diff --git a/.github/workflows/extbuild.yml b/.github/workflows/extbuild.yml
index e1c69cd7b..7f7dde3a4 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/extbuild.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/extbuild.yml
@@ -48,27 +48,31 @@ jobs:
id: cache-ParallelIO
uses: actions/cache@v4
- path: ~/pio
+ path: {GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/pio
key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ env.PIO_VERSION }}.pio
- name: Build ParallelIO
if: steps.cache-ParallelIO.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
- uses: NCAR/ParallelIO/.github/actions/parallelio_cmake@pio2_6_0
+ uses: NCAR/ParallelIO/.github/actions/parallelio_cmake@pio2_6_2
parallelio_version: ${{ env.ParallelIO_VERSION }}
enable_fortran: True
- install_prefix: $HOME/pio
- - name: Build ESMF
- if: steps.cache-esmf.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
- uses: ESCOMP/CDEPS/.github/actions/buildesmf@cdeps1.0.15
+ install_prefix: ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/pio
+ - name: Install ESMF
+ uses: esmf-org/install-esmf-action@v1
+ env:
+ ESMF_COMPILER: gfortran
+ ESMF_COMM: openmpi
+ ESMF_NETCDF: nc-config
+ ESMF_PNETCDF: pnetcdf-config
+ ESMF_PIO: external
- esmf_version: ${{ env.ESMF_VERSION }}
- esmf_bopt: g
- esmf_comm: openmpi
- install_prefix: $HOME/ESMF
- netcdf_c_path: /usr
- netcdf_fortran_path: /usr
- pnetcdf_path: /usr
- parallelio_path: $HOME/pio
+ version: ${{ env.ESMF_VERSION }}
+ esmpy: false
+ cache: true
- name: Cache CDEPS
id: cache-cdeps
uses: actions/cache@v4
@@ -90,8 +94,8 @@ jobs:
if: steps.cache-cdeps.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
uses: ESCOMP/CDEPS/.github/actions/buildcdeps@cdeps1.0.26
- esmfmkfile: $HOME/ESMF/lib/libg/Linux.gfortran.64.openmpi.default/esmf.mk
- pio_path: $HOME/pio
+ esmfmkfile: $ESMFMKFILE
+ pio_path: ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/pio
src_root: ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/cdeps-src
-ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -fallow-argument-mismatch \""
diff --git a/.github/workflows/srt.yml b/.github/workflows/srt.yml
index efec7ba88..95f7bbcdf 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/srt.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/srt.yml
@@ -172,6 +172,6 @@ jobs:
# the following can be used by developers to login to the github server in case of errors
# see https://github.com/marketplace/actions/debugging-with-tmate for further details
- - name: Setup tmate session
- if: ${{ failure() }}
- uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3
+# - name: Setup tmate session
+# if: ${{ failure() }}
+# uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3
diff --git a/cime_config/namelist_definition_drv.xml b/cime_config/namelist_definition_drv.xml
index 222a15b26..47c7a8307 100644
--- a/cime_config/namelist_definition_drv.xml
+++ b/cime_config/namelist_definition_drv.xml
@@ -696,6 +696,20 @@
+ logical
+ control
+ MED_attributes
+ Compute energy of enthalpy
+ .false.
+ .true.
@@ -929,7 +943,8 @@
default: ogrid
- ogrid
+ xgrid
+ ogrid
diff --git a/mediator/CMakeLists.txt b/mediator/CMakeLists.txt
index 9630b5e23..031a23308 100644
--- a/mediator/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/mediator/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ set(SRCFILES esmFldsExchange_cesm_mod.F90 med_fraction_mod.F90
med_phases_post_ocn_mod.F90 med_phases_ocnalb_mod.F90
med_phases_post_atm_mod.F90 med_phases_post_ice_mod.F90
med_phases_post_lnd_mod.F90 med_phases_post_glc_mod.F90
- med_phases_post_rof_mod.F90 med_phases_post_wav_mod.F90)
+ med_phases_post_rof_mod.F90 med_phases_post_wav_mod.F90
+ med_enthalpy_mod.F90)
foreach(FILE ${SRCFILES})
if(EXISTS "${CASEROOT}/SourceMods/src.cmeps/${FILE}")
diff --git a/mediator/esmFldsExchange_cesm_mod.F90 b/mediator/esmFldsExchange_cesm_mod.F90
index a521deaa1..3f76a50f3 100644
--- a/mediator/esmFldsExchange_cesm_mod.F90
+++ b/mediator/esmFldsExchange_cesm_mod.F90
@@ -2206,7 +2206,7 @@ subroutine esmFldsExchange_cesm(gcomp, phase, rc)
