diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/Readme.md b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/Readme.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..22a0472d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/Readme.md @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +# 后台部署说明 + +本项目后台主要由FISCO BCOS区块链网络及其组件, Webase管理平台及其组件构成。 具体的部署说明及步骤如下: + +## 一、FISCO BCOS 区块链网络部署说明 +本项目采用FISCO BCOS v3.11.0版本作为区块链底层,搭建单群组4节点链。 + +FISCO BCOS是由深圳市金融区块链发展促进会(以下简称“金链盟”)开源工作组牵头研发的金融级、国产安全可控的区块链底层平台。作为最早开源的国产联盟链底层平台之一,FISCO BCOS于2017年面向全球开源。 + +具体部署说明请参考:[FISCO BCOS AIR 部署说明](https://fisco-bcos-doc.readthedocs.io/zh-cn/latest/docs/tutorial/air/build_chain.html) + +## 二、FISCO BCOS Truora预言机部署说明 +Truora是一个基于FISCO BCOS平台的预言机服务,支持FISCO BCOS2.x和3.x版本。 + +Truora通过在链下运行的Java服务,监听链上预言机合约事件,发起链下相关的资源访问和计算任务,并将结果返回到链上预言机合约,供链上使用。 + +具体部署说明请参考:[FISCO BCOS Truora预言机 部署说明](https://truora.readthedocs.io/zh-cn/main/deploy.html) + +## 三、Webase管理平台部署说明 +WeBASE(WeBank Blockchain Application Software Extension) 是在区块链应用和FISCO-BCOS节点之间搭建的一套通用组件。围绕交易、合约、密钥管理,数据,可视化管理来设计各个模块,开发者可以根据业务所需,选择子系统进行部署。 + +本项目采用Webase v3.0作为节点管理平台,各中间件的版本如下: + +Webase Node manager: v3.1.1 + +Webase Web: v3.1.1 + +Webase Front:v3.1.1 + +Webase Signature:v3.1.1 + +具体部署说明请参考:[Webase部署说明](https://webasedoc.readthedocs.io/zh-cn/latest/docs/WeBASE/install.html) + +## 四、Web3工具部署调用合约相关说明 +### 1、开启Web3相关配置 +在节点目录下,找到配置项config.ini,修改相关配置如下: + +``` +[web3_rpc] + enable=false + listen_ip= + listen_port=8545 + thread_count=16 +``` + +在FISCO BCOS节点控制台下,输入以下指令,开启Balance功能及其预编译功能 + +``` +setSystemConfigByKey feature_balance 1 +setSystemConfigByKey feature_balance_precompiled 1 +``` + +在FISCO BCOS节点控制台下,使用链管理员账户,对测试账户充值足够的balance,以使用相关功能 +``` +addBalance 钱包地址 充值数量 充值单位 +``` +### 2、使用MetaMask向FISCO BCOS发送请求 +在Remix部署和调用交易界面中配置环境信息。在环境中选择 Injected Provider - MetaMask 。在发起部署/调用合约时,Remix将会把合约内容发送到MetaMask,页面将会跳转到MetaMask进行确认签名。 + +### 3、使用hardhat向FISCO BCOS部署合约 +[hardhat的demo仓库](https://github.com/kyonRay/bcos-hardhat-tutorial) + +项目结构如下,contracts存放solidity合约,ignition存放最终部署上链的工具,test存放所有的合约测试代码。hardhat.config.js就是hardhat的基础配置文件。在hardhat.config.js的配置文件中配置好实际的IP端口、chainID,并向测试的地址发送足够的balance。由于FISCO BCOS与Web3在地址计算中存在区别,Hardhat在部署好合约后将在本地根据合约的nonce以及发送者地址计算得出新的合约地址,这与FISCO BCOS不兼容。因此在部署完成合约之后,还需要手动设置合约地址。 + +具体可参考:[3. 使用Hardhat工具向FISCO BCOS发送交易](https://fisco-bcos-doc.readthedocs.io/zh-cn/latest/docs/develop/web3_usage.html) diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/Readme.md:Zone.Identifier b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/Readme.md:Zone.Identifier new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/Truora-Service-main.zip b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/Truora-Service-main.zip new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f4a1de4fe Binary files /dev/null and b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/Truora-Service-main.zip differ diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/Truora-Service-main.zip:Zone.Identifier b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/Truora-Service-main.zip:Zone.Identifier new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/build_chain.sh b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/build_chain.sh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..23d1f807f --- /dev/null +++ b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/build_chain.sh @@ -0,0 +1,2814 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -e + +dirpath="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)" +default_listen_ip="" +port_start=(30300 20200 3901) +p2p_listen_port=port_start[0] +rpc_listen_port=port_start[1] +mtail_listen_port=3901 +use_ip_param= +mtail_ip_param="" +ip_array= +output_dir="./nodes" +current_dir=$(pwd) +binary_name="fisco-bcos" +lightnode_binary_name="fisco-bcos-lightnode" +mtail_binary_name="mtail" +key_page_size=10240 +# for cert generation +ca_cert_dir="${dirpath}" +sm_cert_conf='sm_cert.cnf' +cert_conf="${output_dir}/cert.cnf" +days=36500 +rsa_key_length=2048 +sm_mode='false' +enable_hsm='false' +macOS="" +x86_64_arch="false" +arm64_arch="false" +sm2_params="sm_sm2.param" +cdn_link_header="https://osp-1257653870.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/FISCO-BCOS" +OPENSSL_CMD="${HOME}/.fisco/tassl-1.1.1b" +nodeid_list="" +nodeid_list_from_path="" +file_dir="./" +p2p_connected_conf_name="nodes.json" +command="deploy" +ca_dir="" +prometheus_dir="" +config_path="" +docker_mode= +default_version="v3.11.0" +compatibility_version=${default_version} +default_mtail_version="3.0.0-rc49" +compatibility_mtail_version=${default_mtail_version} +auth_mode="false" +monitor_mode="false" +auth_admin_account= +binary_path="" +lightnode_binary_path="" +download_lightnode_binary="false" +mtail_binary_path="" +wasm_mode="false" +serial_mode="true" +node_key_dir="" +# if the config.genesis path has been set, don't generate genesis file, use the config instead +genesis_conf_path="" +lightnode_flag="false" +download_timeout=240 +make_tar= +default_group="group0" +default_chainid="chain0" +default_web3_chainid="20200" +use_ipv6="" +# for modifying multipy ca node +modify_node_path="" +multi_ca_path="" +consensus_type="pbft" +supported_consensus=(pbft rpbft) +log_level="info" + +# for pro or max default setting +bcos_builder_package=BcosBuilder.tgz +bcos_builder_version=v3.11.0 +use_exist_binary="false" +download_specific_binary_flag="false" +download_service_binary_type="cdn" +service_binary_version="v3.11.0" +download_service_binary_path="binary" +download_service_binary_path_flag="false" +service_type="all" +chain_version="air" +service_output_dir="generated" +proOrmax_port_start=(30300 20200 40400 2379 3901) +isPortSpecified="false" +tars_listen_port_space=5 + +#for pro or max expand +expand_dir="expand" + +LOG_WARN() { + local content=${1} + echo -e "\033[31m[ERROR] ${content}\033[0m" +} + +LOG_INFO() { + local content=${1} + echo -e "\033[32m[INFO] ${content}\033[0m" +} + +LOG_FATAL() { + local content=${1} + echo -e "\033[31m[FATAL] ${content}\033[0m" + exit 1 +} + +dir_must_exists() { + if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then + LOG_FATAL "$1 DIR does not exist, please check!" + fi +} + +dir_must_not_exists() { + if [ -d "$1" ]; then + LOG_FATAL "$1 DIR already exist, please check!" + fi +} + +file_must_not_exists() { + if [ -f "$1" ]; then + LOG_FATAL "$1 file already exist, please check!" + fi +} + +file_must_exists() { + if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then + LOG_FATAL "$1 file does not exist, please check!" + fi +} + +check_env() { + if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ];then + macOS="macOS" + elif [ "$(uname -m)" == "x86_64" ];then + x86_64_arch="true" + elif [ "$(uname -m)" == "arm64" ];then + arm64_arch="true" + elif [ "$(uname -m)" == "aarch64" ];then + arm64_arch="true" + fi +} + +check_name() { + local name="$1" + local value="$2" + [[ "$value" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$ ]] || { + LOG_FATAL "$name name [$value] invalid, it should match regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\$" + } +} + +generate_random_num(){ + num=`${OPENSSL_CMD} rand -hex 4` + echo $num +} +randNum=$(generate_random_num) + +generate_sm_sm2_param() { + local output=$1 + cat << EOF > ${output} +-----BEGIN EC PARAMETERS----- +BggqgRzPVQGCLQ== +-----END EC PARAMETERS----- + +EOF +} + +generate_sm_cert_conf() { + local output=$1 + cat <"${output}" +oid_section = new_oids + +[ new_oids ] +tsa_policy1 = +tsa_policy2 = +tsa_policy3 = + +#################################################################### +[ ca ] +default_ca = CA_default # The default ca section + +#################################################################### +[ CA_default ] + +dir = ./demoCA # Where everything is kept +certs = $dir/certs # Where the issued certs are kept +crl_dir = $dir/crl # Where the issued crl are kept +database = $dir/index.txt # database index file. +#unique_subject = no # Set to 'no' to allow creation of + # several ctificates with same subject. +new_certs_dir = $dir/newcerts # default place for new certs. + +certificate = $dir/cacert.pem # The CA certificate +serial = $dir/serial # The current serial number +crlnumber = $dir/crlnumber # the current crl number + # must be commented out to leave a V1 CRL +crl = $dir/crl.pem # The current CRL +private_key = $dir/private/cakey.pem # The private key +RANDFILE = $dir/private/.rand # private random number file + +x509_extensions = usr_cert # The extensions to add to the cert + +name_opt = ca_default # Subject Name options +cert_opt = ca_default # Certificate field options + +default_days = 36500 # how long to certify for +default_crl_days= 30 # how long before next CRL +default_md = default # use public key default MD +preserve = no # keep passed DN ordering + +policy = policy_match + +[ policy_match ] +countryName = match +stateOrProvinceName = match +organizationName = match +organizationalUnitName = optional +commonName = supplied +emailAddress = optional + +[ policy_anything ] +countryName = optional +stateOrProvinceName = optional +localityName = optional +organizationName = optional +organizationalUnitName = optional +commonName = supplied +emailAddress = optional + +#################################################################### +[ req ] +default_bits = 2048 +default_md = sm3 +default_keyfile = privkey.pem +distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name +x509_extensions = v3_ca # The extensions to add to the self signed cert + +string_mask = utf8only + +# req_extensions = v3_req # The extensions to add to a certificate request + +[ req_distinguished_name ] +countryName = CN +countryName_default = CN +stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name) +stateOrProvinceName_default =GuangDong +localityName = Locality Name (eg, city) +localityName_default = ShenZhen +organizationalUnitName = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) +organizationalUnitName_default = fisco +commonName = Organizational commonName (eg, fisco) +commonName_default = fisco +commonName_max = 64 + +[ usr_cert ] +basicConstraints=CA:FALSE +nsComment = "OpenSSL Generated Certificate" + +subjectKeyIdentifier=hash +authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid,issuer + +[ v3_req ] + +# Extensions to add to a certificate request + +basicConstraints = CA:FALSE +keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature + +[ v3enc_req ] + +# Extensions to add to a certificate request +basicConstraints = CA:FALSE +keyUsage = keyAgreement, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment + +[ v3_agency_root ] +subjectKeyIdentifier=hash +authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always,issuer +basicConstraints = CA:true +keyUsage = cRLSign, keyCertSign + +[ v3_ca ] +subjectKeyIdentifier=hash +authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always,issuer +basicConstraints = CA:true +keyUsage = cRLSign, keyCertSign + +EOF +} + +generate_cert_conf() { + local output=$1 + cat <"${output}" +[ca] +default_ca=default_ca + +[default_ca] +default_days = 36500 +default_md = sha256 + +[req] +distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name +req_extensions = v3_req + +[req_distinguished_name] +countryName = CN +countryName_default = CN +stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name) +stateOrProvinceName_default =GuangDong +localityName = Locality Name (eg, city) +localityName_default = ShenZhen +organizationalUnitName = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) +organizationalUnitName_default = FISCO-BCOS +commonName = Organizational commonName (eg, FISCO-BCOS) +commonName_default = FISCO-BCOS +commonName_max = 64 + +[ v3_req ] +basicConstraints = CA:FALSE +keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment + +[ v4_req ] +basicConstraints = CA:FALSE + +EOF +} + +gen_chain_cert() { + + if [ ! -f "${cert_conf}" ]; then + generate_cert_conf "${cert_conf}" + fi + + local chaindir="${1}" + + file_must_not_exists "${chaindir}"/ca.key + file_must_not_exists "${chaindir}"/ca.crt + file_must_exists "${cert_conf}" + + mkdir -p "$chaindir" + dir_must_exists "$chaindir" + + ${OPENSSL_CMD} genrsa -out "${chaindir}"/ca.key "${rsa_key_length}" 2>/dev/null + ${OPENSSL_CMD} req -new -x509 -days "${days}" -subj "/CN=FISCO-BCOS-${randNum}/O=FISCO-BCOS-${randNum}/OU=chain" -key "${chaindir}"/ca.key -config "${cert_conf}" -out "${chaindir}"/ca.crt 2>/dev/null + if [ ! -f "${chaindir}/cert.cnf" ];then + mv "${cert_conf}" "${chaindir}" + fi + + LOG_INFO "Generate ca cert successfully!" +} + +gen_rsa_node_cert() { + local capath="${1}" + local ndpath="${2}" + local type="${3}" + + file_must_exists "$capath/ca.key" + file_must_exists "$capath/ca.crt" + # check_name node "$node" + + file_must_not_exists "$ndpath"/"${type}".key + file_must_not_exists "$ndpath"/"${type}".crt + + mkdir -p "${ndpath}" + dir_must_exists "${ndpath}" + + ${OPENSSL_CMD} genrsa -out "${ndpath}"/"${type}".key "${rsa_key_length}" 2>/dev/null + ${OPENSSL_CMD} req -new -sha256 -subj "/CN=FISCO-BCOS-${randNum}/O=fisco-bcos/OU=agency" -key "$ndpath"/"${type}".key -config "$capath"/cert.cnf -out "$ndpath"/"${type}".csr + ${OPENSSL_CMD} x509 -req -days "${days}" -sha256 -CA "${capath}"/ca.crt -CAkey "$capath"/ca.key -CAcreateserial \ + -in "$ndpath"/"${type}".csr -out "$ndpath"/"${type}".crt -extensions v4_req -extfile "$capath"/cert.cnf 2>/dev/null + + ${OPENSSL_CMD} pkcs8 -topk8 -in "$ndpath"/"${type}".key -out "$ndpath"/pkcs8_node.key -nocrypt + cp "$capath"/ca.crt "$capath"/cert.cnf "$ndpath"/ + + rm -f "$ndpath"/"$type".csr + rm -f "$ndpath"/"$type".key + + mv "$ndpath"/pkcs8_node.key "$ndpath"/"$type".key + + # extract p2p id + ${OPENSSL_CMD} rsa -in "$ndpath"/"$type".key -pubout -out public.pem 2> /dev/null + ${OPENSSL_CMD} rsa -pubin -in public.pem -text -noout 2> /dev/null | sed -n '3,20p' | sed 's/://g' | tr "\n" " " | sed 's/ //g' | awk '{print substr($0,3);}' | cat > "${ndpath}/${type}.nodeid" + rm -f public.pem + + LOG_INFO "Generate ${ndpath} cert successful!" +} + +download_bin() +{ + if [ ! -z "${binary_path}" ];then + LOG_INFO "Use binary ${binary_path}" + return + fi + if [ "${x86_64_arch}" != "true" ] && [ "${arm64_arch}" != "true" ] && [ "${macOS}" != "macOS" ];then exit_with_clean "We only offer x86_64/aarch64 and macOS precompiled fisco-bcos binary, your OS architecture is not x86_64/aarch64 and macOS. Please compile from source."; fi + binary_path="bin/${binary_name}" + if [ -n "${macOS}" ];then + package_name="${binary_name}-macOS-x86_64.tar.gz" + elif [ "${arm64_arch}" == "true" ];then + package_name="${binary_name}-linux-aarch64.tar.gz" + elif [ "${x86_64_arch}" == "true" ];then + package_name="${binary_name}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz" + fi + + local Download_Link="${cdn_link_header}/FISCO-BCOS/releases/${compatibility_version}/${package_name}" + local github_link="https://github.com/FISCO-BCOS/FISCO-BCOS/releases/download/${compatibility_version}/${package_name}" + # the binary can obtained from the cos + if [ $(curl -IL -o /dev/null -s -w %{http_code} "${Download_Link}") == 200 ];then + # try cdn_link + LOG_INFO "Downloading fisco-bcos binary from ${Download_Link} ..." + curl -#LO "${Download_Link}" + else + LOG_INFO "Downloading fisco-bcos binary from ${github_link} ..." + curl -#LO "${github_link}" + fi + if [[ "$(ls -al . | grep "fisco-bcos.