Thank you for your interest in our project and its continued health!
This document's purpose is to explain our conventions, expectations and procedure for contributing to this code base.
If you have a feature request, see a discrepency in our documentation or have found a bug, we strongly encourage you to help us better this library!
Before you create a ticket, navigate to issues page and ensure that there is not an existing ticket already filed.
If none are found, please create a new feature or bug ticket from our templates -- ensuring that all the following areas are covered with enough detail to action.
Please note:
Please be respectful of all community members and keep this environment collaborative, safe and suitable for all.
We will read and consider each issue filed but we cannot accomodate all requests.
To address an existing issue or open a pr for a new item, please follow standard open source procedure.
Prove all applicable changes are working as expected with meaningful unit tests.
Update the with each change in functionality.
Fork the repository.
Create a working branch and start with your changes!
Commit the changes once you are happy with them and self review.
Create a pull request and fill out all fields in the pull request template.
Link the pull request to the issue with a link in the title. For example:
Bugfix: Fix casing found Issue: [#${issueNumber}](${issueNumber})
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Add repo contributors as reviewers.
At our earliest convenience, the team will review the proposed changes. It is highly likely we will pose questions and request more information or even changes.