diff --git a/packages/yoroi-extension/app/i18n/locales/hu-HU.json b/packages/yoroi-extension/app/i18n/locales/hu-HU.json
index d1f3b1b82e..0be5531fe7 100644
--- a/packages/yoroi-extension/app/i18n/locales/hu-HU.json
+++ b/packages/yoroi-extension/app/i18n/locales/hu-HU.json
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
   "button.buySellAda": "Buy/Sell ADA",
   "button.sellAda": "Sell ADA",
   "buysell.dialog.adaAmount": "ADA Amount",
+  "buysell.dialog.buyProviderFee": "2% fee",
   "buysell.dialog.currentBalance": "Current balance: {amount} ADA",
   "buysell.dialog.disclaimer": "Disclaimer",
   "buysell.dialog.disclaimerText": "Yoroi Wallet utilizes third-party web3 on-and-off ramp solutions for direct Fiat-ADA exchanges.  By clicking \"Proceed,\" you acknowledge that you will be redirected to our partner's website, where you may need to accept their terms and conditions.  Please note, the third party web3 solution may have limitations based on your location and financial institution.",
@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@
   "buysell.dialog.proceed": "PROCEED",
   "buysell.dialog.provider": "Provider",
   "buysell.dialog.providerFee": "Provider fee",
+  "buysell.dialog.sellProviderFee": "2.5% fee",
   "buysell.dialog.title": "Exchange ADA",
   "buysell.end.text": "Congrats! 🎉 Your transaction is now in progress. You should be receiving the funds soon.",
   "connector.appName": "Dapp Connector",
@@ -125,6 +127,7 @@
   "global.label.assets": "assets",
   "global.label.choose": "Kiválasztás",
   "global.label.success": "Success",
+  "global.labels.apply": "Apply",
   "global.labels.LearnMore": "Több információ",
   "global.labels.addMemo": "Megjegyzés hozzáadása",
   "global.labels.addNft": "Add NFT",
@@ -361,6 +364,77 @@
   "sidebar.wallets": "My wallets",
   "swap.menu.orders": "Orders",
   "swap.menu.swap": "Asset swap",
+  "swap.total": "Total",
+  "swap.manual": "Manual",
+  "swap.max": "MAX",
+  "swap.currentBalance": "Current balance:",
+  "swap.swapLabel": "Swap",
+  "swap.auto": "(Auto)",
+  "swap.actions.slippageTolerance": "Slippage Tolerance",
+  "swap.actions.defaultSlippageTolerance": "Default Slippage Tolerance",
+  "swap.actions.slippageToleranceTooltip": "Slippage tolerance is set as a percentage of the total swap value. Your transactions will not be executed if the price moves by more than this amount",
+  "swap.actions.slippageToleranceHigh": "When the slippage tolerance is set really high, it allows the transaction to still complete despite large price swings. This can open the door to front-running and sandwich attacks.",
+  "swap.actions.clear": "Clear",
+  "swap.actions.marketTabLabel": "Market",
+  "swap.actions.limitTabLabel": "Limit",
+  "swap.swapToLabel": "Swap to",
+  "swap.swapFromLabel": "Swap from",
+  "swap.dexLabel": "DEX",
+  "swap.cancelOrder.title": "Cancel order",
+  "swap.cancelOrder.content": "Are you sure you want to cancel this order?",
+  "swap.asset": "Asset",
+  "swap.amount": "Amount",
+  "swap.assetPrice": "Asset price",
+  "swap.assetAmount": "Asset amount",
+  "swap.totalReturned": "Total returned",
+  "swap.timeExecuted": "Time executed",
+  "swap.timeCreated": "Time created",
+  "swap.totalReturnedTooltip": "The amount returned to your wallet after cancelling the order",
+  "swap.cancellationFee": "Cancellation fee",
+  "swap.limitPrice": "Limit price",
+  "swap.limitPriceTooltip": "Limit price in a DEX is a specific pre-set price at which you can trade an asset. Unlike market orders, which execute immediately at the current market price, limit orders are set to execute only when the market reaches the trader's specified price.",
+  "swap.limitPriceContent": "Are you sure you want to proceed this order with the limit price that is 10% or more higher than the market price?",
+  "swap.yourLimitPrice": "Your limit price",
+  "swap.marketPrice": "Market price",
+  "swap.marketPriceTooltip": "Market price is the best price available on the market among several DEXes that lets you buy or sell an asset instantly",
+  "swap.priceImpact": "Price impact",
+  "swap.priceImpactTooltip": "Price impact is a difference between the actual market price and your price due to trade size.",
+  "swap.priceImpactSevere": "<strong>Price impact over 10%</strong> may cause a significant loss of funds. Please bear this in mind and proceed with an extra caution.",
+  "swap.priceImpactNotSevere": "<strong>Price impact over 1%</strong> may cause a difference in the amount you actually receive. Consider this at your own risk.",
+  "swap.numAssetsFound": "{num} assets found",
+  "swap.numAssetsAvailable": "{num} assets available",
+  "swap.noAssetFoundWithTerm": "No tokens found for “{searchTerm}”",
+  "swap.noAssetFoundToSwap": "No asset was found to swap",
+  "swap.swapDisclamerInfo": "Please be aware that by proceeding to use the SWAP functionality within Yoroi, you acknowledge and understand that any actions taken are solely your responsibility.<br /><br /> The assets available in this functionality are Cardano Native Assets and not subject to a verification process. Additionally, the asset price indication is subject to rapid fluctuations based on market conditions.<br /><br />We strongly advise conducting thorough research and exercising caution before engaging in any SWAP transactions. Yoroi and EMURGO cannot be held liable for any potential risks, losses, or damages that may arise from your use of the SWAP functionality.",
+  "swap.swapDisclamerButton": "I understand this disclaimer",
+  "swap.pairNotAvailable": "Selected pair is not available in any liquidity pool",
+  "swap.noPoolFound": "No pool found",
+  "swap.adaDepositTooltip": "A small ADA deposit that will be returned when your order is processed or canceled",
+  "swap.minAda": "Min ADA",
+  "swap.fees": "Fees",
+  "swap.feesIncluded": "Fees included:",
+  "swap.dexFee": "• DEX fee",
+  "swap.frontendFee": "• Frontend fee",
+  "swap.minimumAssets": "Minimum assets received",
+  "swap.minimumAssetsTooltip": "The minimum amount you are guaranteed to receive in case of price slippage",
+  "swap.lpFee": "Liquidity provider fee",
+  "swap.lpFeeTooltip": "A fixed 0.3% operational fee paid to liquidity providers as a reward for supplying tokens, enabling traders to buy and sell assets on the decentralized Cardano network",
+  "swap.confirmSwapTx": "Confirm swap transaction",
+  "swap.txSubmitted": "Transaction submitted",
+  "swap.txFailed": "Transaction failed",
+  "swap.txId": "Transaction ID",
+  "swap.checkTx": "Check this transaction in the list of wallet transactions",
+  "swap.txNotProcessed": "Your transaction has not been processed properly due to technical issues",
+  "swap.goToTxs": "Go to transactions",
+  "swap.downloadLogFile": "Download log file",
+  "swap.notEnoughBalance": "Not enough balance",
+  "swap.notEnoughBalanceFees": "Not enough balance, please consider the fees",
+  "swap.noOrdersCompleted": "No orders completed yet",
+  "swap.noOrdersAvailable": "No orders available yet",
+  "swap.startDoingSwaps": "Start doing the swap operations to see your open orders here",
+  "swap.ordersPair": "Pair (From / To)",
+  "swap.ordersCompletedLabel": "Completed orders",
+  "swap.openOrdersLabel": "Open orders",
   "testnet.shelley.label.message": "YOU ARE ON TESTNET NETWORK.",
   "transfer.form.instructions.step1.text": "It will take about 1 minute to restore your balance. In the next step, you will be presented with a transaction that will move all of your funds. Please review the details of the transaction carefully. You will need to pay a standard transaction fee on the Cardano network to make the transaction.",
   "transfer.instructions.attention.title.label": "Attention",
diff --git a/packages/yoroi-extension/app/i18n/locales/vi-VN.json b/packages/yoroi-extension/app/i18n/locales/vi-VN.json
index 8bd145d6f7..170bd5c68a 100644
--- a/packages/yoroi-extension/app/i18n/locales/vi-VN.json
+++ b/packages/yoroi-extension/app/i18n/locales/vi-VN.json
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
   "button.buySellAda": "Buy/Sell ADA",
   "button.sellAda": "Sell ADA",
   "buysell.dialog.adaAmount": "ADA Amount",
+  "buysell.dialog.buyProviderFee": "2% fee",
   "buysell.dialog.currentBalance": "Current balance: {amount} ADA",
   "buysell.dialog.disclaimer": "Disclaimer",
   "buysell.dialog.disclaimerText": "Yoroi Wallet utilizes third-party web3 on-and-off ramp solutions for direct Fiat-ADA exchanges.  By clicking \"Proceed,\" you acknowledge that you will be redirected to our partner's website, where you may need to accept their terms and conditions.  Please note, the third party web3 solution may have limitations based on your location and financial institution.",
@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@
   "buysell.dialog.proceed": "PROCEED",
   "buysell.dialog.provider": "Provider",
   "buysell.dialog.providerFee": "Provider fee",
+  "buysell.dialog.sellProviderFee": "2.5% fee",
   "buysell.dialog.title": "Exchange ADA",
   "buysell.end.text": "Congrats! 🎉 Your transaction is now in progress. You should be receiving the funds soon.",
   "connector.appName": "Kết nối Dapp",
@@ -125,6 +127,7 @@
   "global.label.assets": "tài sản",
   "global.label.choose": "Chọn",
   "global.label.success": "Success",
+  "global.labels.apply": "Apply",
   "global.labels.LearnMore": "Tìm hiểu thêm",
   "global.labels.addMemo": "Thêm bản nghi nhớ",
   "global.labels.addNft": "Add NFT",
@@ -361,6 +364,77 @@
   "sidebar.wallets": "Ví của tôi",
   "swap.menu.orders": "Orders",
   "swap.menu.swap": "Asset swap",
+  "swap.total": "Total",
+  "swap.manual": "Manual",
+  "swap.max": "MAX",
+  "swap.currentBalance": "Current balance:",
+  "swap.swapLabel": "Swap",
+  "swap.auto": "(Auto)",
+  "swap.actions.slippageTolerance": "Slippage Tolerance",
+  "swap.actions.defaultSlippageTolerance": "Default Slippage Tolerance",
+  "swap.actions.slippageToleranceTooltip": "Slippage tolerance is set as a percentage of the total swap value. Your transactions will not be executed if the price moves by more than this amount",
+  "swap.actions.slippageToleranceHigh": "When the slippage tolerance is set really high, it allows the transaction to still complete despite large price swings. This can open the door to front-running and sandwich attacks.",
+  "swap.actions.clear": "Clear",
+  "swap.actions.marketTabLabel": "Market",
+  "swap.actions.limitTabLabel": "Limit",
+  "swap.swapToLabel": "Swap to",
+  "swap.swapFromLabel": "Swap from",
+  "swap.dexLabel": "DEX",
+  "swap.cancelOrder.title": "Cancel order",
+  "swap.cancelOrder.content": "Are you sure you want to cancel this order?",
+  "swap.asset": "Asset",
+  "swap.amount": "Amount",
+  "swap.assetPrice": "Asset price",
+  "swap.assetAmount": "Asset amount",
+  "swap.totalReturned": "Total returned",
+  "swap.timeExecuted": "Time executed",
+  "swap.timeCreated": "Time created",
+  "swap.totalReturnedTooltip": "The amount returned to your wallet after cancelling the order",
+  "swap.cancellationFee": "Cancellation fee",
+  "swap.limitPrice": "Limit price",
+  "swap.limitPriceTooltip": "Limit price in a DEX is a specific pre-set price at which you can trade an asset. Unlike market orders, which execute immediately at the current market price, limit orders are set to execute only when the market reaches the trader's specified price.",
+  "swap.limitPriceContent": "Are you sure you want to proceed this order with the limit price that is 10% or more higher than the market price?",
+  "swap.yourLimitPrice": "Your limit price",
+  "swap.marketPrice": "Market price",
+  "swap.marketPriceTooltip": "Market price is the best price available on the market among several DEXes that lets you buy or sell an asset instantly",
+  "swap.priceImpact": "Price impact",
+  "swap.priceImpactTooltip": "Price impact is a difference between the actual market price and your price due to trade size.",
+  "swap.priceImpactSevere": "<strong>Price impact over 10%</strong> may cause a significant loss of funds. Please bear this in mind and proceed with an extra caution.",
+  "swap.priceImpactNotSevere": "<strong>Price impact over 1%</strong> may cause a difference in the amount you actually receive. Consider this at your own risk.",
+  "swap.numAssetsFound": "{num} assets found",
+  "swap.numAssetsAvailable": "{num} assets available",
+  "swap.noAssetFoundWithTerm": "No tokens found for “{searchTerm}”",
+  "swap.noAssetFoundToSwap": "No asset was found to swap",
+  "swap.swapDisclamerInfo": "Please be aware that by proceeding to use the SWAP functionality within Yoroi, you acknowledge and understand that any actions taken are solely your responsibility.<br /><br /> The assets available in this functionality are Cardano Native Assets and not subject to a verification process. Additionally, the asset price indication is subject to rapid fluctuations based on market conditions.<br /><br />We strongly advise conducting thorough research and exercising caution before engaging in any SWAP transactions. Yoroi and EMURGO cannot be held liable for any potential risks, losses, or damages that may arise from your use of the SWAP functionality.",
+  "swap.swapDisclamerButton": "I understand this disclaimer",
+  "swap.pairNotAvailable": "Selected pair is not available in any liquidity pool",
+  "swap.noPoolFound": "No pool found",
+  "swap.adaDepositTooltip": "A small ADA deposit that will be returned when your order is processed or canceled",
+  "swap.minAda": "Min ADA",
+  "swap.fees": "Fees",
+  "swap.feesIncluded": "Fees included:",
+  "swap.dexFee": "• DEX fee",
+  "swap.frontendFee": "• Frontend fee",
+  "swap.minimumAssets": "Minimum assets received",
+  "swap.minimumAssetsTooltip": "The minimum amount you are guaranteed to receive in case of price slippage",
+  "swap.lpFee": "Liquidity provider fee",
+  "swap.lpFeeTooltip": "A fixed 0.3% operational fee paid to liquidity providers as a reward for supplying tokens, enabling traders to buy and sell assets on the decentralized Cardano network",
+  "swap.confirmSwapTx": "Confirm swap transaction",
+  "swap.txSubmitted": "Transaction submitted",
+  "swap.txFailed": "Transaction failed",
+  "swap.txId": "Transaction ID",
+  "swap.checkTx": "Check this transaction in the list of wallet transactions",
+  "swap.txNotProcessed": "Your transaction has not been processed properly due to technical issues",
+  "swap.goToTxs": "Go to transactions",
+  "swap.downloadLogFile": "Download log file",
+  "swap.notEnoughBalance": "Not enough balance",
+  "swap.notEnoughBalanceFees": "Not enough balance, please consider the fees",
+  "swap.noOrdersCompleted": "No orders completed yet",
+  "swap.noOrdersAvailable": "No orders available yet",
+  "swap.startDoingSwaps": "Start doing the swap operations to see your open orders here",
+  "swap.ordersPair": "Pair (From / To)",
+  "swap.ordersCompletedLabel": "Completed orders",
+  "swap.openOrdersLabel": "Open orders",
   "testnet.shelley.label.message": "BẠN ĐANG TRÊN MẠNG TESTNET.",
   "transfer.form.instructions.step1.text": "Sẽ mất khoảng 1 phút để khôi phục lại số dư của bạn. Trong bước tiếp theo, bạn sẽ thấy một giao dịch sẽ chuyển tất cả số tiền của bạn. Vui lòng xem kỹ các chi tiết của giao dịch. Bạn sẽ phải trả một khoản phí giao dịch tiêu chuẩn trên mạng Cardano để thực hiện giao dịch.",
   "transfer.instructions.attention.title.label": "Chú ý",