! to ocn: enthalpy from ice melt
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
! Note - do not need to add addmap or addmrg for the following since they
- ! will be computed directly in med_phases_prep_ocn
+ ! will be computed directly in med_enthalpy_mod
if (phase == 'advertise') then
call addfld_to(compocn, 'Foxx_hrain')
call addfld_to(compocn, 'Foxx_hsnow')
diff --git a/mediator/fd_cesm.yaml b/mediator/fd_cesm.yaml
index e41c61dff..7985059ee 100644
--- a/mediator/fd_cesm.yaml
+++ b/mediator/fd_cesm.yaml
@@ -72,6 +72,21 @@
canonical_units: N m-2
description: med export - atm/ocn meridional surface stress computed in medidator
+ - standard_name: Faox_tauxa
+ alias: stress_on_air_ocn_zonal (atm)
+ canonical_units: N m-2
+ description: mediator export
+ #
+ - standard_name: Faox_tauya
+ alias: stress_on_air_ocn_merid (atm)
+ canonical_units: N m-2
+ description: mediator export
+ #
+ - standard_name: area
+ canonical_units: radians**2
+ description: mediator area for component
- standard_name: Fwxx_taux
alias: mean_zonal_moment_flx
canonical_units: N m-2
@@ -81,6 +96,7 @@
alias: mean_merid_moment_flx
canonical_units: N m-2
description: wave import to med - meridional surface stress
# section: lnd import to med
@@ -298,6 +314,16 @@
description: atm import to med
mean downward SW heat flux
+ - standard_name: Faxa_wsxadj
+ canonical_units: Pa
+ description: (from) atmosphere export to flux_atmocn (for now)
+ mean wind-stess correction due to PBL iteration, zonal component
+ #
+ - standard_name: Faxa_wsyadj
+ canonical_units: Pa
+ description: (from) atmosphere export to flux_atmocn (for now)
+ mean wind-stess correction due to PBL iteration, meridional component
+ #
- standard_name: Faxa_ndep
canonical_units: kg(N)/m2/sec
description: atm import to med - currently nhx and noy
@@ -330,7 +356,12 @@
- standard_name: Faxa_rainl_wiso
canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1
- description: atm import to med
+ description: atmosphere export
+ #
+ - standard_name: Faxa_hrain
+ alias: mean_matentf_of_rain
+ canonical_units: W m-2
+ description: atmosphere export
- standard_name: Faxa_snow
alias: mean_fprec_rate
@@ -355,6 +386,11 @@
- standard_name: Faxa_snowl_wiso
canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1
+ description: atmosphere export
+ #
+ - standard_name: Faxa_hsnow
+ alias: mean_matentf_of_snow
+ canonical_units: W m-2
description: atm import to med
- standard_name: Faxa_swnet
@@ -486,7 +522,13 @@
- standard_name: Faxa_lat
alias: mean_laten_heat_flx_atm
canonical_units: W m-2
+ description: atmosphere export
+ #
+ - standard_name: Faxa_hevap
+ alias: mean_matentf_of_vapour
+ canonical_units: W m-2
description: atm import to med
- standard_name: Faxa_sen
alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx_atm
@@ -1247,6 +1289,9 @@
canonical_units: m2/s
description: wave elevation spectrum
+ #-----------------------------------
+ # section: wave import
+ # -----------------------------------
- standard_name: Sw_ustokes_avg
canonical_units: m/s
description: Daily averaged stokes drift u component (only needed for med history output)
diff --git a/mediator/med.F90 b/mediator/med.F90
index 3133c7f88..a038570f7 100644
--- a/mediator/med.F90
+++ b/mediator/med.F90
@@ -678,7 +678,8 @@ subroutine AdvertiseFields(gcomp, importState, exportState, clock, rc)
use esmFlds, only : med_fldlist_init1, med_fld_GetFldInfo, med_fldList_entry_type
use med_phases_history_mod, only : med_phases_history_init
use med_methods_mod , only : mediator_checkfornans
+ use med_enthalpy_mod , only : mediator_compute_enthalpy
! input/output variables
type(ESMF_GridComp) :: gcomp
type(ESMF_State) :: importState, exportState
@@ -959,6 +960,24 @@ subroutine AdvertiseFields(gcomp, importState, exportState, clock, rc)
+ ! Should enthalpy be calculated
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name="compute_enthalpy", value=cvalue, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ if(isPresent .and. isSet) then
+ read(cvalue, *) mediator_compute_enthalpy
+ else
+ mediator_compute_enthalpy = .false.