*tar.gz" | grep -vE "lightnode"| awk '{print $5}')" -lt "1048576" ]];then + exit_with_clean "Download fisco-bcos failed, please try again. Or download and extract it manually from ${Download_Link} and use -e option." + fi + mkdir -p bin && mv ${package_name} bin && cd bin && tar -zxf ${package_name} && cd .. + chmod a+x ${binary_path} +} + +download_lightnode_bin() +{ + lightnode_binary_path="bin/${lightnode_binary_name}" + if [ -n "${macOS}" ];then + light_package_name="${lightnode_binary_name}-macOS-x86_64.tar.gz" + elif [ "${arm64_arch}" == "true" ];then + light_package_name="${lightnode_binary_name}-linux-aarch64.tar.gz" + elif [ "${x86_64_arch}" == "true" ];then + light_package_name="${lightnode_binary_name}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz" + fi + + local Download_Link="${cdn_link_header}/FISCO-BCOS/releases/${compatibility_version}/${light_package_name}" + local github_link="https://github.com/FISCO-BCOS/FISCO-BCOS/releases/download/${compatibility_version}/${light_package_name}" + echo "Download_Link is ${Download_Link}" + # the binary can obtained from the cos + if [ $(curl -IL -o /dev/null -s -w %{http_code} "${Download_Link}") == 200 ];then + # try cdn_link + echo "==============" + LOG_INFO "Downloading fisco-bcos lightnode binary from ${Download_Link} ..." + curl -#LO "${Download_Link}" + else + LOG_INFO "Downloading fisco-bcos lightnode binary from ${github_link} ..." + curl -#LO "${github_link}" + fi + if [[ "$(ls -al . | grep "fisco-bcos-lightnode.*tar.gz" | awk '{print $5}')" -lt "1048576" ]];then + exit_with_clean "Download fisco-bcos-lightnode failed, please try again. Or download and extract it manually from ${Download_Link} and use -e option." + fi + mkdir -p bin && mv ${light_package_name} bin && cd bin && tar -zxf ${light_package_name} && cd .. + chmod a+x ${lightnode_binary_path} +} + +download_monitor_bin() +{ + if [ ! -z "${mtail_binary_path}" ];then + LOG_INFO "Use binary ${mtail_binary_path}" + return + fi + local platform="$(uname -m)" + local mtail_postfix="" + if [[ -n "${macOS}" ]];then + if [[ "${platform}" == "arm64" ]];then + mtail_postfix="Darwin_arm64" + elif [[ "${platform}" == "x86_64" ]];then + mtail_postfix="Darwin_x86_64" + else + LOG_FATAL "Unsupported platform ${platform} for mtail" + exit 1 + fi + else + if [[ "${platform}" == "aarch64" ]];then + mtail_postfix="Linux_arm64" + elif [[ "${platform}" == "x86_64" ]];then + mtail_postfix="Linux_x86_64" + else + LOG_FATAL "Unsupported platform ${platform} for mtail" + exit 1 + fi + fi + mtail_binary_path="bin/${mtail_binary_name}" + package_name="${mtail_binary_name}_${compatibility_mtail_version}_${mtail_postfix}.tar.gz" + + local Download_Link="${cdn_link_header}/FISCO-BCOS/tools/mtail/${package_name}" + local github_link="https://github.com/google/mtail/releases/download/v${compatibility_mtail_version}/${package_name}" + # the binary can obtained from the cos + if [ $(curl -IL -o /dev/null -s -w %{http_code} "${Download_Link}") == 200 ];then + # try cdn_link + LOG_INFO "Downloading monitor binary from ${Download_Link} ..." + curl -#LO "${Download_Link}" + else + LOG_INFO "Downloading monitor binary from ${github_link} ..." + curl -#LO "${github_link}" + fi + mkdir -p bin && mv ${package_name} bin && cd bin && tar -zxf ${package_name} && cd .. + chmod a+x ${mtail_binary_path} +} + + +gen_sm_chain_cert() { + local chaindir="${1}" + name=$(basename "$chaindir") + check_name chain "$name" + + if [ ! -f "${sm_cert_conf}" ]; then + generate_sm_cert_conf ${sm_cert_conf} + fi + + generate_sm_sm2_param "${sm2_params}" + + mkdir -p "$chaindir" + dir_must_exists "$chaindir" + + "$OPENSSL_CMD" genpkey -paramfile "${sm2_params}" -out "$chaindir/sm_ca.key" 2>/dev/null + "$OPENSSL_CMD" req -config sm_cert.cnf -x509 -days "${days}" -subj "/CN=FISCO-BCOS-${randNum}/O=FISCO-BCOS-${randNum}/OU=chain" -key "$chaindir/sm_ca.key" -extensions v3_ca -out "$chaindir/sm_ca.crt" 2>/dev/null + if [ ! -f "${chaindir}/${sm_cert_conf}" ];then + cp "${sm_cert_conf}" "${chaindir}" + fi + if [ ! -f "${chaindir}/${sm2_params}" ];then + cp "${sm2_params}" "${chaindir}" + fi +} + +gen_sm_node_cert_with_ext() { + local capath="$1" + local certpath="$2" + local type="$3" + local extensions="$4" + + file_must_exists "$capath/sm_ca.key" + file_must_exists "$capath/sm_ca.crt" + + file_must_not_exists "$ndpath/sm_${type}.crt" + file_must_not_exists "$ndpath/sm_${type}.key" + + "$OPENSSL_CMD" genpkey -paramfile "$capath/${sm2_params}" -out "$certpath/sm_${type}.key" 2> /dev/null + "$OPENSSL_CMD" req -new -subj "/CN=FISCO-BCOS-${randNum}/O=fisco-bcos/OU=${type}" -key "$certpath/sm_${type}.key" -config "$capath/sm_cert.cnf" -out "$certpath/sm_${type}.csr" 2> /dev/null + + "$OPENSSL_CMD" x509 -sm3 -req -CA "$capath/sm_ca.crt" -CAkey "$capath/sm_ca.key" -days "${days}" -CAcreateserial -in "$certpath/sm_${type}.csr" -out "$certpath/sm_${type}.crt" -extfile "$capath/sm_cert.cnf" -extensions "$extensions" 2> /dev/null + + rm -f "$certpath/sm_${type}.csr" +} + +gen_sm_node_cert() { + local capath="${1}" + local ndpath="${2}" + local type="${3}" + + file_must_exists "$capath/sm_ca.key" + file_must_exists "$capath/sm_ca.crt" + + mkdir -p "$ndpath" + dir_must_exists "$ndpath" + local node=$(basename "$ndpath") + check_name node "$node" + + gen_sm_node_cert_with_ext "$capath" "$ndpath" "${type}" v3_req + gen_sm_node_cert_with_ext "$capath" "$ndpath" "en${type}" v3enc_req + #nodeid is pubkey + $OPENSSL_CMD ec -in "$ndpath/sm_${type}.key" -text -noout 2> /dev/null | sed -n '7,11p' | sed 's/://g' | tr "\n" " " | sed 's/ //g' | awk '{print substr($0,3);}' | cat > "${ndpath}/sm_${type}.nodeid" + cp "$capath/sm_ca.crt" "$ndpath" +} + +help() { + echo $1 + cat < [Optional] the command, support 'deploy' and 'expand' now, default is deploy + -g [Optional] set the group id, default: group0 + -I [Optional] set the chain id, default: chain0 + -v [Optional] Default is the latest ${default_version} + -l [Required] "ip1:nodeNum1,ip2:nodeNum2" e.g:"," + -L [Optional] fisco bcos lightnode executable, input "download_binary" to download lightnode binary or assign correct lightnode binary path + -e [Optional] fisco-bcos binary exec + -t [Optional] mtail binary exec + -o [Optional] output directory, default ./nodes + -p [Optional] Default 30300,20200 means p2p_port start from 30300, rpc_port from 20200 + -s [Optional] SM SSL connection or not, default is false + -H [Optional] Whether to use HSM(Hardware secure module), default is false + -c [Required when expand node] Specify the path of the expanded node config.ini, config.genesis and p2p connection file nodes.json + -d [Required when expand node] When expanding the node, specify the path where the CA certificate and private key are located + -D Default off. If set -D, build with docker + -E Default off. If set -E, enable debug log + -a [Optional] when Auth mode Specify the admin account address. + -w [Optional] Whether to use the wasm virtual machine engine, default is false + -R [Optional] Whether to use serial execute,default is true + -k [Optional] key page size, default is 10240 + -m [Optional] node monitor or not, default is false + -i [Optional] When expanding the node, should specify ip and port + -M [Optional] When expanding the node, specify the path where prometheus are located + -z [Optional] Pack the data on the chain to generate tar packet + -n [Optional] set the path of the node key file to load nodeid + -N [Optional] set the path of the node modified to multi ca mode + -u [Optional] set the path of another ca for multi ca mode + -6 [Optional] IPv6 mode use :: as default listen ip, default is false + -T [Optional] Default PBFT. Options can be pbft / rpbft, pbft is recommended + -h Help +pro or max + -C [Optional] the command, support 'deploy' now, default is deploy + -g [Optional] set the group id, default: group0 + -I [Optional] set the chain id, default: chain0 + -V [Optional] support 'air'、'pro'、'max', default is 'air' + -l [Required] "ip1:nodeNum1,ip2:nodeNum2" e.g:"," + -p [Optional] Default 30300、20200、40400、2379 means p2p_port start from 30300, rpc_port from 20200, tars_port from 40400, tikv_port default 2379 + -e [Optional] rpc gateway node service binary path + -y [Optional] rpc gateway node service binary download type, default type is cdn + -v [Optional] Default is the latest ${service_binary_version} + -r [Optional] service binary download path, default is ${download_service_binary_path} + -c [Optional] Specify the path of the deploy node config.toml + -t [Optional] support 'rpc'、'gateway'、'node'、'all', default is 'all' + -o [Optional] output directory, default genearted + -s [Optional] SM SSL connection or not, default is false + -h Help + +deploy nodes e.g + bash $0 -p 30300,20200 -l -o nodes -e ./fisco-bcos + bash $0 -p 30300,20200 -l -o nodes -e ./fisco-bcos -m + bash $0 -p 30300,20200 -l -o nodes -e ./fisco-bcos -s +expand node e.g + bash $0 -C expand -c config -d config/ca -o nodes/ -e ./fisco-bcos + bash $0 -C expand -c config -d config/ca -o nodes/ -e ./fisco-bcos -m -i -M monitor/prometheus/prometheus.yml + bash $0 -C expand -c config -d config/ca -o nodes/ -e ./fisco-bcos -s + bash $0 -C expand_lightnode -c config -d config/ca -o nodes/lightnode1 + bash $0 -C expand_lightnode -c config -d config/ca -o nodes/lightnode1 -L ./fisco-bcos-lightnode +modify node e.g + bash $0 -C modify -N ./node0 -u ./ca/ca.crt + bash $0 -C modify -N ./node0 -u ./ca/ca.crt -s +deploy pro service e.g + bash $0 -p 30300,20200 -l, -C deploy -V pro -o generate -t all + bash $0 -p 30300,20200 -l, -C deploy -V pro -o generate -t all -s + bash $0 -p 30300,20200 -l, -C deploy -V pro -o generate -e ./binary + bash $0 -p 30300,20200,40400 -l, -C deploy -V pro -o generate -y cdn -v ${service_binary_version} -r ./binaryPath +deploy max service e.g + bash $0 -p 30300,20200,40400,2379 -l,,, -C deploy -V max -o generate -t all + bash $0 -p 30300,20200,40400,2379 -l,,, -C deploy -V max -o generate -t all -e ./binary -s + bash $0 -p 30300,20200,40400,2379 -l,,, -C deploy -V max -o generate -y cdn -v ${service_binary_version} -r ./binaryPath + bash $0 -c config.toml -C deploy -V max -o generate -t all +expand pro node e.g + bash $0 -C expand_node -V pro -o expand_node -c ./config.toml +expand pro rpc/gateway e.g + bash $0 -C expand_service -V pro -o expand_service -c ./config.toml +expand pro group e.g + bash $0 -C expand_group -V pro -o expand_group -c ./config.toml +expand max node e.g + bash $0 -C expand_node -V max -o expand_node -c ./config.toml +expand max rpc/gateway e.g + bash $0 -C expand_service -V max -o expand_service -c ./config.toml + +EOF + exit 0 +} + +parse_params() { + while getopts "l:C:c:o:e:t:p:d:g:G:L:v:i:I:M:k:zwDshHmEn:R:a:N:u:y:r:V:6T:" option; do + case $option in + 6) use_ipv6="true" && default_listen_ip="::" + ;; + l) + ip_param=$OPTARG + use_ip_param="true" + ;; + L) + lightnode_flag="true" + lightnode_binary_path="$OPTARG" + if [ "${lightnode_binary_path}" == "download_binary" ]; then + download_lightnode_binary="true" + fi + ;; + o) + output_dir="$OPTARG" + service_output_dir="$OPTARG" + expand_dir="$OPTARG" + ;; + e) + use_exist_binary="true" + binary_path="$OPTARG" + ;; + t) + service_type="$OPTARG" + mtail_binary_path="$OPTARG" + ;; + C) command="${OPTARG}" + ;; + d) ca_dir="${OPTARG}" + ;; + c) config_path="${OPTARG}" + ;; + p) + isPortSpecified="true" + port_start=(${OPTARG//,/ }) + proOrmax_port_start=(${OPTARG//,/ }) + ;; + s) sm_mode="true" ;; + H) enable_hsm="true";; + g) default_group="${OPTARG}" + check_name "group" "${default_group}" + ;; + G) genesis_conf_path="${OPTARG}" + ;; + I) default_chainid="${OPTARG}" + check_name "chain" "${default_chainid}" + ;; + m) + monitor_mode="true" + ;; + E) + log_level="debug" + ;; + n) + node_key_dir="${OPTARG}" + dir_must_exists "${node_key_dir}" + ;; + i) + mtail_ip_param="${OPTARG}" + ;; + k) key_page_size="${OPTARG}";; + M) prometheus_dir="${OPTARG}" ;; + D) docker_mode="true" + if [ -n "${macOS}" ];then + LOG_FATAL "Not support docker mode for macOS now" + fi + ;; + w) wasm_mode="true" + auth_mode="false" + ;; + R) serial_mode="${OPTARG}";; + a) + auth_admin_account="${OPTARG}" + auth_mode="true" + ;; + v) compatibility_version="${OPTARG}" + service_binary_version="${OPTARG}" + download_specific_binary_flag="true" + ;; + z) make_tar="true";; + N) + modify_node_path=$OPTARG + dir_must_exists "${modify_node_path}" + ;; + u) + multi_ca_path="$OPTARG" + local last_char=${multi_ca_path: -1} + if [ ${last_char} == "/" ]; then + multi_ca_path=${OPTARG%/*} + fi + file_must_exists "${multi_ca_path}" + ;; + T) consensus_type=$OPTARG + if ! echo "${supported_consensus[*]}" | grep -i "${consensus_type}" &>/dev/null; then + LOG_WARN "${consensus_type} is not supported. Please set one of ${supported_consensus[*]}" + exit 1; + fi + ;; + y) + download_service_binary_type="${OPTARG}" + download_specific_binary_flag="true" + ;; + r) + download_service_binary_path="${OPTARG}" + download_service_binary_path_flag="true" + ;; + V) + chain_version="${OPTARG}";; + + h) help ;; + *) help ;; + esac + done + + if [[ "$chain_version" == "air" ]];then + if [[ "$mtail_binary_path" != "" ]]; then + file_must_exists "${mtail_binary_path}" + fi + if [[ "$use_exist_binary" = "true" ]]; then + file_must_exists "${binary_path}" + fi + if [[ "$isPortSpecified" = "true" ]]; then + if [ ${#port_start[@]} -ne 2 ]; then LOG_WARN "p2p start port error. e.g: 30300" && exit 1; fi + fi + else + if [[ "$isPortSpecified" = "true" ]]; then + if [ ${#proOrmax_port_start[@]} -lt 2 ]; then LOG_WARN "service start port error. e.g: 30300,20200" && exit 1; fi + fi + fi +} + +print_result() { + echo "==============================================================" + LOG_INFO "GroupID : ${default_group}" + LOG_INFO "ChainID : ${default_chainid}" + if [ -z "${docker_mode}" ];then + LOG_INFO "${binary_name} path : ${binary_path}" + else + LOG_INFO "docker mode : ${docker_mode}" + LOG_INFO "docker tag : ${compatibility_version}" + fi + LOG_INFO "Auth mode : ${auth_mode}" + if ${auth_mode} ; then + LOG_INFO "Admin account : ${auth_admin_account}" + fi + LOG_INFO "Start port : ${port_start[*]}" + LOG_INFO "Server IP : ${ip_array[*]}" + LOG_INFO "SM model : ${sm_mode}" + LOG_INFO "enable HSM : ${enable_hsm}" + LOG_INFO "nodes.json : ${connected_nodes}" + LOG_INFO "Output dir : ${output_dir}" + LOG_INFO "All completed. Files in ${output_dir}" +} + +generate_all_node_scripts() { + local output=${1} + mkdir -p ${output} + + cat <"${output}/start_all.sh" +#!