- https://saifworks.hashnode.dev/external-chaincode-launcher-hyperledger-fabric
- https://www.blockchainexpert.uk/blog/external-chaincode-service-in-hyperledger-fabric
- https://dev.to/vanitas92/how-to-implement-hyperledger-fabric-external-chaincodes-within-a-kubernetes-cluster-34de
- Caliper Benchmark on Hyperldger Fabric
- https://github.com/tittuvarghese/Caliper_HLF/blob/master/caliper-benchmarks/networks/fabric/config_raft/configtx.yaml
- https://github.com/bharathreddypanyala/fabric/blob/master/caliper-benchmarks/networks/fabric/config_raft/configtx.yaml
- https://github.com/Karumba-PhD-UNSW/caliper-benchmarks/blob/master/networks/fabric/config_raft/configtx.yaml
- https://github.com/sjlee1125/Multi-Host-Fabric-Network/blob/master/configtx.yaml
- https://github.com/FujitsuLaboratories/ConnectionChain-sample/blob/master/environment/base/cc_env/yaml-files/configtx.yaml
- It is found that the performance of Fabric increases with large Block size
- It is demonstrated that Raft is superior to Kafka
- Fabric consists of heterogeneous components performing different operations,
- Hence it is difficult to apply the same scheduling policy to the Fabric components.
- Peers consume 2.3 times the time slice than the orderers
- Fabric can experience performance degradation when components run with co-located tasks.
- the number of transactions in the block reaches the threshold
- the block size attains the maximum value in bytes
- certain time has passed since the first transaction of the new block was received.
- It is because peers perform verification of the client’s transaction proposals and validate new blocks.
- The state-based endorsement allows the default chaincode-level endorsement policies
- It can be be overridden by a different policy for the specified keys.