem,fvm,hybrid,dt_fvm,tl,nets,nete,hvcoord,&
     use thread_mod            , only: vert_num_threads, omp_set_nested
     implicit none
     type (element_t)      , intent(inout) :: elem(:)
-    type (fvm_struct)     , intent(inout) :: fvm(:)
+    type (fvm_struct), target     , intent(inout) :: fvm(:)
     type (hybrid_t)       , intent(in)    :: hybrid   ! distributed parallel structure (shared)
     type (TimeLevel_t)    , intent(in)    :: tl              ! time level struct
     type (hvcoord_t)      , intent(in)    :: hvcoord
@@ -72,7 +72,9 @@ subroutine run_consistent_se_cslam(elem,fvm,hybrid,dt_fvm,tl,nets,nete,hvcoord,&
     integer :: region_num_threads
     logical :: inJetCall
     logical :: ActiveJetThread
+    real(r8), pointer :: fcube(:,:,:,:)
+    real(r8), pointer :: spherecentroid(:,:,:)
     llimiter = .true.
@@ -153,22 +155,26 @@ subroutine run_consistent_se_cslam(elem,fvm,hybrid,dt_fvm,tl,nets,nete,hvcoord,&
     !call t_stopf('fvm:orthogonal_swept_areas')
     do ie=nets,nete
+       ! Intel compiler version 2023.0.0 on derecho had significant slowdown on subroutine interface without
+       ! these pointers.
+      fcube => fvm(ie)%c(:,:,:,:)
+      spherecentroid => fvm(ie)%spherecentroid(:,1-nhe:nc+nhe,1-nhe:nc+nhe)
       do k=kmin,kmax
-        !call t_startf('fvm:tracers_reconstruct')
-        call reconstruction(fvm(ie)%c(:,:,:,:),nlev,k,&
+         !call t_startf('FVM:tracers_reconstruct')
+         call reconstruction(fcube,nlev,k,&
-             fvm(ie)%spherecentroid(:,1-nhe:nc+nhe,1-nhe:nc+nhe),&
+             spherecentroid,&
-        !call t_stopf('fvm:tracers_reconstruct')
-        !call t_startf('fvm:swept_flux')
-        call swept_flux(elem(ie),fvm(ie),k,ctracer,irecons_tracer_lev(k),gsweights,gspts)
-        !call t_stopf('fvm:swept_flux')
+         !call t_stopf('FVM:tracers_reconstruct')
+         !call t_startf('fvm:swept_flux')
+         call swept_flux(elem(ie),fvm(ie),k,ctracer,irecons_tracer_lev(k),gsweights,gspts)
+         !call t_stopf('fvm:swept_flux')
       end do
     end do
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/fvm_mapping.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/fvm_mapping.F90
index 7a4fb2bb..581440d8 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/fvm_mapping.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/fvm_mapping.F90
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module fvm_mapping
   public :: phys2dyn_forcings_fvm, dyn2phys, dyn2phys_vector, dyn2phys_all_vars,dyn2fvm_mass_vars
-  public :: phys2dyn,fvm2dyn,dyn2fvm
+  public :: phys2dyn,fvm2dyn,dyn2fvm,cslam2gll
   integer                                            :: save_max_overlap
   real(kind=r8), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:,:)   :: save_air_mass_overlap
@@ -35,6 +35,12 @@ module fvm_mapping
   real(kind=r8), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:)     :: save_overlap_area
   integer      , allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:,:)   :: save_overlap_idx
   integer      , allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:)     :: save_num_overlap
+  interface fvm2dyn
+     module procedure fvm2dynt1
+     module procedure fvm2dyntn
+  end interface fvm2dyn
   ! map all mass variables from gll to fvm
@@ -53,8 +59,7 @@ subroutine phys2dyn_forcings_fvm(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete,no_cslam, tl_f, tl_
     integer                                             :: ie,i,j,k,m_cnst,nq
     integer                                             :: iret
-    real (kind=r8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:)  , allocatable :: fld_phys, fld_gll, fld_fvm
-    real (kind=r8), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:,:)   :: qgll
+    real (kind=r8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:)  , allocatable :: fld_phys, fld_gll
     real (kind=r8)  :: element_ave
     ! for tensor product Lagrange interpolation
@@ -64,17 +69,6 @@ subroutine phys2dyn_forcings_fvm(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete,no_cslam, tl_f, tl_
     character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'phys2dyn_forcings_fvm (SE)'
-    allocate(qgll(np,np,nlev,thermodynamic_active_species_num,nets:nete), stat=iret)
-    call check_allocate(iret, subname, &
-                        'qgll(np,np,nlev,thermodynamic_active_species_num,nets:nete)', &
-                        file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-    do ie=nets,nete
-      do nq=1,thermodynamic_active_species_num
-        qgll(:,:,:,nq,ie) = elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,:,:,nq,tl_qdp)/elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,tl_f)
-      end do
-    end do
     if (no_cslam) then
       call endrun("phys2dyn_forcings_fvm: no cslam case: NOT SUPPORTED")
     else if (nc.ne.fv_nphys) then
@@ -96,7 +90,7 @@ subroutine phys2dyn_forcings_fvm(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete,no_cslam, tl_f, tl_
       call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'fld_gll(np,np,nlev,3,nets:nete)', &
                           file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-      allocate(llimiter(nflds), stat=iret)
+      allocate(llimiter(3), stat=iret)
       call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'llimiter(nflds)', &
                           file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
@@ -123,7 +117,9 @@ subroutine phys2dyn_forcings_fvm(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete,no_cslam, tl_f, tl_
       ! do mapping of fu,fv,ft
-      call phys2dyn(hybrid,elem,fld_phys(:,:,:,1:3,:),fld_gll(:,:,:,1:3,:),nets,nete,nlev,3,fvm,llimiter(1:3),2,.true.)
+      call phys2dyn(hybrid,elem,fld_phys(:,:,:,1:3,:),fld_gll,nets,nete,nlev,3,fvm,llimiter, &
+                             istart_vector=2,halo_filled=.true.)
       do ie=nets,nete
         elem(ie)%derived%fT(:,:,:)   = fld_gll(:,:,:,1,ie)
         elem(ie)%derived%fM(:,:,1,:) = fld_gll(:,:,:,2,ie)
@@ -144,44 +140,7 @@ subroutine phys2dyn_forcings_fvm(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete,no_cslam, tl_f, tl_
          end do
        end do
        call t_stopf('p2d-pg2:phys2fvm')
-       !
-       ! overwrite SE Q with cslam Q
-       !
-       nflds = thermodynamic_active_species_num
-       allocate(fld_gll(np,np,nlev,nflds,nets:nete), stat=iret)
-       call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'fld_gll(np,np,nlev,nflds,nets:nete)', &
-                           file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-       allocate(fld_fvm(1-nhc:nc+nhc,1-nhc:nc+nhc,nlev,nflds,nets:nete), stat=iret)
-       call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'fld_fvm(1-nhc:nc+nhc,1-nhc:nc+nhc,nlev,nflds,nets:nete)', &
-                           file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-       do ie=nets,nete
-         !
-         ! compute cslam updated Q value
-         do m_cnst=1,thermodynamic_active_species_num
-           fld_fvm(1:nc,1:nc,:,m_cnst,ie) = fvm(ie)%c(1:nc,1:nc,:,thermodynamic_active_species_idx(m_cnst))+&
-                fvm(ie)%fc(1:nc,1:nc,:,thermodynamic_active_species_idx(m_cnst))/fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(1:nc,1:nc,:)
-         enddo
-       end do
-       call t_startf('p2d-pg2:fvm2dyn')
-       llimiter(1:nflds) = .false.
-       call fvm2dyn(fld_fvm,fld_gll(:,:,:,1:nflds,:),hybrid,nets,nete,nlev,nflds,fvm,llimiter(1:nflds))
-       call t_stopf('p2d-pg2:fvm2dyn')
-       !
-       ! fld_gll now holds q cslam value on gll grid
-       !
-       ! convert fld_gll to increment (q_new-q_old)
-       !
-       do ie=nets,nete
-         do m_cnst=1,thermodynamic_active_species_num
-           elem(ie)%derived%fq(:,:,:,m_cnst)   =&
-                fld_gll(:,:,:,m_cnst,ie)-qgll(:,:,:,m_cnst,ie)
-         end do
-       end do
-       deallocate(fld_fvm)
-              !deallocate arrays allocated in dyn2phys_all_vars
+       !deallocate arrays allocated in dyn2phys_all_vars
@@ -194,7 +153,7 @@ subroutine phys2dyn_forcings_fvm(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete,no_cslam, tl_f, tl_
        ! nflds is ft, fu, fv, + thermo species
-       nflds = 3+thermodynamic_active_species_num
+       nflds = 3
        allocate(fld_phys(1-nhc_phys:fv_nphys+nhc_phys,1-nhc_phys:fv_nphys+nhc_phys,nlev,nflds,nets:nete), stat=iret)
        call check_allocate(iret, subname, &
                            'fld_phys(1-nhc_phys:fv_nphys+nhc_phys,1-nhc_phys:fv_nphys+nhc_phys,nlev,nflds,nets:nete)', &
@@ -217,18 +176,8 @@ subroutine phys2dyn_forcings_fvm(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete,no_cslam, tl_f, tl_
          fld_phys(1:fv_nphys,1:fv_nphys,:,1,ie)       = fvm(ie)%ft(1:fv_nphys,1:fv_nphys,:)
          fld_phys(1:fv_nphys,1:fv_nphys,:,2,ie)       = fvm(ie)%fm(1:fv_nphys,1:fv_nphys,1,:)
          fld_phys(1:fv_nphys,1:fv_nphys,:,3,ie)       = fvm(ie)%fm(1:fv_nphys,1:fv_nphys,2,:)
-         !
-         ! compute cslam mixing ratio with physics update
-         !
-         do m_cnst=1,thermodynamic_active_species_num
-           do k=1,nlev
-             fld_phys(1:fv_nphys,1:fv_nphys,k,m_cnst+3,ie) = &
-                  fvm(ie)%c(1:fv_nphys,1:fv_nphys,k,thermodynamic_active_species_idx(m_cnst))+&
-                  fvm(ie)%fc_phys(1:fv_nphys,1:fv_nphys,k,thermodynamic_active_species_idx(m_cnst))
-           end do
-         end do
-      end do
-         !
+       end do
+       !
        ! do mapping
        call phys2dyn(hybrid,elem,fld_phys,fld_gll,nets,nete,nlev,nflds,fvm,llimiter,2)
@@ -238,22 +187,16 @@ subroutine phys2dyn_forcings_fvm(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete,no_cslam, tl_f, tl_
          elem(ie)%derived%fM(:,:,2,:) = fld_gll(:,:,:,3,ie)
        end do
        do ie=nets,nete
-         do m_cnst=1,thermodynamic_active_species_num
-           !
-           ! convert fq so that it will effectively overwrite SE q with CSLAM q
-           !
-           elem(ie)%derived%fq(:,:,:,m_cnst) = fld_gll(:,:,:,m_cnst+3,ie)-&
-                qgll(:,:,:,m_cnst,ie)
-         end do
          do m_cnst = 1,ntrac
            fvm(ie)%fc(1:nc,1:nc,:,m_cnst) = fvm(ie)%fc_phys(1:nc,1:nc,:,m_cnst)*fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(1:nc,1:nc,:)
          end do
        end do
      end if
-     deallocate(fld_phys,llimiter,fld_gll,qgll)
+     deallocate(fld_phys,llimiter)
   end subroutine phys2dyn_forcings_fvm
-  subroutine fvm2dyn(fld_fvm,fld_gll,hybrid,nets,nete,numlev,num_flds,fvm,llimiter)
+  ! for multiple fields
+  subroutine fvm2dyntn(fld_fvm,fld_gll,hybrid,nets,nete,numlev,num_flds,fvm,llimiter,halo_filled)
     use dimensions_mod, only: np, nhc, nc
     use hybrid_mod    , only: hybrid_t
     use bndry_mod     , only: ghost_exchange
@@ -266,7 +209,10 @@ subroutine fvm2dyn(fld_fvm,fld_gll,hybrid,nets,nete,numlev,num_flds,fvm,llimiter
     type (hybrid_t)      , intent(in)    :: hybrid
     type(fvm_struct)     , intent(in)    :: fvm(nets:nete)
     logical              , intent(in)    :: llimiter(num_flds)
+    logical, optional    , intent(in)    :: halo_filled !optional if boundary exchange for fld_fvm has already been called
     integer                              :: ie, iwidth
+    logical                              :: fill_halo
@@ -274,13 +220,20 @@ subroutine fvm2dyn(fld_fvm,fld_gll,hybrid,nets,nete,numlev,num_flds,fvm,llimiter
-    do ie=nets,nete
-       call ghostpack(ghostBufQnhc_s, fld_fvm(:,:,:,:,ie),numlev*num_flds,0,ie)
-    end do
-    call ghost_exchange(hybrid,ghostbufQnhc_s,location='fvm2dyn')
-    do ie=nets,nete
-       call ghostunpack(ghostbufQnhc_s, fld_fvm(:,:,:,:,ie),numlev*num_flds,0,ie)
-    end do
+    fill_halo = .true.
+    if (present(halo_filled)) then
+       fill_halo = .not. halo_filled
+    end if
+    if (fill_halo) then
+      do ie=nets,nete
+        call ghostpack(ghostBufQnhc_s, fld_fvm(:,:,:,:,ie),numlev*num_flds,0,ie)
+      end do
+      call ghost_exchange(hybrid,ghostbufQnhc_s,location='fvm2dyntn')
+      do ie=nets,nete
+        call ghostunpack(ghostbufQnhc_s, fld_fvm(:,:,:,:,ie),numlev*num_flds,0,ie)
+      end do
+    end if
     ! mapping
@@ -290,8 +243,56 @@ subroutine fvm2dyn(fld_fvm,fld_gll,hybrid,nets,nete,numlev,num_flds,fvm,llimiter
       call tensor_lagrange_interp(fvm(ie)%cubeboundary,np,nc,nhc,numlev,num_flds,fld_fvm(:,:,:,:,ie),&
     end do
-  end subroutine fvm2dyn
+  end subroutine fvm2dyntn
+  ! for single field
+  subroutine fvm2dynt1(fld_fvm,fld_gll,hybrid,nets,nete,numlev,fvm,llimiter,halo_filled)
+    use dimensions_mod, only: np, nhc, nc
+    use hybrid_mod    , only: hybrid_t
+    use bndry_mod     , only: ghost_exchange
+    use edge_mod      , only: ghostpack,ghostunpack
+    use fvm_mod       , only: ghostBufQnhc_t1
+    !
+    integer              , intent(in)    :: nets,nete,numlev
+    real (kind=r8), intent(inout) :: fld_fvm(1-nhc:nc+nhc,1-nhc:nc+nhc,numlev,1,nets:nete)
+    real (kind=r8), intent(out)   :: fld_gll(np,np,numlev,1,nets:nete)
+    type (hybrid_t)      , intent(in)    :: hybrid
+    type(fvm_struct)     , intent(in)    :: fvm(nets:nete)
+    logical              , intent(in)    :: llimiter(1)
+    logical, optional    , intent(in)    :: halo_filled!optional if boundary exchange for fld_fvm has already been called
+    integer                              :: ie, iwidth
+    logical                              :: fill_halo
+    !
+    !*********************************************
+    !
+    ! halo exchange
+    !
+    !*********************************************
+    !
+    fill_halo = .true.
+    if (present(halo_filled)) then
+       fill_halo = .not. halo_filled
+    end if
+    if (fill_halo) then
+      do ie=nets,nete
+        call ghostpack(ghostBufQnhc_t1, fld_fvm(:,:,:,1,ie),numlev,0,ie)
+      end do
+      call ghost_exchange(hybrid,ghostbufQnhc_t1,location='fvm2dynt1')
+      do ie=nets,nete
+        call ghostunpack(ghostbufQnhc_t1, fld_fvm(:,:,:,1,ie),numlev,0,ie)
+      end do
+    end if
+    !
+    ! mapping
+    !
+    iwidth=2
+    do ie=nets,nete
+      call tensor_lagrange_interp(fvm(ie)%cubeboundary,np,nc,nhc,numlev,1,fld_fvm(:,:,:,:,ie),&
+           fld_gll(:,:,:,:,ie),llimiter,iwidth,fvm(ie)%norm_elem_coord)
+    end do
+  end subroutine fvm2dynt1
   subroutine fill_halo_phys(fld_phys,hybrid,nets,nete,num_lev,num_flds)
     use dimensions_mod, only: nhc_phys, fv_nphys
@@ -330,7 +331,7 @@ end subroutine fill_halo_phys
   ! must call fill_halo_phys before calling this subroutine
   subroutine phys2dyn(hybrid,elem,fld_phys,fld_gll,nets,nete,num_lev,num_flds,fvm,llimiter,istart_vector,halo_filled)
-    use dimensions_mod, only: np, nhc_phys, fv_nphys 
+    use dimensions_mod, only: np, nhc_phys, fv_nphys
     use hybrid_mod, only : hybrid_t
     type (hybrid_t), intent(in)   :: hybrid  ! distributed parallel structure (shared)
     integer       , intent(in)    :: nets,nete,num_flds,num_lev
@@ -512,7 +513,7 @@ subroutine dyn2phys_all_vars(nets,nete,elem,fvm,&
     do ie=nets,nete
       tmp = 1.0_r8
       inv_area  = 1.0_r8/dyn2phys(tmp,elem(ie)%metdet(:,:))
-      phis_phys(:,ie) = RESHAPE(fvm(ie)%phis_physgrid,SHAPE(phis_phys(:,ie)))
+      phis_phys(:,ie) = RESHAPE(dyn2phys(elem(ie)%state%phis(:,:),elem(ie)%metdet(:,:),inv_area),SHAPE(phis_phys(:,ie)))
       ps_phys(:,ie) = ptop
       if (nc.ne.fv_nphys) then
         tmp = 1.0_r8
@@ -542,7 +543,7 @@ subroutine dyn2phys_all_vars(nets,nete,elem,fvm,&
           ! no mapping needed - just copy fields into physics structure
           dp3d_phys(:,k,ie) = RESHAPE(fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(1:nc,1:nc,k),SHAPE(dp3d_phys(:,k,ie)))
-          ps_phys(:,ie) = ps_phys(:,ie)+RESHAPE(fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(1:nc,1:nc,k),SHAPE(ps_phys(:,ie))) 
+          ps_phys(:,ie) = ps_phys(:,ie)+RESHAPE(fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(1:nc,1:nc,k),SHAPE(ps_phys(:,ie)))
           do m_cnst=1,num_trac
             q_phys(:,k,m_cnst,ie) = RESHAPE(fvm(ie)%c(1:nc,1:nc,k,m_cnst),SHAPE(q_phys(:,k,m_cnst,ie)))
           end do
@@ -1074,11 +1075,11 @@ subroutine phys2fvm(ie,k,fvm,fq_phys,fqdp_fvm,num_trac)
           mass_forcing_phys = 0.0_r8
           do h=1,num
             jdx = save_overlap_idx(1,h,jx,jy,ie); jdy = save_overlap_idx(2,h,jx,jy,ie)
-            q_prev = save_q_overlap(h,jx,jy,k,m_cnst,ie)   
+            q_prev = save_q_overlap(h,jx,jy,k,m_cnst,ie)
 #ifndef skip_high_order_fq_map
             save_q_overlap(h,jx,jy,k,m_cnst,ie) = save_q_overlap(h,jx,jy,k,m_cnst,ie)+fq_phys_overlap(h,jx,jy)
             save_q_overlap(h,jx,jy,k,m_cnst,ie) = MIN(save_q_overlap(h,jx,jy,k,m_cnst,ie),phys_cdp_max(jx,jy))
-            save_q_overlap(h,jx,jy,k,m_cnst,ie) = MAX(save_q_overlap(h,jx,jy,k,m_cnst,ie),phys_cdp_min(jx,jy))              
+            save_q_overlap(h,jx,jy,k,m_cnst,ie) = MAX(save_q_overlap(h,jx,jy,k,m_cnst,ie),phys_cdp_min(jx,jy))
             mass_forcing = (save_q_overlap(h,jx,jy,k,m_cnst,ie)-q_prev)*save_air_mass_overlap(h,jx,jy,k,ie)
             mass_forcing_phys = mass_forcing_phys + mass_forcing
             fqdp_fvm(jdx,jdy,m_cnst) = fqdp_fvm(jdx,jdy,m_cnst)+mass_forcing
@@ -1236,7 +1237,7 @@ subroutine get_fq_overlap(ie,k,fvm,fq_phys,max_overlap,fq_phys_overlap,num_trac)
        do m_cnst=1,num_trac
          fq_phys_overlap(idx,jx,jy,m_cnst) = &
-              fq_phys(jx,jy,m_cnst)*dp_tmp)/save_air_mass_overlap(idx,jx,jy,k,ie)         
+              fq_phys(jx,jy,m_cnst)*dp_tmp)/save_air_mass_overlap(idx,jx,jy,k,ie)
        end do
      end do
   end subroutine get_fq_overlap
@@ -1335,13 +1336,13 @@ subroutine get_q_overlap_save(ie,k,fvm,q_fvm,num_trac,q_phys)
     num_overlap(:,:) = 0
     q_phys = 0.0_r8
     do h=1,jall_fvm2phys(ie)
-       jx  = weights_lgr_index_all_fvm2phys(h,1,ie); jy  = weights_lgr_index_all_fvm2phys(h,2,ie)       
+       jx  = weights_lgr_index_all_fvm2phys(h,1,ie); jy  = weights_lgr_index_all_fvm2phys(h,2,ie)
        jdx = weights_eul_index_all_fvm2phys(h,1,ie); jdy = weights_eul_index_all_fvm2phys(h,2,ie)
        num_overlap(jx,jy) = num_overlap(jx,jy)+1
        idx = num_overlap(jx,jy)
-       dp_fvm_tmp = fvm%dp_fvm(jdx,jdy,k)       
+       dp_fvm_tmp = fvm%dp_fvm(jdx,jdy,k)
        dp_tmp = save_air_mass_overlap(idx,jx,jy,k,ie)-dp_fvm_tmp*weights_all_fvm2phys(h,1,ie)
 #ifdef PCoM
        dp_tmp = save_air_mass_overlap(idx,jx,jy,k,ie)
@@ -1364,6 +1365,82 @@ subroutine get_q_overlap_save(ie,k,fvm,q_fvm,num_trac,q_phys)
        save_q_phys(:,:,k,m_cnst,ie) = q_phys(:,:,m_cnst)
      end do
    end subroutine get_q_overlap_save
+   !
+   ! Routine to overwrite thermodynamic active tracers on the GLL grid with CSLAM values
+   ! by Lagrange interpolation from 3x3 CSLAM grid to GLL grid.
+   !
+   subroutine cslam2gll(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, tl_f, tl_qdp)
+     use dimensions_mod,  only: nc,nlev,np,nhc
+     use hybrid_mod,      only: hybrid_t
+     use air_composition, only: thermodynamic_active_species_num, thermodynamic_active_species_idx
+     use fvm_mod,         only: ghostBuf_cslam2gll
+     use bndry_mod,       only: ghost_exchange
+     use edge_mod,        only: ghostpack,ghostunpack
+     use cam_logfile,     only: iulog
+     type (element_t), intent(inout):: elem(:)
+     type(fvm_struct), intent(inout):: fvm(:)
+     type (hybrid_t), intent(in)    :: hybrid  ! distributed parallel structure (shared)
+     integer, intent(in)            :: nets, nete, tl_f, tl_qdp
+     integer                                             :: ie,i,j,k,m_cnst,nq,iret
+     real (kind=r8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:)  , allocatable :: fld_fvm, fld_gll
+     character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'cslam2gll'
+     !
+     ! for tensor product Lagrange interpolation
+     !
+     integer              :: nflds
+     logical, allocatable :: llimiter(:)
+     call t_startf('cslam2gll')
+     nflds = thermodynamic_active_species_num
+     !Allocate variables
+     !------------------
+     allocate(fld_fvm(1-nhc:nc+nhc,1-nhc:nc+nhc,nlev,nflds,nets:nete), stat=iret)
+     call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'fld_fvm(1-nhc:nc+nhc,1-nhc:nc+nhc,nlev,nflds,nets:nete)', &
+          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+     allocate(fld_gll(np,np,nlev,thermodynamic_active_species_num,nets:nete),stat=iret)
+     call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'fld_gll(np,np,nlev,thermodynamic_active_species_num,nets:nete)', &
+          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+     allocate(llimiter(nflds), stat=iret)
+     call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'llimiter(nflds)', &
+          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+     !------------------
+     llimiter(1:nflds) = .false.
+     do ie=nets,nete
+       do m_cnst=1,thermodynamic_active_species_num
+         do k=1,nlev
+           fld_fvm(1:nc,1:nc,k,m_cnst,ie) = &
+                  fvm(ie)%c(1:nc,1:nc,k,thermodynamic_active_species_idx(m_cnst))
+         end do
+       end do
+     end do
+     call t_startf('fvm:fill_halo_cslam2gll')
+     do ie=nets,nete
+       call ghostpack(ghostBuf_cslam2gll, fld_fvm(:,:,:,:,ie),nlev*nflds,0,ie)
+     end do
+     call ghost_exchange(hybrid,ghostBuf_cslam2gll,location='cslam2gll')
+     do ie=nets,nete
+       call ghostunpack(ghostBuf_cslam2gll, fld_fvm(:,:,:,:,ie),nlev*nflds,0,ie)
+     end do
+     call t_stopf('fvm:fill_halo_cslam2gll')
+     !
+     ! do mapping
+     !
+     call fvm2dyn(fld_fvm,fld_gll,hybrid,nets,nete,nlev,nflds,fvm,llimiter,halo_filled=.true.)
+     do ie=nets,nete
+       do m_cnst=1,thermodynamic_active_species_num
+         elem(ie)%state%qdp(:,:,:,m_cnst,tl_qdp) = fld_gll(:,:,:,m_cnst,ie)*&
+               elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,tl_f)
+       end do
+     end do
+     deallocate(fld_fvm, fld_gll, llimiter)
+     call t_stopf('cslam2gll')
+   end subroutine cslam2gll
 end module fvm_mapping
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/fvm_mod.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/fvm_mod.F90
index 925e5e89..77c88010 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/fvm_mod.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/fvm_mod.F90
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ module fvm_mod
   type (EdgeBuffer_t) :: edgeveloc
   type (EdgeBuffer_t), public  :: ghostBufQnhc_s
+  type (EdgeBuffer_t), public  :: ghostBufQnhc_t1
   type (EdgeBuffer_t), public  :: ghostBufQnhc_vh
   type (EdgeBuffer_t), public  :: ghostBufQnhc_h
   type (EdgeBuffer_t), public  :: ghostBufQ1_h
@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ module fvm_mod
   type (EdgeBuffer_t), public  :: ghostBufQnhcJet_h
   type (EdgeBuffer_t), public  :: ghostBufFluxJet_h
   type (EdgeBuffer_t), public  :: ghostBufPG_s
+  type (EdgeBuffer_t), public  :: ghostBuf_cslam2gll
   interface fill_halo_fvm
      module procedure fill_halo_fvm_noprealloc
@@ -65,7 +67,7 @@ subroutine fill_halo_fvm_noprealloc(elem,fvm,hybrid,nets,nete,ndepth,kmin,kmax,k
-    if(kmin .ne. 1 .or. kmax .ne. nlev) then 
+    if(kmin .ne. 1 .or. kmax .ne. nlev) then
        print *,'WARNING: fill_halo_fvm_noprealloc does not support the passing of non-contigous arrays'
        print *,'WARNING:   incorrect answers are likely'
@@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ subroutine fill_halo_fvm_prealloc(cellghostbuf,elem,fvm,hybrid,nets,nete,ndepth,
     integer,intent(in)                        :: ndepth     ! depth of halo
     integer,intent(in)                        :: kmin,kmax  ! min and max vertical level 
     integer,intent(in)                        :: ksize      ! the total number of vertical 
-    logical, optional                         :: active     ! indicates if te current thread is active 
+    logical, optional                         :: active     ! indicates if te current thread is active
     integer                                   :: ie,i1,i2,kblk,q,kptr
@@ -134,7 +136,7 @@ subroutine fill_halo_fvm_prealloc(cellghostbuf,elem,fvm,hybrid,nets,nete,ndepth,
     kblk = kmax-kmin+1
     if(FVM_TIMERS) call t_startf('FVM:pack')
-    if(lactive) then 
+    if(lactive) then
     do ie=nets,nete
        kptr = kmin-1
        call ghostpack(cellghostbuf, fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(i1:i2,i1:i2,kmin:kmax),kblk, kptr,ie)
@@ -150,7 +152,7 @@ subroutine fill_halo_fvm_prealloc(cellghostbuf,elem,fvm,hybrid,nets,nete,ndepth,
     if(FVM_TIMERS) call t_stopf('FVM:Communication')
     if(FVM_TIMERS) call t_startf('FVM:Unpack')
-    if(lactive) then 
+    if(lactive) then
     do ie=nets,nete
        kptr = kmin-1
        call ghostunpack(cellghostbuf, fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(i1:i2,i1:i2,kmin:kmax),kblk, kptr,ie)
@@ -302,28 +304,24 @@ subroutine fvm_init1(par,elem)
     use control_mod,            only: rsplit
     use dimensions_mod,         only: qsize, qsize_d
     use dimensions_mod,         only: fvm_supercycling, fvm_supercycling_jet
-    use dimensions_mod,         only: nc,nhe, nhc, nlev,ntrac, ntrac,ns, nhr
+    use dimensions_mod,         only: nc,nhe, nhc, nlev,ntrac, ntrac,ns, nhr, use_cslam
     use dimensions_mod,         only: large_Courant_incr
     use dimensions_mod,         only: kmin_jet,kmax_jet
     type (parallel_t) :: par
     type (element_t),intent(inout)            :: elem(:)
-    if (ntrac>0) then
+    if (use_cslam) then
       if (par%masterproc) then 
         write(iulog,*) "                                           "
         write(iulog,*) "|-----------------------------------------|"
         write(iulog,*) "| FVM tracer transport scheme information |"
         write(iulog,*) "|-----------------------------------------|"
         write(iulog,*) "                                           "
-      end if
-      if (ntrac>0) then
-        if (par%masterproc) then 
-          write(iulog,*) "Running consistent SE-CSLAM, Lauritzen et al. (2017, MWR)."
-          write(iulog,*) "CSLAM = Conservative Semi-LAgrangian Multi-tracer scheme"
-          write(iulog,*) "Lauritzen et al., (2010), J. Comput. Phys."
-          write(iulog,*) "  "
-        end if
+        write(iulog,*) "Running consistent SE-CSLAM, Lauritzen et al. (2017, MWR)."
+        write(iulog,*) "CSLAM = Conservative Semi-LAgrangian Multi-tracer scheme"
+        write(iulog,*) "Lauritzen et al., (2010), J. Comput. Phys."
+        write(iulog,*) "  "
       end if
@@ -423,8 +421,8 @@ subroutine fvm_init1(par,elem)
         call endrun("stopping")
       end if
-    end if
+    endif
     if (nc==4.and.ns.ne.4) then
       if (par%masterproc) then
         write(iulog,*) "Recommended setting for nc=4 is ns=4 (cubic interpolation in halo)"
@@ -497,6 +495,7 @@ subroutine fvm_init2(elem,fvm,hybrid,nets,nete)
     ! changes the values for reverse
     call initghostbuffer(hybrid%par,ghostBufQnhc_s,elem,nlev*(ntrac+1),nhc,nc,nthreads=1)
+    call initghostbuffer(hybrid%par,ghostBufQnhc_t1,elem,nlev, nhc,nc,nthreads=1)
     call initghostbuffer(hybrid%par,ghostBufQnhc_h,elem,nlev*(ntrac+1),nhc,nc,nthreads=horz_num_threads)
     call initghostbuffer(hybrid%par,ghostBufQnhc_vh,elem,nlev*(ntrac+1),nhc,nc,nthreads=vert_num_threads*horz_num_threads)
     klev = kmax_jet-kmin_jet+1
@@ -504,13 +503,14 @@ subroutine fvm_init2(elem,fvm,hybrid,nets,nete)
     call initghostbuffer(hybrid%par,ghostBufQ1_vh,elem,klev*(ntrac+1),1,nc,nthreads=vert_num_threads*horz_num_threads)
 !    call initghostbuffer(hybrid%par,ghostBufFlux_h,elem,4*nlev,nhe,nc,nthreads=horz_num_threads)
     call initghostbuffer(hybrid%par,ghostBufFlux_vh,elem,4*nlev,nhe,nc,nthreads=vert_num_threads*horz_num_threads)
+    call initghostbuffer(hybrid%par,ghostBuf_cslam2gll,elem,nlev*thermodynamic_active_species_num,nhc,nc,nthreads=1)
     ! preallocate buffers for physics-dynamics coupling
     if (fv_nphys.ne.nc) then
        call initghostbuffer(hybrid%par,ghostBufPG_s,elem,nlev*(4+ntrac),nhc_phys,fv_nphys,nthreads=1)
-       call initghostbuffer(hybrid%par,ghostBufPG_s,elem,nlev*(3+thermodynamic_active_species_num),nhc_phys,fv_nphys,nthreads=1)
+       call initghostbuffer(hybrid%par,ghostBufPG_s,elem,nlev*3,nhc_phys,fv_nphys,nthreads=1)
     end if
     if (fvm_supercycling.ne.fvm_supercycling_jet) then
@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ end subroutine fvm_init2
   subroutine fvm_init3(elem,fvm,hybrid,nets,nete,irecons)
     use control_mod     ,       only: neast, nwest, seast, swest
     use fvm_analytic_mod,       only: compute_reconstruct_matrix
-    use dimensions_mod  ,       only: fv_nphys
+    use dimensions_mod  ,       only: fv_nphys, use_cslam
     use dimensions_mod,         only: nlev, nc, nhe, nlev, ntrac, nhc
     use coordinate_systems_mod, only: cartesian2D_t,cartesian3D_t
     use coordinate_systems_mod, only: cubedsphere2cart, cart2cubedsphere
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ subroutine fvm_init3(elem,fvm,hybrid,nets,nete,irecons)
     type (cartesian2D_t)                :: gnom
     type(cartesian3D_t)                 :: tmpcart3d
-    if (ntrac>0.and.nc.ne.fv_nphys) then
+    if (use_cslam.and.nc.ne.fv_nphys) then
       ! fill the fvm halo for mapping in d_p_coupling if
       ! physics grid resolution is different than fvm resolution
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/fvm_reconstruction_mod.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/fvm_reconstruction_mod.F90
index b7310ad4..b4708dfd 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/fvm_reconstruction_mod.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/fvm_reconstruction_mod.F90
@@ -105,7 +105,6 @@ subroutine reconstruction(fcube,nlev_in,k_in,recons,irecons,llimiter,ntrac_in,&
        if(FVM_TIMERS) call t_startf('FVM:reconstruction:part#1')
        if (nhe>0) then
           do itr=1,ntrac_in
-             !        f=-9e9_r8
              call extend_panel_interpolate(nc,nhc,nhr,nht,ns,nh,&
              call get_gradients(f(:,:,:),jx,jy,irecons,recons(:,:,:,itr),&
@@ -113,8 +112,6 @@ subroutine reconstruction(fcube,nlev_in,k_in,recons,irecons,llimiter,ntrac_in,&
           end do
           do itr=1,ntrac_in
-             !        f=-9e9_r8!to avoid floating point exception for uninitialized variables
-             !                 !in non-existent cells (corners of cube)
              call extend_panel_interpolate(nc,nhc,nhr,nht,ns,nh,&
              call get_gradients(f(:,:,:),jx,jy,irecons,recons(:,:,:,itr),&
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/global_norms_mod.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/global_norms_mod.F90
index 21d46b9b..a77ce33b 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/global_norms_mod.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/global_norms_mod.F90
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ function global_integral(elem, h,hybrid,npts,nets,nete) result(I_sphere)
     real (kind=r8) :: da
     real (kind=r8) :: J_tmp(nets:nete)
-! This algorythm is independent of thread count and task count.