/bin/bash +dirpath="\$(cd "\$(dirname "\$0")" && pwd)" +cd "\${dirpath}" + +dirs=(\$(ls -l \${dirpath} | awk '/^d/ {print \$NF}')) +for dir in \${dirs[*]} +do + if [[ -f "\${dirpath}/\${dir}/config.ini" && -f "\${dirpath}/\${dir}/start.sh" ]];then + echo "try to start \${dir}" + bash \${dirpath}/\${dir}/start.sh & + fi +done +wait +EOF + chmod u+x "${output}/start_all.sh" + + cat <"${output}/stop_all.sh" +#!/bin/bash +dirpath="\$(cd "\$(dirname "\$0")" && pwd)" +cd "\${dirpath}" + +dirs=(\$(ls -l \${dirpath} | awk '/^d/ {print \$NF}')) +for dir in \${dirs[*]} +do + if [[ -f "\${dirpath}/\${dir}/config.ini" && -f "\${dirpath}/\${dir}/stop.sh" ]];then + echo "try to stop \${dir}" + bash \${dirpath}/\${dir}/stop.sh + fi +done +wait +EOF + chmod u+x "${output}/stop_all.sh" +} + +generate_script_template() +{ + local filepath=$1 + mkdir -p $(dirname $filepath) + cat << EOF > "${filepath}" +#!/bin/bash +SHELL_FOLDER=\$(cd \$(dirname \$0);pwd) + +LOG_ERROR() { + content=\${1} + echo -e "\033[31m[ERROR] \${content}\033[0m" +} + +LOG_INFO() { + content=\${1} + echo -e "\033[32m[INFO] \${content}\033[0m" +} + +EOF + chmod +x ${filepath} +} + +generate_lightnode_scripts() { + local output=${1} + local lightnode_binary_name=${2} + + generate_script_template "$output/start.sh" + generate_script_template "$output/stop.sh" + chmod u+x "${output}/stop.sh" + + local ps_cmd="\$(ps aux|grep \${fisco_bcos}|grep -v grep|awk '{print \$2}')" + local start_cmd="nohup \${fisco_bcos} -c config.ini -g config.genesis >>nohup.out 2>&1 &" + local stop_cmd="kill \${node_pid}" + + cat <> "${output}/start.sh" +fisco_bcos=\${SHELL_FOLDER}/${lightnode_binary_name} +cd \${SHELL_FOLDER} +node=\$(basename \${SHELL_FOLDER}) +node_pid=${ps_cmd} +ulimit -n 1024 +if [ ! -z \${node_pid} ];then + kill -USR1 \${node_pid} + sleep 0.2 + kill -USR2 \${node_pid} + sleep 0.2 + echo " \${node} is running, pid is \$node_pid." + exit 0 +else + ${start_cmd} + sleep 1.5 +fi +try_times=4 +i=0 +while [ \$i -lt \${try_times} ] +do + node_pid=${ps_cmd} + if [[ ! -z \${node_pid} ]];then + echo -e "\033[32m \${node} start successfully pid=\${node_pid}\033[0m" + exit 0 + fi + sleep 0.5 + ((i=i+1)) +done +echo -e "\033[31m Exceed waiting time. Please try again to start \${node} \033[0m" +${log_cmd} +EOF + chmod u+x "${output}/start.sh" + generate_script_template "$output/stop.sh" + cat <> "${output}/stop.sh" +fisco_bcos=\${SHELL_FOLDER}/${lightnode_binary_name} +node=\$(basename \${SHELL_FOLDER}) +node_pid=${ps_cmd} +try_times=10 +i=0 +if [ -z \${node_pid} ];then + echo " \${node} isn't running." + exit 0 +fi + +[ ! -z \${node_pid} ] && ${stop_cmd} > /dev/null +while [ \$i -lt \${try_times} ] +do + sleep 1 + node_pid=${ps_cmd} + if [ -z \${node_pid} ];then + echo -e "\033[32m stop \${node} success.\033[0m" + exit 0 + fi + ((i=i+1)) +done +echo " Exceed maximum number of retries. Please try again to stop \${node}" +exit 1 +EOF + chmod u+x "${output}/stop.sh" +} + +generate_node_scripts() { + local output=${1} + local docker_mode="${2}" + local docker_tag="${compatibility_version}" + local ps_cmd="\$(ps aux|grep \${fisco_bcos}|grep -v grep|awk '{print \$2}')" + local start_cmd="nohup \${fisco_bcos} -c config.ini -g config.genesis >>nohup.out 2>&1 &" + local stop_cmd="kill \${node_pid}" + local pid="pid" + local log_cmd="tail -n20 nohup.out" + local check_success="\$(${log_cmd} | grep -e running -e \"initialize server\")" + if [ -n "${docker_mode}" ];then + ps_cmd="\$(docker ps |grep \${SHELL_FOLDER//\//} | grep -v grep|awk '{print \$1}')" + start_cmd="docker run -d --rm --name \${SHELL_FOLDER//\//} -v \${SHELL_FOLDER}:/data --network=host -w=/data fiscoorg/fiscobcos:${docker_tag} -c config.ini -g config.genesis" + stop_cmd="docker kill \${node_pid} 2>/dev/null" + pid="container id" + log_cmd="tail -n20 \$(docker inspect --format='{{.LogPath}}' \${SHELL_FOLDER//\//})" + check_success="success" + fi + generate_script_template "$output/start.sh" + cat <> "${output}/start.sh" +fisco_bcos=\${SHELL_FOLDER}/../${binary_name} +export RUST_LOG=bcos_wasm=error +cd \${SHELL_FOLDER} +node=\$(basename \${SHELL_FOLDER}) +node_pid=${ps_cmd} +ulimit -n 1024 +#start monitor +dirs=(\$(ls -l \${SHELL_FOLDER} | awk '/^d/ {print \$NF}')) +for dir in \${dirs[*]} +do + if [[ -f "\${SHELL_FOLDER}/\${dir}/node.mtail" && -f "\${SHELL_FOLDER}/\${dir}/start_mtail_monitor.sh" ]];then + echo "try to start \${dir}" + bash \${SHELL_FOLDER}/\${dir}/start_mtail_monitor.sh & + fi +done + + +if [ ! -z \${node_pid} ];then + kill -USR1 \${node_pid} + sleep 0.2 + kill -USR2 \${node_pid} + sleep 0.2 + echo " \${node} is running, ${pid} is \$node_pid." + exit 0 +else + ${start_cmd} + sleep 1.5 +fi +try_times=4 +i=0 +while [ \$i -lt \${try_times} ] +do + node_pid=${ps_cmd} + success_flag=${check_success} + if [[ ! -z \${node_pid} && ! -z "\${success_flag}" ]];then + echo -e "\033[32m \${node} start successfully pid=\${node_pid}\033[0m" + exit 0 + fi + sleep 0.5 + ((i=i+1)) +done +echo -e "\033[31m Exceed waiting time. Please try again to start \${node} \033[0m" +${log_cmd} +EOF + chmod u+x "${output}/start.sh" + generate_script_template "$output/stop.sh" + cat <> "${output}/stop.sh" +fisco_bcos=\${SHELL_FOLDER}/../${binary_name} +node=\$(basename \${SHELL_FOLDER}) +node_pid=${ps_cmd} +try_times=10 +i=0 +if [ -z \${node_pid} ];then + echo " \${node} isn't running." + exit 0 +fi + +#Stop monitor here +dirs=(\$(ls -l \${SHELL_FOLDER} | awk '/^d/ {print \$NF}')) +for dir in \${dirs[*]} +do + if [[ -f "\${SHELL_FOLDER}/\${dir}/node.mtail" && -f "\${SHELL_FOLDER}/\${dir}/stop_mtail_monitor.sh" ]];then + echo "try to start \${dir}" + bash \${SHELL_FOLDER}/\${dir}/stop_mtail_monitor.sh & + fi +done + +[ ! -z \${node_pid} ] && ${stop_cmd} > /dev/null +while [ \$i -lt \${try_times} ] +do + sleep 1 + node_pid=${ps_cmd} + if [ -z \${node_pid} ];then + echo -e "\033[32m stop \${node} success.\033[0m" + exit 0 + fi + ((i=i+1)) +done +echo " Exceed maximum number of retries. Please try again to stop \${node}" +exit 1 +EOF + chmod u+x "${output}/stop.sh" +} + +generate_mtail_scripts() { + local output=${1} + local ip="${2}" + local port="${3}" + local node="${4}" + local ps_cmd="\$(ps aux|grep \${mtail}|grep -v grep|awk '{print \$2}')" + local start_cmd="nohup \${mtail} -logtostderr -progs \${mtailScript} -logs '../log/*.log' -port ${port} >>nohup.out 2>&1 &" + local stop_cmd="kill \${node_pid}" + local pid="pid" + local log_cmd="tail -n20 nohup.out" + local check_success="\$(${log_cmd} | grep Listening)" + + mkdir -p $(dirname $output/mtail/node.mtail) + cat <> "${output}/mtail/node.mtail" +hidden text host +host = "${ip}" + +#node +hidden text node +node = "${node}" + +#chain id +hidden text chain +chain = "${default_chainid}" + + + +#group id +hidden text group +group = "${default_group}" + + +gauge p2p_session_actived by host , node +/\[P2PService\]\[Service\]\[METRIC\]heartBeat,connected count=(?P\d+)/ { + p2p_session_actived[host][node] = \$count +} + +gauge block_exec_duration_milliseconds_gauge by chain , group , host , node +/\[CONSENSUS\]\[Core\]\[METRIC\]asyncExecuteBlock success.*?timeCost=(?P\d+)/ { + block_exec_duration_milliseconds_gauge[chain][group][host][node] = \$timeCost +} + +histogram block_exec_duration_milliseconds buckets 0, 50, 100, 150 by chain , group , host , node +/\[CONSENSUS\]\[Core\]\[METRIC\]asyncExecuteBlock success.*?timeCost=(?P\d+)/ { + block_exec_duration_milliseconds[chain][group][host][node] = \$timeCost +} + +gauge block_commit_duration_milliseconds_gauge by chain , group , host , node +/\[CONSENSUS\]\[PBFT\]\[STORAGE\]\[METRIC\]commitStableCheckPoint success.*?timeCost=(?P\d+)/ { + block_commit_duration_milliseconds_gauge[chain][group][host][node] = \$timeCost +} + + +histogram block_commit_duration_milliseconds buckets 0, 50, 100, 150 by chain , group , host , node +/\[CONSENSUS\]\[PBFT\]\[STORAGE\]\[METRIC\]commitStableCheckPoint success.*?timeCost=(?P\d+)/ { + block_commit_duration_milliseconds[chain][group][host][node] = \$timeCost +} + +gauge ledger_block_height by chain , group , host , node +/\[LEDGER\]\[METRIC\]asyncPrewriteBlock,number=(?P\d+)/ { + ledger_block_height[chain][group][host][node] = \$number +} + +gauge txpool_pending_tx_size by chain , group , host , node +/\[TXPOOL\]\[METRIC\]batchFetchTxs success,.*?pendingTxs=(?P\d+)/ { + txpool_pending_tx_size[chain][group][host][node] = \$pendingTxs +} +EOF + + generate_script_template "$output/mtail/start_mtail_monitor.sh" + cat <> "${output}/mtail/start_mtail_monitor.sh" +mtail=\${SHELL_FOLDER}/../../mtail +mtailScript=\${SHELL_FOLDER}/node.mtail +export RUST_LOG=bcos_wasm=error +cd \${SHELL_FOLDER} +node=\$(basename \${SHELL_FOLDER}) +node_pid=${ps_cmd} +if [ ! -z \${node_pid} ];then + echo " \${node} is Listening, ${pid} is \$node_pid." + exit 0 +else + ${start_cmd} + sleep 1.5 +fi + +try_times=4 +i=0 +while [ \$i -lt \${try_times} ] +do + node_pid=${ps_cmd} + success_flag=${check_success} + if [[ ! -z \${node_pid} && ! -z "\${success_flag}" ]];then + echo -e "\033[32m \${node} start successfully\033[0m" + exit 0 + fi + sleep 0.5 + ((i=i+1)) +done +echo -e "\033[31m Exceed waiting time. Please try again to start \${node} \033[0m" +${log_cmd} +EOF + chmod u+x "${output}/mtail/start_mtail_monitor.sh" + + + generate_script_template "$output/mtail/stop_mtail_monitor.sh" + cat <> "${output}/mtail/stop_mtail_monitor.sh" +mtail=\${SHELL_FOLDER}/../../mtail +node=\$(basename \${SHELL_FOLDER}) +node_pid=${ps_cmd} +try_times=10 +i=0 +if [ -z \${node_pid} ];then + echo " \${node} isn't running." + exit 0 +fi +[ ! -z \${node_pid} ] && ${stop_cmd} > /dev/null + +while [ \$i -lt \${try_times} ] +do + sleep 1 + node_pid=${ps_cmd} + if [ -z \${node_pid} ];then + echo -e "\033[32m stop \${node} success.\033[0m" + exit 0 + fi + ((i=i+1)) +done +echo " Exceed maximum number of retries. Please try again to stop \${node}" +exit 1 +EOF + chmod u+x "${output}/mtail/stop_mtail_monitor.sh" +} + + +generate_monitor_scripts() { + local output=${1} + local mtail_host_list="" + local ip_params="${2}" + local monitor_ip="${3}" + local ip_array=(${ip_params//,/ }) + local ip_length=${#ip_array[@]} + local i=0 + for (( ; i < ip_length; i++)); do + local ip=${ip_array[i]} + local delim="" + if [[ $i == $((ip_length - 1)) ]]; then + delim="" + else + delim="," + fi + mtail_host_list="${mtail_host_list}'${ip}'${delim}" + done + + + mkdir -p $(dirname $output/compose.yaml) + cat <> "${output}/compose.yaml" +version: '2' + +services: + + prometheus: + container_name: prometheus + image: prom/prometheus:latest + restart: unless-stopped + volumes: + - ./prometheus/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml + - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime + network_mode: host + # ports: + # - \${PROMETHEUS_PORT}:9090 + + grafana: + container_name: grafana + image: grafana/grafana-oss:7.3.3 + restart: unless-stopped + user: '0' + network_mode: host + # ports: + # - \${GRAFANA_PORT}:3000 + volumes: + - ./grafana/grafana.ini:/etc/grafana/grafana.ini + - ./grafana/data:/var/lib/grafana + - ./grafana/logs:/var/log/grafana + - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime + environment: + - GF_USERS_ALLOW_SIGN_UP=false + - GF_AUTH_ANONYMOUS_ENABLED=true + - GF_AUTH_ANONYMOUS_ORG_ROLE=Viewer +EOF + + mkdir -p $(dirname $output/prometheus/prometheus.yml) + cat <> "${output}/prometheus/prometheus.yml" +global: + scrape_interval: 15s # By default, scrape targets every 15 seconds. + + # Attach these labels to any time series or alerts when communicating with + # external systems (federation, remote storage, Alertmanager). + external_labels: + monitor: 'bcos' + +# A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape: +# Here it's Prometheus itself. +scrape_configs: + # The job name is added as a label job= to any timeseries scraped from this config. + - job_name: 'prometheus' + + # Override the global default and scrape targets from this job every 5 seconds. + scrape_interval: 5s + + static_configs: + - targets: [${mtail_host_list}] +EOF + + mkdir -p $(dirname $output/grafana/grafana.ini) + cat <> "${output}/grafana/grafana.ini" +[server] +# The http port to use +http_port = 3001 + +[security] +# disable creation of admin user on first start of grafana +;disable_initial_admin_creation = false +; +;# default admin user, created on startup +admin_user = admin +; +;# default admin password, can be changed before first start of grafana, or in profile settings +admin_password = admin + +EOF + + generate_script_template "$output/start_monitor.sh" + cat <> "${output}/start_monitor.sh" + +DOCKER_FILE=\${SHELL_FOLDER}/compose.yaml +docker-compose -f \${DOCKER_FILE} up -d prometheus grafana 2>&1 +echo "graphna web address: http://${monitor_ip}:3001/" +echo "prometheus web address: http://${monitor_ip}:9090/" +EOF + chmod u+x "${output}/start_monitor.sh" + + + generate_script_template "$output/stop_monitor.sh" + cat <> "${output}/stop_monitor.sh" + +DOCKER_FILE=\${SHELL_FOLDER}/compose.yaml +docker-compose -f \${DOCKER_FILE} stop +echo -e "\033[32m stop monitor successfully\033[0m" +EOF + chmod u+x "${output}/stop_monitor.sh" +} + + +generate_sdk_cert() { + local sm_mode="$1" + local ca_cert_path="${2}" + local sdk_cert_path="${3}" + + mkdir -p ${sdk_cert_path} + if [[ "${sm_mode}" == "false" ]]; then + gen_rsa_node_cert "${ca_cert_path}" "${sdk_cert_path}" "sdk" 2>&1 + else + gen_sm_node_cert "${ca_cert_path}" "${sdk_cert_path}" "sdk" 2>&1 + fi +} + +generate_node_cert() { + local sm_mode="$1" + local ca_cert_path="${2}" + local node_cert_path="${3}" + + mkdir -p ${node_cert_path} + if [[ "${sm_mode}" == "false" ]]; then + gen_rsa_node_cert "${ca_cert_path}" "${node_cert_path}" "ssl" 2>&1 + else + gen_sm_node_cert "${ca_cert_path}" "${node_cert_path}" "ssl" 2>&1 + fi +} + +generate_chain_cert() { + local sm_mode="$1" + local chain_cert_path="$2" + mkdir -p "${chain_cert_path}" + if [[ "${sm_mode}" == "false" ]]; then + gen_chain_cert "${chain_cert_path}" 2>&1 + else + gen_sm_chain_cert "${chain_cert_path}" 2>&1 + fi +} +generate_config_ini() { + local output="${1}" + local p2p_listen_ip="${2}" + local p2p_listen_port="${3}" + + local rpc_listen_ip="${4}" + local rpc_listen_port="${5}" + local disable_ssl="${6}" + + local disable_ssl_content=";disable_ssl=true" + if [[ "${disable_ssl}" == "true" ]]; then + disable_ssl_content="disable_ssl=true" + fi + + cat <"${output}" +[p2p] + listen_ip=${p2p_listen_ip} + listen_port=${p2p_listen_port} + ; ssl or sm ssl + sm_ssl=false + nodes_path=${file_dir} + nodes_file=${p2p_connected_conf_name} + ; enable rip protocol, default: true + ; enable_rip_protocol=false + ; enable compression for p2p message, default: true + ; enable_compression=false + +[certificate_blacklist] + ; crl.0 should be nodeid, nodeid's length is 512 + ;crl.0= + +[certificate_whitelist] + ; cal.0 should be nodeid, nodeid's length is 512 + ;cal.0= + +[rpc] + listen_ip=${rpc_listen_ip} + listen_port=${rpc_listen_port} + thread_count=4 + ; ssl or sm ssl + sm_ssl=false + ; ssl connection switch, if disable the ssl connection, default: false + ${disable_ssl_content} + ; return input params in sendTransaction() return, default: true + ; return_input_params=false + +[web3_rpc] + enable=false + listen_ip= + listen_port=8545 + thread_count=8 + +[cert] + ; directory the certificates located in + ca_path=./conf + ; the ca certificate file + ca_cert=ca.crt + ; the node private key file + node_key=ssl.key + ; the node certificate file + node_cert=ssl.crt + ; directory the multiple certificates located in + multi_ca_path=multiCaPath + +EOF + generate_common_ini "${output}" +} + +generate_common_ini() { + local output=${1} + # LOG_INFO "Begin generate uuid" + local uuid=$(uuidgen) + # LOG_INFO "Generate uuid success: ${uuid}" + cat <>"${output}" + +[security] + private_key_path=conf/node.pem + enable_hsm=${enable_hsm} + ; path of hsm dynamic library + ;hsm_lib_path= + ;key_index= + ;password= + +[storage_security] + ; enable data disk encryption or not, default is false + enable=false + ; url of the key center, in format of ip:port + ;key_center_url= + ;cipher_data_key= + +[consensus] + ; min block generation time(ms) + min_seal_time=500 + +[executor] + enable_dag=true + baseline_scheduler=false + baseline_scheduler_parallel=false + +[storage] + data_path=data + enable_cache=true + ; The granularity of the storage page, in bytes, must not be less than 4096 Bytes, the default is 10240 Bytes (10KB) + ; if modify key_page_size value to 0, should clear the data directory + key_page_size=${key_page_size} + pd_ssl_ca_path= + pd_ssl_cert_path= + pd_ssl_key_path= + enable_archive=false + archive_ip= + archive_port= + ; if modify enable_separate_block_state, should clear the data directory + ;enable_separate_block_state=false + ;sync_archived_blocks=false + +[txpool] + ; size of the txpool, default is 15000 + limit=15000 + ; txs notification threads num, default is 2 + notify_worker_num=2 + ; txs verification threads num, default is the number of CPU cores + ;verify_worker_num=2 + ; txs expiration time, in seconds, default is 10 minutes + txs_expiration_time = 600 + +[sync] + ; send transaction by tree-topology + ; recommend to use when deploy many consensus nodes + send_txs_by_tree=false + ; send block status by tree-topology + ; recommend to use when deploy many consensus nodes + sync_block_by_tree=false + tree_width=3 + +[redis] + ; redis server ip + ;server_ip= + ; redis server port + ;server_port=6379 + ; redis request timeout, unit ms + ;request_timeout=3000 + ; redis connection pool size + ;connection_pool_size=16 + ; redis password, default empty + ;password= + ; redis db, default 0th + ;db=0 + +[flow_control] + ; rate limiter stat reporter interval, unit: ms + ; stat_reporter_interval=60000 + + ; time window for rate limiter, default: 3s + ; time_window_sec=3 + + ; enable distributed rate limiter, redis required, default: false + ; enable_distributed_ratelimit=false + ; enable local cache for distributed rate limiter, work with enable_distributed_ratelimit, default: true + ; enable_distributed_ratelimit_cache=true + ; distributed rate limiter local cache percent, work with enable_distributed_ratelimit_cache, default: 20 + ; distributed_ratelimit_cache_percent=20 + + ; the module that does not limit bandwidth + ; list of all modules: raft,pbft,amop,block_sync,txs_sync,light_node,cons_txs_sync + ; + ; modules_without_bw_limit=raft,pbft + + ; allow the msg exceed max permit pass + ; outgoing_allow_exceed_max_permit=false + + ; restrict the outgoing bandwidth of the node + ; both integer and decimal is support, unit: Mb + ; + ; total_outgoing_bw_limit=10 + + ; restrict the outgoing bandwidth of the the connection + ; both integer and decimal is support, unit: Mb + ; + ; conn_outgoing_bw_limit=2 + ; + ; specify IP to limit bandwidth, format: conn_outgoing_bw_limit_x.x.x.x=n + ; conn_outgoing_bw_limit_192.108.0.1=3 + ; conn_outgoing_bw_limit_192.108.0.2=3 + ; conn_outgoing_bw_limit_192.108.0.3=3 + ; + ; default bandwidth limit for the group + ; group_outgoing_bw_limit=2 + ; + ; specify group to limit bandwidth, group_outgoing_bw_limit_groupName=n + ; group_outgoing_bw_limit_group0=2 + ; group_outgoing_bw_limit_group1=2 + ; group_outgoing_bw_limit_group2=2 + + ; should not change incoming_p2p_basic_msg_type_list if you known what you would to do + ; incoming_p2p_basic_msg_type_list= + ; the qps limit for p2p basic msg type, the msg type has been config by incoming_p2p_basic_msg_type_list, default: -1 + ; incoming_p2p_basic_msg_type_qps_limit=-1 + ; default qps limit for all module message, default: -1 + ; incoming_module_msg_type_qps_limit=-1 + ; specify module to limit qps, incoming_module_qps_limit_moduleID=n + ; incoming_module_qps_limit_xxxx=1000 + ; incoming_module_qps_limit_xxxx=2000 + ; incoming_module_qps_limit_xxxx=3000 + +[log] + enable=true + ; print the log to std::cout or not, default print to the log files + enable_console_output = false + log_path=./log + ; info debug trace + level=${log_level} + ; MB + max_log_file_size=1024 + ; rotate the log every hour + ;enable_rotate_by_hour=true + enable_rate_collector=false +EOF +} + +generate_sm_config_ini() { + local output=${1} + local p2p_listen_ip="${2}" + local p2p_listen_port="${3}" + local rpc_listen_ip="${4}" + local rpc_listen_port="${5}" + local disable_ssl="${6}" + + local disable_ssl_content=";disable_ssl=true" + if [[ "${disable_ssl}" == "true" ]]; then + disable_ssl_content="disable_ssl=true" + fi + + cat <"${output}" +[p2p] + listen_ip=${p2p_listen_ip} + listen_port=${p2p_listen_port} + ; ssl or sm ssl + sm_ssl=true + nodes_path=${file_dir} + nodes_file=${p2p_connected_conf_name} + ; enable rip protocol, default: true + ; enable_rip_protocol=false + ; enable compression for p2p message, default: true + ; enable_compression=false + +[certificate_blacklist] + ; crl.0 should be nodeid, nodeid's length is 128 + ;crl.0= + +[certificate_whitelist] + ; cal.0 should be nodeid, nodeid's length is 128 + ;cal.0= + +[rpc] + listen_ip=${rpc_listen_ip} + listen_port=${rpc_listen_port} + thread_count=4 + ; ssl or sm ssl + sm_ssl=true + ;ssl connection switch, if disable the ssl connection, default: false + ${disable_ssl_content} + ; return input params in sendTransaction() return, default: true + ; return_input_params=false + +[web3_rpc] + enable=false + listen_ip= + listen_port=8545 + thread_count=8 + +[cert] + ; directory the certificates located in + ca_path=./conf + ; the ca certificate file + sm_ca_cert=sm_ca.crt + ; the node private key file + sm_node_key=sm_ssl.key + ; the node certificate file + sm_node_cert=sm_ssl.crt + ; the node private key file + sm_ennode_key=sm_enssl.key + ; the node certificate file + sm_ennode_cert=sm_enssl.crt + ; directory the multiple certificates located in + multi_ca_path=multiCaPath + +EOF + generate_common_ini "${output}" +} + +generate_p2p_connected_conf() { + local output="${1}" + local ip_params="${2}" + local template="${3}" + + local p2p_host_list="" + if [[ "${template}" == "true" ]]; then + p2p_host_list="${ip_params}" + else + local ip_array=(${ip_params//,/ }) + local ip_length=${#ip_array[@]} + local i=0 + for (( ; i < ip_length; i++)); do + local ip=${ip_array[i]} + local delim="" + if [[ $i == $((ip_length - 1)) ]]; then + delim="" + else + delim="," + fi + p2p_host_list="${p2p_host_list}\"${ip}\"${delim}" + done + fi + + cat <"${output}" +{"nodes":[${p2p_host_list}]} +EOF +} + +generate_config() { + local sm_mode="${1}" + local node_config_path="${2}" + local p2p_listen_ip="${3}" + local p2p_listen_port="${4}" + local rpc_listen_ip="${5}" + local rpc_listen_port="${6}" + local disable_ssl="${7}" + + check_auth_account + if [ "${sm_mode}" == "false" ]; then + generate_config_ini "${node_config_path}" "${p2p_listen_ip}" "${p2p_listen_port}" "${rpc_listen_ip}" "${rpc_listen_port}" "${disable_ssl}" + else + generate_sm_config_ini "${node_config_path}" "${p2p_listen_ip}" "${p2p_listen_port}" "${rpc_listen_ip}" "${rpc_listen_port}" "${disable_ssl}" + fi +} + +generate_secp256k1_node_account() { + local output_path="${1}" + local node_index="${2}" + if [ ! -d "${output_path}" ]; then + mkdir -p ${output_path} + fi + + # generate nodeids from file + if [ ! -z "${node_key_dir}" ]; then + generate_nodeids_from_path "${node_key_dir}" "pem" "${node_index}" "${output_path}" + else + if [ ! -f /tmp/secp256k1.param ]; then + ${OPENSSL_CMD} ecparam -out /tmp/secp256k1.param -name secp256k1 + fi + ${OPENSSL_CMD} genpkey -paramfile /tmp/secp256k1.param -out ${output_path}/node.pem 2>/dev/null + # generate nodeid + ${OPENSSL_CMD} ec -text -noout -in "${output_path}/node.pem" 2>/dev/null | sed -n '7,11p' | tr -d ": \n" | awk '{print substr($0,3);}' | cat >"$output_path"/node.nodeid + local node_id=$(cat "${output_path}/node.nodeid") + nodeid_list=$"${nodeid_list}node.${node_index}=${node_id}: 1 + " + fi +} + +generate_sm_node_account() { + local output_path="${1}" + local node_index="${2}" + if [ ! -d "${output_path}" ]; then + mkdir -p ${output_path} + fi + + if [ "${enable_hsm}" == "true" ] && [ -z "${node_key_dir}" ]; then + LOG_FATAL "Must input path of node key in HSM mode, eg: bash build_chain.sh -H -n node_key_dir" + fi + + if [ ! -z "${node_key_dir}" ]; then + generate_nodeids_from_path "${node_key_dir}" "pem" "${node_index}" "${output_path}" + else + if [ ! -f ${sm2_params} ]; then + generate_sm_sm2_param ${sm2_params} + fi + ${OPENSSL_CMD} genpkey -paramfile ${sm2_params} -out ${output_path}/node.pem 2>/dev/null + $OPENSSL_CMD ec -in "$output_path/node.pem" -text -noout 2> /dev/null | sed -n '7,11p' | sed 's/://g' | tr "\n" " " | sed 's/ //g' | awk '{print substr($0,3);}' | cat > "$output_path/node.nodeid" + local node_id=$(cat "${output_path}/node.nodeid") + nodeid_list=$"${nodeid_list}node.