All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Nothing so far
- Updated libphonenumber-android to latest
- No ripple effect (as a potential fix for #403)
- Enable vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary (as a potential fix for #403)
- Tagalog/Filipino language support (Pull Request) by Noor ul Ain Ali
- Return selected country flag resource id (Pull Request) by Giorgi
- Optimized resources (Pull Request) by Daniel Gomez
- US Flag Image to show correctly with border (Pull Request)
- Slovenian language support by pastafarianGit (Pull Request)
- Fixed issue
- Marathi language support Pull Request by Kaustubh Kulkarni
attribute Pull Request by mina george
- Typo
- Adds
property to set custom background resource for CCP Dialog.
- Allow to set validity change listener to null (Pull Request by Michael Gray)
- Support for Kazakh (Pull Request by Zhanbolat Raimbekov)
- file (Pull Request by Antoine Jaury)
- App module converted to Kotlin (Pull Request by JoshuaBradbury)
- Improve FRENCH translation (Pull Request by m3-ra)
- Update gradle and plugin versions
- Solves issue regarding valid numbers with leading 0
- Vietnamese language support (Pull Request by Ricardo Markiewicz)
- Danish language support (Pull Request by porkyhead)
- Option to deregister exitText.
- Support for Custom Title, Search Hint and No result ack of CCP Dialog. Read More
- Flag Emoji Support (BETA)
- Beware of problems related to the Emoji Support.
- Option to set arrow color Read More
- Adds Curacao Country (Pull request by msalshaikhz)
- Updates libphonenumber version to 8.10.1
- Greek language support (Pull Request by khanboy1989)
- Resolves issue #256, #278, #282
- Uzbek language support (Pull Request by Mirmuhsin)
- Afrikaans language support (Pull Request by marilie)
- Czech language support (Pull Request by Jakub Begera)
- Distinguish language based on script in addition to language code. (Pull Request by Fantasycheese)
- Libya Flag Correction. (Pull Request by sreekanth-krishnan)
- Keep.xml for correct Proguard configuration
- Option to override click listener Read More
- Updates Android PhoneLib port to the current latest version (8.9.14)
- Option to set initial scroll to selected country. Read More
- Option to remove flag from dialog. Issue#189
- Adds Farsi Language Support (Pull Request By Ayhan Salami)
- Adds Slovak Language Support (Pull Request By smiesnyrobert)
- Bug fixes. Issue#199, Issue#211.
- Adds 9 new countries Issue#206
- Improved international phone formatting.
- Removes intermediate solution for national phone hint (ccp_hintExampleNumberFormat is no longer supported).
- Add/Correct some country flags.
- Uses latest libphonenumber (Optimized for android) library.
- FailureListener interface to listen to onCountryAutoDetectionFailed Issue#186.
- Adds Swedish language support (Pull request by Tobias Hillén)
- Adds Kosovo Country (Pull request by Aleksei Kliuev)
- Adds Guadeloupe Countries Issue#170
- Understands difference between Isle of Man country and UK numbers. Issue#168
- Feature to remove country name code from CCP Dialog Issue#159
- Adds ccp_hintExampleNumberFormat to address cases like Issue#154
- Handles national trunk prefixes correctly. Issue#149
- Feature to add selected country's example number as hint of carrier number edit text. Wiki Page
- Corrected dimension of French Guiana flag (Pull request by Gautier MECHLING)
- Feature to exclude specific countries from the list. Wiki Page
- Adds Punjabi language support Pull Request By Dhruv Bhakta
- Corrected Arabic translation by Ahmed Wahdan
- Country name textView, Flag imageView, Arrow imageView are now publicly accessible through getter-setters.