+ endif
+ if(maintask) then
+ write(logunit,*) ' compute_enthalpy is ',mediator_compute_enthalpy
+ if(mediator_compute_enthalpy) then
+ write(logunit,*) ' Enthalpy calculation is ON'
+ else
+ write(logunit,*) ' Enthalpy calculation is OFF'
+ endif
+ endif
! Should target component use all data for first time step?
do ncomp = 1,ncomps
if (ncomp /= compmed) then
diff --git a/mediator/med_diag_mod.F90 b/mediator/med_diag_mod.F90
index 8bad9d5c8..bbacce3e6 100644
--- a/mediator/med_diag_mod.F90
+++ b/mediator/med_diag_mod.F90
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ module med_diag_mod
integer :: f_heat_latf = unset_index ! heat : latent, fusion, snow
integer :: f_heat_ioff = unset_index ! heat : latent, fusion, frozen runoff
integer :: f_heat_sen = unset_index ! heat : sensible
integer :: f_heat_rain = unset_index ! heat : heat content of rain
integer :: f_heat_snow = unset_index ! heat : heat content of snow
integer :: f_heat_evap = unset_index ! heat : heat content of evaporation
@@ -409,7 +410,7 @@ subroutine med_diag_init(gcomp, rc)
! Salt fluxes budget terms (for v1 only)
! -----------------------------------------
- if (trim(budget_table_version) == 'v1') then
+ if (trim(budget_table_version) .ne. 'v0') then
call add_to_budget_diag(budget_diags%fields, f_watr_salt ,'saltf') ! field water: salt flux
f_salt_beg = f_watr_salt
f_salt_end = f_watr_salt
@@ -448,7 +449,6 @@ subroutine med_diag_init(gcomp, rc)
allocate(budget_global (f_size , c_size , p_size)) ! global sum, valid only on root pe
allocate(budget_counter (f_size , c_size , p_size)) ! counter, valid only on root pe
allocate(budget_global_1d(f_size * c_size * p_size)) ! needed for ESMF_VMReduce call
end subroutine med_diag_init
integer function get_diag_attribute(gcomp, name, rc)
@@ -735,6 +735,25 @@ subroutine med_phases_diag_atm(gcomp, rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
end if
+ call diag_atm_recv(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm,compatm), 'Faxa_hrain', f_heat_rain, &
+ areas, lats, afrac, lfrac, ofrac, ifrac, budget_local, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call diag_atm_recv(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm,compatm), 'Faxa_hsnow', f_heat_snow, &
+ areas, lats, afrac, lfrac, ofrac, ifrac, budget_local, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call diag_atm_recv(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm,compatm), 'Faxa_hevap', f_heat_evap, &
+ areas, lats, afrac, lfrac, ofrac, ifrac, budget_local, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call diag_atm_recv(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm,compatm), 'Faxa_hrofl', f_heat_rofl, &
+ areas, lats, afrac, lfrac, ofrac, ifrac, budget_local, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call diag_atm_recv(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm,compatm), 'Faxa_hrofi', f_heat_rofi, &
+ areas, lats, afrac, lfrac, ofrac, ifrac, budget_local, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
! heat implied by snow flux from atm to mediator
budget_local(f_heat_latf,c_atm_recv ,ip) = -budget_local(f_watr_snow,c_atm_recv ,ip)*shr_const_latice
budget_local(f_heat_latf,c_lnd_arecv,ip) = -budget_local(f_watr_snow,c_lnd_arecv,ip)*shr_const_latice
@@ -2715,7 +2734,7 @@ subroutine med_diag_print_summary(data, ip, date, tod)
! write out net salt budgets
! -----------------------------
- if (trim(budget_table_version) == 'v1') then
+ if (trim(budget_table_version) .ne. 'v0') then
write(diagunit,*) ' '
write(diagunit,FAH) subname,'NET SALT BUDGET (kg/m2s): period = ',&
trim(budget_diags%periods(ip)%name), ': date = ',date,tod
diff --git a/mediator/med_enthalpy_mod.F90 b/mediator/med_enthalpy_mod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fd51baf70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mediator/med_enthalpy_mod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+module med_enthalpy_mod
+ use ESMF, only : ESMF_SUCCESS, ESMF_GridComp, ESMF_VMAllreduce, ESMF_REDUCE_SUM, ESMF_FieldBundleGet, ESMF_Field
+ use shr_kind_mod, only : R8=>shr_kind_r8
+ use shr_const_mod, only : tkfrz=>shr_const_tkfrz, cpfw=>shr_const_cpfw, cpice=>shr_const_cpice,&
+ cpwv=>shr_const_cpwv, cpsw=>shr_const_cpsw, pi=>shr_const_pi
+ use med_utils_mod , only : chkerr => med_utils_ChkErr
+ use med_methods_mod , only : FB_fldchk => med_methods_FB_FldChk
+ use med_methods_mod , only : FB_GetFldPtr => med_methods_FB_GetFldPtr
+ use med_methods_mod , only : fldbun_getdata1d => med_methods_FB_getdata1d
+ use med_internalstate_mod, only : compocn, compatm, comprof, InternalState
+ use med_internalstate_mod , only : logunit, maintask
+ use perf_mod, only : t_startf, t_stopf
+ implicit none
+ public :: med_compute_enthalpy
+ logical, public :: mediator_compute_enthalpy = .false.