+! This algorithm is independent of thread count and task count.
 ! This is a requirement of consistancy checking in cam.
     J_tmp = 0.0_r8
@@ -203,25 +203,25 @@ subroutine print_cfl(elem,hybrid,nets,nete,dtnu,ptop,pmid,&
     !   worse viscosity CFL (given by dtnu) is not violated by reducing
     !   viscosity coefficient in regions where CFL is violated
-    use hybrid_mod,     only: hybrid_t, PrintHybrid
+    use hybrid_mod,     only: hybrid_t
     use element_mod,    only: element_t
-    use dimensions_mod, only: np,ne,nelem,nelemd,nc,nhe,qsize,ntrac,nlev,large_Courant_incr
-    use dimensions_mod, only: nu_scale_top,nu_div_lev,nu_lev
+    use dimensions_mod, only: np,ne,nelem,nc,nhe,use_cslam,nlev,large_Courant_incr
+    use dimensions_mod, only: nu_scale_top,nu_div_lev,nu_lev,nu_t_lev
     use quadrature_mod, only: gausslobatto, quadrature_t
     use reduction_mod,  only: ParallelMin,ParallelMax
     use dynconst,       only: ra, rearth, cpair
-    use control_mod,    only: nu, nu_div, nu_q, nu_p, nu_s, nu_top, fine_ne, rk_stage_user, max_hypervis_courant
+    use control_mod,    only: nu, nu_div, nu_q, nu_p, nu_t, nu_top, fine_ne, max_hypervis_courant
     use control_mod,    only: tstep_type, hypervis_power, hypervis_scaling
+    use control_mod,    only: sponge_del4_nu_div_fac, sponge_del4_nu_fac, sponge_del4_lev
     use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
     use parallel_mod,   only: global_shared_buf, global_shared_sum
     use edge_mod,       only: initedgebuffer, FreeEdgeBuffer, edgeVpack, edgeVunpack
     use bndry_mod,      only: bndry_exchange
-    use time_mod,       only: tstep
     use mesh_mod,       only: MeshUseMeshFile
     use dimensions_mod, only: ksponge_end, kmvis_ref, kmcnd_ref,rho_ref
+    use std_atm_profile,only: std_atm_height
     type(element_t)      , intent(inout) :: elem(:)
     integer              , intent(in) :: nets,nete
     type (hybrid_t)      , intent(in) :: hybrid
@@ -237,14 +237,14 @@ subroutine print_cfl(elem,hybrid,nets,nete,dtnu,ptop,pmid,&
     real (kind=r8) :: max_min_dx,min_min_dx,min_max_dx,max_unif_dx   ! used for normalizing scalar HV
     real (kind=r8) :: max_normDinv, min_normDinv  ! used for CFL
     real (kind=r8) :: min_area, max_area,max_ratio !min/max element area
-    real (kind=r8) :: avg_area, avg_min_dx
+    real (kind=r8) :: avg_area, avg_min_dx,tot_area,tot_area_rad
     real (kind=r8) :: min_hypervis, max_hypervis, avg_hypervis, stable_hv
     real (kind=r8) :: normDinv_hypervis
     real (kind=r8) :: x, y, noreast, nw, se, sw
     real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nets:nete) :: zeta
     real (kind=r8) :: lambda_max, lambda_vis, min_gw, lambda,umax, ugw
-    real (kind=r8) :: press,scale1,scale2,scale3, max_laplace
-    integer :: ie,corner, i, j, rowind, colind, k
+    real (kind=r8) :: scale1,scale2,max_laplace,z(nlev)
+    integer :: ie, i, j, rowind, colind, k
     type (quadrature_t)    :: gp
     character(LEN=256) :: rk_str
@@ -252,10 +252,11 @@ subroutine print_cfl(elem,hybrid,nets,nete,dtnu,ptop,pmid,&
     real (kind=r8) :: dt_max_adv, dt_max_gw, dt_max_tracer_se, dt_max_tracer_fvm
     real (kind=r8) :: dt_max_hypervis, dt_max_hypervis_tracer, dt_max_laplacian_top
-    real(kind=r8) :: I_sphere
+    real(kind=r8) :: I_sphere, nu_max, nu_div_max
     real(kind=r8) :: h(np,np,nets:nete)
+    logical :: top_000_032km, top_032_042km, top_042_090km, top_090_140km, top_140_600km ! model top location ranges
+    logical :: nu_set,div_set,lev_set
     ! Eigenvalues calculated by folks at UMich (Paul U & Jared W)
     select case (np)
@@ -336,6 +337,7 @@ subroutine print_cfl(elem,hybrid,nets,nete,dtnu,ptop,pmid,&
     call wrap_repro_sum(nvars=2, comm=hybrid%par%comm)
     avg_area     = global_shared_sum(1)/real(nelem, r8)
+    tot_area_rad = global_shared_sum(1)
     avg_min_dx   = global_shared_sum(2)/real(nelem, r8)
     min_area     = ParallelMin(min_area,hybrid)
@@ -347,15 +349,18 @@ subroutine print_cfl(elem,hybrid,nets,nete,dtnu,ptop,pmid,&
     min_max_dx   = ParallelMin(min_max_dx,hybrid)
     max_ratio    = ParallelMax(max_ratio,hybrid)
     ! Physical units for area
-    min_area = min_area*rearth*rearth/1000000._r8
+    min_area = min_area*rearth*rearth/1000000._r8!m2 (rearth is in units of km)
     max_area = max_area*rearth*rearth/1000000._r8
     avg_area = avg_area*rearth*rearth/1000000._r8
+    tot_area = tot_area_rad*rearth*rearth/1000000._r8
     if (hybrid%masterthread) then
        write(iulog,* )""
        write(iulog,* )"Running Global Integral Diagnostic..."
        write(iulog,*)"Area of unit sphere is",I_sphere
        write(iulog,*)"Should be 1.0 to round off..."
        write(iulog,'(a,f9.3)') 'Element area:  max/min',(max_area/min_area)
+       write(iulog,'(a,E23.15)') 'Total Grid area:  ',(tot_area)
+       write(iulog,'(a,E23.15)') 'Total Grid area rad^2:  ',(tot_area_rad)
        if (.not.MeshUseMeshFile) then
            write(iulog,'(a,f6.3,f8.2)') "Average equatorial node spacing (deg, km) = ", &
                 real(90, r8)/real(ne*(np-1), r8), pi*rearth/(2000.0_r8*real(ne*(np-1), r8))
@@ -539,41 +544,146 @@ subroutine print_cfl(elem,hybrid,nets,nete,dtnu,ptop,pmid,&
             end do
           end do
         enddo !rowind
-      enddo !colind      
+      enddo !colind
     call automatically_set_viscosity_coefficients(hybrid,ne,max_min_dx,min_min_dx,nu_p  ,1.0_r8 ,'_p  ')
-    call automatically_set_viscosity_coefficients(hybrid,ne,max_min_dx,min_min_dx,nu    ,0.5_r8,'    ') 
-    if (ptop>100.0_r8) then
+    call automatically_set_viscosity_coefficients(hybrid,ne,max_min_dx,min_min_dx,nu    ,1.0_r8,'    ')
+    call automatically_set_viscosity_coefficients(hybrid,ne,max_min_dx,min_min_dx,nu_div,2.5_r8 ,'_div')
+    if (nu_q<0) nu_q = nu_p ! necessary for consistency
+    if (nu_t<0) nu_t = nu_p ! temperature damping is always equal to nu_p
+    nu_div_lev(:) = nu_div
+    nu_lev(:)     = nu
+    nu_t_lev(:)   = nu_p
+    !
+    ! sponge layer strength needed for stability depends on model top location
+    !
+    top_000_032km = .false.
+    top_032_042km = .false.
+    top_042_090km = .false.
+    top_090_140km = .false.
+    top_140_600km = .false.
+    nu_set = sponge_del4_nu_fac < 0
+    div_set = sponge_del4_nu_div_fac < 0
+    lev_set = sponge_del4_lev < 0
+    if (ptop>1000.0_r8) then
+      !
+      ! low top; usually idealized test cases
+      !
+      top_000_032km = .true.
+      if (hybrid%masterthread) write(iulog,* )"Model top damping configuration: top_000_032km"
+    else if (ptop>100.0_r8) then
+      !
+      ! CAM6 top (~225 Pa) or CAM7 low top
+      !
+      top_032_042km = .true.
+      if (hybrid%masterthread) write(iulog,* )"Model top damping configuration: top_032_042km"
+    else if (ptop>1e-1_r8) then
+      !
+      ! CAM7 top (~4.35e-1 Pa)
-      ! CAM setting
+      top_042_090km = .true.
+      if (hybrid%masterthread) write(iulog,* )"Model top damping configuration: top_042_090km"
+    else if (ptop>1E-4_r8) then
-      call automatically_set_viscosity_coefficients(hybrid,ne,max_min_dx,min_min_dx,nu_div,2.5_r8 ,'_div')     
-      nu_div_lev(:)     = nu_div
-      nu_lev(:)         = nu
+      ! WACCM top (~4.5e-4 Pa)
+      !
+      top_090_140km = .true.
+      if (hybrid%masterthread) write(iulog,* )"Model top damping configuration: top_090_140km"
-      ! WACCM setting
+      ! WACCM-x - geospace (~4e-7 Pa)
-      call automatically_set_viscosity_coefficients(hybrid,ne,max_min_dx,min_min_dx,nu_div,2.5_r8 ,'_div')
-      if (hybrid%masterthread) write(iulog,*) ": sponge layer viscosity scaling factor"
+      top_140_600km = .true.
+      if (hybrid%masterthread) write(iulog,* )"Model top damping configuration: top_140_600km"
+    end if
+    !
+    ! Logging text for sponge layer configuration
+    !
+    if (hybrid%masterthread .and. (nu_set .or. div_set .or. lev_set)) then
+       write(iulog,* )""
+       write(iulog,* )"Sponge layer del4 coefficient defaults based on model top location:"
+    end if
+    !
+    ! if user or namelist is not specifying sponge del4 settings here are best guesses (empirically determined)
+    !
+    if (top_042_090km) then
+       if (sponge_del4_lev       <0) sponge_del4_lev        = 4
+       if (sponge_del4_nu_fac    <0) sponge_del4_nu_fac     = 3.375_r8 !max value without having to increase subcycling of div4
+       if (sponge_del4_nu_div_fac<0) sponge_del4_nu_div_fac = 3.375_r8 !max value without having to increase subcycling of div4
+    else if (top_090_140km.or.top_140_600km) then ! defaults for waccm(x)
+      if (sponge_del4_lev       <0) sponge_del4_lev        = 20
+      if (sponge_del4_nu_fac    <0) sponge_del4_nu_fac     = 5.0_r8
+      if (sponge_del4_nu_div_fac<0) sponge_del4_nu_div_fac = 10.0_r8
+    else
+      if (sponge_del4_lev       <0) sponge_del4_lev        = 1
+      if (sponge_del4_nu_fac    <0) sponge_del4_nu_fac     = 1.0_r8
+      if (sponge_del4_nu_div_fac<0) sponge_del4_nu_div_fac = 1.0_r8
+    end if
+    ! set max wind speed for diagnostics
+    umax = 120.0_r8
+    if (top_042_090km) then
+       umax = 240._r8
+    else if (top_090_140km) then
+       umax = 300._r8
+    else if (top_140_600km) then
+       umax = 800._r8
+    end if
+    !
+    ! Log sponge layer configuration
+    !
+    if (hybrid%masterthread) then
+       if (nu_set) then
+          write(iulog, '(a,e9.2)')   '  sponge_del4_nu_fac     = ',sponge_del4_nu_fac
+       end if
+       if (div_set) then
+          write(iulog, '(a,e9.2)')   '  sponge_del4_nu_div_fac = ',sponge_del4_nu_div_fac
+       end if
+       if (lev_set) then
+          write(iulog, '(a,i0)')   '  sponge_del4_lev        = ',sponge_del4_lev
+       end if
+       write(iulog,* )""
+    end if
+    nu_max     =  sponge_del4_nu_fac*nu_p
+    nu_div_max =  sponge_del4_nu_div_fac*nu_p
+    do k=1,nlev
+      ! Vertical profile from FV dycore (see Lauritzen et al. 2012 DOI:10.1177/1094342011410088)
+      scale1        = 0.5_r8*(1.0_r8+tanh(2.0_r8*log(pmid(sponge_del4_lev)/pmid(k))))
+      if (sponge_del4_nu_div_fac /= 1.0_r8) then
+        nu_div_lev(k) = (1.0_r8-scale1)*nu_div+scale1*nu_div_max
+      end if
+      if (sponge_del4_nu_fac /= 1.0_r8) then
+        nu_lev(k)     = (1.0_r8-scale1)*nu    +scale1*nu_max
+        nu_t_lev(k)   = (1.0_r8-scale1)*nu_p  +scale1*nu_max
+      end if
+    end do
+    if (hybrid%masterthread)then
+      write(iulog,*) "z computed from barometric formula (using US std atmosphere)"
+      call std_atm_height(pmid(:),z(:))
+      write(iulog,*) "k,pmid_ref,z,nu_lev,nu_t_lev,nu_div_lev"
       do k=1,nlev
-        press = pmid(k)
-        scale1 = 0.5_r8*(1.0_r8+tanh(2.0_r8*log(100.0_r8/press)))
-        nu_div_lev(k)     = (1.0_r8-scale1)*nu_div+scale1*2.0_r8*nu_div
-        nu_div_lev(k)     = nu_div
-        nu_lev(k)         = (1.0_r8-scale1)*nu    +scale1*nu_p
-        nu_lev(k)         = nu
-        if (hybrid%masterthread) write(iulog,*) "nu_lev=",k,nu_lev(k)
-        if (hybrid%masterthread) write(iulog,*) "nu_div_lev=",k,nu_div_lev(k)
+        write(iulog,'(i3,5e11.4)') k,pmid(k),z(k),nu_lev(k),nu_t_lev(k),nu_div_lev(k)
       end do
-    end if
+      if (nu_top>0) then
+        write(iulog,*) ": ksponge_end = ",ksponge_end
+        write(iulog,*) ": sponge layer Laplacian damping"
+        write(iulog,*) "k, p, z, nu_scale_top, nu (actual Laplacian damping coefficient)"
-    if (nu_q<0) nu_q = nu_p ! necessary for consistency
-    if (nu_s<0) nu_s = nu_p ! temperature damping is always equal to nu_p
+        do k=1,ksponge_end
+           write(iulog,'(i3,4e11.4)') k,pmid(k),z(k),nu_scale_top(k),nu_scale_top(k)*nu_top
+        end do
+      end if
+    end if
@@ -600,40 +710,31 @@ subroutine print_cfl(elem,hybrid,nets,nete,dtnu,ptop,pmid,&
       write(iulog,'(a,f12.8,a)') 'Model top is ',ptop,'Pa'
       write(iulog,'(a)') ' '
       write(iulog,'(a)') 'Timestepping methods used in dynamical core:'
-      write(iulog,'(a)') 
+      write(iulog,'(a)')
       write(iulog,*) rk_str
       write(iulog,'(a)') '   * Spectral-element advection uses SSP preservation RK3'
       write(iulog,'(a)') '   * Viscosity operators use forward Euler'
-      if (ntrac>0) then
-        write(iulog,'(a)') '   * CSLAM uses two time-levels backward trajectory method'
-      end if
     end if
     S_laplacian = 2.0_r8 !using forward Euler for sponge diffusion
     S_hypervis  = 2.0_r8 !using forward Euler for hyperviscosity
     S_rk_tracer = 2.0_r8
-    !
-    ! estimate max winds
-    !
-    if (ptop>100.0_r8) then
-      umax = 120.0_r8
-    else
-      umax = 400.0_r8
-    end if
     ugw = 342.0_r8 !max gravity wave speed
     dt_max_adv             = S_rk/(umax*max_normDinv*lambda_max*ra)
     dt_max_gw              = S_rk/(ugw*max_normDinv*lambda_max*ra)
     dt_max_tracer_se       = S_rk_tracer*min_gw/(umax*max_normDinv*ra)
-    if (ntrac>0) then
+    if (use_cslam) then
       if (large_Courant_incr) then
-        dt_max_tracer_fvm      = real(nhe, r8)*(4.0_r8*pi*real(Rearth, r8)/real(4.0_r8*ne*nc, r8))/umax
+        dt_max_tracer_fvm      = dble(nhe)*(4.0_r8*pi*Rearth/dble(4.0_r8*ne*nc))/umax
-        dt_max_tracer_fvm      = real(nhe, r8)*(2.0_r8*pi*real(Rearth, r8)/real(4.0_r8*ne*nc, r8))/umax
+        dt_max_tracer_fvm      = dble(nhe)*(2.0_r8*pi*Rearth/dble(4.0_r8*ne*nc))/umax
       end if
       dt_max_tracer_fvm = -1.0_r8
     end if
-    dt_max_hypervis        = s_hypervis/(MAX(MAXVAL(nu_div_lev(:)),MAXVAL(nu_lev(:)))*normDinv_hypervis)
+    nu_max = MAX(MAXVAL(nu_div_lev(:)),MAXVAL(nu_lev(:)),MAXVAL(nu_t_lev(:)))
+    dt_max_hypervis        = s_hypervis/(nu_max*normDinv_hypervis)
     dt_max_hypervis_tracer = s_hypervis/(nu_q*normDinv_hypervis)
     max_laplace = MAX(MAXVAL(nu_scale_top(:))*nu_top,MAXVAL(kmvis_ref(:)/rho_ref(:)))
@@ -653,14 +754,15 @@ subroutine print_cfl(elem,hybrid,nets,nete,dtnu,ptop,pmid,&
       write(iulog,'(a,f10.2,a,f10.2,a)') '* dt_dyn_vis    (hyperviscosity)       ; u,v,T,dM) < ',dt_max_hypervis,&
            's ',dt_dyn_visco_actual,'s'
       if (dt_dyn_visco_actual>dt_max_hypervis) write(iulog,*) 'WARNING: dt_dyn_vis theoretically unstable'
-      write(iulog,'(a,f10.2,a,f10.2,a)') '* dt_tracer_se  (time-stepping tracers ; q       ) < ',dt_max_tracer_se,'s ',&
+      if (.not.use_cslam) then
+         write(iulog,'(a,f10.2,a,f10.2,a)') '* dt_tracer_se  (time-stepping tracers ; q       ) < ',dt_max_tracer_se,'s ',&
-      if (dt_tracer_se_actual>dt_max_tracer_se) write(iulog,*) 'WARNING: dt_tracer_se theoretically unstable'
-      write(iulog,'(a,f10.2,a,f10.2,a)') '* dt_tracer_vis (hyperviscosity tracers; q       ) < ',dt_max_hypervis_tracer,'s',&
-           dt_tracer_visco_actual,'s'
-      if (dt_tracer_visco_actual>dt_max_hypervis_tracer) write(iulog,*) 'WARNING: dt_tracer_hypervis theoretically unstable'
-      if (ntrac>0) then
+         if (dt_tracer_se_actual>dt_max_tracer_se) write(iulog,*) 'WARNING: dt_tracer_se theoretically unstable'
+         write(iulog,'(a,f10.2,a,f10.2,a)') '* dt_tracer_vis (hyperviscosity tracers; q       ) < ',dt_max_hypervis_tracer,'s',&
+              dt_tracer_visco_actual,'s'
+         if (dt_tracer_visco_actual>dt_max_hypervis_tracer) write(iulog,*) 'WARNING: dt_tracer_hypervis theoretically unstable'
+      end if
+      if (use_cslam) then
         write(iulog,'(a,f10.2,a,f10.2,a)') '* dt_tracer_fvm (time-stepping tracers ; q       ) < ',dt_max_tracer_fvm,&
              's ',dt_tracer_fvm_actual
         if (dt_tracer_fvm_actual>dt_max_tracer_fvm) write(iulog,*) 'WARNING: dt_tracer_fvm theortically unstable'
@@ -673,8 +775,14 @@ subroutine print_cfl(elem,hybrid,nets,nete,dtnu,ptop,pmid,&
         write(iulog,'(a,f10.2,a,f10.2,a)') '* dt    (del2 sponge           ; u,v,T,dM) < ',&
-        if (dt_dyn_del2_actual>dt_max_laplacian_top) &
-             write(iulog,*) 'WARNING: theoretically unstable in sponge; increase se_hypervis_subcycle_sponge'
+        if (dt_dyn_del2_actual>dt_max_laplacian_top) then
+          if (k==1) then
+            write(iulog,*) 'WARNING: theoretically unstable in sponge; increase se_hypervis_subcycle_sponge',&
+                           ' (this WARNING can sometimes be ignored in level 1)'
+          else
+            write(iulog,*) 'WARNING: theoretically unstable in sponge; increase se_hypervis_subcycle_sponge'
+          endif
+        end if
       end do
       write(iulog,*) ' '
       if (hypervis_power /= 0) then
@@ -1104,7 +1212,9 @@ subroutine automatically_set_viscosity_coefficients(hybrid,ne,max_min_dx,min_min
     if (nu < 0) then
       if (ne <= 0) then
-        if (hypervis_scaling/=0) then
+        if (hypervis_power/=0) then
+          call endrun('ERROR: Automatic scaling of scalar viscosity not implemented')
+        else if (hypervis_scaling/=0) then
           nu_min = factor*nu_fac*(max_min_dx*1000.0_r8)**uniform_res_hypervis_scaling
           nu_max = factor*nu_fac*(min_min_dx*1000.0_r8)**uniform_res_hypervis_scaling
           nu     = factor*nu_min
@@ -1113,11 +1223,9 @@ subroutine automatically_set_viscosity_coefficients(hybrid,ne,max_min_dx,min_min
             write(iulog,'(a,2e9.2,a,2f9.2)') "Value at min/max grid spacing: ",nu_min,nu_max,&
                  " Max/min grid spacing (km) = ",max_min_dx,min_min_dx
           end if
-          nu = nu_min*(2.0_r8*rearth/(3.0_r8*max_min_dx*1000.0_r8))**hypervis_scaling/(rearth**4._r8)
+          nu = nu_min*(2.0_r8*rearth/(3.0_r8*max_min_dx*1000.0_r8))**hypervis_scaling/(rearth**4)
           if (hybrid%masterthread) &
                write(iulog,'(a,a,a,e9.3)') "Nu_tensor",TRIM(str)," = ",nu
-        else if (hypervis_power/=0) then
-          call endrun('ERROR: Automatic scaling of scalar viscosity not implemented')
         end if
         nu     = factor*nu_fac*((30.0_r8/ne)*110000.0_r8)**uniform_res_hypervis_scaling
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/hybrid_mod.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/hybrid_mod.F90
index f167435a..46c5a76f 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/hybrid_mod.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/hybrid_mod.F90
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module hybrid_mod
 use parallel_mod  , only : parallel_t, copy_par
 use thread_mod    , only : omp_set_num_threads, omp_get_thread_num
 use thread_mod    , only : horz_num_threads, vert_num_threads, tracer_num_threads
-use dimensions_mod, only : nlev, qsize, ntrac
+use dimensions_mod, only : nlev, qsize, ntrac, use_cslam
 implicit none
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ subroutine init_loop_ranges(nelemd)
           work_pool_trac(ith+1,2) = end_index
         end do
-        if(ntrac>0 .and. ntrac<tracer_num_threads) &
+        if(use_cslam .and. ntrac<tracer_num_threads) &
           print *,'WARNING: insufficient CSLAM tracer parallelism to support ',tracer_num_threads,' tracer threads'
         if ( .NOT. allocated(work_pool_ctrac) ) then
           allocate(work_pool_ctrac(tracer_num_threads,2), stat=iret)
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/namelist_mod.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/namelist_mod.F90
index 8db0b627..7e375a09 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/namelist_mod.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/namelist_mod.F90
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ end subroutine homme_set_defaults
   subroutine homme_postprocess_namelist(mesh_file, par)
     use mesh_mod,        only: MeshOpen
-    use dimensions_mod,  only: ntrac
+    use dimensions_mod,  only: use_cslam
     ! Dummy arguments
     character(len=*),  intent(in) :: mesh_file
     type (parallel_t), intent(in) :: par
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ subroutine homme_postprocess_namelist(mesh_file, par)
       end if
     end if
-    if ((cubed_sphere_map /= 0) .AND. ntrac>0) then
+    if ((cubed_sphere_map /= 0) .AND. use_cslam) then
       if (par%masterproc) then
         write(iulog, *) subname, 'fvm transport and require equi-angle gnomonic cube sphere mapping.'
         write(iulog, *) '         Set cubed_sphere_map = 0 or comment it out all together.                          '
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_advance_mod.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_advance_mod.F90
index cf88d7f9..5389ed04 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_advance_mod.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_advance_mod.F90
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module prim_advance_mod
-  public :: prim_advance_exp, prim_advance_init, applyCAMforcing, calc_tot_energy_dynamics, compute_omega
+  public :: prim_advance_exp, prim_advance_init, applyCAMforcing, tot_energy_dyn, compute_omega
   type (EdgeBuffer_t) :: edge3,edgeOmega,edgeSponge
   real (kind=r8), allocatable :: ur_weights(:)
@@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ subroutine prim_advance_init(par, elem)
     character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'prim_advance_init (SE)'
     call initEdgeBuffer(par,edge3   ,elem,4*nlev   ,bndry_type=HME_BNDRY_P2P, nthreads=horz_num_threads)
-    call initEdgeBuffer(par,edgeSponge,elem,4*ksponge_end,bndry_type=HME_BNDRY_P2P, nthreads=horz_num_threads)
+    if (ksponge_end>0) then
+       call initEdgeBuffer(par,edgeSponge,elem,4*ksponge_end,bndry_type=HME_BNDRY_P2P, nthreads=horz_num_threads)
+    end if
     call initEdgeBuffer(par,edgeOmega ,elem,nlev         ,bndry_type=HME_BNDRY_P2P, nthreads=horz_num_threads)
     if(.not. allocated(ur_weights)) then
@@ -67,15 +69,13 @@ subroutine prim_advance_exp(elem, fvm, deriv, hvcoord, hybrid,dt, tl,  nets, net
     use element_mod,       only: element_t
     use hybvcoord_mod,     only: hvcoord_t
     use hybrid_mod,        only: hybrid_t
-    use time_mod,          only: TimeLevel_t,  timelevel_qdp, tevolve
-    use dimensions_mod,    only: lcp_moist
+    use se_dyn_time_mod,   only: TimeLevel_t,  timelevel_qdp, tevolve
     use fvm_control_volume_mod, only: fvm_struct
-    use control_mod,       only: raytau0
     implicit none
     type (element_t), intent(inout), target   :: elem(:)
-    type(fvm_struct)     , intent(in) :: fvm(:)
+    type(fvm_struct)     , intent(inout) :: fvm(:)
     type (derivative_t)  , intent(in) :: deriv
     type (hvcoord_t)                  :: hvcoord
     type (hybrid_t)      , intent(in) :: hybrid
@@ -86,14 +86,12 @@ subroutine prim_advance_exp(elem, fvm, deriv, hvcoord, hybrid,dt, tl,  nets, net
     ! Local
     real (kind=r8) :: dt_vis, eta_ave_w
-    real (kind=r8) :: dp(np,np)
     integer        :: ie,nm1,n0,np1,k,qn0,m_cnst, nq
+    real (kind=r8) :: inv_cp_full(np,np,nlev,nets:nete)
     real (kind=r8) :: qwater(np,np,nlev,thermodynamic_active_species_num,nets:nete)
     integer        :: qidx(thermodynamic_active_species_num)
     real (kind=r8) :: kappa(np,np,nlev,nets:nete)
-    real (kind=r8) :: inv_cp_full(np,np,nlev,nets:nete)
     call t_startf('prim_advance_exp')
     nm1   = tl%nm1
     n0    = tl%n0
@@ -120,9 +118,6 @@ subroutine prim_advance_exp(elem, fvm, deriv, hvcoord, hybrid,dt, tl,  nets, net
     !                 (K&G 2nd order method has CFL=4. tiny CFL improvement not worth 2nd order)
-    if (dry_air_species_num > 0) &
-      call endrun('ERROR: SE dycore not ready for species dependent thermodynamics - ABORT')
     call omp_set_nested(.true.)
     ! default weights for computing mean dynamics fluxes
@@ -140,30 +135,23 @@ subroutine prim_advance_exp(elem, fvm, deriv, hvcoord, hybrid,dt, tl,  nets, net
         ! make sure Q is updated
-        qwater(:,:,:,nq,ie)      = elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,:,:,m_cnst,qn0)/elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,n0)
+        qwater(:,:,:,nq,ie) = elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,:,:,m_cnst,qn0)/elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,n0)
       end do
     end do
     ! compute Cp and kappa=Rdry/cpdry here and not in RK-stages since Q stays constant => Cp and kappa also stays constant
-    if (lcp_moist) then
-      do ie=nets,nete
-        call get_cp(qwater(:,:,:,:,ie), &
-                   .true.,inv_cp_full(:,:,:,ie),active_species_idx_dycore=qidx)
-      end do
-    else
-      do ie=nets,nete
-        inv_cp_full(:,:,:,ie) = 1.0_r8/cpair
-      end do
-    end if
     do ie=nets,nete
-      call get_kappa_dry(qwater(:,:,:,:,ie),qidx,kappa(:,:,:,ie))
+      call get_cp(qwater(:,:,:,:,ie),.true.,&
+           inv_cp_full(:,:,:,ie), active_species_idx_dycore=qidx)
+    end do
+    do ie=nets,nete
+      call get_kappa_dry(qwater(:,:,:,:,ie), qidx, kappa(:,:,:,ie))
     end do
     dt_vis = dt
-    if (raytau0>0) call rayleigh_friction(elem,n0,nets,nete,dt)
     if (tstep_type==1) then
       ! RK2-SSP 3 stage.  matches tracer scheme. optimal SSP CFL, but
       ! not optimal for regular CFL
@@ -318,7 +306,7 @@ end subroutine prim_advance_exp
   subroutine applyCAMforcing(elem,fvm,np1,np1_qdp,dt_dribble,dt_phys,nets,nete,nsubstep)
-    use dimensions_mod,         only: np, nc, nlev, qsize, ntrac
+    use dimensions_mod,         only: np, nc, nlev, qsize, ntrac, use_cslam
     use element_mod,            only: element_t
     use control_mod,            only: ftype, ftype_conserve
     use fvm_control_volume_mod, only: fvm_struct
@@ -341,7 +329,8 @@ subroutine applyCAMforcing(elem,fvm,np1,np1_qdp,dt_dribble,dt_phys,nets,nete,nsu
     character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'applyCAMforcing (SE)'
-    if (ntrac>0) then
+    call t_startf('applyCAMforc')
+    if (use_cslam) then
       allocate(ftmp_fvm(nc,nc,nlev,ntrac,nets:nete), stat=iret)
       call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'ftmp_fvm(nc,nc,nlev,ntrac,nets:nete)', &
                           file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
@@ -377,7 +366,7 @@ subroutine applyCAMforcing(elem,fvm,np1,np1_qdp,dt_dribble,dt_phys,nets,nete,nsu
       ! do state-update for tracers and "dribbling" forcing for u,v,T
       dt_local            = dt_dribble
-      if (ntrac>0) then
+      if (use_cslam) then
         dt_local_tracer     = dt_dribble
         dt_local_tracer_fvm = dt_phys
         if (nsubstep.ne.1) then
@@ -397,7 +386,7 @@ subroutine applyCAMforcing(elem,fvm,np1,np1_qdp,dt_dribble,dt_phys,nets,nete,nsu
       ! tracers
-      if (qsize>0.and.dt_local_tracer>0) then
+      if (.not.use_cslam.and.dt_local_tracer>0) then
 #if (defined COLUMN_OPENMP)
     !$omp parallel do num_threads(tracer_num_threads) private(q,k,i,j,v1)
@@ -426,7 +415,7 @@ subroutine applyCAMforcing(elem,fvm,np1,np1_qdp,dt_dribble,dt_phys,nets,nete,nsu
         ftmp(:,:,:,:,ie) = 0.0_r8
       end if
-      if (ntrac>0.and.dt_local_tracer_fvm>0) then
+      if (use_cslam.and.dt_local_tracer_fvm>0) then
         ! Repeat for the fvm tracers: fc holds tendency (fc_new-fc_old)/dt_physics
@@ -450,13 +439,12 @@ subroutine applyCAMforcing(elem,fvm,np1,np1_qdp,dt_dribble,dt_phys,nets,nete,nsu
           end do
         end do
-        if (ntrac>0) ftmp_fvm(:,:,:,:,ie) = 0.0_r8
+        if (use_cslam) ftmp_fvm(:,:,:,:,ie) = 0.0_r8
       end if
-      if (ftype_conserve==1) then
-        call get_dp(elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,np1_qdp),MASS_MIXING_RATIO, &
-            thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore,elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,np1),pdel)
+      if (ftype_conserve==1.and..not.use_cslam) then
+        call get_dp(elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,np1_qdp), MASS_MIXING_RATIO, &
+             thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore, elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,np1), pdel)
         do k=1,nlev
           do j=1,np
             do i = 1,np
@@ -481,34 +469,33 @@ subroutine applyCAMforcing(elem,fvm,np1,np1_qdp,dt_dribble,dt_phys,nets,nete,nsu
       end if
     end do
-    if (ntrac>0) then
+    if (use_cslam) then
       call output_qdp_var_dynamics(ftmp_fvm(:,:,:,:,:),nc,ntrac,nets,nete,'PDC')
       call output_qdp_var_dynamics(ftmp(:,:,:,:,:),np,qsize,nets,nete,'PDC')
     end if
-    if (ftype==1.and.nsubstep==1) call calc_tot_energy_dynamics(elem,fvm,nets,nete,np1,np1_qdp,'p2d')
-    if (ntrac>0) deallocate(ftmp_fvm)
+    if (ftype==1.and.nsubstep==1) call tot_energy_dyn(elem,fvm,nets,nete,np1,np1_qdp,'p2d')
+    if (use_cslam) deallocate(ftmp_fvm)
+    call t_stopf('applyCAMforc')
   end subroutine applyCAMforcing
   subroutine advance_hypervis_dp(edge3,elem,fvm,hybrid,deriv,nt,qn0,nets,nete,dt2,eta_ave_w,inv_cp_full,hvcoord)
     !  take one timestep of:
     !          u(:,:,:,np) = u(:,:,:,np) +  dt2*nu*laplacian**order ( u )
-    !          T(:,:,:,np) = T(:,:,:,np) +  dt2*nu_s*laplacian**order ( T )
+    !          T(:,:,:,np) = T(:,:,:,np) +  dt2*nu_t*laplacian**order ( T )
     !  For correct scaling, dt2 should be the same 'dt2' used in the leapfrog advace
-    use dynconst,       only: gravit, cappa, cpair, tref, lapse_rate
-    use dyn_thermo,     only: get_dp_ref
-    use dimensions_mod, only: np, nlev, nc, ntrac, npsq, qsize
-    use dimensions_mod, only: hypervis_dynamic_ref_state,ksponge_end
+    use physconst,      only: cappa, cpair
+    use cam_thermo,     only: get_molecular_diff_coef, get_rho_dry
+    use dimensions_mod, only: np, nlev, nc, use_cslam, npsq, qsize, ksponge_end
     use dimensions_mod, only: nu_scale_top,nu_lev,kmvis_ref,kmcnd_ref,rho_ref,km_sponge_factor
-    use dimensions_mod, only: kmvisi_ref,kmcndi_ref,rhoi_ref
-    use control_mod,    only: nu, nu_s, hypervis_subcycle,hypervis_subcycle_sponge, nu_p, nu_top
-    use control_mod,    only: molecular_diff
+    use dimensions_mod, only: nu_t_lev
+    use control_mod,    only: nu, nu_t, hypervis_subcycle,hypervis_subcycle_sponge, nu_p, nu_top
+    use control_mod,    only: molecular_diff,sponge_del4_lev
     use hybrid_mod,     only: hybrid_t!, get_loop_ranges
     use element_mod,    only: element_t
     use derivative_mod, only: derivative_t, laplace_sphere_wk, vlaplace_sphere_wk, vlaplace_sphere_wk_mol
@@ -519,14 +506,13 @@ subroutine advance_hypervis_dp(edge3,elem,fvm,hybrid,deriv,nt,qn0,nets,nete,dt2,
     use viscosity_mod,  only: biharmonic_wk_dp3d
     use hybvcoord_mod,  only: hvcoord_t
     use fvm_control_volume_mod, only: fvm_struct
-    use air_composition,        only: thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore
-    use dyn_thermo,     only: get_molecular_diff_coef,get_rho_dry
-!Un-comment once history output has been resolved in CAMDEN -JN:
+    use air_composition, only: thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore
+!Un-comment once constituents and history outputs are enabled -JN:
 !    use cam_history,     only: outfld, hist_fld_active
     type (hybrid_t)    , intent(in)   :: hybrid
     type (element_t)   , intent(inout), target :: elem(:)
-    type(fvm_struct)   , intent(in)   :: fvm(:)
+    type(fvm_struct)   , intent(inout)   :: fvm(:)
     type (EdgeBuffer_t), intent(inout):: edge3
     type (derivative_t), intent(in  ) :: deriv
     integer            , intent(in)   :: nets,nete, nt, qn0
@@ -539,8 +525,6 @@ subroutine advance_hypervis_dp(edge3,elem,fvm,hybrid,deriv,nt,qn0,nets,nete,dt2,
     integer :: kbeg, kend, kblk
     real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,2,nlev,nets:nete)      :: vtens
     real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nlev,nets:nete)        :: ttens, dptens
-    real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nlev,nets:nete)        :: dp3d_ref, T_ref
-    real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nets:nete)             :: ps_ref
     real (kind=r8), dimension(0:np+1,0:np+1,nlev)          :: corners
     real (kind=r8), dimension(2,2,2)                       :: cflux
     real (kind=r8)                                         :: temp      (np,np,nlev)
@@ -549,60 +533,19 @@ subroutine advance_hypervis_dp(edge3,elem,fvm,hybrid,deriv,nt,qn0,nets,nete,dt2,
     type (EdgeDescriptor_t)                                :: desc
     real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np)            :: lap_t,lap_dp
-    real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np)            :: tmp, tmp2
     real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,ksponge_end,nets:nete):: kmvis,kmcnd,rho_dry
-    real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,ksponge_end+1):: kmvisi,kmcndi
-    real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,ksponge_end+1):: pint,rhoi_dry
-    real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,ksponge_end  ):: pmid
     real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nlev)       :: tmp_kmvis,tmp_kmcnd
     real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,2)          :: lap_v
-    real (kind=r8)                              :: v1,v2,v1new,v2new,dt,heating,T0,T1
+    real (kind=r8)                              :: v1,v2,v1new,v2new,dt,heating
     real (kind=r8)                              :: laplace_fluxes(nc,nc,4)
     real (kind=r8)                              :: rhypervis_subcycle
     real (kind=r8)                              :: nu_ratio1, ptop, inv_rho
-    real (kind=r8), dimension(ksponge_end)      :: dtemp,du,dv
     real (kind=r8)                              :: nu_temp, nu_dp, nu_velo
-    if (nu_s == 0 .and. nu == 0 .and. nu_p==0 ) return;
+    if (nu_t == 0 .and. nu == 0 .and. nu_p==0 ) return;
     ptop = hvcoord%hyai(1)*hvcoord%ps0
-    if (hypervis_dynamic_ref_state) then
-      !