${node_index}=${node_id}:1 + " + fi +} + +generate_genesis_config() { + local output=${1} + local node_list=${2} + + cat <"${output}" +[chain] + ; use SM crypto or not, should nerver be changed + sm_crypto=${sm_mode} + ; the group id, should nerver be changed + group_id=${default_group} + ; the chain id, should nerver be changed + chain_id=${default_chainid} + +[web3] + chain_id=${default_web3_chainid} + +[consensus] + ; consensus algorithm now support PBFT(consensus_type=pbft), rPBFT(consensus_type=rpbft) + consensus_type=${consensus_type} + ; the max number of transactions of a block + block_tx_count_limit=1000 + ; in millisecond, block consensus timeout, at least 3000ms + consensus_timeout=3000 + ; the number of blocks generated by each leader + leader_period=1 + ; rpbft + ; the working sealers num of each consensus epoch + epoch_sealer_num=4 + ; the number of generated blocks each epoch + epoch_block_num=1000 + ; the node id of consensusers + ${node_list} + +[version] + ; compatible version, can be dynamically upgraded through setSystemConfig + ; the default is ${compatibility_version//[vV]/} + compatibility_version=${compatibility_version//[vV]/} +[tx] + ; transaction gas limit + gas_limit=3000000000 +[executor] + ; use the wasm virtual machine or not + is_wasm=${wasm_mode} + is_auth_check=${auth_mode} + auth_admin_account=${auth_admin_account} + is_serial_execute=${serial_mode} +EOF +} + +parse_ip_config() { + local config=$1 + n=0 + while read line; do + ip_array[n]=$(echo ${line} | awk '{print $1}') + agency_array[n]=$(echo ${line} | awk '{print $2}') + group_array[n]=$(echo ${line} | awk '{print $3}') + if [ -z "${ip_array[$n]}" -o -z "${agency_array[$n]}" -o -z "${group_array[$n]}" ]; then + exit_with_clean "Please check ${config}, make sure there is no empty line!" + fi + ((++n)) + done <${config} +} + +get_value() { + local var_name=${1} + var_name="${var_name//./}" + var_name="var_${var_name//-/}" + local res=$(eval echo '$'"${var_name}") + echo ${res} +} + +set_value() { + local var_name=${1} + var_name="${var_name//./}" + var_name="var_${var_name//-/}" + local var_value=${2} + eval "${var_name}=${var_value}" +} + +exit_with_clean() { + local content=${1} + echo -e "\033[31m[ERROR] ${content}\033[0m" + if [ -d "${output_dir}" ]; then + rm -rf ${output_dir} + fi + exit 1 +} + +check_and_install_tassl(){ + if [ -f "${OPENSSL_CMD}" ];then + return + fi + # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uname#Examples + local x86_64_name="x86_64" + local arm_name="aarch64" + local tassl_mid_name="linux" + if [[ -n "${macOS}" ]];then + x86_64_name="x86_64" + arm_name="arm64" + tassl_mid_name="macOS" + fi + + local tassl_post_fix="x86_64" + local platform="$(uname -m)" + if [[ "${platform}" == "${arm_name}" ]];then + tassl_post_fix="aarch64" + elif [[ "${platform}" == "${x86_64_name}" ]];then + tassl_post_fix="x86_64" + else + LOG_FATAL "Unsupported platform ${platform} for ${tassl_mid_name}" + exit 1 + fi + local tassl_package_name="tassl-1.1.1b-${tassl_mid_name}-${tassl_post_fix}" + local tassl_tgz_name="${tassl_package_name}.tar.gz" + # local tassl_link_prefix="${cdn_link_header}/FISCO-BCOS/tools/tassl-1.1.1b/${tassl_tgz_name}" + local Download_Link="${cdn_link_header}/FISCO-BCOS/tools/tassl-1.1.1b/${tassl_tgz_name}" + local github_link="https://github.com/FISCO-BCOS/TASSL/releases/download/V_1.4/${tassl_tgz_name}" + # the binary can obtained from the cos + if [ $(curl -IL -o /dev/null -s -w %{http_code} "${Download_Link}") == 200 ];then + # try cdn_link + echo "==============" + echo "Downloading tassl binary from ${Download_Link}" + curl -#LO "${Download_Link}" + else + echo "Downloading tassl binary from ${github_link}" + curl -#LO "${github_link}" + fi + # wget --no-check-certificate "${tassl_link_prefix}" + tar zxvf ${tassl_tgz_name} && rm ${tassl_tgz_name} + if [[ -n "${macOS}" ]];then + xattr -d com.apple.quarantine ${tassl_package_name} + # xattr -d com.apple.macl ${tassl_package_name} + fi + chmod u+x ${tassl_package_name} + mkdir -p "${HOME}"/.fisco + mv ${tassl_package_name} "${HOME}"/.fisco/tassl-1.1.1b +} + +generate_node_account() +{ + local sm_mode="${1}" + local account_dir="${2}" + local count="${3}" + if [[ "${sm_mode}" == "false" ]]; then + if [ "${enable_hsm}" == "true" ]; then + LOG_FATAL "HSM is only supported in sm mode" + fi + generate_secp256k1_node_account "${account_dir}" "${count}" + else + generate_sm_node_account "${account_dir}" "${count}" + fi +} + +expand_node() +{ + local sm_mode="${1}" + local ca_dir="${2}" + local node_dir="${3}" + local config_path="${4}" + local mtail_ip_param="${5}" + local prometheus_dir="${6}" + if [ -d "${node_dir}" ];then + LOG_FATAL "expand node failed for ${node_dir} already exists!" + fi + + if "${monitor_mode}" ; then + LOG_INFO "start generate monitor scripts" + ip=`echo $mtail_ip_param | awk '{split($0,a,":");print a[1]}'` + if [ -z $(echo $ip | grep -E "^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$") ]; then + LOG_WARN "Please check IP address: ${ip}, if you use domain name please ignore this." + fi + num=`echo $mtail_ip_param | awk '{split($0,a,":");print a[2]}'` + local port=$((mtail_listen_port + num)) + connected_mtail_nodes="${ip}:${port}" + generate_mtail_scripts "${node_dir}" "${ip}" "${port}" "node${num}" + if [ -n "${prometheus_dir}" ];then + sed -i "s/]/,\'${connected_mtail_nodes}\']/g" ${prometheus_dir} + fi + LOG_INFO "generate monitor scripts success" + fi + + file_must_exists "${config_path}/config.ini" + file_must_exists "${config_path}/config.genesis" + file_must_exists "${config_path}/nodes.json" + # check binary + parent_path=$(dirname ${node_dir}) + if [ -z "${docker_mode}" ];then + download_bin + if [ ! -f ${binary_path} ];then + LOG_FATAL "fisco bcos binary exec ${binary_path} not exist, please input the correct path." + fi + fi + mkdir -p "${node_dir}" + sdk_path="${parent_path}/sdk" + if [ ! -d "${sdk_path}" ];then + LOG_INFO "generate sdk cert, path: ${sdk_path} .." + generate_sdk_cert "${sm_mode}" "${ca_dir}" "${sdk_path}" + LOG_INFO "generate sdk cert success.." + fi + start_all_script_path="${parent_path}/start_all.sh" + if [ ! -f "${start_all_script_path}" ];then + LOG_INFO "generate start_all.sh and stop_all.sh ..." + generate_all_node_scripts "${parent_path}" + LOG_INFO "generate start_all.sh and stop_all.sh success..." + fi + LOG_INFO "generate_node_scripts ..." + generate_node_scripts "${node_dir}" "${docker_mode}" + LOG_INFO "generate_node_scripts success..." + # generate cert + LOG_INFO "generate_node_cert ..." + generate_node_cert "${sm_mode}" "${ca_dir}" "${node_dir}/conf" + LOG_INFO "generate_node_cert success..." + # generate node account + LOG_INFO "generate_node_account ..." + generate_node_account "${sm_mode}" "${node_dir}/conf" "${i}" + LOG_INFO "generate_node_account success..." + + LOG_INFO "copy configurations ..." + cp "${config_path}/config.ini" "${node_dir}" + cp "${config_path}/config.genesis" "${node_dir}" + cp "${config_path}/nodes.json" "${node_dir}" + LOG_INFO "copy configurations success..." + echo "==============================================================" + if [ -z "${docker_mode}" ];then + LOG_INFO "${binary_name} Path : ${binary_path}" + else + LOG_INFO "docker mode : ${docker_mode}" + LOG_INFO "docker tag : ${compatibility_version}" + fi + LOG_INFO "sdk dir : ${sdk_path}" + LOG_INFO "SM Model : ${sm_mode}" + + LOG_INFO "output dir : ${output_dir}" + LOG_INFO "All completed. Files in ${output_dir}" +} + +expand_lighenode() +{ + local sm_mode="${1}" + local ca_dir="${2}" + local lightnode_dir="${3}" + local config_path="${4}" + local mtail_ip_param="${5}" + local prometheus_dir="${6}" + if [ -d "${lightnode_dir}" ];then + LOG_FATAL "expand node failed for ${lightnode_dir} already exists!" + fi + file_must_exists "${config_path}/config.ini" + file_must_exists "${config_path}/config.genesis" + file_must_exists "${config_path}/nodes.json" + # check binary,parent_path is ./nodes + parent_path=$(dirname ${lightnode_dir}) + mkdir -p "${lightnode_dir}" + if [ "${lightnode_flag}" == "true" ] && [ -f "${lightnode_binary_path}" ]; then + echo "Checking ${lightnode_flag}, lightnode_binary_path is ${lightnode_binary_path}, lightnode_dir is ${lightnode_dir}" + chmod u+x ${lightnode_binary_path} + cp "${lightnode_binary_path}" ${lightnode_dir}/ + elif [ "${lightnode_flag}" == "false" ]; then + download_lightnode_bin + cp "${lightnode_binary_path}" ${lightnode_dir}/ + fi + + LOG_INFO "generate_lightnode_scripts ..." + generate_lightnode_scripts "${lightnode_dir}" "fisco-bcos-lightnode" + LOG_INFO "generate_lightnode_scripts success..." + + # generate cert + LOG_INFO "generate_lightnode_cert ..." + generate_node_cert "${sm_mode}" "${ca_dir}" "${lightnode_dir}/conf" + LOG_INFO "generate_lightnode_cert success..." + # generate node account + LOG_INFO "generate_lightnode_account ..." + generate_node_account "${sm_mode}" "${lightnode_dir}/conf" "${i}" + LOG_INFO "generate_lightnode_account success..." + + LOG_INFO "copy configurations ..." + cp "${config_path}/config.ini" "${lightnode_dir}" + cp "${config_path}/config.genesis" "${lightnode_dir}" + cp "${config_path}/nodes.json" "${lightnode_dir}" + LOG_INFO "copy configurations success..." + echo "==============================================================" + + LOG_INFO "SM Model : ${sm_mode}" + LOG_INFO "output dir : ${output_dir}" + LOG_INFO "All completed. Files in ${output_dir}" +} + +deploy_nodes() +{ + dir_must_not_exists "${output_dir}" + mkdir -p "$output_dir" + dir_must_exists "${output_dir}" + cert_conf="${output_dir}/cert.cnf" + p2p_listen_port=port_start[0] + rpc_listen_port=port_start[1] + [ -z $use_ip_param ] && help 'ERROR: Please set -l or -f option.' + if [ "${use_ip_param}" == "true" ]; then + ip_array=(${ip_param//,/ }) + elif [ "${use_ip_param}" == "false" ]; then + if ! parse_ip_config $ip_file; then + exit_with_clean "Parse $ip_file error!" + fi + else + help + fi + #check the binary + if [ -z "${docker_mode}" ];then + download_bin + if [[ ! -f "$binary_path" ]]; then + LOG_FATAL "fisco bcos binary exec ${binary_path} not exist, Must copy binary file ${binary_name} to ${binary_path}" + fi + fi + #check the lightnode binary + if [ -f "${lightnode_binary_path}" ] && [ "${download_lightnode_binary}" != "true" ];then + LOG_INFO "Use lightnode binary ${lightnode_binary_path}" + fi + if [ "${download_lightnode_binary}" == "true" ];then + download_lightnode_bin + + fi + if [ "${lightnode_flag}" == "true" ] && [ ! -f "${lightnode_binary_path}" ] && [ "${download_lightnode_binary}" != "true" ];then + LOG_FATAL "please input \"download_binary\" or assign correct lightnode binary path" + fi + + + if "${monitor_mode}" ;then + download_monitor_bin + if [[ ! -f "$mtail_binary_path" ]]; then + LOG_FATAL "mtail binary exec ${mtail_binary_path} not exist, Must copy binary file ${mtail_binary_name} to ${mtail_binary_path}" + fi + fi + + local i=0 + node_count=0 + local count=0 + connected_nodes="" + connected_mtail_nodes="" + local monitor_ip="" + # Note: must generate the node account firstly + ca_dir="${output_dir}"/ca + generate_chain_cert "${sm_mode}" "${ca_dir}" + + for line in ${ip_array[*]}; do + if echo "$line" | grep -E "\[.*\]:[0-9]+" >/dev/null; then + ip=${line%\]*} + ip=${ip#*\[} + num=${line#*\]} + num=${num#*:} + use_ipv6="true" + if [[ -n "${use_ipv6}" && $ip != "::" && -z "$(echo "$ip" | grep -E "^([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}$")" ]]; then + LOG_FATAL "Please check IPv6 address: ${ip}" + fi + else + ip=${line%:*} + num=${line#*:} + fi + if [[ -z "${use_ipv6}" && -z $(echo $ip | grep -E "^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$") ]]; then + LOG_WARN "Please check IPv4 address: ${ip}, if you use domain name please ignore this." + fi + # echo $num + local ip_var_name=${ip//./_} + ip_var_name="${ip_var_name//:/_}_count" + [ "$num" == "$ip" ] || [ -z "${num}" ] && num=${node_num} + echo "Processing IP ${ip} Total:${num}" + [ -z "$(get_value ${ip_var_name})" ] && set_value ${ip_var_name} 0 + + nodes_dir="${output_dir}/${ip}" + # start_all.sh and stop_all.sh + generate_all_node_scripts "${nodes_dir}" + if [ -z "${docker_mode}" ];then + cp "${binary_path}" "${nodes_dir}" + fi + if "${monitor_mode}" ;then + cp $mtail_binary_path "${nodes_dir}" + fi + ca_cert_dir="${nodes_dir}"/ca + mkdir -p ${ca_cert_dir} + cp -r ${ca_dir}/* ${ca_cert_dir} + + # generate sdk cert + generate_sdk_cert "${sm_mode}" "${ca_dir}" "${nodes_dir}/sdk" + for ((i = 0; i < num; ++i)); do + local node_count=$(get_value ${ip_var_name}) + node_dir="${output_dir}/${ip}/node${node_count}" + mkdir -p "${node_dir}" + generate_node_cert "${sm_mode}" "${ca_dir}" "${node_dir}/conf" + generate_node_scripts "${node_dir}" "${docker_mode}" + if "${monitor_mode}" ;then + local port=$((mtail_listen_port + node_count)) + connected_mtail_nodes=${connected_mtail_nodes}"${ip}:${port}, " + if [[ $count == 0 ]]; then + monitor_ip="${ip}" + fi + generate_mtail_scripts "${node_dir}" "${ip}" "${port}" "node${node_count}" + fi + local port=$((p2p_listen_port + node_count)) + if [[ -n "${use_ipv6}" ]]; then + connected_nodes=${connected_nodes}"[${ip}]:${port}," + else + connected_nodes=${connected_nodes}"${ip}:${port}," + fi + account_dir="${node_dir}/conf" + generate_node_account "${sm_mode}" "${account_dir}" "${count}" + set_value ${ip_var_name} $(($(get_value ${ip_var_name}) + 1)) + ((++count)) + ((++node_count)) + done + done + + if "${monitor_mode}" ;then + monitor_dir="${output_dir}/monitor" + generate_monitor_scripts "${monitor_dir}" "${connected_mtail_nodes}" ${monitor_ip} + fi + + local i=0 + local count=0 + for line in ${ip_array[*]}; do + if echo "$line" | grep -E "\[.*\]:[0-9]+" >/dev/null; then + ip=${line%\]*} + ip=${ip#*\[} + num=${line#*\]} + num=${num#*:} + use_ipv6="true" + if [ -n "${use_ipv6}" ] && [ "$ip" != "::" ] && [ -z "$(echo "$ip" | grep -E "^([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}$")" ]; then + LOG_FATAL "Please check IPv6 address: ${ip}" + fi + else + ip=${line%:*} + num=${line#*:} + fi + if [[ -z "${use_ipv6}" && -z $(echo $ip | grep -E "^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$") ]]; then + LOG_WARN "Please check IPv4 address: ${ip}, if you use domain name please ignore this." + fi + local ip_var_name=${ip//./_} + ip_var_name="${ip_var_name//:/_}_count" + [ "$num" == "$ip" ] || [ -z "${num}" ] && num=${node_num} + set_value ${ip_var_name} 0 + for ((i = 0; i < num; ++i)); do + local node_count=$(get_value ${ip_var_name}) + node_dir="${output_dir}/${ip}/node${node_count}" + local p2p_port=$((p2p_listen_port + node_count)) + local rpc_port=$((rpc_listen_port + node_count)) + generate_config "${sm_mode}" "${node_dir}/config.ini" "${default_listen_ip}" "${p2p_port}" "${default_listen_ip}" "${rpc_port}" + generate_p2p_connected_conf "${node_dir}/${p2p_connected_conf_name}" "${connected_nodes}" "false" + if [ ! -z "${node_key_dir}" ]; then + # generate nodeids from file + generate_genesis_config "${node_dir}/config.genesis" "${nodeid_list_from_path}" + else + generate_genesis_config "${node_dir}/config.genesis" "${nodeid_list}" + fi + set_value ${ip_var_name} $(($(get_value ${ip_var_name}) + 1)) + ((++count)) + done + if [ -n "$make_tar" ];then + cd ${output_dir} + tar zcf "${ip}.tar.gz" "${ip}" & + cd ${current_dir} + fi + done + wait + # Generate lightnode cert + if [ -e "${lightnode_binary_path}" ]; then + local lightnode_dir="${output_dir}/lightnode" + mkdir -p ${lightnode_dir} + generate_genesis_config "${lightnode_dir}/config.genesis" "${nodeid_list}" + + generate_node_cert "${sm_mode}" "${ca_dir}" "${lightnode_dir}/conf" + generate_lightnode_scripts "${lightnode_dir}" "fisco-bcos-lightnode" + local lightnode_account_dir="${lightnode_dir}/conf" + generate_node_account "${sm_mode}" "${lightnode_account_dir}" ${count} + + local p2p_port=$((p2p_listen_port + num)) + local rpc_port=$((rpc_listen_port + num)) + generate_config "${sm_mode}" "${lightnode_dir}/config.ini" "${default_listen_ip}" "${p2p_port}" "${default_listen_ip}" "${rpc_port}" + generate_p2p_connected_conf "${lightnode_dir}/${p2p_connected_conf_name}" "${connected_nodes}" "false" + + cp "${lightnode_binary_path}" ${lightnode_dir}/ + if [ -n "$make_tar" ];then cd ${output_dir} && tar