+ real(r8) :: global_htot_corr(1) = 0._r8
+ character(*), parameter :: u_FILE_u = &
+ __FILE__
+ real(r8) function med_enthalpy_get_global_htot_corr()
+ ! Just return the latest global_htot_corr
+ med_enthalpy_get_global_htot_corr = global_htot_corr(1)
+ end function med_enthalpy_get_global_htot_corr
+ subroutine med_compute_enthalpy(is_local, rc)
+ use med_map_mod, only : med_map_field
+ use med_internalstate_mod, only : mapconsf
+ type(InternalState), intent(in) :: is_local
+ integer, intent(out) :: rc
+ ! local variables
+ type(ESMF_Field) :: fld_a, fld_o
+ real(r8), pointer :: tocn(:), rain(:), snow(:), rofl(:), rofi(:), evap(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: rainl(:), rainc(:), tbot(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: snowl(:), snowc(:), ofrac(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: hrain(:), hsnow(:), hevap(:), hcond(:), hrofl(:), hrofi(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: hrain_a(:), hevap_a(:), hsnow_a(:), hrofl_a(:), hrofi_a(:)
+ real(r8), allocatable :: hcorr(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: areas(:)
+ real(r8), parameter :: glob_area_inv = 1._r8 / (4._r8 * pi)
+ real(r8) :: local_htot_corr(1)
+ integer :: n, nmax
+ character(len=*), parameter:: subname = "med_compute_enthalpy"
+ call t_startf(subname)
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compocn,compocn), 'So_t', tocn, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ nmax = size(tocn)
+ if (FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Sa_tbot' , rc=rc)) then
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Sa_tbot', tbot, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ else
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm, compocn), 'Sa_tbot', tbot, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ endif
+ if(FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Faxa_rain', rc)) then
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Faxa_rain' , rain, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ else
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm, compatm), 'Faxa_rainl', rainl, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm, compatm), 'Faxa_rainl', rainc, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ allocate(rain(nmax))
+ rain = rainl + rainc
+ endif
+ if(FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hrain', rc)) then
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hrain', hrain, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ else
+ allocate(hrain(nmax))
+ endif
+ if(FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_evap', rc)) then
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_evap' , evap, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ else
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compatm), 'Faxx_evap' , evap, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ endif
+ if(FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hevap', rc)) then
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hevap', hevap, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ else
+ allocate(hevap(nmax))
+ endif
+ if(FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hcond', rc)) then
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hcond', hcond, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ else
+ allocate(hcond(nmax))
+ endif
+ if(FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Faxa_snow', rc)) then
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Faxa_snow' , snow, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ else
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm,compatm), 'Faxa_snowc' , snowc, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm,compatm), 'Faxa_snowl' , snowl, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ allocate(snow(nmax))
+ snow = snowc + snowl
+ endif
+ if(FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hsnow', rc)) then
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hsnow', hsnow, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ else
+ allocate(hsnow(nmax))
+ endif
+ if(FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_rofl', rc)) then
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_rofl' , rofl, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ else
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBImp(comprof, comprof), 'Forr_rofl', rofl, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ endif
+ if(FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hrofl', rc)) then
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hrofl', hrofl, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ else