- Opens Country class (Renamed to "CCPCountry" to avoid naming confusion) (issue#136)
- Fixes preview in Android Studio 3
- Auto detects country while typing area code (among multiple countries with code "+1") (issue#140)
- Cursor color follows ccpDialog_searchEditTextTint color (issue#131)
- Possible fix for crash (issue#67)
- Introduces countryAutoDetectionPref option (Default: SIM then NETWORK then LOCALE)
- Now default value for ccp_autoDetectCountry is false instead of true.
- Option to remember last selection.
- Uses android's port instead of libphonenumber. (Suggestion)
- Adds dutch language support
- Updates build tool version
- Corrects Myanmar flag
- Applies TypeFace to dialog text as well. Read wiki.
- Dialog events callback listeners
- Option to change visibility of down arrow
- Adds UAE as part of name
- Country name corrections for German language
- Corrects phone code for holy see
- Fixes crash for turkish language (for some devices)
- Option to get country's english name irrespective of selected language
- Corrects Turkey flag
- Adds country "Iceland"
- Updates country auto detection method and order (1. Locale, 2. Network, 3. SIM).
- Ukrainian language support
- Italian language support
- Updated libphonenumber library version to 8.8.2
- Turkish language support
- Issue for initial popped status of keyboard for some specific devices irrespective of ccpDialog_keyboardAutoPopup value.
- Few countries' name corrected for spanish language
- RTL layout bug fix for dialog
- Minor bug fix for showing name code
- Allowed customization of ccpDialog theme by changing colors of background, text and editText.
If you are using version lower than 2.0.0 then please read update guide before upgrading to v2.0.0.
- Clear search query "X" button
- All attributes has prefix of ccp and ccpDialog (to avoid name space clashes) i.e "textSize" is now "ccp_textSize".
- Few attribute name changes to follow convention
- defaultCode => ccp_default_PhoneCode
- hideNameCode => ccp_showNameCode
- keyboardAutoPopOnSearch => ccpDialog_keyboardAutoPopup
- selectionDialogShowSearch => ccpDialog_allowSearch
- ccpClickable => ccp_clickable
- ccpSearchBox_showPhoneCode => ccpDialog_showPhoneCode
- Supports "match_parent" width attribute with text gravity option
- As you type formatting of carrier number in registerCarrierNumberEditText (Enabled by default)
- Feature of auto-detect language (disabled by default)
- Feature of auto-detect country (enabled by default)
- Validity checker for full number
- PhoneNumber validity change listener
- Differentiate countries with "+1" based on area code. Now full number that starts with +1 will set correct country.
- Fast Scroller with index.
- Lightweight: Long lists of countries are moved to xml from java. Now it consumes only minimum runtime memory.
- Adds missing flags of Sint Maarten and Cayman Islands
- There were some countries which were visible only when english is selected. This is fixed now and all countries will be appearing for all languages.
- Now it is easier to add new languages.
- Countries are now listed in ascending order specific to selected language rather than just English name.
- Option to add border to ccp flag. This gives more clarity to flag if flag and background has same or almost similar color.
- Adds Palestine to country list.
- Option to hide phone code. Allows developers to use CCP as Country Selector and not code selector.
- Typo fix for "Search...", "Select a country", "Results not found".
- Now "Results not found" text is shifted to top to avoid it from being hidden under bigger keyboards.
- Fixes a problem which was toasting message for disabled search feature
- Adds French Guyana, Martinique and Réunion to country list
- Adds support for HEBREW
- Correct layout for RTL layouts
- Support to enable/disable click
- Option to hide search bar from selection dialog
- Adds Flag thumbnail
- Adds option for full country name
- Bug fix for getDefaultCountryCodeAsInt() and getDefaultCountryCodeAsInt()
- Added country change listener
- Changed ccp view size when code name is hidden
- Custom master list
- Custom font
- Language support
- Optional KeyboardAutoPopup
- Country preference
- Hide country name code option
- Default country using Country name code
- Support for textSize and arrowSize modification
- First upload with basic functionalities
- PR_Desc (Pull Request by )
- Issue_Desc (Issue)