zcf "lightnode.tar.gz" "../${lightnode_dir}" && cd ${current_dir};fi + fi + + print_result +} + +generate_template_package() +{ + local node_name="${1}" + local binary_path="${2}" + local genesis_conf_path="${3}" + local output_dir="${4}" + + # do not support docker + if [ -n "${docker_mode}" ];then + LOG_FATAL "Docker mode is not supported on building template install package" + fi + + # do not support monitor + if "${monitor_mode}" ;then + LOG_FATAL "Monitor mode is not support on building template install package" + fi + + # check if node.nodid dir exist + file_must_exists "${genesis_conf_path}" + file_must_exists "${binary_path}" + # dir_must_not_exists "${output_dir}" + + mkdir -p "${output_dir}" + dir_must_exists "${output_dir}" + + # mkdir node dir + node_dir="${output_dir}/${node_name}" + mkdir -p "${node_dir}" + mkdir -p "${node_dir}/conf" + + p2p_listen_ip="[#P2P_LISTEN_IP]" + rpc_listen_ip="[#RPC_LISTEN_IP]" + + p2p_listen_port="[#P2P_LISTEN_PORT]" + rpc_listen_port="[#RPC_LISTEN_PORT]" + + # copy binary file + cp "${binary_path}" "${node_dir}/../" + # copy config.genesis + cp "${genesis_conf_path}" "${node_dir}/" + + # generate start_all.sh and stop_all.sh + generate_all_node_scripts "${node_dir}/../" + + # generate node start.sh stop.sh + generate_node_scripts "${node_dir}" + + local connected_nodes="[#P2P_CONNECTED_NODES]" + # generate config for node + generate_config "${sm_mode}" "${node_dir}/config.ini" "${p2p_listen_ip}" "${p2p_listen_port}" "${rpc_listen_ip}" "${rpc_listen_port}" "true" + generate_p2p_connected_conf "${node_dir}/${p2p_connected_conf_name}" "${connected_nodes}" "true" + + LOG_INFO "Building template intstall package" + LOG_INFO "Auth mode : ${auth_mode}" + if ${auth_mode} ; then + LOG_INFO "Auth account : ${auth_admin_account}" + fi + LOG_INFO "SM model : ${sm_mode}" + LOG_INFO "enable HSM : ${enable_hsm}" + LOG_INFO "All completed. Files in ${output_dir}" +} + +generate_nodeids_from_path() +{ + local node_key_dir="${1}" + local file_type="${2}" + local file_index="${3}" + local output_dir="${4}" + + if [ ! -d "${output_dir}" ]; then + mkdir -p "${output_dir}" + fi + + local node_key_file_list=$(ls "${node_key_dir}" | tr "\n" " ") + local node_key_file_array=(${node_key_file_list}) + + if [[ ! -f "${node_key_dir}/${node_key_file_array[${file_index}]}" ]]; then + LOG_WARN " node key file not exist, ${node_key_dir}/${node_key_file_array[${file_index}]}" + continue + fi + local nodeid="" + if [ "${file_type}" == "pem" ]; then + ${OPENSSL_CMD} ec -text -noout -in "${node_key_dir}/${node_key_file_array[${file_index}]}" 2>/dev/null | sed -n '7,11p' | tr -d ": \n" | awk '{print substr($0,3);}' | cat >"$node_key_dir"/node.nodeid + nodeid=$(cat "${node_key_dir}/node.nodeid") + cp -f "${node_key_dir}/${node_key_file_array[${file_index}]}" "${output_dir}/node.pem" + rm -f "${node_key_dir}/node.nodeid" + elif [ "${file_type}" == "nodeid" ]; then + nodeid=$(cat "${nodeid_dir}/${nodeid_file}") + else + LOG_FATAL "generate_nodeids_from_path function only support pem and nodeid file type, don't support ${file_type} yet" + fi + nodeid_list_from_path=$"${nodeid_list_from_path}node.${node_index}=${nodeid}: 1 + " +} + +generate_genesis_config_by_nodeids() +{ + local nodeid_dir="${1}" + local output_dir="${2}" + + local nodeid_file_list=$(ls "${nodeid_dir}" | tr "\n" " ") + local nodeid_file_array=(${nodeid_file_list}) + + local total_files_sum="${#nodeid_file_array[*]}" + for ((local file_index=0; file_index < total_files_sum; ++file_index)); do + generate_nodeids_from_path "${nodeid_file_array}" "nodeid" "${file_index}" "${output_dir}" + done + + if [[ -z "${nodeid_list_from_path}" ]]; then + LOG_FATAL "generate config.genesis failed, please check if the nodeids directory correct" + fi + + generate_genesis_config "${output_dir}/config.genesis" "${generate_nodeids_from_path}" +} + +check_auth_account() +{ + if [ -z "${auth_admin_account}" ]; then + # get account string to auth_admin_account + generate_auth_account + else + if ! [[ ${auth_admin_account} =~ ^0x[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$ ]]; then + LOG_FATAL "auth_admin_account must be a valid, please check it!" + exit 1 + fi + fi +} + +generate_auth_account() +{ + local account_script="get_account.sh" + if ${sm_mode}; then + account_script="get_gm_account.sh" + fi + if [ ! -f "${HOME}/.fisco/${account_script}" ];then + local Download_Link="${cdn_link_header}/FISCO-BCOS/tools/${account_script}" + local github_link="https://github.com/FISCO-BCOS/console/raw/master/tools/${account_script}" + # the binary can obtained from the cos + if [ $(curl -IL -o /dev/null -s -w %{http_code} "${Download_Link}") == 200 ];then + # try cdn_link + LOG_INFO "Downloading ${account_script} from ${Download_Link}..." + curl -#LO "${Download_Link}" + else + LOG_INFO "Downloading ${account_script} from ${github_link}..." + curl -#LO "${github_link}" + fi + chmod u+x ${account_script} + mv ${account_script} "${HOME}/.fisco/" + fi + auth_admin_account=$(bash ${HOME}/.fisco/${account_script} | grep Address | sed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g" | awk '{print $5}') + LOG_INFO "Admin account: ${auth_admin_account}" + if [[ ${chain_version} == "air" ]];then + mv accounts* "${ca_dir}" + else + mv accounts* "${BcosBuilder_path}/${chain_version}" + fi + if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then + LOG_INFO "Admin account generate failed, please check ${HOME}/.fisco/${account_script}." + exit 1 + fi +} + +modify_node_ca_setting(){ + dir_must_not_exists "${modify_node_path}/conf/multiCaPath" + file_must_exists "${multi_ca_path}" + mkdir ${modify_node_path}/conf/multiCaPath 2>/dev/null + cp ${multi_ca_path} ${modify_node_path}/conf/multiCaPath/${1}.0 2>/dev/null + # sed -i "s/; mul_ca_path=multiCaPath/mul_ca_path=multiCaPath/g" ${modify_node_path}/config.ini + + LOG_INFO "Modify node ca setting success" +} + +modify_multiple_ca_node(){ + check_and_install_tassl + subject_hash=`${OPENSSL_CMD} x509 -hash -noout -in ${multi_ca_path} 2>/dev/null` + if [[ ! "${multi_ca_path}" || ! "${modify_node_path}" ]];then + LOG_FATAL "multi_ca_path and modify_node_path are required!" + fi + modify_node_ca_setting "${subject_hash}" +} + +convert_to_absolute_path() { + local path="$1" + # Convert to absolute path + if [[ ! $path =~ ^/ ]]; then + local current_dir=$(pwd) + + path="$current_dir/$path" + fi + echo "$path" +} + +download_bcos_builder(){ + local Download_Link="${cdn_link_header}/FISCO-BCOS/releases/${bcos_builder_version}/${bcos_builder_package}" + local github_link="https://github.com/FISCO-BCOS/FISCO-BCOS/releases/download/${bcos_builder_version}/${bcos_builder_package}" + # the binary can obtained from the cos + if [ $(curl -IL -o /dev/null -s -w %{http_code} "${Download_Link}") == 200 ];then + # try cdn_link + LOG_INFO "Downloading bcos-builder tools from ${Download_Link} ..." + curl -#LO "${Download_Link}" + else + LOG_INFO "Downloading bcos-builder tools from ${github_link} ..." + curl -#LO "${github_link}" + fi + if [[ "$(ls -al . | grep "BcosBuilder.tgz" | awk '{print $5}')" -lt "1048576" ]];then + exit_with_clean "Download bcos-builder tools failed, please try again. Or download and extract it manually from ${Download_Link}." + fi + tar -zxf ${bcos_builder_package} +} + +download_service_bin(){ + local BcosBuilder_path=$1 + if [[ ${download_service_binary_path_flag} == "true" ]];then + download_service_binary_path=$(convert_to_absolute_path "$download_service_binary_path") + fi + cd "${BcosBuilder_path}/${chain_version}" + if [[ ${chain_version} == "pro" ]] && [[ ${download_specific_binary_flag} == "true" || ${download_service_binary_path_flag} == "true" || ! -d "binary" || ! -f "binary/BcosGatewayService/BcosGatewayService" || \ + ! -f "binary/BcosNodeService/BcosNodeService" || ! -f "binary/BcosRpcService/BcosRpcService" ]] || \ + [[ ${chain_version} == "max" ]] && [[ ${download_specific_binary_flag} == "true" || ${download_service_binary_path_flag} == "true" || ! -d "binary" || ! -f "binary/BcosGatewayService/BcosGatewayService" || \ + ! -f "binary/BcosExecutorService/BcosExecutorService" || ! -f "binary/BcosMaxNodeService/BcosMaxNodeService" || ! -f "binary/BcosRpcService/BcosRpcService" ]];then + + download_service_binary_path=$(convert_to_absolute_path "$download_service_binary_path") + python3 build_chain.py download_binary -t ${download_service_binary_type} -v ${service_binary_version} -p ${download_service_binary_path} + binary_path=$download_service_binary_path + else + binary_path=${BcosBuilder_path}/${chain_version}/binary + fi + cd ../../ +} + +gen_chain_template() { + local config_path=$1 + cat <"${config_path}" +[tars] +tars_pkg_dir = "${binary_path}" + +[chain] +chain_id="${default_chainid}" +# the rpc-service enable sm-ssl or not, default disable sm-ssl +rpc_sm_ssl=${sm_mode} +# the gateway-service enable sm-ssl or not, default disable sm-ssm +gateway_sm_ssl=${sm_mode} +# the existed rpc service ca path, will generate new ca if not configured +#rpc_ca_cert_path="" +# the existed gateway service ca path, will generate new ca if not configured +#gateway_ca_cert_path="" + +EOF +} + +gen_group_template() { + local config_path=$1 + local binary_version=${service_binary_version} + if [ "${service_binary_version:0:1}" == "v" ]; then + binary_version=${service_binary_version:1} + fi + cat <>"${config_path}" +[[group]] +group_id="${default_group}" +# the genesis configuration path of the group, will generate new genesis configuration if not configured +# genesis_config_path = "" +# VM type, now only support evm/wasm +vm_type="evm" +# use sm-crypto or not +sm_crypto=false +# enable auth-check or not +auth_check=false +init_auth_address="${auth_admin_account}" + +# the genesis config +# the number of blocks generated by each leader +leader_period = 1 +# the max number of transactions of a block +block_tx_count_limit = 1000 +# consensus algorithm now support PBFT(consensus_type=pbft) +consensus_type = "pbft" +# transaction gas limit +gas_limit = "3000000000" +# compatible version, can be dynamically upgraded through setSystemConfig +compatibility_version="${binary_version}" + +EOF +} + +gen_gateway_template() { + local agencyName=$1 + local ip=$2 + local num=$3 + local config_path=$4 + local peers_str=$5 + local p2p_listen_port=${proOrmax_port_start[0]} + local rpc_listen_port=${proOrmax_port_start[1]} + + cat <>"${config_path}" +[[agency]] +name = "${agencyName}" +EOF + +if [[ ${chain_version} == "max" ]];then + tars_listen_port_space=6 + cat <>"${config_path}" +failover_cluster_url = "${ip}:${tikv_listen_port}" +EOF +fi + + cat <>"${config_path}" +# enable data disk encryption for rpc/gateway or not, default is false +enable_storage_security = false +# url of the key center, in format of ip:port, please refer to https://github.com/FISCO-BCOS/key-manager for details +# key_center_url = +# cipher_data_key = + + [agency.rpc] + deploy_ip=["$ip"] + # rpc listen ip + listen_ip="" + # rpc listen port + listen_port=${rpc_listen_port} + thread_count=4 + # rpc tars server listen ip + tars_listen_ip="" + # rpc tars server listen port + tars_listen_port=${tars_listen_port} + + [agency.gateway] + deploy_ip=["$ip"] + # gateway listen ip + listen_ip="" + # gateway listen port + listen_port=${p2p_listen_port} + # gateway connected peers, should be all of the gateway peers info + peers=${peers_str} + tars_listen_port=$((${tars_listen_port}+1)) + +EOF + tars_listen_port=$((tars_listen_port + 2)) + local i + for((i = 0; i < ${num}; i++)); do + gen_node_template ${i} ${tars_listen_port} ${config_path} ${ip} + tars_listen_port=$((tars_listen_port + ${tars_listen_port_space})) + done +} + +gen_node_template(){ + local node_id=$1 + local node_name="node${node_id}" + local tars_listen_port=$2 + local config_path=$3 + local ip=$4 + + if [[ ${chain_version} == "pro" ]];then + cat <>"${config_path}" + [[agency.group]] + group_id = "${default_group}" + + [[agency.group.node]] + # node name, Notice: node_name in the same agency and group must be unique + node_name = "${node_name}" + deploy_ip = "${ip}" + # node tars server listen ip + tars_listen_ip="" + # node tars server listen port, Notice: the tars server of the node will cost five ports, then the port tars_listen_port ~ tars_listen_port + 4 should be in free + tars_listen_port=${tars_listen_port} + # enable data disk encryption for bcos node or not, default is false + enable_storage_security = false + # url of the key center, in format of ip:port, please refer to https://github.com/FISCO-BCOS/key-manager for details + # key_center_url = + # cipher_data_key = + monitor_listen_port = "${monitor_listen_port}" + # monitor log path example:"/home/fisco/tars/framework/app_log/" + monitor_log_path = "" + +EOF + fi + if [[ ${chain_version} == "max" ]];then + cat <>"${config_path}" + [[agency.group]] + group_id = "${default_group}" + [[agency.group.node]] + node_name = "${node_name}" + # the tikv storage pd-addresses + pd_addrs = "${ip}:${tikv_listen_port}" + key_page_size=10240 + deploy_ip = ["$ip"] + executor_deploy_ip=["$ip"] + monitor_listen_port = "${monitor_listen_port}" + # the tikv storage pd-addresses + # monitor log path example:"/home/fisco/tars/framework/app_log/" + monitor_log_path = "" + # node tars server listen ip + tars_listen_ip="" + # node tars server listen port + tars_listen_port=${tars_listen_port} + +EOF + fi +} + +getPeers(){ + local ip_param=$1 + ip_array=(${ip_param//,/ }) + + peer="" + local gateway_port=${proOrmax_port_start[0]} + + for line in ${ip_array[*]}; do + if [ -n "$(echo ${line} | grep "\.")" ];then + ip=${line%:*} + fi + peer+="\"${ip[$n]}:${gateway_port}\", " + done + peers=[$(echo "${peer::-2}")] + echo $peers +} + +gen_gateway_config() { + local config_path="$1" + [ -z $use_ip_param ] && help 'ERROR: Please set -l or -f option.' + if [ "${use_ip_param}" == "true" ]; then + ip_array=(${ip_param//,/ }) + else + help + fi + peers_str=$(getPeers $ip_param) + if [[ "${sm_mode}" == "false" && -d "${BcosBuilder_path}/${chain_version}/accounts" ]]; then + rm -rf ${BcosBuilder_path}/${chain_version}/accounts + fi + if [[ "${sm_mode}" == "true" && -d "${BcosBuilder_path}/${chain_version}/accounts_gm" ]]; then + rm -rf ${BcosBuilder_path}/${chain_version}/accounts_gm + fi + check_auth_account + gen_chain_template "${config_path}" + gen_group_template "${config_path}" + local k=0 + if [[ -z ${proOrmax_port_start[2]} ]];then + tars_listen_port=40400 + else + tars_listen_port=${proOrmax_port_start[2]} + fi + + if [[ -z ${proOrmax_port_start[3]} ]];then + tikv_listen_port=2379 + else + tikv_listen_port=${proOrmax_port_start[3]} + fi + + if [[ -z ${proOrmax_port_start[4]} ]];then + monitor_listen_port=3901 + else + monitor_listen_port=${proOrmax_port_start[4]} + fi + + for line in ${ip_array[*]}; do + if [ -n "$(echo ${line} | grep "\.")" ];then + ip=${line%:*} + num=${line#*:} + fi + letter=$(printf "\\$(printf '%03o' $((k + 65)))") + (( k += 1 )) + + gen_gateway_template agency${letter} ${ip} ${num} ${config_path} "${peers_str}" + done +} + +install_python_package(){ + if command -v python >/dev/null 2>&1; then + file_must_exists "${BcosBuilder_path}/requirements.txt" + dir_must_exists "${BcosBuilder_path}/${chain_version}" + # package not exist, install it + while IFS= read -r package; do + if ! python3 -c "import $package" >/dev/null 2>&1; then + if ! pip3 install $package >/dev/null 2>&1; then + LOG_FATAL "Failed to install python package ${package}. Please install it manually, e.g., sudo pip3 install ${package}" + fi + fi + done < "${BcosBuilder_path}/requirements.txt" + fi +} +# deploy pro or max chain service +deploy_pro_or_max_nodes(){ + dir_must_not_exists "${service_output_dir}" + mkdir -p "$service_output_dir" + dir_must_exists "${service_output_dir}" + BcosBuilder_path=${current_dir}/BcosBuilder + if [ ! -d "$BcosBuilder_path" ]; then + download_bcos_builder + fi + install_python_package + local build_chain_file="${BcosBuilder_path}/${chain_version}/build_chain.py" + file_must_exists ${build_chain_file} + if [ "$use_exist_binary" == "true" ];then + binary_path=$(convert_to_absolute_path "$binary_path") + dir_must_exists "${binary_path}" + else + download_service_bin "${BcosBuilder_path}" + fi + if [[ "$config_path" != "" ]]; then + config_path=$(convert_to_absolute_path "$config_path") + file_must_exists "${config_path}" + else + config_path=${BcosBuilder_path}/${chain_version}/config.toml + gen_gateway_config "${config_path}" + fi + service_output_dir=$(convert_to_absolute_path "$service_output_dir") + cd "${BcosBuilder_path}/${chain_version}" + python3 build_chain.py build -t ${service_type} -c ${config_path} -O ${service_output_dir} + cd ../../ +} + +# remove excess files from the results folder +removeExcessFiles(){ + local folder_path="$1" + + for file in "$folder_path"/* + do + filename=$(basename "$file") + + # Determine if the file name is named with IP + if [[ $filename =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then + # Keep only group_node files, remove rpc gateway files + if [ -d ${file}/rpc* ]; then + rm -rf ${file}/rpc* + fi + if [ -d ${file}/gateway* ]; then + rm -r ${file}/gateway* + fi + else + # If the file name is not named after IP, delete the file + rm -r $file + fi + done +} + +expand_pro_max(){ + dir_must_not_exists "${expand_dir}" + mkdir -p "$expand_dir" + dir_must_exists "${expand_dir}" + BcosBuilder_path=${current_dir}/BcosBuilder + if [ ! -d "$BcosBuilder_path" ]; then + download_bcos_builder + fi + install_python_package + + local build_chain_file="${BcosBuilder_path}/${chain_version}/build_chain.py" + file_must_exists ${build_chain_file} + + if [[ "$config_path" != "" ]]; then + config_path=$(convert_to_absolute_path "$config_path") + else + config_path=${BcosBuilder_path}/${chain_version}/config.toml + fi + + file_must_exists "${config_path}" + # echo ${config_path} + expand_dir=$(convert_to_absolute_path "$expand_dir") + cd "${BcosBuilder_path}/${chain_version}" + python3 build_chain.py build -t all -c ${config_path} -O ${expand_dir} + + cd ../../ + + if [[ "${command}" == "expand_node" || "${command}" == "expand_group" ]]; then + removeExcessFiles ${expand_dir} + fi +} + +main() { + check_env + check_and_install_tassl + parse_params "$@" + if [[ "${chain_version}" == "air" ]]; then + if [[ "${command}" == "deploy" ]]; then + deploy_nodes + elif [[ "${command}" == "expand" ]]; then + dir_must_exists "${ca_dir}" + expand_node "${sm_mode}" "${ca_dir}" "${output_dir}" "${config_path}" "${mtail_ip_param}" "${prometheus_dir}" + elif [[ "${command}" == "expand_lightnode" ]]; then + dir_must_exists "${ca_dir}" + expand_lighenode "${sm_mode}" "${ca_dir}" "${output_dir}" "${config_path}" "${mtail_ip_param}" "${prometheus_dir}" + elif [[ "${command}" == "generate-template-package" ]]; then + local node_name="node0" + if [[ -n "${genesis_conf_path}" ]]; then + dir_must_not_exists "${output_dir}" + # config.genesis is set + file_must_exists "${genesis_conf_path}" + generate_template_package "${node_name}" "${binary_path}" "${genesis_conf_path}" "${output_dir}" + elif [[ -n "${node_key_dir}" ]] && [[ -d "${node_key_dir}" ]]; then + dir_must_not_exists "${output_dir}" + generate_genesis_config_by_nodeids "${node_key_dir}" "${output_dir}/" + file_must_exists "${output_dir}/config.genesis" + generate_template_package "${node_name}" "${binary_path}" "${output_dir}/config.genesis" "${output_dir}" + else + echo "bash build_chain.sh generate-template-package -h " + echo " eg:" + echo " bash build_chain.sh -C generate-template-package -e ./fisco-bcos -o ./nodes -G ./config.genesis " + echo " bash build_chain.sh -C generate-template-package -e ./fisco-bcos -o ./nodes -G ./config.genesis -s" + echo " bash build_chain.sh -C generate-template-package -e ./fisco-bcos -o ./nodes -n nodeids -s -R" + fi + elif [[ "${command}" == "modify" ]]; then + modify_multiple_ca_node + else + LOG_FATAL "Unsupported command ${command}, only support \'deploy\' and \'expand\' now!" + fi + elif [[ "${chain_version}" == "pro" || "${chain_version}" == "max" ]]; then + if [[ "${command}" == "deploy" ]]; then + deploy_pro_or_max_nodes + elif [[ "${command}" == "expand_node" || "${command}" == "expand_group" || "${command}" == "expand_service" ]]; then + expand_pro_max + fi + fi +} + +main "$@" diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/build_chain.sh:Zone.Identifier b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/build_chain.sh:Zone.Identifier new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/fisco-bcos-linux-x86_64.rar b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/fisco-bcos-linux-x86_64.rar new file mode 100644 index 000000000..632ad08b4 Binary files /dev/null and b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/fisco-bcos-linux-x86_64.rar differ diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/fisco-bcos-linux-x86_64.rar:Zone.Identifier b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/fisco-bcos-linux-x86_64.rar:Zone.Identifier new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/webase-deploy.zip b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/webase-deploy.zip new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4cf82c51c Binary files /dev/null and b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/webase-deploy.zip differ diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/webase-deploy.zip:Zone.Identifier b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Back/webase-deploy.zip:Zone.Identifier new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Contracts/AdminOps.sol b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Contracts/AdminOps.sol new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b7f84e063 --- /dev/null +++ b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Contracts/AdminOps.sol @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 +pragma solidity >=0.6.10 <=0.8.26; +pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; + +import {EntityTable} from "./EntityTable.sol"; +import {ConsumeTable} from "./ConsumeTable.sol"; +import {APISampleOracle} from "lib/Truora-Service/contracts/1.0/sol-0.6/oracle/APISampleOracle.sol"; + +contract AdminOps { + EntityTable et; + ConsumeTable ct; + APISampleOracle private oracle; + bytes32 private requestId; + + constructor(address oracleAddr) { + et = new EntityTable(); + ct = new ConsumeTable(); + oracle = APISampleOracle(oracleAddr); + } + + function addEntity(string memory id, string memory name, EntityTable.EntityType entity_type, string memory entity_address) public { + et.insert(id, name, entity_type, entity_address); + } + + function getEntity(string memory id) public view returns (string memory, string memory, string memory, string memory) { + return et.select(id); + } + + function addConsumeInfo() public returns(int32) { + requestId = oracle.request(); + require(oracle.checkIdFulfilled(requestId) == false, " oracle query has not been fulfilled!"); + ( + string memory id, + uint256 amount, + string memory consumer_id, + string memory platform_id + ) = oracle.getById(requestId); + + result = ct.insert(id, amount, consumer_id, platform_id); + return result; + } + + function getConsumeInfo(string memory id) public view returns (string memory, string memory, string memory, string memory) { + return ct.select(id); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Contracts/AdminOps.sol:Zone.Identifier b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Contracts/AdminOps.sol:Zone.Identifier new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Contracts/ConsumeTable.sol b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Contracts/ConsumeTable.sol new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6ba43fcff --- /dev/null +++ b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Contracts/ConsumeTable.sol @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 +pragma solidity >=0.6.10 <=0.8.26; +pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; + +import {Table, TableInfo, TableManager, Entry, UpdateField} from "lib/console/src/main/resources/contract/solidity/Table.sol"; +import {APISampleOracle} from "lib/Truora-Service/contracts/1.0/sol-0.6/oracle/APISampleOracle.sol"; +import {Strings} from "lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/Strings.sol"; +import {Ownable} from "lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/access/Ownable.sol"; + +contract ConsumeTable is Ownable { + event TableCreated(int256 result, string tableName); + event EntryInserted(int256 result, string indexed id, uint256 amount, string indexed consumer_id, string indexed platform_id); + event EntryUpdated(int256 result, string indexed id, uint256 amount, string indexed consumer_id, string indexed platform_id); + event EntryRemoved(int256 result, string indexed id); + + TableManager constant tm = TableManager(address(0x1002)); + Table table; + string constant TABLE_NAME = "consume_list"; + + constructor() Ownable(msg.sender) { + // create table + string[] memory columnNames = new string[](4); + columnNames[0] = "amount"; + columnNames[1] = "consumer_id"; + columnNames[2] = "platform_id"; + columnNames[3] = "timestamp"; + TableInfo memory tf = TableInfo("id", columnNames); + + tm.createTable(TABLE_NAME, tf); + address t_address = tm.openTable(TABLE_NAME); + require(t_address != address(0x0), ""); + table = Table(t_address); + } + + // 返回消费信息 + function select(string memory id) public view returns (string memory, string memory, string memory, string memory) { + Entry memory entry = table.select(id); + require(entry.fields.length != 0, "Error: Entry does not exist!"); + + string memory amount; + string memory consumer_id; + string memory platform_id; + string memory timestamp; + + if (entry.fields.length == 4) { + amount = entry.fields[0]; + consumer_id = entry.fields[1]; + platform_id = entry.fields[2]; + timestamp = entry.fields[3]; + } + + return (amount, consumer_id, platform_id, timestamp); + } + + // 插入新的消费记录 + function insert( + string memory id, + uint256 amount, + string memory consumer_id, + string memory platform_id + ) public onlyOwner() returns (int32) { + string[] memory columns = new string[](4); + columns[0] = Strings.toString(amount); + columns[1] = consumer_id; + columns[2] = platform_id; + columns[3] = Strings.toString(block.timestamp); + Entry memory entry = Entry(id, columns); + int32 result = table.insert(entry); + emit EntryInserted(result, id, amount, consumer_id, platform_id); + return result; + } + + // 更新消费记录 + function update( + string memory id, + uint256 amount, + string memory consumer_id, + string memory platform_id + ) public onlyOwner() returns (int32) { + Entry memory entry = table.select(id); + require(entry.fields.length != 0, "Error: Entry does not exist!"); + + UpdateField[] memory updateFields = new UpdateField[](4); + updateFields[0] = UpdateField("amount", Strings.toString(amount)); + updateFields[1] = UpdateField("consumer_id", consumer_id); + updateFields[2] = UpdateField("platform_id", platform_id); + updateFields[3] = UpdateField("timestamp", Strings.toString(block.timestamp)); + + int32 result = table.update(id, updateFields); + emit EntryUpdated(result, id, amount, consumer_id, platform_id); + return result; + } + + // 删除消费记录 + function remove(string memory id) public onlyOwner() returns (int32) { + Entry memory entry = table.select(id); + require(entry.fields.length != 0, "Error: Entry does not exist!"); + + int32 result = table.remove(id); + emit EntryRemoved(result, id); + return result; + } + + function createTable(string memory tableName, string memory key, string[] memory fields) public onlyOwner() returns (int256) { + TableInfo memory tf = TableInfo(key, fields); + int32 result = tm.createTable(tableName, tf); + emit TableCreated(result, tableName); + return result; + } + + // 获取表信息 + function desc() public view returns (string memory, string[] memory) { + TableInfo memory ti = tm.desc(TABLE_NAME); + return (ti.keyColumn, ti.valueColumns); + } +} diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Contracts/ConsumeTable.sol:Zone.Identifier b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Contracts/ConsumeTable.sol:Zone.Identifier new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Contracts/EntityTable.sol b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Contracts/EntityTable.sol new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3da8bf252 --- /dev/null +++ b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Contracts/EntityTable.sol @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 +pragma solidity >=0.6.10 <=0.8.26; +pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; + +import {Table, TableManager, TableInfo, Entry, UpdateField} from "lib/console/src/main/resources/contract/solidity/Table.sol"; +import {Strings} from "lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/Strings.sol"; +import {Ownable} from "lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/access/Ownable.sol"; + +contract EntityTable is Ownable{ + // 定义entity_type的枚举类型 + enum EntityType { Individual, Company, Platform } + + event TableCreated(int256 result, string tableName); + event EntryInserted(int256 result, string indexed id, string name, EntityType indexed entity_type, string indexed entity_address); + event EntryUpdated(int256 result, string indexed id, string name, EntityType indexed entity_type, string indexed entity_address); + event EntryRemoved(int256 result, string indexed id); + + TableManager constant tm = TableManager(address(0x1002)); + Table table; + string constant TABLE_NAME = "entity_list"; + + constructor() Ownable(msg.sender){ + // create table + string[] memory columnNames = new string[](4); + columnNames[0] = "name"; + columnNames[1] = "entity_type"; + columnNames[2] = "entity_address"; + columnNames[3] = "timestamp"; + TableInfo memory tf = TableInfo("id", columnNames); + + tm.createTable(TABLE_NAME, tf); + address t_address = tm.openTable(TABLE_NAME); + require(t_address!