+ allocate(hrofl(nmax))
+ endif
+ if(FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_rofi', rc)) then
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_rofi' , rofi, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ else
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBImp(comprof, comprof), 'Forr_rofi', rofi, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ endif
+ if(FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hrofi', rc)) then
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hrofi', hrofi, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ else
+ allocate(hrofi(nmax))
+ endif
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBfrac(compocn), 'ofrac' , ofrac, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ if (FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm,compocn), 'Faxa_hrain' , rc=rc)) then
+ call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm, compatm), 'Faxa_hrain', field=fld_a, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm, compocn), 'Faxa_hrain', field=fld_o, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call med_map_field(fld_a, fld_o, is_local%wrap%RH(compatm, compocn,:), mapconsf, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm, compocn), 'Faxa_hrain', hrain_a, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ do n = 1,nmax
+ hrain(n) = (hrain_a(n) - tkfrz*rain(n)*cpfw) * ofrac(n)
+ enddo
+ else
+ if (FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Sa_tbot' , rc=rc)) then
+ do n = 1,nmax
+ hrain(n) = max((tbot(n) - tkfrz), 0._r8) * rain(n) * cpfw * ofrac(n)
+ enddo
+ else
+ do n = 1,nmax
+ hrain(n) = max((tocn(n) - tkfrz), 0._r8) * rain(n) * cpfw * ofrac(n)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ hrain_a => hrain
+ endif
+ if (FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm, compocn), 'Faxa_hevap' , rc=rc)) then
+ call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm, compatm), 'Faxa_hevap', field=fld_a, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm, compocn), 'Faxa_hevap', field=fld_o, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call med_map_field(fld_a, fld_o, is_local%wrap%RH(compatm, compocn,:), mapconsf, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm, compocn), 'Faxa_hevap', hevap_a, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ do n = 1,nmax
+ hevap(n) = (min(hevap_a(n),0._r8) - tkfrz * min(evap(n),0._r8) * cpwv) * ofrac(n)
+ hcond(n) = (max(hevap_a(n),0._r8) - tkfrz * max(evap(n),0._r8) * cpwv) * ofrac(n)
+ enddo
+ else
+ do n = 1,nmax
+ hevap(n) = (tocn(n) - tkfrz) * min(evap(n),0._r8) * cpwv * ofrac(n)
+ hcond(n) = (tocn(n) - tkfrz) * max(evap(n),0._r8) * cpwv * ofrac(n)
+ enddo
+ hevap_a => hevap
+ endif
+ if (FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm, compocn), 'Faxa_hsnow' , rc=rc)) then
+ call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm, compatm), 'Faxa_hsnow', field=fld_a, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm, compocn), 'Faxa_hsnow', field=fld_o, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call med_map_field(fld_a, fld_o, is_local%wrap%RH(compatm, compocn,:), mapconsf, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm, compocn), 'Faxa_hsnow', hsnow_a, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ do n = 1,nmax
+ hsnow(n) = (hsnow_a(n) - tkfrz * snow(n) * cpice) * ofrac(n)
+ enddo
+ else
+ if (FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Sa_tbot' , rc=rc)) then
+ do n = 1,nmax
+ hsnow(n) = min((tbot(n) - tkfrz), 0._r8) * snow(n) * cpice * ofrac(n)
+ enddo
+ else
+ do n = 1,nmax
+ hsnow(n) = min((tocn(n) - tkfrz), 0._r8) * snow(n) * cpice * ofrac(n)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ hsnow_a => hsnow
+ endif
+ allocate(hrofl_a(nmax))
+ allocate(hrofi_a(nmax))
+ do n=1,nmax
+ ! for F cases (docn) tocn is non-zero over land and so ofrac must be included
+ ! so that only ocean points are included in calculation
+ ! Need max to ensure that will not have an enthalpy contribution if the water is below 0C
+ hrofl_a(n)= max( tocn(n) , tkfrz ) * rofl(n) * cpsw * ofrac(n)
+ hrofi_a(n)= min( tocn(n) , tkfrz ) * rofi(n) * cpsw * ofrac(n)
+ hrofl(n) = max((tocn(n) - tkfrz), 0._r8) * rofl(n) * cpsw * ofrac(n)
+ hrofi(n) = min((tocn(n) - tkfrz), 0._r8) * rofi(n) * cpsw * ofrac(n)
+ end do
+ if(.not. FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Faxa_rain', rc)) deallocate(rain)
+ if(.not. FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Faxa_snow', rc)) deallocate(snow)
+ ! Determine enthalpy correction factor that will be added to the sensible heat flux sent to the atm
+ ! Areas here in radians**2 - this is an instantaneous snapshot that will be sent to the atm - only
+ ! need to calculate this if data is sent back to the atm
+ if (FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compatm), 'Faxx_sen', rc=rc)) then
+ allocate(hcorr(nmax))
+ areas => is_local%wrap%mesh_info(compocn)%areas
+ do n = 1,nmax
+ hcorr(n) = (hrain_a(n) + hsnow_a(n) + hevap_a(n) + hrofl_a(n) + hrofi_a(n)) * &
+ areas(n) * glob_area_inv
+ !hcorr(n) = (hrofl_a(n) + hrofi_a(n)) *areas(n) *glob_area_inv
+ end do
+ ! Determine sum of enthalpy correction for each hcorr index locally
+ local_htot_corr(1) = 0._r8
+ do n = 1,size(hcorr)
+ local_htot_corr(1) = local_htot_corr(1) + hcorr(n)
+ end do
+ call ESMF_VMAllreduce(is_local%wrap%vm, senddata=local_htot_corr, recvdata=global_htot_corr, count=1, &
+ reduceflag=ESMF_REDUCE_SUM, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ if (maintask) write(logunit, '(a,a,f21.13)') trim(subname),' global enthalpy correction: ',global_htot_corr(1)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ write(logunit, '(a,a,3f21.13)') trim(subname), ' hrain_a: ',minval(hrain_a),maxval(hrain_a),sum(hrain_a)
+ write(logunit, '(a,a,3f21.13)') trim(subname), ' hsnow_a: ',minval(hsnow_a),maxval(hsnow_a),sum(hsnow_a)
+ write(logunit, '(a,a,3f21.13)') trim(subname), ' hevap_a: ',minval(hevap_a),maxval(hevap_a),sum(hevap_a)
+ write(logunit, '(a,a,3f21.13)') trim(subname), ' hrofl_a: ',minval(hrofl_a),maxval(hrofl_a),sum(hrofl_a)
+ write(logunit, '(a,a,3f21.13)') trim(subname), ' hrofi_a: ',minval(hrofi_a),maxval(hrofi_a),sum(hrofi_a)
+ deallocate(hcorr)
+ endif
+ if(.not. FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hsnow', rc)) deallocate(hsnow)
+ if(.not. FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hrofl', rc)) deallocate(hrofl)
+ if(.not. FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hrofi', rc)) deallocate(hrofi)
+ if(.not. FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hrain', rc)) deallocate(hrain)
+ if(.not. FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hevap', rc)) deallocate(hevap)
+ if(.not. FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hcond', rc)) deallocate(hcond)
+ deallocate(hrofl_a)
+ deallocate(hrofi_a)
+ call t_stopf(subname)
+ end subroutine med_compute_enthalpy
+end module med_enthalpy_mod
diff --git a/mediator/med_internalstate_mod.F90 b/mediator/med_internalstate_mod.F90
index d09903be5..e2b439637 100644
--- a/mediator/med_internalstate_mod.F90
+++ b/mediator/med_internalstate_mod.F90
@@ -136,7 +136,8 @@ module med_internalstate_mod
logical :: ocn2glc_coupling = .false. ! obtained from attribute
logical :: lnd2glc_coupling = .false.
logical :: accum_lnd2glc = .false.
+ logical :: docn_present ! aoflux calc requires med_coupling_active true even for docn
+ ! so we need an additional flag
! Mediator vm
type(ESMF_VM) :: vm
@@ -350,8 +351,10 @@ subroutine med_internalstate_init(gcomp, rc)
end if
call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name='OCN_model', value=ocn_name, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ is_local%wrap%docn_present = .false.
if (isPresent .and. isSet) then
if (trim(ocn_name) /= 'socn') is_local%wrap%comp_present(compocn) = .true.
+ if (trim(ocn_name) == 'docn') is_local%wrap%docn_present = .true.
end if
call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name='ICE_model', value=ice_name, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
diff --git a/mediator/med_phases_ocnalb_mod.F90 b/mediator/med_phases_ocnalb_mod.F90
index 304d0c7fd..840082b36 100644
--- a/mediator/med_phases_ocnalb_mod.F90
+++ b/mediator/med_phases_ocnalb_mod.F90
@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ subroutine med_phases_ocnalb_orbital_update(clock, logunit, maintask, eccen, ob
integer :: orb_year ! orbital year for current orbital computation
character(len=CL) :: msgstr ! temporary
logical :: lprint
- logical :: first_time = .true.
+ logical, save :: first_time = .true.
character(len=*) , parameter :: subname = "(med_phases_ocnalb_orbital_update)"
@@ -648,16 +648,12 @@ subroutine med_phases_ocnalb_orbital_update(clock, logunit, maintask, eccen, ob
call ESMF_TimeGet(CurrTime, yy=year, rc=rc)
if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
orb_year = orb_iyear + (year - orb_iyear_align)
- lprint = maintask
+ if(first_time) lprint = maintask
orb_year = orb_iyear
- if (first_time) then
- lprint = maintask
- first_time = .false.
- else
- lprint = .false.
- end if
+ if(first_time) lprint = maintask
end if
+ first_time = .false.