-      ! use dynamic reference pressure (P. Callaghan)
-      !
-      call calc_dp3d_reference(elem,edge3,hybrid,nets,nete,nt,hvcoord,dp3d_ref)
-      do ie=nets,nete
-        ps_ref(:,:,ie) = ptop + sum(elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,nt),3)
-      end do
-    else
-      !
-      ! use static reference pressure (hydrostatic balance incl. effect of topography)
-      !
-      do ie=nets,nete
-        call get_dp_ref(hvcoord%hyai, hvcoord%hybi, hvcoord%ps0,&
-             elem(ie)%state%phis(:,:),dp3d_ref(:,:,:,ie),ps_ref(:,:,ie))
-      end do
-    endif
-    !
-    ! reference temperature profile (Simmons and Jiabin, 1991, QJRMS, Section 2a)
-    !
-    !  Tref = T0+T1*Exner
-    !  T1 = .0065*Tref*Cp/g ! = ~191
-    !  T0 = Tref-T1         ! = ~97
-    !
-    T1 = lapse_rate*Tref*cpair/gravit
-    T0 = Tref-T1
-    do ie=nets,nete
-      do k=1,nlev
-        dp3d_ref(:,:,k,ie) = ((hvcoord%hyai(k+1)-hvcoord%hyai(k))*hvcoord%ps0 + &
-                              (hvcoord%hybi(k+1)-hvcoord%hybi(k))*ps_ref(:,:,ie))
-        tmp                = hvcoord%hyam(k)*hvcoord%ps0+hvcoord%hybm(k)*ps_ref(:,:,ie)
-        tmp2               = (tmp/hvcoord%ps0)**cappa
-        T_ref(:,:,k,ie)    = (T0+T1*tmp2)
-      end do
-    end do
     kbeg=1; kend=nlev
     kblk = kend - kbeg + 1
@@ -614,11 +557,10 @@ subroutine advance_hypervis_dp(edge3,elem,fvm,hybrid,deriv,nt,qn0,nets,nete,dt2,
     do ic=1,hypervis_subcycle
-      call calc_tot_energy_dynamics(elem,fvm,nets,nete,nt,qn0,'dBH')
+      call tot_energy_dyn(elem,fvm,nets,nete,nt,qn0,'dBH')
-      call biharmonic_wk_dp3d(elem,dptens,dpflux,ttens,vtens,deriv,edge3,hybrid,nt,nets,nete,kbeg,kend,&
-           dp3d_ref,T_ref)
+      call biharmonic_wk_dp3d(elem,dptens,dpflux,ttens,vtens,deriv,edge3,hybrid,nt,nets,nete,kbeg,kend)
       do ie=nets,nete
         ! compute mean flux
@@ -629,7 +571,7 @@ subroutine advance_hypervis_dp(edge3,elem,fvm,hybrid,deriv,nt,qn0,nets,nete,dt2,
             do j=1,np
               do i=1,np
-                     rhypervis_subcycle*eta_ave_w*elem(ie)%state%dp3d(i,j,k,nt)
+                     rhypervis_subcycle*eta_ave_w*(elem(ie)%state%dp3d(i,j,k,nt)-elem(ie)%derived%dp_ref(i,j,k))
@@ -646,14 +588,14 @@ subroutine advance_hypervis_dp(edge3,elem,fvm,hybrid,deriv,nt,qn0,nets,nete,dt2,
           do j=1,np
             do i=1,np
-              ttens(i,j,k,ie)   = -nu_s*ttens(i,j,k,ie)
+              ttens(i,j,k,ie)   = -nu_t_lev(k)*ttens(i,j,k,ie)
               dptens(i,j,k,ie)  = -nu_p*dptens(i,j,k,ie)
               vtens(i,j,1,k,ie) = -nu_lev(k)*vtens(i,j,1,k,ie)
               vtens(i,j,2,k,ie) = -nu_lev(k)*vtens(i,j,2,k,ie)
-          if (ntrac>0) then
+          if (use_cslam) then
             do j=1,nc
@@ -705,7 +647,7 @@ subroutine advance_hypervis_dp(edge3,elem,fvm,hybrid,deriv,nt,qn0,nets,nete,dt2,
         kptr = kbeg - 1 + 2*nlev
         call edgeVunpack(edge3,vtens(:,:,2,kbeg:kend,ie),kblk,kptr,ie)
-        if (ntrac>0) then
+        if (use_cslam) then
           do k=kbeg,kend
             temp(:,:,k) = elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,k,nt) / elem(ie)%spheremp  ! STATE before DSS
             corners(0:np+1,0:np+1,k) = 0.0_r8
@@ -715,7 +657,7 @@ subroutine advance_hypervis_dp(edge3,elem,fvm,hybrid,deriv,nt,qn0,nets,nete,dt2,
         kptr = kbeg - 1 + 3*nlev
         call edgeVunpack(edge3,elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,kbeg:kend,nt),kblk,kptr,ie)
-        if (ntrac>0) then
+        if (use_cslam) then
           desc = elem(ie)%desc
           kptr = kbeg - 1 + 3*nlev
@@ -775,10 +717,13 @@ subroutine advance_hypervis_dp(edge3,elem,fvm,hybrid,deriv,nt,qn0,nets,nete,dt2,
       end do
-      call calc_tot_energy_dynamics(elem,fvm,nets,nete,nt,qn0,'dCH')
+      call tot_energy_dyn(elem,fvm,nets,nete,nt,qn0,'dCH')
       do ie=nets,nete
         !$omp parallel do num_threads(vert_num_threads), private(k,i,j,v1,v2,heating)
-        do k=kbeg,kend
+        do k=sponge_del4_lev+2,nlev
+          !
+          ! only do "frictional heating" away from sponge
+          !
           do j=1,np
@@ -795,7 +740,7 @@ subroutine advance_hypervis_dp(edge3,elem,fvm,hybrid,deriv,nt,qn0,nets,nete,dt2,
-      call calc_tot_energy_dynamics(elem,fvm,nets,nete,nt,qn0,'dAH')
+      call tot_energy_dyn(elem,fvm,nets,nete,nt,qn0,'dAH')
     end do
@@ -805,83 +750,26 @@ subroutine advance_hypervis_dp(edge3,elem,fvm,hybrid,deriv,nt,qn0,nets,nete,dt2,
-    !
-    ! vertical diffusion
-    !
-    call t_startf('vertical_molec_diff')
-    if (molecular_diff>1) then
-      do ie=nets,nete
-        call get_rho_dry(elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,qn0),  &
-             elem(ie)%state%T(:,:,:,nt),ptop,elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,nt),&
-             .true.,rhoi_dry=rhoi_dry(:,:,:),                           &
-             active_species_idx_dycore=thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore)
-        !
-        ! constant coefficients
-        !
-        do k=1,ksponge_end+1
-           kmvisi(:,:,k) = kmvisi_ref(k)*rhoi_dry(:,:,k)
-           kmcndi(:,:,k) = kmcndi_ref(k)*rhoi_dry(:,:,k)
-        end do
-        !
-        ! do vertical diffusion
-        !
-        do j=1,np
-          do i=1,np
-            call solve_diffusion(dt2,np,nlev,i,j,ksponge_end,pmid,pint,kmcndi(:,:,:)/cpair,elem(ie)%state%T(:,:,:,nt),&
-                 0,dtemp)
-            call solve_diffusion(dt2,np,nlev,i,j,ksponge_end,pmid,pint,kmvisi(:,:,:),elem(ie)%state%v(:,:,1,:,nt),1,du)
-            call solve_diffusion(dt2,np,nlev,i,j,ksponge_end,pmid,pint,kmvisi(:,:,:),elem(ie)%state%v(:,:,2,:,nt),1,dv)
-            do k=1,ksponge_end
-              v1    = elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,1,k,nt)
-              v2    = elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,2,k,nt)
-              v1new = v1 + du(k)
-              v2new = v2 + dv(k)
-              !
-              ! frictional heating
-              !
-              heating = 0.5_r8*((v1new*v1new+v2new*v2new) - (v1*v1+v2*v2))
-              elem(ie)%state%T(i,j,k,nt)=elem(ie)%state%T(i,j,k,nt) &
-                   -heating*inv_cp_full(i,j,k,ie)+dtemp(k)
-              elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,1,k,nt)=v1new
-              elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,2,k,nt)=v2new
-            end do
-          end do
-        end do
-      end do
-    end if
-    call t_stopf('vertical_molec_diff')
     call t_startf('sponge_diff')
     ! compute coefficients for horizontal diffusion
-    if (molecular_diff>0) then
+    if (molecular_diff==1) then
       do ie=nets,nete
         call get_rho_dry(elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,qn0),  &
-             elem(ie)%state%T(:,:,:,nt),ptop,elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,nt),&
-             .true.,rho_dry=rho_dry(:,:,:,ie),                                              &
+             elem(ie)%state%T(:,:,:,nt), ptop, elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,nt),&
+             .true., rho_dry=rho_dry(:,:,:,ie),                                              &
       end do
-      if (molecular_diff==1) then
-        do ie=nets,nete
-          !
-          ! compute molecular diffusion and thermal conductivity coefficients at mid-levels
-          !
-          call get_molecular_diff_coef(elem(ie)%state%T(:,:,:,nt),.false.,km_sponge_factor(1:ksponge_end),kmvis(:,:,:,ie),kmcnd(:,:,:,ie),qsize,&
-               elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,qn0),fact=1.0_r8/elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,1:ksponge_end,nt),&
-               active_species_idx_dycore=thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore)
-        end do
-      else
+      do ie=nets,nete
-        ! constant coefficients
+        ! compute molecular diffusion and thermal conductivity coefficients at mid-levels
-        do ie=nets,nete
-          do k=1,ksponge_end
-            kmvis  (:,:,k,ie) = kmvis_ref(k)
-            kmcnd  (:,:,k,ie) = kmcnd_ref(k)
-          end do
-        end do
-      end if
+        call get_molecular_diff_coef(elem(ie)%state%T(:,:,:,nt), .false., km_sponge_factor(1:ksponge_end), kmvis(:,:,:,ie),&
+             kmcnd(:,:,:,ie), elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,qn0), fact=1.0_r8/elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,1:ksponge_end,nt),&
+             active_species_idx_dycore=thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore)
+      end do
       ! diagnostics
@@ -914,7 +802,7 @@ subroutine advance_hypervis_dp(edge3,elem,fvm,hybrid,deriv,nt,qn0,nets,nete,dt2,
           call outfld('nu_kmcnd_dp',RESHAPE(tmp_kmcnd(:,:,:), (/npsq,nlev/)), npsq, ie)
         end do
       end if
       ! scale by reference value
@@ -924,12 +812,13 @@ subroutine advance_hypervis_dp(edge3,elem,fvm,hybrid,deriv,nt,qn0,nets,nete,dt2,
           kmvis(:,:,k,ie) = kmvis(:,:,k,ie)/kmvis_ref(k)
         end do
       end do
     end if
     ! Horizontal Laplacian diffusion
-    call calc_tot_energy_dynamics(elem,fvm,nets,nete,nt,qn0,'dBS')
+    call tot_energy_dyn(elem,fvm,nets,nete,nt,qn0,'dBS')
     kblk = ksponge_end
     do ic=1,hypervis_subcycle_sponge
@@ -986,7 +875,7 @@ subroutine advance_hypervis_dp(edge3,elem,fvm,hybrid,deriv,nt,qn0,nets,nete,dt2,
             end do
           end if
-          if (ntrac>0.and.nu_dp>0) then
+          if (use_cslam.and.nu_dp>0) then
             ! mass flux for CSLAM due to sponge layer diffusion on dp
@@ -1034,7 +923,7 @@ subroutine advance_hypervis_dp(edge3,elem,fvm,hybrid,deriv,nt,qn0,nets,nete,dt2,
         kptr = 2*ksponge_end
         call edgeVunpack(edgeSponge,vtens(:,:,2,1:ksponge_end,ie),kblk,kptr,ie)
-        if (ntrac>0.and.nu_dp>0.0_r8) then
+        if (use_cslam.and.nu_dp>0.0_r8) then
           do k=1,ksponge_end
             temp(:,:,k) = elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,k,nt) / elem(ie)%spheremp  ! STATE before DSS
             corners(0:np+1,0:np+1,k) = 0.0_r8
@@ -1044,7 +933,7 @@ subroutine advance_hypervis_dp(edge3,elem,fvm,hybrid,deriv,nt,qn0,nets,nete,dt2,
         kptr = 3*ksponge_end
         call edgeVunpack(edgeSponge,elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,1:ksponge_end,nt),kblk,kptr,ie)
-        if (ntrac>0.and.nu_dp>0.0_r8) then
+        if (use_cslam.and.nu_dp>0.0_r8) then
           desc = elem(ie)%desc
           kptr = 3*ksponge_end
@@ -1084,42 +973,42 @@ subroutine advance_hypervis_dp(edge3,elem,fvm,hybrid,deriv,nt,qn0,nets,nete,dt2,
+              ! update v first (gives better results than updating v after heating)
+              elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,:,k,nt)=elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,:,k,nt) + vtens(i,j,:,k,ie)
+              elem(ie)%state%T(i,j,  k,nt)=elem(ie)%state%T(i,j,  k,nt) + ttens(i,j,  k,ie)
-        !$omp parallel do num_threads(vert_num_threads) private(k,i,j,v1,v2,v1new,v2new)
-        do k=1,ksponge_end
-          do j=1,np
-            do i=1,np
-              ! update v first (gives better results than updating v after heating)
-              elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,:,k,nt)=elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,:,k,nt) + &
-                   vtens(i,j,:,k,ie)
-              elem(ie)%state%T(i,j,k,nt)=elem(ie)%state%T(i,j,k,nt) &
-                   +ttens(i,j,k,ie)
-              v1new=elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,1,k,nt)
-              v2new=elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,2,k,nt)
-              v1   =elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,1,k,nt)- vtens(i,j,1,k,ie)
-              v2   =elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,2,k,nt)- vtens(i,j,2,k,ie)
-              !
-              ! frictional heating
-              !
-              heating = 0.5_r8*(v1new*v1new+v2new*v2new-(v1*v1+v2*v2))
-              elem(ie)%state%T(i,j,k,nt)=elem(ie)%state%T(i,j,k,nt) &
-                   -heating*inv_cp_full(i,j,k,ie)
+        if (molecular_diff.ne.1) then
+          !
+          ! no frictional heating for artificial sponge
+          !
+          !$omp parallel do num_threads(vert_num_threads) private(k,i,j,v1,v2,v1new,v2new)
+          do k=1,ksponge_end
+            !OMP_COLLAPSE_SIMD
+            !DIR_VECTOR_ALIGNED
+            do j=1,np
+              do i=1,np
+                v1new=elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,1,k,nt)
+                v2new=elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,2,k,nt)
+                v1   =elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,1,k,nt)- vtens(i,j,1,k,ie)
+                v2   =elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,2,k,nt)- vtens(i,j,2,k,ie)
+                !
+                ! frictional heating
+                !
+                heating = 0.5_r8*(v1new*v1new+v2new*v2new-(v1*v1+v2*v2))
+                elem(ie)%state%T(i,j,k,nt)=elem(ie)%state%T(i,j,k,nt) &
+                     -heating*inv_cp_full(i,j,k,ie)
+              enddo
-        enddo
+        end if
       end do
     end do
     call t_stopf('sponge_diff')
-    call calc_tot_energy_dynamics(elem,fvm,nets,nete,nt,qn0,'dAS')
+    call tot_energy_dyn(elem,fvm,nets,nete,nt,qn0,'dAS')
   end subroutine advance_hypervis_dp
    subroutine compute_and_apply_rhs(np1,nm1,n0,dt2,elem,hvcoord,hybrid,&
      ! ===================================
@@ -1141,15 +1030,8 @@ subroutine compute_and_apply_rhs(np1,nm1,n0,dt2,elem,hvcoord,hybrid,&
      ! allows us to fuse these two loops for more cache reuse
      ! ===================================
-     use air_composition, only: thermodynamic_active_species_num
-     use air_composition, only: thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore
-     use air_composition, only: dry_air_species_num
-     use dyn_thermo,      only: get_gz_given_dp_Tv_Rdry
-     use dyn_thermo,      only: get_virtual_temp, get_cp_dry
-     use dyn_thermo,      only: get_R_dry
-     !SE dycore:
-     use dimensions_mod,  only: np, nc, nlev, ntrac, ksponge_end
+     use dimensions_mod,  only: np, nc, nlev, use_cslam
+     use control_mod,     only: pgf_formulation
      use hybrid_mod,      only: hybrid_t
      use element_mod,     only: element_t
      use derivative_mod,  only: derivative_t, divergence_sphere, gradient_sphere, vorticity_sphere
@@ -1158,7 +1040,10 @@ subroutine compute_and_apply_rhs(np1,nm1,n0,dt2,elem,hvcoord,hybrid,&
      use edgetype_mod,    only: edgedescriptor_t
      use bndry_mod,       only: bndry_exchange
      use hybvcoord_mod,   only: hvcoord_t
-     use time_mod,        only: tevolve
+     use cam_thermo,      only: get_gz, get_virtual_temp
+     use air_composition, only: thermodynamic_active_species_num, dry_air_species_num
+     use air_composition, only: get_cp_dry, get_R_dry
+     use physconst,       only: tref,cpair,rga,lapse_rate
      implicit none
      integer,        intent(in) :: np1,nm1,n0,nets,nete
@@ -1189,11 +1074,9 @@ subroutine compute_and_apply_rhs(np1,nm1,n0,dt2,elem,hvcoord,hybrid,&
      real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np)                              :: vgrad_T      ! v.grad(T)
      real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np)                              :: Ephi         ! kinetic energy + PHI term
      real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,2,nlev)                       :: grad_p_full
-     real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,2,nlev)                       :: grad_p_m_pmet! gradient(p - p_met)
      real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nlev)                         :: vort         ! vorticity
-     real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nlev)                         :: p_dry        ! pressure dry
      real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nlev)                         :: dp_dry       ! delta pressure dry
-     real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nlev)                         :: R_dry
+     real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nlev)                         :: R_dry, cp_dry!
      real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nlev)                         :: p_full       ! pressure
      real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nlev)                         :: dp_full
      real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np)                              :: exner
@@ -1203,17 +1086,17 @@ subroutine compute_and_apply_rhs(np1,nm1,n0,dt2,elem,hvcoord,hybrid,&
      real (kind=r8) :: vtens1(np,np,nlev),vtens2(np,np,nlev),ttens(np,np,nlev)
      real (kind=r8) :: stashdp3d (np,np,nlev),tempdp3d(np,np), tempflux(nc,nc,4)
      real (kind=r8) :: ckk, term, T_v(np,np,nlev)
-     real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,2) :: grad_exner
+     real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,2) :: pgf_term
+     real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,2) :: grad_exner,grad_logexner
+     real (kind=r8) :: T0,T1
      real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np)   :: theta_v
-     real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nlev) :: cp_dry
      type (EdgeDescriptor_t):: desc
      real (kind=r8) :: sum_water(np,np,nlev), density_inv(np,np)
      real (kind=r8) :: E,v1,v2,glnps1,glnps2
      integer        :: i,j,k,kptr,ie
-     real (kind=r8) :: u_m_umet, v_m_vmet, t_m_tmet, ptop
+     real (kind=r8) :: ptop
 !JMD  call t_barrierf('sync_compute_and_apply_rhs', hybrid%par%comm)
      call t_adj_detailf(+1)
@@ -1223,17 +1106,16 @@ subroutine compute_and_apply_rhs(np1,nm1,n0,dt2,elem,hvcoord,hybrid,&
        ! compute virtual temperature and sum_water
-       call get_virtual_temp(qwater(:,:,:,:,ie),&
-            t_v(:,:,:),temp=elem(ie)%state%T(:,:,:,n0),sum_q =sum_water(:,:,:),&
-            active_species_idx_dycore=qidx)
-       call get_R_dry(qwater(:,:,:,:,ie),qidx,R_dry)
-       call get_cp_dry(qwater(:,:,:,:,ie),qidx,cp_dry)
+       call get_virtual_temp(qwater(:,:,:,:,ie), t_v(:,:,:),temp=elem(ie)%state%T(:,:,:,n0),&
+            sum_q =sum_water(:,:,:), active_species_idx_dycore=qidx)
+       call get_R_dry(qwater(:,:,:,:,ie), qidx, R_dry)
+       call get_cp_dry(qwater(:,:,:,:,ie), qidx, cp_dry)
        do k=1,nlev
          dp_dry(:,:,k)  = elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,k,n0)
          dp_full(:,:,k) = sum_water(:,:,k)*dp_dry(:,:,k)
        end do
-       call get_gz_given_dp_Tv_Rdry(dp_full,T_v,R_dry,elem(ie)%state%phis,ptop,phi,pmid=p_full)
+       call get_gz(dp_full, T_v, R_dry, elem(ie)%state%phis, ptop, phi, pmid=p_full)
        do k=1,nlev
          ! vertically lagrangian code: we advect dp3d instead of ps
          ! we also need grad(p) at all levels (not just grad(ps))
@@ -1349,32 +1231,52 @@ subroutine compute_and_apply_rhs(np1,nm1,n0,dt2,elem,hvcoord,hybrid,&
          ! vtemp = gradient_sphere(Ephi(:,:),deriv,elem(ie)%Dinv)
          call gradient_sphere(Ephi(:,:),deriv,elem(ie)%Dinv,vtemp)
          density_inv(:,:) = R_dry(:,:,k)*T_v(:,:,k)/p_full(:,:,k)
-         if (dry_air_species_num==0) then
-           exner(:,:)=(p_full(:,:,k)/hvcoord%ps0)**kappa(:,:,k,ie)
-           theta_v(:,:)=T_v(:,:,k)/exner(:,:)
-           call gradient_sphere(exner(:,:),deriv,elem(ie)%Dinv,grad_exner)
-           grad_exner(:,:,1) = real(cp_dry(:,:,k), r8)*theta_v(:,:)*grad_exner(:,:,1)
-           grad_exner(:,:,2) = real(cp_dry(:,:,k), r8)*theta_v(:,:)*grad_exner(:,:,2)
+         if (pgf_formulation==1.or.(pgf_formulation==3.and.hvcoord%hybm(k)>0._r8)) then
+           if (dry_air_species_num==0) then
+             exner(:,:)=(p_full(:,:,k)/hvcoord%ps0)**kappa(:,:,k,ie)
+             theta_v(:,:)=T_v(:,:,k)/exner(:,:)
+             call gradient_sphere(exner(:,:),deriv,elem(ie)%Dinv,grad_exner)
+             pgf_term(:,:,1) = cp_dry(:,:,k)*theta_v(:,:)*grad_exner(:,:,1)
+             pgf_term(:,:,2) = cp_dry(:,:,k)*theta_v(:,:)*grad_exner(:,:,2)
+           else
+             exner(:,:)=(p_full(:,:,k)/hvcoord%ps0)**kappa(:,:,k,ie)
+             theta_v(:,:)=T_v(:,:,k)/exner(:,:)
+             call gradient_sphere(exner(:,:),deriv,elem(ie)%Dinv,grad_exner)
+             call gradient_sphere(kappa(:,:,k,ie),deriv,elem(ie)%Dinv,grad_kappa_term)
+             suml = exner(:,:)*LOG(p_full(:,:,k)/hvcoord%ps0)
+             grad_kappa_term(:,:,1)=-suml*grad_kappa_term(:,:,1)
+             grad_kappa_term(:,:,2)=-suml*grad_kappa_term(:,:,2)
+             pgf_term(:,:,1) = cp_dry(:,:,k)*theta_v(:,:)*(grad_exner(:,:,1)+grad_kappa_term(:,:,1))
+             pgf_term(:,:,2) = cp_dry(:,:,k)*theta_v(:,:)*(grad_exner(:,:,2)+grad_kappa_term(:,:,2))
+           end if
+           ! balanced ref profile correction:
+           ! reference temperature profile (Simmons and Jiabin, 1991, QJRMS, Section 2a)
+           !
+           !  Tref = T0+T1*Exner
+           !  T1 = .0065*Tref*Cp/g ! = ~191
+           !  T0 = Tref-T1         ! = ~97
+           !
+           T1 = lapse_rate*Tref*cpair*rga
+           T0 = Tref-T1
+           if (hvcoord%hybm(k)>0) then
+             !only apply away from constant pressure levels
+             call gradient_sphere(log(exner(:,:)),deriv,elem(ie)%Dinv,grad_logexner)
+             pgf_term(:,:,1)=pgf_term(:,:,1) + &
+                  cpair*T0*(grad_logexner(:,:,1)-grad_exner(:,:,1)/exner(:,:))
+             pgf_term(:,:,2)=pgf_term(:,:,2) + &
+                  cpair*T0*(grad_logexner(:,:,2)-grad_exner(:,:,2)/exner(:,:))
+           end if
+         elseif (pgf_formulation==2.or.pgf_formulation==3) then
+           pgf_term(:,:,1)  = density_inv(:,:)*grad_p_full(:,:,1,k)
+           pgf_term(:,:,2)  = density_inv(:,:)*grad_p_full(:,:,2,k)
-           exner(:,:)=(p_full(:,:,k)/hvcoord%ps0)**kappa(:,:,k,ie)
-           theta_v(:,:)=T_v(:,:,k)/exner(:,:)
-           call gradient_sphere(exner(:,:),deriv,elem(ie)%Dinv,grad_exner)
-           call gradient_sphere(kappa(:,:,k,ie),deriv,elem(ie)%Dinv,grad_kappa_term)
-           suml = exner(:,:)*LOG(p_full(:,:,k)/hvcoord%ps0)
-           grad_kappa_term(:,:,1)=-suml*grad_kappa_term(:,:,1)
-           grad_kappa_term(:,:,2)=-suml*grad_kappa_term(:,:,2)
-           grad_exner(:,:,1) = real(cp_dry(:,:,k), r8)*theta_v(:,:)*(grad_exner(:,:,1)+grad_kappa_term(:,:,1))
-           grad_exner(:,:,2) = real(cp_dry(:,:,k), r8)*theta_v(:,:)*(grad_exner(:,:,2)+grad_kappa_term(:,:,2))
+           call endrun('ERROR: bad choice of pgf_formulation (must be 1, 2, or 3)')
          end if
          do j=1,np
            do i=1,np
-             glnps1 = grad_exner(i,j,1)
-             glnps2 = grad_exner(i,j,2)
+             glnps1 = pgf_term(i,j,1)
+             glnps2 = pgf_term(i,j,2)
              v1     = elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,1,k,n0)
              v2     = elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,2,k,n0)
@@ -1415,7 +1317,7 @@ subroutine compute_and_apply_rhs(np1,nm1,n0,dt2,elem,hvcoord,hybrid,&
-         if (ntrac>0.and.eta_ave_w.ne.0._r8) then
+         if (use_cslam.and.eta_ave_w.ne.0._r8) then
            do j=1,np
@@ -1458,7 +1360,7 @@ subroutine compute_and_apply_rhs(np1,nm1,n0,dt2,elem,hvcoord,hybrid,&
        call edgeVunpack(edge3, elem(ie)%state%v(:,:,:,:,np1), 2*nlev, kptr, ie)
-       if (ntrac>0.and.eta_ave_w.ne.0._r8) then
+       if (use_cslam.and.eta_ave_w.ne.0._r8) then
          do k=1,nlev
            stashdp3d(:,:,k) = elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,k,np1)/elem(ie)%spheremp(:,:)
          end do
@@ -1469,7 +1371,7 @@ subroutine compute_and_apply_rhs(np1,nm1,n0,dt2,elem,hvcoord,hybrid,&
        call edgeVunpack(edge3, elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,np1),nlev,kptr,ie)
-       if  (ntrac>0.and.eta_ave_w.ne.0._r8) then
+       if  (use_cslam.and.eta_ave_w.ne.0._r8) then
          desc = elem(ie)%desc
          call edgeDGVunpack(edge3, corners, nlev, kptr, ie)
@@ -1522,7 +1424,6 @@ subroutine compute_and_apply_rhs(np1,nm1,n0,dt2,elem,hvcoord,hybrid,&
      call t_adj_detailf(-1)
    end subroutine compute_and_apply_rhs
    ! corner fluxes for CSLAM
@@ -1588,39 +1489,52 @@ subroutine distribute_flux_at_corners(cflux, corners, getmapP)
    end subroutine distribute_flux_at_corners
-  subroutine calc_tot_energy_dynamics(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl,tl_qdp,outfld_name_suffix)
-    use dynconst,               only: gravit, cpair, rearth, omega
-    use dyn_thermo,             only: get_dp, get_cp
-    use cam_thermo,             only: MASS_MIXING_RATIO
-    use air_composition,        only: thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore
-    use hycoef,                 only: hyai, ps0
-    use string_utils,           only: strlist_get_ind
+  subroutine tot_energy_dyn(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl,tl_qdp,outfld_name_suffix)
+    use dimensions_mod,         only: npsq,nlev,np,nc,use_cslam,qsize
+    use physconst,              only: rga, rearth, omega
+    use element_mod,            only: element_t
 !Un-comment once constituents and history outputs are enabled -JN:
-!    use cam_history,            only: outfld, hist_fld_active
+!    use cam_history,            only: outfld
+!    use cam_history_support,    only: max_fieldname_len
 !    use constituents,           only: cnst_get_ind
-    !SE dycore:
-    use element_mod,            only: element_t
-    use dimensions_mod,         only: npsq,nlev,np,lcp_moist,nc,ntrac,qsize
+    use string_utils,           only: strlist_get_ind
+    use hycoef,                 only: hyai, ps0
     use fvm_control_volume_mod, only: fvm_struct
+    use cam_thermo,             only: get_dp, MASS_MIXING_RATIO
+!    ,wvidx,wlidx,wiidx,seidx,keidx,moidx,mridx,ttidx,teidx, &
+!                                      poidx,thermo_budget_num_vars,thermo_budget_vars
+    use cam_thermo,             only: get_hydrostatic_energy
+    use air_composition,        only: thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore, get_cp
+    use air_composition,        only: thermodynamic_active_species_num,    thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore
+    use air_composition,        only: thermodynamic_active_species_liq_num,thermodynamic_active_species_liq_idx
+    use air_composition,        only: thermodynamic_active_species_ice_num,thermodynamic_active_species_ice_idx
     use dimensions_mod,         only: cnst_name_gll
+    use dyn_tests_utils,        only: vcoord=>vc_dry_pressure
+!    use cam_budget,             only: thermo_budget_history
-    type (element_t) , intent(in) :: elem(:)
-    type(fvm_struct) , intent(in) :: fvm(:)
+    type (element_t) , intent(inout) :: elem(:)
+    type(fvm_struct) , intent(inout) :: fvm(:)
     integer          , intent(in) :: tl, tl_qdp,nets,nete
     character*(*)    , intent(in) :: outfld_name_suffix ! suffix for "outfld" names
     !---------------------------Local storage-------------------------------
-    real(kind=r8) :: se(npsq)                          ! Dry Static energy (J/m2)
-    real(kind=r8) :: ke(npsq)                          ! kinetic energy    (J/m2)
+    real(kind=r8) :: se(np,np)                       ! Enthalpy energy (J/m2)
+    real(kind=r8) :: ke(np,np)                       ! kinetic energy    (J/m2)
+    real(kind=r8) :: po(np,np)                       ! PHIS term in energy equation   (J/m2)
+    real(kind=r8) :: wv(np,np)                       ! water vapor
+    real(kind=r8) :: liq(np,np)                      ! liquid
+    real(kind=r8) :: ice(np,np)                      ! ice
+    real(kind=r8) :: q(np,nlev,qsize)
+    integer       :: qidx(thermodynamic_active_species_num)
     real(kind=r8) :: cdp_fvm(nc,nc,nlev)
-    real(kind=r8) :: se_tmp
-    real(kind=r8) :: ke_tmp
-    real(kind=r8) :: ps(np,np)
+    real(kind=r8) :: cdp(np,np,nlev)
+    real(kind=r8) :: ptop(np,np)
     real(kind=r8) :: pdel(np,np,nlev)
+    real(kind=r8) :: cp(np,np,nlev)
     ! global axial angular momentum (AAM) can be separated into one part (mr) associatedwith the relative motion
     ! of the atmosphere with respect to the planets surface (also known as wind AAM) and another part (mo)
@@ -1631,28 +1545,19 @@ subroutine calc_tot_energy_dynamics(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl,tl_qdp,outfld_name_suf
     real(kind=r8) :: mo(npsq)  ! mass AAM
     real(kind=r8) :: mr_cnst, mo_cnst, cos_lat, mr_tmp, mo_tmp
-    real(kind=r8) :: cp(np,np,nlev)
-    integer :: ie,i,j,k
+    integer :: ie,i,j,k,m_cnst,nq,idx
     integer :: ixwv,ixcldice, ixcldliq, ixtt ! CLDICE, CLDLIQ and test tracer indices
-    character(len=16) :: name_out1,name_out2,name_out3,name_out4,name_out5,name_out6
-    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 !Un-comment once history outputs are enabled -JN:
 #if 0
+    character(len=max_fieldname_len) :: name_out(thermo_budget_num_vars)
-    name_out1 = 'SE_'   //trim(outfld_name_suffix)
-    name_out2 = 'KE_'   //trim(outfld_name_suffix)
-    name_out3 = 'WV_'   //trim(outfld_name_suffix)
-    name_out4 = 'WL_'   //trim(outfld_name_suffix)
-    name_out5 = 'WI_'   //trim(outfld_name_suffix)
-    name_out6 = 'TT_'   //trim(outfld_name_suffix)
-    if ( hist_fld_active(name_out1).or.hist_fld_active(name_out2).or.hist_fld_active(name_out3).or.&
-         hist_fld_active(name_out4).or.hist_fld_active(name_out5).or.hist_fld_active(name_out6)) then
+    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    if (thermo_budget_history) then
+    do i=1,thermo_budget_num_vars
+       name_out(i)=trim(thermo_budget_vars(i))//'_'//trim(outfld_name_suffix)
+    end do
-      if (ntrac>0) then
+      if (use_cslam) then
         ixwv = 1
         call cnst_get_ind('CLDLIQ' , ixcldliq, abort=.false.)
         call cnst_get_ind('CLDICE' , ixcldice, abort=.false.)
@@ -1668,83 +1573,105 @@ subroutine calc_tot_energy_dynamics(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl,tl_qdp,outfld_name_suf
       ! Compute frozen static energy in 3 parts:  KE, SE, and energy associated with vapor and liquid
+      do nq=1,thermodynamic_active_species_num
+        qidx(nq) = nq
+      end do
       do ie=nets,nete
-        se    = 0.0_r8
-        ke    = 0.0_r8
-        call get_dp(elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,tl_qdp),MASS_MIXING_RATIO,thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore,&
-             elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,tl),pdel,ps=ps,ptop=hyai(1)*ps0)
         call get_cp(elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,tl_qdp),&
-             .false.,cp,factor=1.0_r8/elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,tl),&
+             .false., cp, factor=1.0_r8/elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,tl),&
-        ! TODO: need to port cam6_3_109 changes to total energy using get_hydrostatic_energy
-        ! https://github.com/ESCOMP/CAM/pull/761/files#diff-946bde17289e2f42e43e64413610aa11d102deda8b5199ddaa5b71e67e5d517a
-        do k = 1, nlev
-          do j=1,np
-            do i = 1, np
-              !
-              ! kinetic energy
-              !
-              ke_tmp   = 0.5_r8*(elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,1,k,tl)**2+ elem(ie)%state%v(i,j,2,k,tl)**2)*pdel(i,j,k)/gravit
-              if (lcp_moist) then
-                se_tmp = cp(i,j,k)*elem(ie)%state%T(i,j,k,tl)*pdel(i,j,k)/gravit
-              else
-                !
-                ! using CAM physics definition of internal energy
-                !
-                se_tmp   = cpair*elem(ie)%state%T(i,j,k,tl)*pdel(i,j,k)/gravit
-              end if
-              se   (i+(j-1)*np) = se   (i+(j-1)*np) + se_tmp
-              ke   (i+(j-1)*np) = ke   (i+(j-1)*np) + ke_tmp
-            end do
-          end do
-        end do
+        ptop = hyai(1)*ps0
         do j=1,np
-          do i = 1, np
-            se(i+(j-1)*np) = se(i+(j-1)*np) + elem(ie)%state%phis(i,j)*ps(i,j)/gravit
+          !get mixing ratio of thermodynamic active species only
+          !(other tracers not used in get_hydrostatic_energy)
+          do nq=1,thermodynamic_active_species_num
+            m_cnst = thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore(nq)
+            q(:,:,m_cnst) = elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,j,:,m_cnst,tl_qdp)/&
+                 elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,j,:,tl)
           end do
+          call get_hydrostatic_energy(q, &
+               .false., elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,j,:,tl), cp(:,j,:), elem(ie)%state%v(:,j,1,:,tl), &
+               elem(ie)%state%v(:,j,2,:,tl), elem(ie)%state%T(:,j,:,tl), vcoord, ptop=ptop(:,j),&
+               phis=elem(ie)%state%phis(:,j), dycore_idx=.true.,                                &
+               se=se(:,j), po=po(:,j), ke=ke(:,j), wv=wv(:,j), liq=liq(:,j), ice=ice(:,j))
         end do
         ! Output energy diagnostics on GLL grid
-        call outfld(name_out1  ,se       ,npsq,ie)
-        call outfld(name_out2  ,ke       ,npsq,ie)
+        call outfld(name_out(poidx)  ,po       ,npsq,ie)
+        call outfld(name_out(seidx)  ,se       ,npsq,ie)
+        call outfld(name_out(keidx)  ,ke       ,npsq,ie)
+        call outfld(name_out(teidx)  ,ke+se+po ,npsq,ie)
         ! mass variables are output on CSLAM grid if using CSLAM else GLL grid
-        if (ntrac>0) then
-          if (ixwv>0) then
-            cdp_fvm = fvm(ie)%c(1:nc,1:nc,:,ixwv)*fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(1:nc,1:nc,:)
-            call util_function(cdp_fvm,nc,nlev,name_out3,ie)
-          end if
-          if (ixcldliq>0) then
-            cdp_fvm = fvm(ie)%c(1:nc,1:nc,:,ixcldliq)*fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(1:nc,1:nc,:)
-            call util_function(cdp_fvm,nc,nlev,name_out4,ie)
-          end if
-          if (ixcldice>0) then
-            cdp_fvm = fvm(ie)%c(1:nc,1:nc,:,ixcldice)*fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(1:nc,1:nc,:)
-            call util_function(cdp_fvm,nc,nlev,name_out5,ie)
-          end if
-          if (ixtt>0) then
-            cdp_fvm = fvm(ie)%c(1:nc,1:nc,:,ixtt)*fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(1:nc,1:nc,:)
-            call util_function(cdp_fvm,nc,nlev,name_out6,ie)
-          end if
+        if (use_cslam) then
+           if (ixwv>0) then
+              cdp_fvm = fvm(ie)%c(1:nc,1:nc,:,ixwv)*fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(1:nc,1:nc,:)
+              call util_function(cdp_fvm,nc,nlev,name_out(wvidx),ie)
+           end if
+           !
+           ! sum over liquid water
+           !
+           if (thermodynamic_active_species_liq_num>0) then
+              cdp_fvm = 0.0_r8
+              do nq = 1,thermodynamic_active_species_liq_num
+                cdp_fvm = cdp_fvm + fvm(ie)%c(1:nc,1:nc,:,thermodynamic_active_species_liq_idx(nq))&
+                     *fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(1:nc,1:nc,:)
+              end do
+              call util_function(cdp_fvm,nc,nlev,name_out(wlidx),ie)
+           end if
+           !
+           ! sum over ice water
+           !
+           if (thermodynamic_active_species_ice_num>0) then
+             cdp_fvm = 0.0_r8
+             do nq = 1,thermodynamic_active_species_ice_num
+               cdp_fvm = cdp_fvm + fvm(ie)%c(1:nc,1:nc,:,thermodynamic_active_species_ice_idx(nq))&
+                   *fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(1:nc,1:nc,:)
+             end do
+             call util_function(cdp_fvm,nc,nlev,name_out(wiidx),ie)
+           end if
+           if (ixtt>0) then
+              cdp_fvm = fvm(ie)%c(1:nc,1:nc,:,ixtt)*fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(1:nc,1:nc,:)
+              call util_function(cdp_fvm,nc,nlev,name_out(ttidx),ie)
+           end if
-          call util_function(elem(ie)%state%qdp(:,:,:,1       ,tl_qdp),np,nlev,name_out3,ie)
-          if (ixcldliq>0) call util_function(elem(ie)%state%qdp(:,:,:,ixcldliq,tl_qdp),np,nlev,name_out4,ie)
-          if (ixcldice>0) call util_function(elem(ie)%state%qdp(:,:,:,ixcldice,tl_qdp),np,nlev,name_out5,ie)
-          if (ixtt>0    ) call util_function(elem(ie)%state%qdp(:,:,:,ixtt    ,tl_qdp),np,nlev,name_out6,ie)
+           cdp = elem(ie)%state%qdp(:,:,:,1,tl_qdp)
+           call util_function(cdp,np,nlev,name_out(wvidx),ie)
+           !
+           ! sum over liquid water
+           !
+           if (thermodynamic_active_species_liq_num>0) then
+              cdp = 0.0_r8
+              do idx = 1,thermodynamic_active_species_liq_num
+                 cdp = cdp + elem(ie)%state%qdp(:,:,:,thermodynamic_active_species_liq_idx(idx),tl_qdp)
+              end do
+              call util_function(cdp,np,nlev,name_out(wlidx),ie)
+           end if
+           !
+           ! sum over ice water
+           !
+           if (thermodynamic_active_species_ice_num>0) then
+              cdp = 0.0_r8
+              do idx = 1,thermodynamic_active_species_ice_num
+                 cdp = cdp + elem(ie)%state%qdp(:,:,:,thermodynamic_active_species_ice_idx(idx),tl_qdp)
+              end do
+              call util_function(cdp,np,nlev,name_out(wiidx),ie)
+           end if
+           if (ixtt>0) then
+              cdp = elem(ie)%state%qdp(:,:,:,ixtt    ,tl_qdp)
+              call util_function(cdp,np,nlev,name_out(ttidx),ie)
+           end if
         end if
-      end do
-    end if
-    !
-    ! Axial angular momentum diagnostics
-    !
-    ! Code follows
-    !
-    ! Lauritzen et al., (2014): Held-Suarez simulations with the Community Atmosphere Model
+     end do
+  !
+  ! Axial angular momentum diagnostics
+  !
+  ! Code follows
+  !
+  ! Lauritzen et al., (2014): Held-Suarez simulations with the Community Atmosphere Model
     ! Spectral Element (CAM-SE) dynamical core: A global axial angularmomentum analysis using Eulerian
     ! and floating Lagrangian vertical coordinates. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst. 6,129-140,
     ! doi:10.1002/2013MS000268
@@ -1752,19 +1679,16 @@ subroutine calc_tot_energy_dynamics(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl,tl_qdp,outfld_name_suf
     ! MR is equation (6) without \Delta A and sum over areas (areas are in units of radians**2)
     ! MO is equation (7) without \Delta A and sum over areas (areas are in units of radians**2)
-    name_out1 = 'MR_'   //trim(outfld_name_suffix)
-    name_out2 = 'MO_'   //trim(outfld_name_suffix)
-    if ( hist_fld_active(name_out1).or.hist_fld_active(name_out2)) then
       call strlist_get_ind(cnst_name_gll, 'CLDLIQ', ixcldliq, abort=.false.)
       call strlist_get_ind(cnst_name_gll, 'CLDICE', ixcldice, abort=.false.)
-      mr_cnst = rearth**3/gravit
-      mo_cnst = omega*rearth**4/gravit
+      mr_cnst = rga*rearth**3
+      mo_cnst = rga*omega*rearth**4
       do ie=nets,nete
         mr    = 0.0_r8
         mo    = 0.0_r8
-        call get_dp(elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,tl_qdp),MASS_MIXING_RATIO,thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore,&
-             elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,tl),pdel,ps=ps,ptop=hyai(1)*ps0)
+        call get_dp(elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,tl_qdp), MASS_MIXING_RATIO, thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore,&
+             elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,tl), pdel)
         do k = 1, nlev
           do j=1,np
             do i = 1, np
@@ -1777,14 +1701,12 @@ subroutine calc_tot_energy_dynamics(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl,tl_qdp,outfld_name_suf
             end do
           end do
         end do
-        call outfld(name_out1  ,mr       ,npsq,ie)
-        call outfld(name_out2  ,mo       ,npsq,ie)
+        call outfld(name_out(mridx)  ,mr       ,npsq,ie)
+        call outfld(name_out(moidx)  ,mo       ,npsq,ie)
       end do
-    end if
+   endif ! if thermo budget history
-  end subroutine calc_tot_energy_dynamics
+  end subroutine tot_energy_dyn
   subroutine output_qdp_var_dynamics(qdp,nx,num_trac,nets,nete,outfld_name)
     use dimensions_mod, only: nlev,ntrac
@@ -1833,7 +1755,7 @@ end subroutine output_qdp_var_dynamics
   ! column integrate mass-variable and outfld
   subroutine util_function(f_in,nx,nz,name_out,ie)
-    use dynconst,   only: gravit
+    use physconst,   only: rga
 !Un-comment once history outputs are enabled -JN:
 !    use cam_history, only: outfld, hist_fld_active
     integer,           intent(in) :: nx,nz,ie
@@ -1841,12 +1763,10 @@ subroutine util_function(f_in,nx,nz,name_out,ie)
     character(len=16), intent(in) :: name_out
     real(kind=r8)       :: f_out(nx*nx)
     integer             :: i,j,k
-    real(kind=r8)       :: inv_g
 !Un-comment once history outputs are enabled -JN:
 #if 0
     if (hist_fld_active(name_out)) then
       f_out = 0.0_r8
-      inv_g = 1.0_r8/gravit
       do k = 1, nz
         do j = 1, nx
           do i = 1, nx
@@ -1854,21 +1774,21 @@ subroutine util_function(f_in,nx,nz,name_out,ie)
           end do
         end do
       end do
-      f_out = f_out*inv_g
+      f_out = f_out*rga
       call outfld(name_out,f_out,nx*nx,ie)
     end if
   end subroutine util_function
    subroutine compute_omega(hybrid,n0,qn0,elem,deriv,nets,nete,dt,hvcoord)
-     use control_mod,    only : nu_p, hypervis_subcycle
-     use dimensions_mod, only : np, nlev, qsize
-     use hybrid_mod,     only : hybrid_t
-     use element_mod,    only : element_t
-     use derivative_mod, only : divergence_sphere, derivative_t,gradient_sphere
-     use hybvcoord_mod,  only : hvcoord_t
-     use edge_mod,       only : edgevpack, edgevunpack
-     use bndry_mod,      only : bndry_exchange
+     use control_mod,    only: nu_p, hypervis_subcycle
+     use dimensions_mod, only: np, nlev, qsize
+     use hybrid_mod,     only: hybrid_t
+     use element_mod,    only: element_t
+     use derivative_mod, only: divergence_sphere, derivative_t,gradient_sphere
+     use hybvcoord_mod,  only: hvcoord_t
+     use edge_mod,       only: edgevpack, edgevunpack
+     use bndry_mod,      only: bndry_exchange
      use viscosity_mod,  only: biharmonic_wk_omega
      use air_composition,only: thermodynamic_active_species_num
      use air_composition,only: thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore
@@ -1887,13 +1807,13 @@ subroutine compute_omega(hybrid,n0,qn0,elem,deriv,nets,nete,dt,hvcoord)
      real (kind=r8) :: dp_full(np,np,nlev)
      real (kind=r8) :: p_full(np,np,nlev),grad_p_full(np,np,2),vgrad_p_full(np,np,nlev)
      real (kind=r8) :: divdp_full(np,np,nlev),vdp_full(np,np,2)
-     real(kind=r8)  :: Otens(np,np  ,nlev,nets:nete), dt_hyper, sum_water(np,np,nlev)
+     real(kind=r8)  :: Otens(np,np  ,nlev,nets:nete), dt_hyper
      logical, parameter  :: del4omega = .true.
      do ie=nets,nete
-        call get_dp(elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,qn0),MASS_MIXING_RATIO,&
-           thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore,elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,n0),dp_full)
+        call get_dp(elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,qn0), MASS_MIXING_RATIO,&
+           thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore, elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,n0), dp_full)
         do k=1,nlev
            if (k==1) then
               p_full(:,:,k) = hvcoord%hyai(k)*hvcoord%ps0 + dp_full(:,:,k)/2
@@ -1975,366 +1895,4 @@ subroutine compute_omega(hybrid,n0,qn0,elem,deriv,nets,nete,dt,hvcoord)
      !call FreeEdgeBuffer(edgeOmega)
    end subroutine compute_omega
-  subroutine calc_dp3d_reference(elem,edge3,hybrid,nets,nete,nt,hvcoord,dp3d_ref)
-    !
-    ! calc_dp3d_reference: When the del^4 horizontal damping is applied to dp3d
-    !                      the values are implicitly affected by natural variations
-    !                      due to surface topography.
-    !
-    !                    To account for these physicaly correct variations, use
-    !                    the current state values to compute appropriate
-    !                    reference values for the current (lagrangian) ETA-surfaces.
-    !                    Damping should then be applied to values relative to
-    !                    this reference.
-    !=======================================================================
-    use hybvcoord_mod , only: hvcoord_t
-    use dynconst,       only: rair, cappa
-    use element_mod,    only: element_t
-    use dimensions_mod, only: np,nlev
-    use hybrid_mod,     only: hybrid_t
-    use edge_mod,       only: edgevpack, edgevunpack
-    use bndry_mod,      only: bndry_exchange
-    !
-    ! Passed variables
-    !-------------------
-    type(element_t   ),target,intent(inout):: elem(:)
-    type(EdgeBuffer_t)       ,intent(inout):: edge3
-    type(hybrid_t    )       ,intent(in   ):: hybrid
-    integer                  ,intent(in   ):: nets,nete
-    integer                  ,intent(in   ):: nt
-    type(hvcoord_t   )       ,intent(in   ):: hvcoord
-    real(kind=r8)            ,intent(out  ):: dp3d_ref(np,np,nlev,nets:nete)
-    !
-    ! Local Values
-    !--------------
-    real(kind=r8):: Phis_avg(np,np,     nets:nete)
-    real(kind=r8):: Phi_avg (np,np,nlev,nets:nete)
-    real(kind=r8):: RT_avg  (np,np,nlev,nets:nete)
-    real(kind=r8):: P_val   (np,np,nlev)
-    real(kind=r8):: Ps_val  (np,np)
-    real(kind=r8):: Phi_val (np,np,nlev)
-    real(kind=r8):: Phi_ival(np,np)
-    real(kind=r8):: I_Phi   (np,np,nlev+1)
-    real(kind=r8):: Alpha   (np,np,nlev  )
-    real(kind=r8):: I_P     (np,np,nlev+1)
-    real(kind=r8):: DP_avg  (np,np,nlev)
-    real(kind=r8):: P_avg   (np,np,nlev)
-    real(kind=r8):: Ps_avg  (np,np)
-    real(kind=r8):: Ps_ref  (np,np)
-    real(kind=r8):: RT_lapse(np,np)
-    real(kind=r8):: dlt_Ps  (np,np)
-    real(kind=r8):: dPhi    (np,np,nlev)
-    real(kind=r8):: dPhis   (np,np)
-    real(kind=r8):: E_Awgt,E_phis,E_phi(nlev),E_T(nlev),Lapse0,Expon0
-    integer      :: ie,ii,jj,kk,kptr
-    ! Loop over elements
-    !--------------------
-    do ie=nets,nete
-      ! Calculate Pressure values from dp3dp
-      !--------------------------------------
-      P_val(:,:,1) = hvcoord%hyai(1)*hvcoord%ps0 + elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,1,nt)*0.5_r8
-      do kk=2,nlev
-        P_val(:,:,kk) =               P_val(:,:,kk-1)           &
-                      + elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,kk-1,nt)*0.5_r8 &
-                      + elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,kk  ,nt)*0.5_r8
-      end do
-      Ps_val(:,:) = P_val(:,:,nlev) + elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,nlev,nt)*0.5_r8
-      ! Calculate (dry) geopotential values
-      !--------------------------------------
-      dPhi    (:,:,:)    = 0.5_r8*(rair*elem(ie)%state%T   (:,:,:,nt) &
-                                      *elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,nt) &
-                                                    /P_val(:,:,:)    )
-      Phi_val (:,:,nlev) = elem(ie)%state%phis(:,:) + dPhi(:,:,nlev)
-      Phi_ival(:,:)      = elem(ie)%state%phis(:,:) + dPhi(:,:,nlev)*2._r8
-      do kk=(nlev-1),1,-1
-        Phi_val (:,:,kk) = Phi_ival(:,:)    + dPhi(:,:,kk)
-        Phi_ival(:,:)    = Phi_val (:,:,kk) + dPhi(:,:,kk)
-      end do
-      ! Calculate Element averages
-      !----------------------------
-      E_Awgt   = 0.0_r8
-      E_phis   = 0.0_r8
-      E_phi(:) = 0._r8
-      E_T  (:) = 0._r8
-      do jj=1,np
-      do ii=1,np
-        E_Awgt    = E_Awgt    + elem(ie)%spheremp(ii,jj)
-        E_phis    = E_phis    + elem(ie)%spheremp(ii,jj)*elem(ie)%state%phis(ii,jj)
-        E_phi (:) = E_phi (:) + elem(ie)%spheremp(ii,jj)*Phi_val(ii,jj,:)
-        E_T   (:) = E_T   (:) + elem(ie)%spheremp(ii,jj)*elem(ie)%state%T(ii,jj,:,nt)
-      end do
-      end do
-      Phis_avg(:,:,ie) = E_phis/E_Awgt
-      do kk=1,nlev
-        Phi_avg(:,:,kk,ie) = E_phi(kk)     /E_Awgt
-        RT_avg (:,:,kk,ie) = E_T  (kk)*rair/E_Awgt
-      end do
-    end do ! ie=nets,nete
-    ! Boundary Exchange of average values
-    !-------------------------------------
-    do ie=nets,nete
-      Phis_avg(:,:,ie) = elem(ie)%spheremp(:,:)*Phis_avg(:,:,ie)
-      do kk=1,nlev
-        Phi_avg(:,:,kk,ie) = elem(ie)%spheremp(:,:)*Phi_avg(:,:,kk,ie)
-        RT_avg (:,:,kk,ie) = elem(ie)%spheremp(:,:)*RT_avg (:,:,kk,ie)
-      end do
-      kptr = 0
-      call edgeVpack(edge3,Phi_avg(:,:,:,ie),nlev,kptr,ie)
-      kptr = nlev
-      call edgeVpack(edge3,RT_avg (:,:,:,ie),nlev,kptr,ie)
-      kptr = 2*nlev
-      call edgeVpack(edge3,Phis_avg (:,:,ie),1   ,kptr,ie)
-    end do ! ie=nets,nete
-    call bndry_exchange(hybrid,edge3,location='calc_dp3d_reference')
-    do ie=nets,nete
-      kptr = 0
-      call edgeVunpack(edge3,Phi_avg(:,:,:,ie),nlev,kptr,ie)
-      kptr = nlev
-      call edgeVunpack(edge3,RT_avg (:,:,:,ie),nlev,kptr,ie)
-      kptr = 2*nlev
-      call edgeVunpack(edge3,Phis_avg (:,:,ie),1   ,kptr,ie)
-      Phis_avg(:,:,ie) = elem(ie)%rspheremp(:,:)*Phis_avg(:,:,ie)
-      do kk=1,nlev
-        Phi_avg(:,:,kk,ie) = elem(ie)%rspheremp(:,:)*Phi_avg(:,:,kk,ie)
-        RT_avg (:,:,kk,ie) = elem(ie)%rspheremp(:,:)*RT_avg (:,:,kk,ie)
-      end do
-    end do ! ie=nets,nete
-    ! Loop over elements
-    !--------------------
-    do ie=nets,nete
-      ! Fill elements with uniformly varying average values
-      !-----------------------------------------------------
-      call fill_element(Phis_avg(1,1,ie))
-      do kk=1,nlev
-        call fill_element(Phi_avg(1,1,kk,ie))
-        call fill_element(RT_avg (1,1,kk,ie))
-      end do
-      ! Integrate upward to compute Alpha == (dp3d/P)
-      !----------------------------------------------
-      I_Phi(:,:,nlev+1) = Phis_avg(:,:,ie)
-      do kk=nlev,1,-1
-        I_Phi(:,:,kk) = 2._r8* Phi_avg(:,:,kk,ie) - I_Phi(:,:,kk+1)
-        Alpha(:,:,kk) = 2._r8*(Phi_avg(:,:,kk,ie) - I_Phi(:,:,kk+1))/RT_avg(:,:,kk,ie)
-      end do
-      ! Integrate downward to compute corresponding average pressure values
-      !---------------------------------------------------------------------
-      I_P(:,:,1) = hvcoord%hyai(1)*hvcoord%ps0
-      do kk=1,nlev
-        DP_avg(:,:,kk  ) = I_P(:,:,kk)*(2._r8 * Alpha(:,:,kk))/(2._r8 - Alpha(:,:,kk))
-        P_avg (:,:,kk  ) = I_P(:,:,kk)*(2._r8                )/(2._r8 - Alpha(:,:,kk))
-        I_P   (:,:,kk+1) = I_P(:,:,kk)*(2._r8 + Alpha(:,:,kk))/(2._r8 - Alpha(:,:,kk))
-      end do
-      Ps_avg(:,:) = I_P(:,:,nlev+1)
-      ! Determine an appropriate d<T>/d<PHI> lapse rate near the surface
-      ! OPTIONALLY: Use dry adiabatic lapse rate or environmental lapse rate.
-      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-      if(.FALSE.) then
-        ! DRY ADIABATIC laspe rate
-        !------------------------------
-        RT_lapse(:,:) = -1._r8*cappa
-      else
-        ! ENVIRONMENTAL (empirical) laspe rate
-        !--------------------------------------
-        RT_lapse(:,:) =  (RT_avg (:,:,nlev-1,ie)-RT_avg (:,:,nlev,ie)) &
-                        /(Phi_avg(:,:,nlev-1,ie)-Phi_avg(:,:,nlev,ie))
-      endif
-      ! Calcualte reference surface pressure
-      !--------------------------------------
-      dPhis(:,:) = elem(ie)%state%phis(:,:)-Phis_avg(:,:,ie)
-      do jj=1,np
-      do ii=1,np
-        if (abs(RT_lapse(ii,jj)) .gt. 1.e-3_r8) then
-          Lapse0 = RT_lapse(ii,jj)/RT_avg(ii,jj,nlev,ie)
-          Expon0 = (-1._r8/RT_lapse(ii,jj))
-          Ps_ref(ii,jj) = Ps_avg(ii,jj)*((1._r8 + Lapse0*dPhis(ii,jj))**Expon0)
-        else
-          Ps_ref(ii,jj) = Ps_avg(ii,jj)*exp(-dPhis(ii,jj)/RT_avg(ii,jj,nlev,ie))
-        endif
-      end do
-      end do
-      ! Calculate reference dp3d values
-      !---------------------------------
-      dlt_Ps(:,:) = Ps_ref(:,:) - Ps_avg(:,:)
-      do kk=1,nlev
-        dp3d_ref(:,:,kk,ie) = DP_avg(:,:,kk) + (hvcoord%hybi(kk+1)            &
-                                               -hvcoord%hybi(kk  ))*dlt_Ps(:,:)
-      end do
-    end do ! ie=nets,nete
-    ! End Routine
-    !------------
-    return
-  end subroutine calc_dp3d_reference
-  !=============================================================================
-  !=============================================================================
-  subroutine fill_element(Eval)
-    !
-    ! fill_element_bilin: Fill in element gridpoints using local bi-linear
-    !                     interpolation of nearby average values.
-    !
-    !                     NOTE: This routine is hard coded for NP=4, if a
-    !                           different value of NP is used... bad things
-    !                           will happen.
-    !=======================================================================
-    use dimensions_mod,only: np
-    !
-    ! Passed variables
-    !-------------------
-    real(kind=r8),intent(inout):: Eval(np,np)
-    !
-    ! Local Values
-    !--------------
-    real(kind=r8):: X0
-    real(kind=r8):: S1,S2,S3,S4
-    real(kind=r8):: C1,C2,C3,C4
-    real(kind=r8):: E1,E2,E3,E4,E0
-    X0 = sqrt(1._r8/5._r8)
-    ! Set the "known" values Eval
-    !----------------------------
-    S1 = (Eval(1 ,2 )+Eval(1 ,3 ))/2._r8
-    S2 = (Eval(2 ,np)+Eval(3 ,np))/2._r8
-    S3 = (Eval(np,2 )+Eval(np,3 ))/2._r8
-    S4 = (Eval(2 ,1 )+Eval(3 ,1 ))/2._r8
-    C1 = Eval(1 ,1 )
-    C2 = Eval(1 ,np)
-    C3 = Eval(np,np)
-    C4 = Eval(np,1 )
-    ! E0 OPTION: Element Center value:
-    !---------------------------------
-      ! Use ELEMENT AVERAGE value contained in (2,2)
-      !----------------------------------------------
-      E0 = Eval(2,2)
-    ELSE
-      ! Use AVG OF SIDE VALUES after boundary exchange of E0 (smooting option)
-      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-      E0 = (S1 + S2 + S3 + S4)/4._r8
-    ENDIF
-    ! Calc interior values along center axes
-    !----------------------------------------
-    E1 = E0 + X0*(S1-E0)
-    E2 = E0 + X0*(S2-E0)
-    E3 = E0 + X0*(S3-E0)
-    E4 = E0 + X0*(S4-E0)
-    ! Calculate Side Gridpoint Values for Eval
-    !------------------------------------------
-    Eval(1 ,2 ) = S1 + X0*(C1-S1)
-    Eval(1 ,3 ) = S1 + X0*(C2-S1)
-    Eval(2 ,np) = S2 + X0*(C2-S2)
-    Eval(3 ,np) = S2 + X0*(C3-S2)
-    Eval(np,2 ) = S3 + X0*(C4-S3)
-    Eval(np,3 ) = S3 + X0*(C3-S3)
-    Eval(2 ,1 ) = S4 + X0*(C1-S4)
-    Eval(3 ,1 ) = S4 + X0*(C4-S4)
-    ! Calculate interior values
-    !---------------------------
-    Eval(2 ,2 ) = E1 + X0*(Eval(2 ,1 )-E1)
-    Eval(2 ,3 ) = E1 + X0*(Eval(2 ,np)-E1)
-    Eval(3 ,2 ) = E3 + X0*(Eval(3 ,1 )-E3)
-    Eval(3 ,3 ) = E3 + X0*(Eval(3 ,np)-E3)
-    ! End Routine
-    !------------
-    return
-  end subroutine fill_element
-  subroutine rayleigh_friction(elem,nt,nets,nete,dt)
-    use dimensions_mod, only: nlev, otau
-    use hybrid_mod,     only: hybrid_t!, get_loop_ranges
-    use element_mod,    only: element_t
-    type (element_t)   , intent(inout), target :: elem(:)
-    integer            , intent(in)   :: nets,nete, nt
-    real(r8)                          :: dt
-    real(r8) :: c1, c2
-    integer  :: k,ie
-    do ie=nets,nete
-      do k=1,nlev
-        c2 = 1._r8 / (1._r8 + otau(k)*dt)
-        c1 = -otau(k) * c2 * dt
-        elem(ie)%state%v(:,:,:,k,nt) = elem(ie)%state%v(:,:,:,k,nt)+c1 * elem(ie)%state%v(:,:,:,k,nt)
-!         ptend%s(:ncol,k) = c3 * (state%u(:ncol,k)**2 + state%v(:ncol,k)**2)
-      enddo
-    end do
-  end subroutine rayleigh_friction
-  subroutine solve_diffusion(dt,nx,nlev,i,j,nlay,pmid,pint,km,fld,boundary_condition,dfld)
-    use dynconst,      only: gravit
-    real(kind=r8), intent(in)    :: dt
-    integer      , intent(in)    :: nlay, nlev,nx, i, j
-    real(kind=r8), intent(in)    :: pmid(nx,nx,nlay),pint(nx,nx,nlay+1),km(nx,nx,nlay+1)
-    real(kind=r8), intent(in)    :: fld(nx,nx,nlev)
-    real(kind=r8), intent(out)   :: dfld(nlay)
-    integer :: boundary_condition
-    !
-    real(kind=r8), dimension(nlay) :: current_guess,next_iterate
-    real(kind=r8)                  :: alp, alm, value_level0
-    integer                        :: k,iter, niterations=4
-    ! Make the guess for the next time step equal to the initial value
-    current_guess(:)= fld(i,j,1:nlay)
-    do iter = 1, niterations
-      ! two formulations of the upper boundary condition
-      !next_iterate(1) = (initial_value(1) + alp * current_guess(i+1) + alm * current_guess(1)) /(1. + alp + alm) ! top BC, u'=0
-      if (boundary_condition==0) then
-        next_iterate(1) = fld(i,j,1) ! u doesn't get prognosed by diffusion at top
-      else if (boundary_condition==1) then
-        value_level0 = 0.75_r8*fld(i,j,1) ! value above sponge
-        k=1
-        alp = dt*(km(i,j,k+1)*gravit*gravit/(pmid(i,j,k)-pmid(i,j,k+1)))/(pint(i,j,k)-pint(i,j,k+1))
-        alm = dt*(km(i,j,k  )*gravit*gravit/(0.5_r8*(pmid(i,j,1)-pmid(i,j,2))))/(pint(i,j,k)-pint(i,j,k+1))
-        next_iterate(k) = (fld(i,j,k) + alp * current_guess(k+1) + alm * value_level0)/(1._r8 + alp + alm)
-      else
-        !