=address(0x0),""); + table = Table(t_address); + } + + // 返回实体信息 + function select(string memory id) public view returns (string memory, string memory, string memory, string memory) { + Entry memory entry = table.select(id); + require(entry.fields.length != 0, "Error: Entity does not exist!"); + + string memory name; + string memory entity_type; + string memory entity_address; + string memory timestamp; + + if(entry.fields.length == 4){ + name = entry.fields[0]; + entity_type = entry.fields[1]; + entity_address = entry.fields[2]; + timestamp = entry.fields[3]; + } + + return (name, entity_type, entity_address, timestamp); + } + + // 插入新的实体 + function insert( + string memory id, + string memory name, + EntityType entity_type, + string memory entity_address + ) public onlyOwner() returns (int32){ + string[] memory columns = new string[](4); + columns[0] = name; + columns[1] = Strings.toString(uint(entity_type)); + columns[2] = entity_address; + columns[3] = Strings.toString(block.timestamp); + Entry memory entry = Entry(id, columns); + int32 result = table.insert(entry); + emit EntryInserted(result, id, name, entity_type, entity_address); + return result; + } + + // 更新实体信息 + function update( + string memory id, + string memory name, + EntityType entity_type, + string memory entity_address + ) public onlyOwner() returns (int32){ + Entry memory entry = table.select(id); + require(entry.fields.length != 0, "Error: Entity does not exist!"); + + UpdateField[] memory updateFields = new UpdateField[](4); + updateFields[0] = UpdateField("name", name); + updateFields[1] = UpdateField("entity_type", Strings.toString(uint(entity_type))); + updateFields[2] = UpdateField("entity_address", entity_address); + updateFields[3] = UpdateField("timestamp", Strings.toString(block.timestamp)); + + int32 result = table.update(id, updateFields); + emit EntryUpdated(result, id, name, entity_type, entity_address); + return result; + } + + // 删除实体信息 + function remove(string memory id) public onlyOwner() returns(int32){ + Entry memory entry = table.select(id); + require(entry.fields.length != 0, "Error: Entity does not exist!"); + + int32 result = table.remove(id); + emit EntryRemoved(result, id); + return result; + } + + function createTable(string memory tableName,string memory key,string[] memory fields) public onlyOwner() returns(int256){ + TableInfo memory tf = TableInfo(key, fields); + int32 result = tm.createTable(tableName,tf); + emit TableCreated(result, tableName); + return result; + } + + // 获取表信息 + function desc() public view returns(string memory, string[] memory){ + TableInfo memory ti = tm.desc(TABLE_NAME); + return (ti.keyColumn,ti.valueColumns); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Contracts/EntityTable.sol:Zone.Identifier b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Contracts/EntityTable.sol:Zone.Identifier new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Contracts/Readme.md b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Contracts/Readme.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..50d8c40a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Contracts/Readme.md @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# 合约部署说明 +## 一、需要用到的依赖 + +[控制台依赖](www.github.com/FISCO-BCOS/console) +[预言机依赖](www.github.com/WeBankBlockchain/Truora-Service/contracts) +[其他合约依赖](www.github.com/openZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts) + +## 二、合约说明 +**管理员操作合约** ``AdminOps`` + +**用户消费记录合约** ``ConsumeTable`` + +**KYC备案记录合约** ``EntityTable`` diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Contracts/Readme.md:Zone.Identifier b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Contracts/Readme.md:Zone.Identifier new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Readme.md b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Readme.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..44559cecd --- /dev/null +++ b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Readme.md @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +# WeTax-基于 FISCO BCOS 的电商直播税务监管平台 +# 一、项目背景 +在电商直播带货迅猛发展的背景下,税务监管面临新的挑战。薇娅在 2 年内偷逃税款达 6.43 亿元、雪梨、林珊珊因为偷税漏税事件,被处罚金超出 9000 万元…此类现象层出不穷,一例例活生生的例子摆在眼前。主播收入普遍较高,而收入来源种类多、平台不透明给他们虚假申报纳税提供了空间。在具体调研后,团队总结了当今直播带货领域存在的痛点: + +- 数据真实性:直播带货交易数据易于造假,目前依赖自主 +申报,难以鉴真。 + +- 税款计算复杂:涉及跨平台、多角色,人工处理效率低、易出错、难统计。 + +- 审计难度大:交易数量大、交易金额小、频率高,难以统一监管审计 + +# 二、项目介绍 +## 1、项目简介 +在此背景下,我们设计了“基于 FISCO BCOS 的电商带货场景下的税务监管平台”。该平台通过 Truora 可信预言机将来自多平台的数据自动格式化上链,减少人为干预,提升税务合规性,确保数据的真实性和可靠性。同时,平台提供实时监控的可视化平台与隐私保护的备案流程,在帮助税务部门早发现、早监控、早处理异常现象,维护公平的税收环境的同时也保护了主播的合法权益。此举不仅有助于规范电商直播行业的发展,也为税务监管提供了创新的技术范式。 + +## 2、技术亮点 +### Truora可信预言机 +- i. Truora作为链下与链上数据的桥梁,定时确保多源数据高效整合并可信传输,为直播交易数据的真实性奠定基础。 +- ii. 部署Truora服务:调用配置好URL的 ``APISampleOracle.sol`` 合约,该合约接口同时支持``String``,``Byte``数组两种类型数据,用``request``触发预言机获取数据,并调用合约的 ``get``查看返回结果 +- iii. 抗篡改设计:数据上传前采用哈希加密算法(如 SHA256)进行校验,保证数据传输过程中不被篡改 +- iv. 多路径冗余机制:即使部分节点失效,预言机仍能通过剩余节点验证数据的完整性 + +### FISCO BCOS 区块链框架 +- i. 高性能支持:采用 FISCO BCOS 的高 TPS框架,支持电商直播场景中的海量并发交易,单链性能可达2万+TPS,交易确认时延在秒级内,满足峰值交易需求。 +- ii. 共识算法保证透明与不可篡改:通过 Raft 和 PBFT 混合共识机制,确保数据处理的高效性和区块链网络的低延迟,上链数据支持公开查询,增强税务监管的公信力。 + +### WeBASE中间件集成 +- i. 通过WeBASE-Transaction中间件高效管理链上交易事务 +- ii. 通过WeBASE-Node-Manager节点管理中间件实现区块链节点的动态扩展与健康监控 +- iii. 通过WeBASE-Collect-Bee数据导出中间件实现数据的实时导出,以用于与大数据协同监管 + +### 多层次安全架构 +- i. 链上数据使用 Merkle 树确保交易数据的完整性和验证效率,所有数据均不可篡改,并支持快速校验,确保数据透明安全。 +- ii. 链下访问控制的中心化实名数据存储支持基于 OAuth 的认证授权机制,确保访问权限动态管理 +- iii. 映射表请求时数据传输采用 TLS1.3 协议,确保网络通信的加密性,此外,在管理员端部署防火墙与入侵检测系统(IDS),防止外部攻击, + +## 3、应用场景 +### 电商直播税务申报 +某大型直播平台的头部主播月收入达 1000 万元,其中包含打赏收入 +和商品带货收入。传统税务申报依赖人工计算,容易因复杂税率规 +则出错。 我们的税务监管平台实时收集主播的各项收入数据,通过 +合约将数据自动化上链存储,税务部门可以直接通过区块链浏览器 +核对申报信息,提高税务申报的准确率,减少了合规成本的同时保 +证了税收透明。 +### 违规交易监控 +某主播短时间内收到大量大额打赏,税务部门通过区块链浏览器与 +WeBASE-Collect-Bee 监控到快速大额交易,触发异常预警。随即税 +务部门介入调查,结合链上公开交易记录研究账户间的关联关系, +对违法犯罪行为及时处理。 +### 多平台数据整合 +针对电商直播领域, 税务部门希望整合不同直播平台的交易数据, +以获取全面的税务监管视图,直播数据在格式化后统一上链,税务 +部门通过浏览器快速切换平台视图,进行横向及纵向对比和分析。 +### 筛选优质有效主播 +当每笔交易都被记录上链,按交易额缴纳税款,刷单、 刷礼物换流 +量的成本会增加,刷量的行为一定程度上得到遏制, 无机交易的减 +少净化了电商直播环境。 + +## 4、项目架构图 +![监管流架构图](https://github.com/6oz066/hackathon/blob/master/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/%E7%9B%91%E7%AE%A1%E6%B5%81%E6%9E%B6%E6%9E%84.png) + +![地址簿备案架构图](https://github.com/6oz066/hackathon/blob/master/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/%E5%9C%B0%E5%9D%80%E7%B0%BF%E5%A4%87%E6%A1%88%E6%B5%81%E7%A8%8B%E5%9B%BE.png) + +## 5、产品预览 +![产品预览1](https://github.com/6oz066/hackathon/blob/master/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/%E4%BA%A7%E5%93%81%E9%A2%84%E8%A7%881.png) +![产品预览2](https://github.com/6oz066/hackathon/blob/master/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/%E4%BA%A7%E5%93%81%E9%A2%84%E8%A7%882.png) + +# 三、项目构造 +## 数据处理单元 +- i. 采集:从各直播电商平台实时采集用户的打赏、购买等行为数据。 +- ii. 格式化:将多平台的异构数据统一格式化,标准化字段包括交易ID、来源平台、交易金额、时间戳等。 + +### a) 交易行为识别:将用户行为区分为以下两类: +- i. 打赏行为:如用户向主播赠送礼物。 +- ii. 购买行为:如通过直播间购买商品。 + +### b) 统一格式化处理:所有数据按照以下结构处理后推送上链: +- i. 类型:打赏收入或带货收入 +- ii. 来源平台:标识数据来源。 +- iii. 账户类型:区分个人与公司账户,适配不同税款规则。 +- iv. 发生金额:记录交易金额,便于查询与核算。 + +## 预言机及链上存证单元 +- i. 数据上链:通过可信预言机桥接链下和链上数据,确保数据上传到区块链前的真实性和完整性。 +- ii. 实时性保障:实时处理和广播交易数据,确保链上存证与链下发生时间最小化差异 +- iii. 隐私保护:用户的钱包地址与实名信息在链上完全隔离,实名信息仅存储于Admin管理员端的中心化名单中。 + +## 税务监管浏览器单元 +- i. 实时数据展示:通过区块链浏览器实时展示关键指标,例如交易数量、交易金额、税款总额等。 +- ii. 异常预警:支持税务部门对大额异常交易进行快速识别和预警。 +- iii. 深度分析:提供数据挖掘工具,生成交易趋势、税收分布等分析报告 +- iv. 用户友好:友好的操作界面,允许用户选择多维度过滤条件查看数据,结合可视图形化展示,便于直观理解 + +## 管理员端主播备案单元 +- i. KYC备案:主播通过管理平台提交真实姓名、身份证、平台账号等信息 +- ii. 身份验证:管理员验证主播身份,通过后分配唯一的ID Hash,用于链上交易追踪 +- iii. 信息存储:实名信息与ID Hash在中心化地址簿中保存,链上仅保存匿名ID Hash +- iv. 备案表单信息仅供管理员访问,通常情况下离网保存,保护用户隐私 + +## 管理员端地址簿及映射表单元 +- i. 地址管理:管理员分配链上ID Hash,并根据需求调整权限(如冻结、恢复) +- ii. 映射查询:预言机通过映射表快速查询ID Hash,确保链上链下关联高效 +- iii. 安全备份:中心化地址簿备份所有用户信息,防止数据丢失或篡改 +- iv. 历史记录追踪:管理员可通过地址簿追踪用户的变更历史 + +# 四、未来展望 +## 第一阶段 +将平台推广到全国范围内,覆盖国内所有电商、直播、短视频平台。 +- i. 优化现有系统模块,提升对大规模高并发交易的处理能力(TPS 提升至 5 万级)。 + +- ii. 建立与国内头部电商平台(如淘宝、抖音、快手)的实时数据对接机制。 + +- iii. 增加短视频广告收入数据采集功能,覆盖内容创作者生态。 + +- iv. 举办与税务局联合的税务合规试点活动,并形成标准化流程。 + +## 第二阶段 +扩展至全国创作者经济,涵盖网红经济全收入来源类型 +- i. 引入新的收入类型识别功能,包括但不限于内容付费收入、代 +运营和佣金收入等 + +- ii. 针对个人创作者定制税务合规解决方案,如提供分级税率计算 +功能。 + +- iii. 增强平台可视化能力,为创作者提供简单易用的纳税报告生成 +工具。 + +- iv. 与行业协会合作,为中小型创作者提供税务培训和合规指导。 + +## 第三阶段 +建立跨境电商税收监管平台,向后兼容不同国家税收政策 +- i. 开展国际试点项目,例如在东南亚市场(Lazada、 Shopee)进行初步实施 + +- ii. 开发支持多币种、多语言的跨境税务监管模块 + +- iii. 建立跨境税务合规数据库,与各国税务部门合作对接 API + +- iv. 针对大额国际交易引入合规审核机制,防止洗钱或税收套利 + +## 第四阶段 +整合国际主流创作者平台, 构建全球性的创作者经济税务监管网络。 +- i. 扩展全球范围的创作者经济覆盖,整合主要创作者平台如YouTube、 Twitch 等 + +- ii. 开发基于区块链的国际创作者经济税收结算系统,支持国家间税务信息共享 + +- iii. 支持税收分账功能,确保多国税收协作 + +- iv. 建立全球创作者合规评估机制,提供跨国税务健康报告v. 与国际机构(如 OECD、 WTO)合作,推动创作者税务全球标准化 + +## 长期愿景 +**建立一统的全球税务监管网络,结合区块链和人工智能技术,实现创作者经济的完全透明化、合规化,助力全球创作者经济在公平的税收环境下高速发展!** diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Readme.md:Zone.Identifier b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/Readme.md:Zone.Identifier new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/front/blockchain-tax-platform b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/front/blockchain-tax-platform new file mode 160000 index 000000000..b4cd5aba0 --- /dev/null +++ b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/front/blockchain-tax-platform @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit b4cd5aba0b854124bf0bac0a509840ef9510cc48 diff --git "a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/\344\272\247\345\223\201\351\242\204\350\247\2101.png" "b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/\344\272\247\345\223\201\351\242\204\350\247\2101.png" new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8fff6449d Binary files /dev/null and "b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/\344\272\247\345\223\201\351\242\204\350\247\2101.png" differ diff --git "a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/\344\272\247\345\223\201\351\242\204\350\247\2101.png:Zone.Identifier" "b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/\344\272\247\345\223\201\351\242\204\350\247\2101.png:Zone.Identifier" new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git "a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/\344\272\247\345\223\201\351\242\204\350\247\2102.png" "b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/\344\272\247\345\223\201\351\242\204\350\247\2102.png" new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b5599250d Binary files /dev/null and "b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/\344\272\247\345\223\201\351\242\204\350\247\2102.png" differ diff --git "a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/\344\272\247\345\223\201\351\242\204\350\247\2102.png:Zone.Identifier" "b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/\344\272\247\345\223\201\351\242\204\350\247\2102.png:Zone.Identifier" new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git "a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/\345\234\260\345\235\200\347\260\277\345\244\207\346\241\210\346\265\201\347\250\213\345\233\276.png" "b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/\345\234\260\345\235\200\347\260\277\345\244\207\346\241\210\346\265\201\347\250\213\345\233\276.png" new file mode 100644 index 000000000..27d21e6ca Binary files /dev/null and "b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/\345\234\260\345\235\200\347\260\277\345\244\207\346\241\210\346\265\201\347\250\213\345\233\276.png" differ diff --git "a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/\345\234\260\345\235\200\347\260\277\345\244\207\346\241\210\346\265\201\347\250\213\345\233\276.png:Zone.Identifier" "b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/\345\234\260\345\235\200\347\260\277\345\244\207\346\241\210\346\265\201\347\250\213\345\233\276.png:Zone.Identifier" new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git "a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/\347\233\221\347\256\241\346\265\201\346\236\266\346\236\204.png" "b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/\347\233\221\347\256\241\346\265\201\346\236\266\346\236\204.png" new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d59149c6c Binary files /dev/null and "b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/\347\233\221\347\256\241\346\265\201\346\236\266\346\236\204.png" differ diff --git "a/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/\347\233\221\347\256\241\346\265\201\346\236\266\346\236\204.png:Zone.Identifier" "b/2024-shenzhen-FinTechathon/WeTax/\347\233\221\347\256\241\346\265\201\346\236\266\346\236\204.png:Zone.Identifier" new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb