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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

estimate - design - md
estimate - design - md
Medium design effort; 5-10 days of design work
estimate - design - sm
estimate - design - sm
Small design effort; 1-4 days of design work
estimate - 1
estimate - 1
Very small fix or change (potentially a single line), doesn't require updates to tests.
estimate - 2
estimate - 2
Small fix or update, may require updates to tests.
estimate - 3
estimate - 3
A day or two of work, likely requires updates to tests.
estimate - 5
estimate - 5
A few days of work, definitely requires updates to tests.
estimate - 8
estimate - 8
Requires input from team, consider smaller steps.
estimate - 13
estimate - 13
Requires planning and input from team, consider smaller steps.
estimate - 21
estimate - 21
Requires planning, input from team members and possibly others.
estimate - 34
estimate - 34
Issue should be converted into an epic. Requires all hands on deck.
figma changes
figma changes
Issues that require additions or updates to the Figma UI Kit where no `design` label exists
floating ui
floating ui
Issues related to floating UI
Issues with Angular framework
Issues with Ember framework
Issues with React framework
Issues with Vue framework
future breaking change
future breaking change
Issues and pull requests with deprecation(s), requires a breaking change in a future milestone.
future revisit
future revisit
Issues that have closed, but will be reviewed by the Calcite team in the future.
good first issue
good first issue
Issues that can be worked on by contributors new to calcite-components.
has workaround
has workaround
Issues have a workaround available in the meantime.
help wanted
help wanted
Issues that the core team needs help with in a sprint.
issues dealing with internationalization/localization
impact - p0 - emergency
impact - p0 - emergency
User set priority impact status of p0 - emergency
impact - p1 - need for an upcoming milestone
impact - p1 - need for an upcoming milestone
User set priority status of impact - p1 - need for an upcoming milestone
impact - p1 - need for current milestone
impact - p1 - need for current milestone
User set priority impact status of p1 - need for current milestone
impact - p2 - want for an upcoming milestone
impact - p2 - want for an upcoming milestone
User set priority impact status of p2 - want for an upcoming milestone
impact - p3 - not time sensitive
impact - p3 - not time sensitive
User set priority impact status of p3 - not time sensitive
incomplete issue report
incomplete issue report
New issues missing important information, and unless provided, they will be closed after 5 days.
low risk
low risk
Issues with low risk for consideration in low risk milestones
need more info
need more info
Issues that are missing information and/or a clear, actionable description.