-        ! set fld'=0 at model top
-        !
-        k=1
-        alp = dt*(km(i,j,k+1)*gravit*gravit/(pmid(i,j,k)-pmid(i,j,k+1)))/(pint(i,j,k)-pint(i,j,k+1))
-        alm = dt*(km(i,j,k  )*gravit*gravit/(0.5_r8*(pmid(i,j,1)-pmid(i,j,2))))/(pint(i,j,k)-pint(i,j,k+1))
-        next_iterate(k) = (fld(i,j,1) + alp * current_guess(2) + alm * current_guess(1))/(1._r8 + alp + alm)
-      end if
-      do k = 2, nlay-1
-        alp = dt*(km(i,j,k+1)*gravit*gravit/(pmid(i,j,k  )-pmid(i,j,k+1)))/(pint(i,j,k)-pint(i,j,k+1))
-        alm = dt*(km(i,j,k  )*gravit*gravit/(pmid(i,j,k-1)-pmid(i,j,k  )))/(pint(i,j,k)-pint(i,j,k+1))
-        next_iterate(k) = (fld(i,j,k) + alp * current_guess(k+1) + alm * current_guess(k-1))/(1._r8 + alp + alm)
-      end do
-      next_iterate(nlay) = (fld(i,j,nlay) + alp * fld(i,j,nlay) + alm * current_guess(nlay-1))/(1._r8 + alp + alm) ! bottom BC
-      ! before the next iterate, make the current guess equal to the values of the last iteration
-      current_guess(:) = next_iterate(:)
-    end do
-    dfld(:) = next_iterate(:) - fld(i,j,1:nlay)
-  end subroutine solve_diffusion
 end module prim_advance_mod
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_advection_mod.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_advection_mod.F90
index f1ea126e..e0add527 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_advection_mod.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_advection_mod.F90
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module prim_advection_mod
   use element_mod,            only: element_t
   use fvm_control_volume_mod, only: fvm_struct
   use hybvcoord_mod,          only: hvcoord_t
-  use time_mod,               only: TimeLevel_t, TimeLevel_Qdp
+  use se_dyn_time_mod,        only: TimeLevel_t, TimeLevel_Qdp
   use control_mod,            only: nu_q, nu_p, limiter_option, hypervis_subcycle_q, rsplit
   use edge_mod,               only: edgevpack, edgevunpack, initedgebuffer, initedgesbuffer
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module prim_advection_mod
   public :: prim_advec_tracers_fvm
   public :: vertical_remap
-  type (EdgeBuffer_t)      :: edgeAdv, edgeAdvp1, edgeAdvQminmax, edgeAdv1,  edgeveloc
+  type (EdgeBuffer_t)      :: edgeAdv, edgeAdvp1, edgeAdvQminmax, edgeveloc
   integer,parameter :: DSSeta = 1
   integer,parameter :: DSSomega = 2
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ module prim_advection_mod
   subroutine Prim_Advec_Init1(par, elem)
-    use dimensions_mod, only: nlev, qsize, nelemd,ntrac
+    use dimensions_mod, only: nlev, qsize, nelemd,ntrac,use_cslam
     use parallel_mod,   only: parallel_t, boundaryCommMethod
     use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate
     type(parallel_t)    :: par
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ subroutine Prim_Advec_Init1(par, elem)
     ! Set the number of threads used in the subroutine Prim_Advec_tracers_remap()
-    if (ntrac>0) then
+    if (use_cslam) then
        advec_remap_num_threads = 1
        advec_remap_num_threads = tracer_num_threads
@@ -91,17 +91,17 @@ subroutine Prim_Advec_Init1(par, elem)
     ! allocate largest one first
     ! Currently this is never freed. If it was, only this first one should
     ! be freed, as only it knows the true size of the buffer.
-    call initEdgeBuffer(par,edgeAdvp1,elem,qsize*nlev + nlev,bndry_type=boundaryCommMethod,&
-                         nthreads=horz_num_threads*advec_remap_num_threads)
-    call initEdgeBuffer(par,edgeAdv,elem,qsize*nlev,bndry_type=boundaryCommMethod, &
-                         nthreads=horz_num_threads*advec_remap_num_threads)
-    ! This is a different type of buffer pointer allocation
-    ! used for determine the minimum and maximum value from
-    ! neighboring  elements
-    call initEdgeSBuffer(par,edgeAdvQminmax,elem,qsize*nlev*2,bndry_type=boundaryCommMethod, &
-                        nthreads=horz_num_threads*advec_remap_num_threads)
-    call initEdgeBuffer(par,edgeAdv1,elem,nlev,bndry_type=boundaryCommMethod)
+    if (.not.use_cslam) then
+      call initEdgeBuffer(par,edgeAdvp1,elem,qsize*nlev + nlev,bndry_type=boundaryCommMethod,&
+           nthreads=horz_num_threads*advec_remap_num_threads)
+      call initEdgeBuffer(par,edgeAdv,elem,qsize*nlev,bndry_type=boundaryCommMethod, &
+           nthreads=horz_num_threads*advec_remap_num_threads)
+      ! This is a different type of buffer pointer allocation
+      ! used for determine the minimum and maximum value from
+      ! neighboring  elements
+      call initEdgeSBuffer(par,edgeAdvQminmax,elem,qsize*nlev*2,bndry_type=boundaryCommMethod, &
+           nthreads=horz_num_threads*advec_remap_num_threads)
+    end if
     call initEdgeBuffer(par,edgeveloc,elem,2*nlev,bndry_type=boundaryCommMethod)
@@ -231,9 +231,9 @@ end subroutine euler_step_driver
   subroutine Prim_Advec_Tracers_remap_rk2( elem , deriv , hvcoord , hybrid , dt , tl , nets , nete )
-    use derivative_mod, only : divergence_sphere
-    use control_mod   , only : qsplit
-    use hybrid_mod    , only : get_loop_ranges!, PrintHybrid
+    use derivative_mod, only: divergence_sphere
+    use control_mod   , only: qsplit
+    use hybrid_mod    , only: get_loop_ranges!, PrintHybrid
 !    use thread_mod    , only : omp_set_num_threads, omp_get_thread_num
     type (element_t)     , intent(inout) :: elem(:)
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ subroutine qdp_time_avg( elem , rkstage , n0_qdp , np1_qdp , hybrid , nets , net
     use hybrid_mod, only : hybrid_t, get_loop_ranges
     implicit none
     type(element_t)     , intent(inout) :: elem(:)
-    integer             , intent(in   ) :: rkstage , n0_qdp , np1_qdp , nets , nete 
+    integer             , intent(in   ) :: rkstage , n0_qdp , np1_qdp , nets , nete
     type(hybrid_t) :: hybrid
     integer :: i,j,ie,q,k
     integer :: kbeg,kend,qbeg,qend
@@ -948,22 +948,23 @@ subroutine vertical_remap(hybrid,elem,fvm,hvcoord,np1,np1_qdp,nets,nete)
     ! map tracers
     ! map velocity components
-    ! map temperature (either by mapping thermal energy or virtual temperature over log(p)
+    ! map temperature (either by mapping enthalpy or virtual temperature
+    ! over log(p)
     ! (controlled by vert_remap_uvTq_alg > -20 or <= -20)
-    use hybvcoord_mod         , only: hvcoord_t
-    use vertremap_mod         , only: remap1
-    use hybrid_mod            , only: hybrid_t, config_thread_region,get_loop_ranges, PrintHybrid
+    use hybvcoord_mod,          only: hvcoord_t
+    use vertremap_mod,          only: remap1
+    use hybrid_mod,             only: hybrid_t, config_thread_region,get_loop_ranges, PrintHybrid
     use fvm_control_volume_mod, only: fvm_struct
-    use dimensions_mod        , only: ntrac
-    use dimensions_mod        , only: lcp_moist, kord_tr,kord_tr_cslam
-    use cam_logfile           , only: iulog
-    use dynconst              , only: pi
-    use dyn_thermo            , only: get_enthalpy, get_dp, get_virtual_temp
-    use cam_thermo            , only: MASS_MIXING_RATIO
-    use air_composition       , only: thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore
-    use thread_mod            , only: omp_set_nested
-    use control_mod           , only: vert_remap_uvTq_alg
+    use dimensions_mod,         only: use_cslam, ntrac
+    use dimensions_mod,         only: kord_tr,kord_tr_cslam
+    use cam_logfile,            only: iulog
+    use dynconst,               only: pi
+    use air_composition,        only: thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore
+    use dyn_thermo,             only: get_enthalpy, get_virtual_temp, get_dp
+    use cam_thermo,             only: MASS_MIXING_RATIO
+    use thread_mod,             only: omp_set_nested
+    use control_mod,            only: vert_remap_uvTq_alg
     type (hybrid_t),  intent(in)    :: hybrid  ! distributed parallel structure (shared)
     type(fvm_struct), intent(inout) :: fvm(:)
@@ -974,7 +975,7 @@ subroutine vertical_remap(hybrid,elem,fvm,hvcoord,np1,np1_qdp,nets,nete)
     type (hvcoord_t) :: hvcoord
     integer          :: ie,i,j,k,np1,nets,nete,np1_qdp,q, m_cnst
     real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nlev)  :: dp_moist,dp_star_moist, dp_dry,dp_star_dry
-    real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nlev)  :: internal_energy_star
+    real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nlev)  :: enthalpy_star
     real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nlev,2):: ttmp
     real(r8), parameter                    :: rad2deg = 180.0_r8/pi
     integer :: region_num_threads,qbeg,qend,kord_uvT(1)
@@ -989,23 +990,20 @@ subroutine vertical_remap(hybrid,elem,fvm,hvcoord,np1,np1_qdp,nets,nete)
       ! prepare for mapping of temperature
       if (vert_remap_uvTq_alg>-20) then
-        if (lcp_moist) then
-          !
-          ! compute internal energy on Lagrangian levels
-          ! (do it here since qdp is overwritten by remap1)
-          !
-          call get_enthalpy(elem(ie)%state%qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,np1_qdp), &
-               elem(ie)%state%t(:,:,:,np1),elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,np1),internal_energy_star,     &
-               active_species_idx_dycore=thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore)
-        end if
+        !
+        ! compute enthalpy on Lagrangian levels
+        ! (do it here since qdp is overwritten by remap1)
+        !
+        call get_enthalpy(elem(ie)%state%qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,np1_qdp), &
+             elem(ie)%state%t(:,:,:,np1), elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,np1), enthalpy_star,     &
+             active_species_idx_dycore=thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore)
         ! map Tv over log(p) following FV and FV3
-        call get_virtual_temp(elem(ie)%state%qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,np1_qdp), &
-             internal_energy_star,dp_dry=elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,np1),                        &
-             active_species_idx_dycore=thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore)
-        internal_energy_star = internal_energy_star*elem(ie)%state%t(:,:,:,np1)
+        call get_virtual_temp(elem(ie)%state%qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,np1_qdp), enthalpy_star, &
+             dp_dry=elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,np1), active_species_idx_dycore=thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore)
+        enthalpy_star = enthalpy_star*elem(ie)%state%t(:,:,:,np1)
       end if
       ! update final psdry
@@ -1013,17 +1011,18 @@ subroutine vertical_remap(hybrid,elem,fvm,hvcoord,np1,np1_qdp,nets,nete)
       elem(ie)%state%psdry(:,:) = ptop + &
-      ! compute dry vertical coordinate (Lagrangian and reference levels)
+      ! compute dry vertical coordinate (Lagrangian and reference
+      ! levels)
       do k=1,nlev
         dp_star_dry(:,:,k) = elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,k,np1)
-        dp_dry(:,:,k) = ( hvcoord%hyai(k+1) - hvcoord%hyai(k) )*hvcoord%ps0 + &
-             ( hvcoord%hybi(k+1) - hvcoord%hybi(k) )*elem(ie)%state%psdry(:,:)
+        dp_dry(:,:,k) = ( hvcoord%hyai(k+1) - hvcoord%hyai(k))*hvcoord%ps0 + &
+             ( hvcoord%hybi(k+1) - hvcoord%hybi(k))*elem(ie)%state%psdry(:,:)
         elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,k,np1) = dp_dry(:,:,k)
       call get_dp(elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,np1_qdp),MASS_MIXING_RATIO,&
-         thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore,dp_star_dry,dp_star_moist(:,:,:))
+         thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore, dp_star_dry,dp_star_moist(:,:,:))
       ! Check if Lagrangian leves have crossed
@@ -1037,7 +1036,7 @@ subroutine vertical_remap(hybrid,elem,fvm,hvcoord,np1,np1_qdp,nets,nete)
               write(iulog,*) " "
               do k=1,nlev
-                write(iulog,'(A21,I5,A1,f12.8,3f8.2)') "k,dp_star_moist,u,v,T: ",k," ",dp_star_moist(i,j,k)/100.0_r8,&
+                write(iulog,'(A21,I5,A1,f16.12,3f10.2)')"k,dp_star_moist,u,v,T: ",k," ",dp_star_moist(i,j,k)/100.0_r8,&
               end do
             end if
@@ -1051,42 +1050,35 @@ subroutine vertical_remap(hybrid,elem,fvm,hvcoord,np1,np1_qdp,nets,nete)
       ! compute moist reference pressure level thickness
       call get_dp(elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,np1_qdp),MASS_MIXING_RATIO,&
-           thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore,dp_dry,dp_moist(:,:,:))
+           thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore, dp_dry,dp_moist(:,:,:))
       ! Remapping of temperature
       if (vert_remap_uvTq_alg>-20) then
-        ! remap internal energy and back out temperature
+        ! remap enthalpy energy and back out temperature
-        if (lcp_moist) then
-          call remap1(internal_energy_star,np,1,1,1,dp_star_dry,dp_dry,ptop,1,.true.,kord_uvT)
-          !
-          ! compute sum c^(l)_p*m^(l)*dp on arrival (Eulerian) grid
-          !
-          ttmp(:,:,:,1) = 1.0_r8
-          call get_enthalpy(elem(ie)%state%qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,np1_qdp),   &
-               ttmp(:,:,:,1),dp_dry,ttmp(:,:,:,2), &
-               active_species_idx_dycore=thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore)
-          elem(ie)%state%t(:,:,:,np1)=internal_energy_star/ttmp(:,:,:,2)
-        else
-          internal_energy_star(:,:,:)=elem(ie)%state%t(:,:,:,np1)*dp_star_moist
-          call remap1(internal_energy_star,np,1,1,1,dp_star_moist,dp_moist,ptop,1,.true.,kord_uvT)
-          elem(ie)%state%t(:,:,:,np1)=internal_energy_star/dp_moist
-        end if
+        call remap1(enthalpy_star,np,1,1,1,dp_star_dry,dp_dry,ptop,1,.true.,kord_uvT)
+        !
+        ! compute sum c^(l)_p*m^(l)*dp on arrival (Eulerian) grid
+        !
+        ttmp(:,:,:,1) = 1.0_r8
+        call get_enthalpy(elem(ie)%state%qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,np1_qdp),   &
+             ttmp(:,:,:,1), dp_dry,ttmp(:,:,:,2), &
+             active_species_idx_dycore=thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore)
+        elem(ie)%state%t(:,:,:,np1)=enthalpy_star/ttmp(:,:,:,2)
         ! map Tv over log(p); following FV and FV3
-        call remap1(internal_energy_star,np,1,1,1,dp_star_moist,dp_moist,ptop,1,.false.,kord_uvT)
-        call get_virtual_temp(elem(ie)%state%qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,np1_qdp), &
-             ttmp(:,:,:,1),dp_dry=dp_dry,                                                       &
-             active_species_idx_dycore=thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore)
+        call remap1(enthalpy_star,np,1,1,1,dp_star_moist,dp_moist,ptop,1,.false.,kord_uvT)
+        call get_virtual_temp(elem(ie)%state%qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,np1_qdp), ttmp(:,:,:,1), &
+             dp_dry=dp_dry,active_species_idx_dycore=thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore)
         ! convert new Tv to T
-        elem(ie)%state%t(:,:,:,np1)=internal_energy_star/ttmp(:,:,:,1)
+        elem(ie)%state%t(:,:,:,np1)=enthalpy_star/ttmp(:,:,:,1)
       end if
       ! remap velocity components
@@ -1095,7 +1087,7 @@ subroutine vertical_remap(hybrid,elem,fvm,hvcoord,np1,np1_qdp,nets,nete)
       call remap1(elem(ie)%state%v(:,:,2,:,np1),np,1,1,1,dp_star_moist,dp_moist,ptop,-1,.false.,kord_uvT)
-    if (ntrac>0) then
+    if (use_cslam) then
       ! vertical remapping of CSLAM tracers
@@ -1112,14 +1104,15 @@ subroutine vertical_remap(hybrid,elem,fvm,hvcoord,np1,np1_qdp,nets,nete)
             end do
           end do
         end do
-        if(ntrac>tracer_num_threads) then 
+        if(ntrac>tracer_num_threads) then
           call omp_set_nested(.true.)
-          !$OMP PARALLEL NUM_THREADS(tracer_num_threads), DEFAULT(SHARED), PRIVATE(hybridnew2,qbeg,qend)
+          !$OMP PARALLEL NUM_THREADS(tracer_num_threads),
+          !DEFAULT(SHARED), PRIVATE(hybridnew2,qbeg,qend)
           hybridnew2 = config_thread_region(hybrid,'ctracer')
           call get_loop_ranges(hybridnew2, qbeg=qbeg, qend=qend)
           call remap1(fvm(ie)%c(1:nc,1:nc,:,1:ntrac),nc,qbeg,qend,ntrac,dpc_star, &
-          !$OMP END PARALLEL 
+          !$OMP END PARALLEL
           call omp_set_nested(.false.)
           call remap1(fvm(ie)%c(1:nc,1:nc,:,1:ntrac),nc,1,ntrac,ntrac,dpc_star, &
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_driver_mod.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_driver_mod.F90
index fdee231f..bd9680af 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_driver_mod.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_driver_mod.F90
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ module prim_driver_mod
   subroutine prim_init2(elem, fvm, hybrid, nets, nete, tl, hvcoord)
     use dimensions_mod,         only: irecons_tracer, fvm_supercycling
-    use dimensions_mod,         only: fv_nphys, ntrac, nc
+    use dimensions_mod,         only: fv_nphys, nc
     use parallel_mod,           only: syncmp
-    use time_mod,               only: timelevel_t, tstep, phys_tscale, nsplit, TimeLevel_Qdp
-    use time_mod,               only: nsplit_baseline,rsplit_baseline
+    use se_dyn_time_mod,        only: timelevel_t, tstep, phys_tscale, nsplit, TimeLevel_Qdp
+    use se_dyn_time_mod,        only: nsplit_baseline,rsplit_baseline
     use prim_state_mod,         only: prim_printstate
     use control_mod,            only: runtype, topology, rsplit, qsplit, rk_stage_user,         &
                                       nu, nu_q, nu_div, hypervis_subcycle, hypervis_subcycle_q, &
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ subroutine prim_init2(elem, fvm, hybrid, nets, nete, tl, hvcoord)
     use hybvcoord_mod,          only: hvcoord_t
     use prim_advection_mod,     only: prim_advec_init2,deriv
     use prim_advance_mod,       only: compute_omega
+    use physconst,              only: rga, cappa, cpair, tref, lapse_rate
+    use dyn_thermo,             only: get_dp_ref
+    use physconst,              only: pstd
     type (element_t), intent(inout) :: elem(:)
     type (fvm_struct), intent(inout)    :: fvm(:)
@@ -56,13 +59,16 @@ subroutine prim_init2(elem, fvm, hybrid, nets, nete, tl, hvcoord)
     ! Local variables
     ! ==================================
+    !   variables used to calculate CFL
 !   variables used to calculate CFL
     real (kind=r8) :: dtnu            ! timestep*viscosity parameter
-    real (kind=r8) :: dt_dyn_vis      ! viscosity timestep used in dynamics
-    real (kind=r8) :: dt_dyn_del2_sponge, dt_remap
+    real (kind=r8) :: dt_dyn_del2_sponge
     real (kind=r8) :: dt_tracer_vis      ! viscosity timestep used in tracers
+    real (kind=r8) :: dt_dyn_vis      ! viscosity timestep
+    real (kind=r8) :: dt_remap        ! remapping timestep
-    real (kind=r8) :: dp
+    real (kind=r8) :: dp,dp0,T1,T0,pmid_ref(np,np)
+    real (kind=r8) :: ps_ref(np,np,nets:nete)
     integer :: i,j,k,ie,t,q
     integer :: n0,n0_qdp
@@ -120,7 +126,7 @@ subroutine prim_init2(elem, fvm, hybrid, nets, nete, tl, hvcoord)
     ! so only now does HOMME learn the timstep.  print them out:
     call print_cfl(elem,hybrid,nets,nete,dtnu,&
          !p top and p mid levels
-         hvcoord%hyai(1)*hvcoord%ps0,(hvcoord%hyam(:)+hvcoord%hybm(:))*hvcoord%ps0,&
+         hvcoord%hyai(1)*hvcoord%ps0,hvcoord%hyam(:)*hvcoord%ps0+hvcoord%hybm(:)*pstd,&
          !dt_dyn,dt_dyn_visco,dt_tracer_visco, dt_phys
@@ -138,6 +144,39 @@ subroutine prim_init2(elem, fvm, hybrid, nets, nete, tl, hvcoord)
      call TimeLevel_Qdp( tl, qsplit, n0_qdp)
      call compute_omega(hybrid,n0,n0_qdp,elem,deriv,nets,nete,dt_remap,hvcoord)
+     !
+     ! pre-compute pressure-level thickness reference profile
+     !
+     do ie=nets,nete
+       call get_dp_ref(hvcoord%hyai, hvcoord%hybi, hvcoord%ps0, elem(ie)%state%phis(:,:), &
+            elem(ie)%derived%dp_ref(:,:,:), ps_ref(:,:,ie))
+     end do
+     !
+     ! pre-compute reference temperature profile (Simmons and Jiabin, 1991, QJRMS, Section 2a
+     !                                            doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.49711749703c)
+     !
+     !  Tref = T0+T1*Exner
+     !  T1 = .0065*Tref*Cp/g ! = ~191
+     !  T0 = Tref-T1         ! = ~97
+     !
+     T1 = lapse_rate*Tref*cpair*rga
+     T0 = Tref-T1
+     do ie=nets,nete
+       do k=1,nlev
+         pmid_ref =hvcoord%hyam(k)*hvcoord%ps0 + hvcoord%hybm(k)*ps_ref(:,:,ie)
+         dp0 = ( hvcoord%hyai(k+1) - hvcoord%hyai(k) )*hvcoord%ps0 + &
+               ( hvcoord%hybi(k+1) - hvcoord%hybi(k) )*hvcoord%ps0
+         if (hvcoord%hybm(k)>0) then
+           elem(ie)%derived%T_ref(:,:,k)    = T0+T1*(pmid_ref/hvcoord%ps0)**cappa
+           !
+           ! pel@ucar.edu: resolved noise issue over Antartica
+           !
+           elem(ie)%derived%dp_ref(:,:,k)   = elem(ie)%derived%dp_ref(:,:,k)-dp0
+         else
+           elem(ie)%derived%T_ref(:,:,k)    = 0.0_r8
+         end if
+       end do
+     end do
      if (hybrid%masterthread) write(iulog,*) "initial state:"
      call prim_printstate(elem, tl, hybrid,nets,nete, fvm)
@@ -146,8 +185,7 @@ end subroutine prim_init2
-  subroutine prim_run_subcycle(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord,nsubstep, omega_cn)
+  subroutine prim_run_subcycle(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord,nsubstep, single_column, omega_cn)
 !   advance all variables (u,v,T,ps,Q,C) from time t to t + dt_q
@@ -181,17 +219,17 @@ subroutine prim_run_subcycle(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord,nsubst
     use hybvcoord_mod, only : hvcoord_t
-    use time_mod,               only: TimeLevel_t, timelevel_update, timelevel_qdp, nsplit
-    use control_mod,            only: statefreq,qsplit, rsplit, variable_nsplit
+    use se_dyn_time_mod,        only: TimeLevel_t, timelevel_update, timelevel_qdp, nsplit
+    use control_mod,            only: statefreq,qsplit, rsplit, variable_nsplit, dribble_in_rsplit_loop
     use prim_advance_mod,       only: applycamforcing
-    use prim_advance_mod,       only: calc_tot_energy_dynamics,compute_omega
+    use prim_advance_mod,       only: tot_energy_dyn,compute_omega
     use prim_state_mod,         only: prim_printstate, adjust_nsplit
     use prim_advection_mod,     only: vertical_remap, deriv
     use thread_mod,             only: omp_get_thread_num
     use perf_mod   ,            only: t_startf, t_stopf
     use fvm_mod    ,            only: fill_halo_fvm, ghostBufQnhc_h
-    use dimensions_mod,         only: ntrac,fv_nphys, ksponge_end
+    use dimensions_mod,         only: use_cslam,fv_nphys
+    use fvm_mapping,            only: cslam2gll
     type (element_t) , intent(inout) :: elem(:)
     type(fvm_struct), intent(inout)  :: fvm(:)
     type (hybrid_t), intent(in)      :: hybrid  ! distributed parallel structure (shared)
@@ -201,6 +239,7 @@ subroutine prim_run_subcycle(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord,nsubst
     real(kind=r8), intent(in)        :: dt  ! "timestep dependent" timestep
     type (TimeLevel_t), intent(inout):: tl
     integer, intent(in)              :: nsubstep  ! nsubstep = 1 .. nsplit
+    logical,              intent(in) :: single_column
     real (kind=r8)    , intent(inout):: omega_cn(2,nets:nete) !min and max of vertical Courant number
     real(kind=r8)   :: dt_q, dt_remap, dt_phys
@@ -208,7 +247,6 @@ subroutine prim_run_subcycle(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord,nsubst
     real (kind=r8)  :: dp_np1(np,np)
     real (kind=r8)  :: dp_start(np,np,nlev+1,nets:nete),dp_end(np,np,nlev,nets:nete)
     logical         :: compute_diagnostics
     ! ===================================
     ! Main timestepping loop
     ! ===================================
@@ -245,12 +283,39 @@ subroutine prim_run_subcycle(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord,nsubst
     call TimeLevel_Qdp( tl, qsplit, n0_qdp)
-    call calc_tot_energy_dynamics(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl%n0,n0_qdp,'dAF')
-    call ApplyCAMForcing(elem,fvm,tl%n0,n0_qdp,dt_remap,dt_phys,nets,nete,nsubstep)
-    call calc_tot_energy_dynamics(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl%n0,n0_qdp,'dBD')
+    if (dribble_in_rsplit_loop==0) then
+      call tot_energy_dyn(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl%n0,n0_qdp,'dAF')
+      call ApplyCAMForcing(elem,fvm,tl%n0,n0_qdp,dt_remap,dt_phys,nets,nete,nsubstep)
+      call tot_energy_dyn(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl%n0,n0_qdp,'dBD')
+    end if
     do r=1,rsplit
       if (r.ne.1) call TimeLevel_update(tl,"leapfrog")
-      call prim_step(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord,r)
+      !
+      ! if nsplit==1 and physics time-step is long then there will be noise in the
+      ! pressure field; hence "dripple" in tendencies
+      !
+      if (dribble_in_rsplit_loop==1) then
+         call tot_energy_dyn(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl%n0,n0_qdp,'dAF')
+         call ApplyCAMForcing(elem,fvm,tl%n0,n0_qdp,dt,dt_phys,nets,nete,MAX(nsubstep,r))
+         call tot_energy_dyn(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl%n0,n0_qdp,'dBD')
+      end if
+      !
+      ! right after physics overwrite Qdp with CSLAM values
+      !
+      if (use_cslam.and.nsubstep==1.and.r==1) then
+         call tot_energy_dyn(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl%n0,n0_qdp,'dAF')
+         call cslam2gll(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, tl%n0, n0_qdp)
+         call tot_energy_dyn(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl%n0,n0_qdp,'dBD')
+      end if
+      call tot_energy_dyn(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl%n0,n0_qdp,'dBL')
+      if (single_column) then
+         ! Single Column Case
+         ! Loop over rsplit vertically lagrangian timesteps
+         call prim_step_scm(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord,r)
+      else
+         call prim_step(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord,r,nsubstep==nsplit,dt_remap)
+      end if
+      call tot_energy_dyn(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl%np1,n0_qdp,'dAL')
@@ -263,7 +328,7 @@ subroutine prim_run_subcycle(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord,nsubst
     !  always for tracers
-    call calc_tot_energy_dynamics(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl%np1,np1_qdp,'dAD')
+    call tot_energy_dyn(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl%np1,np1_qdp,'dAD')
     if (variable_nsplit.or.compute_diagnostics) then
@@ -280,9 +345,9 @@ subroutine prim_run_subcycle(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord,nsubst
     ! time step is complete.
-    call calc_tot_energy_dynamics(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl%np1,np1_qdp,'dAR')
+    call tot_energy_dyn(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl%np1,np1_qdp,'dAR')
-    if (nsubstep==nsplit) then
+    if (nsubstep==nsplit.and. .not. single_column) then
       call compute_omega(hybrid,tl%np1,np1_qdp,elem,deriv,nets,nete,dt_remap,hvcoord)
     end if
@@ -326,7 +391,6 @@ subroutine prim_run_subcycle(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord,nsubst
           end do
         end do
       end do
       if (nsubstep==nsplit.and.variable_nsplit) then
          call t_startf('adjust_nsplit')
          call adjust_nsplit(elem, tl, hybrid,nets,nete, fvm, omega_cn)
@@ -341,7 +405,7 @@ subroutine prim_run_subcycle(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord,nsubst
       call prim_printstate(elem, tl, hybrid,nets,nete, fvm, omega_cn)
     end if
-    if (ntrac>0.and.nsubstep==nsplit.and.nc.ne.fv_nphys) then
+    if (use_cslam.and.nsubstep==nsplit.and.nc.ne.fv_nphys) then
       ! fill the fvm halo for mapping in d_p_coupling if
       ! physics grid resolution is different than fvm resolution
@@ -351,8 +415,7 @@ subroutine prim_run_subcycle(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord,nsubst
   end subroutine prim_run_subcycle
-  subroutine prim_step(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord, rstep)
+  subroutine prim_step(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord, rstep, last_step,dt_remap)
     !   Take qsplit dynamics steps and one tracer step
     !   for vertically lagrangian option, this subroutine does only the horizontal step
@@ -370,18 +433,19 @@ subroutine prim_step(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord, rstep)
     !       tl%n0    time t + dt_q
     use hybvcoord_mod,          only: hvcoord_t
-    use time_mod,               only: TimeLevel_t, timelevel_update
+    use se_dyn_time_mod,        only: TimeLevel_t, timelevel_update
     use control_mod,            only: statefreq, qsplit, nu_p
     use thread_mod,             only: omp_get_thread_num
     use prim_advance_mod,       only: prim_advance_exp
     use prim_advection_mod,     only: prim_advec_tracers_remap, prim_advec_tracers_fvm, deriv
     use derivative_mod,         only: subcell_integration
     use hybrid_mod,             only: set_region_num_threads, config_thread_region, get_loop_ranges
-    use dimensions_mod,         only: ntrac,fvm_supercycling,fvm_supercycling_jet
+    use dimensions_mod,         only: use_cslam,fvm_supercycling,fvm_supercycling_jet
     use dimensions_mod,         only: kmin_jet, kmax_jet
     use fvm_mod,                only: ghostBufQnhc_vh,ghostBufQ1_vh, ghostBufFlux_vh
     use fvm_mod,                only: ghostBufQ1_h,ghostBufQnhcJet_h, ghostBufFluxJet_h
+    use se_dyn_time_mod,        only: timelevel_qdp
+    use fvm_mapping,            only: cslam2gll
 #ifdef waccm_debug
   use cam_history, only: outfld
@@ -396,6 +460,8 @@ subroutine prim_step(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord, rstep)
     real(kind=r8),      intent(in)    :: dt  ! "timestep dependent" timestep
     type (TimeLevel_t), intent(inout) :: tl
     integer, intent(in)               :: rstep ! vertical remap subcycling step
+    logical, intent(in)               :: last_step! last step before d_p_coupling
+    real(kind=r8), intent(in)         :: dt_remap
     type (hybrid_t):: hybridnew,hybridnew2
     real(kind=r8)  :: st, st1, dp, dt_q
@@ -403,6 +469,7 @@ subroutine prim_step(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord, rstep)
     integer        :: ithr
     integer        :: region_num_threads
     integer        :: kbeg,kend
+    integer        :: n0_qdp, np1_qdp
     real (kind=r8) :: tempdp3d(np,np), x
     real (kind=r8) :: tempmass(nc,nc)
@@ -456,7 +523,7 @@ subroutine prim_step(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord, rstep)
        ! defer final timelevel update until after Q update.
-    if (ntrac>0.and.rstep==1) then
+    if (use_cslam.and.rstep==1) then
       do ie=nets,nete
       do k=1,nlev
         tempdp3d = elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,k,tl%np1) - &
@@ -480,7 +547,6 @@ subroutine prim_step(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord, rstep)
       end do
     end if
     ! current dynamics state variables:
     !    derived%dp              =  dp at start of timestep
     !    derived%vn0             =  mean horiz. flux:   U*dp
@@ -500,32 +566,19 @@ subroutine prim_step(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord, rstep)
     ! special case in CAM: if CSLAM tracers are turned on , qsize=1 but this tracer should
     ! not be advected.  This will be cleaned up when the physgrid is merged into CAM trunk
     ! Currently advecting all species
-    if (qsize > 0) then
+    if (.not.use_cslam) then
       call t_startf('prim_advec_tracers_remap')
-      if(ntrac>0) then
-        ! Deactivate threading in the tracer dimension if this is a CSLAM run
-        region_num_threads = 1
-      else
-        region_num_threads=tracer_num_threads
-      endif
+      region_num_threads=tracer_num_threads
       call omp_set_nested(.true.)
       !$OMP PARALLEL NUM_THREADS(region_num_threads), DEFAULT(SHARED), PRIVATE(hybridnew)
-      if(ntrac>0) then
-        ! Deactivate threading in the tracer dimension if this is a CSLAM run
-        hybridnew = config_thread_region(hybrid,'serial')
-      else
-        hybridnew = config_thread_region(hybrid,'tracer')
-      endif
+      hybridnew = config_thread_region(hybrid,'tracer')
       call Prim_Advec_Tracers_remap(elem, deriv,hvcoord,hybridnew,dt_q,tl,nets,nete)
       call omp_set_nested(.false.)
       call t_stopf('prim_advec_tracers_remap')
-    end if
-    !
-    ! only run fvm transport every fvm_supercycling rstep
-    !
-    if (ntrac>0) then
+   else
+      !
+      ! only run fvm transport every fvm_supercycling rstep
       ! FVM transport
@@ -557,7 +610,9 @@ subroutine prim_step(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord, rstep)
               fvm(ie)%psc(i,j) = sum(fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(i,j,:)) +  hvcoord%hyai(1)*hvcoord%ps0
             end do
           end do
-        end do
+       end do
+       call TimeLevel_Qdp( tl, qsplit, n0_qdp, np1_qdp)
+       if (.not.last_step) call cslam2gll(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, tl%np1, np1_qdp)
       else if ((mod(rstep,fvm_supercycling_jet) == 0)) then
         ! shorter fvm time-step in jet region
@@ -572,11 +627,84 @@ subroutine prim_step(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord, rstep)
              (/nc*nc,nlev/)), nc*nc, ie)
       end do
-    endif
+   endif
    end subroutine prim_step
+   subroutine prim_step_scm(elem, fvm, hybrid,nets,nete, dt, tl, hvcoord, rstep)
+     !
+     !   prim_step version for single column model (SCM)
+     !   Here we simply want to compute the floating level tendency
+     !   based on the prescribed large scale vertical velocity
+     !   Take qsplit dynamics steps and one tracer step
+     !   for vertically lagrangian option, this subroutine does only
+     !   the horizontal step
+     !
+     !   input:
+     !       tl%nm1   not used
+     !       tl%n0    data at time t
+     !       tl%np1   new values at t+dt_q
+     !
+     !   then we update timelevel pointers:
+     !       tl%nm1 = tl%n0
+     !       tl%n0  = tl%np1
+     !   so that:
+     !       tl%nm1   tracers:  t    dynamics:  t+(qsplit-1)*dt
+     !       tl%n0    time t + dt_q
+     !
+    use hybvcoord_mod,          only: hvcoord_t
+    use se_dyn_time_mod,        only: TimeLevel_t, timelevel_update
+    use control_mod,            only: statefreq, qsplit, nu_p
+    use prim_advection_mod,     only: deriv
+    use hybrid_mod,             only: config_thread_region, get_loop_ranges
+    type (element_t) ,  intent(inout) :: elem(:)
+    type(fvm_struct),   intent(inout) :: fvm(:)
+    type (hybrid_t),    intent(in)    :: hybrid  ! distributed parallel structure (shared)
+    type (hvcoord_t),   intent(in)    :: hvcoord         ! hybrid vertical coordinate struct
+    integer,            intent(in)    :: nets  ! starting thread element number (private)
+    integer,            intent(in)    :: nete  ! ending thread element number   (private)
+    real(kind=r8),      intent(in)    :: dt  ! "timestep dependent" timestep
+    type (TimeLevel_t), intent(inout) :: tl
+    integer, intent(in)               :: rstep ! vertical remap subcycling step
+    integer        :: ie,n
+    ! ===============
+    ! initialize mean flux accumulation variables and save some variables at n0
+    ! for use by advection
+    ! ===============
+    do ie=nets,nete
+      elem(ie)%derived%vn0=0              ! mean horizontal mass flux
+      if (nu_p>0) then
+         elem(ie)%derived%dpdiss_ave=0
+         elem(ie)%derived%dpdiss_biharmonic=0
+      endif
+      elem(ie)%derived%dp(:,:,:)=elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,tl%n0)
+    enddo
+    ! ===============
+    ! Dynamical Step
+    ! ===============
+#ifdef scam
+    call t_startf('set_prescribed_scm')
+    call set_prescribed_scm(elem, fvm, deriv, hvcoord,   &
+         hybrid, dt, tl, nets, nete)
+    call t_stopf('set_prescribed_scm')
+    do n=2,qsplit
+       call TimeLevel_update(tl,"leapfrog")
+       call t_startf('set_prescribed_scm')
+       call set_prescribed_scm(elem, fvm, deriv, hvcoord,   &
+            hybrid, dt, tl, nets, nete)
+       call t_stopf('set_prescribed_scm')
+    enddo
+  end subroutine prim_step_scm
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_init.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_init.F90
index b0e8e425..b884ca80 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_init.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_init.F90
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ subroutine prim_init1(elem, fvm, par, Tl)
     use element_mod,            only: element_t, allocate_element_dims, allocate_element_desc
     use fvm_mod,                only: fvm_init1
     use mesh_mod,               only: MeshUseMeshFile
-    use time_mod,               only: timelevel_init, timelevel_t
+    use se_dyn_time_mod,        only: timelevel_init, timelevel_t
     use mass_matrix_mod,        only: mass_matrix
     use derivative_mod,         only: allocate_subcell_integration_matrix_cslam
     use derivative_mod,         only: allocate_subcell_integration_matrix_physgrid
@@ -332,25 +332,9 @@ subroutine prim_init1(elem, fvm, par, Tl)
-      elem(ie)%derived%pecnd=0.0_r8
-      elem(ie)%derived%etadot_prescribed = nan
-      elem(ie)%derived%u_met = nan
-      elem(ie)%derived%v_met = nan
-      elem(ie)%derived%dudt_met = nan
-      elem(ie)%derived%dvdt_met = nan
-      elem(ie)%derived%T_met = nan
-      elem(ie)%derived%dTdt_met = nan
-      elem(ie)%derived%ps_met = nan
-      elem(ie)%derived%dpsdt_met = nan
-      elem(ie)%derived%nudge_factor = nan
-      elem(ie)%derived%Utnd=0._r8
-      elem(ie)%derived%Vtnd=0._r8
-      elem(ie)%derived%Ttnd=0._r8
     end do
     ! ==========================================================
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_state_mod.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_state_mod.F90
index 6395c169..84f9aee2 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_state_mod.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_state_mod.F90
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module prim_state_mod
   use dimensions_mod,   only: nlev, np, nc, qsize_d, ntrac
   use parallel_mod,     only: ordered
   use hybrid_mod,       only: hybrid_t
-  use time_mod,         only: timelevel_t, TimeLevel_Qdp, time_at
+  use se_dyn_time_mod,  only: timelevel_t, TimeLevel_Qdp, time_at
   use control_mod,      only: qsplit, statediag_numtrac
   use global_norms_mod, only: global_integrals_general
   use element_mod,      only: element_t
@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ module prim_state_mod
   subroutine prim_printstate(elem, tl,hybrid,nets,nete, fvm, omega_cn)
-    use dimensions_mod,         only: ntrac
+    use dimensions_mod,         only: use_cslam
 !Un-comment once constitutents are enabled -JN:
 !    use constituents,           only: cnst_name
     use string_utils,           only: to_str !Remove once constituents are enabled -JN
     use air_composition,        only: thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore, dry_air_species_num
     use air_composition,        only: thermodynamic_active_species_num,thermodynamic_active_species_idx
     use cam_control_mod,        only: initial_run
-    use time_mod,               only: tstep
+    use se_dyn_time_mod,        only: tstep
     use control_mod,            only: rsplit, qsplit
     use perf_mod,               only: t_startf, t_stopf
     use cam_abortutils,         only: check_allocate
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ subroutine prim_printstate(elem, tl,hybrid,nets,nete, fvm, omega_cn)
     call TimeLevel_Qdp( tl, qsplit, n0_qdp)
     ! moist surface pressure
-    if (ntrac>0) then
+    if (use_cslam) then
       do ie=nets,nete
         do q=dry_air_species_num+1,thermodynamic_active_species_num
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ subroutine prim_printstate(elem, tl,hybrid,nets,nete, fvm, omega_cn)
     do ie=nets,nete
       da_gll(:,:,ie) = elem(ie)%mp(:,:)*elem(ie)%metdet(:,:)
-    if (ntrac>0) then
+    if (use_cslam) then
       do ie=nets,nete
         da_fvm(:,:,ie) = fvm(ie)%area_sphere(:,:)
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ subroutine prim_printstate(elem, tl,hybrid,nets,nete, fvm, omega_cn)
     varname(3)           = 'T         '
     varname(4)           = 'OMEGA     '
     varname(5)           = 'OMEGA CN  '
-    if (ntrac>0) then
+    if (use_cslam) then
       varname(6)         = 'PSDRY(fvm)'
       varname(7)         = 'PS(fvm)   '
       varname(8)         = 'PSDRY(gll)'
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ subroutine prim_printstate(elem, tl,hybrid,nets,nete, fvm, omega_cn)
         min_local(ie,5)  = 0.0_r8
         max_local(ie,5)  = 0.0_r8
       end if
-      if (ntrac>0) then
+      if (use_cslam) then
         min_local(ie,6) = MINVAL(SUM(fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(1:nc,1:nc,:),DIM=3))
         max_local(ie,6) = MAXVAL(SUM(fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(1:nc,1:nc,:),DIM=3))
         min_local(ie,7) = MINVAL(moist_ps_fvm(:,:,ie))
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ subroutine prim_printstate(elem, tl,hybrid,nets,nete, fvm, omega_cn)
       max_local(ie,nm2+1)  = MAXVAL(elem(ie)%derived%FT(:,:,:))
       min_local(ie,nm2+2)  = MINVAL(elem(ie)%derived%FM(:,:,:,:))
       max_local(ie,nm2+2)  = MAXVAL(elem(ie)%derived%FM(:,:,:,:))
-      if (ntrac>0) then
+      if (use_cslam) then
         do q=1,statediag_numtrac
 !Un-comment once constitutents are enabled -JN:
           !varname(nm2+2+q)         = TRIM('F'//TRIM(cnst_name(q)))
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ subroutine prim_printstate(elem, tl,hybrid,nets,nete, fvm, omega_cn)
     ! tracers
     mass = -1.0_r8
-    if (ntrac>0) then
+    if (use_cslam) then
       do ie=nets,nete
         do q=1,statediag_numtrac
           tmp_fvm(:,:,q,ie) = SUM(fvm(ie)%c(1:nc,1:nc,:,q)*fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(1:nc,1:nc,:),DIM=3)
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ subroutine prim_printstate(elem, tl,hybrid,nets,nete, fvm, omega_cn)
     if (tl%nstep==0.or..not. initial_run) then
       mass_chg(:) = 0.0_R8
       elem(nets)%derived%mass(nm+1:nm+statediag_numtrac)   = mass(nm+1:nm+statediag_numtrac)
-      if (ntrac>0) then
+      if (use_cslam) then
         elem(nets)%derived%mass(6:9)   = mass(6:9)
         elem(nets)%derived%mass(6:7)   = mass(6:7)
@@ -409,10 +409,10 @@ end subroutine prim_printstate_cslam_gamma
   subroutine adjust_nsplit(elem, tl,hybrid,nets,nete, fvm, omega_cn)
     use dimensions_mod,         only: ksponge_end
     use dimensions_mod,         only: fvm_supercycling, fvm_supercycling_jet
-    use time_mod,               only: tstep
+    use se_dyn_time_mod,        only: tstep
     use control_mod,            only: rsplit, qsplit
     use perf_mod,               only: t_startf, t_stopf
-    use time_mod,               only: nsplit, nsplit_baseline,rsplit_baseline
+    use se_dyn_time_mod,        only: nsplit, nsplit_baseline,rsplit_baseline
     use control_mod,            only: qsplit, rsplit
     use time_manager,           only: get_step_size
     use cam_abortutils,         only: endrun
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/time_mod.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/se_dyn_time_mod.F90
similarity index 96%
rename from src/dynamics/se/dycore/time_mod.F90
rename to src/dynamics/se/dycore/se_dyn_time_mod.F90
index fdd68af0..716c34ad 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/time_mod.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/se_dyn_time_mod.F90
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-module time_mod
+module se_dyn_time_mod
   use shr_kind_mod,   only: r8=>shr_kind_r8
@@ -80,13 +80,14 @@ end subroutine TimeLevel_init_specific
   !locations for nm1 and n0 for Qdp - because
   !it only has 2 levels for storage
   subroutine TimeLevel_Qdp(tl, qsplit, n0, np1)
+    use dimensions_mod, only: use_cslam
     type (TimeLevel_t) :: tl
     integer, intent(in) :: qsplit
     integer, intent(inout) :: n0
     integer, intent(inout), optional :: np1
     integer :: i_temp
+!xxxx change when not double advecting
     i_temp = tl%nstep/qsplit
     if (mod(i_temp,2)  ==0) then
@@ -132,4 +133,4 @@ subroutine TimeLevel_update(tl,uptype)
   end subroutine TimeLevel_update
-end module time_mod
+end module se_dyn_time_mod
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/viscosity_mod.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/viscosity_mod.F90
index b29e48a1..42bca4bd 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/viscosity_mod.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/viscosity_mod.F90
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 module viscosity_mod
 !  This module should be renamed "global_deriv_mod.F90"
-!  It is a collection of derivative operators that must be applied to the field 
-!  over the sphere (as opposed to derivative operators that can be applied element 
+!  It is a collection of derivative operators that must be applied to the field
+!  over the sphere (as opposed to derivative operators that can be applied element
 !  by element)
   use shr_kind_mod,   only: r8=>shr_kind_r8
   use thread_mod,     only: max_num_threads, omp_get_num_threads
-  use dimensions_mod, only: np, nc, nlev,qsize,nelemd
+  use dimensions_mod, only: np, nc, nlev,nlevp, qsize,nelemd
   use hybrid_mod,     only: hybrid_t, get_loop_ranges, config_thread_region
   use parallel_mod,   only: parallel_t
   use element_mod,    only: element_t
@@ -50,11 +50,9 @@ module viscosity_mod
-subroutine biharmonic_wk_dp3d(elem,dptens,dpflux,ttens,vtens,deriv,edge3,hybrid,nt,nets,nete,kbeg,kend,&
-     dp3d_ref,T_ref)
+subroutine biharmonic_wk_dp3d(elem,dptens,dpflux,ttens,vtens,deriv,edge3,hybrid,nt,nets,nete,kbeg,kend)
   use derivative_mod, only : subcell_Laplace_fluxes
-  use dimensions_mod, only : ntrac, nu_div_lev,nu_lev
+  use dimensions_mod, only : use_cslam, nu_div_lev,nu_lev
   ! compute weak biharmonic operator
   !    input:  h,v (stored in elem()%, in lat-lon coordinates
@@ -68,101 +66,95 @@ subroutine biharmonic_wk_dp3d(elem,dptens,dpflux,ttens,vtens,deriv,edge3,hybrid,
   real (kind=r8), intent(out), dimension(nc,nc,4,nlev,nets:nete) :: dpflux
   real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,2,nlev,nets:nete)  :: vtens
   real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nlev,nets:nete) :: ttens,dptens
-  real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nlev,nets:nete), optional :: dp3d_ref,T_ref
   type (EdgeBuffer_t)  , intent(inout) :: edge3
   type (derivative_t)  , intent(in) :: deriv
   ! local
   integer :: i,j,k,kptr,ie,kblk
 !  real (kind=r8), dimension(:,:), pointer :: rspheremv
   real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np) :: tmp
   real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np) :: tmp2
   real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,2) :: v
+  real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nlev) :: lap_p_wk
+  real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nlevp) :: T_i
   real (kind=r8) :: nu_ratio1, nu_ratio2
   logical var_coef1
   kblk = kend - kbeg + 1
-  if (ntrac>0) dpflux = 0
-  !if tensor hyperviscosity with tensor V is used, then biharmonic operator is (\grad\cdot V\grad) (\grad \cdot \grad) 
+  if (use_cslam) dpflux = 0
+  !if tensor hyperviscosity with tensor V is used, then biharmonic operator is (\grad\cdot V\grad) (\grad \cdot \grad)
   !so tensor is only used on second call to laplace_sphere_wk
   var_coef1 = .true.
   if(hypervis_scaling > 0)    var_coef1 = .false.
-  do ie=nets,nete    
+  do ie=nets,nete
 !$omp parallel do num_threads(vert_num_threads) private(k,tmp)
     do k=kbeg,kend
-       nu_ratio1=1
-       nu_ratio2=1
-       if (nu_div_lev(k)/=nu_lev(k)) then
-          if(hypervis_scaling /= 0) then
-             ! we have a problem with the tensor in that we cant seperate
-             ! div and curl components.  So we do, with tensor V:
-             ! nu * (del V del ) * ( nu_ratio * grad(div) - curl(curl))             
-             nu_ratio1=nu_div_lev(k)/nu_lev(k)
-             nu_ratio2=1
-          else
-            nu_ratio1=sqrt(nu_div_lev(k)/nu_lev(k))
-            nu_ratio2=sqrt(nu_div_lev(k)/nu_lev(k))
-          endif
-       endif
-      if (present(T_ref)) then
-        tmp=elem(ie)%state%T(:,:,k,nt)-T_ref(:,:,k,ie)
-      else
-        tmp=elem(ie)%state%T(:,:,k,nt) 
-      end if
+      nu_ratio1=1
+      nu_ratio2=1
+      if (nu_div_lev(k)/=nu_lev(k)) then
+        if(hypervis_scaling /= 0) then
+          ! we have a problem with the tensor in that we cant seperate
+          ! div and curl components.  So we do, with tensor V:
+          ! nu * (del V del ) * ( nu_ratio * grad(div) - curl(curl))
+          nu_ratio1=nu_div_lev(k)/nu_lev(k)
+          nu_ratio2=1
+        else
+          nu_ratio1=sqrt(nu_div_lev(k)/nu_lev(k))
+          nu_ratio2=sqrt(nu_div_lev(k)/nu_lev(k))
+        endif
+      endif
+      tmp=elem(ie)%state%T(:,:,k,nt)-elem(ie)%derived%T_ref(:,:,k)
       call laplace_sphere_wk(tmp,deriv,elem(ie),ttens(:,:,k,ie),var_coef=var_coef1)
-      if (present(dp3d_ref)) then 
-        tmp=elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,k,nt)-dp3d_ref(:,:,k,ie)
-      else
-        tmp=elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,k,nt) 
-      end if
+      tmp=elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,k,nt)-elem(ie)%derived%dp_ref(:,:,k)
       call laplace_sphere_wk(tmp,deriv,elem(ie),dptens(:,:,k,ie),var_coef=var_coef1)
       call vlaplace_sphere_wk(elem(ie)%state%v(:,:,:,k,nt),deriv,elem(ie),.true.,vtens(:,:,:,k,ie), &
     kptr = kbeg - 1
     call edgeVpack(edge3,ttens(:,:,kbeg:kend,ie),kblk,kptr,ie)
-    kptr = kbeg - 1 + nlev 
+    kptr = kbeg - 1 + nlev
     call edgeVpack(edge3,vtens(:,:,1,kbeg:kend,ie),kblk,kptr,ie)
-    kptr = kbeg - 1 + 2*nlev 
+    kptr = kbeg - 1 + 2*nlev
     call edgeVpack(edge3,vtens(:,:,2,kbeg:kend,ie),kblk,kptr,ie)
-    kptr = kbeg - 1 + 3*nlev 
+    kptr = kbeg - 1 + 3*nlev
     call edgeVpack(edge3,dptens(:,:,kbeg:kend,ie),kblk,kptr,ie)
   call bndry_exchange(hybrid,edge3,location='biharmonic_wk_dp3d')
   do ie=nets,nete
 !CLEAN    rspheremv     => elem(ie)%rspheremp(:,:)
     kptr = kbeg - 1
     call edgeVunpack(edge3,ttens(:,:,kbeg:kend,ie),kblk,kptr,ie)
-    kptr = kbeg - 1 + nlev 
+    kptr = kbeg - 1 + nlev
     call edgeVunpack(edge3,vtens(:,:,1,kbeg:kend,ie),kblk,kptr,ie)
-    kptr = kbeg - 1 + 2*nlev 
+    kptr = kbeg - 1 + 2*nlev
     call edgeVunpack(edge3,vtens(:,:,2,kbeg:kend,ie),kblk,kptr,ie)
-    kptr = kbeg - 1 + 3*nlev 
+    kptr = kbeg - 1 + 3*nlev
     call edgeVunpack(edge3,dptens(:,:,kbeg:kend,ie),kblk,kptr,ie)
-    if (ntrac>0) then
+    if (use_cslam) then
       do k=1,nlev
-!CLEAN        tmp(:,:)= rspheremv(:,:)*dptens(:,:,k,ie) 
-        tmp(:,:)= elem(ie)%rspheremp(:,:)*dptens(:,:,k,ie) 
-        call subcell_Laplace_fluxes(tmp, deriv, elem(ie), np, nc,dpflux(:,:,:,k,ie)) 
+!CLEAN        tmp(:,:)= rspheremv(:,:)*dptens(:,:,k,ie)
+        tmp(:,:)= elem(ie)%rspheremp(:,:)*dptens(:,:,k,ie)
+        call subcell_Laplace_fluxes(tmp, deriv, elem(ie), np, nc,dpflux(:,:,:,k,ie))
     ! apply inverse mass matrix, then apply laplace again
     !$omp parallel do num_threads(vert_num_threads) private(k,v,tmp,tmp2)
     do k=kbeg,kend
@@ -179,7 +171,7 @@ subroutine biharmonic_wk_dp3d(elem,dptens,dpflux,ttens,vtens,deriv,edge3,hybrid,
       call vlaplace_sphere_wk(v(:,:,:),deriv,elem(ie),.true.,vtens(:,:,:,k,ie), &
@@ -194,7 +186,7 @@ subroutine biharmonic_wk_omega(elem,ptens,deriv,edge3,hybrid,nets,nete,kbeg,kend
   real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,nlev,nets:nete) :: ptens
   type (EdgeBuffer_t)  , intent(inout) :: edge3
   type (derivative_t)  , intent(in) :: deriv
   ! local
   integer :: i,j,k,kptr,ie,kblk
   real (kind=r8), dimension(:,:), pointer :: rspheremv
@@ -203,37 +195,37 @@ subroutine biharmonic_wk_omega(elem,ptens,deriv,edge3,hybrid,nets,nete,kbeg,kend
   real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np,2) :: v
   real (kind=r8) :: nu_ratio1, nu_ratio2
   logical var_coef1
   kblk = kend - kbeg + 1
-  !if tensor hyperviscosity with tensor V is used, then biharmonic operator is (\grad\cdot V\grad) (\grad \cdot \grad) 
+  !if tensor hyperviscosity with tensor V is used, then biharmonic operator is (\grad\cdot V\grad) (\grad \cdot \grad)
   !so tensor is only used on second call to laplace_sphere_wk
   var_coef1 = .true.
   if(hypervis_scaling > 0)    var_coef1 = .false.
   do ie=nets,nete
     !$omp parallel do num_threads(vert_num_threads) private(k,tmp)
     do k=kbeg,kend
-      tmp=elem(ie)%derived%omega(:,:,k) 
+      tmp=elem(ie)%derived%omega(:,:,k)
       call laplace_sphere_wk(tmp,deriv,elem(ie),ptens(:,:,k,ie),var_coef=var_coef1)
     kptr = kbeg - 1
     call edgeVpack(edge3,ptens(:,:,kbeg:kend,ie),kblk,kptr,ie)
   call bndry_exchange(hybrid,edge3,location='biharmonic_wk_omega')
   do ie=nets,nete
     rspheremv     => elem(ie)%rspheremp(:,:)
     kptr = kbeg - 1
     call edgeVunpack(edge3,ptens(:,:,kbeg:kend,ie),kblk,kptr,ie)
     ! apply inverse mass matrix, then apply laplace again
     !$omp parallel do num_threads(vert_num_threads) private(k,tmp)
     do k=kbeg,kend
@@ -261,14 +253,14 @@ subroutine biharmonic_wk_scalar(elem,qtens,deriv,edgeq,hybrid,nets,nete)
 ! local
 integer :: k,kptr,i,j,ie,ic,q
-integer :: kbeg,kend,qbeg,qend 
+integer :: kbeg,kend,qbeg,qend
 real (kind=r8), dimension(np,np) :: lap_p
 logical var_coef1
 integer :: kblk,qblk   ! The per thead size of the vertical and tracers
   call get_loop_ranges(hybrid,kbeg=kbeg,kend=kend,qbeg=qbeg,qend=qend)
-   !if tensor hyperviscosity with tensor V is used, then biharmonic operator is (\grad\cdot V\grad) (\grad \cdot \grad) 
+   !if tensor hyperviscosity with tensor V is used, then biharmonic operator is (\grad\cdot V\grad) (\grad \cdot \grad)
    !so tensor is only used on second call to laplace_sphere_wk
    var_coef1 = .true.
    if(hypervis_scaling > 0)    var_coef1 = .false.
@@ -278,7 +270,7 @@ subroutine biharmonic_wk_scalar(elem,qtens,deriv,edgeq,hybrid,nets,nete)
    qblk = qend - qbeg + 1   ! calculate size of the block of tracers
    do ie=nets,nete
-      do q=qbeg,qend    
+      do q=qbeg,qend
          do k=kbeg,kend
            call laplace_sphere_wk(lap_p,deriv,elem(ie),qtens(:,:,k,q,ie),var_coef=var_coef1)
@@ -290,11 +282,11 @@ subroutine biharmonic_wk_scalar(elem,qtens,deriv,edgeq,hybrid,nets,nete)
    call bndry_exchange(hybrid,edgeq,location='biharmonic_wk_scalar')
    do ie=nets,nete
       ! apply inverse mass matrix, then apply laplace again
-      do q=qbeg,qend      
+      do q=qbeg,qend
         kptr = nlev*(q-1) + kbeg - 1
         call edgeVunpack(edgeq, qtens(:,:,kbeg:kend,q,ie),kblk,kptr,ie)
         do k=kbeg,kend
@@ -310,7 +302,7 @@ end subroutine biharmonic_wk_scalar
 subroutine make_C0(zeta,elem,hybrid,nets,nete)
-! apply DSS (aka assembly procedure) to zeta.  
+! apply DSS (aka assembly procedure) to zeta.
 type (hybrid_t)      , intent(in) :: hybrid
@@ -346,7 +338,7 @@ subroutine make_C0(zeta,elem,hybrid,nets,nete)
-call FreeEdgeBuffer(edge1) 
+call FreeEdgeBuffer(edge1)
 end subroutine
@@ -414,7 +406,7 @@ subroutine make_C0_vector(v,elem,hybrid,nets,nete)
-call FreeEdgeBuffer(edge2) 
+call FreeEdgeBuffer(edge2)
 end subroutine
@@ -425,11 +417,11 @@ subroutine make_C0_vector(v,elem,hybrid,nets,nete)
 subroutine compute_zeta_C0_contra(zeta,elem,hybrid,nets,nete,nt)
-! compute C0 vorticity.  That is, solve:  
+! compute C0 vorticity.  That is, solve:
 !     < PHI, zeta > = <PHI, curl(elem%state%v >
 !    input:  v (stored in elem()%, in contra-variant coordinates)
-!    output: zeta(:,:,:,:)   
+!    output: zeta(:,:,:,:)
@@ -464,11 +456,11 @@ subroutine compute_zeta_C0_contra(zeta,elem,hybrid,nets,nete,nt)
 subroutine compute_div_C0_contra(zeta,elem,hybrid,nets,nete,nt)
-! compute C0 divergence. That is, solve:  
+! compute C0 divergence. That is, solve:
 !     < PHI, zeta > = <PHI, div(elem%state%v >
 !    input:  v (stored in elem()%, in contra-variant coordinates)
-!    output: zeta(:,:,:,:)   
+!    output: zeta(:,:,:,:)
@@ -501,11 +493,11 @@ subroutine compute_div_C0_contra(zeta,elem,hybrid,nets,nete,nt)
 subroutine compute_zeta_C0_par(zeta,elem,par,nt)
-! compute C0 vorticity.  That is, solve:  
+! compute C0 vorticity.  That is, solve:
 !     < PHI, zeta > = <PHI, curl(elem%state%v >
 !    input:  v (stored in elem()%, in lat-lon coordinates)
-!    output: zeta(:,:,:,:)   
+!    output: zeta(:,:,:,:)
 type (parallel_t) :: par
@@ -528,11 +520,11 @@ subroutine compute_zeta_C0_par(zeta,elem,par,nt)
 subroutine compute_div_C0_par(zeta,elem,par,nt)
-! compute C0 divergence. That is, solve:  
+! compute C0 divergence. That is, solve:
 !     < PHI, zeta > = <PHI, div(elem%state%v >
 !    input:  v (stored in elem()%, in lat-lon coordinates)
-!    output: zeta(:,:,:,:)   
+!    output: zeta(:,:,:,:)
@@ -557,11 +549,11 @@ subroutine compute_div_C0_par(zeta,elem,par,nt)
 subroutine compute_zeta_C0_hybrid(zeta,elem,hybrid,nets,nete,nt)
-! compute C0 vorticity.  That is, solve:  
+! compute C0 vorticity.  That is, solve:
 !     < PHI, zeta > = <PHI, curl(elem%state%v >
 !    input:  v (stored in elem()%, in lat-lon coordinates)
-!    output: zeta(:,:,:,:)   
+!    output: zeta(:,:,:,:)
@@ -592,11 +584,11 @@ subroutine compute_zeta_C0_hybrid(zeta,elem,hybrid,nets,nete,nt)
 subroutine compute_div_C0_hybrid(zeta,elem,hybrid,nets,nete,nt)
-! compute C0 divergence. That is, solve:  
+! compute C0 divergence. That is, solve:
 !     < PHI, zeta > = <PHI, div(elem%state%v >
 !    input:  v (stored in elem()%, in lat-lon coordinates)
-!    output: zeta(:,:,:,:)   
+!    output: zeta(:,:,:,:)
@@ -632,22 +624,22 @@ subroutine compute_div_C0_hybrid(zeta,elem,hybrid,nets,nete,nt)
 subroutine neighbor_minmax(hybrid,edgeMinMax,nets,nete,min_neigh,max_neigh)
    type (hybrid_t)      , intent(in) :: hybrid
    type (EdgeBuffer_t)  , intent(inout) :: edgeMinMax
    integer :: nets,nete
    real (kind=r8) :: min_neigh(nlev,qsize,nets:nete)
    real (kind=r8) :: max_neigh(nlev,qsize,nets:nete)
    integer :: kblk, qblk
-   ! local 
+   ! local
    integer:: ie, q, k, kptr
    integer:: kbeg, kend, qbeg, qend
    call get_loop_ranges(hybrid,kbeg=kbeg,kend=kend,qbeg=qbeg,qend=qend)
    kblk = kend - kbeg + 1   ! calculate size of the block of vertical levels
    qblk = qend - qbeg + 1   ! calculate size of the block of tracers
    do ie=nets,nete
       do q = qbeg, qend
          kptr = nlev*(q - 1) + kbeg - 1
@@ -656,7 +648,7 @@ subroutine neighbor_minmax(hybrid,edgeMinMax,nets,nete,min_neigh,max_neigh)
          call  edgeSpack(edgeMinMax,max_neigh(kbeg:kend,q,ie),kblk,kptr,ie)
    call bndry_exchange(hybrid,edgeMinMax,location='neighbor_minmax')
    do ie=nets,nete
@@ -672,7 +664,7 @@ subroutine neighbor_minmax(hybrid,edgeMinMax,nets,nete,min_neigh,max_neigh)
 end subroutine neighbor_minmax
 subroutine neighbor_minmax_start(hybrid,edgeMinMax,nets,nete,min_neigh,max_neigh)
@@ -684,7 +676,7 @@ subroutine neighbor_minmax_start(hybrid,edgeMinMax,nets,nete,min_neigh,max_neigh
    integer :: kblk, qblk
    integer :: kbeg, kend, qbeg, qend
-   ! local 
+   ! local
    integer :: ie,q, k,kptr
    call get_loop_ranges(hybrid,kbeg=kbeg,kend=kend,qbeg=qbeg,qend=qend)
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dyn_comp.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dyn_comp.F90
index 4f70ae2c..98daf9e7 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dyn_comp.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dyn_comp.F90
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ module dyn_comp
 use parallel_mod,           only: par
 use hybrid_mod,             only: hybrid_t
 use dimensions_mod,         only: nelemd, nlev, np, npsq, ntrac, nc, fv_nphys, &
-                                  qsize
+                                  qsize, use_cslam
 use element_mod,            only: element_t, elem_state_t
 use fvm_control_volume_mod, only: fvm_struct
-use time_mod,               only: nsplit
+use se_dyn_time_mod,        only: nsplit
 use edge_mod,               only: initEdgeBuffer, edgeVpack, edgeVunpack, FreeEdgeBuffer
 use edgetype_mod,           only: EdgeBuffer_t
 use bndry_mod,              only: bndry_exchange
@@ -111,13 +111,13 @@ subroutine dyn_readnl(NLFileName)
    use control_mod,    only: vert_remap_uvTq_alg, vert_remap_tracer_alg
    use control_mod,    only: tstep_type, rk_stage_user
    use control_mod,    only: ftype, limiter_option, partmethod
-   use control_mod,    only: topology, phys_dyn_cp, variable_nsplit
+   use control_mod,    only: topology, variable_nsplit
    use control_mod,    only: fine_ne, hypervis_power, hypervis_scaling
    use control_mod,    only: max_hypervis_courant, statediag_numtrac,refined_mesh
-   use control_mod,    only: raytau0, raykrange, rayk0, molecular_diff
+   use control_mod,    only: molecular_diff, pgf_formulation, dribble_in_rsplit_loop
+   use control_mod,    only: sponge_del4_nu_div_fac, sponge_del4_nu_fac, sponge_del4_lev
    use dimensions_mod, only: ne, npart
-   use dimensions_mod, only: lcp_moist
-   use dimensions_mod, only: hypervis_dynamic_ref_state,large_Courant_incr
+   use dimensions_mod, only: large_Courant_incr
    use dimensions_mod, only: fvm_supercycling, fvm_supercycling_jet
    use dimensions_mod, only: kmin_jet, kmax_jet
    use params_mod,     only: SFCURVE
@@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ subroutine dyn_readnl(NLFileName)
    ! Local variables
    integer                      :: unitn, ierr,k
-   real(r8)                     :: uniform_res_hypervis_scaling,nu_fac
    ! SE Namelist variables
    integer                      :: se_fine_ne
@@ -152,6 +151,9 @@ subroutine dyn_readnl(NLFileName)
    real(r8)                     :: se_nu_div
    real(r8)                     :: se_nu_p
    real(r8)                     :: se_nu_top
+   real(r8)                     :: se_sponge_del4_nu_fac
+   real(r8)                     :: se_sponge_del4_nu_div_fac
+   integer                      :: se_sponge_del4_lev
    integer                      :: se_qsplit
    logical                      :: se_refined_mesh
    integer                      :: se_rsplit
@@ -163,19 +165,15 @@ subroutine dyn_readnl(NLFileName)
    integer                      :: se_horz_num_threads
    integer                      :: se_vert_num_threads
    integer                      :: se_tracer_num_threads
-   logical                      :: se_hypervis_dynamic_ref_state
-   logical                      :: se_lcp_moist
    logical                      :: se_write_restart_unstruct
    logical                      :: se_large_Courant_incr
    integer                      :: se_fvm_supercycling
    integer                      :: se_fvm_supercycling_jet
    integer                      :: se_kmin_jet
    integer                      :: se_kmax_jet
-   integer                      :: se_phys_dyn_cp
-   real(r8)                     :: se_raytau0
-   real(r8)                     :: se_raykrange
-   integer                      :: se_rayk0
    real(r8)                     :: se_molecular_diff
+   integer                      :: se_pgf_formulation
+   real(r8)                     :: se_dribble_in_rsplit_loop
    namelist /dyn_se_nl/            &
       se_fine_ne,                  & ! For refined meshes
@@ -197,6 +195,9 @@ subroutine dyn_readnl(NLFileName)
       se_nu_div,                   &
       se_nu_p,                     &
       se_nu_top,                   &
+      se_sponge_del4_nu_fac,       &
+      se_sponge_del4_nu_div_fac,   &
+      se_sponge_del4_lev,          &
       se_qsplit,                   &
       se_refined_mesh,             &
       se_rsplit,                   &
@@ -211,19 +212,15 @@ subroutine dyn_readnl(NLFileName)
       se_horz_num_threads,         &
       se_vert_num_threads,         &
       se_tracer_num_threads,       &
-      se_hypervis_dynamic_ref_state,&
-      se_lcp_moist,                &
       se_write_restart_unstruct,   &
       se_large_Courant_incr,       &
       se_fvm_supercycling,         &
       se_fvm_supercycling_jet,     &
       se_kmin_jet,                 &
       se_kmax_jet,                 &
-      se_phys_dyn_cp,              &
-      se_raytau0,                  &
-      se_raykrange,                &
-      se_rayk0,                    &
-      se_molecular_diff
+      se_molecular_diff,           &
+      se_pgf_formulation,          &
+      se_dribble_in_rsplit_loop
@@ -269,6 +266,9 @@ subroutine dyn_readnl(NLFileName)
    call MPI_bcast(se_nu_div, 1, mpi_real8, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
    call MPI_bcast(se_nu_p, 1, mpi_real8, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
    call MPI_bcast(se_nu_top, 1, mpi_real8, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
+   call MPI_bcast(se_sponge_del4_nu_fac, 1, mpi_real8, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
+   call MPI_bcast(se_sponge_del4_nu_div_fac, 1, mpi_real8, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
+   call MPI_bcast(se_sponge_del4_lev, 1, mpi_integer, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
    call MPI_bcast(se_qsplit, 1, mpi_integer, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
    call MPI_bcast(se_refined_mesh, 1, mpi_logical, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
    call MPI_bcast(se_rsplit, 1, mpi_integer, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
@@ -284,20 +284,15 @@ subroutine dyn_readnl(NLFileName)
    call MPI_bcast(se_horz_num_threads, 1, MPI_integer, masterprocid, mpicom,ierr)
    call MPI_bcast(se_vert_num_threads, 1, MPI_integer, masterprocid, mpicom,ierr)
    call MPI_bcast(se_tracer_num_threads, 1, MPI_integer, masterprocid, mpicom,ierr)
-   call MPI_bcast(se_hypervis_dynamic_ref_state, 1, mpi_logical, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
-   call MPI_bcast(se_lcp_moist, 1, mpi_logical, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
    call MPI_bcast(se_write_restart_unstruct, 1, mpi_logical, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
    call MPI_bcast(se_large_Courant_incr, 1, mpi_logical, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
    call MPI_bcast(se_fvm_supercycling, 1, mpi_integer, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
    call MPI_bcast(se_fvm_supercycling_jet, 1, mpi_integer, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
    call MPI_bcast(se_kmin_jet, 1, mpi_integer, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
    call MPI_bcast(se_kmax_jet, 1, mpi_integer, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
-   call MPI_bcast(se_phys_dyn_cp, 1, mpi_integer, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
-   call MPI_bcast(se_rayk0 , 1, mpi_integer, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
-   call MPI_bcast(se_raykrange, 1, mpi_real8, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
-   call MPI_bcast(se_raytau0, 1, mpi_real8, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
    call MPI_bcast(se_molecular_diff, 1, mpi_real8, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
+   call MPI_bcast(se_pgf_formulation, 1, mpi_integer, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
+   call MPI_bcast(se_dribble_in_rsplit_loop, 1, mpi_integer, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
    ! If se_npes is set to negative one, then make it match host model:
    if (se_npes == -1) then
       se_npes = npes
@@ -334,6 +329,9 @@ subroutine dyn_readnl(NLFileName)
    fine_ne                  = se_fine_ne
    ftype                    = se_ftype
    statediag_numtrac        = MIN(se_statediag_numtrac,num_advected)
+   sponge_del4_nu_fac       = se_sponge_del4_nu_fac
+   sponge_del4_nu_div_fac   = se_sponge_del4_nu_div_fac
+   sponge_del4_lev          = se_sponge_del4_lev
    hypervis_power           = se_hypervis_power
    hypervis_scaling         = se_hypervis_scaling
    hypervis_subcycle        = se_hypervis_subcycle
@@ -360,20 +358,15 @@ subroutine dyn_readnl(NLFileName)
    vert_remap_uvTq_alg      = set_vert_remap(se_vert_remap_T, se_vert_remap_uvTq_alg)
    vert_remap_tracer_alg    = set_vert_remap(se_vert_remap_T, se_vert_remap_tracer_alg)
    fv_nphys                 = se_fv_nphys
-   hypervis_dynamic_ref_state = se_hypervis_dynamic_ref_state
-   lcp_moist                = se_lcp_moist
    large_Courant_incr       = se_large_Courant_incr
    fvm_supercycling         = se_fvm_supercycling
    fvm_supercycling_jet     = se_fvm_supercycling_jet
    kmin_jet                 = se_kmin_jet
    kmax_jet                 = se_kmax_jet
    variable_nsplit          = .false.
-   phys_dyn_cp              = se_phys_dyn_cp
-   raytau0                  = se_raytau0
-   raykrange                = se_raykrange
-   rayk0                    = se_rayk0
    molecular_diff           = se_molecular_diff
+   pgf_formulation          = se_pgf_formulation
+   dribble_in_rsplit_loop   = se_dribble_in_rsplit_loop
    if (rsplit < 1) then
       call endrun('dyn_readnl: rsplit must be > 0')
    end if
@@ -430,7 +423,6 @@ subroutine dyn_readnl(NLFileName)
       end if
       write(iulog, '(a,i0)')   'dyn_readnl: se_npes                     = ',se_npes
       write(iulog, '(a,i0)')   'dyn_readnl: se_nsplit                   = ',se_nsplit
-      write(iulog, '(a,i0)')   'dyn_readnl: se_phys_dyn_cp              = ',se_phys_dyn_cp
       ! se_nu<0 then coefficients are set automatically in module global_norms_mod
@@ -443,15 +435,20 @@ subroutine dyn_readnl(NLFileName)
         write(iulog, '(a)') 'Note that nu_q must be the same as nu_p for  mass / tracer inconsistency'
       end if
       write(iulog, '(a,e9.2)') 'dyn_readnl: se_nu_top                     = ',se_nu_top
+      write(iulog, *)   'dyn_readnl: se_sponge_del4_nu_fac         = ',se_sponge_del4_nu_fac
+      if (se_sponge_del4_nu_fac < 0) write(iulog, '(a)')   ' (automatically set based on model top location)'
+      write(iulog, *)   'dyn_readnl: se_sponge_del4_nu_div_fac     = ',se_sponge_del4_nu_div_fac
+      if (se_sponge_del4_nu_div_fac < 0)  write(iulog, '(a)')   ' (automatically set based on model top location)'
+      write(iulog, *)   'dyn_readnl: se_sponge_del4_lev            = ',se_sponge_del4_lev
+      if (se_sponge_del4_lev < 0)  write(iulog, '(a)')   ' (automatically set based on model top location)'
       write(iulog, '(a,i0)')   'dyn_readnl: se_qsplit                     = ',se_qsplit
       write(iulog, '(a,i0)')   'dyn_readnl: se_rsplit                     = ',se_rsplit
       write(iulog, '(a,i0)')   'dyn_readnl: se_statefreq                  = ',se_statefreq
+      write(iulog, '(a,i0)')   'dyn_readnl: se_pgf_formulation            = ',pgf_formulation
       write(iulog, '(a,i0)')   'dyn_readnl: se_tstep_type                 = ',se_tstep_type
       write(iulog, '(a,a)')    'dyn_readnl: se_vert_remap_T               = ',trim(se_vert_remap_T)
       write(iulog, '(a,a)')    'dyn_readnl: se_vert_remap_uvTq_alg        = ',trim(se_vert_remap_uvTq_alg)
       write(iulog, '(a,a)')    'dyn_readnl: se_vert_remap_tracer_alg      = ',trim(se_vert_remap_tracer_alg)
-      write(iulog, '(a,l4)')   'dyn_readnl: se_hypervis_dynamic_ref_state = ',hypervis_dynamic_ref_state
-      write(iulog, '(a,l4)')   'dyn_readnl: lcp_moist                     = ',lcp_moist
       write(iulog, '(a,i0)')   'dyn_readnl: se_fvm_supercycling           = ',fvm_supercycling
       write(iulog, '(a,i0)')   'dyn_readnl: se_fvm_supercycling_jet       = ',fvm_supercycling_jet
       write(iulog, '(a,i0)')   'dyn_readnl: se_kmin_jet                   = ',kmin_jet
@@ -470,7 +467,7 @@ subroutine dyn_readnl(NLFileName)
          end if
       end if
-      if (fv_nphys > 0) then
+      if (use_cslam) then
          write(iulog, '(a)') 'dyn_readnl: physics will run on FVM points; advection by CSLAM'
          write(iulog,'(a,i0)') 'dyn_readnl: se_fv_nphys = ', fv_nphys
@@ -488,10 +485,6 @@ subroutine dyn_readnl(NLFileName)
       write(iulog,'(a,l1)') 'dyn_readnl: write restart data on unstructured grid = ', &
-      write(iulog, '(a,e9.2)') 'dyn_readnl: se_raytau0         = ', raytau0
-      write(iulog, '(a,e9.2)') 'dyn_readnl: se_raykrange       = ', raykrange
-      write(iulog, '(a,i0)'  ) 'dyn_readnl: se_rayk0           = ', rayk0
       write(iulog, '(a,e9.2)') 'dyn_readnl: se_molecular_diff  = ', molecular_diff
    end if
@@ -562,7 +555,7 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
    use cam_pio_utils,      only: clean_iodesc_list
    use air_composition,    only: thermodynamic_active_species_num, thermodynamic_active_species_idx
    use air_composition,    only: thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore
-   use dynconst,           only: cpair
+   use dynconst,           only: cpair, pstd
    use dyn_thermo,         only: get_molecular_diff_coef_reference
    !use cam_history,        only: addfld, add_default, horiz_only, register_vector_field
    use gravity_waves_sources, only: gws_init
@@ -574,16 +567,16 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
    use prim_advance_mod,   only: prim_advance_init
    use thread_mod,         only: horz_num_threads
    use hybrid_mod,         only: get_loop_ranges, config_thread_region
-   use dimensions_mod,     only: nu_scale_top, nu_lev, nu_div_lev
+   use dimensions_mod,     only: nu_scale_top
    use dimensions_mod,     only: ksponge_end, kmvis_ref, kmcnd_ref,rho_ref,km_sponge_factor
-   use dimensions_mod,     only: kmvisi_ref, kmcndi_ref,rhoi_ref
    use dimensions_mod,     only: cnst_name_gll, cnst_longname_gll
-   use dimensions_mod,     only: irecons_tracer_lev, irecons_tracer, otau, kord_tr, kord_tr_cslam
+   use dimensions_mod,     only: irecons_tracer_lev, irecons_tracer, kord_tr, kord_tr_cslam
    use prim_driver_mod,    only: prim_init2
-   use time_mod,           only: time_at
-   use control_mod,        only: runtype, raytau0, raykrange, rayk0, molecular_diff, nu_top
+   use se_dyn_time_mod,    only: time_at
+   use control_mod,        only: runtype, nu_top, molecular_diff
    use test_fvm_mapping,   only: test_mapping_addfld
    use control_mod,        only: vert_remap_uvTq_alg, vert_remap_tracer_alg
+   use std_atm_profile,    only: std_atm_height
    ! Dummy arguments:
    type(runtime_options), intent(in)  :: cam_runtime_opts
@@ -591,9 +584,9 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
    type(dyn_export_t),    intent(out) :: dyn_out
    ! Local variables
-   integer             :: ithr, nets, nete, ie, k, kmol_end
+   integer             :: nets, nete, ie, k, kmol_end, mfound
    real(r8), parameter :: Tinit = 300.0_r8
-   real(r8)            :: press, ptop, tref
+   real(r8)            :: press(1), ptop, tref,z(1)
    type(hybrid_t)      :: hybrid
@@ -602,11 +595,14 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
    integer :: iret
    ! variables for initializing energy and axial angular momentum diagnostics
-   character (len = 3), dimension(12) :: stage = (/"dED","dAF","dBD","dAD","dAR","dBF","dBH","dCH","dAH",'dBS','dAS','p2d'/)
-   character (len = 70),dimension(12) :: stage_txt = (/&
+   integer, parameter                         :: num_stages = 14
+   character (len = 4), dimension(num_stages) :: stage         = (/"dED","dAF","dBD","dBL","dAL","dAD","dAR","dBF","dBH","dCH","dAH","dBS","dAS","p2d"/)
+   character (len = 70),dimension(num_stages) :: stage_txt = (/&
       " end of previous dynamics                           ",& !dED
       " from previous remapping or state passed to dynamics",& !dAF - state in beginning of nsplit loop
       " state after applying CAM forcing                   ",& !dBD - state after applyCAMforcing
+      " before floating dynamics                           ",& !dBL
+      " after floating dynamics                            ",& !dAL
       " before vertical remapping                          ",& !dAD - state before vertical remapping
       " after vertical remapping                           ",& !dAR - state at end of nsplit loop
       " state passed to parameterizations                  ",& !dBF
@@ -617,22 +613,6 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
       " state after sponge layer diffusion                 ",& !dAS - state after sponge del2
       " phys2dyn mapping errors (requires ftype-1)         " & !p2d - for assessing phys2dyn mapping errors
-   character (len = 2)  , dimension(8) :: vars  = (/"WV"  ,"WL"  ,"WI"  ,"SE"   ,"KE"   ,"MR"   ,"MO"   ,"TT"   /)
-   !if ntrac>0 then tracers should be output on fvm grid but not energy (SE+KE) and AAM diags
-   logical              , dimension(8) :: massv = (/.true.,.true.,.true.,.false.,.false.,.false.,.false.,.false./)
-   character (len = 70) , dimension(8) :: vars_descriptor = (/&
-      "Total column water vapor                ",&
-      "Total column cloud water                ",&
-      "Total column cloud ice                  ",&
-      "Total column dry static energy          ",&
-      "Total column kinetic energy             ",&
-      "Total column wind axial angular momentum",&
-      "Total column mass axial angular momentum",&
-      "Total column test tracer                "/)
-   character (len = 14), dimension(8)  :: &
-      vars_unit = (/&
-      "kg/m2        ","kg/m2        ","kg/m2        ","J/m2         ",&
-      "J/m2         ","kg*m2/s*rad2 ","kg*m2/s*rad2 ","kg/m2        "/)
    integer :: istage, ivars
    character (len=108) :: str1, str2, str3
@@ -642,7 +622,6 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
    character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_init'
-   real(r8) :: tau0, krange, otau0, scale
    real(r8) :: km_sponge_factor_local(nlev+1)
    ! Set dynamical core energy formula for use in cam_thermo.
@@ -668,7 +647,7 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
                        file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
    kord_tr(:) = vert_remap_tracer_alg
-   if (ntrac>0) then
+   if (use_cslam) then
      allocate(kord_tr_cslam(ntrac), stat=iret)
      call check_allocate(iret, subname, 'kord_tr_cslam(ntrac)', &
                          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
@@ -688,7 +667,7 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
      ! CSLAM tracers are always indexed as in physics
      ! of no CSLAM then SE tracers are always indexed as in physics
-     if (ntrac>0) then
+     if (use_cslam) then
        ! note that in this case qsize = thermodynamic_active_species_num
@@ -711,7 +690,36 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
      end if
    end do
+#ifdef energy_budget_code
+   do m=1,thermodynamic_active_species_liq_num
+     if (use_cslam) then
+       do mfound=1,qsize
+         if (TRIM(cnst_name(thermodynamic_active_species_liq_idx(m)))==TRIM(cnst_name_gll(mfound))) then
+           thermodynamic_active_species_liq_idx_dycore(m) = mfound
+         end if
+       end do
+     else
+       thermodynamic_active_species_liq_idx_dycore(m) = thermodynamic_active_species_liq_idx(m)
+     end if
+     if (masterproc) then
+       write(iulog,*) subname//": m,thermodynamic_active_species_idx_liq_dycore: ",m,thermodynamic_active_species_liq_idx_dycore(m)
+     end if
+   end do
+   do m=1,thermodynamic_active_species_ice_num
+     if (use_cslam) then
+       do mfound=1,qsize
+         if (TRIM(cnst_name(thermodynamic_active_species_ice_idx(m)))==TRIM(cnst_name_gll(mfound))) then
+           thermodynamic_active_species_ice_idx_dycore(m) = mfound
+         end if
+       end do
+     else
+       thermodynamic_active_species_ice_idx_dycore(m) = thermodynamic_active_species_ice_idx(m)
+     end if
+     if (masterproc) then
+       write(iulog,*) subname//": m,thermodynamic_active_species_idx_ice_dycore: ",m,thermodynamic_active_species_ice_idx_dycore(m)
+     end if
+   end do
    ! Initialize the import/export objects
@@ -732,28 +740,15 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
    if (initial_run) then
      call read_inidat(dyn_in)
-     call clean_iodesc_list()
-   end if
-   !
-   ! initialize Rayleigh friction
-   !
-   krange = raykrange
-   if (raykrange .eq. 0._r8) krange = (rayk0 - 1) / 2._r8
-   tau0 = (86400._r8) * raytau0   ! convert to seconds
-   otau0 = 0._r8
-   if (tau0 .ne. 0._r8) otau0 = 1._r8/tau0
-   do k = 1, nlev
-     otau(k) = otau0 * (1.0_r8 + tanh((rayk0 - k) / krange)) / (2._r8)
-   enddo
-   if (masterproc) then
-     if (tau0 > 0._r8) then
-       write (iulog,*) 'SE dycore Rayleigh friction - krange = ', krange
-       write (iulog,*) 'SE dycore Rayleigh friction - otau0 = ', 1.0_r8/tau0
-       write (iulog,*) 'SE dycore Rayleigh friction decay rate profile (only applied to (u,v))'
-       do k = 1, nlev
-         write (iulog,*) '   k = ', k, '   otau = ', otau(k)
-       enddo
+#ifdef scam
+     if (use_iop .and. masterproc) then
+       call setiopupdate_init()
+       call readiopdata( hvcoord%hyam, hvcoord%hybm, hvcoord%hyai, hvcoord%hybi, hvcoord%ps0 )
+       call scm_setinitial(dyn_in%elem)
      end if
+     call clean_iodesc
+     call clean_iodesc_list()
    end if
    ! initialize diffusion in dycore
@@ -767,9 +762,6 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
      tref = 1000._r8     !mean value at model top for solar max
      km_sponge_factor = molecular_diff
      km_sponge_factor_local = molecular_diff
-     call get_molecular_diff_coef_reference(tref,&
-          (hvcoord%hyai(:)+hvcoord%hybi(:))*hvcoord%ps0, km_sponge_factor_local,&
-          kmvisi_ref,kmcndi_ref,rhoi_ref)
      ! get rho, kmvis and kmcnd at mid-levels
@@ -777,14 +769,17 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
+     if (masterproc) then
+        write(iulog,*) "Molecular viscosity and thermal conductivity reference profile"
+        write(iulog,*) "k, p, z, km_sponge_factor, kmvis_ref/rho_ref, kmcnd_ref/(cp*rho_ref):"
+     end if
      do k=1,nlev
        ! only apply molecular viscosity where viscosity is > 1000 m/s^2
        if (MIN(kmvis_ref(k)/rho_ref(k),kmcnd_ref(k)/(cpair*rho_ref(k)))>1000.0_r8) then
          if (masterproc) then
-            write(iulog,'(a,i3,2e11.4)') "k, p, km_sponge_factor                   :",k, &
-               (hvcoord%hyam(k)+hvcoord%hybm(k))*hvcoord%ps0,km_sponge_factor(k)
-            write(iulog,'(a,2e11.4)') "kmvis_ref/rho_ref, kmcnd_ref/(cp*rho_ref): ", &
-               kmvis_ref(k)/rho_ref(k),kmcnd_ref(k)/(cpair*rho_ref(k))
+           press = hvcoord%hyam(k)*hvcoord%ps0+hvcoord%hybm(k)*pstd
+           call std_atm_height(press,z)
+           write(iulog,'(i3,5e11.4)') k,press, z,km_sponge_factor(k),kmvis_ref(k)/rho_ref(k),kmcnd_ref(k)/(cpair*rho_ref(k))
          end if
          kmol_end = k
@@ -806,26 +801,61 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
    nu_scale_top(:) = 0.0_r8
    if (nu_top>0) then
-     if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) subname//": sponge layer viscosity scaling factor"
-     do k=1,nlev
-       press = (hvcoord%hyam(k)+hvcoord%hybm(k))*hvcoord%ps0
-       ptop  = hvcoord%hyai(1)*hvcoord%ps0
-       nu_scale_top(k) = 8.0_r8*(1.0_r8+tanh(1.0_r8*log(ptop/press))) ! tau will be maximum 8 at model top
-       if (nu_scale_top(k).ge.0.15_r8) then
-         ksponge_end = k
-       else
-         nu_scale_top(k) = 0.0_r8
-       end if
-     end do
+      ptop  = hvcoord%hyai(1)*hvcoord%ps0
+      if (ptop>300.0_r8) then
+         !
+         ! for low tops the tanh formulae below makes the sponge excessively deep
+         !
+         nu_scale_top(1) = 4.0_r8
+         nu_scale_top(2) = 2.0_r8
+         nu_scale_top(3) = 1.0_r8
+         ksponge_end = 3
+      else if (ptop>100.0_r8) then
+         !
+         ! CAM6 top (~225 Pa) or CAM7 low top
+         !
+         ! For backwards compatibility numbers below match tanh profile
+         ! used in FV
+         !
+         nu_scale_top(1) = 4.4_r8
+         nu_scale_top(2) = 1.3_r8
+         nu_scale_top(3) = 3.9_r8
+         ksponge_end = 3
+      else if (ptop>1e-1_r8) then
+         !
+         ! CAM7 FMT
+         !
+         nu_scale_top(1) = 3.0_r8
+         nu_scale_top(2) = 1.0_r8
+         nu_scale_top(3) = 0.1_r8
+         nu_scale_top(4) = 0.05_r8
+         ksponge_end = 4
+      else if (ptop>1e-4_r8) then
+         !
+         ! WACCM and WACCM-x
+         !
+         nu_scale_top(1) = 5.0_r8
+         nu_scale_top(2) = 5.0_r8
+         nu_scale_top(3) = 5.0_r8
+         nu_scale_top(4) = 2.0_r8
+         nu_scale_top(5) = 1.0_r8
+         nu_scale_top(6) = 0.1_r8
+         ksponge_end = 6
+      end if
-     ksponge_end = 0
+      ksponge_end = 0
    end if
    ksponge_end = MAX(MAX(ksponge_end,1),kmol_end)
    if (masterproc) then
      write(iulog,*) subname//": ksponge_end = ",ksponge_end
+     write(iulog,*) subname//": sponge layer Laplacian damping"
+     write(iulog,*) "k, p, z, nu_scale_top, nu (actual Laplacian damping coefficient)"
      if (nu_top>0) then
-       do k=1,ksponge_end
-         write(iulog,'(a,i3,1e11.4)') subname//": nu_scale_top ",k,nu_scale_top(k)
+       do k=1,ksponge_end+1
+         press = (hvcoord%hyam(k)+hvcoord%hybm(k))*hvcoord%ps0
+         call std_atm_height(press,z)
+         write(iulog,'(i3,4e11.4)') k,press,z,&
+              nu_scale_top(k),nu_scale_top(k)*nu_top
        end do
      end if
    end if
@@ -856,7 +886,7 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
    call addfld ('FT',  (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'K/s', 'Temperature forcing term on GLL grid',gridname='GLL')
    ! Tracer forcing on fvm (CSLAM) grid and internal CSLAM pressure fields
-   if (ntrac>0) then
+   if (use_cslam) then
       do m = 1, ntrac
          call addfld (trim(const_name(m))//'_fvm',  (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'kg/kg',   &
             trim(const_longname(m)), gridname='FVM')
@@ -878,7 +908,7 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
    ! Energy diagnostics and axial angular momentum diagnostics
    call addfld ('ABS_dPSdt',  horiz_only, 'A', 'Pa/s', 'Absolute surface pressure tendency',gridname='GLL')
-   if (ntrac>0) then
+   if (use_cslam) then
 #ifdef waccm_debug
      call addfld ('CSLAM_gamma',  (/ 'lev' /), 'A', '', 'Courant number from CSLAM',     gridname='FVM')
@@ -910,7 +940,7 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
    ! add dynamical core tracer tendency output
-   if (ntrac>0) then
+   if (use_cslam) then
      do m = 1, num_advected
        call addfld(tottnam(m),(/ 'lev' /),'A','kg/kg/s',trim(const_name(m))//' horz + vert',  &
@@ -945,7 +975,63 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
 !Remove/replace after CAMDEN history output is enabled -JN:
+#ifdef cam_thermo_history
+   if (thermo_budget_history) then
+      ! Register stages for budgets
+      do istage = 1, num_stages
+         call cam_budget_em_snapshot(TRIM(ADJUSTL(stage(istage))), 'dyn', &
+              longname=TRIM(ADJUSTL(stage_txt(istage))))
+      end do
+      !
+      ! Register tendency (difference) budgets
+      !
+      call cam_budget_em_register('dEdt_floating_dyn'   ,'dAL','dBL','dyn','dif', &
+                      longname="dE/dt floating dynamics (dAL-dBL)"               )
+      call cam_budget_em_register('dEdt_vert_remap'     ,'dAR','dAD','dyn','dif', &
+                      longname="dE/dt vertical remapping (dAR-dAD)"              )
+      call cam_budget_em_register('dEdt_phys_tot_in_dyn','dBD','dAF','dyn','dif', &
+                      longname="dE/dt physics tendency in dynamics (dBD-dAF)"    )
+      call cam_budget_em_register('dEdt_del4'          ,'dCH','dBH','dyn','dif', &
+                      longname="dE/dt del4 (dCH-dBH)"                            )
+      call cam_budget_em_register('dEdt_del4_fric_heat','dAH','dCH','dyn','dif', &
+                      longname="dE/dt del4 frictional heating (dAH-dCH)"         )
+      call cam_budget_em_register('dEdt_del4_tot'      ,'dAH','dBH','dyn','dif', &
+                      longname="dE/dt del4 + del4 frictional heating (dAH-dBH)"  )
+      call cam_budget_em_register('dEdt_del2_sponge'   ,'dAS','dBS','dyn','dif', &
+                      longname="dE/dt del2 sponge (dAS-dBS)"                     )
+      !
+      ! Register derived budgets
+      !
+      call cam_budget_em_register('dEdt_dycore'        ,'dEdt_floating_dyn','dEdt_vert_remap'   ,'dyn','sum', &
+                      longname="dE/dt adiabatic dynamics"                              )
+      call cam_budget_em_register('dEdt_del2_del4_tot' ,'dEdt_del4_tot'    ,'dEdt_del2_sponge'  ,'dyn','sum', &
+                      longname="dE/dt explicit diffusion total"                        )
+      call cam_budget_em_register('dEdt_residual'      ,'dEdt_floating_dyn','dEdt_del2_del4_tot','dyn','dif',&
+                      longname="dE/dt residual (dEdt_floating_dyn-dEdt_del2_del4_tot)" )
+   end if
+   !
+   ! add dynamical core tracer tendency output
+   !
+   if (use_cslam) then
+     do m = 1, pcnst
+       call addfld(tottnam(m),(/ 'lev' /),'A','kg/kg/s',trim(cnst_name(m))//' horz + vert',  &
+            gridname='FVM')
+     end do
+   else
+     do m = 1, pcnst
+       call addfld(tottnam(m),(/ 'lev' /),'A','kg/kg/s',trim(cnst_name(m))//' horz + vert',  &
+            gridname='GLL')
+     end do
+   end if
+   call phys_getopts(history_budget_out=history_budget, history_budget_histfile_num_out=budget_hfile_num)
+   if ( history_budget ) then
+      call cnst_get_ind('CLDLIQ', ixcldliq)
+      call cnst_get_ind('CLDICE', ixcldice)
+      call add_default(tottnam(       1), budget_hfile_num, ' ')
+      call add_default(tottnam(ixcldliq), budget_hfile_num, ' ')
+      call add_default(tottnam(ixcldice), budget_hfile_num, ' ')
+   end if
 end subroutine dyn_init
@@ -955,14 +1041,16 @@ subroutine dyn_run(dyn_state)
    use air_composition,  only: thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore
    !Se dycore:
-   use prim_advance_mod, only: calc_tot_energy_dynamics
    use prim_driver_mod,  only: prim_run_subcycle
    use dimensions_mod,   only: cnst_name_gll
-   use time_mod,         only: tstep, nsplit, timelevel_qdp
+   use se_dyn_time_mod,  only: tstep, nsplit, timelevel_qdp, tevolve
    use hybrid_mod,       only: config_thread_region, get_loop_ranges
    use control_mod,      only: qsplit, rsplit, ftype_conserve
    use thread_mod,       only: horz_num_threads
-   use time_mod,         only: tevolve
+#ifdef scam
+   use scamMod,          only: single_column, use_3dfrc
+   use se_single_column_mod, only: apply_SC_forcing,ie_scm
    type(dyn_export_t), intent(inout) :: dyn_state
@@ -982,6 +1070,7 @@ subroutine dyn_run(dyn_state)
    real(r8), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: ps_before
    real(r8), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: abs_ps_tend
    real (kind=r8)                          :: omega_cn(2,nelemd) !min and max of vertical Courant number
+   integer                                 :: nets_in,nete_in  
    character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_run'
@@ -1053,20 +1142,21 @@ subroutine dyn_run(dyn_state)
    ! convert elem(ie)%derived%fq to mass tendency
-   do ie = nets, nete
-      do m = 1, qsize
+   if (.not.use_cslam) then
+     do ie = nets, nete
+       do m = 1, qsize
          do k = 1, nlev
-            do j = 1, np
-               do i = 1, np
-                  dyn_state%elem(ie)%derived%FQ(i,j,k,m) = dyn_state%elem(ie)%derived%FQ(i,j,k,m)* &
-                     rec2dt*dyn_state%elem(ie)%state%dp3d(i,j,k,tl_f)
-               end do
-            end do
+           do j = 1, np
+             do i = 1, np
+               dyn_state%elem(ie)%derived%FQ(i,j,k,m) = dyn_state%elem(ie)%derived%FQ(i,j,k,m)* &
+                    rec2dt*dyn_state%elem(ie)%state%dp3d(i,j,k,tl_f)
+             end do
+           end do
          end do
-      end do
-   end do
-   if (ftype_conserve>0) then
+       end do
+     end do
+   end if
+   if (ftype_conserve>0.and..not.use_cslam) then
      do ie = nets, nete
        do k=1,nlev
          do j=1,np
@@ -1082,26 +1172,23 @@ subroutine dyn_run(dyn_state)
        end do
      end do
    end if
-   if (ntrac > 0) then
-      do ie = nets, nete
-         do m = 1, ntrac
-            do k = 1, nlev
-               do j = 1, nc
-                  do i = 1, nc
-                     dyn_state%fvm(ie)%fc(i,j,k,m) = dyn_state%fvm(ie)%fc(i,j,k,m)* &
-                        rec2dt!*dyn_state%fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(i,j,k)
-                  end do
-               end do
-            end do
+   if (use_cslam) then
+     do ie = nets, nete
+       do m = 1, ntrac
+         do k = 1, nlev
+           do j = 1, nc
+             do i = 1, nc
+               dyn_state%fvm(ie)%fc(i,j,k,m) = dyn_state%fvm(ie)%fc(i,j,k,m)* &
+                    rec2dt!*dyn_state%fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(i,j,k)
+             end do
+           end do
          end do
-      end do
+       end do
+     end do
    end if
    if (ldiag) then
       abs_ps_tend(:,:,nets:nete) = 0.0_r8
    do n = 1, nsplit_local
       if (ldiag) then
@@ -1109,11 +1196,21 @@ subroutine dyn_run(dyn_state)
             ps_before(:,:,ie) = dyn_state%elem(ie)%state%psdry(:,:)
          end do
       end if
+#ifdef scam
+      if (single_column) then
+         nets_in=ie_scm
+         nete_in=ie_scm
+      else
+         nets_in=nets
+         nete_in=nete
+      end if
       ! forward-in-time RK, with subcycling
-      call prim_run_subcycle(dyn_state%elem, dyn_state%fvm, hybrid, nets, nete, &
+      call prim_run_subcycle(dyn_state%elem, dyn_state%fvm, hybrid, nets_in, nete_in, &
                              tstep, TimeLevel, hvcoord, n, omega_cn)
+      call prim_run_subcycle(dyn_state%elem, dyn_state%fvm, hybrid, nets, nete, &
+                 tstep, TimeLevel, hvcoord, n, .false., omega_cn)
       if (ldiag) then
          do ie = nets, nete
             abs_ps_tend(:,:,ie) = abs_ps_tend(:,:,ie) +                                &
@@ -1123,7 +1220,6 @@ subroutine dyn_run(dyn_state)
       end if
    end do
 !Uncomment once "outfld" is enabled in CAMDEN-JN:
 #if 0
    if (ldiag) then
@@ -1134,7 +1230,6 @@ subroutine dyn_run(dyn_state)
    end if
-   call calc_tot_energy_dynamics(dyn_state%elem,dyn_state%fvm, nets, nete, TimeLevel%n0, n0_qdp,'dBF')
 !Uncomment once "outfld" is enabled in CAMDEN-JN:
@@ -1142,10 +1237,14 @@ subroutine dyn_run(dyn_state)
    if (ldiag) then
+#ifdef SCAM
+   if (single_column) then
+      call apply_SC_forcing(dyn_state%elem,hvcoord,TimeLevel,3,.false.)
+   end if
    ! output vars on CSLAM fvm grid
    call write_dyn_vars(dyn_state)
 end subroutine dyn_run
@@ -1171,7 +1270,7 @@ subroutine read_inidat(dyn_in)
    use fvm_mapping,          only: dyn2fvm_mass_vars
    use control_mod,          only: runtype,initial_global_ave_dry_ps
    use prim_driver_mod,      only: prim_set_dry_mass
+   use cam_initfiles,        only: scale_dry_air_mass
    ! Arguments
    type (dyn_import_t), target, intent(inout) :: dyn_in   ! dynamics import
@@ -1736,28 +1835,22 @@ subroutine read_inidat(dyn_in)
       end do
    end if
-   ! scale PS to achieve prescribed dry mass following FV dycore (dryairm.F90)
-#ifndef planet_mars
+   ! If scale_dry_air_mass > 0.0 then scale dry air mass to scale_dry_air_mass global average dry pressure
    if (runtype == 0) then
-      initial_global_ave_dry_ps = 98288.0_r8
-      if (.not. associated(fh_topo)) then
-         initial_global_ave_dry_ps = 101325._r8 - 245._r8
-      end if
-      if (simple_phys) then
-         initial_global_ave_dry_ps = 0                  !do not scale psdry
-      end if
-      if (iam < par%nprocs) then
-        call prim_set_dry_mass(elem, hvcoord, initial_global_ave_dry_ps, qtmp)
-      end if
-   endif
+     if (scale_dry_air_mass > 0.0_r8) then
+       if (iam < par%nprocs) then
+         call prim_set_dry_mass(elem, hvcoord, scale_dry_air_mass, qtmp)
+       end if
+     end if
+   end if
    ! store Q values:
    ! if CSLAM is NOT active then state%Qdp for all constituents
    ! if CSLAM active then we only advect water vapor and condensate
    ! loading tracers in state%qdp
-   if (ntrac > 0) then
+   if (use_cslam) then
       do ie = 1, nelemd
          do nq = 1, thermodynamic_active_species_num
             m_cnst = thermodynamic_active_species_idx(nq)
@@ -1788,7 +1881,7 @@ subroutine read_inidat(dyn_in)
    ! interpolate fvm tracers and fvm pressure variables
-   if (ntrac > 0) then
+   if (use_cslam) then
       if (par%masterproc) then
          write(iulog,*) 'Initializing dp_fvm from spectral element dp'
       end if
@@ -1911,6 +2004,7 @@ subroutine set_phis(dyn_in)
    integer                          :: ierr, pio_errtype
    character(len=max_fieldname_len) :: fieldname
+   character(len=max_fieldname_len) :: fieldname_gll
    character(len=max_hcoordname_len):: grid_name
    integer                          :: dims(2)
    integer                          :: dyn_cols
@@ -1947,7 +2041,7 @@ subroutine set_phis(dyn_in)
    phis_tmp = 0.0_r8
-   if (fv_nphys > 0) then
+   if (use_cslam) then
       allocate(phis_phys_tmp(fv_nphys**2,nelemd), stat=ierr)
       call check_allocate(ierr, subname, 'phis_phys_tmp(fv_nphys**2,nelemd)', &
                           file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
@@ -1978,12 +2072,19 @@ subroutine set_phis(dyn_in)
       ! Set name of grid object which will be used to read data from file
       ! into internal data structure via PIO.
-      if (fv_nphys == 0) then
-         grid_name = 'GLL'
-      else
-         grid_name = 'physgrid_d'
+#ifdef scam
+      if (single_column) then
+         grid_name = 'SCM'
+       else
+         if (fv_nphys == 0) then
+            grid_name = 'GLL'
+         else
+            grid_name = 'physgrid_d'
+         end if
+#ifdef scam
       end if
       ! Get number of global columns from the grid object and check that
       ! it matches the file data.
       call cam_grid_dimensions(grid_name, dims)
@@ -1995,7 +2096,11 @@ subroutine set_phis(dyn_in)
          call endrun(subname//': dimension ncol not found in bnd_topo file')
       end if
       ierr = pio_inq_dimlen(fh_topo, ncol_did, ncol_size)
+#ifdef scam
+      if (ncol_size /= dyn_cols .and. .not. single_column) then
       if (ncol_size /= dyn_cols) then
          if (masterproc) then
             write(iulog,*) subname//': ncol_size=', ncol_size, ' : dyn_cols=', dyn_cols
          end if
@@ -2003,18 +2108,43 @@ subroutine set_phis(dyn_in)
       end if
       fieldname = 'PHIS'
-      if (dyn_field_exists(fh_topo, trim(fieldname))) then
-         if (fv_nphys == 0) then
-           call read_dyn_var(fieldname, fh_topo, 'ncol', phis_tmp)
+      fieldname_gll = 'PHIS_gll'
+      if (use_cslam.and.dyn_field_exists(fh_topo, trim(fieldname_gll),required=.false.)) then
+         !
+         ! If physgrid it is recommended to read in PHIS on the GLL grid and then
+         ! map to the physgrid in d_p_coupling
+         !
+         ! This requires a topo file with PHIS_gll on it ...
+         !
+         if (masterproc) then
+            write(iulog, *) "Reading in PHIS on GLL grid (mapped to physgrid in d_p_coupling)"
+         end if
+         call read_dyn_var(fieldname_gll, fh_topo, 'ncol_gll', phis_tmp)
+      else if (dyn_field_exists(fh_topo, trim(fieldname))) then
+         if (.not.use_cslam) then
+            if (masterproc) then
+               write(iulog, *) "Reading in PHIS"
+            end if
+            call read_dyn_var(fieldname, fh_topo, 'ncol', phis_tmp)
-           call read_phys_field_2d(fieldname, fh_topo, 'ncol', phis_phys_tmp)
-           call map_phis_from_physgrid_to_gll(dyn_in%fvm, elem, phis_phys_tmp, &
-                phis_tmp, pmask)
+            !
+            ! For backwards compatibility we allow reading in PHIS on the physgrid
+            ! which is then mapped to the GLL grid and back to the physgrid in d_p_coupling
+            ! (the latter is to avoid noise in derived quantities such as PSL)
+            !
+            if (masterproc) then
+               write(iulog, *) "Reading in PHIS on physgrid"
+               write(iulog, *) "Recommended to read in PHIS on GLL grid"
+            end if
+            call read_phys_field_2d(fieldname, fh_topo, 'ncol', phis_phys_tmp)
+            call map_phis_from_physgrid_to_gll(dyn_in%fvm, elem, phis_phys_tmp, &
+                 phis_tmp, pmask)
+            deallocate(phis_phys_tmp)
          end if
          call endrun(subname//': Could not find PHIS field on input datafile')
       end if
       ! Put the error handling back the way it was
       call pio_seterrorhandling(fh_topo, pio_errtype)
@@ -2049,57 +2179,8 @@ subroutine set_phis(dyn_in)
       call analytic_ic_set_ic(vcoord, latvals, lonvals, glob_ind, &
                               PHIS_OUT=phis_tmp, mask=pmask(:))
+    end if
-      if (fv_nphys > 0) then
-         ! initialize PHIS on physgrid
-         allocate(latvals_phys(fv_nphys*fv_nphys*nelemd), stat=ierr)
-         call check_allocate(ierr, subname, 'latvals_phys(fv_nphys*fv_nphys*nelemd)', &
-                             file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-         allocate(lonvals_phys(fv_nphys*fv_nphys*nelemd), stat=ierr)
-         call check_allocate(ierr, subname, 'lonvals_phys(fv_nphys*fv_nphys*nelemd)', &
-                             file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-         indx = 1
-         do ie = 1, nelemd
-            do j = 1, fv_nphys
-               do i = 1, fv_nphys
-                  latvals_phys(indx) = dyn_in%fvm(ie)%center_cart_physgrid(i,j)%lat
-                  lonvals_phys(indx) = dyn_in%fvm(ie)%center_cart_physgrid(i,j)%lon
-                  indx = indx + 1
-               end do
-            end do
-         end do
-         allocate(pmask_phys(fv_nphys*fv_nphys*nelemd), stat=ierr)
-         call check_allocate(ierr, subname, 'pmask_phys(fv_nphys*fv_nphys*nelemd)', &
-                             file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-         pmask_phys(:) = .true.
-         allocate(glob_ind(fv_nphys*fv_nphys*nelemd), stat=ierr)
-         call check_allocate(ierr, subname, 'glob_ind(fv_nphys*fv_nphys*nelemd)', &
-                             file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
-         j = 1
-         do ie = 1, nelemd
-            do i = 1, fv_nphys*fv_nphys
-               ! Create a global(ish) column index
-               glob_ind(j) = elem(ie)%GlobalId
-               j = j + 1
-            end do
-         end do
-         call analytic_ic_set_ic(vcoord, latvals_phys, lonvals_phys, glob_ind, &
-                                 PHIS_OUT=phis_phys_tmp, mask=pmask_phys)
-         deallocate(latvals_phys)
-         deallocate(lonvals_phys)
-         deallocate(pmask_phys)
-         deallocate(glob_ind)
-      end if
-   end if
@@ -2114,16 +2195,7 @@ subroutine set_phis(dyn_in)
          end do
       end do
    end do
-   if (fv_nphys > 0) then
-      do ie = 1, nelemd
-         dyn_in%fvm(ie)%phis_physgrid = RESHAPE(phis_phys_tmp(:,ie),(/fv_nphys,fv_nphys/))
-      end do
-   end if
-   if (fv_nphys > 0) then
-      deallocate(phis_phys_tmp)
-   end if
    ! boundary exchange to update the redundent columns in the element objects
    do ie = 1, nelemd
@@ -2451,7 +2523,7 @@ subroutine write_dyn_vars(dyn_out)
    integer                      :: ie, m
-   if (ntrac > 0) then
+   if (use_cslam) then
       do ie = 1, nelemd
          call outfld('dp_fvm', RESHAPE(dyn_out%fvm(ie)%dp_fvm(1:nc,1:nc,:),   &
                                        (/nc*nc,nlev/)), nc*nc, ie)
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dyn_grid.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dyn_grid.F90
index 51fdb2da..09b40170 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dyn_grid.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dyn_grid.F90
@@ -42,14 +42,14 @@ module dyn_grid
 !SE dycore:
 use dimensions_mod,         only: globaluniquecols, nelem, nelemd, nelemdmax, &
-                                  ne, np, npsq, fv_nphys, nlev, nlevp, nc, ntrac
+                                  ne, np, npsq, fv_nphys, nlev, use_cslam, nlevp, nc
 use element_mod,            only: element_t
 use fvm_control_volume_mod, only: fvm_struct
 use hybvcoord_mod,          only: hvcoord_t
 use prim_init,              only: prim_init1
 use edge_mod,               only: initEdgeBuffer
 use edgetype_mod,           only: EdgeBuffer_t
-use time_mod,               only: TimeLevel_t
+use se_dyn_time_mod,        only: TimeLevel_t
 use dof_mod,                only: UniqueCoords, UniquePoints
 implicit none
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ module dyn_grid
 integer, parameter :: fvm_decomp = 102 ! The FVM (CSLAM) grid
 integer, parameter :: physgrid_d = 103 ! physics grid on dynamics decomp
 integer, parameter :: ini_decomp = 104 ! alternate dynamics grid for reading initial file
+integer, parameter :: ini_decomp_scm = 205 ! alternate dynamics grid for reading initial file
 character(len=3), protected :: ini_grid_name
@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ subroutine model_grid_init()
    use hybrid_mod,          only: hybrid_t, init_loop_ranges, &
                                   get_loop_ranges, config_thread_region
    use control_mod,         only: qsplit, rsplit
-   use time_mod,            only: tstep, nsplit
+   use se_dyn_time_mod,     only: tstep, nsplit
    use fvm_mod,             only: fvm_init2, fvm_init3, fvm_pg_init
    use dimensions_mod,      only: irecons_tracer, dimensions_mod_init, qsize
    use comp_gll_ctr_vol,    only: gll_grid_write
@@ -248,7 +249,7 @@ subroutine model_grid_init()
    if (iam < par%nprocs) then
       call prim_init1(elem, fvm, par, TimeLevel)
-      if (fv_nphys > 0) then
+      if (use_cslam) then
          call dp_init(elem, fvm)
       end if
@@ -779,7 +780,9 @@ subroutine define_cam_grids()
    use cam_grid_support, only: horiz_coord_t, horiz_coord_create
    use cam_grid_support, only: cam_grid_register, cam_grid_attribute_register
+#ifdef SCAM
+   use scamMod,          only: closeioplon,closeioplat,closeioplonidx,single_column
    !SE dycore:
    use dimensions_mod,   only: nc
@@ -790,6 +793,7 @@ subroutine define_cam_grids()
    type(horiz_coord_t), pointer :: lat_coord
    type(horiz_coord_t), pointer :: lon_coord
    integer(iMap),       pointer :: grid_map(:,:)
+   integer(iMap),       pointer :: grid_map_scm(:,:) !grid_map decomp for single column mode   
    real(r8),        allocatable :: pelat_deg(:)  ! pe-local latitudes (degrees)
    real(r8),        allocatable :: pelon_deg(:)  ! pe-local longitudes (degrees)
@@ -797,6 +801,7 @@ subroutine define_cam_grids()
    real(r8)                     :: areaw(np,np)
    integer(iMap)                :: fdofP_local(npsq,nelemd) ! pe-local map for dynamics decomp
    integer(iMap),   allocatable :: pemap(:)                 ! pe-local map for PIO decomp
+   integer(iMap),   allocatable :: pemap_scm(:)             ! pe-local map for single column PIO decomp
    integer                      :: ncols_fvm, ngcols_fvm
    real(r8),        allocatable :: fvm_coord(:)
@@ -933,12 +938,48 @@ subroutine define_cam_grids()
    ! grid_map cannot be deallocated as the cam_filemap_t object just points
    ! to it.  It can be nullified.
+#ifdef SCAM
+   !---------------------------------
+   ! Create SCM grid object when running single column mode
+   !---------------------------------
+   if ( single_column) then
+      allocate(pemap_scm(1))
+      pemap_scm = 0_iMap
+      pemap_scm = closeioplonidx
+      ! Map for scm grid
+      allocate(grid_map_scm(3,npsq))
+      grid_map_scm = 0_iMap
+      mapind = 1
+      j = 1
+      do i = 1, npsq
+         grid_map_scm(1, mapind) = i
+         grid_map_scm(2, mapind) = j
+         grid_map_scm(3, mapind) = pemap_scm(1)
+         mapind = mapind + 1
+      end do
+      latval=closeioplat
+      lonval=closeioplon
+      lat_coord => horiz_coord_create('lat', 'ncol', 1,  &
+         'latitude', 'degrees_north', 1, 1, latval, map=pemap_scm)
+      lon_coord => horiz_coord_create('lon', 'ncol', 1,  &
+         'longitude', 'degrees_east', 1, 1, lonval, map=pemap_scm)
+      call cam_grid_register('SCM', ini_decomp_scm, lat_coord, lon_coord,         &
+         grid_map_scm, block_indexed=.false., unstruct=.true.)
+      deallocate(pemap_scm)
+      ! grid_map cannot be deallocated as the cam_filemap_t object just points
+      ! to it.  It can be nullified.
+      nullify(grid_map_scm)
+   end if
    ! Create FVM grid object for CSLAM
-   if (ntrac > 0) then
+   if (use_cslam) then
       ncols_fvm = nc * nc * nelemd
       ngcols_fvm = nc * nc * nelem_d
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/namelist_definition_se_dycore.xml b/src/dynamics/se/namelist_definition_se_dycore.xml
index 12f674aa..0283f71a 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/namelist_definition_se_dycore.xml
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/namelist_definition_se_dycore.xml
@@ -89,66 +89,16 @@
       <value hgrid="ne120np4">4</value>
-  <entry id="se_rayk0">
-    <type>integer</type>
-    <category>se</category>
-    <group>dyn_se_nl</group>
-    <desc>
-      Variable to specify the vertical index at which the
-      Rayleigh friction term is centered (the peak value).
-      Default: 2
-    </desc>
-    <values>
-      <value>2</value>
-    </values>
-  </entry>
-  <entry id="se_raykrange">
-    <type>real</type>
-    <category>se</category>
-    <group>dyn_se_nl</group>
-    <desc>
-      Rayleigh friction parameter to determine the width of the profile.  If set
-      to 0 then a width is chosen by the algorithm (see rayleigh_friction.F90).
-      Default: 0.5.
-    </desc>
-    <values>
-      <value>0.5</value>
-      <value waccm_phys="1">3</value>
-    </values>
-  </entry>
-  <entry id="se_raytau0">
-    <type>real</type>
-    <category>se</category>
-    <group>dyn_se_nl</group>
-    <desc>
-      Rayleigh friction parameter to determine the approximate value of the decay
-      time (days) at model top.  If 0.0 then no Rayleigh friction is applied.
-      Default: 0.
-    </desc>
-    <values>
-      <value>0.0</value>
-    </values>
-  </entry>
   <entry id="se_molecular_diff">
-      Used by SE dycore to apply sponge layer diffusion to u, v, and T for
-      stability of WACCM configurations. The diffusion is modeled on 3D molecular
-      diffusion and thermal conductivity by using actual molecular diffusion and
-      thermal conductivity coefficients multiplied by the value of
-      se_molecular_diff.
-      If set &lt;= 0.0 then the code is not activated.  If set &gt; 0.0 then
-      the molecular diffusion and thermal conductivity coefficients will be
-      multiplied by a factor of se_molecular_diff.
-      Default: 0.
+      Enable thermal conductivity and molecular diffusion in the horizontal in SE dycore.
-      <value waccm_phys="1" waccmx="0">100.0</value>
+      <value waccmx="1">1.0</value>
   <entry id="se_hypervis_subcycle_q">
@@ -255,22 +205,6 @@
       <value hgrid="ne0np4TESTONLY.ne5x4">7</value>
-  <entry id="se_phys_dyn_cp">
-    <type>integer</type>
-    <category>se</category>
-    <group>dyn_se_nl</group>
-    <valid_values>0,1,2</valid_values>
-    <desc>
-      Scaling of temperature increment for different levels of
-      thermal energy consistency.
-      0: no scaling
-      1: scale increment for cp consistency between dynamics and physics
-      2: do 1 as well as take into account condensate effect on thermal energy
-    </desc>
-    <values>
-      <value>1</value>
-    </values>
-  </entry>
   <entry id="se_nu">
@@ -318,45 +252,66 @@
       Second-order viscosity applied only near the model top [m^2/s].
-      <value>5.0e5</value>
-      <value waccmx="1">1.0e6</value>
-      <!-- WACCM uses molecular/thermal diffusion in sponge   -->
-      <value waccm_phys="1">0.0</value>
+      <value>1.25e5</value>
+      <value waccmx="1"    >1.0e6</value>
+      <value waccm_phys="1">1.0e6</value>
+      <value model_top="mt">1.0e6</value>
       <value se_refined_mesh="1">2.0e5</value>
-  <entry id="se_hypervis_dynamic_ref_state">
-    <type>logical</type>
+  <entry id="se_sponge_del4_nu_fac">
+    <type>real</type>
-      Hyperscosity for T and dp is applied to (T-Tref) and (dp-dp_ref) where
-      Xref are reference states where the effect of topography has been removed
-      (Simmons and Jiabin, 1991, QJRMS, Section 2a).
-      If TRUE dp_ref is dynamic smoothed reference state derived by Patrick Callaghan
-      (Lauritzen et al., 2018, JAMES, Appendix A.2) and temperature reference state
-      based on Simmons and Jiabin (1991) but using smoothed dp_ref.
-      If FALSE Tref is static reference state (Simmons and Jiabin) and dp_ref state
-      derived from hydrostatic balance.
+      Hyperviscosity coefficient se_nu [m^4/s] for u,v, T is increased to
+      se_nu_p*se_sponge_del4_nu_fac following a hyperbolic tangent function
+      centered around pressure at vertical index se_sponge_del4_lev:
+      0.5_r8*(1.0_r8+tanh(2.0_r8*log(pmid(se_sponge_del4_lev)/press)))
+      where press is pressure
+      If &lt; 0, se_sponge_del4_nu_fac is automatically set based on model top location.
+      Default: Set by build-namelist.
-      <value>.false.</value>
+      <value>-1</value>
-  <entry id="se_lcp_moist">
-    <type>logical</type>
-    <category>se</category>
+  <entry id="se_sponge_del4_nu_div_fac">
+    <type>real</type>
+    <category>se></category>
-      If TRUE the continous equations the dynamical core is based on will conserve a
-      comprehensive moist total energy
-      If FALSE the continous equations the dynamical core is based on will conserve
-      a total energy based on cp for dry air and no condensates (same total energy as
-      CAM physics uses).
-      For more details see Lauritzen et al., (2018;DOI:10.1029/2017MS001257)
+      Divergence damping hyperviscosity coefficient se_nu_div [m^4/s] for u,v is increased to
+      se_nu_p*se_sponge_del4_nu_div_fac following a hyperbolic tangent function
+      centered around pressure at vertical index se_sponge_del4_lev:
+      0.5_r8*(1.0_r8+tanh(2.0_r8*log(pmid(se_sponge_del4_lev)/press)))
+      where press is pressure
+      If &lt; 0, se_sponge_del4_nu_div_fac is automatically set based on model top location.
-      <value>.true.</value>
+      <value>-1</value>
+    </values>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="se_sponge_del4_lev">
+    <type>real</type>
+    <category>se></category>
+    <group>dyn_se_nl</group>    
+    <desc>
+      Level index around which increased del4 damping is centered.
+      See se_sponge_del4_nu_fac and se_sponge_del4_nu_div_fac
+      If &lt; 0, se_sponge_del4_lev is automatically set based on model top location.
+      Default: Set by build-namelist.
+    </desc>
+    <values>
+      <value>-1</value>
   <entry id="se_large_Courant_incr">
@@ -689,4 +644,43 @@
+  <entry id="se_pgf_formulation">
+    <type>integer</type>
+    <category>se</category>
+    <group>dyn_se_nl</group>
+    <valid_values>1,2,3</valid_values>
+    <desc>
+      1: Exner version of pressure gradient force (PGF)
+      see Appendix A in https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1029/2022MS003192
+      2: Traditional pressure gradient formulation (grad p)
+      3: Hybrid (formulation 1 where hybm>0 else formulation 2)
+      Use hybrid PGF option for WACCM-x to make WACCM-x consistent with PGF
+      used in CAM in the troposphere and traditional PGF formulation above
+    </desc>
+    <values>
+      <value>1</value>
+      <value waccmx="1">3</value>
+    </values>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="se_dribble_in_rsplit_loop">
+    <type>integer</type>
+    <category>se</category>
+    <group>dyn_se_nl</group>
+    <valid_values>0,1</valid_values>
+    <desc>
+      0: physics tendencies will be added every vertical remapping time-step (dt_phys/se_nsplit)
+      for se_ftype=0,2
+      1: physics tendencies will be added every dynamics time-step (dt_phys/se_nsplit*se_rsplit)
+      for se_ftype=0,2
+      If se_ftype=1 then se_dribble_in_rsplit_loop has no effect since physics tendencies are added as an adjustment
+    </desc>
+    <values>
+      <value>0</value>
+      <value hgrid="ne16np4" waccm_phys="1" waccmx="0">1</value>
+    </values>
+  </entry>
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/stepon.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/stepon.F90
index 138a6125..11118bdb 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/stepon.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/stepon.F90
@@ -10,7 +10,11 @@ module stepon
 !SE dycore:
 use parallel_mod,   only: par
 use dimensions_mod, only: nelemd
+#ifdef scam
+use scamMod,                only: use_iop, doiopupdate, single_column, &
+                                  setiopupdate, readiopdata
+use se_single_column_mod,   only: scm_setfield, iop_broadcast
 implicit none
@@ -26,12 +30,52 @@ module stepon
 subroutine stepon_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
+#ifdef constituents
+   use constituents,   only: pcnst, cnst_name, cnst_longname
+   use dimensions_mod, only: fv_nphys, cnst_name_gll, cnst_longname_gll, qsize
    ! Dummy arguments
    type(runtime_options), intent(in) :: cam_runtime_opts ! Runtime settings object
    type(dyn_import_t),    intent(in) :: dyn_in           ! Dynamics import container
    type(dyn_export_t),    intent(in) :: dyn_out          ! Dynamics export container
+   ! local variables
+   integer :: m, m_cnst
+#ifdef constituents
+   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! These fields on dynamics grid are output before the call to d_p_coupling.
+   do m_cnst = 1, qsize
+     call addfld(trim(cnst_name_gll(m_cnst))//'_gll',  (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'kg/kg',   &
+          trim(cnst_longname_gll(m_cnst)), gridname='GLL')
+     call addfld(trim(cnst_name_gll(m_cnst))//'dp_gll',  (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'kg/kg',   &
+          trim(cnst_longname_gll(m_cnst))//'*dp', gridname='GLL')
+   end do
+   call addfld('U_gll'     ,(/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s ','U wind on gll grid',gridname='GLL')
+   call addfld('V_gll'     ,(/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s ','V wind on gll grid',gridname='GLL')
+   call addfld('T_gll'     ,(/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'K '  ,'T on gll grid'     ,gridname='GLL')
+   call addfld('dp_ref_gll' ,(/ 'lev' /), 'I', '  '  ,'dp dry / dp_ref on gll grid'     ,gridname='GLL')
+   call addfld('PSDRY_gll' ,horiz_only , 'I', 'Pa ' ,'psdry on gll grid' ,gridname='GLL')
+   call addfld('PS_gll'    ,horiz_only , 'I', 'Pa ' ,'ps on gll grid'    ,gridname='GLL')
+   call addfld('PHIS_gll'  ,horiz_only , 'I', 'Pa ' ,'PHIS on gll grid'  ,gridname='GLL')
+   ! Fields for initial condition files
+   call addfld('U&IC',   (/ 'lev' /),  'I', 'm/s', 'Zonal wind',     gridname='GLL' )
+   call addfld('V&IC',   (/ 'lev' /),  'I', 'm/s', 'Meridional wind',gridname='GLL' )
+   ! Don't need to register U&IC V&IC as vector components since we don't interpolate IC files
+   call add_default('U&IC',0, 'I')
+   call add_default('V&IC',0, 'I')
+   call addfld('PS&IC', horiz_only,  'I', 'Pa', 'Surface pressure',       gridname='GLL')
+   call addfld('T&IC',  (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'K',  'Temperature',            gridname='GLL')
+   call add_default('PS&IC', 0, 'I')
+   call add_default('T&IC',  0, 'I')
+   do m_cnst = 1,pcnst
+      call addfld(trim(cnst_name(m_cnst))//'&IC', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'kg/kg', &
+                  trim(cnst_longname(m_cnst)), gridname='GLL')
+      call add_default(trim(cnst_name(m_cnst))//'&IC', 0, 'I')
+   end do
 end subroutine stepon_init
@@ -44,7 +88,7 @@ subroutine stepon_timestep_init(dtime_out, cam_runtime_opts, phys_state,      &
    use dp_coupling,    only: d_p_coupling           ! dynamics-physics coupling
    !SE dycore:
-   use time_mod,       only: tstep                  ! dynamics timestep
+   use se_dyn_time_mod,     only: tstep                  ! dynamics timestep
    ! Dummy arguments
    real(r8),              intent(out)   :: dtime_out        ! Time-step (s)
@@ -66,14 +110,39 @@ subroutine stepon_timestep_init(dtime_out, cam_runtime_opts, phys_state,      &
       ! write diagnostic fields on gll grid and initial file
       call diag_dynvar_ic(dyn_out%elem, dyn_out%fvm)
    end if
+#ifdef scam
+   ! Determine whether it is time for an IOP update;
+   ! doiopupdate set to true if model time step > next available IOP
+   if (use_iop .and. masterproc) then
+       call setiopupdate
+   end if
+   if (single_column) then
+     ! If first restart step then ensure that IOP data is read
+     if (is_first_restart_step()) then
+        if (masterproc) call readiopdata( hvcoord%hyam, hvcoord%hybm, hvcoord%hyai, hvcoord%hybi, hvcoord%ps0  )
+        call iop_broadcast()
+     endif
+     iop_update_phase1 = .true.
+     if ((is_first_restart_step() .or. doiopupdate) .and. masterproc) then
+        call readiopdata( hvcoord%hyam, hvcoord%hybm, hvcoord%hyai, hvcoord%hybi, hvcoord%ps0  )
+     endif
+     call iop_broadcast()
+     call scm_setfield(dyn_out%elem,iop_update_phase1)
+   endif
    ! Synchronize all PEs and then transfer dynamics variables to physics:
    call t_barrierf('sync_d_p_coupling', mpicom)
    call t_startf('d_p_coupling')
    ! Move data into phys_state structure.
    call d_p_coupling(cam_runtime_opts, phys_state, phys_tend, dyn_out)
    call t_stopf('d_p_coupling')
 end subroutine stepon_timestep_init
@@ -85,9 +154,9 @@ subroutine stepon_run2(cam_runtime_opts, phys_state, phys_tend, dyn_in, dyn_out)
    use dyn_grid,         only: TimeLevel
    !SE dycore:
-   use time_mod,         only: TimeLevel_Qdp
+   use se_dyn_time_mod,  only: TimeLevel_Qdp
    use control_mod,      only: qsplit
-   use prim_advance_mod, only: calc_tot_energy_dynamics
+   use prim_advance_mod, only: tot_energy_dyn
    ! Dummy arguments
    type(runtime_options), intent(in)    :: cam_runtime_opts ! Runtime settings object
@@ -98,12 +167,12 @@ subroutine stepon_run2(cam_runtime_opts, phys_state, phys_tend, dyn_in, dyn_out)
    ! Local variables
    integer :: tl_f, tl_fQdp
    !Determine appropriate time values:
    tl_f = TimeLevel%n0   ! timelevel which was adjusted by physics
    call TimeLevel_Qdp(TimeLevel, qsplit, tl_fQdp)
    ! Synchronize all PEs and then transfer physics variables to dynamics:
    call t_barrierf('sync_p_d_coupling', mpicom)
    call t_startf('p_d_coupling')
@@ -112,7 +181,7 @@ subroutine stepon_run2(cam_runtime_opts, phys_state, phys_tend, dyn_in, dyn_out)
    call t_stopf('p_d_coupling')
    if (iam < par%nprocs) then
-      call calc_tot_energy_dynamics(dyn_in%elem,dyn_in%fvm, 1, nelemd, tl_f, tl_fQdp,'dED')
+      call tot_energy_dyn(dyn_in%elem,dyn_in%fvm, 1, nelemd, tl_f, tl_fQdp,'dED')
    end if
 end subroutine stepon_run2
@@ -126,10 +195,12 @@ subroutine stepon_run3(dtime, cam_runtime_opts, cam_out, phys_state, dyn_in, dyn
    !SE/CAM interface:
    use dyn_comp,       only: dyn_run
    use dyn_grid,       only: TimeLevel
+#ifdef scam
+   use advect_tend,    only: compute_write_iop_fields
    use advect_tend,    only: compute_adv_tends_xyz
    !SE dycore:
-   use time_mod,       only: TimeLevel_Qdp
+   use se_dyn_time_mod,only: TimeLevel_Qdp
    use control_mod,    only: qsplit
    ! Dummy arguments
@@ -143,13 +214,26 @@ subroutine stepon_run3(dtime, cam_runtime_opts, cam_out, phys_state, dyn_in, dyn
    ! Local variables
    integer :: tl_f, tl_fQdp
+#ifdef scam
+   if (single_column) then
+      ! Update IOP properties e.g. omega, divT, divQ
+      iop_update_phase1 = .false.
+      if (doiopupdate) then
+         if (masterproc) call readiopdata( hvcoord%hyam, hvcoord%hybm, hvcoord%hyai, hvcoord%hybi, hvcoord%ps0  )
+         call iop_broadcast()
+         call scm_setfield(dyn_out%elem,iop_update_phase1)
+      endif
+   endif
    ! Determine appropriate time values and
    ! initalize advected constituent mixing ratios:
    call t_startf('comp_adv_tends1')
    tl_f = TimeLevel%n0
    call TimeLevel_Qdp(TimeLevel, qsplit, tl_fQdp)
    call compute_adv_tends_xyz(dyn_in%elem,dyn_in%fvm,1,nelemd,tl_fQdp,tl_f)
+#ifdef scam
+   if (write_camiop) call compute_write_iop_fields(dyn_in%elem,dyn_in%fvm,1,nelemd,tl_fQdp,tl_f)
    call t_stopf('comp_adv_tends1')
    ! Synchronize all PEs and then run dynamics (dyn_run):
@@ -164,6 +248,9 @@ subroutine stepon_run3(dtime, cam_runtime_opts, cam_out, phys_state, dyn_in, dyn
    tl_f = TimeLevel%n0
    call TimeLevel_Qdp(TimeLevel, qsplit, tl_fQdp)
    call compute_adv_tends_xyz(dyn_in%elem,dyn_in%fvm,1,nelemd,tl_fQdp,tl_f)
+#ifdef scam
+   if (write_camiop) call compute_write_iop_fields(dyn_in%elem,dyn_in%fvm,1,nelemd,tl_fQdp,tl_f)
    call t_stopf('comp_adv_tends2')
 end subroutine stepon_run3
@@ -192,7 +279,7 @@ subroutine diag_dynvar_ic(elem, fvm)
    use cam_abortutils,         only: endrun, check_allocate
    !SE dycore:
-   use time_mod,               only: TimeLevel_Qdp   !  dynamics typestep
+   use se_dyn_time_mod,        only: TimeLevel_Qdp   !  dynamics typestep
    use control_mod,            only: qsplit
    use hybrid_mod,             only: config_thread_region, get_loop_ranges
    use hybrid_mod,             only: hybrid_t
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/test_fvm_mapping.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/test_fvm_mapping.F90
index 1fada43a..308573d9 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/test_fvm_mapping.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/test_fvm_mapping.F90
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module test_fvm_mapping
  !SE dycore:
   use fvm_control_volume_mod, only: fvm_struct
-  use dimensions_mod,         only: np, nelemd, nlev, npsq, ntrac
+  use dimensions_mod,         only: np, nelemd, nlev, npsq, ntrac, use_cslam
   use element_mod,            only: element_t
   implicit none
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ subroutine test_mapping_output_mapped_tendencies(fvm,elem,nets,nete,tl_f,tl_qdp)
         name = 'p2d_'//trim(const_name(m_cnst))//'_err_gll'
         call outfld(TRIM(name), RESHAPE(elem(ie)%derived%fq(:,:,:,nq),(/npsq,nlev/)), npsq, ie)
       end do
-      if (ntrac>0) then
+      if (use_cslam) then
         do nq=ntrac,ntrac
           m_cnst = nq
           name = 'p2f_'//trim(const_name(m_cnst))//'_fvm'
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ subroutine test_mapping_output_phys_state(phys_state,fvm)
       call outfld('d2p_scalar', phys_state(lchnk)%omega(1:pcols,1:pver), pcols, lchnk)
       call outfld('d2p_u', phys_state(lchnk)%U(1:pcols,1:pver), pcols, lchnk)
       call outfld('d2p_v', phys_state(lchnk)%V(1:pcols,1:pver), pcols, lchnk)
-      if (ntrac>0) then
+      if (use_cslam) then
         do nq=ntrac,ntrac
           m_cnst = nq
           name = 'f2p_'//trim(const_name(m_cnst))
diff --git a/src/dynamics/utils/dynconst.F90 b/src/dynamics/utils/dynconst.F90
index 78c5b04c..93c2d863 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/utils/dynconst.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/utils/dynconst.F90
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ module dynconst
    real(kind_dyn), protected, public :: lapse_rate
    ! R/Cp
    real(kind_dyn), protected, public :: cappa
+   ! Standard pressure [Pa]
+   real(kind_dyn), protected, public :: pstd
    !Public routines:
@@ -72,6 +74,7 @@ subroutine dynconst_init
       use physconst, only: phys_cappa=>cappa
       use physconst, only: phys_rair=>rair
       use physconst, only: phys_rh2o=>rh2o
+      use physconst, only: phys_pstd=>pstd
       !Set constants used by the dynamics:
@@ -86,7 +89,7 @@ subroutine dynconst_init
       tref       = real(phys_tref, kind_dyn)
       lapse_rate = real(phys_lapse_rate, kind_dyn)
       cappa      = real(phys_cappa, kind_dyn)
+      pstd       = real(phys_pstd, kind_dyn)
    end subroutine dynconst_init
 end module dynconst