eccen = orb_eccen
shr_log_unit = logunit
diff --git a/mediator/med_phases_prep_atm_mod.F90 b/mediator/med_phases_prep_atm_mod.F90
index bcdf2ea42..a2734e945 100644
--- a/mediator/med_phases_prep_atm_mod.F90
+++ b/mediator/med_phases_prep_atm_mod.F90
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module med_phases_prep_atm_mod
use med_kind_mod , only : CX=>SHR_KIND_CX, CS=>SHR_KIND_CS, CL=>SHR_KIND_CL, R8=>SHR_KIND_R8
use ESMF , only : ESMF_Field, ESMF_FieldGet, ESMF_FieldBundleGet
- use ESMF , only : ESMF_GridComp, ESMF_GridCompGet
+ use ESMF , only : ESMF_GridComp, ESMF_GridCompGet, ESMF_FieldBundleIsCreated
use med_constants_mod , only : dbug_flag => med_constants_dbug_flag
use med_utils_mod , only : memcheck => med_memcheck
use med_utils_mod , only : chkerr => med_utils_ChkErr
@@ -23,14 +23,12 @@ module med_phases_prep_atm_mod
use perf_mod , only : t_startf, t_stopf
use med_phases_aofluxes_mod, only : med_aofluxes_map_xgrid2agrid_output
use med_phases_aofluxes_mod, only : med_aofluxes_map_ogrid2agrid_output
+ use med_enthalpy_mod, only : med_enthalpy_get_global_htot_corr, med_compute_enthalpy, mediator_compute_enthalpy
implicit none
public :: med_phases_prep_atm
- public :: med_phases_prep_atm_enthalpy_correction
- real(r8), public :: global_htot_corr(1) = 0._r8 ! enthalpy correction from med_phases_prep_ocn
character(len=13) :: fldnames_from_ocn(5) = (/'Faoo_fbrf_ocn','Faoo_fdms_ocn','Faoo_fco2_ocn',&
@@ -231,11 +229,17 @@ subroutine med_phases_prep_atm(gcomp, rc)
end do
! Add enthalpy correction to sensible heat if appropriate
- if (FB_FldChk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compatm), 'Faxx_sen', rc=rc)) then
+ if (Mediator_compute_enthalpy) then
call FB_getfldptr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compatm), 'Faxx_sen', dataptr1, rc=rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! IF data ocn case compute first, otherwise computed in prep_ocn_mod
+ if(is_local%wrap%docn_present) then
+ call med_compute_enthalpy(is_local, rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ endif
do n = 1,size(dataptr1)
- dataptr1(n) = dataptr1(n) + global_htot_corr(1)
+ dataptr1(n) = dataptr1(n) + med_enthalpy_get_global_htot_corr()
end do
end if
@@ -263,7 +267,7 @@ subroutine med_phases_prep_atm_enthalpy_correction (gcomp, hcorr, rc)
use ESMF , only : ESMF_VMAllreduce, ESMF_GridCompGet, ESMF_REDUCE_SUM
use ESMF , only : ESMF_VM
+ use med_enthalpy_mod, only : global_htot_corr
! input/output variables
type(ESMF_GridComp) , intent(in) :: gcomp
real(r8) , intent(in) :: hcorr(:)
diff --git a/mediator/med_phases_prep_ocn_mod.F90 b/mediator/med_phases_prep_ocn_mod.F90
index 246ec5866..a3b311542 100644
--- a/mediator/med_phases_prep_ocn_mod.F90
+++ b/mediator/med_phases_prep_ocn_mod.F90
@@ -7,9 +7,8 @@ module med_phases_prep_ocn_mod
use med_kind_mod , only : CX=>SHR_KIND_CX, CS=>SHR_KIND_CS, CL=>SHR_KIND_CL, R8=>SHR_KIND_R8
use med_constants_mod , only : czero =>med_constants_czero
use med_constants_mod , only : dbug_flag => med_constants_dbug_flag
- use med_internalstate_mod , only : InternalState, maintask, logunit
+ use med_internalstate_mod , only : InternalState, maintask, logunit, compocn, compatm, compice, coupling_mode
use med_merge_mod , only : med_merge_auto, med_merge_field
- use med_map_mod , only : med_map_field_packed
use med_utils_mod , only : memcheck => med_memcheck
use med_utils_mod , only : chkerr => med_utils_ChkErr
use med_methods_mod , only : FB_diagnose => med_methods_FB_diagnose
@@ -21,7 +20,6 @@ module med_phases_prep_ocn_mod
use med_methods_mod , only : FB_reset => med_methods_FB_reset
use med_methods_mod , only : FB_check_for_nans => med_methods_FB_check_for_nans
use esmFlds , only : med_fldList_GetfldListTo, med_fldlist_type
- use med_internalstate_mod , only : compocn, compatm, compice, coupling_mode
use perf_mod , only : t_startf, t_stopf
implicit none
@@ -79,15 +77,15 @@ subroutine med_phases_prep_ocn_accum(gcomp, rc)
use ESMF , only : ESMF_GridComp, ESMF_FieldBundleGet
- use med_constants_mod , only : shr_const_cpsw, shr_const_tkfrz, shr_const_pi
- use med_phases_prep_atm_mod , only : med_phases_prep_atm_enthalpy_correction
+ use med_enthalpy_mod , only : med_compute_enthalpy, mediator_compute_enthalpy
+ use med_map_mod , only : med_map_field_packed
! input/output variables
type(ESMF_GridComp) :: gcomp
integer, intent(out) :: rc
! local variables
type(InternalState) :: is_local
integer :: n
real(r8) :: glob_area_inv
real(r8), pointer :: tocn(:)
@@ -155,97 +153,9 @@ subroutine med_phases_prep_ocn_accum(gcomp, rc)
FBMed1=is_local%wrap%FBMed_aoflux_o, rc=rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- !---------------------------------------
- !--- custom calculations
- !---------------------------------------
- ! compute enthalpy associated with rain, snow, condensation and liquid river & glc runoff
- ! the sea-ice model already accounts for the enthalpy flux (as part of melth), so
- ! enthalpy from meltw **is not** included below
- if ( FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Faxa_rain' , rc=rc) .and. &
- FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hrain' , rc=rc) .and. &
- FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Faxa_snow' , rc=rc) .and. &
- FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hsnow' , rc=rc) .and. &
- FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_evap' , rc=rc) .and. &
- FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hevap' , rc=rc) .and. &
- FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hcond' , rc=rc) .and. &
- FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_rofl' , rc=rc) .and. &
- FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hrofl' , rc=rc) .and. &
- FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_rofi' , rc=rc) .and. &
- FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hrofi' , rc=rc) .and. &
- FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Forr_rofl_glc' , rc=rc) .and. &
- FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hrofl_glc' , rc=rc) .and. &
- FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Forr_rofi_glc' , rc=rc) .and. &
- FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hrofi_glc' , rc=rc)) then
- call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compocn,compocn), 'So_t', tocn, rc=rc)
- if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Faxa_rain' , rain, rc=rc)
- if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hrain', hrain, rc=rc)
- if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_evap' , evap, rc=rc)
- if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hevap', hevap, rc=rc)
- if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hcond', hcond, rc=rc)
- if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Faxa_snow' , snow, rc=rc)
- if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hsnow', hsnow, rc=rc)
- if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_rofl' , rofl, rc=rc)
+ if(mediator_compute_enthalpy) then
+ call med_compute_enthalpy(is_local, rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hrofl', hrofl, rc=rc)
- if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_rofi' , rofi, rc=rc)
- if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hrofi', hrofi, rc=rc)
- if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Forr_rofl_glc' , rofl_glc, rc=rc)
- if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hrofl_glc', hrofl_glc, rc=rc)
- if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Forr_rofi_glc' , rofi_glc, rc=rc)
- if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- call FB_GetFldPtr(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_hrofi_glc', hrofi_glc, rc=rc)
- if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- do n = 1,size(tocn)
- ! Need max to ensure that will not have an enthalpy contribution if the water is below 0C
- hrain(n) = max((tocn(n) - shr_const_tkfrz), 0._r8) * rain(n) * shr_const_cpsw
- hsnow(n) = min((tocn(n) - shr_const_tkfrz), 0._r8) * snow(n) * shr_const_cpsw
- hevap(n) = (tocn(n) - shr_const_tkfrz) * min(evap(n), 0._r8) * shr_const_cpsw
- hcond(n) = max((tocn(n) - shr_const_tkfrz), 0._r8) * max(evap(n), 0._r8) * shr_const_cpsw
- hrofl(n) = max((tocn(n) - shr_const_tkfrz), 0._r8) * rofl(n) * shr_const_cpsw
- hrofi(n) = min((tocn(n) - shr_const_tkfrz), 0._r8) * rofi(n) * shr_const_cpsw
- hrofl_glc(n) = max((tocn(n) - shr_const_tkfrz), 0._r8) * rofl_glc(n) * shr_const_cpsw
- hrofi_glc(n) = min((tocn(n) - shr_const_tkfrz), 0._r8) * rofi_glc(n) * shr_const_cpsw
- end do
- ! Determine enthalpy correction factor that will be added to the sensible heat flux sent to the atm
- ! Areas here in radians**2 - this is an instantaneous snapshot that will be sent to the atm - only
- ! need to calculate this if data is sent back to the atm
- if (FB_fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compatm), 'Faxx_sen', rc=rc)) then
- allocate(hcorr(size(tocn)))
- glob_area_inv = 1._r8 / (4._r8 * shr_const_pi)
- areas => is_local%wrap%mesh_info(compocn)%areas
- do n = 1,size(tocn)
- hcorr(n) = (hrain(n) + hsnow(n) + hcond(n) + hevap(n) + hrofl(n) + hrofi(n) + hrofl_glc(n) + hrofi_glc(n)) * &
- areas(n) * glob_area_inv
- end do
- call med_phases_prep_atm_enthalpy_correction(gcomp, hcorr, rc)
- if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- deallocate(hcorr)
- end if
end if
! custom merges to ocean